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Alfred A. Benitz | Page last modified: |
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Alfred A. BenitzMay 1873 - July 1874
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Transcription Notes: We retained Alfred's spelling, syntax, and format as best we could, including his errors and red lines. Pages 2-10 are blank. Diary entries begin on page 11. (Transcribed by: René A. Bz.)
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This is the property and diary
of Alfred Benitz.
It was presented to him by his
brother Frank on the eighteenth
day of May. 1873. Sunday.
Alfred Benitz.
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Thursday 8th. I went to school as usual today and had grammar most all day. Katy Shoane who came on the 6th went over to the city to the theater this evening with Mr. Helmky. I went to the library after supper and paid for this month. (50¢)
Friday 9th Mr. Howard came this morning and he said that we can come up to his house in vacation; he is going to stay over night. We had a grammar examination for promotion this forenoon and in the afternoon we studied Analysis. I watered a part of the garden after school. Mr. Helmky came this evening. Mother and Charly went over to Dr. Zeile’s today, and Charley says that if I will water the garden always, he will do all my other work.
Saturday 10th Mr. Howard went away today and so did Katy Shoane. I watered a part of the garden, the yard, + the croquet ground this forenoon, and in the afternoon I watered the vegetable garden. I exchanged knives with father I giving my black handled for his white handled. We got two bales of hay this afternoon. This afternoon I went with father and got some nails. I am going to bathe this evening.
Sunday 11th. Mother gave me twenty five cents this morning which I gave to Frank for a blank pocket book. Charley and I went to church today, but our seat was taken by three young men so we had to take another seat. This afternoon I wrote a composition on Coffee trees, and drew a vase for a specimen, and finished a picture of a jack-screw
Monday 12th I played foot ball this morning before school and this mornings recess. After school I watered a part of the garden. We had Arithmetic this forenoon and Analysis this afternoon.
After supper I went to the library and took a book.
Tuesday 13th Before school I watered a portion of the garden. We had an examinaton in Analysis for promotion this morning, and untill 2 o’clock we had Arithmetic and after that reading. After school I went to the Dentist, he took out my plate, and said that I need not come for a long time. I went to the library after supper and took a book. Before I went to library I watered the vegetable garden.
Harvey Burdell came this evening.
Wednesday 14th Before breakfast I went to the bakery. We studied Arithmetic most all day. After supper I went to library.
About half past eight P.M. a man came to our house for help; he said that he had been in all the indian wars, Mexican war and in the Rebellion. He was wounded in the right knee, and he could not see out of his left eye, and then he began to talk indian; he said in the indian he acted as a guide, expressman and interpreter. It was a cloudy day
Thursday 15th I played football at school today. Frank Harris chose me, it was splendid fun. After school I watered the garden. I went to the library after supper. Frank had our photographs on the table when I came home, I gave one to Father, Frank and Bella, Bella said that she would give me one of hers in return. Frank also had a large photograph of our house at Fort Ross, and of father about 20 years ago, and of mother about 15 years ago. and then of himself about 12 years ago and of Josephine when she was three years old, and then he had another picture of himself coming home from hunting. We had Arithmetic all day.
Friday 16th
I watered a part of the garden before school. We had an examination in
Arithmetic for promotion today. I was finished at half past twelve but some were
not finished for a few hours after that. In the afternoon there was no school to
those that were finished. I read, untill about three o’clock and then watered
the grass behind the house. And then my mother watered the vegetable garden
while Charley and I pumped on our pump in the stable yard. Johnny bought off
Charles types for fifty cents. Johnny gave the knife I had, to father for a nice
mother of pearl handled knife, that had four blades. After supper I went to the
Post office and then to the library and but I did not draw any books.
Saturday 17th I watered the yard, walks, chicken yards, the cypress trees and a part of the garden today; while I was watering the trees Morice Siesbuttle and Johnny were throwing stones at me, while I watered them in return, and Morice got soaking wet. This morning I went to the grocery store, and weighed myself and found that I weighed 135 pounds but I think that I do not weight that much. I bathe tonight. After supper mother watered the little garden.
Sunday 18th. Mother, Josephine, Charley and I went to church this morning. It was a very pleasant day. Mr. Blohm came this morning and they went out walking. In the afternoon Charley and I intended to go to Barnes but instead of that we went in a boat to China point and to a dredging machine on the other side of the creek where we seen, and tried to catch with our hands numberless little fish. I succeeded in catching a thin long fish like an eel and I gave it to Johnny. After we came home I went in to Frank’s room, where he was. He asked me what kind of a book I had for a diary I said that it was a pocket blank book, he then gave me another blank book, in which he said that I should write my dairy and then he took that away and gave me this beautiful book and he said that if I kept it good he would give me a good present for Christmas. After supper Father, mother and Josephine went to see Flemings. I spent the evening in copying from my old diary in to this book. I had to write a composition for Monday today
Monday 19th. Father gave me 50 cents this morning for some work I done, but I spent it this afternoon for a box of letter paper and envelopes.
We studied History and Mental today. After school I went to the library.
After breakfast I got a large hammer from Mr. Siesbuttle fto drive steakes.
After supper I studdied german for there is going to be an examination
Bella gave me her Photograph this evening. Mrs. Williams was here this afternoon. We had strawberries for dinner today. It was a pleasant, sunny day. I saw in the Call that they out to out to have a training ship, and I asked mother if I might go to school on one, if there is one and she said yes.
Tuesday 20th We had a Mental Arithmetic examination this morning; we had ten questions, and we could not use any slate or any thing else. After the examination we had History. Mr. Craven said we were going to have a german examination this afternoon but it was postponed untill tomorrow. After school I watered the garden.
We had some Limburger cheese for supper, and it smelled so that we had to hold our noses while eating. And Wiola would not wash the plate it was on. It was a pleasant day. After supper the children played “prisoners base”. Mrs. Captain Fleming and another lady came after supper and so did Mr. And Mrs. Blohm. Josephine gave me her photograph after supper.
About 8 o’clock P.M. I went with Wiola to get her trunk which was at Mr. Flemings house. I gave Josephine and mother one of my photographs.
Wednesday 21st. We had a german examination for promotion this morning. It was easy and I think that I was perfect. This afternoon we had an examination in History, we had twenty questions and I think it was pretty easy. We also had an oral examination in German this afternoon. We were examined by Proffessor Soelche and I think his brother. He made me read an exercise and then made me decline some adjectives and Articles. I watered the garden after school, and after supper mother watered the garden behind the house. After supper I went for some bread and then I went to the library, and in coming home I got some calico for my mother. After school I went after Bella’s shoes and while going down I seen Emperor Norton, he had an eagle’s feather about 2 feet long on his hat. A man asked him “why he did not whip the Modocs,” and he answered, “I would like to send that scalp of yours to them.” It was a pleasant day.
Thursday 22nd . It was Frank’s birthday today, I did not give him any thing but I wish I had been able to. We had singing for ¾ of an hour this morning while a girl played a piano; we all had to go in one room. After singing we had an examination in drawing, there was a large chart that had a windmill on it pinned on the wall. In the afternoon some scholars drew on the black board, and at about 2 o’clock some of the scholars that had nothing to do could go home, and I was one of them. After school I went to the grocery store and in going I heard a man lecturing about the “lightening reckoning” and he was trying to sell books about it.
After I came home I watered the garden. My mother and Josephine went to the city and brought home the first cherries I eat this year. It was a pleasant day. After supper Charley and I went over to Hardys. While there we heard Minnie and the nurse girl coming to Charley’s shop. Charley quickly went behind a door and I under the stage, and we succeeded in frightening them pretty well.
I borrowed two magazines of Charley Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Blohm came this evening. Frank Leslie’s boys and girls did not come today.
Friday 23d. This morning we had singing untill about 10 o’clock, after that the teacher said that those that had nothing to do could go home, I was not one of them because Mr. Craven gave me a copy of the programme and told me to copy it, and about half past eleven I came home and took some vines and flowers to school to decorate the rooms. I played foot ball in the recesses. It was a very pleasant day. In the afternoon we all had to go in one room, to have our Exhibition. A good many visitors came while the scholars were speaking and acting. A dialogue between half a dozen of the first grade afforded great amusement. I did not have to speak. The exercises were closed by some remarks by a minister from Chicago. After school I went to the grocery store; after that I watered the vegetable garden. Josephine, Charley, and Bella have gone to the Exhibition of the graduating class. I wrote a letter to Lizzie this evening. “Frank Leslie’s boys and girls” has come this morning.
Mrs. Fleming and her daughter came this afternoon.
Saturday 24th. After breakfast I watered the walks and yard, and after that I beat out carpets. After dinner Charley and I went down town; when I came home I wanted to go to the library, but mother hid the books so I could not find them. At three o’clock I commenced watering the garden and I was finished at about six o’clock. After supper I went to the library.
We had strawberries for dinner. It was a pleasant day but rather too hot than I would want it.
Father gave me a half a dozen 3 ct stamps this morning. I am going to bathe tonight.
Sunday 25th.
Today was a remarkably dry day. Josephine, Charley and I went to church this
morning. Mr Stone preached. About three o’clock this afternoon my mother and
Josephine went to Schultes; and when they came back they brought Schultes with
them. After supper Bella said that there was a large rat in the chicken yard,
and I had to go there with the gun to kill it, but I could not catch sight of
the rat. It was a very pleasant day. Frank who went fishing yesterday morning
has n in Sonoma county has not come back yet. After supper mother and
Herman went over to Hardwigs. I gave Johnnie five small rubber bands for a comic
songster. Father said that in the Argentine Republic that when any one sows any
thing some one has to keep the parrots from eating the seeds.
Monday 26th. This morning before eleven o’clock we had to go in Miss Hamilton’s room for the 5th grade was in Mr Craven’s room singing; we had Spelling. After recess we had an examination for promotion in Spelling; we had 40 words. This afternoon we had a transposition, composition on Tobacco, and then she read some thing of the brain, and then we had to write a letter. After school I watered the garden. After supper I went to the library. Frank came back today he shot 2 hares, but I do not know how many fish he has caught. This morning it was cold and this afternoon pleasant.
Tuesday 27th. We had an examination for promotion in Composition this forenoon. I wrote on the Fourth of July. Mr Craven also examined us in writing this morning. I played foot ball at the recesses.
This afternoon the 3d and 4th grade of upstairs had their Exhibition. We had reading this afternoon, and about half past two we had an examination in Music, we each had to sing alone. but I would not sing. This forenoon we had an examination in written Music; we had ten questions of a credit each.
After school I watered the garden. After supper I went to the library; and then to the Post office, where I got four letters, 2 for Josephine 1 to Bella and 1 for father.
Mr. and Mrs. Blohm came this evening, the former to give Frank his Spanish lesson.
It was a very pleasant day. I eat apricotes today for the first time this season.
Wednesday 28th Last night was very windy and I hardly slept any during the whole night. We had reading all forenoon. I played foot ball at the recesses. About quarter past twelve I and half a dozen other boys had to carry the piano down stairs and hard work it was too. After we had carried the piano down stairs our room was let out; and then we played football untill about three o’clock. Mr. Blohm came this afternoon and stayed untill after supper. I saw the first Postal Card this afternoon, it was for mother and had an advertisement on the blank side. Josephine and mother went out to some body’s house on Telegraph road after supper. It was a windy but warm day.
Thursday 29th. Today was the last day of school. This morning we had a written reading examination for pomotion. I was finished about 9.30 After that I went down to see the Exhibition of the 4 th and 5th grades I went out about 10 o’clock and played football untill about twelve; when I was finished I could hardly stand I was so tired but it was so much fun. After I came home and packed a few things that I wanted to give Howards. This afternoon there was a reading examination, I was not called upon untill about quarter to three.
After bidding Miss Birmingham and Mr. Craven good-bye, I came down stairs and
was going to go into the fourth grade rooms, but the doors rooms were so
crowed that I could not get in, so I came home and watered the garden. After
supper I went to the library and took back my book for I am not going to belong
the next month. After that I went to the grocery store. I measured myself
yesterday and found that I was 5 ft. 7 in high. and father was 5 ft. 8 in high
and Charley was 5 feet and 6 inches. Mr. and Mrs. Blohm came this evening..
Josephine was 5 ft. 5 in. high.
Friday 30th. I watered the garden behind the house after breakfast, and after that I raked the whole stable yard untill about 12 o’clock. After dinner mother and I packed our trunks to go to Howards. About 3 o’clock Charley cut the grass while I raked it.
I did not have any stockings on, so I had a large blister on the side of my foot so I could barely walk. After I finished raking I watered the garden.
It was a very pleasant day. Josephine has two young kittens and I played with
them a short time today and I pla had to laugh at the funny actions they
I tried to draw 1 with Charley’s drawing machinery but could not succeed.
It was a warm day.
Saturday 31st . I watered the yard and garden this morning. At 10 o’clock I bathed and dressed myself in readiness to go to the country.
Father gave me a dollar this morning.
We took the 1.40 train for San Francisco where we got a drayman to take our baggage to the Antelope. The Antelope started about half past three and arrived at Donahue about 5.30 P.M. We took cars for Petaluma where we arrived about 6 P.M. we staid in the cars untill we arrived at Santa Rosa which was at 7 o’clock.
We seen Mr. and Theodore Hardwig. We then got in the stage for Sebastapol. (I had to ride on top.) where we arrived about 10 P.M. We staid over night at Wilson’s hotel. I spent 15 cents for peanuts on the cars in Oakland.
It was a warm day.
Sunday 1st. This morning after breakfast which was about half past six, we got in the stage for Freestone where we arrived at about 8.30 A.M. Mr. Howard met us there and took Johnnie and I to his house. They were all very glad to see us and to get the presents.
Before dinner Charlie, Theodore, Willie Morgan, Johnnie, and myself went
after snakes and succeeded in getting 1 large water snakes and 3 smaller
After dinner Charlie and I went to Browns with some papers.
We shot a small cannon off Charlie has, this afternoon. Before supper Charlie and I went after the cows.
After supper Charlie and I went hunting with a musket Charlie has, near Beatles; and Charlie shot a rabbit. I shot at a robin but missed it.
After supper we played dominoes. It was a pleasant day.
Monday 2nd I got up 5.30 this morning and went with Charley after a horse but could not catch it; in coming home I shot a woodpecker.
After breakfast we got the horse, and after that Charlie and I hoed the onions.
After that Charlie and I pulled the short corn.
Mr. Howard showed me how to plough before dinner and this after we ploughed the corn field. Charlie driving the horse, while I held the cultivator; about 2 o’clock a crazy man named Jim Bell came along and fell into the creek, and then got on the fence and fell off that; and then seeing my coat on the fence he tried it on. during the whole time he was hollering and talking. We were on the other side of the field then but we ploughed on untill we got to him, but just then Mr Howard came along, and the crazy man walked off. leaving my coat and his hat. He was afterwards sent to Stockton. Mr. Howard then ploughed while Charlie and I pulled corn.
Mr. Howard killed a sheep this evening. It was a hot day.
Tuesday 3d I ploughed corn today the same way as yesterday. I rode Tanny from and to the pasture today.
It was a hot day.
Wednesday 4th. We picked goose berries at Standford’s old place for one of the surveyors.
Charlie and I raked hay behind the house today.
Mr. Howard says that he never had such a good crop as he had in that field. It was higher than I was.
Mr. Howard seen a deer this morning in the field.
It was a hot day.
Thursday 5th Mr. Howard, Charlie and I raked hay and made piles of hay this morning behind the house.
And in the afternoon before the house. It was a hot day.
Friday 6th Mr. Howard Charlie and I made piles of hay behind the house again this forenoon. and this afternoon Mr. Howard said I might stay home. Lizzie, Willie, Johnnie and myself went black berrying back of Hulberts this afternoon and succeeded in getting three quarter of a preserve can full.
It was a hot day.
Saturday 7th Johnnie, Amelia, Theodore Clara and myself pulled corn this forenoon.
This afternoon Johnnie, Theodore, and I bathed our feet in a little pond in the creek.
After supper Theodore and I went after the horses and rode them home, the horse’s back bone that I rode was so sharp that I could barely walk afterwards.
And I got the head ache from being jotted so much.
I wrote a letter to Josephine and mother this afternoon. and Johnie wrote one to father. It was too hot for comfort. today
Sunday 8th Mr. Howard went to Sebastapol this morning and came back at 3 oclock this afternoon.
Charlie Theodore Johnnie and myself went to the Chinamen who were at Olmsteads.
We started at 9 o’clock this forenoon and stopped at Gifforth’s mill and Johnnie sailed Charlie’s boat.
We were just going in swimming when about a dozen men and boys came and went in swimming.
We stopped untill they had gone and then went in.
Ugh! wasn’t the water cold?
After that we went to see the chinamen, there were about 300 of them, and then came home.
I had a bad head ache the whole day.
It was a warm day.
We played “pussy wants a corner” and “blind’s man’s buff” after
Monday 9th Willie and I went after black berries this morning and gathered two dippers full on the hill.
Johnnie and Charlie took the wagon to Freestone and rode back again this forenoon.
About 1 o’clock cousin Charlie, Johnnie and I went after the calves this
afternoon and
Mr. Howard slaughtered one of them this evening.
Willie Howard and I went after black berries behind the barn but could not find the right place.
We did not have supper untill about 8 o’clock because it took so long
to skin the calf.
I made butter this morning. It was a warm day.
Tuesday 10th. We picked goose berries on Standeford’s old place and the small ones in the orchard. this forenoon for the surveyors. This afternoon I went black berrying behing the barn but could not find any.
It was a warm day.
Wednesday 11th
I took a walk in the woods the whole forenoon. This afternoon Willie and I went black berrying on the hill and got two dippers full.
After supper I dropped shingles by the side of planted (7 beans to a hole) beans.
I also helped Theodore feed the hogs.
After supper I went after a hare in front of the house but could not get near it.
It It was a warm day.
Thursday 12th I took a walk in the woods and helped Charlie plant beans.
This afternoon Willie and I went after black berries before the house and got two dippers full.
I helped Theodore feed the hogs after supper.
I rode Jane to the pasture this evening.
It was a warm day.
Game based on Jonathan Podd’s "A Trip to Paris"; combinations of its 150 cards create countless funny situations.
Friday 13th I took a walk in the woods the whole forenoon.
This afternoon Charlie and I ploughed corn again.
I helped Theodore feed the hogs this evening.
After supper we played with the tackle; hoisting one another up.
We played “Jonathen Podd’s visit to Paris” this evening. It was a warm day.
Saturday 14th. I shot a hare on the hill back of the house this morning; it was the first hare I ever shot at.
Theodore and I cleaned the gun after breakfast.
Theodore and I swept out the yard this forenoon.
Amelia, Clara, Willie and I went blackberrying on the hill and gathered 3 dippers full.
After I came back I and Charlie raked hay. I broke one of the teeth out of the rake but I put another one in. Charlie and I packed a load of hay from the field this evening, to the barn.
I wrote a letter to mother and Josephine this morning. and in return I received, one from mother, and two postal cards from Josephine and Mollie Darling (Ada Ogilsby) who is staying at our house.
I went hunting, behing the house, after supper.
It was a warm day.
Sunday 15th Today was my fourteeth birthday.
I got up 5.30 this morning and went hunting behind the house. We hauled hay from Meeker’s field with the sled this morning. We were going to go to the Russian river on horseback today but uncle wanted the horses.
Before dinner we went on the big rock behind the stable and played a little
while. Charlie and I were going to go to the Freestone this afternoon but
we didn’t go.
Charlie, Johnnie, Theodore and I went black berrying back of Meeker’s field and gathered about ¾ of a preserve can full, we also went to Meeker’s mill. In coming back we seen the burnt house of Mr. Meeker and picked up a few iron tools and things, and when we came back uncle said that we have to take back the things as Mr. Meeker was a mean man.
I went hunting and shot at a hare near the black berries on the hill but missed it.
It was a pretty cold day.
Monday. 16th. I went hunting 5 o’clock this morning behind the house but did not shoot at any thing. I went out walking this morning. Before dinner Charlie and I hoed onions.
Frank Standeford came to see me this forenoon.
Charlie went to Freestone and got a letter for me this forenoon from Josephine. This afternoon Charlie and I threw branches of apple trees out of the orchard.
I hoed currants this afternoon. I went after the cows after supper. After that Charlie and I went hunting and Charlie shot a rabbit in Perry’s field.
It was a cold day, it being foggy the whole forenoon.
We played “Jump the rope” this evening.
Tuesday 17th I went hunting 5 A.M behind the house and shot at a rabbit but missed it. I took a walk this forenoon. This afternoon Willie and I went after black berries back of Meeker’s field and got one half preserve can full.
Charlie and I went hunting and Charlie shot a large hare that had a boil on it. in Perry’s field. I helped Theodore feed the hogs after supper.
It was a warm day.
* Pacific Madrone Arbutus menziesii
Wednesday 18th I went hunting in the cabbage field but could not get near enough to any hare. I went into the woods this forenoon and cut some Mathrone* tree bark into slices for Willie I went into the orchard after goose berries this morning.
After dinner Mr. Helmky came and he says that father has made up his mind to go to South America. After dinner I made butter, and after that took a walk. I gave Theodore a little white silicate memorandum book.
Charlie and I went hunting and Charlie shot a rabbit on Perrys land.
It was a warm day.
Thursday 19th. I helped cousin Charlie pitch hay on the hill this morning, and after that went black berrying on the hill and got about four cups full.
I went after blackberries on the hill behind the house and got about 1 preserve can full. I got some hazel nuts this afternoon.
It was a pretty warm day.
Friday 20th I made butter this morning and gathered some hazelnuts.
After helping grease the wagon I dressed myself in preparation to meet mother and Herman. Charlie and Johnnie rode in the wagon while I rode on horseback, we reached Freestone quarter of an hour before the stage, and when the stage came mother and Herman were in it, and Herman said that he weighs 81 pounds.
In going home I went rode far ahead of the wagon so that I reached the
house quarter of an hour before they did.
It was a warm day.
Saturday 21st I wrote a letter to Willie and Josephine this morning. I helped pitch hay on piles on the hill this morning. This afternoon every body having gone after black berries I went behind the stable and got a large milk pan full.
I helped hoe beans before supper.
It was a warm day.
Sunday 22nd Charlie Howard and I went to see Frank Standeford this morning, we found him at the mill with Jim Williams; we played a little while on the car, and then explored the mill; we came home in time for dinner.
This afternoon every body went to Standefords’ former place, except Lizzie, Clara and myself. While they were gone I peeled hazelnuts, eat goose berries and raspberries, and played with Clara and Lizzie.
After supper Charlie Howard and I went hunting near Beetles and Charlie shot at a hare but missed it.
It was a warm day.
Monday 23d I peeled hazelnuts, bathed myself, & picked gooseberries for Josephine this forenoon.
After dinner after dinner bidding every body good bye we started for
I rode on horseback, while mother, Johnnie, Herman and uncle rode in the wagon. We had to wait two hours, before the stage came at Freestone; when it did come I had to sit on top with the driver.
We arrived at Sebastapol about half past five.
We had supper at six and went to bed at eight.
It was a hot day.
Tuesday 24th. After breakfast which was at six we got in the stage for Santa Rosa where we arrived at about half past eight; we then got in the cars for half an hour when we arrived at Petaluma. We got a cab at the depot, that took us to the Washington hotel, the American having been burnt on Sunday. We went to see Bowers, had lunch there, then Johnnie and I took a walk, while mother bought some goods for up the coast. We had dinner at the hotel.
* Galen & Mary Burdell's home was Rancho Olompali, today a state park. Mary's father, James Black, was a witness at the marriage of Alfred's parents.
And as William did not come after us we hired a hack to take up to Burdells.* We soon arrived there and they were very glad to see us.
I helped Will sharpen the cutters of a reaping machine.
I helped drive turkies after supper. I am going to sleep with with William.
It was very windy in Petaluma and Burdells.
Wednesday. 25th This morning William and I went to the other side of the ranch to get some boards to make a duck yard. Mr. Burdells’ farm contains 6336 acres; he has 5 dairys on it. This afternoon Johnnie, Herman and I pulled weeds in the vegetable garden.
I helped William haul logs down the hill with oxen this afternoon, and on the way I picked up a pocket full of Manzinitas.*
* Manzanita is a common name for many species of the genus Arctostaphylos.
Before supper I helped William chop wood. After supper I helped drive turkies and carry chickens.
It was a pleasant day. William got a letter from Josephine, and she says that Charlie is in bed with the Rheumetism.
Thursday 26th I went hazel nutting with Fleet this morning and on the way I showed Johnnie where the Manzinitas were; I gathered two pockets full of peeled hazel nuts. On the way coming back Fleet chased several hare.
Before dinner I went again and picked 1 pocket full of peeled hazelnuts.
The whole afternoon I raked hay in the field.
It was a warm day.
Friday 27th I raked hay untill about half past eight. and then went hazel nutting with Johnnie and got 2 pockets full of peeled two of unpeeled. This afternoon I picked and peeled enough to make with the others one whole bag full.
Mr. Burdell and Mrs. Walton who had gone to get some red pigs to send to Japan, yesterday came back this evening; unsuccessful. It was a fine day.
Saturday 28th.
I was a little late for breakfast because I had to put on my sunday clothes.
After bidding every body goodbye. William took us to Haystack in a wagon. where
we got in the steamer at about half past eight and arrived at San Francisco half
past twelve. Frank met us at the landing and told us to go on the Oakland boat
quick because and he would see to the baggage.
We arrived in Oakland in due time and every one was glad to see us.
Frank said that the baggage would come on the train, when the next train came we went to the depot but one valise was missing, we brought the baggage while Frank went over to the city after the missing one but couldn’t find it.
He went again on Monday and found it.
I went to the grocery store this afternoon.
I gave Charlie the bag of hazelnuts who is sick in bed with the
Rheumetism my bag of hazelnuts that I gathered at Burdells because those that I
gathered at Howards were most all bad.
Mr. and Mrs. Blohm came this evening.
I put the hose away this evening. It was a warm day.
Sunday 29th After breakfast I read Frank Leslie’s, and gave the cow a basket of weeds. Before dinner I copied a part of the diary I had in the country into this book.
I measured myself this morning and I found that I had grown three-quarters of an inch in the country.
Charlie made me a present of his big brass cannon. and this afternoon I polished it. I gave my little brass cannon to Johnnie for his half bag of hazelnuts and big fig box of Manzinitas.
Nettie came this afternoon.
I milked the cow this evening. I filled the barrel this evening. It was a delightfull day.
Monday 30th I milked the cow this morning and evening.
I gave the cow a basket full of weeds this morning and afternoon.
After breakfast I went to the Post-office, Butcher, and bought some oranges for Charlie. I raked the stable yard the whole forenoon.
I minded house this afternoon. After supper I watered the clover in the vegetable garden by throwing water on it with a basin; while Frank and Mr Husimeyer pumped into the tub. I went to the baker this evening.
I helped Bella with the chickens this evening.
Father said he was going to South America this in October. It was a
fine day.
Tuesday 1st
I got up too late this morning to milk so Frank milked.
After breakfast I went to the butchers, I also cut the cow a basket full of weeds.
I copied from the diary, I had in the country into this book before dinner and after dinner.
I went down town this afternoon. I bought 15cts worth of powder, and sent Morice down town to buy a pack of fire crackers for 10cts. 4 double headers for 5cts, and 8 thick punks for 5cts, leaving me just 50¢.
I milked this evening. This afternoon I shot my big brass cannon of. I gave my double headers to Johnnie for a magnetic iron. I helped Bella with the chickens this evening.
I took my coat to the tailor at Siesbuttles shop to have it cleaned this afternoon. It was a fine day.
Wednesday 2nd
I milked this morning and evening. After breakfast I cut the cow a basket full of weeds; and after that I swept out the stable.
Before dinner I went to the baker and to the tailor with father’s coat.
This afternoon we pulled weeds out of the side walk, and then I read the old papers.
I fed the cow this evening. After supper Charlie and Fracy Hardy, Morice, Herman Johnnie and myself played “black man is coming”.
I helped Bella with the chickens this evening. I helped cut hay before dinner. It was a warm day.
Thursday. 3d. I milked the cow this morning and evening. After breakfast I fed the cow a basket of weeds, and after that I went down town to grocery, and then read Frank Leslies. After dinner father gave Herman, Johnnie, and myself 50cts. I went to Hardy’s store and bought 1 pack of extra fire crackers for 10¢. 5 rockets 5¢. 1 volcanoe 5¢, and a cracker that shoots 2 times for 5¢. leaving me 25¢.
I went to the baker this evening. I fed the cow this evening. I took wood in the kitchen this evening. I went to the post office and grocery this evening.
I loaded the cannon this evening. I helped Bella with the chickens. It was a warm day.
William came home this evening and brought me a hat.
I got father’s and my coat this afternoon
Mother gave me a pack of crackers this afternoon
Friday 4th I got up 5 o’clock this morning but my cannon was locked in the carpenter shop, and could’nt get the key; so I milked the cow and then I went into the store room and forced open the door leading to the carpenter shop and got my cannon, and then I went on the side walk and shot in about 8 times.
After breakfast I gave the cow a basket of cut weeds, and then I went to the bakery.
After dinner I went over to Hardy’s and took my cannon with me and
shot it a couple of times. I staid untill four. I milked and fed the cow this
After supper we took all our fire works into the big lot and I shot all my powder, crackers, etc. off.
About 8 o’clock I went over to Hardys where they had fire works. they had rockets, flower pots, pin wheels, flying wheels, bombs, roman candles and all kinds of lights. I had a pleasant day.
It was a pretty cold day.
Saturday 5th. I milked and fed the cow this morning and evening. After breakfast I took a bag full of clothes for Timber Cove to Well’s. Fargoe’s express office, beat out the carpets. buried some chickens, swept off the house, and other minor jobs.
After dinner I cleaned out the little chicken houses and yards and the barn.
I had my hair cut this afternoon.
I went to the baker this morning and evening.
I seen in the news yesterday that I and Johnnie were promoted, I into the first grade. I bathe tonight. It was a warm day.
Sunday 6th. I arose early this morning, and milked and fed the cow as I did this evening, then cut a basket of weeds for the cow, and then cleaned my clothes.
This forenoon I read the papers and then went to Church.
I read the papers and took a sleep this afternoon.
Mr. Rosetor came this evening, but only staid a few minutes. After supper I staid a little while with Charley and then read the papers. It was a warm day.
Monday 7th I milked the cow this morning and evening.
Today was the first day of school. I am promoted into the first grade. Mr. Brodt is going to be my future teacher.
This morning and afternoon was spent by Mr. Brodt in classing the scholars, while we studied Arithmetic.
I went to the baker this morning. After school I sat with Charley, and played hide and go-seek with Charley Hardy and Rheinhart Harding.
I was going to play “Tally hie-o!” but had to go to the grocery store this evening.
Mrs. Janssen came after supper and before I went to bed I seen her to broadway..
It was a pretty warm day, but the morning and evening was cold
Father gave 50¢ this afternoon for some work I done.
Tuesday 8th I milked the cow this morning and evening.
I went to the baker before breakfast.
We had Arithmetic, Analysis, and History the whol day; Mrs. Lichtenthaler taught us and the doors were open today and yesterday.
After school I helped Mr. Hussimeyer in putting the grass cutter together untill 5 o’clock, then went to the Post Office.
After supper I staid with Charlie a little while and then went to Hardy’s store and bought a black silica slate with 2 leaves for 50¢, and a pencil with a rubber on it for 15¢, leaving me 60¢ .
After I came back I played “Tally-hie-ho”, Charlie Hardy and I standing Johnnie Herman, Morice, Tracy and Henry Dexter.
It was a warm day but this morning it was foggy.
Josephine received a letter form Lizzie.
Wednesday 9th I milked the cow this morning and evening.
After breakfast I went to Heningers boot store.
We had Arithmetic and History this forenoon and this afternoon we had Analysis and Arithmetic. We played “bull in the ring” this morning.
After school I went after ice at Gordons for ice; and then went to the dentist and had to wait untill 5.30 P.M. and then he brushed my teeth.
After supper Johnnie and I went to Hardy’s store and I got Colbourn’s mental arith. and Swinton’s grammar. When I came home took a walk around the block and in the garden.
Mr. and Mrs. Blohm came this evening.
It was a warm day.
Thursday 10th I milked this morning and evening.
After breakfast I went to the butcher and bought some candy for Charlie
We had Arithmetic this forenoon, and this afternoon we studied History untill two oclock and then Mr. Brodt taught us Arithmetic.
After school I read the continued stories in Frank Leslies. Before supper I went to Hardy’s store and bought a Physiology.
After supper I bought some paper for Bella at Hardys. This evening I studied Arithmetic and then wrote a letter to Lizzie.
It was a warm day, though this morning and evening it was cold
Friday 11th. I milked the cow this morning and evening.
After breakfast I went to the butcher and post office. We had an examination in Arithmetic and we had to correct each others paper. There was some disturbance about some accacia beans that were brought into the school room this morning.
This afternoon Mr. Brodt read us an Anecdote of Fredrick the great and then we had to write it down.
After school I done my examples in percentage, and then went to the post office.
After supper we watered the trees in the big lot and the trees on the east side of the block. I had to stand outside of the fence and Mr. Husimeyer handed the buckets over the fence.
It was a cold day.
My average percent of last term is 80 per cent.
Saturday 12th I milked the cow this morning and evening.
After breakfast I raked the garden while Mr. Husimeyer cut the grass.
Before dinner we swept the walks, and after dinner I watered the yard then swept it. After that we raked the little chicken yards and cleaned out the houses.
About 3.50 P.M. Frank came home from Burdells’ farm; and I had to go to the depot after a dozen hare in bags with a wheel barrow that Frank shot.
About four o’clock I raked out the big chicken house. Jennie and Nellie Ogilsby came over this afternoon and staid untill after supper.
After supper we watered the trees on the west side walk.
I bathe tonight.
It was a warm day.
I cleaned my clothes before supper.
Sunday 13th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. Before breakfast I cleaned my clothes.
After breakfast I went to the post office and baker. Josephine and I went to church this morning.
Before dinner Mr. and Mrs. Rosetor came and staid untill four oclock.
This afternoon I didn’t do anything but sit around and read.
After supper I went into Mr. Husimeyer’s room with Frank and looked at some writing. Mr. Harding came this evening. Before I went to bed Bella and I caught a large black June bug in the hall up stairs. It was a most delightfull day.
Monday 14th. I milked the cow this morning and evening.
Before breakfast I studied Physiology.
We had Arithmetic, Analysis, History, Grammar and Physiology. today.
Mother gave me Charlie’s new brown coat and I wore it to school.
After school I got a blank book from father, and done my examples for tomorrow.
After supper I played “Tally hie ho” a little while, then studied Physiology, Grammar, and History
A part of the day was disagreeable and a part warm.
Mr. Philipps came after supper but only staid a little while
Tuesday 15th I milked the cow this morning and evening.
Before breakfast I studied Physiology.
After breakfast I went to the shoemakers with father’s boots.
I went in school before it was in, this morning and studied History. Between recess and noon we corrected Friday’s composition papers. while Mr Brodt was out of the room.
This afternoon we had History and Physiology.
From after school untill 5 o’clock I done my examples. Before supper I went to the grocery store.
After supper I went after yeast and to the post office. This evening I copied my examples and studied Grammar, History and Physiology. It was a pleasant day.
I tore the written pages out of the diary I had in the country, to make it an example book
Wednesday 16th I milked the cow this morning and evening.
Before breakfast I studied History and Physiology.
I open and close the folding doors at school.
We had Arithmetic before recess and I had to go to the board and explain an example.
Between recess and noon we had Analysis and Grammar.
This morning afternoon we had History and Physiology. After school I
bought myself a no. 7 copy book for 15¢ and a little pencil holder
for 15¢ leaving me 30¢. and then got some candy for
Charlie and went to the post office.
After that I drew lines under the dates in my diary.
After supper I picked out all the hard examples up to decimal fraction and copied them into the diary I had in the country, having torn out all the written pages. It was a most delightfull day.
Thursday 17 I got up half past five this morning and milked the cow.
After breakfast I went down town after Frank Leslie’s and read it untill school time. We had Arithmetic untill recess this morning; and Analysis and Grammar from recess untill noon.
This afternoon we had History and Physiology.
After school I went with father and bought me a pair of pants; and I bought myself a nice cravat for 25¢. From 4 untill 5 I watched for the milk man, and then I milked the cow.
After supper I took a bag full of things to the express office, for William.
I shall go to bed early tonight for I have a bad head ache. It was a hot day, though delightfull.
After school all the scholars of our room had to go in the hall and we had calesthenics.
Friday 18th. I milked the cow this morning and evening.
We had an examination in Spelling before recess, and untill 11.30. We corrected the papers.
From 11.30 untill 12. the german teacher arranged the class and gave out the lesson for next time. This afternoon I had to go to the board and write directions for writing a business letter. School was let out at 2 o’clock this afternoon.
After school I went to the Post office, grocery store, and shoe makers.
After that I read.
After supper I went to the post office and Hardy’s store and bought a desk mat paying 50¢ and owing 25¢.
Before supper father got an electricity machine, and I had it operated upon my hand a very little.
I went to the Bakery this evening.
It was a delightfull day.
Saturday 19th I took some “senna” tea last night, and bad stuff it was too.
I milked the cow this morning and evening.
This forenoon I raked the garden while Mr. Husimeyer cut the grass, beat out
the garden carpets, and swept the walks.
This afternoon I cleaned the barn yard, took a sleep in the barn, and cleaned out the large chicken yard in the barn yard, and went to the grocery store.
After supper I went to the post office and after milk in the market but could not get any; so when I came home I had to go to another place.
We had to take some more senna tea before we went to bed.
It was a hot day.
Charlie was up today and yesterday.
Sunday 20th I put on my old clothes this morning and milked the cow and when I was finished I put on my good clothes.
I went to a china wash house and got a dress this morning.
I wrote a business letter to hand in on monday.
This afternoon I read, and played croquet with Frank Rodolph and Frank.
Josephine came home this evening with the two Rosetors and my god-father says that if I get confirmed at the Catholic church he will give me a good present.
I milked the cow this evening. After supper I read a book through.
This forenoon it was delightfull and this afternoon gloomy.
Monday 21st I milked the cow this morning and evening. After breakfast I studied my History.
We had Arithmetic, Analysis, and Grammar this forenoon and this afternoon, we had History and Physiology. After school when I had come home I found that my uncle from South America had come home after an absence of 7 years.
I listened to what he was talking about for a little while, then I went to the grocery store.
My copy book was of the wrong kind and my desk mat was too small; so I changed my copy book and got 50¢ back again for the desk mat. Before supper I went after beef steak and got instead mutton chop.
After supper I done my examples and studied my lessons. It was a pleasant day.
Tuesday 22nd. I milked the cow this morning and evening.
After breakfast I went to the market after tripe but couldn’t get any.
We had Arithmetic, Analysis and Grammar this forenoon, and this afternoon History and Physiology.
Mr Brodt taught us the positions in writing before school was out.
After school I went to Hardy’s to get a copy book for Bella, and found a
finger ring thimble which I sold to Bella for 10¢.
After that I went down town for some candy for Charley.
Uncle says that that you can get about 100 oranges for a real (12½¢) in Argentine Republic.
After supper I studied History and Physiology.
I do not hold my pen right when I write, and I am learning a new way of holding it. It was a disagreeble day, it raining at 12 o’clock and several other times.
Wednesday 23d. I milked the cow this morning and evening.
We had Arithmetic, Analysis, and Grammar this forenoon, and History and Pysiology, this afternoon.
After school I went after apples: and after that read untill about 5 o’clock.
After supper I went to the grocery store.
Mr Blohm and F[?]lor came after supper and then they talked about South America. It was a warm day.
Thursday 24th. I milked the cow this morning and evening.
After breakfast I bought a deskmat; and after that went to the post office and bought some postal cards. I wrote a letter to Lizzie on one of them.
I gave 10¢ to get some posts to put bars up at school this morning.
We had Arithmetic, Analysis and Grammar this forenoon, and this afternoon had History, Physiology, and as I had got a writing spellar from father this morning; we had to write 25 words. After school I read “Boys and girls,” and looked at Johnnie’s Armadilla shells.
I went to the bakery before supper. After supper I went to the grocery store, and got some stamps.
It was a very warm day.
Friday 25th. I milked the cow this morning and evening.
Before breakfast I studied History. I went to the market after breakfast. We
had an examination in History, between untill recess; had 20 questions.
Between recess and noon we had German. This afternoon we had a spelling between our room and 2nd grade; our room beat.
We had to stay in after school, and Mr. Brodt gave us a talking. After school I and Herman got new boots and I left my old ones there to be mended.
After that I took up the piles made in raking the garden and sweeping the walks.
After supper I went to Rodolph’s store to get some paper for Bella and to the post office.
After that I minded house. It was a hot day; it being most of the day 80° Far. in the shade.
Saturday 26. I milked the cow this morning for the last time. After breakfast I swept the yard alone.
I went to the butcher after breakfast. I took a sleep in the barn from 10.30 to 11.30 A.M. Before dinner I went to the bakery.
After dinner I raked the big lot and swept the barn out. I went after ice this afternoon. I spent the afternoon in reading and sleeping.
I went to the post office after supper; and after that I went to Heningers
after store with Herman.
Frank took the cow to Burdells this morning.
It was the most delight day of the year today.
Sunday 27th. I went after milk before breakfast but the store was closed but in coming back I met a milkman. After breakfast I went to Jordans after milk.
I went to church with Josephine this morning.
This afternoon I wrote a composition entitled a “visit to my cousins.” I spent the afternoon in hearing what uncle said of South America. I decided today that I would rather be a sailor than anything else.
After supper Mr. Husimeyer showed me a way to proof addition. I had three peaches before I went to bed.
It was a delightfull day.
Monday 28th. I staid in bed a rather long while this morning and studied my History while I was in bed. I went to the post office, bakery and butcher, after breakfast. We had Arithmetic, Analysis and writing this forenoon.
At noon Mr. Welham came, he is very sick. This afternoon we had History and read our Physiology. After school I cracked and eat hazel nuts, and read. Frank brought the new cow from Burdells this afternoon and I milked her this evening. After supper I went to the post office and after my boots. I studied History, Physiology, and Arithmetic.
It was a warm day.
Tuesday 29th I milked the cow this morning and evening. I studied my history before breakfast. After breakfast I went to the bakery and post office.
We had Arithmetic, Analysis, Reading and writing spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had Physiology and History. Bella and mother went over to the city today as Bella’s father is dying.
I went to the dentist after school taking my History long with me to study.
I spent the whole evening in doing my examples.
It was a warm day with a cold morning and evening.
Wednesday 30th I milked the cow this morning and evening.
After breakfast I went to the post office and bakery.
We had Arithmetic, Grammar and Analysis this forenoon, and this afternoon we had writing spelling History and Physiology.
I was going to go swimming after school, but did not go.
I spent the evening in hearing what uncle said of South America. Frank said that he is going in October or November.
I sharpened my slate pencils on the grind stone this afternoon. Bella’s father died yesterday afternoon at 4 P.M.
It was a warm day.
I found 5¢ in the yard this evening.
Thursday 31st. I milked the cow this morning and evening.
I Physiology before breakfast.
I went after Frank Leslie’s boys and girls after breakfast and to the boot store.
We had Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History, Physiology, and writing.
I went swimming in lake Merrit after school with Johnnie, Herman, and Morice.
Bella’s brother came this evening.
I studied Grammar a little while this evening.
It was a pretty warm day.
Friday, 1st. I milked the cow this morning and evening; I had to tie her both times.
I studied Grammar after I milked the cow untill breakfast.
I cut the little plot of grass before the house for the first time after breakfast.
We had an examination in Grammar this morning. I think it was hard.
We had German this forenoon. This afternoon we had to write a composition on, what I study, when I study. [what] I [study] for. and we had a spelling match with the 2nd grade; our side beat. After school I bought some candy for Charlie; and after that I looked at Bella’s things that she got from her father. I had a little head ache this afternoon.
I listened what father, uncle and Mr. Husimeyer had to say about Germany.
It was a warm day.
Saturday 2nd. I milked the cow this morning and evening, tying her both times.
After breakfast I bought an mush melon from a chinaman, but which
proved green when I eat it.
I swept the yard, and beat the carpets out this forenoon, taking it easy.
After dinner I raked a part of the big lot. and from 1 o’clock untill about half past three I wrote my german lesson and translated it, filling a whole sheet of fools cap.
I bought some grapes this evening and took some shears to Siesbutles. After supper I read. We had a fire this evening.
It was a warm day, with a cold morning and evening.
Sunday 3d. I arose early this morning and milked the cow; and after that dressed myself.
I spent the morning in reading and praticing writing the capital letters.
U Uncle, Johnnie Herman and myself were going over to Woodwards’ gardens
today but did not go, because we thought that Rosetors wer coming to day.
This afternoon I listened to what uncle was saying mostly.
Father gave 50¢ today for doing some work. and I spent it in buying of Frank: 1 guire of foolscap for 25¢. 12. 303 pens for 15¢. and a pen wiper for 10¢. spending all the money I had.
William came before supper and brought with him a box of peaches and three young coons which he gave to Johnnie’s meuseum.
After supper father brought out his electricity machine, and then we had to all stand in a row and caught hold of each others hand, and those at the end took hold of the machine; but we could only feel a little electricity. Afterward we were all seperately eclectricified; I was electricified three times, and I could only feel it in the arms, but there I felt it hard enough that I had to tell them to stop; it felt as if my arms were swelling and was pulling the flesh from the bones. It was a moderate day it being cold the most of the forenoon and evening
Monday 4th I milked the cow this morning and evening.
After breakfast I went to the grocery store.
We had Arithmetic. Analysis, Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. After school I read.
After supper I went to the post office.
Harvey Burdell came this evening, and then South America was talked about. It was a very cold day.
We played black man at noon. I went to bed 10.30 this evening.
Tuesday 5th I milked the cow this morning and evening.
I studied History and Physiology, before breakfast.
We had Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon. We played foot ball at recess and noon. I eat hald a dozen apricots today. We had History this afternoon and school was let out at 2 o’clock. Kitty Head was sent from school today for growling because the teacher would not tell who was put back.
I went to the dentist this afternoon, and he brushed my teeth. I took down the clothes line and filled the barrel in the hothouse. I wrote specimen of my writing this evening, to be compared with one of Mr. Clure’s boys.
I done my examples before supper.
It was a pleasant day.
Wednesday 6th I milked the cow this morning and evening.
I studied History before breakfast. I played foot ball today at school. We had arithmetic between morning and recess, but Mr. Brodt was out of the room; we had Analysis, Grammar and writing spelling after recess.
This afternoon we had History and Physiology.
After school I went to the post office and dry goods store but got the wrong thing so I had to go back again. I looked out examples of latin suffixes untill supper and the whole evening.
I done a few examples in Arithmetic.
It was a very warm day.
Thursday 7th I milked the cow this morning and evening.
I studied History and Physiology in bed this morning.
Frank Leslies came this morning and I read it after school.
We had Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon and
this afternoon we had History and Physiology. I played football tohis
day; had splendid fun.
I went to the post office after school.
Mrs. Burdell and Jamsie, and Mrs. Walton came this afternoon. We are going to
have an examination tomorrow in Analysis, so I wrote down all the names ofor
the prefixes and suffixes in latin on the examination paper. It was a very warm
Friday 8th I milked the cow this morning evening.
I played foot ball at school today. We had an examination in latin Prefixes and suffixes; it was hard. After recess we had German; there are only three in the class now. This afternoon we had to write a composition on Early Recollections; I think it was very easy. After that we had to add up our reports.
Before school was out we had to go up to the teacher and he told us our reports, mine was 701 credits or 70%.
After school I sat on the porch with father, uncle and Frank. I went to the bakery before supper. I went to the post office after supper. It was a very delightful day.
Saturday 9th. I milked the cow this morning and evening.
After breakfast I swept the yard and beat out the carpets.
This afternoon I went with Frank and uncle down to the yard bridge,
and Frank tried his Spencer rifle and pistols. and I got nearly all the empty
cartriges, and gave nearly all of them to Charley.
I raked a part of the barn yard. After supper I went with uncle and Mr. Husimeyer to the boot store, and after that I went with Husimeyer over to Glorshouse, and stayed a while I bathe tonight.
It was a warm tonight day.
Zoo, museum, & amusement park.
Founded by Robert B. Woodward.
In operation 1866-1891.
(Today in SF's Mission District.)
Sunday 10th I got up before the others this morning, put on me old clothes and then milked the cow, after that I put on my Sunday cloths. We went over to Woodward’s garden’s today.
Uncle, Johnnie, Herman and myself took the 9.10 train and arrived at San Francisco at 10 oclock. Before we went, father gave us each 50¢.
We walked along a little while and then took the horse cars for the
gardens. We first looked at the bears and birds on the hill; then we went into
the house where the stuffed birds and animals are kept. We next went into the
tropical houses, then to the picture gallery, and then seen the sea lions. We
then went into the beautiful aquarium, which are, then we seen the infant
wonder, which is a baby 6 months old weighing 3 lbs. We then seen the beaver,
alligators, and birds, and vampire.
After that we went into the menagerie where all the animals are kept, afterwards we went into the skating rink and seen them skate. afterwards they acted, and we seen the Buisley family act. The last performance named the Pantomime doctor was laughable after that we had some sand wiches. We then started for home, we took the horse cars untill Dupont street and we walked to the boat; we arrived home at 6 oclock, and then I milked the cow.
I was electricified with the machine this evening.
It was a warm day.
Mr. Glor came this evening.
Monday 11th I got up before 6 this morning and milked the cow; after that Mr. Husemeyer and I cut Mr. Glors plot of grass.
I studied History before breakfast. I went to the post office after breakfast.
We had Arithmetic befor recess in simple interest.
After recess he gave us a lesson in Analysis, and Grammar. This afternoon we had writing spelling, Physiology, and History. Mr. Brodt occupied a great deal of time in telling the effects of smoking and drinking this afternoon.
I spent the afternoon in listening what whas said of South America by
uncle, father and Frank. After milking I went down to Barnes for Charley, and
then bought some bread tickets. I studied Arithmetic, Analysis, Spelling &
Physiology this evening.
It was a warm day.
Tuesday 12d I milked the cow this morning and evening.
I studied History and Physiology, before breakfast.
We had Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon. I studied Physiology at noon. This afternoon we had History and Physiology; we had writing before school was out.
After school I read the papers.
After supper I studied History, Arithmetic, Analysis, Spelling, and Physiology.
It was a warm day.
Wednesday 13th I milked the cow this morning and evening.
I went to the bakery this morning. We had Arithmetic before recess; we review percentage. After recess we had Analysis, and Grammar. This afternoon we had writing spelling, History, and Physiology; and he told us some health aphorisms.
After school I wrote a petition to the teacher requesting him to discard the system of marking misspelled words in examinations; it was composed by D. Berchard.
After that I took a wheel barrow load of boards to our house on Franklin and 10th streets.
After supper I opened the holes around the trees on the east side of the block, on the west, and in the big lot. I cleaned out my drawer of my table this afternoon.
It was a moderate day. I studied physiology at noon today.
Thursday 14th I milked the cow this morning and evening. After breakfast I went after “Frank Leslie’s boys & girls” and read “Jack Harkaway among the brigands,” until school time.
We had Arithmetic, Analysis, and Grammar this forenoon, I studied History at
noon time. We had writing spelling, History and Physiology this afternoon. I
studied Physiology and read. Josephine, Bella and I made a bet this that their
was a letter for ea our own selves in the post office, for there was a
letter their. Josephine won the bet which was a postal card from each of us. I
studied the reviewal of Physiology to the 58th page this
evening until about 10 o’clock. It was a pretty warm day.
Friday 15th I milked the cow this morning and evening.
I studied Physiology before breakfast. Before school was in, nearly all of the first grade scholars got together and Physiology. We had an examination in Physiology this morning; we had two questions. We had german after recess. This afternoon we had to talk about something; and as I didn’t think of anything else, I talked about how I came near being drowned at Fort Ross. I went to the grocery store this afternoon. After supper we were all electricified. Father made the music box play this evening. It was a moderate day.
Saturday. 16.th I milked the cow this morning and evening. Before breakfast I swept the summer house, and raked a part of the stable yard and a fire.
After breakfast I swept the yard. At 10 o’clock I took a valise down to the
depot for J mother and Charley, who are going to Cloverdale.
After that I cleaned the carpets and my clothes.
We Uncle, Johnnie, Herman and myself went to see the boat race in lake
Merrit; we seen only two races, and the same one beat both times. I met Guy Earl
After that I went to the Post office. Before milking I went to the bakery. I have a slight head ache. I seen Miss Fleming home and took Jeffy home.
It was a nice day.
Sunday 17.th I milked the cow this morning and evening. In putting on my shirt, the button came off at the neck; I made Josephine sew it on; after she had gone down the button came off again so I had to sew it on. I was going to church this morning but our seat was taken; so I came home and spent the time in fixing a lock on a drawer of a bureau that I am going to keep my things in.
I spent the afternoon in reading and sitting around, and exerciseing with Johnnie’s dumbells which he had got this morning for one of his coons.
Theodore Hardwig came this evening. It was a warm day.
Monday 18th I arose half past five this morning, milked the cow, and studied History and Physiology.
We had Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon; and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. I staid in a few minutes after school to do some examples.
After school I read the papers mostly. I milked the cow this evening. I studied History, Physiology, and Analysis this evening
It was a moderate day.
Tuesday 19th I arose half past five, milked the cow, and then went to the bakery.
I had my report signed before breakfast, I was rank 19. and 70%.
We had Arithmetic. Analysis Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. I went to the dentist after school and had to wait until 5.30 and then he cleaned my teeth. After that I milked the cow.
I studied History, Physiology, Analysis, Grammar and Arithmetic this evening. It was a pleasant day.
Wednesday 20th I got up half past five this morning and milked the cow. We had Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History and Physiology.
I copied some examples into my example book after school. I went to the post office after supper and got a letter from mother in Cloverdale; after that I went up town and got a pattern book for Josephine.
I studied History, Analysis, Physiology, Grammar and Arithmetic. I was a cloudy day.
Thursday 21st. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I seen Jeffy caught by the pound man this morning. I went after the supplement of “Frank Leslie’s boys and girls”; and read it before going to school.
I played “Black man” at noon today. We had Arithmetic, Analysis and Grammar this forenoon. Just before noon Mr. Campbell gave us an example in Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; there were only six in our room that had it right, and I was one of them. This afternoon we had History and Physiology. Mr. Segge and some one else came this afternoon; an then they talked of South America.
Father said that he will go as soon as he sells some property, and take some of his boys with him; to buy some land down there.
I read “Frank Leslies” this evening. It was a very cold and disagreeable day today.
Aug Friday 22.nd. I milked the
cow this morning and evening. After breakfast I wiped dishes as Viola was over
to San Francisco. We had an examination in Spelling, out of the Physiology,
History and Spelling book this morning. We had German after recess.
This afternoon we had to copy two compositions and write a letter about lending some money. After school I went to the post office.
This evening they talked about, lizards, crocodiles and snakes. It was a disagreeable day, nearly the same as yesterday.
I played “Black man is coming” at noon today.
Saturday. 23d. I milked the cow this morning and evening.
I raked the stable yard and fixed up the pile before breakfast.
After breakfast I swept the yard. and then with Frank, raked the big lot.
I beat out the carpets before dinner. This afternoon I read, tried to draw with indian ink but didn’t succeed, and sat around.
We expected mother home today, but she didnot come, and we received a letter from Charlie saying that she would come on monday or tuesday. Mr. Blohm came this evening. It was a very pleasant day. I am going to bathe tonight I expect. I copied some examples into my example book this evening.
Sunday 24th. I got up quarter past six this morning, milked the cow and then put on my sunday clothes. I read the papers after breakfast. I went to church this morning. This afternoon I read and studied History and Physiology. After supper I read.
It was Johnnie’s birthday today.
It was a pleasant day.
Mother came home late this evening from Cloverdale leaving Charlie there.
Monday 25th I got up early this morning and milked the cow, and then studied Analysis.
After breakfast I wiped dishes as Viola had left.
We had Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar and Spelling this forenoon and this afternoon we had History, Physiology, and writing. After school I read a history of the old world.
Mr. Janssen is going to take the children to see the decapitation feat this evening.
I studied History, Physiology. Analysis, Grammar. and Arithmetic this evening.
It was an unpleasant; it drizzling this morning, and being windy this afternoon
I played cross tag on noon.
Tuesday 26th I milked the cow this morning and evening.
We had Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon and
this afternoon we had History and Physiology. I After school I went to
Heningers to have my boots half soled and then went to the grocery. I
done a part of my examples this afternoon. I went to the bakerey this afternoon.
I done some examples this evening, but not all, as I have not the time. I gave Johnnie a pen holder and a little wooden ruler for 5¢, making me 55¢.
It was a windy day.
Wednesday 27. I milked the cow this morning and evening.
I studied History, Physiology, and Analysis before breakfast. We had Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar and writing spelling this fore. I played cross tag on noon. This afternoon we had History, and then we had to draw two sqares on the board with circles in them. After school I bought some stamps for Bella at the post office.
After I went to Lake Merrit with Morice, but I did not go in. I bought myself a string neck tie for 25¢ after supper, leaving me 30¢;— and then I went to the post office.
I studied History, Physiology, and Analysis, and copied examples into my example book this evening.
I have a slight head ache this afternoon. It was a pleasant day.
Mother preserved peaches and grapes today.
Thursday 28th. I milked the cow this morning and evening.
I bought a blank book off Frank before breakfast having 250 pages; I paid 25¢ and promised to pay 50¢ on sunday leaving me 5¢. We had the definitions in percentage this morning. We had Analysis Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon. I played cross tag on recess. This afternoon we had History and Physiology. After school I went to Heningers to get some blacking but they did not have any yet. I read “Frank Leslies boys and girls” this afternoon. After supper I went again to Heningers with the same result as this afternoon. I declined four german nouns this evening. It was a hot day.
Friday. August 1873. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I studied Arithmetic in bed this morning. We had an examination in Arithmetic this morning; the standard was 200 credits and I think it was pretty easy. The german teacher was not here this morning, so we corrected each others papers. I climbed a tree on noon.
This afternoon we had another talking exercise; I spoke about: “the schools I ever went to”.
After school I copied into the book which Frank gave, which I shall call the fact book, the value of money.
After supper I went to the post office. I copied some things into the fact book this evening. It was a very pleasant day. I bought some paper off Frank for Bella this afternoon.
* Yerba santa: (Eriodictyon californicum) Native Americans were known to chew or smoke its leaves to treat asthma, bronchial problems, and hayfever.
Saturday 30th I milked the cow this morning and evening. I had to take some medicine this morning, as I have a bad cold; and mother gave me some yerba santa* to chew. I had to wipe dishes this morning as I had to do every morning for a week. I swept the yard, and beat out the carpets this forenoon. Uncle cut my hair this morning. After dinner I raked the stable-yard.
Bella Williams came this afternoon, and Bella, Bella, and myself played croquet, ball, and hide and go seek.
I put on my school clothes, and after supper Bella and myself went to see Bella Williams home; we went past our school, and on 12th and Oak we met Mrs. Williams. We went until about 3 blocks past the bridge; Bella Williams and I going way ahead; I then went to the post office, and heard the band playing. I bathe tonight. It was a very pleasant day. Mr. Hesse came this evening.
Sunday. 31st I milked the cow this morning and evening; I went to the bakery before breakfast. I went to church this morning, but our seat was taken. This afternoon I copied examples into my fact book. Mr. Helmky, and Mr. Rosetor and wife came before supper but only staid a few minutes. Mr. Harvey Burdell came this evening and took Josephine to church. I studied History, Physiology, & Analysis and copied examples into the fact book this evening. I got 50¢ from father this morning for doing some work and I gave it to Frank for the fact book.
It was a pleasant day. Mother and the children went buggy riding this afternoon.
Monday 1st I milked the cow this
morning and evening. I went to the post office before breakfast. We had
Arithmetic, Grammar, Analysis and writing spelling this forenoon, and this
afternoon we had History and Physiology. After school we had I copied
examples into my fact book until supper; and after supper too. I studied
History, Physiology, Spelling and Analysis this evening. It was a moderate day.
Teusday 2nd. I milked the cow this morning and evening.
We had Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar, and writing spelling this forenoon and
this afternoon we had History and school was let out at 2.15 P.M. I went to the
dentist this afternoon and staid about an hour when it was crowded so I came
home, and wh I went again later but it was crowded then.
I got a drawing book and rubber this evening. I went to the post office this evening. I copied examples into my fact book the whole afternoon and evening. It was a moderate day
Wednesday. 3d. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I bought a paper measure this morning for 10¢ leaving me 10¢. We had Arithmetic, Analysis and Grammar this forenoon. This afternoon we had writing spelling, studied History, and then we drew a part of the first picture in the drawing book.
After school. father, uncle, and myself watered the trees on 12st. I copied examples in “partial payments” this evening. It was a pleasant day.
Thursday 4th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the grocery store this morning. I read “Frank Leslie’s boys and girls,” this morning and evening. We had Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. After school I had watered the trees on 12th st. again. I went to the butcher after supper. Mr. Husimeyer went away this evening. I tried to do some examples in “problems in interest.” this evening; I studied History this evening also. I got some “yerba santa,” this morning and chewed it.
Friday 5th. I got up 6 o’clock this
morning and evenin
milked the cow, and then watered the largest half of the garden before
We had an examination in Analysis this morning; after recess we had an examination in music and then we had german. I gave 25¢ to get a piano a school today
This afternoon we had to write a composition, I wrote about birds.
I went to the grocery store after school. After supper I went to the post office. I spent the evening in reading. It was a moderate day.
I milked and fed the cow this evening.
Saturday 6th I milked the cow this
morning and evening and fed her. Uncle and I raked the whole garden before and
and after breakfast; I then wet the walks and then uncle and I swept them.
After thatdinner I beat out the carpets I went with father and had a
linnen coat measured for Charlie. I watered the whole garden this evening. I
went to the grocery store before supper. I bathe tonight.
It was a delightful day.
Sunday 7th. I got up six o’clock this morning and milked the cow, and then put on my good clothes. Father went to Cloverdale this morning to see Charlie.
I went to Church this morning with Josephine. Mr. and Mrs. Mason came today with another lady that just came from Germany. I copied a few examples this afternoon. I went to the post office this morning. I took Dexter’s horse which mother had been useing, to his stable. It was a moderate day.
Monday 8th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I watered the whole garden before and after breakfast. We had Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar, and writing spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. Father came home from Cloverdale today. I spent the afternoon in reading.
I went to the post office after supper. I copied a few examples, studied Grammar, Analysis, History & Physiology this evening. It was a delightful day.
Teusday 9th. I milked the cow this
morning and evening. I watered the larger half of the garden today.
before breakfast. After breakfast I went to the post office and butcher. We had
Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar this morning; and this afternoon we had writing
spelling, History, Physiology, and drawing. Father, mother, and Josephine went
to the pioneer picnic at Badgers park today. I went to the dentist after school;
he washed my teeth. I went to the bakery, and to the saloon in our building
after wine before supper. Mr. and Harvey Burdell, Mr. and Mrs Flatt, Nettie
Verhave, and Mr. Hesse came this evening. I copied examples and studied all my
lessons this evening. It was a delightful day.
Wednesday 10. I milked the cow this morning and
evening. I watered half of the large bed before breakfast. I went to the butcher
and bakery post office after breakfast. We had Arithmetic,
Analysis, Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had
History and Physiology. I had to stay after school and write the words I
mispelled on the black board. I went to the post office from school. I copied a
few things into my fact book after school. Mr. Howard came before supper and is
going to stay over night. I done my examples in “Compound interest.” this
evening and looked over my History, Physiology, and speech. It was a moderate
Thursday 11. I got up six oclock, milked the cow, and
watered the whole garden before breakfast. After breakfast I went to the
butcher, post office, and aFrank Leslie’s boys and girles and read
it until school time.
We had Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar and writing spelling. This afternoon we had History and Physiology. Mr. Howard went away this morning. I went to the post office from school. The cow was very wild and wouldn’t eat any cut hay when I milked her this evening. I went to the post office and grocery before supper. I went to the post office after supper. I copied something on “india rubber,” this evening, to talk tomorrow. I studied History this evening. It was a moderate day.
Friday 12. I milked the cow this morning and evening. We had an examination in Grammar this whole forenoon; we had a a couple of sentences and had to tell the parts of speech. This afternoon we had to show our speeches to the teacher and we had writing. I went to the post office after school. After that I done some examples. I went to Wells, Fargoe’s express office before supper. I went to Janssens after supper and to the post office. I done some examples this evening. It was a very disagreeable day.
Saturday 13. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I raked the whole barn yard, and swept the yard this forenoon, This afternoon I raked a little in the big lot, went to the tailor and grocery store, and done some examples for monday.
We got a large sack of hazelnuts from Lagario from Timber Cove. I went to the post office after supper, and got a letter from Charlie in Cloverdale. John Rouf from Timber Cove came this evening. I copied some examples into the “fact book.”
It was a delightful day. I bathe tonight.
Sunday 14.th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to church this forenoon with Josephine and Bella and heard Mr. Walker preach.
This afternoon I studied my piece, history, physiology and Analysis. I also copied some examples. We got some hazelnuts this morning and put them with my others. George Rosetor came after supper, and then they talked of South America. It was a delightful day.
Monday 15th I milked the cow this
morning and evening. I watered ¾ of the garden before breakfast. I went to the
post office and butcher after breakfast. We had Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar
and spelling this forenoon. This afternoon we had History and Drawing. I hadrd
to rehearse my speech after school. I went to the post office from school. John
Rouf went away this forenoon. I went to the feed store twice this afternoon but
both times it was closed. I done my examples in “promiscous examples of
percent,” this evening and studied History, Analysis and my speech. It was a
delighful day.
Teusday 16th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I watered a little of the garden before breakfast. I went to the post office and butcher after breakfast. We had Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar, and Spelling this forenoon; I went home at recess this morning and got Wilson's fifth reader and lent it to Arthur Mathews. This afternoon we had History and Physiology. I had to stay after school and rehearse my speech. I went to the post office after school and supper. Barnes came to me this and said he had got a letter from Charlie saying for me ot buy Morice’s little lathe which I did for 25¢. I wrote a letter to Charlie this evening. Joe Welham came today and is going to stay over night. I studied History and Analysis this evening. It was a pleasant day
Wednesday 17. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I seen a fight between a lizard a mouse before breakfast in Johnnies cage for the lizard. I went to the post office and butcher after breakfast. We had Arithmetic Analysis, Grammar and writing spelling. I played “black man” at recess. We had History and Physiology this afternoon. I went to the post office from school. I went to the grocery store after school. I went to Barnes house with Barnes, and then went to the mill. I done my examples, studied History, Physiology and Analysis this evening. It was a pleasant day.
Thursday 18th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I watered the larger bed before breakfast. I went to the post office after breakfast. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, and writing spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. I had to stay after school untill 4 o’clock, but Mr. Brodt did not have time to hear us rehearse our pieces. I hauled wood into the coal house after school.
I went to the post office after supper. I went to the after Frank
Leslies, but it did come, after that.
After that Johnnie and I went to the library and looked at the papers; from there we got “Frank Leslies boys and girls.” I went to the post office 8.30 P.M. It was a disagreeable day mostly.
Friday 19th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I watered a small part of the garden before breakfast. I went to the post office and butcher after breakfast. We had an examination in Spelling this forenoon; we had 150 words and had to correct them.
This afternoon we had speaking; there were a few visitors, and nearly all had to speak. I did not have to. I went to the post office after school. We are going to have a vacation for two weeks. I found 5¢ this afternoon, making me 15¢. I went to all the paper stores in town to get “Leslie’s boys of America” but no had it. I had a slight head ache this evening. I went to the post office and depot after supper with Martin Beel. I went to the drug store this evening. It was a delightful day.
Saturday 20th. I milked the cow this
morning and evening. I and uncle raked the garden after breakfast; after that I
wet the walks, and then we swept them, with the yard. Uncle and I raked the
stable yard, fixed the manure pile and watered it, after and before dinner. I
beat out the carpets this afternoon. I cracked hazel nuts this afternoon.
Harper’s magazine came this afternoon. I had to go to the grocery this
afternoon; I had to go again before breakfast supper. Mother was a little
scoldish this evening. It was a delightful day.
Sunday. 21st. I milked the cow this morning and evening. There was a fire last night; Mc.Clures out houses burned up. Bella and I went to church this forenoon; Mr. Walker preached. Mr. and Mrs Burdell with Jamsie came at noon, and stayed for supper. I went to the bakery twice before supper. Josephine and I went to Verhaves after supper; I read and played checkers with Anna. Father gave me 50¢ today, for blacking boots; making me 65¢. It was a delightful day.
Monday 22nd I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the butcher after breakfast. I watered the whole garden after breakfast. I went to the grocery store this forenoon; I went to the grocery store and post office after that. We piled some wood this forenoon. Uncle and I raked the whole billy yard and big lot before and after dinner. I copied some examples this evening. I spilled some ink this evening, but Josephine gave me some more. My nose bled several times this evening. It was a delightful day.
Tuesday 23d I milked the cow this morning and evening. I took some “Seidlitz powders” this morning. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. We pulled some molasses candy this morning. I had to dig a little ditch this forenoon. This afternoon, uncle and I cut some grass and raked it; and pilled acord of wood. I had a headache this afternoon. I went to the post office after supper and got a letter from Lizzie. It was a hot day, average about 78° fahrnheit.
Wednesday 24th I took “Seidlitz powders” this morning. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I pulled up the sewing room carpet this forenoon, and after dinner I beat them out. I cut Mr. Glor’s little plot of grass with the machine this afternoon. I have a head ache and a bad cold. It was a delightful day; average 68°.
Thursday 25th. I took Seidlitz
powders this morning. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I didnot do
anything particular today, but read, and copy examples into my fact book. I went
down town after dinner. I got some pieces of glass at the glass store this
afternoon. I went after “Frank Leslies boys and girls” about 8 p.m. It was a
very disagreeable day avera at noon it was 61° in shade
Friday 26th We had to take powder this morning, and tea this morning and evening. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the butcher and post office, after breakfast.
I did not do anything particularly today. I got some more glass, after dinner.
I went to the post office after supper.
It was a disagreeable day, the thernom. being 61° at noon.
Saturday 27th We had to take some more powder this morning, and tea for breakfast and supper. I milked the cow this morning and evening. Uncle and I raked the garden before breakfast. I watered the whole garden after breakfast; and after that I took up the dirt.
I gave my (large brass) cannon to Herman as a present this afternoon. I went to the grocery store this afternoon. It was a part cold and a part pleasant day. While playing in the barn today, I lost my ivory measure, my drawer key, and a few pencils.
Sunday 28th I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to church this morning to hear Mr. Walker preach. Harvey Burdell came this afternoon. Father read something about South America this evening.
It was a part disagreeable and a part pleasant day. I read most of the day.
Monday 29th I milked the cow this morning and evening. I swept a part of the yard after breakfast. I went to the tin shop this forenoon. I went to the bakery this forenoon. Uncle and I cut some grass after dinner with the machine. I took up the dirt that had been shoved together in the barn yard after that; and then wet the barn yard. I went to the tin shop before supper. The half hour trips begin today. It was a delightful day.
Teusday 30th I milked the cow this morning and evening. I swept the walk and part of the yard, before, and after breakfast. I planted 40 or 50 peach trees in two boxes today and yesterday. I went to the bakery before dinner. We put boards on the coal house before dinner. I swept the coal house out this forenoon. Uncle and I raked the leaves in big lot together a little after dinner, and made a fire of them. I done a few examples in “Exchange” this afternoon.
I went to the butcher before supper. After supper I read.
It was a part pleasant and disagreeable day today. I went to the post office before supper.
I went after our clock at the watch makers after dinner.
Wednesday 1st. I milked the cow this
morning and evening. I watered and fixed Bella’s little garden, up, this
morning. Johnnie, Herman and I went down to the foot of Webster st. to get some
fire clay, but they had none. We then had to go to the foot of Clay st. and got
some there; from there we hwent to the foot of Webster and then I went
back to Clay st. and got some fire brick. After dinner I had to empty two little
hot houses in the vegetable garden. Then I measured off ground for a little
garden, about 5 ft. by 10 ft; then I watered it good, and then I made a fence of
bricks. I planted three plants today. I went to the post office after supper. I
have a head ache this evening and am going to bathe my feet. It was a delightful
* Piedmont Springs was in the country just northeast of Oakland. Per an 1878 map, there was a hotel. The area later became the suburb of Piedmont.
Thursday 2nd. I milked the cow this
morning and evening. I put more dirt to my garden after breakfast; and mother
gave me about twenty plants, among which are: lilies, fushias, rose, etc. we
planted them before dinner in my little garden. We went out buggy riding this
afternoon. We, that is mother, Bella, Johnnie, Herman and myself, rode out to
Piedmont Springs* first, drin I drank a little of the sulphur water but I
do not like it. We then drove towards Summit house, and stopped at a little
bridge about ½ of the way out and got some good ground and then returned by 5
o’clock. I took the little gun with us but couldnot get near enough to shoot any
ground squirrels; we shot at a mark at Be Piedmont. I read “Frank Leslies
boys and girls” this evening. It was a part disagreeable and pleasant day.
Friday 3d I milked the cow this morning, and evening; the cow stepped into the milk this evening. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. I planted a few more plants into my garden today, among which was a “century plant.” I painted the little hothouses, before and after dinner. I wet the ground around my garden this afternoon to make it hard. I went to the watch maker this afternoon. It was a delightful day, thernom, being 67° fahr in the shade at noon
Saturday 4th I milked the cow this morning and evening. I fed the cow at noon and evening; giving her hay, and slops at noon, and cut hay and carrots in the evening. Uncle and I raked a part of the big lot, swept the yard and walks and raked the garden this forenoon. I beat out the carpets before dinner. Uncle went to Cloverdale today to bring Charlie home.
I raked a part of the vegetable garden after dinner. I sprinkled the whole garden this afternoon. Bella gave me about 12 different kinds of seeds this afternoon, and I planted them in a box. I bathe tonight. It was a delightful day, thernom being 70° fahr. at noon.
Sunday 5th. I got up early this
morning milked and fed the cow and then dressed myself in Sunday clothes.. I
bought “Frank Leslie’s boys of America” this morning for 15¢. Father
gave me 50¢ today for doing somen work leavin making me
$1. I fed the cow at noon and evening, and milked her in the evening.
Josephine, Bella and I went to church this forenoon. Mr. Hamilton preached. I
studied History, Physiology, and Analysis this afternoon and read “boys of
America.” It was a delightful day, thernom. being 67° at 3 P.M.
Monday 6th I milked the cow this morning and evening; I fed the cow this morning. School began today; We had Arithmetic, and drawing this forenoon; and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. Brother Charley and Ira Parker came back today; and after school, Charley, Ira Johnnie and I went walking; we went to Jansens, Barnes, and to Liesbutle’s shop. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. I swept a part of the yard after breakfast. I studied Arithmetic, History and Physiology this evening. It was a very disagreeable day, raining some this afternoon.
Tuesday 7th I milked the cow this morning and evening. We shot at a mark, after breakfast with the parlor rifle. We had Grammar and Arithmetic this fore noon, and this afternoon we had History and Physiology; school was let out at 2 P.M. I went to the dentist this afternoon, and took “boys and girls” with me; the dentist washed my teeth.
We had a game of shinny this afternoon. After supper Ira Parker and I went to the express office, to the post office, and took a walk up town. I studied my lessons as well as I could, for Ira was in my room all the evening.
It was a pleasant day.
Wednesday 8th It rained pretty hard last night. I milked the cow this morning and evening. It was drizzling the whole and I took an umberella to school. We had Arithmetic, Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. Ira and I went to the express office and post office after supper. I studied History, Physiology, Grammar and done my examples this evening. It was pleasant this afternoon.
Thursday. 9th I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went after breakfast to the butcher, post office, and after “boys and girls,” but it had not yet come. We had Arithmetic and grammar this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History and Physiology, and writing spelling.
I had to stand up in Physiology, as I did not quiet know my lesson. I went to the post office from school. We, that is Ira Parker, Josephine, Bella, Johnnie, Herman and I played Croquet this afternoon. Ira and I went to the post office and grocery store after supper. Ira, Herman, Johnnie, and I played croquet this evening; by placing stumps of candles by the arches. Ira, Johnnie and I went after “boys and girls” 7.30 P.M. and waiting a while, got it. Ira, Johnnie, and I played the game of “natural history” this evening.
It was a clear pleasant day.
Friday 10th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. Herman’s and Johnnie’s wheat is grown about two inches high today. We had an examination in Arithmetic this forenoon; we had 10 questions and I think it was pretty easy.
This afternoon we had to write a composition on “how I spent the Vacation,” I had had some fiction in mine, We had to correct our papers; and then copy it on the other side of the paper. After school I went to the post office and grocery store with Ira Parker. We played Natural History this evening. It was a clear but delightful day.
Saturday 11th I milked the cow this morning and evening. I played “croquet” with Ira before breakfast and this afternoon. I swept the little garden after breakfast, and helped uncle sweep the yard. I also took up all the dirt piles in all the walks, and yards. Uncle and I raked the garden this forenoon. I scraped out the chicken house before dinner. After dinner I beat out the carpets. I went after some grapes before supper. Ira and I went to the post office after supper. We played the game of “natural history and Authors” this evening. I bathe tonight. It was a most delightful day; thernom. at 1.30 P.M. 78° Fahrnheit.
Sunday 12 th I got up this morning, milked the cow, and then put on my Sunday clothes. Uncle, Charley, Ira, and Josephine went to Woodward’s gardens today. I done examples this forenoon. This afternoon I done nothing, but read, play with the dogs etc. We played the game of “natural history” this evening. It was a warm, and most delightful day; being 80° Fahr. at 2 P.M. I fed the cow at noon and evening, and milked her.
Monday 13th I milked the cow this
morning and evening. I played ball a little before school. We had Arithmetic,
and Grammar this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History and Drawing. I went
to the butcher and post office this for after breakfast. After
school I read and played croquet with Ira. I studied History, Arithmetic,
Physiology, and Grammar this evening. It was a pleasant day; thernom, being 70°
Fahr. at 12 o’clock. Mr. Howard came this evening, and is going to stay over
Tuesday 14th. It was very windy all night.
I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. We had Arithmetic and Grammar this forenoon; and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. I went to the post office from school. This afternoon I watered my garden and walks of it; went to the butcher and also seen the fire engine (Felton) play on 8th and Broadway. I played croquet (two balls each) before supper. This evening I studied Arithmetic (Ratio) History, Physiology, and tried to find some neuter verbs. It was a pleasant day, windy this forenoon; thernom. was 68° fahr. at 12 o’clock.
Wednesday 15th I did not sleep very
well last night. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the
butcher and post office after breakfast. I played croquet with Ira Parker
after before breakfast. We had Arithmetic, Analysis and Grammar and writing
Spelling this forenoon; and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. I
My nose bled in coming from school. I helped chope a tree in pieces and
trim it this afternoon, which uncle and Ira choped down, in the big lot. I went
to the grocery store after supper. I studied Arithmetic, Analysis, & History
this evening. It was a moderate day, Thenomeneter being 70° Fahrnheit at noon.
Thursday 16th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the butcher and post office and dry goods store after breakfast. We had Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar and writing Spelling this forenoon; and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. In History he said that the United States would never be severed, and that Mexico and Canada would some time be a part of the United States; and told us see if they would not some time. I bathe my feet tonight.
I went to the post office from school. I trimed the branches of the tree that
was chopped down yesterday, the whole afternoon. After supper Ira, Johnnie,
Herman and I played “hide and go seek” round the block. Ira and I went to the
post office from after that. I read over the history of the war of
rebellion this evening. It was a day somewhat like yesterday.
Friday 17th I milked the cow this morning and evening. I helped uncle to commence to dig a tree out before breakfast in the barn yard. We had an examination in History this morning; we had 25 questions and I think it was tolerable hard. We also had German this forenoon; there are only two in the class now, Mary Gamble and I. We had Spelling the whole afternoon. We had two spelling matches; one in which the girls beat the boys, and the other we chose sides, and the other side beat. I spent the whole afternoon in trimming the branches, of a fallen oak in the barn yard. Ira and I went to the express office, and post office after supper. Harvey Burdell came this evening. Ira, Johnnie, and I played the game of natural histroy this evening. It was a moderate day. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. I bathe my feet tonight
Saturday 18th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I helped uncle rake the garden before and after breakfast. I went to the post office and butcher after breakfast. I swept all the walks, and helped uncle sweep the yard, little garden, and in the big lot, between the fence and chicken house. We were going boat riding this afternoon, but could not go because mother would not leave us. Ira and I took a little sleep in the barn after dinner. I sawed and chopped wood into lengths this afternoon. Ira and I went to the grocery store after supper, and after that we went to the post office. I bathe tonight. It was a hot day; thernom. being 78° fahr. at 1 o’clock.
* Fassking’s Gardens, park a full city block in size; offering a dance pavilion and live performances. Located between Grant & Union and Santa Clara & Lincoln in Alameda.
Sunday 19th. I got up six o’clock this morning, milked the cow, and then put on my sunday clothes. I read mostly this forenoon. We went to Faskin’s gardens* this afternoon, in Alameda. We went to the depot, and went on board of some cars, but had to come off while it was in motion, when we heard it was the wrong cars. We waited a little while and then got on a crowded car. We got off at the wrong station in Alameda, so we had to walk a long distance to the park. We at length arrived there and looked at the sailors of the german man of war “Nymph” and people dancing. We again took the cars and arrived home 4.30 P.M. Ira, Charley, uncle, and I were the ones that went. Mr. Burmeister came home with us. I milked the cow when we came home. We played the game of natural history this evening. Harvey Burdell came this evening. It was a warm, delightful day, thernom. being 75° fahr. at 1 o’clock.
Monday 20th. I milked the cow this morning, and evening. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. We had Arithmetic and Drawing this forenoon; we had to draw on the board. We played ‘black man’ at recess. This after noon, we had History and Physiology. I fixed my garden after school. I sawed a little this afternoon. Mrs. Ellen came today, and is going to stay a few days. I went to the post office from school. I went to the post office and butcher before supper. I studied Arithmetic, History and Physiology this evening. I am going to sleep with uncle, in the out house tonight. It was very cold and disagreeable day.
Teusday 21st I arose early this morning, and milked the cow. I studied Physiology before breakfast. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. We had Arithmetic and Grammar this forenoon and this afternoon, we had History and Physiology. I read most of the afternoon. Ira Parker went back to Cloverdale after dinner. I went to the baker before supper. I helped the hired man, saw some wood this afternoon. I filled the barrel and watered my garden this afternoon. I milked and fed the cow this evening. I went to the post office after supper. I studied History, Physiology, and done all the examples in simple proportion this evening. It was disagreeable this forenoon, but this afternoon it was more pleasant.
Wednesday 22nd. I milked the cow this
morning and evening. I studied my History before breakfast. Mrs. Ellen went away
again today. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. We had
Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar, and writing spelling this forenoon, and this
afternoon we had History and Physiology. After school I read, sawed a little
wood with “nigger Bob” and watered mine and Bella’s gardens. I went to the post
office after supper. I studied History, Physiology, Grammar, and copied the
examples in simple interest proportion into my fact book this evening. It
was a pleasant day, thernom. being 70° at noon; but it was very cold untill
about 11o A.M.
Thursday 23d I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the post office and butcher after breakfast. I read “Leslie’s boys and girls” until school. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, and writing spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History, Physiology, and Analysis. We cleaned out two of the little chicken yards this afternoon. I went to the butcher before supper. I watered my little garden before supper. I went to the post office after supper. I studied my german lesson this evening. It was a disagreeable, and cold day.
Friday 24th. I milked the cow, this morning and evening. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. I went after eggs on Franklin st. after that.
We had an examination in Analysis this forenoon; we had 50 questions. Mr. Brodt this afternoon said that my paper was best written of all the scholars.
After we had finished our papers, we had to correct our papers. This afternoon we had to write a composition on “Astronomical Clocks in Washington,” and “Jack, and the bean stalk.” We had to correct each others papers. We had to stay in after school, and Mr. Brodt talked to us about some noise we made while he was out of the room. We studied Spelling before the school was out.
Uncle, Charley, and I piled and hauled wood, for 1½ hours, in the big lot after school. Mr. Temple of Petaluma came before supper, and is going to stay over night. I went to the butcher and post office after supper. It was cold most all day. 65° at noon. I watered my little garden this evening.
Saturday 25th I milked the cow this morning and evening. I helped uncle rake the garden after breakfast, and I swept the yard and all the walks this forenoon. Mr. Siegler came before dinner but went away in the afternoon. Mother and the children, went fishing down the point today, and caught fifty fish. I went to the grocery store after dinner. I hauled wood, and branches of a tree, this afternoon, in the big lot. I went to the post office, and to the boot store after Johnnie’s boots. after supper. It 45° when I got up, but between 70° and 80° at noon.
Sunday 26th I got up early this
morning, milked the cow, and then dressed myself. I spent the forenoon, and
afternoon in reading. Josephine and I went to church at 11 o’clock to hear Mr.
Hamilton preach; wh Nettie and another lady sat with us. It was a cold,
pleasant day. 67° at noon. Father gave me 50¢ this afternoon, for
doing some work; making me $1.50
Monday 27th. I milked the cow this morning, and evening. I went to the butcher and post office, after breakfast. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, and writing spelling this forenoon; and this afternoon, we had History Physiology, and drawing. I went to the post office after school. I helped uncle cut hay this afternoon. I studied History, Physiology, and copied examples into my fact book this evening. It was a moderate day. 40° when I got up, and 70° at noon.
Tuesday 28th I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. We had Arithmetic Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon and this afternoon, we had History and we read our Physiology. I went to the dentist after school, and after waiting an hour, he brushed my teeth. I went after “Frank Leslie’s boys of America” before supper for Charlie. I went to the butcher and post office after supper. I copied example, studied Physiology, and Grammar this evening. It was a moderate day; 45° at 6.30 A.M. 67° at noon. I read boys of America untill about 10 P.M.
Wednesday 29th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. Uncle found my little ivory measure this morning. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. We had Arithmetic, Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon; and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. I pulled branches of trees from the garden to the big lot after school. I played ball (catch)” with Arthur Mathews at the recesses. I wrote a letter to Lizzie Howard before supper. I went to the butcher and post office after supper. I studied Grammar, History and Physiology this evening. I had to stay in after school and write 100 words on the board, because I missed 10. It was a pleasant day.
Thursday 30th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. (after breakfast) I went to the post office and butcher. We had Arithmetic, Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History, Physiology and Grammar. This afternoon I read mostly “Boys of America.” I also read most of the evening. It was a moderate day. 47° at 6.30 A.M. and 62° at noon.
Friday 31st I milked the cow this morning, and evening. We had an examination, in Grammar this morning; we had 10 questions and I got 91 out of 100. I came home at recess to get my german book, but Bella had it; so I went into her room at recess and got it. We had German after recess.
We had oral spelling the whole afternoon. I went to the post office from school. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. Charley and I went to Brigham’s house, with the engine after school. But he not being home we went boat riding with F. Rodolph in lake Merrit. We sailed to Adam’s point, and then back again, and then the same thing over again. I gave F. Rodolp two 50¢ pieces, for $1 silver. After we seen Charley’s engine go at Brigham. I went to the post office after supper. It was a moderate day; 50° when I arose.
Saturday 1st. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I swept the little behind the house before breakfast. I shook the locust trees in the yard after breakfast. I beat out the carpets before dinner. Uncle and I swept the yard this afternoon, and then we shoved a part of the barn yard together. After that I helped cut hay. I went to the grocery store after supper; there was a man preaching about some patent “seal oilum” medicine on 7th and Broadway. I bathe tonight. It was a moderate day; 52° when I arose and 63° at noon.
Sunday 2nd. I got up early this morning, milked the cow, and then dressed myself. I helped mother bathe Pompey and Caesar after breakfast.
Josephine and I help went to church at 11 o’clock to hear Mr. Hamilton
preach. We seen a ballon high in the air this afternoon. I read most of the
afternoon and evening. Mrs. Shepherd of San Francisco came after dinner. It was
a moderate day. but a little cloudy morning. It was 64° at noon.
Monday 3d I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the butcher, post office, and took my boots to the the boot maker to be mended after breakfast. We had Arithmetic, Analysis, Grammar, and writing spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History, Physiology and drawing. I gave 20¢ to Albert Carr, to join a foot ball club, this morning. leaving me $1.30
Charlie made his engine go after school; in the big lot. I went to the bakery before supper. I went to the butcher and post office after supper. I studied Arithmetic, History, Physiology, and Analysis this evening. It was a most disagreeable day being 57° at noon.
Teusday 4th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I played foot ball at school all day. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast.
We had Arithmetic, Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon, and this
afternoon we had History, and Physiology. I staid in after school to put an
example in Compound Proportion on the board. I went after my books
unsuccessfully, to the post office and butcher after school. I studied
Arithmetic before and after supper; also History Grammar, and Physiology.
It was a pleasant day.
Wednesday 5th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I played foot ball before school; at recess, at noon, and after school. We had Arithmetic, Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon, we had writing History, and he lectured Physiology. I went to the butcher and post office after supper. I copied examples and studied Grammar this evening. I went to the post office, and also got my boots. It was a disagreeable day, it nearly rained at noon, and signs of rain now. 62° at noon. I bathe my feet tonight.
Thursday 6th. It rained last night.
I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. I played football all day; the football was cut at noon. We had Arithmetic Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon; and this afternoon we had an examination in History, and had Physiology. I “boys and girls” after school. It was a pleasant day. I wrote a german letter this evening for a german lesson. I gave Charley $1.25 for a half partnership of a 5 barreled pistol, leaving me 5¢.
Friday 7th I milked the cow this
morning and evening. We had an examination in Arithmetic this forenoon, we had
ten questions; I think it was hard, and I shall get low. We had German after
Arithmetic; I had to take one of Schiller’s large books to translate out of.
This afternoon, we had to correct our Arithmetic papers, and write a composition
on Early “Recollections of the first school I went to,” and we had
writing in our copy books.
I played foot ball before school, recess, noon, and after school we went in an empty lot on 12th st. and played for an hour. It was splendid fun! I went to the baker before supper. Johnnie, and I went to the butcher and library after supper. It was a disagreeable day; it was foggy this morning.
Saturday 8th I milked the cow this
morning, and evening. I helped uncle sweep the walks before breakfast. I swept
off the roof of the out houses after breakfast, and then helped uncle
sweep the yard. I swept and raked a part of the big lot before dinner. I beat
out the carpets after dinner. Uncle cut my hair this afternoon. It was a
delightful day. 74° at noon We had to take medicine and tea today. I bathe
Sunday 9th I got up early this morning, milked the cow and then put on my good clothes. I read the papers most of the day. Frank Rodolph came this afternoon. Mr. Husemeyer came this evening. I studied History after dinner. It was a moderate day. 70° at noon.
Monday 10th. I milked the cow this
morning and evening. I played foot ball, at before school, at recess and
at noon. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, Analysis, and writing Spelling this
forenoon, and this afternoon we had History, Physiology, and drawing. The class
had to stay in after school to study Physiology. I beat out the parlor carpet
after school. I went to the post office after supper. I studied History,
Physiology. and done my examples this evening. It was a moderate day. 69° at
Teusday 11th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the butcher, post office, and bought a writing speller. We had Arithmetic, Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon; and this afternoon we had History Physiology, and Analysis, I played football before school, at recess, at noon, and untill 4.15 in the afternoon.
I went to the post office after supper. Charley and father went over to the city, today and got an iron lathe. Frank came back from Burdell’s this evening; he was hunting. I studied, History, Physiology, spelling, and tried to do an example in Partnership unsuccessfully. It was a moderate day. 65° at noon.
Wednesday 12th. I milked the cow this
morning and evening. I played football before school at recess, at noon, and a
little while after school, splendid fun. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, and writing
spelling this forenoon and this afternoon we had History, Physiology, and
Analysis. I went to the Grocery store after school. I copied examples in
Arithmetic, studied History, Physiology this evening; and also translated a
piece from Schiller. It was a moderate disagreeable day 55° when I got
up, and 65° at noon.
Thursday 13th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. I played football, before school, and at recess; the ball was cut by some glass at noon. We had Arithmetic, Physiology, writing Spelling this forenoon. We had Mrs. Craven for a teacher this afternoon, we had History and we studied Physiology. I ran home at recess to get my Physiology. I read “Leslie’s Boys and Girls,” after school. I went to the bakery after school. I translated a piece from Schiller, and reviewed Physiology. It was a very disagreeable and cold day. It rained in the afternoon.
Friday 14th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. We had Mrs. Craven for a teacher this forenoon, but in the afternoon Mr. Brodt. We had an examination in Physiology this morning, we had thirty questions. We also had German this forenoon, we had to translate an exercise. This afternoon we had writing in our copy books, and we had to make out a bill. I seen Charley turn (brass) on his lathe after school. I went to the bakery before breakfast. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. I went to the post office after supper. It was a cold but pleasant day: 64° at noon.
Saturday 15th I milked the cow this morning, and evening; she gave very much this morning. I helped sweep the walks before breakfast. I swept a part of the yard, after breakfast. I cleaned a part of the big lot then. Uncle and I shoved together a part of the barn yard before dinner. I seen Charley. engine go before dinner. I beat out the carpets after dinner. I swept the two sidewalks after that. I went to the butcher and post office after supper. I went to the bakery before supper. I went after the news paper at the express office unsuccessfully this evening. It was a hot but delightful day. 70° at noon.
Sunday 16th. I got up early, milked the cow and then dressed myself. I went to the bakery after breakfast. Josephine, Bella, and I went to church this morning; Lela Fleming sat with us. Harvey Burdell came after dinner, and then again after supper. Charlie and I went over to Knowles’ house to see his printing press afternoon; He has quite a large press, and good many types. We went across the twelfth street, where we met Harry Barnes, and then came back by the car bridge on 7th st. We got hazel nuts after dinner. I read most of the evening. It was a delightful day; 65° at noon.
Father gave me 50¢ this evening for blackening boots the whole of last week making me 55¢.
Monday 17th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. Mother gave me 25¢ this morning for wiping dishes two weeks, making me 80¢. I went to the butcher after breakfast, also to the post office. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, and writing spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. I hauled some brush into the big lot after school. I bought a box of cartrigas (100) after supper for Charley’s and my pistol for 60¢ leaving me 20¢; I also went to the post office. I studied History, Physiology, and Arithmetic this evening, and also translated something out of Schiller. It was a moderate day 67° at noon.
Teusday 18th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the butcher and post office after supper. I stuck in 10¢ to get a new football today leaving me 10¢. I played football before school, at recess, and at noon. We had Arithmetic, Grammar and writing spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. I hauled some leaves into the big lot after school. I went to the dentist after that, and after waiting an hour, he brushed my teeth. I studied Physiology, and Arithmetic this evening and translated a verse from Schiller. It was a pleasant day 67° at noon.
Wednesday 19th. I milked the cow this
morning and evening. I played foot ball, before school, at noon, at recess, and
after school. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, and writing spelling this forenoon,
and this afternoon we had History, and Physiology. After school Charley and I
went to the first st. railroad bridge taking our pistol with us; we shot into
the mud and water, and will shoot about 100 yds. or th ½ of an inch in a
pine board. I went to the butcher, and post office, and took my father’s boots
to the boot maker. I studied Physiology, and copied examples this evening. It
was a moderate day. 48° 7 A.M. 63° N.
Thursday 20th. I milked the cow, this morning and evening. I went after “Leslie’s boys and girls”, and to the butcher after breakfast. I played football before school, at recess, at noon, and after school. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, and writing spelling, and this afternoon we had, a review of History, and Physiology. Frank gave me a little penknife, a large pack of old music, three blank books of a bank and trust Co. I also bought 10¢ worth of foolscap paper of Frank. leaving me 0¢ I went to the post office after supper. I reviewed the history of rebellion war this evening. It was a disagreeable day. 63° at noon. We had writing after Physiology.
Friday 21st. I milked the cow this
morning and evening. I went to the butcher, post office, dry goods store, and
after father’s boots after breakfast. We had an examination in History this
forenoon, I got 78 credits, and we had to correct each others papers after
recess. This afternoon we had to write a composition on “the experience of a
pin, and we had to make out a bill. I played foot ball before school, at recess,
at noon, and after school. I arranged my music after school. I read most of the
evening. The buttons off my suspenders came off today, so I had to take
care that my pants wouldn’t fall off. It was a very disagreeable morning but
this afternoon it was pleasant. 61° at noon
Saturday 22nd. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I helped uncle sweep the little garden, and walks before and after breakfast. After that I helped him sweep the yard, clear up a litle of the big lot, and and clean up the largest chicken house.
Frank went up the coast to day on business, and is going to stay untill he goes down South America. I cleaned the little chichen houses, and fixed the manure pile before dinner. I beat out the carpets and some mattresses after dinner. I studied “square root,” this evening. It was a windy day, but cold in the morning. I bathe tonight.
Sunday 23d. I got up early this morning, milked the cow, and then put on my sunday clothes. Josephine, Bella, Charlie, and I went to church to hear Mr. Hamilton preach, this morning; Lela Fleming sat with us. This afternoon and evening I did nothing but read, study Physiology, and lay down. It was a pleasant day.
Father gave me 75¢ today, making me 75¢.
Monday 24th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. I worked in my garden before and after breakfast. I played football before school, at recess, at noon, and after school. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, and writing Spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History, and drawing on the board. I had to stay after school about 15 minutes. I went to the grocery store after school. I filled the large oil can after that. I went to the post office after supper. I done some examples in Arithmetic this evening. They were talking about South America this evening. It was a moderate day 49° when I arose, and 65° at noon.
Teusday 25. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the butcher, post office, and got myself a tooth brush after breakfast. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, and writing Spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon, we had History, and Physiology. I had to stay in about ¾ of an hour after school because I would not sing. I played foot ball before school, after school. at recess, and at noon. Mrs. Burdell and Jamsie came this forenoon, but have gone again. I went to the bakery, and after my father’s boots, before supper. I went to the butcher and post office after supper. I read most of the evening. It was a pleasant day 64° at noon.
Wednesday 26. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I played football before school, at recess, at noon, and after school. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, and writing spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History, and Physiology.
I went to the post office and grocery store after supper. I went after grapes
before supper. School adjourned untill Monday, today. I shelled peas, and maded
candle lighters after supper. It was a cold day; 45° when I got up, and 62° at
Thursday 27. Today is “Thanksgiving” day. I milked the
cow this morning and evening. I went to the post office after breakfast. Charley
gave me 30¢ for half of my cartridges this morning making me $1.05.
We went to the first street railroad bridge, and shot at a tin can with our
pistol, but neither hit it. We had a good dinner: turkies, chicken, cakes etc.
Mr. and Mrs. Hesse, and Mr. and Mrs. and Jamsie Burdell dined with us. I
think eat too much at dinner. I read most of the after noon, and evening. It was
cold this morning, but delightful at noon.
Friday 28. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the post office after breakfast. I went to the butcher after that. I swept all the spider webs out of the barn this forenoon. I also went to the grocery store, and read “Frank Leslie’s boys and girls.” Charley and I took a drive to Brooklyn and back again this afternoon. I went to the post office after supper. I gave my bureau today for a smaller one. They talked of South America this evening. It was a disagreeable day. 50° at 7 A.M. 60° at noon.
Saturday 29. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I swept the yard, and walks before and after breakfast. Uncle and Johnnie went to Burdells this morning. I fed the horse and cow at noon and evening. I beat out the carpets and cleaned a part of the big lot this forenoon. I went to the butcher post office after breakfast. I went to the grocery store after dinner. I did nothing particularly this afternoon. I went to the post office after supper. I read this evening. It was a pleasant day, 50° when I got up. 68° at noon. and it rained after supper.
I got some striped pants today. I bathe tonight.
Sunday 30th I got up early this morning, fed the cow, and horse, and then milked, and then put on my good clothes. I also fed the cow and horse, at noon, and evening. It rained a good deal during the night. A barn burned on 1st and Broadway, during the night, and I looked out of the window. I went to the post office after breakfast. I went to the bakery before dinner. Charley and I went to see the burnt barn this afternoon. I studied Grammar after dinner. It was a dreary day. It was a pleasant day. 64° at noon. I gave $1 for Charley’s share of my pistol leaving me 5¢.
Monday 1st. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I fed the cow, and horse, this morning, at noon, and this evening. I went to the post office after breakfast. We had Grammar examination this morning; we had 30 questions, and it was moderately hard. We had writing Spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History, and Drawing. I read after school. Herman and I went to the post office, and library after supper; I read about Ostriches. It was a moderate day. 61° at noon.
Teusday 2nd. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I fed the cow and horse, this morning, at noon, and this evening. I also done other work—cutting hay, and carrots etc. We had Arithmetic, Grammar and writing Spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History, and Mr. Brodt read about Ostriches. I played football at recess, noon, and after school. Herman and I went to the library after supper. I am going to belong again. I paid for this month (50¢) I took two books. viz: “ A boys voyage around the world,” and “Adventures in Mexico and Rocky mts.” It was a very cold day. 40° at 6.30 A.M. 50° at noon. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast.
Wednesday 3d. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I fed the cow and horse, this morning, at noon, and this evening. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, and writing Spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History, and Physiology. I studied History after supper. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. It was a very cold day. It rained all day and snowed a little at 9 A.M. 45° all day. It rained all over California.
Thursday 4th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I fed the horse and cow this morning and evening. I took my lunch to school today; as we had only 15 minutes for noon recess, but were left out 30 minutes earlier, making it 2.15 P.M. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, and writing Spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. I went to the butcher, post office, and shoe-maker after breakfast. I went to [illegible: after ?] “Frank Leslie’s boys and girls” after school. I went to the bakery before supper. I went to the post office after supper. I studied Arithmetic this evening. It was a rainy day, 45° when I got up. It is very windy now.
Friday. 5th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I fed the cow, and horse this morning. I took my lunch to school today. We had an examination in Arithmetic this morning. I beleive I got the highest. We had German this morning. We had to write a composition on Ostriches, and correct Arithmetic papers. I played football before school, at noon, and after school. Uncle and Johnnie came home from Burdell’s today; they say it snowed [illegible: ½ ?] of a foot on Wednesday. I went to the butcher and post office after supper. I rained a little this forenoon.
Saturday 6. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I done little chores this forenoon, and afternoon. Charley and I seen them temper some tools this morning, at the blacksmith. Charley and I went to the brass founder after dinner. I took the umberella to be fixed this afternoon, and I went after it before supper. I got a box of collars this afternoon. I and Johnnie went to the library after supper. I played checkers with Howell and Martin Beel, I beat the former, and the latter draw.
I took the “History of Paraguay” and Johnnie took one. I bathe tonight.
Sunday 7th. I got up early this morning, milked the cow, and then put on my good clothes. It rained a good deal during the night. Josephine, Bella, and I went to church to hear Mr. Hamilton preach. I drizzled while we came home. We got hazel nuts this morning. I read during the whole afternoon and evening. I drizzled during the afternoon, and is raining quite hard.
Monday 8th. I milked the cow this morning and evening. It rained some last night. There was a fire on 3d and Jackson. st. this morning. I went to the butcher and post office, after breakfast. We had Arithmetic, Grammar and writing Spelling this forenoon, and History, and Drawing this afternoon. I played foot ball at the University plazza after school. I went to the library after supper, and got the 2nd volume of the History of Paraguay.” It was a cold day. 50° at noon. It rained this forenoon. I studied History and Arithmetic this evening.
Teusday 9th. It rained a good deal
during the night. It milked the cow this morning and evening. I took my
lunch to school today. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, and writing Spelling. This
afternoon we had History review. School let out 2 o’clock today. I played
football at recess, at noon, and after school. I went to the butcher, post
office and library after supper; the latter was closed on account of an
entertainment. It rained this forenoon, and after supper. I got a letter from
Lizzie this evening.
Wednesday 10th It was windy last night. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. We had Arithmetic, Grammar and writing Spelling this forenoon and this afternoon we had History & Physiology. I played foot ball at recess, at noon, and after school. Willie came home from Burdells this afternoon. I went to the library after supper and got, “the Headless Horseman”. by Mayne Reid, It was a cold day 45 when I got up, and 57° at noon.
Thursday 11. I milked the cow this morning, and evening. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. I played football before school at recess, at noon and after school. We had Arithmetic, Grammar and writing Spelling this forenoon and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. I took Herman with me, after school to 1st st. railroad bridge to schoot my pistol; I shot 11 times. I went to the post office after supper. I reviewed History the whole evening. There was a very heavy frost his morning. 55° at noon.
Friday 12. I milked the cow this morning, and evening. I went after “Frank Leslie’s boys and girls weekly” after breakfast. We had an examination in History this morning; I got 94 out of 150 credits. We had german after recess; we had to translate from English to German. This afternoon we corrected our History papers, and had writing in our copy books. I played football at recess, noon, and after school. I read after school. I went with mother and got a pair of slippers and then to the post office. There was a frost this morning. It was a cold day.
Saturday 13.— I milked the cow this morning and evening. I helped rake the garden after breakfast, and then Willie and I swept the yard, and then I took up the piles. I also beat out the carpets. This afternoon I read, and done my chores,–viz:– bringing in wood, kindling wood, and shavings etc. I read this evening. It drizzled the whole afternoon. I bathe tonight.
Sunday 14.— I milked the cow this morning and evening. Josephine, Bella, Willie and I went to church this forenoon. I read the whole afternoon. This evening I read a little. It rained during the night, and this afternoon.
Monday 15 — I milked the cow this morning and evening. We had Arithmetic, Grammar and writing Spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had Physiology, and Drawing. I went to the grocery store after school. I played football at noon, recess, and after school. I felt listless all day today. Johnnie and I went to the library after supper. I played three games of checkers with Howell at the library; he beating me twice. I studied History and Physiology this evening. Willie lent me his little trunk today I gave Herman 5¢ for a pocket pen holder, leaving me 0¢. I rained a little this forenoon, and afternoon.
Teusday, 16.—. It was very windy, and rained a good deal last night. I milked the cow this morning and evening. We had Arithmetic, Grammar and writing Spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had Analysis, History and reading. I played football before school, at recess, and noon. We had to write Grammar, Analysis, and History on the board today. I went to the Dentist after school; he brushed my teeth. I went to the library after supper and got the “New York 7th regiment.” I rained a little this forenoon and after noon.
Wednesday 17.— I milked the cow this morning, and evening. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, Analysis, and writing Spelling, and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. I played football before school, at recess, at noon, and after school. I went to the library after supper and got the “Mexican War.” I took my lunch to school today. I went to the brass founder, for some castings for Charlie. We got our reports this evening.
Thursday 18— I milked the cow this morning and evening.
I took my lunch to school today. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, and writing
Spelling this forenoon, and this afternoon we had H writing History and
Physiology. I played football before school, after school, at recess, and at
noon. I went to the black smith shop, on 1st st. for Charlie
after school. I went to the post office after supper. It rained a little this
forenoon. It was a cold day.
Friday 19— I milked the cow this morning and evening. We got our reports for October yesterday and I was rank 2. I took my lunch to school today. We had an examination in Analysis this forenoon; we had 30 questions, and I got 139⅓ credits. We corrected our papers before noon. To day the school closes untill January. This afternoon we had reading. I played football at recess. I went to the library after supper and got two books: “The gorilla country,” and “Travels” in Central America. I rained this forenoon, afternoon, and evening.
Saturday 20th — I milked the cow this
morning and evening. Willie Uncle and I went way the other side of the Webster
st. bridge to shoot the former’s rifle. There was a very high tide, and I had to
go out and set up the mark, and the sosequence, was that I got wet feet and
pants. I beat out the carpets before and after dinner. I helped sweep the walks
after dinner, and took up the piles. Mother and the children went to the theatre
in San Francisco tohis day, and seen the fight between the French and
Prussians (Geneva Cross). It was a pleasant day. I bathe tonight.
Sunday 21.— I milked the cow this morning and evening. I read this forenoon, afternoon, and evening. Mother, Josephine, Willie, and I went to church this forenoon, to hear Mr. Hamilton preach. We got hazel nuts this afternoon. It was a disagreeable day.
Monday - 22. I milked the cow this morning. I went to the bakery, and after beer, after breakfast. I spent most of the forenoon, in Charlie’s shop. After doing my chores this afternoon 3 P.M. I put on my sunday clothes to go over to the city with Bella, Josephine, and William. We barely caught the 3.50 train.
California Theater
(1869-1906) on Bush St.,
between Kearny
& Dupont
California Theater)
We arrived at San Francisco at about 5 o’clock; and then we walked slowly to Swain’s Resturant, where we arrived 5.30 P.M. After eating we walked up, and down Montgomery, Kearney, and Market street, looking at the sights for about two hours. At half past seven we went to the California Theatre, getting seats in the dress circle. They played a part of Wm Tell, and Madame Bishop sang, and they acted other plays. I think that the singing was most superb, and was very well satisfied with the acting. At 11.30 P.M. we left the Theatre in the last act, and we arrived home 12.30 P.M. After paying all the expenses we found that each had 75¢ left. It was a delightful day.
Teusday 23.— I slept very soundly last night. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the brass founder, and tin shop, for Charlie. I turned on Charlie’s lathe this forenoon. This afternoon Charlie, Uncle, Willie, Herman, and I went to Adam’s point. Uncle, and Willie, tried Charlie’s and the latter’s gun. I also shot my pistol. I went to the express office, and post office before supper. I went to the library after supper, and got “Brazil”, and the “Giraffe hunters. It was a delightful day.
Wednesday 24.– I milked the cow this morning and
evening. I helped uncle sweep the yard and walks. I turned some wood on
Charlie’s lathe. I went to the tinshop for Charlie this forenoon. After dinner
papa gave me $5 in silver, making me $5.75. I went to the grocery store firth
a sac to get a sack full of things for the poor. I went with Charlie to
Barnes’s house at the same time. I took the sack full of crackers, to the poor
house on Webster st. I went to the Grocery store before supper. While there the
store keeper gave me a bowl of a nice little pipe, which I gave to uncle. We
looked at the little christmas tree after supper. I got a smelling bag from
Bella, and a bottle of red ink from Josephine. I scared Herman by putting on a
false face and a sheet. I went down town for Charlie this evening. It was a
delightful day.
Thursday 25.- Today is Christmas. I milked the cow this
morning and evening. After breakfast Hardy’s children came over, and then began
a whistling, drumming etc. I went after “Leslie’s boys and girls,” after
breakfast unsuccessfully. I went to the bakery and after the paper again,
successfully this forenoon. I played in the barn a little this forenoon. I
played in the barn a little this forenoon. We had a good dinner this forenoon
at one oclock. We got some candy after dinner. Charley and I after dinner took a
walk down to the Washington st. wharf, and looked at the schooners and tugs; we
also looked at the engine in the gas works. I read the rest of the afternoon and
evening. It was a pleasant day
Friday 26·— When I woke up this morning it was with a
feeling of dizziness, on account of having eaten a painted, candy
whistle. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the post office
after breakfast. I wanted to get yesterdays Transcript for Josephine, and I went
all over Broadway for one unsuccessfully. Willie is fixing my garden, and I
helped him this forenoon. I went to the dry goods store after dinner. We shot
with the parlor rifle at a mark, before supper. I went to the post office after
supper. Father operated on us with the electricity machine this evening. It was
a delightful day.
Saturday 27·– I could not sleep very well last night. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I helped uncle and Willie sweep and clean the big lot, and croquet ground; I also beat out the carpets. I went with Johnnie and Herman to the bank this morning; I put in six dollors, father lending me 50¢. making me about $9 in the bank. I went to the library after dinner but it was closed, so I went again this afternoon, and got “Frank before Vicksburg.” I read the rest of the afternoon in evening.
It was a delightful day. 73° at noon
Sunday 28:—. I got up very early (7 A.M.) this morning, milked the cow and then went to bed again. Willie and I went to church at 11 oclock, to hear Mr. Hamilton preach. I read this afternoon and evening. I milked the cow, this evening. I had a bad head ache today, and a pain in my throat. I was a lonesome and disagreeable day. It rained last night.
Monday 29:— I got up early this morning, milked the cow, and then put on my shirt etc. I also milked the cow this evening. I went to the library this forenoon, and got “The club in the sadle,” by Castlemon; and I read that book the rest of the forenoon, and a part of the afternoon. I read about Brazil this evening. I went to the bakery before dinner. It began raining about 4 A.M. and is raining yet 8 P.M. Father gave me 50¢ today, for blackening boots, but I returned for 50¢ he had lent me on Saturday.
Teusday 30:— It rained a good deal last night. and this forenoon. I went to the library this forenoon and got the “Comic history of Rome.” I milked the cow this morning, and evening. I read the history of Faragutt this afternoon, and evening. I have the sore throat, a cough, and a sore eye. I drizzled this afternoon.
Wednesday 31– Today is the last of the year. I milked the cow this morning and evening. This is a lonesome day. I read most all day. I made Charley’s lathe go this afternoon, while he was turning off the wheel. I still have the same sicknesses as yesterday. It was part disagreeable, and delightful day.
Thursday 1st I slept very little last night; it being very hot. There was a good deal of shooting on 12 o’clock last night. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I still have the sore throat and sore eye. I read most all forenoon. After dinner I went in Charley’s shop, and after that we read. This evening we all played: “horse race”, the game of alphabets” and “natural History”. It rained a good deal last night, and all day.
Friday 2nd I arose early this morning
and then milked the cow. I sewed up a hole in my pants before breakfast. This
forenoon I read & was in the carpenter shop. At 1 o’clock I went to the library,
but it was closed, so I went to Hardy’s, Rodolp’s and Fountain’s, stores to get
a back number “Leslie’s boys of America” unsuccessfully. Then I went back to the
library but it was closed, so I walked down to Washington & 8th
st. and back with the same result as before. Next I walked to Grove & 14th
st. and back, it being open then. I took “Frank
before Vicks on the lower Mississippi.” and “India.” I read the
former untill supper. I milked the cow this evening. I went to the butcher this
evening, but not having what I wanted, I went again after supper. I read a
Christmas story this evening. I rained a great deal last night; I rained a very
little today.
Saturday 3d. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I read before breakfast. After breakfast I exercised with the dumbells. After that I cleaned out the cow stable. Then I helped uncle and Willie rake the grass, and sweep the walks. I helped uncle sweep a portion of big lot when finished with that. After dinner Willie, uncle and I went down to the marsh to have a shot with the former’s rifle. I took a shot; and I had to mark the shots. As we were coming home we seen a large paper balloon in the sky. After that I kept house. I bathe tonight. I read this evening, and played checkers.
Sunday 4th I arose early milked the cow, and then went to bed again. This was a very lonesome day. We shot with the parlor rifle 11 A.M. I went to the bakery before dinner. This afternoon; I read eat hazel nuts etc. I played checkers this evening. It was a very cold morning, but delightfull afternoon.
Monday 5th I milked the cow this
morning and evening. I exercised with the dumbells before breakfast. I went to
the butcher and post office after breakfast. This is the first day of school. I
played football at noon, and this morning, and recess, I merely stood
around. We had Arithmetic, Grammar. and writing Spelling this forenoon. This
afternoon we had History and Drawing. I read the papers after school. I went to
the feed store to order something. I went to the bakery after bread this
evening. Johnnie and I went to the library after supper, and I paid for this
month. I played checkers with Frank Harris there, and I beat him. I got “Rob Roy,” and “Life of McClenan” McClellen.”
I got four blank books for Bookkeeping this evening. It was a cold morning, but
pleasant afternoon. I studied History this evening.. I always take lunch to
school now.
Tuesday 6th I milked the cow this
morning and evening. I exercised with the dumbells before breakfast. I played
football before school, at recess, and at noon. We had Arithmetic; we had to go
to the board for Grammar, and writing Spelling. This afternoon we had writing
History. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. After school I
mainly read. I played checkers with Bella this evening. WeI had to stay
in untill 3:30 this afternoon, because I did not know my spelling. It was
mothers 44th birthday today. It was a cold day, 55° at noon.
Wednesday 7th I milked the cow this morning and evening. I exercised with the dumbells, before breakfast. I studied book keeping (single entry) before breakfast. I played football before school, at recess, at noon, and after school. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, and writing Spelling this forenoon, and writing History, and Book keeping in the afternoon. I had to stay in school, untill 3.30 because I had one check. After supper we caught some chickens. I read this evening. It was a delightful day.
Thursday 8th I milked the cow this
morning and evening. I exercised with the dumbells before breakfast. I studied
Book keeping before breakfast. I played football before school, at recess, at
noon, and after school. We had Arithmetic, a singing lesson, Analysis and
writing Spelling this forenoon. This afternoon we had writing History and Book
keeping. I had to stay in untill 3:30 because I did not know my Analysis. I read
“Leslie’s boys and girls” after school and this evening. It was a delightfull
Friday 9th I milked the cow this morning and evening. I exercised with the dumbells before breakfast. We had an examination in Physiology this forenoon; we had 20 questions and it was pretty hard. We had to copy a bill after that. This afternoon we had to write a composition on “Blunders.” I wrote about two mistakes I made, and one I had read. I had to stay after school because I had one check. I played football before school, at recess, at noon, and after school. I received some pretty hard knocks, and at recess I had my collar torn off but I put on another one at noon. I went to the library after supper and played checkers with Eugene Howell and he beat me thrice out of 5. I got Mr. Midshipman Merry. It was a pleasant day. 40° when I got up.
Saturday 10. I milked the cow this morning and evening.
I exercised with the dumbells before breakfast. I helped uncle sweep the walks,
and yard this forenoon. I beat out the carpets before dinner. After dinner,
Herman and I went with Willie out to Adam’s point to shoot Willie’s rifle. He
shot at a target three times, and then we walked over the hills, and he shot 1
ground squirrel. I read this afternoon. I went to the library after supper, and
got: The plante
hunters. I was a gloomy day 50° at noon. There were severel real estate
agents here to today, who wanted to sell father’s property. I bathe tonight.
Sunday 11.– I arose early this morning, milked the cow and then put on my good clothes. I read the whole day and evening. I played checkers with Bella this evening. I milked the cow this afternoon. It was a very lonesome day. It was a very cold and disagreeable day.
Monday 12·– I milked the cow this morning and evening. I played football before school, at noon, at recess. and after school. We had Arithmetic, and Grammar and Analysis on the board, and writing Spelling this forenoon. This afternoon we had writing History and drawing. I borrowed the “Boys of America” from Chas. Rosenberg this afternoon and read it after school. I read this evening. I went to the bakery before supper. It was a very cold day.
Tuesday 13·— I milked the cow this morning and evening. I studied History before breakfast. I played football before school, at recess, and at noon. We had Arithmetic, Grammar on the black board, and writing Spelling this forenoon. This afternoon we had writing History, and copied from book keeping book into day book this afternoon. I had to stay untill 3:25 because I had one check. I went to the dentist after school, but it was crowded so I came home again. I read, after school, and this evening. It was a cold day.
Wednesday 14·— I milked the cow this morning and evening. It rained a little this morning. I played football at recess. We had Arithmetic, Bookkeeping, Grammar on black board, Analysis, and writing Spelling this forenoon. his afternoon we had writing History, and Physiology. I read after school, and this evening. I had to stay untill half past three because I missed in Spelling. I went to the bakery before supper. It was a gloomy day.
Thursday 15:— I arose early this morning, milked the cow, and then dressed myself. We had Arithmetic, Music, Analysis, and writing Spelling this forenoon. This afternoon we had writing History, and we copied into our ledger and day book. I had to stay in untill quarter to four, because I missed in Spelling. I read “Boy’s and Girl’s weekly, after school, and this evening, I played “black man” at recess, and noon. I went to the library after supper and got “a tale of Cornish mines”. It rained a little last night, and a good deal this afternoon & evening It was a very windy day. I milked the cow this evening. I gave a blank book, of about 200 pages to Willie for 25¢ and a box of collars, making me 50¢. this evening.
Friday 16:— I milked the cow this morning and evening. We had an examination in Arithmetic this whole forenoon. We had 10 questions. This whole afternoon we had Book keeping; we copied into our day books, and then into the ledger. I had to stay 15 min. after school because I had one check. I went to the library after supper and got the “Kangaroo hunters.” I played two games of Checkers with Howell there. It was a cold day. I read after school.
Saturday 17. I milked the cow this morning and evening. This forenoon, I helped rake the garden, scrape green paint from Polly’s cage, and cleaned my little pistol. This afternoon and evening I read. I went to the grocery store before supper. It was very windy and rainy last night. It rained a little this afternoon. I bathe tonight. I played three games of checkers with Bella this evening, and beat her twice.
Sunday 18.— I arose early this morning, milked the cow, read a little, and then dressed myself. I read this forenoon. Bella, Lela Flemming, Willie, and I went to church this forenoon, to hear Mr. Hamilton preach on “Love your enemies”. It rained as we went to church. This afternoon I read. I played three games of checkers with Bella after supper, and beat her twice. It was a pleasant afternoon. Father gave me 50¢ this morning for blackening his and Johnnie’s and Herman’s boots during the week, making me $1.00.
Monday 19 I milked the cow this morning, and evening. I
took my lunch to school today. We h I had to explain an example in
Arithmetic this morning; we also had Grammar, and writing Spelling this
forenoon. This afternoon we had Physiology and Drawing. I had to stay untill
half past three, because I missed in Spelling. I went to the post office, shoe
store, and brass founders for Charlie after school. After supper I went to the
library, and got two books. After that I wrote a letter to Lizzie, drew in my
drawing book, and studied History. I rained nearly all last night and today.
Tuesday 20— I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went to the butcher and post office after breakfast. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, and writing Spelling this forenoon; and this afternoon we had Analysis, writing History, and we balanced our ledgers. I played football at noon. I went to the Dentist after school, and after waiting an hour he brushed my teeth. After that uncle and I picked up the branches of the trees that were being trimmed on the side walk. After supper I done some examples, studied History, and looked over German nouns. After that Bella and I played checkers, and game of natural history. It was a very cold day. It drizzled this afternoon.
Wednesday 21·— I milked the cow this morning and evening. It was a very cold morning. We had Arithmetic, Grammar and writing Spelling this forenoon. This afternoon we had writing History, and Physiology. I had to stay 15 min. after school because I had one check. I played football at recess, and at noon. After school I picked up the branches of trees that were being trimmed on father’s place on 12th st. I went to the library after supper and got one book; I also bought a music reader for 50¢, and foolscap paper for 25 leaving me 25¢. I studied History and Grammar, and done examples, this evening. I played two games of checkers with Bella after that. It rained a little today..
Thursday 22:— I milked the cow this morning, and evening. I went after “Boy’s and Girls’ paper” but it had not yet come before breakfast. We had Arithmetic, and Grammar this forenoon. This afternoon, we had writing History and Book keeping. After school I beat out the hall strip carpet. I read this evening. Frank came home from Oregon via overland this evening. It was a very cold morning.
Friday 23d. I was awaked rather rudely this morning, by Willie pulling me out of bed. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went after the “Boy’s and girls’ weekly” and got it, before breakfast. We had an examination this forenoon, in Grammar; we had ten questions, and I got 106 out of 150. We corrected the papers after recess. e wrote a composition on ‘Moss’ this afternoon. After school I read. After supper I went to the library, and got ‘Among the Arabs.’ I played checkers with Martin Beel and Howell but was beaten both times, on purpose. It was a very cold day. About 35° when I got up.
Saturday 24th – I milked the cow this
morning, and evening. This forenoon, I helped rake the garden, sweep the yard,
and then I took up the piles. I beat out the carpets, before and after dinner.
After dinner Willie and I walked out to Adam’s point. We took Charley’s shot gun
along, and after walking around the hills, I Willie shot a ground
I read this evening. I bathe tonight. It was a cold morning.
Sunday 25th. — I arose early this morning, milked the cow and then went to bed again. This forenoon I read and done examples. This afternoon I read, and Irwin Rodolph came. This evening we played a comic game, named Carn Click.[??] I milked the cow this evening. I played checkers with Johnnie after supper. It rained a good deal this afternoon and evening.
Monday 26:— I milked the cow this morning, and evening. We had Arithmetic, and German this forenoon; we had a large sum in addition, and I had to explain an example. As I am now the only German scholar in my class, the German teacher put me in the lower class, but I shall have higher lessons.
This afternoon we had writing History, and and drawing. I had to write a page and a half of Spelling, after school, because I had one check; and it took us untill 3:45 P.M. Mr. Parker from Cloverdale came this evening and is going to stay a while. I went to the library after supper and got ‘travels through Mexico and Texas’. It was a delightfull day. I got 50¢ from father today, for blackening boots last week, for I had bought Bella’s turn off her for 20¢, leaving me 55¢.
Tuesday 27.— I milked the cow this morning, and evening. We had Arithmetic (I had to explain an example), Grammar and writing Spelling this forenoon. This afternoon we had History, Physiology, and we made out our Balance Sheet in book keeping. I went to the library after supper, and got ‘Tom. Newcomb.’ I studied Grammar, and German this evening. It rained a little last night and this morning before breakfast. I read after school.
Wednesday 28 — I milked the cow this morning, and evening. We had Arithmetic and German this forenoon. This afternoon we had a bad History and Physiology, and that is why we had to stay untill four o’clock. It began raining about four o’clock A.M. and it rained a great deal today. I slept very badly last night. I read, done examples, and studied History this evening.
Brayton Hall
College of California
(Later: U.of C.- Berkeley)
Thursday 29.— I milked the cow this morning, and evening. I went after the Boys & Girls’ weekly, before breakfast and got it. We had Arithmetic (I had to explain an example) Grammar and writing Spelling this forenoon. This afternoon we had a bad lesson in History and Physiology. We had to stay untill four o’clock because we missed in Physiology. I went to the theatre alone, at Brayton Hall this evening. I sat with some boys. The acts were very comical, and there were also some very good speeches made. It began at 7:30 and ended 9:45. It was very good. It is a moon light night. It was a cold day.
Friday -30 — I milked the cow this morning, and evening. We had an examination in History this forenoon. We had ten questions, and it was pretty hard. We corrected each others papers after recess. This afternoon we corrected each others Composition papers. We were left out at 2:25 P.M. I read after school and this evening. It began raining about two o’clock and is still raining.
Saturday 31st —· I milked the cow this morning and evening. I helped uncle clean the chicken house out after breakfast. I read this forenoon. After dinner Johnnie, Herman and I went with father down town to get new boots. We got them at Alexanders, and mine cost $8.00 and I left my old ones to be resoled. After that I went to the library and got the second volumn of the “Narrative of the Texan and Santa Fé expedition.” Hary Schmit a nice little boy about 9 years old came from San Francisco this evening, and is going to stay some time for his health. I read this evening. It was a delightful day. I cleaned off the mud on the crossings this afternoon. I bought the ‘Boys’ of America this afternoon for 15¢, leaving me 40¢.
Sunday 1st — I arose early this
morning, milked the cow and then put on my Sunday clothes. Father gave me 50¢
this forenoon making me $.95$.90. Uncle, Mr. Parker Willie and I went
over to Woodward’s garden, today. We started on the 9:20 train, and arived in
San Francisco about 10. o’clock. We walked to the Grand Hotel on Market st. and then took the cars for Woodward’s
gardens. Arriving there we paid 25¢ admittance. We first looked
at the sea lions, aquarium, Tropic houses, art gallery, museum, and the animals;
there is also a small house with most beautiful little birds, as: parrots,
canaries, pigeons, etc. We then seen the sea lions fed. At two oclock we went
into the building to see the acting. The Buislay family acted on trapezes,
ladders etc; after that there was a comic pantomime. We then seen the sea lions
fed again; and then we took the cars, as far as Grand Hotel, and walked to the
boat. We arrived at home at 6: P.M. I then milked the cow. My expenses were — 30¢
for cars, 10¢ for horse cars. 25¢ for admittance, leaving
me 25¢. We had no dinner. I read this evening. It was a pretty
pleasant day.
Monday 2nd I milked the cow this
morning, and evening. We had Arithmetic, and German, this forenoon; I had to
explain an example in Arithmetic, and had to copy an exercise in German. This
forenoon we had History and Drawing. I had to stay after school until quarter to
four because I missed in History. I went to the shre store after Herman’s
boots after school. This evening I done examples, studied Physiology and
History. It began drizzling about noon, and continued the whole afternoon.
Tuesday 3d. I milked the cow this
morning, and evening. We had Arithmetic Grammar, and Analysis this forenoon.
This afternoon we had History and Physiology. I read after school. I went to the
library after supper, but it was closed on account of an
lecture being held there. I read this evening. It was a delightful day.
Wednesday 4th·— I milked the cow this morning, and evening. We had Arithmetic and German this forenoon. This afternoon we had History, and Mr. Brodt read us a story. After school I got Frank Leslie’s boys’ and girl’s weekly, and then read it. I went to the library after supper, and got “Johnnie Jordon”; I also paid for this month (50¢). It was a delightful day. I studied Physiology at noon recess.
Thursday 5. — I milked the cow this morning, and evening. I went to school as usual today. We had Arithmetic, Grammar and Analysis, this forenoon; this afternoon we had History, and Physiology. Mr. Brodt was very cross this forenoon. I had to stay in 25 minutes to four this evening, because I missed in Physiology. I took our little orange tree over to Fleming’s after school. I went to the library after supper, and looked at the papers, and then I got my mended boots. It was a pleasant day. I read, this evening.
Friday 6th — I milked the cow this morning, and evening. W e had an examination, in Analysis this forenoon, we had 9 questions, and it was pretty hard. We corrected each other’s papers before noon. This afternoon we wrote a composition on ‘dates’ the two kinds. After that we read items of interest, After school we carried some chickens over to Fleming’s. I read after supper. It was a disagreeable day. Frank started back to Oregon this morning, by water.
Saturday 7. I milked the cow this morning, and evening.
Willie and I spaded the whole vegetable this whole forenoon. After dinner
I beat out the carpets. Bella Williams came this afternoon. I read this evening.
I looked at Willie and half a dozen other boys playing croquet this afternoon. I
bathe tonight. It was a pleasant day.
After the First Presbyterian Church “deposed” him in 1869 for his opinions, the Rev. L. Hamilton & his followers formed the Independent Presbyterian Church. He died in 1882; the church eventually became Unitarian.
Sunday 8 — It was very windy last night. I arose early this morning, milked the cow, and then went to bed again. I also milked the cow this evening. At eleven o’clock Willie, Josephine, Bella, Lela Flemming and myself went to church (Independent Presbyterian) to hear Mr. Hamilton preach. Harry Smith’s, who is staying with us, father and brothers came at noon. I read this afternoon and evening. It was a pleasant day.
Monday 9th – I milked the cow this morning, and evening. We had Arithmetic, (explaining examples), and in German I wrote. I studied History at noon. This afternoon we had History (the beginning of the revolutionary war) and drawing an ancient cross. I read after school. It began raining about five o’clock this morning, but it soon stopped. I went to the bakery before supper. After supper I went to the library and got “the life of Pizarro,” and “the Texan rangers.” I studied History and Physiology this evening. It was a disagreeable day. It was fathers 60th birthday today.
Teusday 10.— I milked the cow this morning, and evening. We had Arithmetic, Grammar. Analysis, and writing Spelling this forenoon. This afternoon we had History, Physiology, and Book keeping. I had to stay after school until half past three, because I missed in Spelling.
Father gave me 50¢ last Sunday, making me 75¢. I read after school. I studied History, Physiology, Analysis, German, and spelling. It began raining, about 8 A.M. and stopped at noon. I studied at noon.
Wednesday 11. It rained a little last night. I milked the cow this morning and evening. We had Arithmetic, and German; We explained examples in Arithmetic, and I wrote in German. I studied History at noon. This afternoon we had History, and Physiology. I read the “Boy’s & Girl’s weekly, after school, and played croquet with Herman, and Harry Smith, who is staying with us. I went to the library after supper, and got “Beechwood boys.” It was a pleasant day.
Thursday 12. It rained a good deal last night. We had Arithmetic, Grammar on the board, Analysis, and writing Spelling this forenoon; this afternoon we had History and Physiology. I had to stay after school until twenty minutes past three because I missed in Spelling. I went to the brass founders for Charlie after school. I read after that. I went to the library after supper, and got a book. It was a moderately pleasant day.
Friday 13d I milked the cow this morning, and evening. We had an examination in Physiology this forenoon; we had fifteen questions and it was pretty easy. We also corrected each others papers; and I received 135 credits out of 150. This afternoon we copied old compositions, and I wrote a composition on our school. I had to stay 20 minutes after school, because I had one check. I read after school. I went to the library after supper and got “Doing his best.” Valentines for the children are beginning to come in. It rained all last night, and all today.
Saturday 14.— Today is St. Valentines today. It rained a good deal last night. I milked the cow, this morning, and evening. I did not do any thing in particular today, as it was to wet to work. I got two comical valentines before breakfast, they were found under the doors. I bought a valentine after breakfast at Hardy’s with 25¢ borrowed from Josephine, and sent it to Bella Williams in East Oakland. I went to the post office and brass foundery for Charlie after that. I went to the post office after supper. I read this evening. It was a pleasant day.
Sunday 15.— I arose early this morning, and evening
milked the cow, and then put on my good clothes. Charlie and I went to church at
11 o’clock, to hear Mr. Hamilton preach. Willie Uncle, and I took a walk after
dinner. We went on twelfth street to Jackson street, & walked to lake Merrit,
and then home again by way of 7th street. I read this evening.
The Ogilsby girls from San Francisco came over this afternoon. I milked the cow
this evening. I read this evening. It was a most delightful day.
Monday 16.— I milked the cow this morning, and evening. I went to the bakery before breakfast. I had to wipe dishes after breakfast; as the China new year began today, and our chinamen has gone to enjoy himself. We had Arithmetic, and German this forenoon. This afternoon we had writing Spelling, History, and Drawing on the black board. I read after school. I went to the library after supper, and got two books. I drew, and studied History this evening. It rained most of the day.
Tuesday 17.— I milked the cow this morning and evening. We had Arithmetic, Grammar, and writing Spelling this forenoon; we reviewed the rules of multiplication and Division. This afternoon we had Analysis, History and Physiology. I had to stay after school because I missed 9 words out of 25 in Spelling. I read, this afternoon. This evening I studied History, Arithmetic, Physiology, my “piece”, and read. It rained a little this afternoon.
Wednesday 18.— It was very windy last night. We had Arithmetic, German and writing Spelling this forenoon. This afternoon we had History and Physiology. I wheeled some wood into the coal house after school. I went to the bakery before supper. We had doughnuts for supper. I went to the library after supper and got “Stout heart;” I also played Howell a couple of games of checkers. I studied my ‘piece’ this evening. It was a windy, though pleasant day.
Thursday -19. It was very windy last night. I went
after the “Boy’s & Girls’ weekly,” before breakfast and got it. We I
milked the cow this morning and evening. We had done examples on the black
board, had music, Analysis, and writing Spelling this forenoon; and this
afternoon we had History and Physiology. I played a couple of games of marbles
(cincinnati) after school, with Wm Wells, and Chas. Rosenberg.
After that I helped uncle, cut, and rake the grass, over at Flemmings, which
took us until 5 o’clock. I went to the library after supper, and got “Sherman’s march
through the South.” After that I studied my piece, and read. It was a most
delightful day.
Friday 20.— I milked the cow this morning and evening. We had an examination in Arithmetic this forenoon. We had ten questions and it was pretty hard.
This afternoon we wrote a composition on “Cruelty to animals,” and we also copied an old composition into our composition book. I read after school. I went after yeast at one of the breweries after supper. I read a book after that. It was a most delightful day.
Saturday 21.— I milked the cow this morning, and
evening. This forenoon I wiped the dishes, helped sweep the yard, and took up
the piles of dirt and beat out the carpets. Uncle cut my hair after dinner. I
read this afternoon, and fixed my little garden. Annie, and Ada Ogilsby came
from the city, and are going to stay over night. Louis came (the
chinaman) came from San Francisco this evening, after spending the chineese new
year, and brought us a lot of fire crackers. I read the whole evening, and
played “authors”. It was a delightful day. I bathe tonight
Sunday 22nd I arose early this morning, and milked the cow and then put on my good clothes. I read the most of the morning. This whole afternoon I played croquet with Dexter and two other boys, while nearly all the rest had gone to Alameda. I milked the cow this evening.
This evening I played “steeple chase,” and read. It was a pleasant day. Mother gave me 25¢ today, making me $1.00. Today is Washingtons birthday
Monday 23d I milked the cow this morning and evening. There was no school today, in order to leave us celebrate Washington’s birthday. I shot off my fire crackers before breakfast and before supper. I went after yeast after breakfast, and father gave me 5¢ making me $1.05. After that I went to the butcher and post office. I read most of the forenoon and afternoon. After dinner I seen the fire engine exercising on Broadway, and went to the library but it was closed. The two Ogilsby girls went home again this afternoon. I went to the bakery after supper. It was a very pleasant day.
Tuesday 24.— I milked the cow this morning, and evening. It was a very cold morning. We corrected our Arithmetic papers of last Friday and I got 126 credits out of 150; and we had Grammar, Analysis, and writing Spelling this forenoon.
This afternoon we had to draw a map in history, and we had also Physiology. After school I stayed in the house and read. After supper I went to the library and got a book about “Barnum”; just as I had got the book I heard the fire bell ringing, and on looking down Washington street I saw a large light. I ran down Washington street, and saw that it was the fire engine house. The building was burned down, and then the fire engines began squirting. It was a pleasant day. I am suffering from chapped hands.
Wednesday 25.— It was windy last night. I milked the
cow this morning, and evening. I went after the “boys & girls paper,” after
breakfast, but it had not yet come. We had review of Arithmetic; Grammar, and
German this forenoon. This afternoon we had Spelling History, and we had to draw
a map on the board. I had to stay after school until quarter past three, because
I had one check, and missed in Spelling. After school I read. I went to the
supper library, after supper, and got “Santo Domingo.” It was a rather windy
Thursday 26.— I milked the cow this morning and evening. I went after the “boy’s and girl’s weekly” after breakfast and got it. We had to write some definitions in Arithmetic, and we had music, Analysis, and Grammar this forenoon.
This afternoon we had writing Spelling, History and Physiology. We had to stay until quarter to four, to recite our “pieces”. After school I picked up branches of the trees that were being trimmed in the yard. I read this evening. It was a delightful day.
Friday. 27.— I milked the cow this morning, and evening. We had an examination in Grammar this forenoon; we had ten questions. We corrected a part of the questions after recess. This afternoon we had to write a composition on “ventilation” which he read to us. We were let out quarter past two, but I had to stay in, because I had a check; I had to make out a sumary of the absences of the second grade, during that time. After school I washed the two trees in the yard with soapy water, to prevent the spread of insects. After supper I went to the library, and got “Dick Rodney.” I also played three games of checkers with Eugene Howell. It was a very pleasant day.
Saturday 28.— I milked the cow this morning and evening. This forenoon I swept all the walks, and the yard, and beat out the carpets all alone. After breakfast I went to the clothes store to take back some shirts. This afternoon I read the “boys of America,” etc. This evening I read. Harry Smith’s, who is staying with us, brothers came over to see him today. I bathe tonight. It was a pleasant day.
Sunday 1st – It was very windy last night. It began raining about 5 A.M. and continued the whole forenoon; and it rained the hardest of the whole winter. I arose early this morning, milked the cow and then went to bed again. The cow got into the garden after breakfast but I drove her back again. Father gave me 50¢ this morning, for blackening his, and the children’s boots last week making me $1.55. It was a very lonesome day; I stayed in the house, and read all day and evening. I milked the cow this evening. It did not rain this afternoon.
Monday 2.nd I milked the cow this morning, and evening. We had Arithmetic, and German this forenoon; this afternoon we had History and Drawing. I went to the Grocery store before supper. Charley gave me a gold two bit piece this afternoon, for a silver two bit piece. I went to the bakery before supper. I had to stay after school, until half past three, because I could not do some examples. I went to the library after supper, for the last time, as Johnnie is going to draw books after this. This evening I done examples, and studied History. It was a pleasant day. I had a head ache this forenoon.
Tuesday 3d – I milked the cow this morning, and evening. This forenoon we had Arithmetic, Grammar, and Analysis. This afternoon we had writing Spelling, History on the black board, and Physiology. I had to stay after school until 4 o’clock because I missed in Physiology and Spelling. After school I went to the Dentist and after waiting an hour and a half he brushed my teeth. This evening I studied History, Physiology, Analysis, Grammar, and done my examples. It was a pleasant day.
Wednesday 4.— I milked the cow this and evening. I went after the “boy’s and girl’s weekly,” after breakfast, but it had not yet come.
We had Arithmetic, and German this forenoon; and this afternoon we had writing Spelling, History and Physiology this forenoon. Harry Smith went home today as his mother had come to take him. After supper I studied Physiology, Grammar, and Analysis, and done my examples. It was a very cold morning, there being plenty of ice about, and a very disagreeable day.
Thursday 5 – I arose early this morning, milked the cow, and then put on my shirt. I went after the “boys and girls weekly,” after breakfast but it had not yet come. This forenoon we had Arithmetic, and Analysis on the black board. This afternoon we had writing Spelling, History, Physiology, and bookkeeping. I stayed in the house after school. I milked the cow this evening. After supper I read, the papers. It was a very disagreeable day. and it began raining this morning, but it soon stopped.
Friday 6 — I milked the cow this morning, and evening. I went after the “boys and girls weekly,” after breakfast, and again after supper, but it had not yet come. We had an examination of the Greek deravatives in Analysis this forenoon, and then we corrected each others papers; I got 120 credits out of 150 credits. This afternoon we wrote a composition on “bread” after an abstract that he read; and then we spoke our pieces. After school Mr. Brodt showed us the one side of a skull of a man’s head, showing all the arteries, and veins. After school I done my ‘chores’. Mr. Helmky came after supper, and then they talked about South America. It was a disagreeable day.
Saturday -7—. I milked the cow this morning, and
evening. This forenoon I helped uncle rake a part of the garden, sweep the
walks, and yard, and then take the piles up. I beat out the carpets before
dinner. This afternoon I read a book. Father sent me after some claret this
afternoon, but I got white wine, so I had to go back again, and get claret.
About four o’clock Willie, Charley and myself went down to 1st street
and Broadway to see Mr. Hesse’s engine made go by water. After supper I read. I
will bathe tonight. It was a very disagreeable day, the thermometer standing 60°
at noon, and tried to rain several times but it didn't untill after
supper, when it began raining.
Sunday – 8.— It rained a good deal last night. I arose early this morning, milked the cow and then went to bed again. This forenoon I read, and went to church to hear Mr. Eyejambs preach, with Willie, Josephine and Bella. This afternoon Mr. Parker came over, and we spent most of the afternoon in Charley’s shop. Harvey Burdell came this evening, and then we played “horse race.” I milked the cow this evening. It was a sunny day, though it tried to rain this morning. I also studied Arithmetic, and Grammar this afternoon.
Monday -9 – I milked the cow this morning, and evening.
We had Arithmetic, and German this forenoon; and this afternoon we had History,
and drawing on the blackboard. We had to stay after school after school a
little while because we did not know our History. I stayed in the house after
school. I went to the bakery before supper. I stud I done my example and
Grammar, and studied History very hard this evening. It was a pleasant day, the
thermometer standing 62° in the shade at noon; but it was a very cold morning it
standing 38° at 7 A.M.
Tuesday 10. — I milked the cow this morning and evening. We had Arithmetic and Grammar this forenoon; and this afternoon we had writing Spelling, Analysis, History, and Physiology. We had to stay after school until nearly four o’clock because we did not know our History and Physiology. I carried a butter churn over to Flemmings after school. This evening I studied Arithmetic and History. It was a very disagreeable day, with a very cold morning. Harvey Burdell took Josephine to the theatre in San Francisco this evening.
Wayednesday 11.— It rained some last night. I
milked the cow this morning, and evening. I went after the “boys and girls
weekly” after breakfast, but it had not yet come. We had Arithmetic, and German
this forenoon; and this afternoon we had writing Spelling, History, and
Physiology. We I had to stay after school until half past three because I
missed in Spelling. I read the “boys & girls weekly” after school. After supper
I done my examples, and studied History and Physiology. After that I read. It
began raining about half past four, but it soon stopped. It was a disagreeable
Thursday- 12 - It rained a great deal last night. I milked the cow this morning and evening. This forenoon we had Arithmetic, Music, Grammar, and writing Spelling; and this afternoon we had History and Physiology, and we copied from our day book into our ledger, in Book-keeping. I had a quarrel with Bob Moskiman at noon: he threw dirt at me and then I threw some into his face, but I am not afraid of him, as he is smaller. I stayed twenty minutes after school, because I had one check. After school I done my chores. After supper I went to the Grocery store. I also studied History this evening. It was a both a pleasant, and disagreeable day. It rained this morning, and tried to rain this evening.
Friday -13 - I arose at six o’clock this morning, had a
romp without the dogs and then I milked the cow. This forenoon we had an
examination in History, we had 40 questions, and I got 110 out of 150 credits.
After recess we corrected each others papers. This afternoon we had an
wrote a composition on “the Head,” and then we corrected each others papers.
After school I stayed in, the house. After supper I read the papers. It was a
pleasant day.
Saturday 14- I milked the cow this morning and evening. It rained a good deal last night. This forenoon I turned on Charley’s lathe, and read “Fighting the flames,” and this afternoon I read “Sunbeams and snowflakes.” It rained the whole forenoon, and a little this afternoon. I went to the butcher after supper. I will bathe tonight.
Sunday 15.— I arose early this morning, milked the cow and then went to bed again. I stayed in the house most all forenoon. About 11 o’clock Charley and I went down to the Webster St. bridge, and back again. This afternoon I stayed in the house, and played in the “big lot.” I milked the cow this evening. It was a cold morning, a pleasant, though windy day. I read after supper. This afternoon I done my examples, and Grammar, and studied History. It began raining about 6 P.M.
Monday 16.— I milked the cow this morning and evening.
It was a very cold daymorning. This forenoon we had done examples
on the black-board, and we had German. This afternoon we had Drawing and
History. After school I stayed in the house, and studied the alphabet of the
Spanish language, and jumped on the spring board with Willie. I went to the
bakery before supper. After supper I done my examples and Grammar, and studied
History. There is A man said today that he wants to buy all our property.
It was a pleasant but windy day.
Tuesday 17.— Today is St. Patrick’s day. I milked the cow this morning and evening. I ran around with the dogs before breakfast. This forenoon we had Arithmetic, Grammar, and Analysis; and this afternoon we had writing Spelling, History, and Physiology, and we also had to give a ‘notto.’ We had to stay after school until quarter to four, because we did not know the rules of “Denominate fractions.” After school I jumped off a spring board with William, and began to study Spanish. This evening I studied Arithmetic, Grammar, History, Physiology and German. It was a very pleasant day.
Wednesday 18.— I got up at six o’clock this morning, milked the cow and then played with the dogs.. After breakfast I went after the “boys and girls weekly”, and got the no. of week before last, and this week’s.
This forenoon we had examples on the blackboard, and German. I jumped at
recess and noon. This afternoon we had writing Spelling, History, Physiology,
and we had to give a motto. WeI had to stay after school until four
o’clock because I missed in Spelling. After school I read the “boys and girl’s
weekly”. After supper I helped Bella with the little chickens, and studied
Grammar, Physiology, and History, and sewed and read the “boys and girls weekly.
It was a splendid day. I milked the cow this evening.
Thursday 19.— I milked the cow this morning and evening. We had examples on the blackbord, and music and Grammar lesson this forenoon, and this afternoon we had after singing, an examination in Spelling; we had one hundred and fifty words, and then we corrected each others papers. I had to stay until about four o’clock when I rehearsed my ‘piece’. After school I jumped off a spring-board. After supper I went to the library and looked at the papers. It was one of the pleasantest days we had this year; the thermometer stood 60° in the shade at noon.
Friday - 20 - I arose at six o’clock, and milked the cow, and then ran around in the big lot. We had an examination in Arithmetic; we had ten questions, and it was very easy. After recess we corrected each others papers. As today the school closes for a weeks vacation we had an exhibition this afternoon. We had the doors between the 1st and 2nd grades opened, and then we had singing and speaking; there were about one dozen visitors there. Mr. Brodt did not call upon me to speak greatly to my relief. Toward the close a little girl about three years sang a song all alone, very well. The school, after singing a vacation song, closed for one weeks vacation.
After school Charley and I went down to see Hesse’s patent water wheel on the
foot of Broadway, and then to the Planing mills on second street and seen some
scroll sawing done, and then we came home via- the Post office and 10th
St. I milked the cow this evening. After supper I carried a large bag of cloth
to the express office to be taken to the Carpet factory in San Francisco.
This It was a very pleasant day.
Saturday - 21 - I milked the cow this morning and evening. Before breakfast uncle and I raked a part of the garden. After breakfast I helped uncle and Willie to sweep the walks, and it was to windy to sweep the yard. I also beat out the carpets this forenoon. After dinner I watered the garden, so as to empty the tank so as to clean it; and then uncle and I swept the yard. This evening I read and studied Spanish. Before supper I watered my little garden. It was a windy forenoon, but also a very pleasant day.
Sunday - 22 - I arose early this morning, milked the cow and played with the dogs, and then put on my good clothes. Father gave me 50¢ this morning making me $2.05, for blackening his, and Johnnie, and Herman’s boots. I went to the bakery after breakfast, to get some pies, but they were not yet done, so I went again afterwards. Josephine, Bella, Willie and I went to church this forenoon, to hear Mr. Hamilton preach. After dinner Charley and I took a walk to lake Merrit, where we met — Allen, and then we took a walk over to Brooklyn, and back by the Railroad bridge. I had a bad head ache this afternoon. Mother went over to San Francisco to see Mrs. Burdell, and is going to stay over night. This evening I read, studied Spanish and played checkers. It was a very pleasant day.
Monday 23 — I slept not very well last night, as it was
so hot and close. I milked the cow this morning and evening. After breakfast I
hoed the coarse grass off the sidewalk, and then with uncle in yard and walks.
The rest of the forenoon I helped uncle remove some boards in the “big lot.” The
hwhole afternoon uncle and I chopped kindling wood with the ax; it was
rather a sweaty work. Ada and Annie Ogilsby came this afternoon and are going to
stay a few days. Before supper I went to the bakery. This evening I read. It was
a very pleasant day.
Tuesday 24 — I milked the cow this morning and evening. Most of the forenoon I chopped kindling wood, and then played a game of croquet with Charley. This afternoon I stayed in the house, and studied Spanish. After dinner I went to the post office. This evening I read the “Boys of America. It was an unpleasant day.
Wednesday 25 - I arose before six this morning and then milked the cow. I stayed in the yard most all forenoon. About 10 o’clock, I went to the post office, and then got the “Boys & Girls weekly.” This afternoon I stayed in the house and studied Spanish. I went to the Grocery store. I milked the cow this evening. Josephine, Johnnie and Herman, went over to Saucelito today, with the Smiths, and Johnnie is going to stay all night in San Francisco with Smiths. This evening we played ‘horse race’ and “Sam Slick’s travels. It was a disagreeable day; it rained most of the afternoon. Ogilbys are hear yet.
Thursday 26 — It rained a good deal last night. I milked the cow this morning, and evening. This forenoon I stayed in the house, and also turned the grindstone for uncle, most of the forenoon. This afternoon I worked in the garden and studied Spanish. Johnnie came back from the city today, with Harry Smith who will stay until Saturday. This evening I studied Spanish by myself. I will sleep with uncle tonight, as Harry S— has my bed. It was a very pleasant day, though it rained a little this morning.
Friday 27 — I milked the cow this morning and evening. I cut the grass with the machine this whole forenoon; it was pretty sweaty work. Before dinner I studied Spanish. This afternoon I stayed around the yard, and also went to the Grocery store. Before supper I went to the Butcher. This evening we played the game of the “Zoological Garden.” It was an unpleasant day. I sleep with uncle tonight.
Saturday 28 — It rained a good deal last night. I
milked the cow this morning and evening. This forenoon I helped uncle sweep the
arbor out, and cut hay; and then I cleaned out two little chicken-houses. This
afternoon Willie and I pulled rowed Ada and Annie Ogilsby and Harry Smith
around in the lake for about two hours; it was hard work. Harry Smith went home
again today. This evening we played the game of ‘Sam Slick,’ and of ‘Authors’.
It was a pleasant day. I bathe tonight.
Sunday - 29 – I arose at quarter past six, milked the cow and then put on my Sunday clothes. I went to the bakery at ten o’clock. Josephine, Bella, Willie, and Hela Flemming went to church this forenoon; Mr. Hamilton did not preach. Dr. Burdell and wife stayed over dinner. This afternoon and evening I stayed in the house and read. The Ogilsbys girls went home again today.
Monday 30 — I milked the cow this morning and evening. School began again today. This forenoon we had Arithmetic, Drawing, and German; and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. I had to stay a [added above top line of text on page: Charley went to Cloverdale today will stay a long time] quarter of an hour after school because I had one check. This afternoon after school I stayed in the house and read, “the Young America in England.” After supper I went to the Post office. This evening I done my examples, and studied History and Physiology. It was a disagreeable day.
Tuesday 31 — I arose before six this morning, and then
milked the cow. This forenoon we had examples on the blackboard, Grammar, and
Analysis; and this afternoon we had writing Spelling, History and Physiology; I
had to stand up in the last lessons as I did not know them. We I had to
stay after school until half past three, because all the boys did not sing, but
we all had to sing together after school, and one check.
After school I stayed in the yard. This evening I studied History and Physiology and done my examples and Grammar. I got a letter from cousin Lizzie this evening. It was a pleasant day, the thermometor stood 67° in the shade at noon.
Oakland Library, 1872
SE corner 12th & Washington
(Source: Oakland Library)
Wednesday 1 — Today is all fool’s day. I arose at six this morning, and then milked the cow. It was very foggy this morning. After breakfast I went after the “Boys & Girls weekly,” and then read it until school time. This forenoon we had Arithmetic, and German, and this afternoon we had writing spelling, History and Physiology. I had to stay a quarter of an hour after school because I missed in Spelling. After school I raked the weeds out of the vegetable garden. After supper I went to the Oakland Library and looked at the papers. This evening I done my examples in Interest, and Grammar and studied History. Mrs. Roof came this afternoon. Harvey Burdell came this evening. It was a delightful day.
Thursday 2 — I arose this morning at quarter before six and then milked the cow. This forenoon we done examples on the blackboard, had Grammar, and writing Analysis. This afternoon we had writing Spelling, History, Physiology, and then we “posted” and balanced our accounts in Bookkeeping. After school I raked the weeds out of the vegetable garden, and stayed in the house. This evening I studied Physiology. I had to stay half an hour after school for having a check. It was a warm day.
Friday 3d — I milked the cow this morning and evening. After breakfast I went to the butcher. We heard this morning that Mr. Burdell won the Black will case so he is $250,000, richer. This whole forenoon we had an examination in Physiology, we had twenty-five questions and it was very hard. This afternoon we corrected each others papers, and then we wrote a letter about our studies to our mothers. After school I went to the post office. About four o’clock Willie and I took a walk down to the Webster street bridge, and back again. After supper I went to the library, and looked at the papers. It was a pleasant day.
Saturday 4th I arose a quarter before six this morning, and then milked the cow. This forenoon I did not do anything, particularly. About ten o’clock I went to the grocery store, and after that I brought all my things in Charley’s room, as I am to sleep here after there.
This afternoon I helped uncle and rake the garden, sweep the walks and yard, and take up the piles. We intended to go fishing this afternoon but we did not go. Before supper I went after milk. I milked the cow this evening. I read most of the evening. I drizzled slowly the whole forenoon, but this afternoon it was pleasant. I will bathe tonight.
Sunday 5 – I arose a quarter before six, milked the cow and then put on my sunday clothes: Today is Easter Sunday; we celebrated it by eating plenty of coloured eggs, and a good dinner. Willie, Josephine, Hela Flemming and myself, went to church this forenoon to hear Mr. Hamilton preach. Mr. Wagner and his two daughters came this morning and stayed over dinner. After dinner I did some long examples in Partial Payments. I stayed in the house and read this afternoon and evening. Harvey Burdell and Willie took mother and Josephine to church this evening. It rained a very little last night. It was a very pleasant day. Father gave me 50¢ today for blackening his and the childrens boots last week, making me $2.55
Monday 6 – I milked the cow this morning and evening. This forenoon we had explaining examples and German; and this afternoon we had Drawing, and balancing our accounts in Book keeping. After school I worked in the vegetable garden a little while. This evening I done some long examples, and studied History. It was a pleasant day.
Tuesday 7 — I arose at a quarter before six, milked the cow and then played with the dogs. At school today I received information, that after school last night, in a fight a boy named Simms hit Wickersham over to head with a bat, and is now in a critical situation. This forenoon we had Arithmetic, Grammar, and writing Spelling; and this afternoon we had History and reading Physiology. We had to stay after school twenty minutes to have the roll called. After school I read “Lightning Express.” After supper I went to the library and read about Barometers and Thermometers. I translated German this evening. It was a very pleasant day
Wednesday 8 — I milked the cow this morning and
evening. After breakfast I went after the “Boys and Girls Weekly” and read it
until school time. Before recess Mr. Brodt was out of the root, so the boys were
fooling, but after recess I had to explain a long example in Partial Payments,
and then I went to German. At we sat noon we sat upon a tree and studied
History. This afternoon we had History and read in our Physiology. I stayed
after school and put two examples on the black board. After school and this
evening I read “Hila Dart.” Before and after supper
I watered a part of the vegetable garden with a watering pot. It was a very
delightful day, though the morning was foggy.
Thursday 9 — I arose before six this morning, milked the cow and then eat a bitter orange. This forenoon at school we had Arithmetic before recess, after recess, music, and then Arithmetic again. This afternoon we spoke about what we were going to have for exhibition, and then we had History. I had to stay a half hour after school because I had a check. This afternoon I read in the house. This evening I tried to find a piece to speak but couldn’t find any. It was a very pleasant day, though the forenoon was doubtful.
Friday 10 — I milked the cow this morning, and evening.
This forenoon, at school, we had an examination in Grammar; it was very easy and
I got 125 credits out of 150. After recess we corrected each others papers. This
afternoon we had wrote a composition on Thermometers and Barometers,
after Mr. Brodt told us something about them. After school I stayed in the yard
and house. After supper I went to the Oakland library and looked at the papers,
and read a book. It was a very disagreeable day, it drizzled a good deal last
Saturday 11 — I milked the cow this morning, and
evening. Before breakfast I helped uncle sweep the little garden behind the
house, and rake the garden. After breakfast I helped uncle sweep the walks and
take up the piles of dirt. I then beat out the carpets. Father gave me 50¢
this morning making me $3.00. Today Bella, Johnnie, Herman, and myself went
fishing down at the long wharf. We took the 10 o’clock train for the point, with
father who was going to the city. When we got to the point I and Bella borrowed
rods of the bait man, despositing 75¢ each until we returned them,
and then get 50¢ back again. WeI also bought 5¢
worth of bait, leaving me $2.75. We fished until about two o’clock with getting
anything except Herman who caught a star fish. We then returned our poles, and
looked at several large ships. We returned to Oakland on the 2 o’clock train.
Willie and Josephine started for Howard’s farm today in Sonoma Co. I watered a
part of the vegetable garden with the watering can before and after supper. It
was a very windy day.
Sunday 12 – I arose at half past six this morning, milked the cow and then put on my Sunday clothes. I stayed in the house the whole forenoon, and drew a little while. After dinner I took a walk, down Webster St. and back again. This afternoon I stayed in the house. After supper I played with the dogs, and took a walk around the block. Father sayed he thought we go down to South America in June. It was a very lonesome day. It was very windy, and rained a good deal last night. Today it was pleasant, though rather windy.
Monday 13 — I milked the cow this morning and evening.
At school this mfornoon we had explaining of examples and Drawing. This
afternoon we had to write the names of presidents of the United States on the
black board; and then we had Physiology. After school I had to stay in the
house. After supper I went to the post office and also bought the “Boys of
America” for 15¢ leaving me $2.00; and then I read it until bedtime.
It was a pleasant day. I have a bad head ache this evening.
Tuesday 14.— I arose at a quarter before six and milked the cow. This forenoon, at school we had to do examples on the black board, and after recess we had Grammar. This afternoon we had History and then the Anatomy of the Muscles. After school I stayed in the yard. After supper I went to the post-office. The whole evening I done examples in Simple Proportion. It was a very pleasant day. The thermometer stood 62° at noon.
Wednesday 15 – I arose at a quarter before six, milked the cow, and then played with the dogs. After breakfast I went after the “Boys and Girls weekly” and read it until school time. This forenoon, at school, we had Arithmetic, and German; and this afternoon we had History and read in our Physical Geography. After school I worked in the garden and read. Before supper I watered the lettuce in the vegetable garden, with a watering can. After supper I went to the post-office. This evening I done examples in Compound Proportion, studied History, and wrote a letter to Charley in Cloverdale. Father has the Rheumetism pretty badly now. It was a pleasant day.
Thursday 16 – I arose at a quarter before six, milked the cow, and then played with the dogs. This forenoon at school we had Arithmetic, and then Music, and then Grammar. This afternoon all the scholars had to sing the scale in couples, and then we had History, and then Brodt talked to us of the cures of indigestion. After school I read the papers, and also done my ‘chores.’ After supper I watered the lettuce in the vegetable garden with the watering can, and then went to the library and read the papers. It was a very dusty day.
Friday 17 – I arose at a quarter before six, milked the cow and then read. At School, this forenoon we had an examination in History, it was pretty hard. This afternoon we corrected each others papers, wrote a composition on “Results of Intemperance”, and then drew on the black board. After school after putting my over-alls on I crawled under the house to fix the pipes and then cleaned three little chicken houses. Before supper I watered the lettuce with the watering can. After supper I dressed myself to go with Bella and Mother to the concert in aid of the ‘Independent Presbyterian church’. It was at Braytons Hall; they had singing and piano solos and it was all very well done. We came home at ten o’clock, after having hard work in squeezing ourselves through the crowd. It was a hot day.
Saturday 18. I arose at six this morning, milked the cow, and then swept the little garden behind the house, and a part of the walks of the garden and raked a part of the garden before breakfast. After breakfast I went to the Grocery Store.
Today Arthur Mathews Leonard Fisher and I went out to the Hills. Before eight o’clock, with my lunch, I went to Arthur Mathew’s house, and after waiting a little while I and Arthur Mathews and Leonard Fisher started to go out to the hills on foot. We took the Broadway Street far out, and then left it to climb the hills in the direction of Deaf and Dumb asylum, and a little back of it we had some very hard climbing to do. At last we reached the top of the highest hill. I then went down the other side for water. We stayed out there rolling rocks down the hill and looking around the large rocks until about 3 P.M. As Leonard Fisher had the a severe headache and Arthur did not want to leave him, I started for home, getting a lift on a wagon and arrived at a quarter before six very tired. I then milked the cow and after supper I watered the vegetable garden with a can. This evening I read. I bathe tonight. I had a head ache this afternoon and evening. It was a very hot day.
Sunday 19 – I arose at a quarter half past six,
milked the cow, and then put on my good clothes. Father gave me 50¢
this morning, for blackening his and the children’s boots last week, making me
$3.10. This forenoon Mother, Hila Flemming and myself went to church to hear Mr.
Hamilton preach. The whole afternoon I stayed in the house and read the papers.
Shulte’s family had supper with us. I read this evening. It was a very pleasant
Monday 20 — I arose at half past six, milked the cow,
and then played with the dogs. After breakfast I watered the garden, until
school time. This forenoon at school we Arithmetic and Drawing; and this
afternoon we had to write something in Music, had History and then reading. I
helped to pick wool apart until after school, until I milked the cow.
After supper I went to the library, and got a letter from Charley from
Cloverdale. This evening I done examples in Analysis, and studied History. It
was a pleasant day. I gave Bella 10¢ for her turn blackening boots
leaving $3.00
Tuesday 21 – I arose at five o’clock this morning to see father, who is going to the Napa Springs, to the depot, which I did. After that I milked the cow. After breakfast I gave a message to a furniture repairer on Broadway for mother and then went to the post-office. This forenoon, at school, we had Arithmetic and Grammar; and this afternoon we had History and Physiology. After school I stayed in the house. After supper I went to the post-office. This evening I done an example or two, and studied History and also wrote a letter to Charley. It was a pleasant day.
Wednesday 22 – I milked the cows this morning
and evening. After breakfast I read the “Boys & Girls weekly.” This forenoon at
school we had Arithmetic, and German; and this afternoon, History, Physiology,
and reading in the Physical geography. The whole afternoon after school, I
helped to pick wool apart for mattresses. Mrs. Burdell had supper with us; she
is going to Japan soon. After supper I went to the Post-office. This evening I
studied History, and read. I wrote to William at Howard’s this evening. It was a
very warm day.
Thursday 23.— I arose at a quarter before six milked the cow and then read a book named ‘Ungava.’ This forenoon at school we had Arithmetic and Music; and this afternoon, a lesson about colors, History, and Physiology. I had to stay after school until half past three; I also showed Brodt the piece I am going to speak on exhibition. After school I stayed in the house. After supper I watered the whole vegetable garden with the hose, and then went to the library and read. This evening I studied my Arithmetic. It was a hot day; the thermometer standing 76° in the shade at noon.
Friday 24 – I arose at a quarter past six, milked the cow, and then read. After breakfast I went to the butcher, and post-office. This whole forenoon we had an examination in Arithmetic. It was very hard, and so long that we had to go with out our Recess. This afternoon we wrote two letters: one, thanking our parents for an imaginary gift, and the other to our teacher, upon ‘our opposite neighbors’. After that we had an exercise in Bookkeeping. After school, after eating three oranges, I beat out the carpets and then went down town with mother and got a good straw hat. After supper I went to the Post-office. I read ‘My first voyage’ this evening. It was a disagreeable day.
Jolly Giant
A San Francisco weekly in 1874, more scurrilous than
"jolly", it was a rabid satirist of Irish Catholicism and the Chinese.
(Source: Transatlantic Irish and the Racial State, by Peter D. O'Neil)
Saturday 25 — I arose at six o’clock this morning, milked the cow, and then helped uncle rake the garden. After breakfast I helped uncle sweep the walks and yard, and then take up the piles. Mother, Bella and the chidren went to the I.O.O.F. picnic in Badgers Gardens today; they wanted me to go, but I didn’t want to go. This whole forenoon and afternoon I stayed in the house and read “My First Voyage.” I milked the cow this evening. After supper I went to the Post-office and then to the Grocery Store; I got a letter from Charley from Cloverdale. Afterwards I again went to the post office and also bought a “Jolly Giant” for uncle. I will bathe tonight. I have to take ‘Senna and salts’ tonight. I was a pleasant day. Thermometer at noon—70°.
Sunday 26 – I arose before six this morning, milked the
cow, and then put on my Sunday clothes. It was a very lonesome day; I read most
of the forenoon and afternoon. I went to the post office this forenoon. After
supper I fran around with the dogs. I wrote a letter to Charley at
Cloverdale this evening. It was a pleasant day.
Monday 27:– I arose before six, milked the cow, and then read. After breakfast I went to the butcher. This forenoon at school, we had to do the examples of the examination of last Friday, and then we had Drawing. This afternoon we had History, Physiology, and Book keeping. After school I stayed in the yard. After I had milked I watered the garden until supper. After supper I went to the Post office. This whole evening I studied my speech. Mother gave me 35¢ today for blackening the chidren’s boots last week, making me $3.35. It was a pleasant day.
Tuesday 28 – I arose at a quarter before six, milked the cow, and then studied my speech, named “America.” This forenoon at school we done the examples of Friday’s examination, and then corrected the papers. I got the highest: 97 out of 150, and then we wrote a promissory note; and this afternoon we had History, Physiology, and then we wrote a promissory note on the black board. After school uncle and I hauled some hay up the barn, and then I hoed my little garden. After supper I watered the whole vegetable garden with the hose, and then I read “Frank Wildmans Adventures”. It was a warm day.
Wednesday 29 – I arose this morning at a half past six,
milked the cow; and then ran around with the dogs. After breakfast I went after
the “Boy’s and Girl’s weekly,” and read it until school time. This fore
whole forenoon at school we studied “Square Root;” and this afternoon we had
History and then we studied Book keeping. Father came home from Napa Springs
today. After supper I went bought some colars, while going to the post
office, where I got a letter from Charlie at Cloverdale. This evening I read. It
was a disagreeable day.
Thursday 30 — I arose at a quarter before six, played
with the dogs, and then milked the cow. After breakfast I again went to
the post office. This forenoon, at school, we had studied Book-keeping,
had music, and then reading. Mr. Brodt was away all forenoon, so Mrs. Craven had
to take charge of both rooms. This whole afternoon we had examination in Book
keeping; we had five questions, and it was rather easy. After school I stayed in
the yard and house. After supper I went to the post office and library to read
the papers. At half past seven I again went to the post office. It rained last
night and this forenoon, and but this afternoon was very pleasant.
Friday 1st About one o’clock this morning, I heard
the fire engine outside, so I quickly dressed myself and went out, but it proved
to be only a bon fire, on 9th and Webster sts. I arose this
morning, at quarter past six, and milked the cow. Today there was no school as
it is May-day, and my grade is to had a picnic to Berkely but I
did not go. After breakfast I went after nails. at
This whole forenoon I helped uncle make an inclosure around some pampas grass,
and then chop half a tree down, in the garden. This afternoon mother, Bella,
Herman and I went to a masonic picnic in Faskings Gardens in Alameda. We missed
the one o’clock train so we went on the three o’clock train. I seen the turners
play with big clubs, and then they jumped; one man jumped standing still
10 ft and 2 in. and another jumped running 16 ft. 11 in. and then I seen the
people dance. We returned home on the five o’clock train. I also seen the
hairless horse. Before supper I went to the bakery. After supper I went to the
post office, and then again 8 o’clock. It was a pleasant day.
Saturday–2nd, I arose at a quarter before six, milked the cow, and then helped uncle sweep the yard before breakfast. After breakfast I went to the Grocery store. This whole forenoon uncle and I raked the garden, swept the walks, took up the heaps of rubish, beat out the carpets. Before and after dinner I with Johnnie and Herman hoed all the grass off the side walk. Mother and father went over to the city today to see Mrs. Burdel start for Japan. Bella Williams was here this afternoon. After supper I went to the post office. I shall bathe tonight. It was a very warm day.
Sunday 3 – I arose at a quarter before after six, milked the
cow, and then put on my Sunday clothes. This forenoon Bella, Hila Flemming, and
I went to church to hear Mr. Hamilton preach; there were two young ladies
baptised there today. Father gave me 25¢ to give in church but there
was no collection taken up; thereby making me $3.60, This afternoon I stayed in
the house and read. After supper I went to the post office, and then played with
the dogs. This evening I wrote a letter to Frank in Portland. It was a very
pleasant day. Thermometer standing 72° in the shade at noon.
Monday 4 — I arose at six this morning, milked the cow, and then played with the dogs. This forenoon at school we had the explanation of examples in square root, and drawing; and this afternoon we had Analysis, and Physical Geography. I had to stay a quarter of an hour after school for a check. Before supper I went to the bakery. After supper I went to the post office. I studied Analysis this evening. It was a pleasant, and we had sun showers this morning, and before supper. Father gave me 50¢ this evening, for shining his and the children’s boots last week, making me $4.10
Tuesday 5 — I arose at a quarter before six, milked the cow, and then
read. This afternoon forenoon, at school, we had Arithmetic; and this
afternoon we had Analysis. I had to stay a quarter of an hour after school
because I had a check. At recess I played ‘tag.’ This afternoon I stayed in the
yard. I went to the post office after supper. and had to go again soon after to
take a package. We had strawberries for dinner, the first of the season. I
studied Analysis this evening. It rained a good deal this forenoon.
Wednesday 6 – I arose at six, this morning, milked the cow and then
read. After breakfast I went after the “Boy’s and girl’s weekly”. This forenoon
at school we had Arithmetic, Analysis and a lesson on colors. This afternoon
afternoon after singing we Analysis the whole afternoon. After school I went to
the Grocery store. After supper I went to the post office and library and then
played with the dogs. I doneid my examples, and studied History this
evening. It rained a good deal last night and this forenoon.
Thursday 7– I arose after a good sleep, at a quarter before six, milked the cow and then studied Analysis. After breakfast I went to the grocery store. This forenoon at school we had Arithmetic, Music and writing in our copy books. At noon we played “black man.” This afternoon we had writing, studied Analysis, and then wrote 10 lines about Mc.Clellan. I had to stay a quarter of an hour after school for a check. After school I went up town after some tissue paper. Father sold his parlor rifle after school to Geo. Dille for $11. After supper I went to the post office. I studied Analysis and History this evening. It was a very pleasant day. Joe Welham came today and will stay a couple of days.
Friday 8:— I arose this morning, ran around with the dogs, and then milked the cow. After breakfast I went down town and bought myself a nice cravat for 50¢ leaving me $3.60. This forenoon at school, we studied before recess, and after recess we had Arithmetic; while the other grades were having examinations. This afternoon we studied Analysis. At noon I played “black man.” After school I beat out the carpets, and then went to the post office. I am going to begin to go to the dancing school this evening; so after supper I dressed myself in my sunday clothes, and went to the Music Hall on 6th street, and paid for this month ($2.00) Mr. Lunt showed us the steps and then those who could get partners danced the waltz, shottish, quadrille, and lancers. I couldnot get a parter so I had to look on. came home at 9 P.M. It was a very pleasant day.
Saturday 9:— I arose this morning, at a quarter past six, and milked
the cow. This forenoon I and uncle graked the garden, swept the yards
and walks, cleaned the big lot, and then took up the piles. Joe Welham went back
to Petaluma today. After dinner I went down to the depot to see if Josephine and
Willie had arrived from Howards but they had not yet arrived. This afternoon I
stayed in the house and yard. After supper I watered the lettuce and my little
garden; and then I went to the library and read the papers. It was a windy day.
I will bathe tonight.
Sunday 10 – I arose this morning at six o’clock, milked the cow and then put on my Sunday clothes. After breakfast I went to the post office but it was not yet open, so I went again at nine o’clock. This forenoon I drew. This whole afternoon I stayed in the house. After supper I went to the post office. This evening I read “Rich and Humble”. It was a very lone some day. It was a very pleasant day, though this afternoon it was windy.
Monday 11 – Willie and Josephine came back from Howards, late last night. I
arose at six o’clock this morning, milked the cow, and then played with the
dogs. This forenoon at school we had to study, Grammar before recess, and afternoo
recess we had Arithmetic. This afternoon we had drawing. After school I went to
the post office. After supper I watered my little garden, and then I took a walk
with William: fup to twelfth street, and then down Broadway. It was a
delightful day.
Tuesday 12 - I arose at half past five this morning, and milked the cow for the last time, as uncle and Willie will take her back to Burdell’s this morning, and bring the old cow back again. After breakfast I went to the butcher and post office. This whole forenoon we had an examination in Analysis for promotion; I think it was rather easy. This afternoon we studied Grammar and Spelling in our Physiology. After school I went to the Grocery store. After supper I went to the Post office and then ran around for exercise. It was a delightful day.
Wednesday 13 – I arose before six this morning, and ran around with the dogs. After breakfast I went to the post office, and butcher, and then went after “The boys and girls weekly”. This whole forenoon at school we picked out words for Spelling, and then Grammar. We had Mrs. Craven for a teacher today. This afternoon we had to copy some words off the blackboard for Spelling, and then we had Grammar. After school I went to the post office and then stayed in the house. After supper I worked in my little garden and then went to the post office. I studied Grammar this evening. It was a pleasant day, though this forenoon was rather doubtful.
Thursday 14.– I arose at half past six, and fed the chickens. After breakfast
I went to the butcher and post office. Before recess this forenoon we had an
examination in spelling for promotion; we had sixty words and it was pretty
hard. After recess we had music and
This afternoon we studied and recited Grammar.under. After school as I
had to stay in the house I borrowed “Frank Leslies Boys of America” of Morice
Siesbuttel and read it until supper. After supper I cut off a chicken’s head,
went to the post office, and then went again at 8 o’clock. It was a pleasant
day, though this forenoon was doubtful. After school I went with father and got
a new pair of boots ($7)
Friday 15:— I arose at half past fsix this morning, and fed the
chickens. After breakfast I went to the butcher and post office. This forenoon
we had to study Physiology under Mrs. Meek, and this afternoon under Miss
Petancue. After school I watered the whole garden. Uncle and Willie came back
with the new cow this evening, and I had to milk her, she giving nearly a pail
This evening I and Bella went to the dancing school; mother Josephine and Hela Flemming went along. We went through the steps, and I did not dance the waltz and shottish but I danced the lancers with Bella. It closed at half past eight and will not meet again until the 1st friday in June as the hall is engaged by another party. It was a pleasant day.
Saturday 16 – I arose at half past five this morning, and milked the cow as I did this evening. Before breakfast I and uncle swept the whole yard, and after breakfast I helped him rake the garden, sweep the walks, and take up the piles of dirt, and then I beat out the carpets. This afternoon I drew a little and stayed in the house. After supper I played “shinny” with some little neighbors.
Harvey Burdell with his mother had dinner with us today, and then took mother, Josephine, and Willie to a picnic in Brooklyn. I received a letter from Frank this evening in Portland; he says that he can sell us cavalry swords at $1 a piece. It was a delightfully warm day; the thermometer standing 77° at noon I bathe tonight. Father gave me 10¢ today, making me 3.70,
Sunday 17:– I arose at six o’clock, milked the cow as I did this evening, and then put on my sunday clothes. After breakfast I wrote a note to Frank in Portland telling him to send me a cavalry sword. Father gave me 50¢ this morning for blackening boots last week, making me $4.20. This forenoon I went to church with Bella, Josephine, Hela Flemming, and Willie, to hear Mr. Hamilton preach. This afternoon I stayed in the house and read. Harvey Burdell came this afternoon, and after supper Willie and I rowed him, Josephine, and Johnnie and Herman around lake Merrit until eight o’clock. It was very hard work. It was a pleasant day.
Monday 18 – It arose at six this morning, and milked the cow. This
forenoon at school we had an examination in Physiology for promotion; we had
sixteen questions, and it was pretty hard. This whole afternoon we studied
Grammar. I had to stay a quarter of an hour after school for a check. After
school I went to the post office and then played shinny with the children. After
supper I went to the library, and played checkers with Bromly and Howell. It was
a very pleasant day.
Tuesday 19.– I arose at half past six and milked the cow, as I did this evening. This whole forenoon we had exercises in composition; and this afternoon we again had composition and Grammar. After school I stayed in the yard. After supper I went to the post office, and at eight o’clock I took a walk down town. I wrote a letter to Charlie this evening to Cloverdale. It was a pleasant day, but a cold evening.
Wednesday 20.– I arose at a quarter past six, and milked the cow. After
breakfast I went after the “Boy’s and Girl’s weekly,” and read it until school
time. This forenoon we had to write a composition for promotion; and I
wrote on ‘Columbus.’ I was at quarter past eleven so I went home until one
o’clock. I nearly got expelled from school this morning: yesterday afternoon I
put a piece of paper on Mrs. Craven’s bustle, and she made a great fuss over it,
but this morning I apologized to her. This whole afternoon we studied Grammar
under Mrs. Craig. After supper I played with the dogs and then went to the
post-office. It was a pleasant day.
Thursday 21:— I arose at half past six, and milked the cow, as I did this evening. This forenoon we had an oral music examination; we had to sing the scale, and then read music. This afternoon we studied Grammar. I stayed half an hour after school for a check. After school I stayed in the house. After supper I went to the library and looked at the papers. Mother, Josephine, Willie, Bella with Harvey Burdel went to a strawberry part for our church. I played foot ball at school today. Mr. Parker came this evening. It was a pleasant day.
Friday 22:– I arose at half past five, milked the cow, and then read. This
whole forenoon we had an examination in Grammar for promotion; we had seventeen
questions, and it was midling hard. I was finished at half past twelve, and then
I came home for the rest of the day. This afternoon I went to the butcher, and
then to the Grocery store. This afternoon weI stayed in the house. Father
bought another little parlor rifle today ($12) that will shoot longer
cartridges. We got a horse today. After supper I ran around, and at 8 o’clock I
went to the post office. * A ball where women wear only
cotton fabrics. Harvey Burdell took Josephine to a calico ball* this
evening. This forenoon it was pleasant, but this afternoon it drizzled.
Saturday 23:– Harvey Burdell stayed over night, and took Josephine out buggy
riding this afternoon. Before breakfast I helped uncle sweep clean the
barn yard, and after breakfast rake the garden, sweep the walk and yard. I beat
out the carpets, and, before dinner I cleaned father’s four barreled shot gun.
We also shot with the parlor rifle. This afternoon I had my hair cut, and then I
cleaned out the parlor rifle; but in doing so, the rag got stuck, so I had to
take the gun to Siesbuttel’s shop, but as he didn’t have time I tried again and
got it out. After supper I ran around, and at 8 P.M. I went to the post office.
It was a delightful day. Mother this afternoon said I might go to Howards in
Sunday 24.– I arose before six this morning, milked the cow, and then put on my Sunday clothes. After breakfast I went to the post office. Willie, Bella, and I went to church this morning, to hear Mr. Hamilton preach. This afternoon I stayed in the house. After supper I went to the post office, and also played catch with Moris Siesbuttel. I studied History this evening. It was a very pleasant day; the thermometer standing 74° at noon.
Monday 25.– I arose after six o’clock this morning, and milked the cow. After breakfast I went down town and bought a dime’s worth of foolscap paper leaving me $4.10. This whole forenoon we had an examination in History for promotion; we had 34 questions and it was pretty easy. This whole afternoon we had to study reading. Charley came home from Cloverdale today. I stayed after school for a check. After school I went to the post office, and then went with father and Charley to get a pair of pants. After supper I went to the post office. After supper I set out a border for my garden, and also gave Morris some slips of fushia for a three minute glass. It was a pleasant day; the thermometer showing 70° at noon.
Tuesday 26:– I slept again in my room last night. I arose at six this morning
and milked the cow, as I did this evening. This forenoon, at school we had an
examination in German for promotion; we had 7 questions and itI think I
will pbe perfect. And then we had mental arithmetic. This afternoon we
had mental Arithmetic and reading. I rehearsed my piece after school. After
supper I went to the library and played checkers with Bromley; and then he
showed me how to play chess until little before nine o’clock. It was a pleasant
morning, but this afternoon it was windy and dusty.
Wednesday 27 – I arose at six this morning, and milked the cow, as I did also this evening. After breakfast I went after the Boy’s and Girl’s Weekly, which I read until schooltime. This whole forenoon we had an examination in Drawing for promotion; we had to draw a little design. This afternoon we had writing and mental Arithmetic. After school I stayed in the yard. After supper I went to the library and to a ‘local option law’ meeting, where they had a music band, and some speeches; I stayed until half past nine. It was a dusty day.
Thursday 28. I arose at six this morning, and milked the cow. This forenoon at school we had an examination in mental Arithmetic for promotion; we had ten questions and it was very easy. After that we had an examination in Music for promotion; we had ten questions and it was very easy. This afternoon we had Drawing and reading. After school I stayed in the yard. After supper I watered my little garden, and played with the dogs, and then went to the local option law meeting at the tent with uncle and Willie and came home at eleven oclock; there was a lively time. It was a very pleasant day.
Friday 29:– I arose at six, milked the cow, and then played with the dog. This whole forenoon and afternoon we had Arithmetic; and Mr. Brodt was out of the room most all day. We also had singing a temperance song with the tune of ‘John Brown.’ I stayed after school and drew until quarter to four. Father said we should probably go to South America in July. After supper Charley and I took a walk down to the Webster street bridge. After that I went to the temperance meeting in the tent; there were several speeches made until half past nine, when the meeting adjourned to the 4th st. plazza, where there were several speeches made until half past ten. Great enthusiasm prevailed. It was a hot day; thermometer at 2 P.M. 86°.
Saturday 30:— Today was the soldiers’ decoration day, and the temperance
meeting election. I arose at quarter past six, and milked the cow as I did
this evening. This forenoon I helped uncle and Willie clean the barn yard, rake
the garden, and sweep the yards and walks. At ten o’clock I went to the
City Hall to see how the election was going on. After dinner I with Charlie and
Charleyie Hardy took an hours sail on lake Merritt. I paying 50¢
leaving me $3.60. I also took a swim from the boat. After that I again went down
town to see how the election proceeded. I gave Josephine 5¢ in
payment of a bet I had made with her: that we should be gone from Oakland on the
1st of May, leaving me $3.55. After supper Charley and I took
a walk down town. It was a very hot day — thermometer standing 80° at 7 A.M. and
90° at noon. I bathe tonight. It was windy this forenoon, and a large branch of
a Gum tree broke down. My nose bled four times today.
Election on Liquor Licenses
San Francisco Alta summary
by The New York Times
Sunday 31 — News received that the against licence won the election
yesterday, and last night there was a great ringing of bells. I arose at six,
milked the cow as I did this evening, and then put on my Sunday clothes. After
breakfast I went to the post office. I with Josephine and Willie went to church
this forenoon to hear Mr. Hamilton preach. Father gave me 50¢ for
blackening boots last week making me $4.05. After dinner Mr. Parker who came
this forenoon, Charley, and I and another boy went took a walk to Lake
Merritt, and while there I found a live little turtle, which I brought home.
After that we played croquet with Frank Rodolph. After supper I went to the post
office, and after that seeing a tame canary flying in the yard, Willie and I
chased it unsuccessfully half an hour. It was such a windy day, that the
remaining branch of the gum tree broke down. I
Monday 1.— I got up quarter past six, and milked the cow. I helped to saw a gum tree down in the garden before school. The whole day at school we had Arithmetic. I stayed after school until 5 o’clock to draw on the black board. After supper I went to the library and also seen them at the tent shoot off rockets in honor of the temperance victory. It was a pleasant day, though this forenoon was doubtful.
Tuesday 2.– I arose at six, milked the cow, and then played with Caesar. After breakfast I chopped wood and made butter. We had an examination in Arithmetic for promotion at school; we had 18 questions and it was hard. I was finished at one o’clock and then came home. This afternoon I helped Willie put up a trapeze in the barn yard, and then exercised on it. At three o’clock I went back to school but soon came back again. After supper I practised on the trapeze. It was a pleasant: the thermometer showing 68° at noon.
Wednesday 3.– Yesterday I over exerted myself on trapeze, and that strained my heart, and today I could hardly run, or take a large breath. I arose at a quarter before six, this morning, and milked the cow. After breakfast I went after the ‘Boy’s and Girl’s Weekly,’ and read it until school time. This forenoon at school w I finished my copy book, and then drew on the black board. This afternoon we drew on the black board, had reading, and then Mr. Campbell examined us in Reading for promotion; he made us each read something in our reading books. After school I stayed in the yard. After supper I went to the library, and at eight o’clock I went to the post office. It was a pleasant day.
Thursday 4.— I arose after six oclock, milked the cow, and then exercised on the trapeze. The whole day I drew on the blackboard (rose ornament). All the grades but ours, had their exhibitions today. After school I stayed in the yard. After supper I went to the library, and looked at the papers. At eight o’clock I went to the post office. It was a windy day.
Friday 5.– I arose at six this morning, after a sleepless night, and milked the cow. Today was the last day of school. This forenoon I did not do any thing particularly: I drew on the blackboard, and washed my inkwell out, etc. I also took flowers to school, and put on my Sunday clothes. This afternoon we had our exhibition. At one o’clock Mr. Brodt read our promotions; I am promoted into the junior class. We all went into the 2nd Grade room, leaving the other room for the visitors. We had declamations, songs, and dialogues. We were finished at four o’clock, and after bidding Mr. Brodt good bye, I came home. This evening Bella and I went to the dancing school; I danced the lancers, and waltz quadrilles, and I waltzed with a boy. We came home quarter past nine. It was a pleasant day.
Saturday 6.— I arose this morning at six o’clock, milked the cow, and then helped clean the barn yard. This forenoon I helped rake the garden, sweep the walks, and take up the piles. Before dinner I beat out the carpets. Mr. and Mrs. Tausmond of Timber Cove came this morning and will stay over night. This afternoon I practised playing chess and on the trapeze. At eight o’clock this evening I went to the post office and also heard that Brooklyn went in favor of ‘Local Option.’ It was a pleasant, though this evening it was drizzling. I will bathe tonight.
Sunday 7:– I arose at half past five o’clock this morning, milked the cow, and then put on my ‘Sunday clothes.’ Mr. and Mrs. Tausmond went away this morning. I went with Josephine and Willie to church to hear Mr. Hamilton preach this morning. This after noon I took a good sleep on the sofa. After supper Uncle, Willie, and I took a walk way out Webster street, and back by Telegraph Avenue. Mr. Husemeyer and Ross Browne’s son came this evening. It was a pleasant day.
Monday 8:– I arose this morning at quarter past six, milked the cow, and then practised on the trapeze. This forenoon I turned the grind stone for Willie to sharpen an ax, and sawed wood. This afternoon I drew a little, and practised on the trapeze. After supper I tried to hang on my heels on the trapeze, but I fell down. At eight o’clock I went to the post office. Before supper I went to the bakery, and made 5¢ making me $4.10. It was a pleasant day; thermometer showing 73° at noon.
Tuesday 9:– I had to take some powder this morning. I arose at quarter past six o’clock, and milked the cow. This forenoon I piled up some wood, and read. This afternoon I took a sleep on the sofa, and read. This evening I a drunk lady took a sleep under our hedge, and when aroused took out a pipe and began to smoke; but at last went away. After supper I watered my little garden, and at eight o’clock I went after the “Boys and Girls Weekly,” and read it until bed-time. It was a delightful day.
Wednesday 10:– We had to take some more powder this morning. I arose before six, milked the cow, and then washed off our freshly painted buggy. This forenoon I helped to manure our garden, and chased butterflies. I also fixed a little box, to pin the butterflies up in. This afternoon Charley and I took a ride down to the point in the cars (free). We seen some men dig an artesian well, which was over 350 feet deep, and then wandered among the machine shops, and saw mill. At three o’clock we walked to Market street, and then got into the cars. This evening we played croquet with Hela Flemming. It was a warm day; the thermometer showing 82° at n
Thursday 11:— I arose this morning before six, and milked the cow. This forenoon I chased butterflies, fixed a butterfly box, etc. After dinner I went to the Grocery store; and at three o’clock, Uncle Willie and I went out driving out Webster street and back by San Pablo avenue. After supper I went to the library and looked at the papers. At ten minutes past eight this evening we felt a slight shock of earthquake; but it was enough to scare us a little. We made ‘lighters’ this evening. I went to bed at ten o’clock this evening. It was a pleasant day.
Friday 12:— I arose this morning before six, milked the cow, and then read. This forenoon I fixed a butterfly box, got a leafe collection, and minded the house. The rest of the family drove out to fruit vale, and brought us back cherries. This afternoon I exercised on the trapeze, etc. After dinner I bought a powder flask (50)¢ for cousin Charley, and a two bladed knife for myself (75¢) and a large one bladed one for cousin Theador (75¢) leaving me $2.00, This evening Bella, Hela Flemming, and myself went to the dancing-school. I waltzed with another boy, and looked at the rest of the dances, after we had the primary steps. After I came home (9:15) I blackened boots for Charley, he giving me a large burning glass in return. It was a delightful day.
Saturday 13.— I got up at six o’clock this morning, and cleaned the barn yard before breakfast. Today I start for Howards. After breakfast I packed my valise, and then helped to rake the garden, sweep the walks,and to take up the piles. Before dinner I took a bath, and dressed myself. Before I started father gave me $12.50 making me $14.60.
After dinner I and Willie, who is to go with me to the Petaluma boat, went to the depot, and I bought a “Boy’s of America” to read on the steamer (15)¢. We then took the cars and steamer (15)¢ for San Francisco, and on arriving there went on the Petaluma boat. Before going on the boat I bought two oranges for (10¢). I staid on the boat until it reached Donahue, and then took the cars for Santa Rosa (Passage from San Francisco to Santa Rosa costing $2.00). On arriving at Santa Rosa, I took the stage for Sebastapol (75)¢, where I am to stay over night at Wilson’s hotel. I had a good supper before I went into my room to go to bed. I had a very severe head ache this forenoon but it left me on the steamer. It was very hot on the steamer.
Sunday 14:– I arose this morning at half past four, thinking the stage was to go off soon. At half past five we had breakfast. Board and lodging cost $1.50. I then took the stage for Freestone. After waiting for about two hours there, Charlie Howard came with the wagon to and took me to the farm about four miles distant. They were all glad to see me. After having dinner, we fixed my net on a pole, and fished a snake out of the creek. We then went, by way of the creek, to the mill pond with Willie Morgan, and then had a glorious long swim. The water was very warm. After coming home I went with Charlie and drove some hogs out of old Grundy’s pasture. After supper I and Charlie, and Theodore went hunting at Stanfords place, but could not see anything. It was a very hot day, and am very tired.
Monday 15.– Today is my 15th birthday. I arose at half past five this morning, and went hunting on the hill behind the house, at Stanford’s old place, but could not see anything. This forenoon I and Theodore hoed beans and also a part of the afternoon, and then I sawed and split wood. After supper I milked a cow, etc. It was a warm day, with a foggy morning, and a cold evening.
Tuesday 16:– I arose at a quarter to six, and helped Charlie take the cows (3) to the pasture. After breakfast I helped Theodore drive the bull to the pasture. I then chopped wood, and dropped beans (7 to a hole) for Theodore. This afternoon I and Theodore raked mesquite grass at Stanford’s old place, and way in front of the house. After supper I milked a cow, and then went hunting with Charlie at Stanford’s old place, but could not kill any thing. All the children have bad colds at present. It was a rather windy day, with a foggy morning.
Wednesday 17:– I arose this morning before six o’clock, and helped Theodore take the cows to the pasture. This whole forenoon I and Theodore chopped pine rails into fire wood. This after noon I and Theodore and Mr. Howard cocked mesquite grass way in front of the house until three o’clock, and then I went with Theodore after the calves way back of the house, and then before supper Mr. Howard slaughtered one of them. Before supper I brought the cows home from the pasture, and then after supper I milked one of them. After supper we had some fun with a little wagon. It was a hot day with a cold morning.
Thursday 18.— I arose before six o’clock this morning, and took a long walk back of Stanfords old place with Charlie before breakfast. This forenoon I seen Mr. Howard cut up the calf, and then I and Theodore hunted up the hogs in old Grundy’s pasture, which we did after a good deal of running. After dinner I caught some butterflies, and then Theodore and I raked some hay, on the side hill, and then we took a ride to Stanfords place and sacked some wool. Before supper we cocked some hay way in front of the house. After supper we carried some hay from the field, and then we seen Mr. Howard grease the wagon. It was a hot day, with a cold evening.
Friday 19— This forenoon I and Theodore raked hay and mesquit grass near Stanford’s old place. While going there we caught two nearly full grown blue jays, but when we came home we drownded them. This afternoon I and Theodore, and Amelia and Clara ‘succored’ corn on the hill way up back of the house, (leaving two stalks).
After supper I and Charlie carried hay from the field. It was a pleasant day.
Saturday 20.— I arose this morning before six o’clock and stayed in the house until breakfast, as it was rather cold to go out. The whole day we hoed corn on the hill back of the house. After supper I and Charlie carried hay from the field. This evening we played the card games of “Old maid,” and “Who.” It bathed my feet before going to bed. It was a very hot day, with a cold morning.
Sunday 21.- I arose at six o’clock this morning, after a very uneasy night and wrote a letter to Josephine. It thundered and lightened last night. This forenoon I and Charlie on horse back took some currants to Stanfords in Colmar valley; from there we rode to Smith’s mill and back again. This after noon I and Charley and Theodore went down to Gifforth’s mill pond, and went in bathing, but, as the water was too cold, we came out, and played in the mill and on the logs.
Before supper I and Theodore while going after the cows found a black berry patch, and eat a good many. After supper I and Charlie went after hay in the field. It was a cold day, with occasional warmth.
Monday 22.— I raked and pitched hay into winrows all forenoon, back of Stanford’s old place, and also this after noon. I caught another nearly full grown bluejay today but on tying it to a stake in the garden this evening it died. After supper I and Charley went after the hogs in old Grundy’s pasture, but could not find them. It was a pleasant afternoon but this forenoon it was cold.
Tuesday 23:— This forenoon I helped Mr. Howard trim some logs to make a bridge, and this afternoon I helped him saw up some boards for the same purpose until about three o’clock, when I raked hay, while Mr. Howard cocked it, back of Stanfords old place. After supper I and Charlie got some hay from the field. It was a pleasant day. Howard’s farm consists of 321 Acres, but as it is mostly woodland only a small portion of it can be cultivated.
Wednesday 24:– This forenoon I and Mr. Howard wagoned some lumber up to Stanford’s old place, to make a bridge. This after noon I and Mr. Howard raked hay back of Stanford’s old place. After supper Charley and I carried hay from the field before the house. Howard’s chidren go to school this week, but next week they have none. I put on my overalls and overshirt today.
Thursday 25.— This forenoon I and Mr. Howard finished making the bridge back of Stanford’s old place, and leveled a road near the same place. This after noon I took a walk down the creek and there took a sleep on a log, and then went on the hill and eat black berries. After supper I shot a young hare on the hill side near the house. After supper I and Charlie carried hay, from the field near the house. It was a very warm day.
Friday 26:— This forenoon I followed the creek up to Stanfords old place, and there eat a good many goose berries. At noon I dressed myself, and then with uncle Bill and Lizzie rode over to the schoolhouse in the wagon, about three miles distant. We heard the scholars read and spell until three o’clock. After having a short recess they spoke, and sang, etc. The exercises were very pleasant. I walked home with the boys, leaving the girls ride. It was a very pleasant day. After supper I eat a few big goose berries from the garden.
Saturday 27.— This forenoon I and Theodore and Amelia and Clara, hoed and succored corn, near Stanford’s old place, and this after noon I and Theodore did it all alone. After supper I chopped wood in the canyon back of the house. It was a half disagreeable day.
Sunday 28:— I arose at six o’clock this morning, and chopped wood before breakfast. This forenoon I and Charlie and Theodore went black berrying: we went down, through the brush, to Meekers mill and there we rode on the mill car, and then we took the rode for home without finding any black berries. At eleven o’clock Charlie and I went after black berries; we found some on the hill and then we went and picked a bucket full of goose berries at Stanford’s old place, and then we found more blackberries near there. After dinner Charley and I and Theodore went down to the mill pond and had a good long swim, and we all got a little sunburnt. I then wrote a letter to Josephine. We all went to see a panorama at Freestone this evening; we all rode in the wagon after supper to Freestone. I received a letter from Josephine while there, and she tells me that Father has sold out for $100000. Hurrah! Off for South America end of July. After waiting until eight o’clock the show commenced; it was not worth much; it had pictures of the Modoc war, Franco-Prussian, and other scenes. It was out at ten o’clock, and we arrived home at twelve; Us boys having to walk a part of the way. It was a very hot day.
Monday 29.— This whole forenoon and after noon I and Theodore hoed and succored corn, while Charley cultivated, back of Stanford’s old place. This forenoon Mr. Howard killed a rattle snake, and I got eight rattles from it. We rode home in the hay wagon this evening. It was a dreadful hot day.
Tuesday 30.— This forenoon I and Theodore finished hoeing and succoring corn up at Stanfords old place. This afternoon we raked hay, way up in the field, back of Stanfords old place. It was a very hot day, and I got very tired.
Wednesday 1.— This forenoon we pitched hay into winrows, and then cocked it, way up on the hill, back of Stanford’s old place. We did the same thing this afternoon. It was a melting hot day, and I am very tired. I chopped wood in the canon back of the house after supper. We determine to go deer hunting to night.
Thursday 2.— I got up, to go deer hunting at twelve o’clock last night, thinking it was about three o’clock, and roused Charley up, but when I found out the mistake out I went to bed again, and did not awake until daylight.
This forenoon we pitched and cocked hay on the hill side in front of the house, and this after noon, up on the hill way back of Stanford’s old place. It was another very hot day.
Friday 3.— This forenoon I helped Charley and Theodore pitch hay into winrows, and this after noon to cock it on a knoll back of Stanford’s old place. After supper I shot at a rabbit from the orchard fence, but could not hit it. It was another one of those hot days.
Saturday 4.– This forenoon I helped to winrow hay on the side hill before the house, until ten o’clock, when I went on the high hill behind the house, and eat black berries, thimbleberries, and a few ripe huckleberries. This afternoon I helped to winrow hay on the hill way back of Stanford’s old place. It was a very hot day. Today was the 98th birthday of the United States. Wonder how I will celebrate it next year.
Sunday 5:– I arose this morning at six and went hunting on the hill back of the house, and shot at a hare but missed it. This forenoon I and Charlie and Theodore went through the pasture to the black berry patch in the hollow, but could find none. Before dinner I and Amelia, Clara and Willie went on the hill back of the house, and found some black berries. This afternoon Charley and Theodore and I went to the mill pond, and took a good bath; the water was very warm. After supper I went hunting around Stanfords old place, and shot at a rabbit but missed it. We then played– “blind man’s buff”– and “pussy wants a corner.” It was a very hot day.
Monday 6.— I arose this morning before six, and went hunting in the orchard, but could see nothing. After supper breakfast I went with Amelia and Clara up to Stanford’s old place, and picked gooseberries. Today I started for home. After that I helped pick goose berries to take home. Before dinner I dressed myself. After dinner, after bidding everybody farewell, Mr. Howard took me in this wagon to Freestone. After waiting until four o’clock, I took the stage for Santa Rosa (1.25); a distance of 15 miles. We arrived at six o’clock, and got out at the Grand hotel, where I engaged a room, and had supper. It was a hot day.
Tuesday 7:— I arose this morning at half past four, thinking it was seven o’clock. I passed the time in walking around. At seven o’clock I eat a good breakfast, and paid my bill $1.50. I then took the stage for the depot, where I took ($2.00) the cars for Donahue, and there the steamer for San Francisco. Arriving there at eleven o‘clock, I had to wait an hour for the Oakland boat. At that time I took the boat and cars for Oakland. On arriving there I carried my valise and box of gooseberries home. They were all glad to see me, and said I grew a great deal, while in the country. Frank gave me a U.S. cavalry sword when I arrived at home; it is not very sharp. This afternoon I stayed in the house and yard. After supper I played croquet. It was a pleasant day. I have $4.55 after my trip.
Wednesday 8.— I arose this morning before six, and read the papers before breakfast. Today, father, mother, Willie and I went over to the city. We took the nine o’clock train and boat, and arriving in San Francisco, we walked up to Montgomery street. At Hastings clothes store father bought me a suit of black summer clothes ($18), and a greyish coat ($6.00). and also a linnen coat ($2.50). He then bought me a pair of gaiters ($6.00), and a pair of good slippers ($2.50). We then went into a trunk factory and he bought some trunks, and a valise. We then had a good dinner, and after buying me a good black straw hat ($2.00), and walking around a little, we took the boat and cars for Oakland. Father paid all the expenses. When I came home I went to the post office, and looked at the papers at the library. Before supper I copied some of the diary I had at Howards’ into the book. After supper I played croquet with the boys. It was a hot day.
Thursday 9.– I have lost the papers of the diary of the di 9th and 10th but I rely upon my memory. After breakfast I went to the Grocery store, and then I took my money out of the bank amounting to $9.65 making me $14.20. F I gave the $14 to father to keep for me leaving me 20¢. This forenoon I studied Spanish. This after noon I stayed in the house and yard. This afternoon I watered a part of the garden. Charley bought a Boy’s of America for me 15¢, leaving me 5¢. It was a pleasant day.
Friday 10.— Today I and Josephine and mother went over to the city; we took the nine o’clock train and steamer, and on arriving there, we looked at the shells in the shell market, and then we had mine and Josephine’s photograph take; mine was taken in the small size. We then bought under clothes and shirts at Hastings. At twelve o’clock we had a good dinner. After walking around some more we took the steamer and Cars for home, I carrying two large bundles. Mother paid all the expenses. I then copied the diary I had in the country into the book. After supper I went to the post office. It was a pleasant day.
Saturday 11.– I arose this morning after six, and wet the yard and walks, with the hose before breakfast. After breakfast I helped sweep the walks, and then take up the piles. I then beat out the a part of the carpets. Before dinner I copied out of the diary I had in the country into the book. This afternoon I stayed in the house and yard. I went after camphor at the drug store this afternoon. Father went over to the city today and bought eight saddles. It was a pleasant day. I bathe tonight.
Sunday 12.~~ I arose rather late this morning, but in time for breakfast. After breakfast I went to the bakery. A part of this forenoon and afternoon I finished copying from the diary I had in the country into this book.
Before and after dinner I finished made my cash account of this year. Rosetor’s family were had dinner here. Most of the after noon I read and studied Spanish. After supper I looked at them playing croquet, and then we played some games with Annie Menges. Mr. Howard came this evening. It was a pleasant day; the thermometer stood 68° at noon.
Monday 13:— I arose this morning at five o’clock, and went to the butcher, but I went too early, so I went again at six o’clock.
This forenoon we were very busy in packing the saddles, swords, etc. up. This afternoon I lounged about the house, and helped pack the book up; and I also took a sleep on the lounge. Uncle has the rheumatism very bad now. Father said we will probably start for South America next monday (20th) Mr. Howard is here yet. After supper I went to the Grocery store and then exercised on the trapeze; I also spoke to Chas. Rosenberg. It was a moderate day. In going after bread, I made 25¢.
Tuesday 14.— I arose this morning at half past six, and exercised on the trapeze. After breakfast I went to the Grocery store. Mr. Howard went away again this forenoon; I seen him to the depot. This forenoon I stayed in the house and yard. Before dinner I went after some rollers at the dry goods store, and then afternoon a tin box at the tin shop. This afternoon I read the “Boys of America,’ and ab also helped to pack things up. After supper I helped to cart the big boxes to the barn, and then took the truck up town. This afternoon it was very pleasant, but this forenoon it was disagreeable. I watered half of the garden a part of the afternoon. Mother gave me 50¢ today, making me 80¢.
Wednesday 15.— I arose this morning, at half past six, and then exercised on the bar. After breakfast I helped Frank take a trunk to the lock smith. This forenoon I helped fixing things up a little. Mrs. Burdell (just from Japan) and Mr. and Mrs. Bridgens, were here this afternon. After dinner I practised writing, and then read. Before supper I went after Frank’s trunk but it was not yet finished. After supper I went to the post office. Mr. Philips the German professor was here this evening. It was a pleasant day.
Thursday 16:— I arose this morning a little late, and helped sweep the yard before breakfast. After breakfast I went to the Grocery store, and then went to the post office. We sent our slow freight this forenoon. I helped Frank bring his trunk from the lock smith this forenoon. Mother and father and the children went over to the city today, to buy clothes. I got 10¢ for old brass this forenoon making me 90¢. This afternoon I read the “Boy’s and Girls’ weekly. Father gave me 50¢ this evening, making me $1.40 After supper I went to the library and looked at the papers. This evening I went to the post office. It was a h pretty cold day.
Friday 17.— I arose this morning at half past six, and exercised on the trapeze. After breakfast I helped to carry down mother the bureau, bed, etc out of mothers room, and then carry it over to Menges, who bought it. I then went to the post office. Before dinner I went to the hardware store for Mrs. Menges. This afternoon I practised writing, took a sleep on the floor, read, and watered one half of the garden. Mr. and Mrs. Burdell were here this after noon. After supper I went to the post office, and then went again later. This was a disagreeable day.
Saturday 18.— I slept with uncle last night, as Bella slept in my bed. I arose at six, and wet the yard and walks with the hose before breakfast. After breakfast I helped uncle and Charley sweep the yard and walks, and then take up the piles. I then sawed and split a little wood. This afternoon Charley and I walked over the rail road bridge to Brooklyn and visited Bella Williams.
It was a miserable day. I bathe tonight.
Sunday 19:— I again slept with uncle last night, and will do so hereafter. After breakfast I and Charlie walked to Lake Merrit, and there visited Bill Aldrich. We came home before dinner. This afternoon we all went down to Reichlings; I and Charlie and Frank walked down, while the rest rode in the carriage. I and Charlie went around with Louie and shot with an air gun. At four o’clock we walked home again.
Mr. Parker came this afternoon and bid uncle good bye. It was a pleasant day.
Monday 20th I arose this morning at six o’clock, and cleaned the carpenter shop before breakfast. After breakfast I took a bill over to Menges, and then went to the tailor for father. At about ten o’clock Charley and I took our little pistols and went down to the P.R.R. bridge, and shot them off. We then walked across that long bridge, and back by the other rail road bridge. At two o’clock I went to the post office, Joe Welham, Bella’s brother came this afternoon, and will sleep with me in uncle’s room. This evening uncle Francis started back for the states. After supper I went for an express wagon but could find none. Afterwards one came, and he uncle, and Willie, Charlie, and I got on it, and rode to the Market st. depot, to see the former off for Pittsburg. We had to wait until 7:30 for the emigrant train, and then we walked home. I went to the bakery before breakfast supper. It was a pleasant afternoon, with a disagreeable forenoon.
Tuesday 21st.— There was an article about us in the last evening’s ‘Tribune’. I arose this morning at about six o’clock, and read before breakfast. This forenoon I principly helped to pack pictures up, and send them to buyers. Frank gave me a ream of note paper this forenoon. After dinner I and Charlie walked over to Brooklyn across the rail road bridge, and went into Badger’s park, (for 25¢ leaving me $1.15), where we skated a little while, and then we walked around the little town, to Mrs. Williams, where Charlie left a note, and then we walked back to Oakland. After supper I played a game of croquet with Josephine and Bella, and then at eight o’clock I went to the post office, Grocery store, and after the Boy’s and Girl’s Weekly, which I read until bed time. It was a pleasant day, with a miserable forenoon.
Wednesday 22nd. I arose this morning, at about half past six, and read the “Boy’s and Girl’s” until breakfast. After breakfast I went to the post office, and then I with Joe Welham and Johnnie carried all the lumber from the barn yard to the big lot. This afternoon I watered the whole garden from 12 to 3 o’clock. I went down town with Charlie at four o’clock, to buy him a knife.
Today the piano ($225.) and the carpenter shop ($20) were sold and taken away. After supper I went to the library and looked at the papers. It was a disagreeable day, the sun appearing only a part of the afternoon. Mother and Charlie, and father went over to the city today.
Thursday 23d. I arose this morning at about six o’clock, and exercised on the trapeze. A part of the forenoon I had to go around in the house with two auctioneers, who were pricing the furniture, beds, etc. Father sold all that was left of the furniture, bedding, etc, for $475, to one of them; it was sold very cheap. Before I exercised in writing a little. This afternoon I and Charlie walked up to Bill Aldrich’s house, and took a ride in his boat in Lake Merrit. There was a splendid breeze. Today Josephine and mother went over to the city, and at 4:30 P.M. I went to the depot to meet them. After waiting half an hour, I came home, and then I went again afterwards. But they not coming then, I and Charlie and I went again before supper and this time successfully. After supper I went to the post office, and then Willie pulled me about the big lot in a two wheeled wagon.
At 7 o’clock I took a walk up to twelfth and Broadway and back again, and then I walked with the brass band to the Central Hotel to attend a serenade in honor of Senator Page. He made a speech, and then I came home, and then I went to the post office. It was a very pleasant day
Friday 24.— I arose this morning at half past six, and hauled Joe Welham around in the two-wheeled wagon. After breakfast I went to the post. I practised writing a little this forenoon. I wrote a letter to Charlie Howard this afternoon. I also shot my pistol twice this afternoon in the yard. I went after the post at three o’clock P.M. Father went over to the city today, and engaged berths for us on the steamer ‘Arizona’ for New York, via Panama. The steamer sails next Wednesday (29th), berths $100. After supper I practised on the trapeze. I went to the post office this evening. It was a very pleasant day. Josephine gave me 5¢ for going to the post after breakfast, making me $1.30. Mrs. Flemming gave me 25¢ today for a lily plant, making me $1.45,
Saturday 25:— I arose this morning at about half past six, and wet the yard and walks with the hose before breakfast. After breakfast I helped Willie sweep the yard and walks, and then take up the piles. This afternoon we went to the theatre in San Francisco. At about ten o’clock I took a warm bath, and put on my Sunday clothes. Before twelve, after dinner, I and Johnnie, Herman, and Joe and Bella Welham and Annie Menges, went to the depot, and took the cars and steamer for San Francisco. On arriving there we walked to Platts Hall. I and Johnnie, Herman, and Joe went inside of the hall while Bella and Annie went to Shüslers and came back afterwards, and took a balcony seat. The play the ‘Royal Martionettes’; it consisted of stuffed people acting little plays, as ‘red riding hood’, etc. We could not see much of it as all the children stood up. The last were large ferns in different shades of light, and it looked magnificent. We rode in the horse cars to the steamer, and then on the steamer and cars to Oakland. I gave Frank 45¢ this morning, for a gilt-edged blank pocket book, which I will use as my diary during the voyage to South America. After supper I went to the Grocery store after eggs. At about seven o’clock I went to the library and played checkers with Eugene Howell. He then walked home with me; he promised to write to me, if I wrote to him, and as we shall not see each other again, I bid him good bye. It was a pleasant day.
Sunday 26.– I got up, about seven oclock this morning. After breakfast I went to the bakery. Josephine, Willie, Mrs. Flatt and myself went to the church this forenoon, to hear Mr. Hamilton preach for the last time. We had water mellons, today for the first time this year. Charley went to Williamses today, and Bella W— sent me her photo. There were a good many visitors here this afternoon; among whom were: Shüslers, Reichlings, Frank Rodolph, Wagner, Helmkies, etc. It was a pleasant day.
Monday 27.– I arose this morning at about seven o’clock, and exercised on the trapeze. After breakfast I took an ax to Wunderlie’s saloon. I and Johnnie went down to the 1st street bridge this forenoon, and shot my pistol. Before dinner Charlie and I went to the Grocery store. After dinner I went to the post office and then I took a part my pistol and cleaned it. Father gave me 50¢ this morning for blacking boots last week, making me $1.50, and then I gave him $1.00 to keep for me, leaving me 50¢. Before supper I went to the bakery, and made 5¢ in doing so, making me 55¢. Mrs. Burdell and Hesses were here this evening. After supper I went after the post, and went again at eight o’clock. It was a disagreeable day. Father went over to the city today, and got our tickets for on the steamer to New York.
The steamer goes day after tomorrow. Hurrah! Hurrah!
[NOTE: In this book, the entries for 1874 end here (on page 277). The entries for 1874 continue in a separate book with the account of family’s journey to Argentina. The following entry, on page 278, is for 1876.]
Father died June 27 1876 half past six in the evening.
Cause sudden dizziness, could not breathe.
Age 61 years, 4 months 18 days
Estancia "La California"
Cañada de Gomez.
Provincia Santa Fé
[in left margin:] Last words — "I am getting dizzy"
[NOTE: The remaining pages of this book (pages 279-289) are blank, including the fly sheets — nary a scribble.]
© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)