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1904 - Diary
(Source: S.B. Pryor)

Ea. Los Palmares
Calchaquí, Santa Fé — 1904
(age: 44/45 years old)

This day-book contains all of 1904, January 1 through December 31.  It is the last day-book (that we have) recording the activities at Los Palmares (his estancia west of Calchaquí, Santa Fé).  Most of it is not written by Alfred, but by his mayordomos Richards and Jordan (more about them below).

Alfred very likely kept a private note-book of his finances.  Missing from the day-book are purchases and sales of livestock (see the 1900 day-book for comparison).  Also, he bought Los Palmares on February 11, 1904, but provides no details in the day-book (see the entry for February 29).

On June 3rd, Alfred “went south” very likely to Rosario and Buenos Aires to book his passages to Europe and the U.S. and to make arragements for his absence during his forthcoming trip.  There is no mention of him in the La California diaries, as would be expected had he visited it.

On June 25th he left Los Palmares on a 5 month trip to Europe and the US, returning December 10th (see his diary of the trip).  (Note: per the La California diary entry of 9 May, 1904, Alfred’s nieces Hattie & Katie Benitz left La California for B.A. on their way to New York.  Alfred met them in St. Louis, 8 Sept. - see his trip diary.)


————  ~~  ————

Employe Wages, paid May 1904: Alfred listed his monthly employees (mensuales) & their wages (in pesos) on blotter pages.  The list here is from the blotter page between April 1 and April 2, 1903.  However, the list is dated May 1904.  Below, we list the employees in the same order as Alfred listed them.  For a rough comparison, we converted pesos to USD 2020 as follows: (1) Pesos to Dollars per price of gold in each in 1900, (2) Dollars 1900 to 2020 per US-CPI, (3) one peso ($1) in 1903 is then equivelent to U$D 14.34 in 2020).

Peones Wage USD
Elias   78 1,119
Jordan   60 860
Salto 50 717
Alvarez 18 258
Pancho 18 258
Mora 18 258
Lescano 25 358
Aquino 25 358
Dominguez 25 358
Lenzino 25 358
Tomas 20 287
Valbues 20 287
Demelo 20 287
Romulo 20 287
Ojedo 25 358
  15 215
Madero 20 287
  480 6,883

Employee wages paid end of May, 1904: Elias as capataz (and including his 2 boys) was paid the most.  Note that Jordan is included as an employee but not Richards.

————  ~~  ————

Production: Cattle counts are estimated and most likely incomplete.  Alfred did not provide a total count of the livestock, nor did he record (in this day-book) purchases and sales of livestock.

Background: The photo is of Alfred taken by Johnnie at “Los Palmares” on 24 April, 1902.  (From Auntie Olga's album, kindly lent to us by Susan Horner).

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To assist you with Spanglish terms and names local to the different regions, please open and have at hand (in a separate tab / window) the Reference Pages.

The following list provides access to transcriptions and PDF files of page images.
   ♦ To jump to the transcription of a month, click on its title.
   ♦ To download page images, click on PDF file.

Front cover & pages.
Front cover and printed pages of tables, etc. - no entries.
PDF file (3.8 mb)
January  &  February, 1904
PDF file (11.1 mb)
March  &  April, 1904
PDF file (8.0 mb)
May  &  June, 1904
PDF file (12.2 mb)
July  &  August, 1904
PDF file (12.1 mb)
September  &  October, 1904
PDF file (7.4 mb)
November,  &  December, 1904;Rainfall, 1902, 1903, 1904;
PDF file (8,5 mb)
Back pages & cover
Last blotter with scribbles, tables, & back cover.
PDF file (3.8 mb)

Transcription notes:  We have transribed Alfred’s diary as written, verbatim, without correcting spelling or grammar.  However, we have given the authors of the diary the benefit of the doubt when their writing is difficult to read and words are obvious (e.g. ending in a vs. o).  For words that are unrecognizable, we have inserted our best guess followed by [?].  Our comments are within [square brackets and italics] or in side-notes.  The quarter & month title bars are ours.
(Transcribed by: Michael Mohr-Bell, 2023.)

Jordan’s punctuation:  He placed colons (:) before and after words and phrases he wished to emphasize, and/or in place of commas and periods.  We replaced the colons with tthe appropriate punctuation based on sentence structure and capitalization of words.

[Transcription in progress.]

January, 1904

— 1 —
(Alfred writes)

New Year.  Very hot 37° strong n wind.  Barm 757".
Holiday, & nothing going on.  Most of the puesteros here today.

— 2 —
(Alfred writes)

Very hot day 37½° strong n wind & at night had a dry storms. Barm 759.
Butchered cow.-
Fixed up the wool in lienzas & bro’t up the wool from Mistolar (4¼ lienzas)
Dionisio Collins is here on way from Micheluds.-
Sent Wenceslao to Calchaqui with mail.-

— January 3, Sunday —
(Alfred writes)

Rained last night and this morning 25.3 m/m.  Fine cool day just the thing for the camp.  SE wind Barm 762°
Nothing going on.  Gente went to sleep at Palmar puesto for recojido tomorrow.

— 4 —
(Alfred writes)

Fine day warm NE wind 28° Barm 760½
Had on rodeo potrero Palmar.  Counted the novillos over 3 yrs 337.  besides the toritos, & 2 bullocks, & 5 cows.  - 2 ajeno novillos S
Mail came last night.-  Salto & Villafaña carpiando in chacra.  Reculuteros of Estancias Unidas passed on way out.-

— 5 —
(Alfred writes)

Fine day SE wind  Barm 763.-  Therm 30°.-
Had on rodeo in south potrero in morning.  Took out nearly all of yearling calves from plantel.  In afternoon had rodeo de la Loma about 800 head, put 6 cows for plantel & 4 black& bayo novillos in south potrero for consuma.  Cattle looking very well down there.  Killed 2 sheep from Mistolar at Estancia.  J. Fillon passed on way out.

— 6 —
(Alfred writes)

Warm day 33° E & NE wind Barm 762°
Had on rodeo Tapera about 2000 head: cured calves, castrated calves, & parted about 20 cows for consuma.
Cattle very parrida.
Enrique Diaz (Santiagueno) began working yesterday helping carpir in chacra. .
Ernesto Faraira passed from Isleta Potrillo.-

— 7 —
(Alfred writes)

Warm day 32° E wind.  Barm 762½. Bit stormy looking.-
Queer looking comet seen at 4.30 A.M. ESE above horizon.
Had on rodeo Mistolar about 2500, cured calves, castrated calves, & parted some cows & novillos for consuma, & put into Salado potrero 5 milk cows & calves, 1 novillo Frakes, 6 novillos, 55 cows for consuma & 3 ageno cows total 71
Luis Chavalic buyer of reses for Cia Forestal here today trying to buy.-
Butchered a vaquilla.

— 8 —
(Alfred writes)

Hot day NE wind 33°.  In morning a rain came up and rained 6.9 m/m & keeps on drizzling.-
Fixed chiquero for sheep, & cleared well.-
Sisto Martinez who has left Hartenecks here for night- Domingo Ledesma & Ballala left for Ocampo on leave.- .-

— 9 —
(Alfred writes)

Rained last night 4.1 m/m & was a cloudy muggy cool day with east wind & rained again in evening 8 m/m & still drizzling.  Gente recorrered camp.  Nothing going on.  Mail came from Calchaqui. (Camba‘s boy).-

— January 10, Sunday —
(Alfred writes)

Drizzled last night 1.9 m/m.  Fine day stormy afternoon & looks like a lot of rain towards Lomo Poi..  A. & Elias recorrered bañado on other side of Salado.  A. Huber here for night. .-

— 11 —
(Alfred writes)

Fine day. S wind, cloudy & cool.  Few drops came down at noon. Barm 757..
Huber left..  He paid for a cahudito [cojudito].
Elias & peones (Pancho, Romulo, Surdo, Wenceslao, Mateo, Ramon, left for Palmar to fix up tajamar again.  3 men from Sanchez help also.-
Nothing going.
Fine weather for camp.  Rained hard yesterday at Lomo Poi and Tapera.

— 12 —
(Alfred writes)

Fine day S.W wind cool 31° Barm 757.
Butchered old cow.-
A. was up at Palmar where they are making tajamar.-
Machengo took mail.
Sylwan sent mail.–

— 13 —
(Alfred writes)

South wind 33° Barm 759.-
A was at Hartenecks and Paso Calchaqui.  girl there got kid.-
Took off paja roof of spare room.  Full of bats between tiles.-
Men still up at tajamar.-
Sylvan Michelud was here for breakfast-
Saw funny metear or cloudy in S.W. this evening.-

— 14 —
(Alfred writes)

Warm day S & E wind.  Therm 31 Barm 759.-
Nothing going on.
Gente still up in Palmar at tajamar but finished.-
J. Andres Ruiz Diaz here on way to Sanchez.

— 15 —
(Alfred writes)

Warm day 33° SE wind Barm 759.-
A & 4 of the men on the place went over to Potrero Union and parted 27 animals on the two rodeos, & 4 animals from Piquete.  Left gente there and A came back.-
Elias & gente came back pm. Palmar where they had finished tajamar.
Machengo bro‘t mail.  H. Tea (Fea?) had bo‘t 1700 head of cattle at Escalada @ $14. al costo. Machengo takes them to Rafanga.
Sylwan here for night.-

— 16 —
(Alfred writes)

Warm day 34½° E wind.- Barm 758½
Gente came back from Lucero bringing 30 animals, put 21 animals in Palmar potrero & 6 into Salado.  2 bulls to take to Mistolar.-
Butchered vaquilla.
Elis went with Sylwan to rodeo Chamorros‘.
Nothing new.-

— January 17, Sunday —
(Alfred writes)

Very hot 36°.  Wind N. & E  Barm 759.-
Julian Sanchez here all day.  This evenng young Villalba and pulperos from his place came and stop the night.-

— 18 —
(Alfred writes)

Very hot 37° wind N & E Barm 758½
Pulpero left: said would come on Friday to take away the frutos.-
Two carts went to fetch wood from Hartenecks.
Sent senueleros to reculutar at Micheluds.  Also sent cow & calf of Silvio Michelubs.
D. Collins here.-
Camps getting dry.

— 19 —
(Alfred writes)

Very hot Ter.38°.  Bar. 757½.  Cloudless sky.  Wind NE to E at night.
325 Ks potatoes received
AB went early to Calchaqui
Carting for wood one load from Harteneck  carts went to Mistolar in evening
Recluta from Micheluds 2 big novillos 1 small one & one vaquillas  Dry.

— 20 —
(Alfred writes)

Very hot Therm 39 Bar 755  Wind strong all day till evening N & NE.  No sign of rain.  People brought fire wood.
Moreira & nephew came afternoon
Camps sin novedad.

— 21 —
(Alfred writes)

S.W. came up last night, and rained this afternoon 17½ m/m.  S.E. wind in afternoon and cool Barm 758½.-
A came back from Calchaqui, having slept at Paso Calchaqui.
Moreiro & son left in afternoon.-
Butchered vaquilla.-
Began to baldear at estancia juguel so as to improve the rotten water and to swell the bebidas etc.—

— 22 —
(Alfred writes)

Cool day.  South wind.  Barm 762.-
Pulling water in estancia jaguel.
Richards & 2 peones began work at boat house at lake.-
Valbueno began cutting alfalfa.- (old chacra)

— 23 —
(Alfred writes)

Fine day SE and E wind 31° Barm 760½ .-
Had on rodeo Salado del Medio about 5000 head.-
Disembichared calves etc. very good parición.-
Gathered 2 loads of alfa into galpon, & chucked two loads of grass away.-
Salado which is swimming is pretty good water now.-

— January 24, Sunday —
(Alfred writes)

N & S & E wind 34°  Barm 760
A. recorrered up to Palmar potrero.-
Romulo takes mail..-
Nothing going on

— 25 —
(Alfred writes)

Hot day 35° variable winds, Barm 759.-  Total 24 oxen 2 novillo año  J. Benavidez took 12 oxen & 2 novillos A from potrero, 1 ox from Estancia & 4 oxen from Mistolar & parts tomorrow from Puesto Paso Calchaqui 7, oxen total 24 oxen 2 novillos to work at San Manuel.  Lent them to him to do him a service as an old peon.  Oxen left in potrero 15 Estancia 20 all tame.
Cut rest of old alfalfar & began new.  Fixing up jaguel Estancia.-  Guitterez bolichero from Villalbas came to take hides etc.-  cutting Espadaña for boat house.
Camp getting dry.- Butchered novillo.
Sylvan sent mail

— 26 —
(Alfred writes)

Cloudy morning, rain came up at 1.30 & rained 25 m/m with strong wind.  drizzly evening. Fine for camp.-
Entregared the frutos to Jesus Guitterez.  He paid for all except $583.00  Sent the frutos to paso Salado where his carts (3) were waiting.  He sent 2 bags flour 2 box beer, 2 bot whisky, 1 bag yerba, maiz.-
D. Godoy came in rain & stops the night with 3 men.
Tried to montonar alfa but had no time.
Junco was here; lent him $100.00 for a couple of months.

— 27 —
(Alfred writes)

Blotter page facing
27 January

Signatures of Alfred Benitz & J.M. Jordan?

Page image.

They may have signed a contract.

Fine fresh day South wind.  Barm 765.
Finished helping Guiterrez across the Salado with the frutos.  Turned over the alfa.

— 28 —
(Alfred writes)

Fine day E wind Barm 765.-
Claudio Perdome passed today with 500 mares on way to Aluampa & Rivadavia.  He passed the day here.
Getting in alfa.-
Escobar & commission here on way to J. Sanchez.-
Lent 2 spades, boring lengths, & rollo to "

— 29 —
(Alfred writes)

Fine day NE wind Barm 760.
Finished cutting the newest piece of alfa & stacked it. (round stack)  Machine got out of order.-
A recorrered down in South potrero.-
Leandro Moreiro with 120 novillos here on way to Palmar potrero.-

— 30 —
(Alfred writes)

Fine warm day 33° E wind Barm 762½
Moreiro took his 122 novillos up to Palmar potrero to fatten & sell.-
Ration day.-
Villafañas boy brought mail.-
Elias went to Calchaqui; also Salto.-
Mercachifle here for night.-  Burns was here for breakfast.-

— January 31, Sunday —
(Alfred writes)

Warm day E wind Barm 763 ½
Nothing going on.  A & Richards were over at Sylwan‘s all day.


February, 1904

— 1 —
(Alfred writes)

Hot day 34° E wind Barm 761.-
Parted out 17 marked calves from potrero Salado and put them into potrero Palmar.
40 novillos of Moreiros got out of potrero Palmar & more stopped here.
Escobar took mail to Calchaqui.-

— 2 —
(Alfred writes)

Stormy day N wind, hot 35½°, rained a little in evening 2 m/m with variable winds.  Wind NE tonight 759° Barm
Took escaped novillos back to Palmar potrero.-
Elias bro‘t mail & as a certified letter did not turn up, sent Domingo Ledesma to Calchaqui to see whether it had been miscarried.-
Cleaned out jaguel Estancia in afternoon (deposito)

— 3 —
(Alfred writes)

Fine day 30° slight rain at siesta 6½ m/m S wind.-
Cleared out jaguel again.
D. Ledesma brought mail. — Still it seems one registered letter is missing.

— 4 —
(Alfred writes)

Find day SW wind therm 30 Barm 758.
Finished cleaning out well (jaguel)
Butchered novillo.-

— 5 —
(Alfred & Richards write?)

Cloudy in morning. Afternoon fine  Therm 32 Bar. 760 Wind SE gentle
A.B. went to Calchaqui
Camps sin novedad.
Tomas gave in account of Fillon with a tropilla looking for animals from the cacique

— 6 —
(Alfred writes)

Fine day  Wind SE.E. Therm. 33½ Bar. 760
Novillo c/p S end of lake.
Gente made fence in lake longer so as to prevent cattle from going out.
A came back from Calchaqui last night.

— February 7 Sunday —
(Alfred writes)

Hot day 35° winds N.S.E. Barm 760.
Butchered vaquilla.  Had nor rain from estero Alambrado to Pencas than any other place last week.

— 8 —
(Richards writes)

Warm day.  Bar 761  Therm. 36 Wind E. SE. S. Calm at night
A.B. started for San Cristobal afternoon
Elias away. At Paso fixing jaguel.

— 9 —
(Richards writes)

Warm cloudy day.  Therm 35  Bar. 759 (falling)
People away, fixing well in Paso.  planting potatoes
Senobio sent word about foot & mouth desease
Mail came from. Est Hartenecks. lime & hide from Don Cantar as well.  Wind calm & night cloudy & warm.

— 10 —
(Richards writes)

Hot day. Wind NE.  E.  E&S. E.N  Therm 34 Bar 759. falling
Elias & people making well Paso
Went to Hartenecks & passed on to Paso
Overa Negra cow Potrero Salado died effects of pantano & thinness

— 11 —
(Very poor writing, unknown author)

Warm day.  Therm. 32  Bar. 757 bajando
Tormenta from W with 12.4 gasm rain 1 hour  Tendency to rain, with violent wind, from WS W with thunder & rain.
People from Julian Sanchez.
Strong storm from W & SW from W12.39. rain
Rain at night  Bar. falling.  Rain 33½ during night

— 12 —
(Richards writes)

Fine day.  Wind S.  SW  Therm. 32. Bar. 758.
Moreia brought novillos from Palmar
Gale of wind all day.

— 13 —
(Richards writes)

Fine day.  Strong SW wind  Therm 32 Bar. 758. Falling  Parared Rodeo Salado  Moreira parted 1 novillo
Calm at night.
Strong wind all day.

— February 14 Sunday —
(Richards writes)

Moreira parted 8 novillos
SW wind  Bar 754 & falling  Therm 32

— 15 —
(Richards writes)

Fine day in the morning.  Went to Loma to look at the sick animals  Some had all four feet bad with the flesh quite bare & red.  few with their mouths bad.  Moreira finished parting after 12. very warm 35°.  Thunder & wind all afternoon without rain very heavy. weather at night & much lightening
Bar 753. & falling.  1 novillo & cows for consumo to Zenobio

— 16 —
(Richards writes)

Rain 18 mil at night
Morning cloudy.  Fine day but sultry after 12.  Therm 30.  Bar. 754½. Falling
Capataz came back from Union
Carneando 1 novillo pampa hide cut up.
22 animals wanting to Moreira

— 17 —
(Richards writes)

Fine day.  Wind SE  Bar 757½ Therm 30
Filled pantano in corral.
Roque Villafaño arrived. Looking for animals
Ramon died suddenly, while cutting wood in Verde camp.

— 18 —
(Richards writes)

Cloudy damp day.  Thunder & little rain afternoon
Filling up corral still
1 novillo died.  c/p.  Calchaqui coast.
Salto weeding  Recorrida of camp
Rainfall in afternoon from 4 to 5 p.m. 9 mil. Great calm. Bar 758½ Therm 30.
Rain at night 2½ mil

— 19 —
(Richards writes)

Damp threalenen day with distant thunder.  Drizzle.  Wind SE & E  Rain at night & no wind 3 mil.

— 20 —
(Richards writes)

Fine day.  More or less cloudy  Bar 760.  Therm 30. Wind SE. E. NE
Elias went to Calchaqui with correspondence
Camp sin novedad

— February 21 Sunday —
(Richards writes)

Dull day.  Bar 760  Therm 30
Very cool a night little wind SE
Elias went to Calchaqui to see Doctor

— 22 —
(Richards writes)

Fine cool day  Therm 25° Bar 763 Wind SE.E.
Dead calm at night
Potatoes started sprouting
Well in bad state with ants
Camps sin novedad.

— 23 —
(Richards writes)

Fine cool day.  Therm 25  Bar 761  Wind E.N.E More breeze at night
Recorrida of camp sin novedad.  Burning camp
Nicolas Benitez & Bargas & Juan Andrez passed.  Benitez asked about mules for taming.  Elias returned, with mail
Cleaned well very dirty with rotten mud at bottom.  Very good water since

— 24 —
(Richards writes)

Fine day  Therm 30  Bar 757.  falling wind NE.
Worked at boathouse & filling corral
Mended tumbera [tambo - dairy?]
Butchered cow
Burned camp to N.  recorrida sin novedad

— 25 —
(Richards writes)

Cloudy in morning wind from N & NW  Rain in afternoon at 3 pm till 4 30  15 mil Therm 28  warm & muggy. Bar 755 steady.   Night still thundering & threatening
working at boathouse.  Pancho started in morning to campear horses, not returned at night
camps without anything new.  Balbuena mending tumbero.  Received telegram about sending trap on Sunday to Calchaqui

— 26 —
(Richards writes)

Rain at night 4 mil.  Wind N.NW.NE Therm 28.  Bar. 755½ . Still threatening rain  Great Bank of clouds with lightening to NE.
Julian Sanchez came for cilindro tina & box.  No one knows which they are, nor he himself
Pancho turned up at night. ie night before.
Close & warm threatening rain.

— 27 —
(Richards writes)

Rained in afternoon 8 m/m  Weather threatening
Richards went to Calchaqui to meet A.B. in trap.

— February 28 Sunday —
(Richards writes)

Rained last 2½ m/m & today 27

— 29 —
(Alfred writes)

Fine day S.E. NE wind cool & splendid for camp which is looking fine.  Roads muddy.  A. came back from down south, also Jordan from B.A. & Richards.-
A had signed boleta compra Venta Los Palmares at San Cristobal on the 11th, so is owner of Los Palmares at last.-
Went to S.Fé on the 11th & same night to Rosario. On the 13th to Las Rosas and to B.A. on the 22nd.  On the 25th night to Rosario. 26th night to S.Fé. on the 27th night to Calchaqui & stopped over Sunday on a/c of rain.-  Jordan begins again after an absence of about 11 months.  Gave orders prohibiting chasing ostrich.  Aftosa among cattle but very benign.

March, 1904

— 1 —
(Jordan writes)

Cool and cloudy, with light variable wind and light showers (1 m/m)  Barometer 761
Took the boat up to the new boat house at Laguna Palmar; and began fencing it in
Sent mule cart to Puesto Palmar
Julian Sanchez here for breakfast and went to look at colts in Potrero Salado in afternoon

— 2 —
(Jordan writes)

Pleasant day  Light winds SE.E.NE.  Thermometer 27  Barometer 760
Sharp shower last night 5 310 m/m.
Elias and gente recorrered camp.  Butchered novillo and brought up the colts from Potrero Salado shut them in at Estancia to capar tomorrow
Mr Benitz and myself recorrered camp to Loma Poi returning by Calchaqui side.  Saw quite a lot novillos and young cows with aftosa very few old cows.  Camp looks fines,  more water at south than nearer Estancia. (Sun set behind cloud)

— 3 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm and cloudy with variable winds.  Thermometer 30°
Barometer 760.  Light shower last night 2½ m/m
Castrated 46 colts (using machine and disinfectant)
J. Sanchez here all day.  Began breaking up old bebidas to get lumber to use in Jaqueremas [tajamares]
Ursalo here collecting acct.)
Mr Benitz engaged one or two men to work at Salado
Contramarcado three young stallions: two for J Sanchez and one for A Huber: (Alazan – Tostado mala coro [tostado malacara] – y Saino)
Tomas went to Calchaqui with mule cart. (all his family)

— 4 —
(Jordan writes)

Rain last night and forenoon 97 m/m.  Barometer 760
Looks like clearing up.  Very light variable winds
Nothing doing all forenoon.  Recorrered camp this evening lots of water all over the camp apparently
Salado rising a little: did not see much aftosa
Mr Richards working at a machine to make ropes
J Sanchez went home.  Peones here looking for work
  No hay novedad [No news]

— 5 —
(Jordan writes)

Damp muggy day, no wind to speak of.  Barometer 762
Mr Benitz went over to Hateneck’s.
Very little doing.  fixed up two carts to go to Calchaqui
Recorrered camp in afternoon
Mr Richards finished safe [rope] machine
The newly castrated colts seem to be doing finely
Tomas has not returned.  Received correspondence
Hartenecks sent mail (Sylwan)

— March 6, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Began raining in early morning and continued nearly all day fell 13.7 m/m almost no wind till late when came up E
Butchered capon from Mistolar.  Zenobio brought cart says Calchaqui is rising.  Pasturing newly castrated Colts

— 7 —
(Richards writes)

Warm muggy threatening day but had sun at last, tonight raining a little.(nothing)  Barm 760.  W wind & S tonight.
Butchered novillo.-
3 carts left for Calchaqui.  Romulo as bueyero taking 12 spare oxen.-  the three new peones, Domingo, Aquino, & going with carts to bring out building material etc.-
Elias also went to Calchaqui & dispatches carts, takes mail.
Jordan left in afternoon to recorrer south potrero etc.
Federico Berli here campiando his sheep.-
Freshly castrated potros still on pastoreo, great swollen some.
Reports of Calchaqui being(false) crecido.  Camps looking splendid.

— 8 —
(Richards writes)

Another warm muggy day but with sun & north wind.  In afternoon rain came up sharply and rained 8.7 m/m.  South wind tonight and thundering.
Salto & boy transplanting bermuda grass.
Fine weather for camp.
Jordan not back yet.

— 9 —
(Jordan writes)

Another warm muggy.(day) Thermometer 33° at 5 oclock.  Barometer 760 wind nearly all directions, with hard shower about 4 oclock (from north) fell 19.7 m/m: still stormy looking:
Tomas got back from Calchaqui bringing mail, Jordan’s trunk and some spades.
Mr Benitz recorrered camp to north, two dead animals c/
Jordan came back at nightfall.  Lots of water in South potrero.  Calchaqui swimming south of Michelot pass
Quite a lot of dead calves.  aftosa better about Loma Poi

— 10 —
(Jordan writes)

Not quite so warm today, wind mostly East.  Barometer 761
Hard shower from the north in afternoon 20.3 m/m.
Tomas took his mares and colts (17) to north potrero
Salado rising, is swimming at Bridge.  Recorriendo camp
Cured one bull (embechado) in both hind feet
Still Pasturing colts, they seem to be doing very well
Butchered two capones from Mistolar.
Sun set nearly clear with easterly wind and thunder in north and east.  Surdo came back from Palmar with cart
Laguna Palmar has risen 3 inches since taquemar [tajamar] was made

— 11 —
(Jordan writes)

Sultry day (East wind)   Barometer variable 757 a 761
Storm from south about 7.30 P.M.
Recorriendo camp and curing animals embiechados cured 1 calf - 1 cow - 1 - novillo. Also skinned 1 cow near arbol solo.  Salado has risen three quarters in two day
Took the newly castrated colts to potrero Salado in afternoon
Butchered capon Mistolar.  Machengo got back from south today-

— 12 —
(Jordan writes)

Not quite so warm today with Southerly wind most of the day.  Barometer 758 – 760.  Rainfall last night 14.4 m/m and today, beginning about midday and continuing slowly about two hours 15.  Total 31.4 m/m
Butchered a young cow ~.  Salto flauling [??] bermuda grass
Mr Benitz went as far as Paso Calchaqui and back by Harteneck’s.  Mr Richards mach the first twisted hide rope today.  Peones charqueando the meat and recorrida in camp   No hay novedad

— March 13, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Light fog early morning   Bright sunshiny day
South wind.  Barometer 758.  Mr Wilem [William ?] Collins and Peters here at midday
Mr Collins still here.  Mr Benitz and Richards sailing on the Palmar.
Elias got back from Calchaqui.  Carts have crossed the arroyo Received correspondence

— 14 —
(Jordan writes)

Fog in early morning   Bright sunshiny day light southerly wind.  Bar 759. Mr Collins. Canute and friend Bustos also Don Ernesto Faraira here for the night.  Carts get back from Calchaqui with Zinc roofing lumber provistos etc
Put new roof on Chacenero’s room. (of ruberoid)
Elias and gente recorriendo camp cured 10 animals embiechadas.
J recorrido Potrero Palmar hasta el puesto.

— 15 —
(Jordan writes)

Rather warm.  threatening kind of day.  rained 4.5 m/m in afternoon
Elias and gente recorrido and cured 20 animales (embiechados)
Put zinc roof on end room.  Balbueno began cutting old alfalfa.  Aquino began plowing new chacra  Lescano digging out the trees in same place
Doña Felipe and family moved to puesto Paso Calchaqui
Gamba comes to Mistolar.  Ration day.  All the puesteros here.  Butchered vaca B

— 16 —
(Jordan writes)

A real nice day.  South and east wind very light.
Aquino still plowing.  Lescano digging out trees in chacra  Elias and gente recorriendo camp and curing animals (12) embiechados  Mr Bentz, Jordan and one peon working at roof.  Balbueno cutting alfalfa
Barometer variable 761 – 6½.  Peons here looking for work

— 17 —
(Jordan writes)

Bright sunshiny day.  light variable winds SW to NW  Barometer 757  Salado still rising.  Laguna Palmar also
Elias and gente recorriendo camp, reports not many embiechados in direction algarobal.  Aquino still plowing.  Balbueno cutting hay.  also raked some of it
Mr Benitz – Richards – Jordan and two peones working at roof.  Mr Collins lift today.
Salto working in the garden. (potatoes etc)
Gamba sent the carts home.

— 18 —
(Jordan writes)

Bright day.  Thermometer touched 30°  Barometer 755°
Light variable winds, mostly east
Peones getting in hay.  Mr Benitz – Richards – Jordan and two peones fixing roof, got most of the zinc on.
J. Sanchez sent small troop of animals (vacuno) through the camp on route to Calchaqui
Sent correspondence by Machingo

— 19 —
(Jordan writes)

Dark threatening day.  Barometer 758.  Wind mostly from the south  Elias and peones hauling hay into the old chacra and putting into small piles
Mr Benitz went to paso Calchaqui, reports Calchaqui falling some.  Mr Richards and Jordan finished roof on Estancia house.  Mr Martin (Juan) came at midday.  Is here tonight
Butchered heifer. ~

— March 20, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Cool cloudy day.  Barometer 760.  S.W. and S. wind  Rained at magrudado [madrugada] 7.3 m/m.
Mr Martin left this morning.  Nothing doing

— 21 —
(Jordan writes)

Cool.  Pleasant day.  Barometer 760.  Wind light SW. and S
Elias and gente (recorrido) camp to the north and Mr Benitz to the south, in the forenoon
In afternoon: began emfarrando [emparvando] alfalfa
Jordan and two peones strengthening wall at east end of house with palms.
Balbueno cutting hay.  Donatto took one oxcart across Calchaqui (to bring back maiz tomorrow)
(Broke glass of Pluviometer) (Mr B.)

— 22 —
(Jordan writes)

Bright sunshiny day  Barometer 759°
Light variable winds, mostly from the west
Gente cutting, hauling and stacking hay
Aquino plowing in new chacra
Salto planted 13 varietes of tree seed.  Some in beds and others in boxes
Jordan (recorrido) potrero Salado in afternoon
Lucero carts found on way to obraje with quite a lot of Santiageneans.

— 23 —
(Jordan writes)

Fine day, light westerly wind.  Barometer 760
Finished cutting and raking alfalfa.
Still hauling and stacking it
Jordan (recorrido) to Loma, find cattle are about well of aftosa in that part of the camp
Donato got back with maiz this evening
Madero sent for glycerine as the sheep have taken peste
  Butchered Vaca B

— 24 —
(Jordan writes)

Bl Bright sunshiny day.  Barometer 764, wind west very light
Weighed Donattos maiz 2.394 Kilos
Elias and gente still hauling and stacking hay
Aquino plowing in new chakra
Jordan (recorrido) Sancafones coast of Calchaqui and Back by Laguna palmar.  Lots of sick animals
Regulated Donattas acct as he is leaving
Sent chasque (with and for) correspondence to Calchaqui

— 25 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day.  Thermometer 31°  Barometer 765°.  Wind.W.(N.W) (N)
Elias and gente finished Stacking hay and covered it with tejas and zinc.  Aquino plowing (new chacra)
Jordan went to Mistolar in morning (curing sheep)
In afternoon with peones curing cattle (3) in camp
Mr Benitz went for sail in afternoon
  Received correspondence

— 26 —
(Jordan writes)

Fine day.  Barometer 760.  Wind NW and North
Two oxcarts went over to Hartenecks camp and brought back firewood.
Elias and gente curing animals (north part of camp) cured quite a lot.  Aquino plowing
Jordan (recorrido) Salado and Esteros to rodeo del Medio
Some animals (embiechado) but on the whole the cattle in that part are better

— March 27, Sunday —
(Jordan & Richards write)

Very warm day  Ther 32° Ban 761.
Wind N.W. and N.  cured two novillos embiechados costa Salado
J Sanchez here with cart for night.  Z.Ponce suddenly died from horse back in corral at Lomo Poi whilst he was entregaring some potros of Fillons to 2 men from Micheluds.  Send body in Calchaqui with Machengo; also sent chasqui in to let Berisso know & have coffin made.

— 28 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm in forenoon with North wind.  About five oclock came up slight storm from south.  Rained 5 m/m. Bar 759
Domingo and wife went in oxcart to Loma to replace Zenobio
Two men began gathering maiz but stopped as it was too green
Elias and gente curing animals, only a few
Mr Richards and Jordan at L- palmar fixing boat getting wood for recados and (recorriendo) camp
Aftosa has broken out in Potrero Palmar
Mr Benitz (recorrido) costa Salado and esteros to first ditch.

— 29 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained last night 34¾ m/m raining most of the day 39¾ m/m  Wind variable mostly north.  Barometer 757.
Sent chasque with letters to Calchaqui
Mr Benitz went as far as coast of Calchaqui east of Estancia it seems to be swimming there.
Nothing being done (except a little hide work)

— 30 —
(Alfred writes)

Rainy day S wind, rained 5½ m/m & continues. Barm 758°
Jordan left to recorrer south end of camp.-
Madero reports flock of sheep bad with aftosa.-
Salado risen about 4 inches.-
J. Wilson was here in afternoon.-
Salto & peon planting Bermuda grass.
Hartenecks sent mail.
Too much wet for cattle.

— 31 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained last night 9.7 m/m  Cleared up in morning fine day  Bar 760°.  wind light S and E.
Jordan got back from Madero’s about midday.  Confirms Madero’ report.  Rained less in South potrero than here
Elias recorrerd potrero Palmar.  Water passing by end of tajamar.  Skinned fine bull south of fence P. Palmar
Salto and peon planting Bermuda grass
Mr Benitz and Jordan recorrido in afternoon

April, 1904

— 1 —
(Jordan writes)

Nice pleasant day.  Light S.E. wind.  Barometer 760
Machingo got back with horse cart bringing stores correspondence etc from Calchaqui
Feast day [Good Friday] nothing being done

— 2 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained last night 1 m/m and this morning 3 m/m
North wind.  Barometer 759
Tried ant killing machine on 5 nests
Salto planting bermuda grass.  Aquino plowing
Elias Jordan and peones curing animalsEmbiechados in camp
Richards and one peon sawing timber for recados
Mr Benitz recorrido camp south.  Lots of water
Animals in algorabal (mejorando)   Butchered cow B

— April 3, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Very warm day. Thr 33°. Bar 757. Wind mostly North
Mr Benitz and Richards spent the day at L Palmar (sailing)
Several tormentos in north and east is still lightning there

— 4 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained last night 39.7 m/m Heavy storm from South  Strong South wind blowing all day.  Barometer 765
Mr Benitz went down to Loma back by coast of Calchaqui
Jordan went to Palmar.  made ditch across taquemar [tajamar]
Plenty of water in Palmar camp now
Cueriado novillito [skinned a small steer] ~ east of southern part of L Palmar
Aquino Plowing.
Salto and Gregorio planting Bermuda
Elias and gente recorriendo camp and curing animales

— 5 —
(Jordan writes)

Very nice cool day  Barometer 765.
Elias and gente recorriendo camp found two dead cows C.P.
Aquino plowing.  Jordan Lescano and Salto revocando in forenoon. Odd jobs afterwards.
Elias brought young potros 48 from P. Salado and shut them in small potrero, Estancia.  Taking them to P Palmar tomorrow.  also shut in mules to go with cart to Loma Poi
Gregorio cutting grass to mix with mud all day
Carneado Vaca B

— 6 —
(Jordan writes)

Pleasant day south wind in forenoon and north afterwards  Barometer 761.  Jordan went to Puesto Loma Poi to entregar it to Ojedo (new puestero)  Pancho Benites took mule cart down there and brought back two families of women folk
Mr Benitz went over to Harteneck’s and on to Paso Calchaqui
Elias and gente took young Potros 50 to Potrero Palmar
Aquino plowing.  Lescano and Salto working in mud
  Don Miguel Fraire here for the night

— 7 —
(Jordan writes)

Fine sunshiny day.  very light South wind.  Barometer 763
Jordan and three peones (embarrando) Estancia
Elias and gente recorriendo camp
Antonio took correspondence to Calchaqui
An old milk cow died today near the Estancia (age and aftosa)

— 8 —
(Jordan writes)

Bright day, wind South and East.  Barometer 762½
Elias and gente recorriendo and mending fence in Sanjon near Calchaqui
Mr Benitz went up toquemar [tajamar]. Water has risen 3 quarts since taquemar was made.  Jordan and two peones embarrando Estancia
Salto in quinta.  Aquino plowing
Antonio brought correspondence and went down to Loma after his furniture and estacar cow hides
Shut up north ditch in Salado

— 9 —
(Jordan writes)

Began raining about five oclock this morning and continued slowly untill about half past three in afternoon fell 10.5 m/m  North wind.  Barometer 762.
Antonio brought sixteen hides (vacuna) from Loma Poi
Mr Benitz went down to Paso Salado
  Nothing doing

— April 10, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Very pleasant day light south wind  Barometer 764
Mr Benitz and Richards went over to see Mr Wilson (have not returned)
Elias and gente went to Loma to have rodeo tomorrow.  Butchered cow B

— 11 —
(Jordan writes)

Nice day southerly wind.  Barometer 763.
Mr Benitz and Richards got back at midday
Jordan and two peones finished mud work and did a few odd jobs
Morerio here for night.
Dead novillo between estero and guaranina solo (east of tree) CP
Salto cutting maize in quinta
Barga and several others here today looking for work

— 12 —
(Jordan writes)

Light North wind  Barometer 760.
Jordan went with cartmen and brought one load of wood from algarobal (for marcacion)
Elias and gente got back with mares, colts, potros etc for marcacion  Shut them in at Estancia
Moreiro here still.

— 13 —
(Jordan writes)

Cloudy forenoon, raining all afternoon.  Fell 47.8 m/m
East wind. Barometer 759.  Parted 57 potros 2 mules and one cochudito [cojudito] and put them in potrero Salado.  Marked 51 colts and 33 fillies also one two year old filly.  Shut mares in small potrero
Still raining.  Began plowing in old alfalfar.-
  Butchered cow B

— 14 —
(Jordan writes)

Heavy rain with East wind last night 90.6 m/m.  Continued raining most of the day wind east and north east.  46.7 m/m today
Took potros out of potrero salado 60 + 1 of camp = 61 and took them to Potrero Palmar.  Put mares colts etc in potrero Salado (629)
In forenoon Mr Benitz and Jordan recorrido camp  All esteros full and camp covered with water  Laguna Palmar and arroyo Calchaqui rising
Puestero went home.  Moreiro lift today
Wind still from East.  Barometer 758½

— 15 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day with east, north, and west wind untill about five in afternoon when there came strong south wind with heavy rain about ½ hour.  fell 11.5 m/m  Barometer 756.
Mr Benitz went over to Harteneck! has not returned yet
Elias and gente recorriendo camp reports Salado overflowing at Loma- south ditch, and estero de las nutrias.
Footmen with Jordan.  Making mud.  Making ditches in ant nests and cutting canes.  Balbueno skinned a cow in potrero Salado one of the butcher stock (aftosa)  Ernesto Ferrera here after midday going north.  Butchered cow B

— 16 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained last night. 1.2 m/m  Cleared up in morning.  Bright day  Mostly west wind.  Barometer 759
Mr Benitz came back from Harteneck’s this morning
Footmen transplanting bermuda grass and fixing top on haystack.  Elias and gente recorriendo camp
Ignacio got back last night late (brought correspondence)
Tied 22 sheep skins with wire (in three bundles)

— April 17, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Bright sunshiny day.  Light South and Southwest wind.  Barometer 762
News that Domingo has arrived at Paso Calchaqui with his cattle he sent correspondence on to Estancia.  Water has reached sixth line on sign post in Laguna Palmar, a rise of 12 inches in less than three days

— 18 —
(Jordan writes)

Nice pleasant day.  Light South wind  Barometer 763
Mr Benitz went down to Loma and Puesto Madero, has not returned
Elias and gente revocando Elias’ room, and making a lasso
Jordan and Balbueno fixing up two wheel cart for oxen
Lescano and Antonio cleaning canes for roof
Salto cutting cane stalks near the house
Mr Richards finished saddle for Señor Canuste
In afternoon Jordan went up to Laguna Palmar
Hacienda mejorando mucho (de aftosa) [Livestock improving plenty (from hoof-and-mouth]

— 19 —
(Jordan writes)

Bright day, very little wind variable.  Barometer 763
Domingo got to the Estancia at midday with his cattle 103 all told
Marked a few calves and then shut them in Potrero Salado
Mr Benitz got back from Loma, and then with Mr Richards went to Paso Mistolar.  Don Alberto Huber here for night
Elias and gente finished mud work.  Aquino plowing  Other footmen doing odd jobs
Butchered novillos. Singo [brand?] S

— 20 —
(Jordan writes)

Fine day. E and N.E. wind. Very light.  Barometer 762.
Brought up about ½ the mares from Potrero Salado and marked 14 colts and 12 fillies.  Also cerdeado 197 mares and 7 stallions  Put the cerdo in 4 bags and sewed them up
Lescano got two wheel cart ready to go to Calchaqui tomorrow
Caught one gobbler and two turkey hens to send to Doña Felipe who is going to raise turkeys on shares
A Huber took his young stallion home today. (one he bought here)
Aquino plowing.  Salto dug some potatoes today. (the first)

— 21 —
(Jordan writes)

Nice drying day, wind light variable from east to south.  Barometer 762
Brought up the rest of the mares from potrero Salado and Marked 10 colts and 13 fillies.  cerdeado 188 yeguas and 11 cohudas [cojudos] afterwards shut them all in Potrero Salado.  Antonio and Lescano took two wheel cart and three yoke of oxen to Calchaqui.  Aquino plowing: Salto odd jobs
Mr Benitz went up to Laguna Palmar in afternoon reports a rise of seven inches since Sunday.  water is now within one inch the fourth mark5 P.M. on (masiometer) [??]  Mr Richards took boat to southwest corner of lake  Mr Wilson was here afternoon.  Dead mare on road to lake (infundia) [??]

— 22 —
(Richards writes)

Fine day Variable wind.  warm.  Weather seems settled. Barm 763
Marked 32 tambera calves (Estancia) this morning.-
Afterwards marked in potrero 52 calves (5 tamberas).
Jordan went to Calchaqui in morning early to dispatch cart etc.-
Sylwan was here at noon.-
He wrote tonight7 P.M of news of indians from San Martin & San Javier having sublevado [risen-up] Killing 14 (?) & passing over line at Five Lille towards Salado! Lock horses in.
Julian Sanchez & another chap hereMr Saavedra’s son for night.  Tomas Bergara sent word lake getting very high-

— 23 —
(Richards writes)

Fine weather, settled, variable winds slight  Barm 763½.-
Sanchez left, taking the two stallions sold him some time ago.-
Nothing going up except expecting the indians! but this evening Jordan turned up from Calchaqui and says the San Martin indians had not left San Martin but had a fight there and killed 14 men & 2 at San Javier.-  Tomas Bergara of puesto Palmar anxious to move out on account of the water.-
Jordan says Calchaqi 4 inches since yesterday morning.-

— April 24, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Nice day.  Light north wind.  Barometer 760
Elias and gente went to Lomataking mares from Potrero Saladoto have rodeo general tomorrow
Cart got back from Calchaqui late.  Laguna Palmar still rising

— 25 —
(Jordan writes)

Nice day a little warm.  North wind.  Barometer 760
Mr Benitz went to the Loma early this morning.  Had on rodeos Loma1000 and Tapera2500.  a few of the neighbors parted, not many agenos.  Lock in at Mistolar
Cartmen brought two loads of wood from Algorrabal
Balbueno went to see what animals are in J Sanchez’ rodeo
Jordan went up to Puesto Palmar.  Tomas is surrounded with water and has three sick children. (Laguna still rising)
Mr Wilson and Peters here for the night
Chasque post arrived with letter from Agrimensor [Surveyor] L Barnett.- Land’s Co’s, Dayers, & Hartenecks here at aparte

— 26 —
(Alfred writes)

North wind & N.W.  Barm 761.  Warm.
Had on rodeos Mistolar4000 Medio1000 and Estancia2400.  cattle looking well considering the aftosa & creciente.  Very few agenos.
Butchered cow.-
Tomas & family came down on horse back escaping from creciente of Laguna Palmar-
Bro’t 2 loads of wood from Palmar for corral.-
Wilson & Petre here for night.-
Salto began juntaring maiz
Aquino plowing.-

— 27 —
(Alfred writes)

Warm day N & N.O. wind  Barm 760.-
Had on rodeo Algarrobal2500 and Salado800 & afterwards in potrero Salado.  Land Co. parted altogether about 60 Harteneck & Dayer about 25. & about 12 agenos put into potrero Salado.  Sylwan sent mail.-
Jordan & peones2 bro’t wood to Mistolar corral & Estancia.
Bergara took cart to bring his things from Palmar.-
Plowing & “juntaring” maiz going on as usual.

— 28 —
(Alfred writes)

Strong N wind, thundering a bit, warm  Barm 759.-
Began marcación, rodeo Alagarrobal about 3500.  Parted 523 calves with their mothers & finished marking them at sun down.-
2 men from Harteneck’s helped, & outside day men, were: J. Barga, Rotello, Patricio, Fabian, Servero & .-
Left cattle in corral.
Butchered cow.-
Sent cart to Salado to meet the surveyor Leslie Barnett.-  Who stops the night here and begins surveying immediately.  Mail came from Hartenecks.-

— 29 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained last night 2.4 m/m.  today cloudy. wind S- SE.  Barometer 762
Loaned mules and cart to Surveyor (Mr Barnett) to survey camp.
Mr Benitz went up to L Palmar.  water is up to the top mark
Footmen brought up a little maiz and potatoes.
Jordan put up wire on windows of carniceria
Elias let out cattle last night when rains came up

— 30 —
(Jordan writes)

Bright sunshiny day.  Wind S and S.E.  Barometer 765
Had on rodeo Estancia (about 3000) parted and marked 410 calves took them back to old rodeo and turned them loose
One calf got its leg broken and had to kill it
Salto finished digging one patch of potatoes
Aquino plowing  J Sanchez here for night
Butchered cow
Left 53 calves for bulls
  4 men from Harteneck’s helping in marcacion

May, 1904

— May 1, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Nice day.  Wind S and S.E.  Barometer 764.  Had on rodeo del Medio (4000) Parted 570 cows with calves (mostly) and branded them, left 68 for bulls left cattle shut in at Estancia.  4 men from Harteneck’s helping
J Sanchez here yet.  Harteneck sent correspondence

— 2 —
(Alfred writes)

North wind, cool morning, bit cloudy.  Barm 762.
Took cattle out of corral to old rodeo del Medio. (to “sujetar”) Gente went to Mistolar, for marking tomorrow.-
Marked 32 tambera calves at Mistolar & 10 cerreros.
Had locked in all of the “ageno” mares into corral there to harden but it is still very soft.  Marked 2 colts of tame mares of Lomo Poi which were among the “yeguada ageno”.-
Jorden reports laguna Palmar rising fast still.  put up new post in water for señal. (mariometro [??]
Surveyor way south of paso Salado now.
Salto digging batatas.

— 3 —
(Jordan writes)

Cool day. Southeast wind.  Barometer 765
Had rodeo at Mistolar about 5000 animals.  Parted 1064 cows with calves.  Marked 340, left 25 for bulls.  left them all shut in corral at Mistolar
Aquino has broke the plow.  Says he cannot plow with the other one
Salto took horse cart with potateos to Puesto Mistolar
Sent one ox cart to Loma to haul wood for marcacion
Balbueno delivered one cow (Butchered) to Mr Barnett (c nwetta ? [??]
Vencino began work today using his own horses
4 men from Harteneck’s helping

— 4 —
(Jordan writes)

Pleasant day Northeast and North wind  Barometer 763
Finished marking calves at Mistolar : 696.  left 48 for Bulls
Took cattle out of corral to old rodeo Mistolar (to sujetar)
Some of the gente went to Loma for Rodeo (Tapera) tomorrow Mr Benitz reports Salado falling, about one foot below Bridge
Mr Richards reports a 3 in rise in Laguna Palmar
Aquino got plow to go again
Baldomero arrived here today with his family and stock
Shut his cows about (74) in Potrero Salado

— 5 —
(Jordan writes)

Nice cool day, wind N-NE and E.  Barometer 760
Had on rodeo el Tapera.  Parted 348 cows and calves took them to Mistolar and Branded the calves left 28 for Bulls
4 men Harteneck’s helping: 5 day men
Salto took a cartload of potatoes to Mistolar and brought back some meat 5 cow hides and two sheepskins
J Sanchez here for the night.  Butchered cow ~ (Mistolar)

— 6 —
(Alfred writes)

Warm day stron N (dry) wind.  Barm 762.  Therm 24.-
A & Jordan went down to Lomo Poi for marking down there & stop the night.  Had on rodeo Lomo Poi and parted all the calves with their mothers and marked calves & left 1 for bulls.  Also marked tambera calves.
Rodeo looking well & about 1400 head.-

— 7 —
(Alfred writes)

Fine day.  No wind.  Barm 759.  Therm 27.-
Valbueno cut alfa.- (old) until machine broke.-
Richards reports lake risen 3 inches in last 2 days. 5½ inches since Monday.- according to Jordan’s mark 1 inch over lower señal.-
A came back from Lomo Poi.  Marked today   calves from plantel south potrero leaving   for bulls.Left 16 calves too small to mark. Plantel in splendid condition. (ideal).Counted 277 cows in plantel.  9 bulls ? Men worked badly yesterday.
Surveyor at paso Muelles at sun rise.  Hartenecks sent mail.  Wilson sent word he begins parraring rodeo General on Wednesday at Aguara Gde.-

— May 8, Sunday —
(Alfred writes)

Dispatched Surdo & Paraguay Gallegos for rough work in marcacion.
Warm day N wind Barm 760
Jordan came from Madero where he had marked 13 tambera calves.  Butchered cow.  Gente came back from Lomo Poi & put potros 7 Colorados 1 tordillo, 3 mules, 1 redomon oscuro, 1 madrina lobuno into Salado potrero.
9 Lent J. Sanchez 3 bags maiz this month.
Hot day N.E.N & N.W. wind  Barm 759.  Looks stormy.
Jordan went down with Elias & gente and marked calves at Paso Calchaqui: 42 tamberas 29 cerreros.  99 Elias.  4 Demetrio’s.  left 1 cerrero for bulls.  Tambera calves seem better than cerreros.  Calchaqui at paso seems a bit lower. Tomas Bergara recorrered up Palmar potrero.  Sheep all scattered about.-
Hartenecks sent mail (Sylwan).
Palmar lake rising and is very high,  risen since Monday 7 inches.  Water is 2 inches below 2nd line.
. Marie Diaz child died.  5 men juntaring maiz.-

— 10 —
(Jordan writes)

Very close sultry day (32) wind N-NW- and west.  Barometer 764
Raked and hauled three loads of hay from old chacra also 1 load of maiz.
Elias and two peones juntaring horses (tropillas)
Also brought up and put in Potrero Salado 8 potros coloradas and one redomon oscura.
(Paraguayo) passed with small troop of cattle

— 11 —
(Jordan writes)

Cool day, south wind.  Barometer 762
Mr Benitz and Richards left this morning in the boat with provisions for two or three days.
Elias with 3 men went to help at Harteneck marcacion
Mr Chingo with 3 also left for Cia de Tierras Rodeo General
Four men gathering maiz also one load of hay
Harteneck sent mail – Venso brought mail also
 Butchered cow

— 12 —
(Jordan writes)

Grand day, cool south wind.  Barometer reached 770 fell to 768
Put in forenoon mending mowing machine.
Balbueno cut some alfalfa and ground the sickeles [sharpened scythes?] for tomorrow
Went up to Laguna Palmar in afternoon, water seems stationery
Pancho and myself burning camp (burns slowly)
Four men gathering maiz
Sent correspondence to Harteneck° by Vensa who brought it from Calchaqui.

— 13 —
(Jordan & Alfred write)

1st frost.  Fine day.  North wind.  Barometer 763
White frost this morning.  three men gathering maiz
Jordan recorrered coast of Salado and Potrero Salado
Salto working in garden and digging sweet potatoes
Valbueno cutting alfa (new piece).–

Alfredo & Richards came back from trip in boat.  1st day out were capsized this side of tapera Varga & stopped there for night, (lost everything blankets, gun, revolvers etc) & went on yesterday to Hubers & stopped the night, came back today in about 2½ hours.  Lake likely not to rise much more.–

— 14 —
(Jordan writes)

Cool morning.  NE and N wind  Barometer 759
Three men gathering maiz.  Salto raked hay in old chacra
Balbueno cutting in new chacra
Mr Chingo got back this evening from Cia de Tierras with 12 head of cattle and one mare and two yearold colt
Marked the calf and put mare and colt in Potrero Salado
Mr Benitz went down to Paso Calchaqui in buggy reports river falling there

— May 15, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Cloudy, threatening rain, light variable winds.  Barometer 761
Ration day, most of the Puesteros here.  Hauled two loads of maiz in forenoon.  Butchered novillo

— 16 —
(Jordan writes)

Fog in early morning: afterwards clear with light variable winds   Barometer 762½
Balbueno finished cutting hay.  Footmen gathered maiz in forenoon and hauled three loads of hay in afternoon
Salto digging potatoes and raking hay
Mr Benitz recorrido camp to north
Mr Richards is improving. (got out of bed today)
Mr Chingo to correspondence to Calchaqui
Aquino went to Boliche yesterday has not returned yet

— 17 —
(Jordan writes)

Slight fog: wind N-N.W.  Barometer 762
Five men gathering maiz in fore noon
In afternoon hauled hay to old parva (2 loads)
Jordan recorrido Potrero Salado, found a dead cow in Cia de Tierras’ side of rio Salado (CP)
Aquino came back last night
Mr Chingo brought correspondence

— 18 —
(Jordan writes)

Pleasant day, light north wind Barometer 763
Footmen gathered maiz in morning and put up hay afterwards
Agrimensor sent chasque after yerba soap etc
He is camped east of Loma Poi
Pancho found dead cow near road to L Palmar
Salto working in quinta in afternoon
Light south wind at present 7. P.M.
Cordobes did not work today. (looking for a horse)

— 19 —
(Jordan writes)

Thick fog, very light wind mostly south and southeast.  Barometer 763
Covered the hay, gathered and hauled maiz and potatoes
Mr Benitz recorrered camp to Laguna Palmar.  L Dulce [Lago Dulce] and Calchaqui Lake has risen 12 inches since 2nd of May   1½ inches below top mark.
Two chasques have come from Cia de Tierras with letters today
Salto with Cordeles and family left at midday for Calchaqui in horse cart.  Butchered cow.

— 20 —
(Jordan writes)

Light fog, wind N and NW.  Barometer 757.
Mr Cingo and gente brought up the potros again and put them in potrero Salado.  Countermarked two to send to San Cristobal
Marked one colt (hijo de madrina de las Coloradas)
Mr Benitz, Mr Moreira and Jordan went up to coast of Calchaqui to take some animals out of the brete but lost them as they swam the river.
Footmen gathering maiz.
Señor Moreira here for the night.

— 21 —
(Jordan writes)

A bit cloudy in the morning: wind N and NW.  Barometer 757
Footmen (3) got in the last of maiz and cut some canes
Mr Benitz went over to Hateneck’s.  Has not returned 7.30 PM
Moreira went home this morning
Jordan and Balbueno recorrered coast of Salado  by P Salado found dead Potranca of this marking in second bend of Salado counting from Potrero gate
Also fixed chain on gate to potrero
Mr Chingo left for San Cristobal taking two Potros to Gerente. (B contramarcado)
Old mail from Hartenecks.

— May 22, Sunday —
(Alfred writes)

Cloudy day & in evening wind changed to south & looks like temporal  Barm 756
Surveyor sent for a res, from paso Calchaqui.  Sent peon Lescano to deliver him a lame novillo. Mail from Hartenecks. Alfredo came back from marcacion at Harteneck soledad.-
J. Martin was here.  Jordan went to Calchaqui tonight.-

— 23 —
(Alfred writes)

Temporalish sort of day with slight rain of 9 m/m in morning.-
Peones (Aquino, Lenzino, Lescano) disgraining maiz 9 bags.-
Nothing going on.-
Jordan came tonight from Calchaqui. (mail)

— 24 —
(Jordan writes)

Pleasant day, light southerly wind.  Barometer 766
Footmen brought two loads of wood from Mistolar
Elias and got back from Harteneck, with reculuta twenty animals vacuno including two orejanas one contramarcado by Harteneck, which we marked. let them all loose in camp also one novillo of J Martin.
Mr Benitz went down to see agrimensor.  He is now camped near Mistolar.  Salto has just got back from Calchaqui
Señor Morreria in here for the night. Butchered cow

— 25 —
(Jordan writes)

Pleasant day, light northeast wind.  Barometer 765
Elias and Morreria left today to look at some camp (centinela)
Mr Chingo and Balala also left for San Cristobal
Brought up senaleras and caught horses in preparation for rodeo tomorrow.
Laguna palmar is 1½ in above top mark. (made 3 more)
Laguna has risen 15 in since 2nd of this month)

— 26 —
(Jordan writes)

Nice day, light northeast wind.  Barometer 763
Had on rodeo algorabal.  Parted and marked 74 calves leaving one for bull
Some of the gente sleeping at Mistolar (for rodeo Estancia tomorrow)
Doña Maria’s daughter cleared out last night, stopped at Puesto Potrero Salado
she came back this evening: with Mr Benitz
J Sanchez sent small troop of cattle through camp today   he brought one 4 year old novillo B
Salto digging potatoes and clearing up quinta
Put one thin bill in alfalfa

— 27 —
(Jordan writes)

Fine day, light variable winds.  Barometer 764
Had on rodeo Estancia.  Parted and marked 93 calves left one for bull.  Butchered cow
Put three thin bulls in alfalfa
Agrimensor has got as far as Sanchon grande, where he had to stop on account of water.  He is measuring across by point of lake now.
Mr Collins here tonight.
Laguna has risen ¾ in since the 29th

— 28 —
(Jordan writes)

Heavy thick fog this morning, light south wind.  Bar 765
Had on rodeo Salado, parted and marked 186 calves leaving one for bull.
Balbueno skinned a calf on road to potrero Salado
The Entreriano left today.
Mr Collins still here.

— May 29, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Another thick fog, very light south wind.  Barometer 765
Had on rodeo del Medio parted and marked 162 calves
Small troop of cattle passed through today with two carts going north
Gente sleep at Mistolar tonight for rodeo Mistolar tomorrow
Cattle in rodeo del medio appear in better condition.  Butchered cow

— 30 —
(Jordan writes)

Thick fog very late in lifting, warm day  Barometer 765
Had on rodeo Mistolar parted and marked 53 calves left three calves for bulls.
Butchered two capones at Mistolar
Some of the gente sleep at Mistolar and others at Loma
Patrico brought correspondence
Agrimensor L. Barnett is here tonight with his gente & stopping for a few days.

— 31 —
(Alfred writes)

Foggy morning  Fine balmy day N.E wind slight  Barm 764½
Jordan & Elias went down to mark calves at rodeo Tapera and Lomo Poi.
Dominguez brought mail.-
A recorrered all Palmar potrero: found lots of dry land, & novillos looking well.  Water running from Palmar into Calchaqui several places.  Lake rose ½ inch since Friday evening 3½ days, 2 inches below 3d notch in stick.-
Gave some alfa & patatas to J. Andrs Flores & he gave some zaballos [zapallos],
Doña Marias daughter Estanislas disappeared again last night: for good (we hope!.)

June, 1904

— 1 —
(Jordan writes)

Foggy morning.  Fine day.  Light NE wind Barometer
Jordan came back from Loma having marked 110 calves at Tapera and 48 at Loma one of which was tambero.
Also brought up and put in Potrero Salado 3 potros colorada 1 redomon ascuro. 1 caballo saino and 2 mules
Elias left for Calchaqui.  Segovia Arando gave up Boat
Gente have caught horses for rodeo Palmar tomorrow
Mr Barnell’s chasque reports water much lower at Vara
Cattle looking very well in the southern part of camp

— 2 —
(Jordan writes)

Another light fog and fine day, light variable winds.  Bar 765½
Had rodeo in Potrero Palmar.  Marked 5 calves and brought down five reses.  Found a potro fallen in an ants nest also one novillo dead .C.P. both east of estero Barga
Mr Benitz getting ready to go south
Butchered cow

— 3 —
(Jordan writes)

June the 3rd 1904

Cold cloudy day, south wind.  Barometer 769
Mr Benitz and Richards went to Calchaqui in trap  Mr Benitz on his way south and Richards to Margarita
Jordan and Balbueno put three mares in Potrero Salado and recorrered the potrero
Footmen (desgranando maiz) 10 bags
Mr Barnett butchered cow and left for el Vara

— 4 —
(Jordan writes)

June 4 - 1904

Light fog and some warmer.  Light north wind.  Barometer 765
Desganando maiz and recorriendo camp
Sub comisario Roman Villaba with one soldado here for Breakfast, on way to reunion at Boliche
Elias has not returned yet
Antonio Dominguez left this evening to attend his family  J.Bergara sick

— June 5, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

June 5 1904

Light fog N.E.  Barometer 764.  Mr Richards got back tonight.  Tomas and two boys went up to palmar will pass the night there and recorrer tomorrow.  No word of Elias

— 6 —
(Jordan writes)

June 6

Cool, pleasant day, no wind to speak of.  Barometer 765
Aquino began discking old chacra today, ground is very hard and in consequence the disc does poor work
Lescano trimming Ñandubay trees
Tomas came back late this evening.  Says he could not juntar the sheep on account of water
Vensa found a dead novillo ~ near Salado south of bridge
  Butchered cow.

— 7 —
(Jordan writes)

June 7

Fine day, very light variable winds.  Barometer 768
Elias got back today from San Cristobal, had his trip for nothing
Mr Richards went down to the pass after timber for secadas [recados ?]
Jordan and Vensa recorriendo camp
Tomas and Lescano trimming Ñandubays
Aquino discking old chakra
Salto plowing for fruit trees
Laguna seems to be stationary
Comisario passed on his way to Calchaqui

— 8 —
(Jordan writes)

June 8

Fine day, light northwest wind  Barometer 767
Salto finished plowing for fruit trees
Aquino still discking.  Lescano and Tomas trimming Ñandubays
Patricio began catching potros today (coloradas)
Elias and gente recorriendo camp and regulating bosals cabrestos etc for Patricio

— 9 —
(Jordan writes)

June 9

Fine cool, dry day.  Light N and NE. wind.  Barometer 765
Went down to Paso Calchaqui and marked two colts (yeguas mansas)
Received hides and skins from Paso and Mistolar
Patricio riding coloradas.  Lencino helping him
Baldomero recorriendo camp
Fotmen trimming ñandubay trees
Wrote to Mr Benitz and Serafin Kerr
Received $1400 in deposit from Baldomero

— 10 —
(Jordan writes)

June 10th

Slightly warmer wind NW.  Barometer 761
Had on rodeo in Potrero Salado and marked two calves also two colts.  (Elias 2 calves and Balbueno 14)
Elias left for Sancristobal.
Put tropilla alazanes in Union camp
Sent chasque with correspondence (Lencino)
Heard that Agrimensor had finished at Varo
Sold one montura $1500 in cash

— 11 —
(Jordan writes)

Northwest wind  Barometer 758 warmer
Had on rodeo Mistolar and parted 6 cows for butchering at Loma Poi.  Put them in Potrero al Sud
Chasque brought correspondence
Mended carts to haul wood (monday)
Recorrered camp.  Laguna has fallen ½ inch
  Butchered cow

— June 12, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

June 12th

Very quiet day.  South wind in afternoon  Barometer 757
Venturo Cacero is here with small troop of cattle

— 13 —
(Jordan writes)

June 13th

Began raining early this morning with strong south wind, rained slowly nearly all day.  Fell 12½ m–
sol Wind is still strong.  Thermometer falling  Barometer 758
Peons working (sogas)  Venturo left at daybreak
Domingo put mares of Elias in Potrero Salado

— 14 —
(Jordan writes)


Rained 19 mm last night.  steady south wind  Barometer 760
Shelling maiz (5 bags)  recorriendo camp
Skinned 1 of the fine bulls in chakra
Found dead calf south of Salado Bridge CP
Also two dead calves near rodeo Tapera CP
Owing to two days steady south wind Laguna has fallen 1½ inches
Is quite cold tpnight, expect frost
  Butchered cow

— 15 —
(Jordan writes)


White frost and ice, variable wind.  Barometer 768
Elias returned this evening.  Ration day
Hauled two loads of wood from Mistolar
recorriendo camp.  Skinned one fine Bull near rodeo Algorobal.  Mr Barnett sent the mules back by J. Madero, also a letter stating that he had placed the mojones near alambre

— 16 —
(Jordan writes)

Frost.  Clear sunshiny day N.NW and NE wind  Barometer 764
Elias and gente began work on rodeo Palmar today
Aquino discking old chakra.  Lescano odd jobs
Patricio caught four more of the coloradas (Lencino helping)
Balbueno went to J Sanchez and got 14 K yerba
Elias took correspondence to el calchaqui
Jordan writing up books and letter to Mr Benitz in forenoon recorriendo in afternoon
Dominguez just arrived
(Elias agreed to take Madero’s cattle off camp)

— 17 —
(Jordan writes)

Frost, very light.  Clear sunshiny day northerly wind  Barometer 759
All hands working at rodeo Palmar
Pancho and Balbueno butchered novillo.  (Santiago Robson)
Lencino helping domador
The north wind yesterday and day before has heaped up the water in Laguna till it is higher than ever before
Clouds in the south tonight, likely to change (the weather)

— 18 —
(Jordan writes)

Cloudy but no rain, northerly wind  Barometer 759
Jordan and camp men recorriendo.
Footmen hauling hay from stack to galpon
Salto digging potatoes.  Ignacio left today.
Found three dead animals in algorabal C.P.
also a novillo near Laguna dulce (cueriado)
Elias returned with correspondence.  (letter from Mr Benitz)

— June 19, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day, north wind  Barometer 759
Elias and Romero marked their colts today, and put them back in potrero Salado.  Tomas recorrered Potrero Palmar and brought his mares here
Don Ricardo tool trap to meet Mr Benitz.  Manuel left today

— 20 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained a little last night 0.6 m/m  cloudy, south wind . Barometer 760
Mr Benitz got back from the south today
Jordan took trap horses to pass to meet trap
Elias and gente finished cleaning rodeo Palmar and recorrered afterwards, also marked Tomas’ colts
Footmen piling brush of ñandubay trees

— 21 —
(Alfred writes)

Overcast day Slight S wind looks like a garrua Barm 758.-
Cart left Calchaqui (ox) to bring out wire & stores.
Jordan went down to paso to help them across.
Butchered novillo
A went up to Palmar, water 2 inches below 3d mark exactly same as 31 Mayo.-
Moreiro here for night on way to Tres Isletas to receive camp.-  Began plowing in old alfalfa
Camp looking bad on account of the great rain in April & the tremendous frosts of last week.

— 22 —
(Jordan writes)

Thick fog in early morning, south wind.  Barometer 762
Elias and gente put up shed (of canes) on east of Capitaz’s room.
J Ruisdiaz found with troop of butcher cattle taking a small bull countermarked ~ to Pancho Martinez in exchange for a toruno
Jordan got back in afternoon having found cart

— 23 —
(Jordan writes)

Thick fog lasting most of the forenoon  Barometer 765
Mr Benitz went down to Loma and Madero’s
Elias and gente went to Potrero Palmar and brought down the redomones (oscuras) also two horses
Jordan with Gamba cured a sick bull on coast of Calchaqui.  Aquino plowing in old chakra
Two peones making teraplane at house well

— 24 —
(Jordan writes)

Very light frost, pleasant day.  Southerly wind very light  Bar 765
Elias and gente riding the redomones (oscuras)
Tied up pesebre bull
Mr Benitz getting ready to leave for States and Europe.
Aquino plowing old chacra. Salto digging potatoes

— 25 —
(Jordan writes)

Nice pleasant day, north wind.  Barometer 763
Mr Benitz left for Calchaqui this morning on his way to Europe and the States
Cartmen returned with wire stores and correspondence
Camp men riding redomones
  Butchered novillo
J Andres passed with stores (Boliche)

— June 26, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

June 26

North wind, light showers ½ mm  Barometer 760
Jordan went over to J Martins
Demitrio Ledesma took horse cart to Calchaqui
Aquino brought correspondence

— 27 —
(Jordan writes)

June 27

Cloudy, north wind.  Barometer 762
The two footmen began cutting posts for chakra
Aquino plowing in old chakra
Elias and gente recorriendo, North and South
Domador caught two more potros. (oscuras)
Jordan got back bringing Martins trap as far as Salado.  With a borrowed plow
Chasque arrived from Mr Chingo looking for mares horses to make another trip south
Tomas and Balbueno changed puestos today

— 28 —
(Jordan writes)

June 28

Strong wind and rain began about one oclock this morning from the chan north, changing east and southeast
Rained slowly all day 49.3 m/m  Barometer 753
Nothing doing or could be done all day
Is still raining with every appearance of continuing

— 29 —
(Jordan writes)

June 29

Rained last night 7 m/m  Cloudy variable winds.  Barometer 753
Jordan took Martin’s trap home
Balbueno and Aquino making corral for mules
Lescano and Dominguez cutting posts
Elias and gente recorriendo camp
Salado has risen 10 in since Sunday
Moreira and Domingo returned today (de Sentinel) reports big creciente coming down Salado
  Butchered cow

— 30 —
(Jordan writes)

June 30th

Light south wind in early morning, changing to the north.  Barometer 755.  Still warm and cloudy
Aquino and Balbueno finished corral and mended fence to chacreros house and chakra
Lescano and Dominguez cutting posts
Elias and gente recorriendo camp (South and north)
Jordan and Richards fixed up the plow (Martin’s)
Salto digging potatoes and making mud
Cattle looking thinner

July, 1904

— 1 —
(Jordan writes)

Nice bright sunshiny day with south wind  Barometer 765
Gamba got back from Calchaqui bringing correspondence
Elias went to Loma looking for oscuras (redomones)
Gente recorriendo camp (nothing dead)
Aquino plowing old chacra.  Balbueno plowing quinta near his house
Jordan fixing harness for mule plow
Lescano and Dominguez cutting posts
  Butchered pig
D. Ledesma left for Calchaqui took letters

— 2 —
(Jordan writes)

White frost, pleasant day, north wind.  Barometer 764
Elias went to Calchaqui took correspondence
Lescano mudded up end of Estancia
Dominguez cutting posts.  Aquino plowing
Salto cutting up pig making sausages etc
Peones hauling hay
  Butchered cow B

— July 3, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

July 3

Light frost.  Beautiful day, north wind.  Barometer 760
Almost nothing doing.  Got up a mule from Penca’s recorrered a little.  Balbueno hauled himself a load of wood.

— 4 —
(Jordan writes)

July 4

Warmish day E. NE, and N. wind  Barometer 758
Jordan went down to Mistolar and marked 148 lambs also castrated 64 rams.
Baldomero and gente caught up and rode 6 potros
Pancho got up five mules for plowman.  (1 missing yet)
Balbueno and Dominguez dragging down cashstalk etc in chakra
Aquino plowing old chakra
Elias has not returned yet with correspondence
Looks like a change of weather soon.
Laguna stationary

— 5 —
(Jordan writes)

July 5

Cloudy warmish day north wind  Barometer 757
Jordan and Baldomero went down to Loma and brought up two wheel cart (after mending it)
Elias got back with correspondence
Lescano and Dominguez cutting posts. (Aquino plowing)
Gente riding potros recorriendo etc
  Butchered cow
Elias brought two mules from Calchaqui

— 6 —
(Jordan writes)

July. 6th

Strong north wind. Warm.&enssp; Barometer 757
Jordan and Richards spent the day mending the two wheel cart.
Elias and gente working on rodeo Palmar
Dominguez and Lescano cutting posts
Aquino plowing old chakra
Laguna has risen a lot yesterday and today

— 7 —
(Jordan writes)

North wind, lighter in afternoon  B.756
Elias and gente fixing rodeo Palmar
Found one ram also one calf dead in Potrero Palmar CP
Started Lescano and Balbuenos son to Calchaqui in two wheel ox cart (after plow)
Jordan left in afternoon same destination

— 8 —
(Jordan writes)

Threatening last night but no rain and south wind today
Elias still working in rodeo Palmar.   Bar 759
(using the footmen)
Balbueno mending box on small ox cart
  Butchered novillo

— 9 —
(Jordan writes)

Light fog in early morning S wind.  Bar 758
National feast day every knocked off except Balbueno who kept on at carts.
Elias took most of them to help at rodeo in Paso Calchaqui.
Jordan got back to Pass at midday
Parting Elias’ cattle

— July 10, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

July 10

Variable winds.  Barometer 754.&bnbsp; Looks like rain.  Found dead novillo near rodeo Estancia.  Elias and Morreira here with thier cattle on way to (Centinela)
Cart got back with plow mower etc

— 11 —
(Jordan writes)

July 11

Began raining from west last night about nine oclock (some hail) fell 40.7 m/m  Barometer 758
Lescano helping Balbueno put up cart box, all rest working at potrero Salado, parting cattle
Elias left P. Salado in afternoon with 314 cattle of his own and 97 of Domingo, xx 18 of Gamba also 600 of Morreira and B Romero took 56.  J Madero 27
Elias left 16 novillos in Potrero Salado.  Madero left 5 Romero left several thin animals as did Morreira.
Domingo took heavy ox cart and two yoke of oxen

— 12 —
(Jordan writes)

July 12th

Cloudy in forenoon cleared up afterwards with North wind  Barometer 758.  Butchered novillo yesterday
Baldomero and gente recorriendo camp
Lescano took 35 paraiso trees to too mistolar in ox cart
Jordan and Balbueno set up new plow and began plowing with two yoke of oxen. (Aquino plowing)

— 13 —
(Jordan writes)

July 13th

Bright day, north wind  Barometer 757
Mr Richards and Lencino brought the boat from Laguna Palmar to Mistolar crossing by or near old norias
Training new oxen to plow (doing very well)
Salto going with horse cart to Calchaqui (mañana)
Maria Diaz going to stay there till Mr Benitz returns
Found one dead (novillito de ferra [??]) near rodeo del medio
Wrote to Mr Benitz.

— 14 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day, north wind  Barometer 756
A Dominguez settled his account this morning and borrowed oxcart to take his things to the Pass
Two plows breaking new ground (Aquino y Balbueno)
Baldomero recorriendo.
P Salto took his family in horse cart to Calchaqui
Laguna muy crecido [very risen]
J Andres Ruiz Diaz passed this afternoon going to J Sanchez’s after butcher stock.

— 15 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day, north wind.  Barometer 754.
Camp men putting earth in gateway to Potrero Salado
Ration day.  Puesteros all here except Madero
Two plows in new land
Dominguez brought cart back
Mr Benitz’s bitch died after having 18 pups
Jordan parting [pooting] up books
  (No hay novedad)

— 16 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day north wind till afternoon then light south west wind  Barometer 754
Strong wind (N) last night blew top off hay stack
Finished plowing new land, oxen going better
Campmen recorriendo and hauling mud
Also butchered cow

— July 17, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Julio 17

Pleasant day. Light south wind. barometer 763
Spent the morning in Potrero Salado waiting for J A Ruiz Diaz who did not come.  Salto and family got back with stores correspondence etc.  A Fernandez here for his money

— 18 —
(Jordan writes)

Threatening rain all day.  Came up cool south wind late in afternoon  Barometer 763
Two plows in new chacra, a great deal of trouble with one on account of one ox dying last night and having to tie in another
Jordan and Lescano working at well (terrapaneando etc [terraplaneando])
J A Ruiz Diaz passed with small troop of cattle as also did Venturo. (Ramon Lopez began work)

— 19 —
(Jordan writes)

Wind from the north  Barometer 761
Very threatening day.  (Cloudy)(muggy)
Got three plows to going today in maiz chacra but had to stop as ground is too wet
Chasque over from Cia de Tierras looking for men to help in recuenta
Richards and Salto went with horse cart for timber.
J Sanchez with three friends passed for Calchaqui
J Andres Flores passed also)

— 20 —
(Jordan writes)

Very threatening day.  Wind variable.  Barometer 760  Rained 0.7 m/m.
The three plowmen hauling hay
Lescano making an ox yoke
Mr Richards and Jordan went over to rodeo in el Union
New peon making a house for himself and family
Butchered Cow

— 21 —
(Jordan writes)

Miserable mucky day  South wind  Barometer 761 rainfall 0.3 m/m
Elias and Versa got back from the north today.  reports lots of water in that direction with no prospects of falling
Skinned three animals in the camp today
Marking out and digging holes for trees
Sow is pigging in chicera [chiquero] Balbueno bad with his chest

— 22 —
(Jordan writes)

Better day (some sunshine) south wind  Barometer 760
Elias and Tomas revisando Potrero Palmar
Baldomero and other campmen went to Loma for rodeo mañana
Footmen digging holes for trees and marking out new chacra
Jordan finished putting up the pump
Found a dead bull (fino) in Potrero Palmar
  Butchered novillo (rengo)

— 23 —
(Jordan writes)

Grand day N.W. wind  Barometer 755
Gathered and put away ten bags of Paraiso seed
Finished digging holes for trees and began on chacra post holes
Finished setting up the pump
Had on rodeo Tapera and parted eight animals for butchering at Loma Poi
Cattle a little thin.  Grass growing fine
Gave Romolo a potro (tordillo) to tame

— July 24, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Fine bright day, south wind.  Barometer 764
Wrote letter to Mr Benitz also to Barnes y Grass and Jardin Alemana  (Nothing doing)

— 25 —
(Jordan writes)

Light frost.  Clear day.  South wind.  Bar 763
Elias and gente mended bridge at Salado
recorrido the camp and shut in senueleros for rodeo Palmar tomorrow.
Three plows going in corn land
Hauling posts digging post holes and trimming trees
Tomas took horse cart to Calchaqui (oscuros and saino)

— 26 —
(Jordan writes)

Grand day day just like spring.  North wind.  Barometer 758
Had rodeo in Potrero Palmar and parted 4 terneros and 4 novillos for consumo (Estancia)  shut them in at Estancia
All three plows going all day
E Montiel digging a ditch from estero at jaguel to doz [??] it into the next one
Cattle looking very well at Palmar
  Butchered toruno (singo) [??]

— 27 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm morning.  Sight south wind in evening.  Bar 760
Elias and gente put reces in Potrero Salado and rode two new potros (oscuras)
Three plows going all right
Montiel finished ditch and bunched up some of the posts
Salto mended yard fence
Luceros carts passed again (looking for gente)

— 28 —
(Jordan writes)

Cold south wind raised to a gale at night with drizzle  Barometer 762
Jordan went to paso Calchaqui and from there to Loma
Tomas got back from Calchaqui with stores correspondence etc  Brought a letter from Mr Benitz written at sea
Elias parted 5 of his novillos and 4 of Maderos for JA Ruiz Diaz
Three plows going and one cart hauling posts

— 29 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained 18.5 m/m last night  Cloudy and strong wind all day (cold) from the south.  Barometer 765
Jordan came back from Gance [??]
F Roman here tonight also J.A. Flores
Nothing doing.

— 30 —
(Jordan writes)

Cold rainy day, 13.5 m/m.  South wind  Barometer 760
Could do nothing in the way of work (scarcely)
Shelled a little maiz.  Peones making sinches, reins, etc
Mr Wilson came over late this evening bringing Mr Wallis with him.
Mr Chingo got back last night
J Andres still here with his family
Only one Puestero here for rations
Mr Wilson returned

— July 31, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Still cloudy and cold, south wind.  Barometer 762
Mistolar and Paso clchaqui Puesteros here for rations.  Butchered novillo.

August, 1904

— 1 —
(Jordan writes)

Cold and cloudy with south wind.  Barometer 761
Elias and gente recorriendo camp.  Skinned seven calves and found one C.P.
Footmen planting Paraiso trees
Balbueno very sick
Awfull weather, and cattle looking bad
Mr Richards still working at recados
Ernesto Ferrera passed on way to his Estancia

— 2 —
(Jordan writes)

Bright sunshiny day, with south wind.  Barometer 765
Rained last night 3.5 m/m
Finished planting Paraiso trees and began on canes
Sent Salto with horse cart to Loma Poi with trees wire, patataes etc.
Elias and gente found 10 dead animals in the camp of which 3 were C.P.
Salto just got back bringing hides from Loma

— 3 —
(Jordan writes)

Pleasant day E.N.E. and nearly north wind, light.  Barometer 766
Elias sent his and Baldomero’s and Tomas’s mares north today 87
Skinned 7 animals mostly calves of last marcacion
This is the first day for some time that I could have a good look at Laguna Palmar.  It has risen 6½ in since Mr Benitz left.  I moved the stick to the shallower water and left it at the 6th mark from top
Mr Richards and Wallis went to the Pass and mended the boat.  Butchered toruno (P Martinez)

— 4 —
(Jordan writes)

Lovely day, light wind variable.  barometer 767
Elias and gente skinned 3 cows and 2 calves and 1 bull and 1 Potro (oscuro) (the horse was hurt in trying to tame him)
Footmen hauling hay and wood
Salto brought up the last of the potatoes
Jordan writing and doing odd jobs
Richards and Wallis working at recados

— 5 —
(Jordan writes)

No wind.  Barometer 764.
Elias and gente recorrered camp and brought the Alazanes from other side of Salado.
Footmen terraplanando el Pozo [earthing up well] and getting oxen and carts ready to go to Calchaqui tomorrow
Salto putting more earth in corridor

— 6 —
(Jordan writes)

Another nice sunshiny day  North west wind  Bar 762
Recorrindo camp.  Animals appear to have quit dying since the sun came out.  Showing that it was the weather that killed them.
Two ox carts left for Calchaqui (madrugar)
Other footmen hauling wood and odd jobs
 Wrote to Mr Benitz as I am going to town tomorrow

— August 7, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Fine warm day  Barometer 759  Tendency to fall
Morrera shut in his mares here tonight
Jordan and Wallis left for Calchaqui (horse cart)
  Butchered toruno (Michelut)

— 8 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day.  Wind north east.  Barometer 758
Morreiro’s people left two mares in Potrero Salado flaco [skinny]
Lucero’s carts here on their way back
Three plows going in maiz land
Elias and gente recorriendo

— 9 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm morning, north wind, cloudy, thundering.  Changed to gale from the south in afternoon  Bar 759
Found three dead calves (two C.P.)
Killed a pig as we have too many to feed
Plowing and fixing floor of rooms

— 10 —
(Jordan writes)

Cold south wind.  Barometer 759
Jordan and Wallis got back from Calchaqui having had a very unlucky trip.  Drowning one horse and breaking the cart and various other accidents.
Cartmen brought trees stores etc
Chacra work going on all right
  Butchered toruno (singo) [rengo - lame]

— 11 —
(Jordan writes)

Medium frost, pleasant day, west wind  Bar 764
Hilarios Martinez passed going to Alberto Huber’s after a troop of novillos para invernado [stockers]
Planting trees and plowing. (recorriendo)
Morrera here for night
Burning camp

— 12 —
(Jordan writes)

Fine day, east wind.  Barometer 764.  Light frost.
Three plows going in maiz land
Began sowing alfalfa in old chakra
Elias took Balala into Calchaqui to the doctor
Señor Videla and H Martinez here for night
Finished planting fruit trees and estacas [stakes]
Brought up the oscuras and tusadolas [??] [Vertical note, right margin: Began sowing alfa

— 13 —
(Jordan writes)

Nice cool day.  Northeast wind.  Barometer 760
Finished sowing alfalfa in old chacra
Three plows going in new chacra
Began discking in new chacra
A Huber passed with 107 novillos sold to Vidella
Skinned three calves in camp

— August 14, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Pleasant sunshiny day, light south wind.  Barometer 760
Elias brought Balala back (cured)
Wrote Mr Benitz  Nothing doing

— 15 —
(Jordan writes)

Nice day, south wind.  Barometer 758
Puesteros all here: not quite son many cattle dying
Three plows and Disk harrow going in maiz land
Mr Wallis trimmed the fruit trees
Elias left for Cacique
Hauling hay.  (Butchered toruno)
Corbalan passed with cart, left two tired horses in Potrero Salado.  Venturo here for night
Wrote to Drysdale for repairs to mowing machine

— 16 —
(Jordan writes)

Pleasant day, northeast wind.  Barometer 757
Camp men hauling hay and recorriendo camp.
Plowing, Disking, Harrowing, and sowing alfalfa with footmen.
Sent chasque to Calchaqui
Salto working in quinta
Wallis sick

— 17 —
(Jordan writes)

Cold sunshiny day, wind south and southeast.  Bar 760
One plow disk harrow and tooth harrow running
Campmen recorriendo
Balbueno and Jordan making as roltor roller to roll alfalfa land
J Sanchez cart passed going to Calchaqui
Land drying very slow
Laguna stationary

— 18 —
(Jordan writes)

Bright day.  Cool northeast wind.  Barometer 755½
Plowing discking and harrowing in new alfalfa land
Balbueno and Jordan working on roller (or clod crusher)
Chasque has not returned yet (2½ days) (Aquino)
Camp men recorriendo, found nothing
Report water falling a little (will see tomorrow)
Oxen are very thin, plowing going on very slow

— 19 —
(Jordan writes)

Sudden dry storm from south early this morning.  Bar 760  wind has quieted down now.  Laguna has fallen 2 inches
Could not sow alfalfa on account of wind
Two plows the Disk and harrow going all day
Balbueno working at roller.
Chasque got back late last night
  Butchered novillo (Robson)

— 20 —
(Jordan writes)

Very quiet in early morning, afterwards wind from north changing to west, quiet again at night.  Bar 754
Got the roller to work a little this afternoon
Two plows the disk and harrow going.  Sowed alfalfa.
Salto working in quinta

— August 21, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Cool sunshiny day, south wind  Barometer 760
Laguna is 1 inch higher than when Mr Benitz left
Gavino took his family and horses out of the camp today
Godoy here for night.  Cattle thin (3 deaths today)

— 22 —
(Jordan writes)

Cool pleasant day, south wind.  Barometer 759
Elias got back from his Estancia late last night and with the gente recorrered camp today and shut in the senaleros for rodeo Algorobal tomorrow.
The plows (2), disk, harrow, and roller going all day
The roller does good work.
Found three dead animals today 2 C.P.
  Butchered cow (from camp)

— 23 —
(Jordan writes)

Cool south wind  Barometer 765.
Had on rodeo Algorabal (about 800)  Cattle very thin.
Lots of young calves.  Parted 94 novillos 3 años ariba [3 years & older] and put them in Potrero Palmar.
Two plows, the Disk and harrow also the roller going
Lost ½ day mending the Disk
Lake has (½ inch since Sunday morning) fallen
Four dead animals 3 C.P.
Morrera here for night

— 24 —
(Jordan writes)

Wind began from the south changed to the north by way of the east and back again.  Barometer 759
Rodeo Estancia: (1500)  Parted 145 novillos and put them in Potrero Palmar, cattle a little better than Algorabal
Sowing alfalfa; two plows Disk and harrow going
Balbueno and Salto digging tussocks out of old road by maiz land.  2 dead animals 1 C.P.
  Butchered cow

— 25 —
(Jordan writes)

Cool day, south wind.  Barometer 762
Rodeo Salado (3000)  Parted 251 novillos 3 años ariba [3 years & older]
Put them in Potrero Palmar
Two plows the disk and harrow going all day
Finished plowing for alfalfa.  Began plowing Johnson grass
Sowed a little alfalfa in in early morning had to quit on acct of wind.  6 animals dead 1 C.P.

— 26 —
(Jordan writes)

Frost, south wind.  Barometer 768
Rodeo del Medio (3000)  Parted 214 novillos and put them in Potrero Salado along with 4 reses.
Sowing alfalfa.  Two plows the disk the harrow and the roller going all day.
Broke the roller just before night will mend it tomorrow
Wrote to Mr Benitz: Butvered cow

— 27 —
(Jordan writes)

White frost, south wind.  Barometer 770
J Sra [Mrs] bed all forenoon.  Balbueno meded roller and got it to go all right again.
Elias and gente recorriendo  3 dead animals 1 C.P.
quite a lot of novillos escaped from Potrero Salado
Finished plowing Johnson grass hauled 1 load of wood and 1 of hay.  roller harrow and disk at work
  Sent correspondence to town

— August 28, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Cold, clear, north wind.  Bar 764.  Chasque brought mail
Gente gone to Paso Cal– and Loma for rodeo tomorrow (Tapera)
  Butchered cow ~  Letter from Mr Benitz: (London)

— 29 —
(Jordan writes)

Cold north wind.  Threatening rain all afternoon.  Just at dark began to rain very slowly with thunder and lightning  Barometer 757.  Had on rodeo Tapera (3000)
Parted 134 novillos shut them in at Mistolar
Sowed some alfalfa in early morning
Two plowmen began getting parts around new chacra

— 30 —
(Jordan writes)

Fog in early morning, strong south wind afterwards.  Bar 763
Had on rodeo Mistolar (3000 or over)  Parted 145 novillos and shut them in at Estancia together with three from Tapera
Finished sowing alfalfa but did not get it all rolled
Setting parts around new chacra also disking new chakra
Salto plowing among fruit trees
The rain last night did not amount to anything
  Wrote some letters this evening
[Vertical note in right margin:] Finished sowing alfa 12 days

— 31 —
(Jordan writes)

Cold south wind.  Barometer 767
Finished rolling alfalfa and harrowed Johnson grass
Disk going in new chakra
Took novillos to Potrero Palmar 279
Making altogether 769 in that Potrero
214 in Potrero Salado  wrote to Mr Benitz
Butchered cow.

September, 1904

— 1 —
(Jordan writes)

White frost.  North wind.  Fine day: Barometer 763.
Elias went into Calchaqui took correspondence.
Romero and gente recorriendo camp:  6 dead animals 1 C.P.
Disking new chacra:  setting posts and boring holes in them  Hauled 1 load of posts.  Buring  [burning] camp
  Lake falling.

— 2 —
(Jordan writes)

Pleasant day,  North wind.  Barometer 760
Camp men recorriendo camp and looking up horses on other side of Salado found 3 dead animals  1 C.P.
Jordan and Wallis riding around all day
Balbueno and Sorsedo boring holes in fence posts
Aquino and Lopez digging holes and setting posts
Montiel disking for maiz.

— 3 —
(Jordan writes)

Spring day.  Wind changing from north to south.  Bar 761
Mr Richards left for Morrerias’s (an pasear)
Jordan recorriendo camp and burning it)
Footmen digging holes and setting posts disking and hauling hay)
Elias brought correspondence)
Lake has fallen altogether 11½ inches)
  Butchred cow

— September 4, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day  Thermometer 28 - very light north wind  Barometer 758
Nothing doing

— 5 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day 33 light north wind till night. then strong south wind
Barometer 760
Planting posts.  Boring holes, and disking.
Salto digging tussocks in road in alfalfa field
Elias and gente recorriendo camp 3 dead animals
Mr Wilson here for night

— 6 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained 5 m/m last night, cleared up today  Bar 770
Elias went over to Cia de Tierras camp to look for a mare and colt (that is supposed to be in danger of being stolen)
Campmen only found 1 dead animal today
Footmen same old job (nearly done)
Wallis finished stopping up holes in eaves to keep out the bats
  Butchered cow

— 7 —
(Jordan writes)

Light frost.  East wind, changing to south   Barometer 765
Sent four men to Ensanado Viejo to make varillas
Lencina comprando caballos [buying horses]
Jordan Wallis and the rest of camp men recorriendo
Finished posts work in new chacra
   2 dead animals

Missing eclipse!
(Note on blotter page facing 8 September, 1904)

— 8 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day.  East wind  Barometer 760
Elias returned without finding the mare and colt
Notice that quite a lot of cattle are embretado al norte de Mistolar
    [embretado north of Mistolar]
Recorriendo camp, no dead animals
Hauled a load of palms from noria Salado
Began making a pig pen
Gente returned from Ensanada having made 140 varrillas

— 9 —
(Jordan writes)

Pleasant day, variable winds.  Barometer 762.
Weighed and loaded hides, sheepskins, horsehair, etc
Loaded 3 carts ready to start tomorrow
Balbueno took mule cart to Loma and brought back 16 hides
Recorriendo camp.  Wrote letter to Mr Benitz
One man working at pig pen all evening

— 10 —
(Jordan writes)

Light fog.  Variable winds.  Barometer 766.
Carts left early for Calchaqui with hides etc
Mr Richards got back from La Blanca
Recorriendo camp 1 dead cow
Gamba gave up to owner the mares he had on shares (46) put his colts 8 in Potrero Salado

— September 11, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Fine mild day.  Wind east and Northeast.  Barometer 760
Jordan left for Calchaqui.  Elias for Harteneck’s to part novillos that have escaped from Potrero Palmar.

— 12 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day.  Threatening rain.  Bar 762
Elias and gente got back from Harteneck’s bringing 95 novillos which, together with 20 more picked up in the camp.  they put in Potrero Palmar.  Three dead cows 1 C.P.
    Butchered cow

— 13 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day  Thermometer 30°  Bar 765
Salto got back from Calchaqui with stores correspondence etc
Gente recorriendo camp 4 dead animals 2 C.P.
Two men terraplanando house well

— 14 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm 30°  Bar 764.  wind northeast
Hauling hay and recorriendo camp
1 dead cow C.P.
    Butchered cow
Jordan in Calchaqui wrote to Mr Benitz

— 15 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day 31°  Barometer 764.  wind NE
Jordan got back from Calchaqui at last cause of delay: (Receptor de rentas) would not dispatch the guias untill ordered by comisario
Carts sleep at Mistolar
  Terraplenando house well
  Cattle looking bad

— 16 —
(Jordan writes)

Rather warmish, north wind threatening rain.  Bar 762
Carts got back bringing wire, toniquetes, flour, corn, etc
Desgranando maiz.  Finished terraplenando house well
Ration day, all puesteros here.  Lots of dead cattle.  Especialy at Mistolar
Elias and gente recorriendo .  4 dead animals 1 CP
 (Lake falling)
Jordan posting books and issuing rations

— 17 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained nearly all day.  South wind.  Barometer 758   Rainfall 17.1 m/m
Mr Richards went down to Messinas again
Mr Wilson and Peters came over at night fall
Butchered two small sow pigs, (carne con cuero)

— September 18, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Rain did lots of good everything looking green
Received telegram M Chingo, arrive at Calchaqui 23rd
MrWilson and Peters returned.  Butchered cow

— 19 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day.  Storm from S.W. in afternoon, rainfall 9.3  Bar 758
Began plowing for maiz in new chacra  3 plows and Disk
Gente recorriendo.  Skinned 5 animals 1 C.P.
Parted 10 cows out of Potrero Salado to send to Loma (consuma) left their calves in potrero.  Lake still falling

— 20 —
(Jordan writes)

Fine day.  East and Southeast wind.  Barometer 758
Three plows and disk going in new chacra
Elias and gente recorriendo camp.  5 dead animals 1 C.P
Mr Richards got back late
Jordan and Wallis doing odd jobs and recorriendo
Sent ten cows to Loma (Butcher stuff)

— 21 —
(Jordan writes)

Cloudy SE and S wind.  Barometer 763.
Two plows harrow and disk going in new chacra
Elias and gente (3 altogether) left for Calchaqui to meet M Chingo with young bulls from Las Tijera
No dead animals today.
Jordan half sick.
    Butchered cow.

— 22 —
(Jordan writes)

Nice clear day.  Wind E and S.E.  Barometer 767
Two plows in new chacra
Went to Potrero Salado and got a load of timber to make gates and pig troughs:.  Made 1 pig trough
Gente recoriendo 3 dead animals 1 C.P.
Salto still working in quinta
Chasque over from Lucero.
Mr Richards working recadas

— 23 —
(Jordan writes)

Windy day East and North.  Barometer 760
Finished plowing for maiz.
Began marking it off in rows
Salto digging in caña veral.
Romero and gente recorriendo (2 dead animals)
Harrowing and doing odd jobs
M Fraire here for night

— 24 —
(Jordan writes)

Clear and warm 34°  Wind variable.  Bar 758
Jordan and Richards went over to Lucero (Pasear)
Gente recorriendo  3 dead animals
    Butchered cow

— September 25, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Warm morning, in afternoon strong south wind.  Bar 755
Sent Senaleros to Pass to help cross young bulls
Jordan and Richards got back.

— 26 —
(Jordan writes)

Cool morning.  Variable wind.  Barometer 757
Jordan and Richards went down to Paso Calchaqui to Meet Elias with young bulls, but they failed to put in an appearance, having been delayed on road up from St. Fe.  Vensa came in afternoon bringing this notice and the correspondence, including a letter from Mr Benitz in Paris.  Gente planting maiz.
Baldomero got up (old oscuros) found one embechado cured him.
Began shearing at Mistolar.

— 27 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm spring day.  Light N.E. wind.  Barometer 761 Jordan and Wallis went down to paso Calchaqui
Bulls arrived last night.
Worked till 1P.M. trying to cross, had to quit as bulls were getting tired.
Balomero recorriendo 3 dead animals
Making varillas, and marking maiz land
    Butchered cow

— 28 —
(Jordan writes)

Warmish day.  Variable wind.  Bar 763
Crossed the bulls over and Parted out 50 to take to Loma:.  2 lame ones left at Pass and 1 in Calchaqui.  47 shut in at Mistolar
Planting Maiz ½ day.  Making varillas
Recorriendo camp  4 dead animals.  1 C.P.

— 29 —
(Jordan writes)

Wind East and North, with falling Barometer 757
Took 50 young bulls to Potrero al Sud
Let 47 loose in rodeo del medio with about 700 cows
Recorriendo camp, 4 dead animals 2 C.P.
Making varillas.
Water in Laguna Palmar has fallen 25½ inches since Agosto el 3ro  Moved part, left water at top mark
    Butchered cow
Camp improving slowly

— 30 —
(Jordan writes)

Came up storm from west, about 10 AM  fell 9.5 m/m  Bar 754
Gente planting maiz untill rain began, after it quit making varillas.
Elias and gente recorriendo camp  4 animals dead C.P. todas [all]
J Madero only puestero who came
Wrote to Barnett, also to Mr G Benitz, asking him to come up and see what can be done about stock as they continue dying

October, 1904

— 1 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained all day 39.5 m/m  Barometer went as low as 748 747, has risen to 754 with south wind.
Absolutely nothing doing
Posted up books
Did not send letter to Mr Benitz as rain is likely to improve camp and stop dying

— October 2, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Quiet sunshiny day   Bar 756
Elias went to Clalchaqui to get cured having nearly shot himself face full of powder.  Skinned 2 animals.  Butchered cow
24 sheep died at Mistolar yesterday.  Looks more like rain
Sent ox cart to Maderos with lienzos shears etc (for shearing).

— 3 —
(Jordan writes)

Threatening day.  Barometer 764
Began shutting in new chakra, awful slow, hard work
Made a gate for new chakra.
Elias returned bringing correspondence etc
Gente recorriendo camp
Dead calf in Potrero Salado C.P.
Grass growing fast, since rain).

— 4 —
(Jordan writes)

Fine day for grass, light variable wind  Bar 765
Elias helping with fence
Camp men skinned 2 animals 1 C.P.
Jordan sick

— 5 —
(Jordan writes)

Strong north and northeast wind  Barometer 761
Elias helping with fence
Baldomero and others recorriendo  4 dead animals
Jordan sick all day  Butchered cow
One of Huber’s Peones took Morrels mare with two colts out of camp today

— 6 —
(Jordan writes)

Strong north wind.  Barometer 758.
Elias still helping at fence, got all smooth wire up
Sent Tomas. Lencino, and Balala to Palmar to juntar palms
Baldomero and son recorriendo  4 dead animals  2 C.P.
Jordan better, began stirring around afternoon

— 7 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day.  North wind.  Barometer 758
Cut the alfalfa in old chacra
Elias finished the fence around new chacra
Tomas and gente still at Palmar
Hauled 1 load of wood and gathered up wire etc from around new chacra
Began making rows for Potatoes
2 animals skinned  1 CP

— 8 —
(Jordan writes)

Threatening rain all day.  Strong wind from south at sundown, followed by rain.  Barometer 754.
Took Martins plow home today
Working at Potato rows (three men)
Hauled hay, two good loads
Gente came back from Palmar, having bunched 100 palms (about)
dead mule (hembra) in Potrero Palmar C.P.
    Butchered cow.

— October 9, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Very stormy night.  Rainfall 47 m/m.  Today cloudy sultry north wind
Barometer 758.  Looks like more rain tonight.
Ground very wet.  Cattle thin: (distressingly so)

— 10 —
(Jordan writes)

Miserable day.  South wind.  Barometer 760.  Rainfall 12.5 m/m
Raining all forenoon and some afterwards.
Balbueno making a gate
Salto and two men transplanted some sweet potato plants
Camp men rocorriendo  2 dead animals
  Matters begin to look serious
  Too much rain: thin cattle)

— 11 —
(Jordan writes)

Began the day nearly clear.  by 9 AM was raining: fell 17.4 m/m.
South wind.  Barometer 758
Went down to Mistolar with cart and two peones to bring up the wool and hides, but on account of rain was obliges to return without the wool.  (brought hides)
Elias and gente recorrered camp.  4 dead animals
Balbueno working at gate.
Salto transplanting potateos
   Butchered cow.

— 12 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained again 6 m/m, in afternoon cleared off nicely with rising Barometer.  Barometer 762.  South wind
Baldomero’s daughter gave birth last night
Could do nothing in the forenoon.
In afternoon did odd jobs made gates etc
Recorriendo camp 1 dead cow
Mr Chingo left to take charge of troop of cattle for Cia de Tierras

— 13 —
(Jordan writes)

Nice sunshiny day, south wind.  Barometer 767
Brought up wool from Mistolat (6 tienzas)
Elias and 3 peones went up to Palmar to make balzas
A Wallis went with him.
Mr Richards left on pasear
Baldomero looking for curandera for is daughter
Baldomero made small kitchen table
  did not find any dead animals

— 14 —
(Jordan writes)

Bright day, but cool.  Barometer 763.
Hauling wood and posts
Balbueno making another gate
Elias and gente still at Palmar
Romolo and Gamba here tonight on way to rodeo in Potrero Palmar tomorrow
Romolo gave notice to quit at end of month
  Lechera died in corral today
    Butchered cow

— 15 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day.  North wind  Barometer 762
Had on rodeo in Potrero Palmar and Parted 125 bulls shut them in at Estancia and castrated 85 of them leaving the rest shut in.
Balodemras daughter died today.  Baldomero made a coffin out of an old box.
    Three dead cows

— October 16, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Pleasant day.  Barometer 761
Baldomero & Lencino took horse cart to town with dead girl
Mr Peters here most of the day

— 17 —
(Jordan writes)

Light North wind.  Thermometer 34°.  Barometer 764
Recorriendo camp.  Skinned 1 animal 1 C.P.
Balbueno sick in bed.
Salto and Ramon working in quinta
    Butchered cow.

— 18 —
(Jordan writes)

Warmish: 34°  Threatening rain in forenoon.
Afterwards south wind, cooler.  Bar 762.
Elias and gente went to South potrero to recorrer yeguada for rodeo tomorrow
Baldomero got back this evening bringing stores correspondence etc.  Letter from Mr Benitz, NY.
Recorriendo.  Ramon plowing for maiz
Hung gate in old chacra.

— 19 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day.  North wind.  Barometer 760
Left Baldomero here to recorrer, all the other gente at Loma.  had on rodeo in Patsmer [Potrero ?].  Parted out the Colts and shut them in corral.  Marked 1 filly also 3 for Madero.
Salto Planting Maiz

— 20 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained 31.8 m/m.  Capado 87 colts at Loma Poi
Strong South wind.  Bar 764

— 21 —
(Jordan writes)

Cool south wind.  Bar 762
Had on rodeo in South Potrero again and marked 20 calves (Plantel)
Also cured 6 new bulls
Cattle in South Potrero looking well
New bulls dying.
Gente all came back to Estancia
    Butchered cow

— 22 —
(Jordan writes)

Cool Southeast wind Ther 19°  Barometer 762
Elias and gente recorriendo  Skinned 8. 4 C.P.
Hung gate to Potrero Salado and cleaned Patios
Chasque over from Lucero.  Rodeo in Union next Monday
Romo Villalba Passed on way to J Sanchez’s

— October 23, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Cool and Pleasant South East wind.  Barometer 761
Jordan Elias and Lencino went over to attend rodeo at Lucero

— 24 —
(Jordan writes)

Another nice day, light S.E. wind.  Bar 763
Parted in Potrero el Union about 100 head of cattle
Mostly novillos and Bulls
Shut them in at Estancia
New bulls dying.
    Butchered cow
All the puesteros here (to help in rodeos)

— 25 —
(Jordan writes)

Spring weather.  Barometer 764.  no wind to speak of
Had on rodeo in Potrero Salado, and castrated two colts: (hijos de yeguas mansas [sons of tame mares]) also two for Gamba and one for Elias
Marked 4 calves, 1 colt Macho and about 70 novillos and 35 yearling calves, which together with cattle brought over from Lucero: were taken to Potrero Palmar.  Finished planting maiz working at Potato rows.  Laguna appears to be falling rising some

— 26 —
(Jordan writes)

Pleasant morning, raining in afternoon.  47.7 m/m  Barometer 758
Had on rodeo Algorobal. (2000)  Marked 16 calves, castrated 11 bulls.  Parted 86 novillos and put them in Potrero Palmar.  Working at Potato rows
  Lake has risen about 6 in this month

— 27 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained last night 7.3 m/m.  Cleared off this afternoon with light southerly wind.  Barometer 763
Elias and gente recorriendo camp, skinned two new bulls, found one C.P.
Footmen transplanting potatoes
    Butchered cow

— 28 —
(Jordan writes)

Light south wind.  Barometer 761  Ther 28°
Brought the canoe up from Paso Mistolar also the hides (9)
Brought the sheep down from Palmar
Lake rising fast.
Sent correspondence to Calchaqui (Baldomero)
Lucero’s carts (5) passed again north
Wallis Painted two gates (Black)
Dead potro in Potrero Palmar

— 29 —
(Jordan writes)

Light north and northeast wind  Barometer 762
Took canoe up to Palmar and got a load of chañares
Mr Martin over for the night
Sent sheep on to Paso Calchaqui
Romolo regulated his acct and borrowed ox cart to take hi things to town

— October 30, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Calm day  Barometer 760 Received correspondence letter from Mr Benitz (St Louis)
Lots of colts dying at Loma.  Butchered cow

— 31 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained early this morning 5.5 m/m.  South wind.  Bar 761
Elias and gente went to Loma for rodeo tomorrow
Salto in garden killing ants and pulling weeds
  recorriendo  no hay novedad

November, 1904

— 1 —
(Jordan writes)

B Cloudy morning.  Bright afternoon.  South wind.  Bar 761
Went to Rodeo at Loma, and Potrero al Sud
Castrated six potros.  Marked 33 calves and castrated 25 bulls.  Also parted out the young bulls and novillitos (de ferra posado) [???] about 80.
The six bulls that were doctored during the last lt trip were all dead but one
Balbueno cutting alfalfa.  Salto Plowing fruit trees
Two men hilling Potatoes

— 2 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained 9m/m today.
Had on Rodeo Tapera 5000 or more, parted only a few bulls and calves as we had to quit on account of rain.  Took them with these from Loma to Mistolar
    Branded 4, castrated 13 and dehorned 17
Gente at Estancia bunched up hay

— 3 —
(Jordan writes)

Bright sunshiny day.  Variable winds  Barometer 761
Had on Rodeo Mistolar over 3000
Castrated 32 bulls: marked 61 calves
Cattle looking awful bad yet and still dying
Salto pulling weeds in garden, so much water that nothing else can be done in chacra
    Butchered cow

— 4 —
(Jordan writes)

Warmish day variable wind  Bar 760
Rodeo del Medio 4000
  Marked 35 calves.  Parted 35 reses, 8 Plantel 1 Harteneck and put them in Potrero Salado.
Castrated 25 bulls dehorned 4
Hauled some hay  Skinned 1 cow
Manuel Vera here tonight troop of reses from J Sanchez (190) all sorts
Two of Lucero’s carts passed on way back

— 5 —
(Jordan writes)

A bit cooler south wind.  Barometer 762
Rodeo Estancia (1000 arriba)  Marked 17 calves
Castrated 36 Bulls, dehorned 2 bulls
Put 6 reses and 3 cows for Plantel in Potrero Salado
Hauling hay, hilling potatoes and ploughing fruit trees.  Recorriendo 3 dead animals

— November 6, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Rained 1 m/m.  South Wind  Barometer 760.  Had rodeo Salado
Castrated 27 bulls, marked 33 calves.  Put 20 reses and 4 ajenos in Potrero Salado, dehorned 4 bulls.  Butchered cow
8.30 PM is raining now.

— 7 —
(Jordan writes)

Cool south wind in early morning.  Warm afterwards  Barometer 759, did not rain much last night
Marked Tambero calves at Estanci,: Mistolar and Paso Calchaqui 24 in all, also castrated 8 bulls
Balbueno cutting alfalfa.  Two men hilling potatoes
Salto cleaning fruit trees
Two more of Lucero’s carts passed on return journey

— 8 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm cloudy day  Barometer 758.  South wind
Jordan cutting hay.  Elias and all the gente hauling
830 P.M.  Plenty of thunder and lightning in the south
    Butchered cow

— 9 —
(Jordan writes)

The weather appears more settled.  South wind  Barometer 763
Finished cutting alfalfa and Johnson grass and began cutting weeds in new alfalfa.
Hilling potatoes.  Raking and stacking hay
recorriendo camp skinned one cow and one CP
J Andres here for night

— 10 —
(Jordan writes)

Warmish, light S.E. and E wind.  Barometer 762
Had to take the hay out of galpon and dry it again as it was heating, put it back and hauled some more
Began stack of Johnson grass in potrero
Jordan cutting weeds in new alfalfa
Fillon passed here at midday
one dead bull

— 11 —
(Jordan writes)

Nice Pleasant day.  East wind.  Barometer 759
Finished hauling hay and Johnson grass
Cutting weeds all day in new alfalfa
Elias went to Calchaqui this afternoon
    Butchered cow

— 12 —
(Jordan writes)

Cold South wind  Barometer 755
Rainfall 1 m/m.
Finished cutting weeds in new alfalfa
Two carts hauling weeds
Mr Richards putting springs on trap
Two dead calves

— November 13, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

South wind     Barometer 761
Elias brought correspondence.  Letter from Mr Benitz (St Louis)

— 14 —
(Jordan writes)

Nice cool weather, south wind.  Barometer 765
Finished hauling weeds out of new alfalfa
Also finished hilling sweet potatoes
Elias and 3 peones went up to Palmar to recorrer
Rodeo tomorrow
Salto in quinta.
    Butchered cow

— 15 —
(Jordan writes)

Fine spring weather light south wind  Barometer 763
Rodeo Potrero Palmar.  Parted 16 novillos of Morrero’s 1 of Barbin’s 2 of Harteneck’s 1 cow con destino plantel [destined to breeding] and Put them in Potrero Salado.  Also Parted and castrated 12 young bulls.  Counted novillos 1062.
Salto and two footmen working in quinta
Balbueno began plowing maiz

— 16 —
(Jordan writes)

Fine day, north wind.  Barometer 760
Gente all went to Loma taking 11 plantel cows, 3 mares & 1 young which Elias castrated
Jordan counted shorn sheep at J Madero’s 1250
Sent ox cart after wool and hides
Salto with horse cart went to town

Diagram on blotter page
between 16 & 17 Nov.

Page image.

A cattle brand?

— 17 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm 33°.  North wind.  Barometer 763.
Had on rodeo Loma Poi  3.000
Parted and put in Potrero 6 cows (plantel)
Parted quite a lot of old and bad color cows for consumo
Castrated 12 young bulls  dehorned 1

— 18 —
(Jordan writes)

Warmer 34½° north wind.  barometer 765
Rodeo Tapera: 1500  (Jordan did not attend went up to Palmar, received wool, hides, etc
Parted quite a lot of reses  Castrated 24 bulls

— 19 —
(Jordan writes)

Warmish day northeast wind.  Barometer 763
Had on Rodeo Mistolar 5000.  Parted quite a lot reses and put them together with those of the Tapera and Loma Poi 120, in Potrero Salado also put 28 cows (plantel) and 5 ajenos in there
Balbueno still plowing maiz
Salto got back with stores correspondence etc

— November 20, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Warm 36°  North wind.  varometer 761
Carneado Vaca

— 21 —
(Jordan writes)

Nov Storm from south.  Rainfall 8 m/m
  Warm at night and threatening  Bar 758
Jordan went to Calchaqui to consult Mr William Benitz about camp.
  two dead bulls
  J Sanchez here for night
Elias and gente went up to Palmar to float palms.

— 22 —
(Jordan writes)

Rainfall 33.8 m/m:.  Barometer 760
Salto replanting potatoes
  dead calf in corral

— 23 —
(Jordan writes)

Weather more settled.  Bar 762.
Jordan got back from Calchaqui
could get no answer from Mr Benitz
Gente still at Palmar
D Collins here for night
  3 dead vows, two of them C.P.
Salto in garden.  Balbueno making gate

— 24 —
(Jordan writes)

Sultry day 34½°  Storm late in afternoon from south  Rainfall 21 m/m.  Baldonero recorriendo
Salto in garden.  Balbueno odd jobs
Madero got back from Calchaqui with stores etc
Elias returned from Palmar at night having stal started 3 rafts of palms
Collins still here

— 25 —
(Jordan writes)

Rainfall 1 m/m.  Barometer 761  south wind
Elias and gente left the rafts 3 of them all hung up at different places, cant get them loose
Water still rising
one dead bull near Estancia
Sent chasque after correspondence
    Butchered cow

— 26 —
(Jordan writes)

Fine day south wind  Barometer 761
Jordan went over to Hartenecks camp to see about getting camp for novillos
Elias and gente recorriendo
4 dead animals
Footmen hauling wood
Chasque brought correspondence

— November 27, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Sultry day.  Barometer 760, no wind
Jordan got back.  got camp.  Butchered cow

— 28 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day northeast wind.  Barometer dropped from760 to 755  At 12 wind changed to south strong with rain 19.3 m/m
Jordan, Elias, Richards, Wallis and all the Peones went up to Palmar and took novillos (1098) over to Campo Grande (Harteneck) on account of rain could not get back.  Lake still rising

— 29 —
(Jordan writes)

Not so warm no wind to speak of Barometer 760
All the gente returned today, recorriendo camp
Skinned 5 animals 4 C.P. Mr Richards on Pasear.  John Collins eat dinner here
Salto cleaning potatoes:.  Balbueno sick

— 30 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained slowly all afternoon 3 m/m  Barometer 760  Light south wind
Rodeo Salado: Parted 28 of the biggest novillos novillos and put the rest 686 Head in J Sanchez camp.  Elias herded them all day and put them in rodeo at night.
Skinned 2 cows 1 C.P.
    Butchered cow

December, 1904

— 1 —
(Jordan writes)

Pleasant day.  Light south wind.  Barometer 762
Rodeo Algorabal, took 477 head to Sanchez camp
gente fastenning them and recorriendo
Skinned 3 found 2 C.P.
Balbueno and Salto working potatoes and garden
Report 1 dead in Julian’s camp
Received wool and hides.  Paso Calchaqui an Mistolar

— 2 —
(Jordan writes)

Pleasant day, very light south wind.  Barometer 760
Gente recorriendo camp.  Skinned 6 cows 1 C.P.
One footman drying wool and cleaning Patio
Jordan posting up books
Salto and Balbueno in garden and potatoes
Sent Chasque after correspondence

— 3 —
(Jordan writes)

Seems very warm but only marks 32°  Bar 759
From Rodeo Estancia took about 800 perhap more to campo J Sanchez.  Cattle that are there some days appear much better
Salto and Balbueno in sweet potatoes
  Skinned 1 cow
    Butchered cow
Report that all the novillos have escaped from Hartenecks camp, going over to see tomorrow

— December 4, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Pleasantly cool threatening rain south wind.  Barometer 760
Nothing doing.  Received correspondence, post card from Mr Benitz New Orleans

— 5 —
(Jordan writes)

Threatening rain all day  Barometer 761
Rainfall 1.7m/m  South wind
Elias. Jordan, Collins and all the camp peones went over to Harteneck’s camp to see about novillos
Cirrilo and Salto cleaning fruit trees

— 6 —
(Jordan writes)

Gente came back at night having found only part of the novillos had escaped
Had rodeo Monday and parted 55 next had all of the novillos on rodeo only a few missing
South wind  Barometer 763
    Butchered cow

— 7 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained 1.5 m/m  Bar 762 South wind
Recorriendo camp skinned 1 calf 1 C.P.
Balbueno finished plowing maiz
Cirrilo finished cleaning fruit trees

— 8 —
(Jordan writes)

South wind  Barometer 763
Had on rodeo in J Sanchez’s camp.  Parted 38 bulls (Sanchez) and took them to his house where he was castrating.
Balbueno and Cirrillo mended gate and cancella near Potrero Salado  Afterwards cleaning Paraiso trees at Balbuenos house.
Mr Collins left today for Lucero
Butchered cow

— 9 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day light south wind  Barometer 764
Recorriendo camp 2 dead calves C.P.
Rodeo Potrero Salado  Parted 25 cows plantel
Balbueno Cirrillo and Salto clearing Paraiso trees.  Elias took correspondence to town
Butchered cow

— 10 —
(Jordan writes)

Fine day N.E. Wind  Barometer 760
Mr Benitz returned from States and Europe today
Baldomero took 23 cows down to plantel Loma Poi and on return skinned 3 animals and found 1 C.P.
Balbueno cutting alfalfa
Cart brought up 15 cow hides from Mistolar
Salto in quinta, two helpers in evening
Don Carmete here tonight

— December 11, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Warm Sunshiny day, light variable wind.  Barometer 761
Balbueno raked hay.   Butchered cow.

— 12 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm.  Variable wind.  Barometer 763.
Threatening rain.  South wind and pleasant at night
Hauling and cutting hay.
Recorriendo camp.  Skinned 5 animals 2 C.P.
Water in lake is falling also in Esteros.
Water is now one inch below fifth mark
Mr Collins returned this evening.

— 13 —
(Jordan writes)

Rainfall 6.7  Cool pleasant day.  Varible wind.  Bar 765
Very little doing in forenoon on account of rain
In afternoon cutting hay, and weeds in canasveral [cañaveral]
Elias returned this afternoon bring ing correspondence

— 14 —
(Jordan writes)

Beautiful day.  Easterly wind  Barometer 766
Cutting.  Raking and hauling hay
Rodeo del Media 2.000.
Put out all the cow hides to take the dew
  Skinned 1 cow
    Butchered cow

— 15 —
(Jordan writes)

Fine day.  Variable winds.  Barometer 763
Finished hauling the hay that was out
Repiled the hides and recorrered camp
Skinned 1 cow
Puesteros here for rations and with punicenas [????]
Mr Collins sick all day

— 16 —
(Jordan writes)

Another nice day.  Variable winds.  Barometer 761
Planted posts and covered hay stack with tijas [tejas = tiles]
Mr Benitz went to Potrero al sud, reports cattle in good condition.
Water in lake falling slowly, is now 2 inches below 5th mark,  skinned two calves
J Andres Flores here with cart, brought Dña Maria

— 17 —
(Jordan writes)

Rained a light shower 5.1 m/m.  Barometer 760
    Fine cool weather for cattle
Got in two loads of hay
Cleaning willow trees
Recorriendo camp found nothing dead
    Butchered cow

— December 18, Sunday —
(ALFRED writes)

Fine day South wind.  Barm 762.  Gauna for butcher parted out 12 novillos and 2 of Baldomeros from Salado potrero.  A. was over at J. Sanchez.  Elias & gente went to rodeos at Las Aves.  J. Martin was here.  Jordan & Collins went to Lucero.-

— 19 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day north wind.  Barometer 759
Brought the cattle back from J Sanchez’ camp that is to say the most of them.
Water drying very fast in camp
Got cart ready to go to Calchaqui tomorrow
Salto and Baldomero working in garden

— 20 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day 35° North wind. Barometer 758
Mr Benitz left for the south.
Sent Cyrilo with ox cart after stores
Recorriendo camp, nothing dead
Balbueno mending sinch cart
Salto and Arturo working in potatoes
    Butchered cow

— 21 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day: 37° northeast and north wind  Barometer 757
Threatening rain all afternoon, began at sundown, slowdy.
Pancho and Mateo recorriendo
Salto in Potato patch
Balbueno Painted gate Pot Salado and brought hides from J Bergarra>

— 22 —
(Jordan writes)

It rained last night 4.9m/m and today 25.5m/m
At 10 tonight is raining again with south wind  Bar 754
In afternoon the footmen worked a little in potatoes
Campmen recorriendo
    Cattle looking better

— 23 —
(Jordan writes)

Fine day  light south wind.  Barometer 761
Salto working in potatoes
Gente recorriendo
Jordan went to Mistolar y alrededor [and nearby] (fishing)
Elias got back at nightfall
    Butchered cow
Rained last night 1.2 m/m

— 24 —
(Jordan writes)

Grand day, no wind.  Barometer 765
Elias and Collins went over to Lucero
Salto and Balbueno in potatoes
Gente recorriendo, skinned 1 calf 1 cow CP
Cart got back with stores etc. no correspondence

— December 25, Sunday —
(Jordan writes)

Pleasant day, north wind.  Barometer 763
Elias and gente went to J Sanchez’s to attend rodeo mañana
Mr Richards returned.  Received correspondence (Matheo)

— 26 —
(Jordan writes)

Bright day northeast wind  Barometer 762
Elias and gente brought 165 head of cattle back from J Sanchez, and went on to Loma to part novillos tomorrow.
Balbueno cut and raked the last piece of alfalfa
Jordan recorriendo camp (potrero Palmar)
Salto. Cyrilo and Wallis in potato patch

— 27 —
(Jordan writes)

Rainfall 13 m/m, late afternoon and night.  Barometer 760 did not rain any at Loma Poi
Jordan went down to Loma.  Rodeo 2500 arriba [over]
Parted 103 novillos
Gente at Estancia getting in hay
  Very warm day 36°

— 28 —
(Jordan writes)

Rather warm, no wind.  Barometer 760
Rodeo Tapera 2000 Escaso [short/barely] Parted 39 novillos
Rodeo Mistolar 5000 arriba [over] Parted 84 novillos
Shut them in at Mistolar
Jordan Elias and some of the men came to Estancia.
Salto in potato patch

— 29 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day 35°  No wind.  Barometer 762
Had on rodeo del medio: 3000+ Parted 87 novillos and them and those that were parted there last days.  Salto plowing in fruit trees
hauled 1 load of wood
Wrote to Mr Benitz (Rosario)
Fillon found with canes going to Salado
    Butchered cow

— 30 —
(Jordan writes)

Same haat as yesterday with N.E. wind.  Bar. 760
Rodeo Estancia 1.500.  Parted 32 nocillos and 81 cows, and took them to Potrero Palmar
Also castrated 4 little bulls.
Salto still plowing in fruit trees
Sent chasque to town (Mateo)

— 31 —
(Jordan writes)

Warm day.  North East wind.  Barometer 761
Rodeo Salado 500.  Parted 13 novillos and 68 cows and put them in Potrero Palmar
Also cured 3 oxen that were embeechado [embichado]
Chasque brought correspondence
letter from Mr Benitz (Bellville)

Rainfall: 1902, 19103, & 1904

Page image.

© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)