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Alfred A. Benitz | Page last modified: |
Trip segments:
Transcription notes: Transcribed verbatim without intentional corrections to grammar or spelling; however, we inserted month titles for clarity. Alfred's handwriting is quite legible, and his spelling of English place names if not accurate is close enough. However, he wrote in pencil which has faded. We did not transcribe the expenses, which are almost as interesting as the actual diary (for which he paid $1.60 m/n in 1920). (Transcribed by: Renι Benitz)
July 1920
Left Las Rosas 4.3030 P.M for Rosario.
Leburn & Chapman met me there and had dinner at Savoy. Gave Leburn all the cheque books as he & Boardman have my power of attorney.
Left on 10.45 P.M train for B.A.
A. D. Grant & Col. Fenwick on train also.
Drizzly weather.
Grand Hotel. B.A. Went & tried on coat at Smarts & got a new hat. Went to U.S Embassy & got my provisional Passport good for 3 months ($25.) went then to Am. Consulate had it vised then to British consul gral & had it vised again (5.80) then got ticket at Royal Mail paying $25.50 more for passage on S.S. Avon, single cabin no. 339. Young Fay who went to see the steers killed at the Anglo S A Meat Co.
Also went to see Ehlert re San Geronimo property & his ideas of the purchase.
S.S. Avon. Went around to the Anglo meat Co. & got liquidation of the 400 steers killed out at 32 cts per lb. they only averaged $246.88 per head after paying RR freight. net $98,753.97 could have got $240. about January. Too many deductions! Bought 10 K sugar at Feeneys $11.00. Also a wedding present for Albergoli - Gomez wedding at Mappin & Webb.
Fine day. Went on board Avon about 2.30 PM. & left BA 4 P.M. Highams came on board to see me off.
S.S. Avon. Foggy night so we did not march hardly. Have seat at Purser's table.
Foggy nearly all day, but we managed to get to Mont Video about 6 P.M. & after taking on board a few passengers left again at 6.30 PM.
Fog soon stopped us again until 10.30 PM.
S.S. Avon. at noon Lat 33° - 50΄ S Long 53.01
run 218 miles 122 miles to Rio Gde..
Fine day partly sunny. full moon. Could not enter tonight, so we are anchoring out side of Rio Gde. no bridge yet. 1st game of quoits.
S.S. 'Avon' Saturday. Not a bad day. at about 9. A.M. we entered Rio Grande & stopped until about 12 oclock. 122 miles. Only took on passengers & a few got off. Seems a thriving place with plenty of smoke from diferent frigorificos or factories. Sorry could not go ashore. The country seems unatractive low & sandy. Had bridge today; came out 2 shillings ahead.
August 1920
S.S. Avon. Sunday. at noon: 27°-55΄ S 48°-16΄ long
run 331 miles 265 from Santos.
Went to service, not much preaching.
Fine day, weather just agreeable. Will take off thick clothes tomorrow. out about 8-5/ today no bridge.
S.S. Avon. Monday. Arrived at Santos at about 8. AM & left again at after 2P.M.
Changed $5 & got 80 m/reis for it. Went on shore with Wear & took an auto to Balnario & I had a swim. Beautiful beach, water a bit. Afterwards had a cocktail at the Hotel there. Bought a tin Guayaba jam at 2½ m/reis . to take to England. Made 8 s/ at bridge.
Weather warmer. Dance on deck at night.
208 miles to Rio
Tuesday S.S. Avon. Arrived at Rio early about 6.20 but had a lot of formalities with port Doctors & did not get to warf until 9 A.M. 208 miles made. Have made 1158 miles since leaving BAires. Went on shore with Wear & took an auto & took the trip to Tijuca and around by the sea. Had lunch at a little corner place near the avenida, & bought a couple of boxes of cigars. Lots of new passengers on board. Left again about 7 P.M. Had bridge at night. won 5/- Kratz left at Rio (traviller for insulated wire etc)
Fine day. just nice to be on shore.
Wednesday. S.S. Avon. at noon 21°-27΄ S 40°-18΄ W made 204 miles. 536 to Bahia.
Fine day. Put on lightest clothes. Sweepstakes began. Made 2s/ at bridge after dinner. Dancing on deck.
Thursday "SS Avon." at noon 16° 43s 38° 2 W made 310 miles To Bahia 227 miles. had 5/ on sweepstake & lost. Played deck quoits. lost 11/ at Bridge with Wyatt Col. Fenwick & Johnston.
Friday. S.S. Avon arrived at Bahia [227 miles] early & went on shore with Dr. Orr, and pottered around the market & lower part of the town.
Bought a horn cup at the market 2$000 50 cigars Subieck 15$000 and 12 K sugar for 21$200 or about 1£ 5/ got back at about 11.30 AM. Warm on shore. Milreis here go to £: 16 or 17 & to buy £: 20$000
Siesta - quoits, chess, bridge.
Won 1/ at bridge. lost 6/ sweepstakes
Saturday S.S. Avon. 9° S - 35° 01΄ W
332 miles. To Pernambuco 58 miles.
Fine day. Arrived at Pernambuco at 4 P.M, & were there until about 6 P.M. Sea was not so bad as usual there, but still a basket was used for passengers. Won 50/6 net at the 2 sweepstakes. No bridge.
Sunday. S.S. Avon. at noon: 4° 39΄ 32°-56΄ W 293 miles made from Pernambuco. To St Vincent 1376 miles. Lost 7/ at sweepstakes, 6/ at Bridge - Col Fenwick, Wyatt, Johnston
fine day. Passed Fernando Noronha [passed the Arlanza] before lunch.
Monday S.S "Avon" at noon 0° 39΄ N 30° 49΄ W 342 miles. to St Vincent 1034 miles.
Gave £1.- for sports. lost 7/ sweepstakes.
Began Competitions, entered for quoits singles & doubles. Bull, board ditto. Shuffle board & Bridges. Won 8/ at Bridge
Tuesday. SS "Avon". at noon 5°.57΄ N 29°-03΄W
335 miles. 699 to St Vincent.
Very muggy hot day. some rain.
Won at Tournament 1st against Col Fenwick & then after lunch against ______ [American] Have to play the ante final tomorrow. Nothing won at bridge in evening. Fancy dress ball at night.
lost 7/ at Sweepstakes.
Wednesday SS "Avon". at noon: 11° 28΄ N 26°-54΄ W. made 354 miles. 345 to St Vincent Isles. Hot day, but not so bad as yesterday. Had a bad back in morning got massaged. Began Bridge tournament lost 1 rubber, won one. lost 7/ at Sweepstakes
Thursday. SS Avon. made 345 miles at noon. 9 from St Vincent. Arrived there at 12.30 P.M. divers there as usual. still 2505 miles from Southampton. Left St Vincent at 2.45 P.M.
Fine day.
Friday. S.S. Avon. at noon: 21° - 19΄ N 22° - 50΄ W 301 miles. 749 to Madeira. Played off another single quoit. am in the final yet. Lost 7/ at Sweepstakes. made 17/6 at Poker. Another fine day. Played & won 1 rubber of bridge in tournament. Lot of sports on board & every one quite animated, dance in evening.
Saturday. S.S. "Avon". at noon 26° 16΄ N 20° 14΄ W 330 miles. To Madeira 419 miles. Very slow going. guess on account of bad quality of coal. Fine day. at evening strong head wind. lost 7/ at sweepstakes & 21/ Poker.
Sunday. SS "Avon" at noon 30° - 41΄ N 18° W 288 miles. 131 to Madeira. Very strong north wind & very bad run. Passed the "Almayora" about 6.45 PM going outward. Mrs J Benitz, Joe & Alfred on board. Won 5/ at bridge. lost 7/ sweepstakes.
Monday: S.S. "Avon". arrived at Funchal (Madeira) very early in morning, coaled & left again at 2.15 P.M. Went on shore & motored to Hotel (Reed's) where met Carlota King & then went for a walk to her little cottage. Very warm on shore. Took the girls some sweets & cigarrettes. Had letter from Olga & Alfred B. Made 1/ Bridge
Tuesday. S.S. Avon. at noon: 35° 34΄ N 12° - 46΄ W. made 278 miles from Madeira. 258 miles from Lisbon. Finished the Sports today. Got 1st at Single quoits. 2nd at double Shuffle Board with Amundsen. Tug of war won by Single men. Got vale for 15/ on store for prize & bought a silver pin dish for wife 17/G lost 7/ Sweepstakes & 17/ at Bridge. Fine day..
S.S. Avon. Arrived at Lisbon early in morning & left again at about 2 P.M. Had back ache badly & had it massaged in morning by medical assistant. no supper tonight. lost 1/6 at Bridge. Cooler weather. Visitors on shore say it was very disappointing, strikes of taxi, trams, & power. Letter from Olga. Sent wireless: "arriving Saturday Southampton."
SS Avon. Thursday
Arrived morning early at Vigo. 230 miles. raining. attractive pottry & mantillas for sale. Back ache a little better. Not go on shore on account of rain. Had bridge and poker lost 8/ at Bridge & 17/ at Poker. rougher weather.
Friday S.S. Avon. Packing up. Strong north wind which will put us back. at noon 47° N 6°. 34΄ W 328 miles run. 273 to Cherbourg. Bridge in afternoon & night. lost 4/ and 7/ Sweepstakes. Champagne at noon
Saturday S.S Avon arrived at Cherburg at 8 AM. lots of passengers got off & we left for Southampton at 9.15 AM & arrived at 2.45 PM. Olga was awaiting at wharf & we left in special train for London 510 PM & took about 2 hours. gave £510/ in tips on board. Had to pay duty £1-15/ on 120 cigars Bahia and £10/3 on 45 lbs sugar Table companions on board were Purser Rigby, Mrs & Miss Rodman, Bottomley, Wyatt, & Hairs Dr Orr. On board got to know L Amundsen R Babbett, Byl, Brimley, Craddock, C Dawson, Eyzaguirre, Col Fenwick Hahn, R Johnston. N Johnston Muhlheimer Northcott, Pepper & wife, Maddock Mrs Ravenscraft, Mrs Shearer. Straye, Winterton Tredgett. Olga had a room at the Regents Palace Hotel, room 473 Seems a very crowded place & no dressing for dinner etc weather cold for summer. snow fell in Wales.
Regents Palace Hotel. London. After a late breakfast 10 AM. we called on Dolly King at Langham Hotel, & then motored to Kew Gardens where we lunched & spent the afternoon, & tea at the Hotel.
Fine day.
Monday, Regents Palace Hotel.. Went in morning to Brettels the shirt makers & ordered 6 shirts. then to Higgs the tailors but as her had only a small asortment of cloth & his prices 21 guineas a bit high. so went to Kilgour Princess St & ordered 3 suits of clothes ar £17-6/, Went to Fortnum & Masons to see about whisky to be sent out & got a sample. Bought a Burberry & ordered 2 suits of clothes there. Gave £20 on deposit. Had dinner with Dolly King & Chas Horner at the Langham Hotel & afterwards to the Drury Lane theatre where Gardens of Allah was on. Had tea at Gunthers.
Tuesday, Regents Palace Hotel. London. Fine day. Went to London & River Plate Bank. drew £100 & left £400. on current account. Afterwards called on Emilio Casares to inquire about Percheron stallion. Tried on suit at Kilgours. After siesta went to Covent Gardens, tea at Monico's. Went to "Chu Chin Chow" at His Majestys theatre.
Wednesday. Went to Covent garden & bought some fruit. a rather disapointing place. measured on 1st fitting at Burberrys. try on again after Saturday, any time. Left for Bures on Great Eastern Liverpool station at 2.15 PM. bought some beef & a sole & haddocks near station. Drove in Ford car from Bures to Mill House, Pebmarsh where we arrived at 4.30 PM about. Nice old place with fine garden. Fine weather but no sun.
Thursday, Forenoon went for a walk with Mr Horner & Olga around to Arm chair oak & through different farms of the Moat. Dickensons old place. & different walks. Weather better for harvesting. Lots of grain, peas, etc bring cut & stacked. Land what we saw seemed rather dirty with weeds thistles etc. Telegram from Lumsdaine.
Friday. Fine day. Lumsdaine came at noon. Wanted to sell San Geronimo for old Fea. asked $120,000, including Tapia, & Fea taking $10,000. in shares of Golf Links. Told him I would buy it for $110,000 & if golf club take it over would be for them, ½ cash & also including Tapia. Had a walk to old farm house on hill where we bought butter. Mrs H. B Dickenson called & asked us to tea Monday or Tuesday.
Saturday. Motored in Ford belonging to to Halstead & back by Earl Colm to call on Mr Raymond but he was not at home. Interesting place Halstead (4 miles) where there is a silk mill of Courthauld, of wood pulp. Had another walk to the lake at the moat, which looks in a very dangerous condition on account of rotten dam, & might over flow valley in a heavy freshet. Very fine day.
Sunday. Mill House. Helped in garden forenoon afternoon went for walk with OB towards Halstead & met Mr Raymond who came back with us & had tea, Fine day. Mr Horner says this place can be bought for £1000. when son of Courthauld comes of age in about 2 ½ yrs. Fine day. (afternoon) coldish.
Monday Langham Hotel Went to see a corrugated iron shelter at the fat farmer in front of Post office at Pebmarsh which seems very practical for wagon sheds.. made in Birmingham £1 per sheet 1/8" thick no S106 made at Phoenix Iron Works, Birmingham John Elwell Lda. Went with Cousins Ford car to Bures where we took the 3.45 PM train to London. reached London 5 P.M. Tried to get room at Regents Palace Hotel, & Victoria, then got room at the Langham. Fine day. Got tickets to see Blue Lagoon. which was very good.
Tuesday. Langham Hotel. Fitted on Kilgours (2nd) and Burberrys (2nd fitting). & then took the 11.05 AM. train to Beckenham to visit the Storeys. Mrs Storey ill in bed, & Storey leaving tomorrow for BA So we did not stop long. Lunched at the Princess Resturant. Saw Fortnum & Masons to send a sample of whiskey to Pebmarsh. Went to Agars office & saw James Agar.
Tickets to Gayety (Shop girl.) Very amusing
September 1920
Wednesday Left Langham Hotel & Euston Station at 9.30 for Carlisle where we arrived 4.10 PM (Went by Rugby Crew Walinford) & left 4.20 for Wigton where Todd met us & took us to Merside good day for travelling.
Thursday, Mereside. Rained nearly all day, so only walked a bit to village Bromfield & past. Got telegram from Lumsdaine saying Fea asked 115000 for San Geronimo & Tapias. Annie Todd arrived from Wales.
Friday Mereside Fine day. Went (AB. OB. Annie & Todd) in Todds Vauxhall auto to Windermere & lakes by Keswick & came back by same way. Had lunch at the Old England Hotel, Windermere Lake. Bought a bowl for Annie Todd also Olga. Came back to Keswick & had tea, & then home. Fine trip which we enjoyed. Telegraphed Lumsdaine, "Price too high".
Saturday. Went in motor AB, OB, Annie & Todd to Skinburness where we lunched, then to Silloth Allonby & Marybone & then back home by about 4 P.M. Very strong wind blowing & sea very rough & cold still some people were swimming, Rained in morning a bit. Rec'd telegram from Todd saying Fea had accepted offer of $110000 San Geronimo & of course Tapias
Sunday. Mereside. Damp weather in forenoon. Afternoon Todd & I walked to post letters at Brayton Station 3 miles, & back by Goldie's old place. Wrote the agreement to buy Fea's place at San Geronimo. have copy of letter. Coldish afternoon.
Great Central Hotel. Monday. Todd took us to Wigton in his car at 8.25 AM & took the train to Carlisle where he showed us his trophies in the museum. We (OB & I) then took the 12 oclock Midland train for London where we reached at 7 P.M. We tried to get rooms at the Langham, but it was full so we got a room at the Great Central Hotel. It was a fine day sunny when we got down in the mid lands but very cold & stormy in Cumberland. Came by Leeds, Sheffield Nottingham etc. Very smoky districts.
Great Central Hotel. Tuesday Fine day Went to tailors pd bill, also Brettels. Had lunch at Princess. Bought a set of bowls to be sent out to Boardman & Leburn. Went to see "Cherry" which was quite good at the Apollo. Had tea at Argentine Club where James Agar had put me up as member. Met Francis there. Went to Agars offices where met Dick Agar & the 2 nephews. Spoke to Willie telefone to Edgecombe. Drew £100 from LR.P.Bank Bought steamer trunk also.
Great Central Hotel Wednesday. Went down town in morning Selfridges, cloth for Buny & blacksmith. OB to dentist. Willie & Uranga came for breakfast. In afternoon Dourie & Marsha bo't shoes. left shoes to get resoled & rubbers put on. tea at Fullers. Went to Dalys theatre & saw "Southern Maid" Fine sunny day.
Great Central Hotel Thursday Went to Argentine
French Consul & got passport fixed up to go to France. Went afterwards to Bank &
drew £50 & then to Royal Mail SS offices to see what was to pay on our tickets
on "Arlanza" 24/9 to BA. Willie & Uranga came here to hotel then we lunched at
the Trocadero. We went then to Cooks & got tickets to Paris via Bologna &
reserved seats in Pullman 8.02 AM tomorrow. Went afterwards to
Negretti & Zambras & ordered a sun dial. Sent a telegram to Aveline that would
be there Saturday. Fine day. Had good dinner at Frascatio.
Normandy Hotel Paris. Friday. Went to Victoria station where met Willie & Uranga & left at 8.02 AM for Paris via Folkestone & Boulogne. Olga leaves today for Pebmarsh Had a good trip across the canal & arrived at Paris 4.30 PM. Went to Normandy Hotel which seems a poor place. Had dinner at a good resturant where we had been recomended to go by waiter at Grand Hotel where we had a drink. Tried to get rooms at Grand but were unsuccessful. Fine nice weather.
Normandy Hotel Paris. Saturday. Fine warm day, best had in Europe.
Willie & I took the 7 AM train to Nogent le Retrou where we arrived at 9.47 & were met by Mr C. Aveline who took us to his 2 places & showed us his Percheron stallions. Bought a 3 year old grey called "Rata" for 50000 francs put on board for South America. He won first prize at the show here. 3 yrs. old, white blaze on forehead, looks like a small scar or star on his right cheek, & a scar up in front of his right hind leg. Very fine horse. Aveline says he thinks he would won championship at Chicago next year. He will brand A.L. on his hoof fore leg. Had lunch at La Touche with his family & tea. Very nice place. Left Nogent le Retrou for Paris 5.40 PM & arrived Paris 8.40 had scant dinner as it was too late at the Normandy.
Normandy Hotel Paris Did not see Uranga today. W & I had a walk through the Tuilleres gardens, then took a cab through Boi de Bologno & to Eifel Tower where we went on top & had a fine view, but it took about 2 hrs with diferent elevators. Had lunch at Cafe de la Paix. Afterwards went to race course at Long Champs & saw some interesting races & fashions! Had dinner at Cafe Paris, about the most noted resturant in Paris. Very good dinner good company & high prices. A guide took us to see some dancing but we soon went to bed. Most beautiful weather.
Monday. Great Central Hotel London
got a ticket for London on the Handly Page airoplane. Bought a necklace for Olga. Went to London & River Plate Bank with Willie to get Iverson's address. Left in auto from Paris with 4 other passengers at about 11.30 for outside Paris where the flying ships leave & left on the plane at about 12.30 with 6 other passengers & arrived at Creckilwood about 4 PM. After the usual custom & passport formalities were gone through they dropped me at the Great Central Hotel with their auto. It was a very fine trip beautiful sunny in France but here cloudy & over cast. Met Dolly King & brother & 2 other ladies & had tea with them. Sent telegrams to Willie & Olga & also wrote to OB.
Tuesday. Mill House Pebmarsh. Cloudy day. In morning went to LRPBank & drew £50, called on thomas Agar. They promised to send out a cask of whisky. Had lunch at Argentine Club. met Hiel & Greenshields. Left by 4.58 P.M train for Bures where was met by OB in the Ford car which she had hired.
Fea had written letter agreeing to my letter of 5th inst re purchase of Cumbre property.
Wednesday. Mill House Pebmarsh. Rained several times today slightly.
Went in auto AB OB Mrs Horner to Chesthunt. had lunch with
2 old maids Miss Lucas & Miss Salmon who have a pretty garden & a very old
fashioned house. visited the old church where OB was christened, & then to Bury
Green where the Horners lived about 25 years (14 yrs ago) a fine property, a bit
neglected. Called on also on Dr Preist & family at Waltham Abbey. & then home by
Bagor, Halstea Chelmsford, Halstead Went & came by Epping Forest. Got
back 6.55 P.M.
Thursday. Mill House Pebmarsh. Rained greater part of forenoon. Went in the Ford auto to Brookwoods, Sible Heddingham & lunched with Col. Sparrow who has a very fine collection of trophies Big game from India, South Africa, West Africa, B.E.A & Somaliland. Beautiful place with fine garden & trees. Went to pub in evening & got ½ doz Port to leave the Horners when we leave.
Bro't packing cases to despatch China etc to the steamer.
Friday Mill House. Pebmarsh Went to Colchester in the Ford and lunched at the "Red Lion" eat 3 doz oysters. Afterwards went through the old castle dating from 1060 about. Lively town. Rained a bit in forenoon. Nice looking country. Black berried in evening.
Saturday Mill House Pebmarsh. Despatched 4 cases to Southampton in Ford car to Bures
cases contain 1 dressing dummy 2 of china, 1 of clothes. (about 2 doz old plates 1 doz pots iron)
Sunday. Mill House. Pebmarsh. Motored over to Clacton on Sea, had lunch at the Grand Hotel had walk on shore, pier, & listened to very good music at the glass pavillion & back home by St Osyth where there is an old priory. Fine sunny day. Mr Horner was telling me about the taxes: income tax on over £130 per yr pays 6/ on £ on over £120 per year. to Government. and local tax is 8/ on £ on rent less 1/6.
Monday. Fine day warm. Mr Horner & I motored to Earls Colne & went through Hunts foundory where they make all sorts of grinding & chaff cutting machinery. In afternoon Mr Horner OB & myself went to Le Mote to have tea with Mrs Henry Dickenson fine trees in Park.
Tuesday. Mill House Pebmarsh. Rained all forenoon. Saw Hill in afternoon here, In afternoon after tea had long walk around Park close to Halstead. about 8 miles. Getting ready to leave tomorrow.
Wednesday. Great Central Hotel. NW London
Left with all our luggage 10 oclock train from Bures for London. Arrived at 12 Sent luggage to Hotel in auto & went to bank to arrange about draft £50,000 & 80£ for Aveline had to go to Lloyds twice about it. Arranged about passports at Arg consulate, had to go twice. Lunched at Princess
dined with Dolly King, Malcolm King & a Mr & Mrs Smith, & then went to the Wyndham theatre and saw the Prude. very good. Rained hard about noon.
Thursday. Great Central Hotel London NW
Good day. In morning called on Col Fenwick 36 Conduit St. also met Mr Gillyatt there, & then insured my percheron in Imperial Life Stock Ins. Co. They will cable to the vet at Nogent-le-Rotrou to see if he is sound & if so will insure him for a year. if not, will return me the chg to the Argentine. Sent 2 bottles whisky & tin Tobacco to Mr Horner as a present. Paid Fortnum & Mason for a barrel of 30 gal whisky m/o less & fright casing etc to Rosario. Olga gave a lunch at Princess to me, her uncle Charlie, Mrs Priest & Miss Winnie Hayward. In afternoon went to Negretti & Zambra to see about about the sundial & bro't it to Hotel. Afterwards went to oculist Griffith 39 Hertford St. Glasses too strong Went to see Johnnie Jones at Ahambra & took Miss Winnie also. Packing to leave tomorrow.
RMLS Arlanza
Built: 1912 (Belfast) 15,040 tons
Scrapped: 1938
WW-I: armed merchant cruiser
(Source: www.naval-history.net)
Friday S.S. Arlanza. Left Great Central Hotel before 8 AM Waterloo station & took the 9.15 train (SS train) for Southampton where we arrived about 11.15 & streamer left about 12.15. The plants that Perry had sent did not have certificates of being free of Phyloxera so had to be returned to be sent on next steamer. Steamer seems very full. Saw Weigal & wife also Tetley & wife at Waterloo station only know Ferguson the accountant, & Greenshields & wife on board.
Reached Cherbourg where we took about 90 passengers at about 7 PM & left again at 10 P.M.
Saturday S.S. Arlanza. At noon 47° 45΄ N 5°- 51΄ W had made 83 miles from Southampton to Cherbourg & 222 from Cherbourg. Altogether 305 miles (about 20 hours) to Vigo 385 miles.. Fine day, Played Bridge with O.B, Greenshields & Bowers. lost 8/
Sunday. SS Arlanza at noon 42° 15 N 8.° 54΄ W 387 miles. 9 miles to Vigo.
Fine warm day. Arrived at Vigo about 12.45 & left again at about 7.30 P.M. Took on a lot of emigrants (about 600). Bought a couple of black shawls for presents. Lost 8/ Bridge. Did not go ashore. I heard that Leishman Runceman had died.
Monday. S.S. Arlanza. Arrived at Lisbon about 11 AM. Left again at 10 P.M. There was a dock & lighter strike on. so we did not go on shore. Great pity as it was such a fine day. Played Bridge after tea & dinner lost 2/
Tuesday SS Arlanza. At noon: 35° 59΄ N 12° - 40΄ W made 236 miles. 297 to Madeira. Fine warm day. Played quoits & bridge: made 1/
S.S. "Arlanza" arrived at Madeira about 8 AM & left again at 5 P.M.
Went on shore after breakfast & took a mule sled to the King girls house. Then got in an auto & drove on coast road about Ύ of an hour & then back to Reids where we had lunch. Went to market & got some fruit. Lovely day. Made 12/ a Bridge
S.S. Arlanza. At noon 28° - 29΄ N 19° - 15 W
run 277 miles 2381 to Pernambuco.
Warm day. Had our game of quoits, & very variable bridge lost 14/. No sports committee named yet.
October 1920
S.S. Arlanza. at noon: 23° - 13΄ N 22° - 11΄ W
run: 352 miles. to Pernambuco 2028 miles
Warm day. Deck quoits & bridge made 17/ lost 2/ sweepstakes on run..
S.S. Arlanza. at noon: 17° - 55΄ N. 25 05 W
run 357 miles 1671 to Pernambuco.
Fine warm day. Passed Cape Verde Isles after lunch. Quoits & Bridge. Won 3/. lost 2/ at Sweepstakes.
S.S. Arlanza. at noon 12° - 24΄ N 27 10 W
run 353 miles to Pernambuco 1318 miles.
Hot day. back wind or none. rain at night.. Bridge in evening lost 7/ Getting auction Sweepstakes up. Put in 4/
S.S. Arlanza. at noon: 6° 54΄ N 28° - 49΄ W
made 344 miles To Pernambuco 974. miles.
Auctioned off the numbers. Olgas 357 got £12/10 of which she received half. Amount of pool was £304 = ½ of which went to ½ of sale by auction & the other half 1 ½ to winner of number bought at auction. 20% 10 below 20% 10 above 10% to widows & orphans. 2 st****.
Fancy dress tonight & dance. Quoits. no bridge. Nice wind blowing.
S.S. Arlanza. at noon 1° - 07΄ N 30° - 29΄ W. run 361 miles. 613 miles to Pernambuco. Quoits during day. Bridge at night made 8/
Another auction sweepstakes. put in 4/ lost. drew no number. Fine breezy day. Second class had fancy dress ball. very amusing to watch.
S.S. Arlanza. At noon 4° - 24΄ S 32° - 44΄ W
run: 356 miles. To Pernambuco 257 miles.
The stewards gave a concert tonight in Social hall which was rather poor. Quoits & Bridge lost 3/ at Bridge. Windy cool day sweepstakes (2) 4/
S.S. Arlanza. At noon we were 8°. 07΄ S 34° - 49΄ W made 261 miles or 4 miles after leaving Pernambuco:. To Bahia 392 miles.
Arrived at 7 AM at Pernambuco & left again at 11.30 AM. No one came to side until 8.30 AM. Clocks seemed 1 hr earlier on shore. Had quoits & Bridge won 6/. Rough sea all day, & passengers for Pernambuco had to get off in the basket as usual. Some fruit, parrots monkies etc were brought on for sale. Windy day so was not very hot. News of rain in Cordoba 3.d Oct. (McDonald)
at noon: 12° - 58΄ S 38° - 21΄ W run: 370. miles to Bahia: 22
Friday, S.S. Arlanza, arrived at Bahia at 1.30 PM & left at 6 P.M. Did not go ashore as was advised to be on board at 3.30 PM. Bought some fruit. Had quoits & bridge lost 6/. Breezy day. cool on windy side.
S.S. Arlanza. at noon: 17.° 45΄ S 38.° 20΄ W run 310 miles
to Rio 462 miles. Not a bad day. wind.
Olga & myself were vaccinated by the ships doctor 7/6 each, as can not land in Argentine without certificate. Quoits & Bridge. won 17/ at Bridge.
SS. Arlanza. At noon 23° 02΄ S 42° - 13΄ W run: 401 miles. 61 to Rio. Best run we had yet. Were at Rio about 3 P.M. but did not get docked until about 6 P.M. A great crowd to meet ship. After dinner OB & I took an auto ride through Rio, around by new street near Belgian Kings Palace, by skating rink & by water front. Had Bridge in afternoon won 6/. lost 4/ at sweepstakes. Will loose a lot of passengers here. I guess about half..
Monday. S.S. Arlanza. OB & myself went on shore (Rio) at 7.30
& had early breakfast at the Brahma resturant. Went to the market quite
interesting & got fruit. Changed cars in front of Brahma resturant as ours would
not go on the round trip by the ocean & Tijuca. Went the round trip which was
splendid. Had lunch at the Palace Hotel, but were sorry we did not go to the
fish place on Calle Clap. Got ashore at 1 PM & had siesta. Bought 150 Suerdeck
cigars at 16$000 per box or 16/10 Steamer left again at about 5.30,
She seems quite empty of passengers now. Warm day on shore, stormy afternoon..
Lost 9/ at Bridge.
Tuesday. S.S. Arlanza. Reached Santos docks about 9.30 A.M. laying alongside Avon. Latham Hall, wife & Rosalta came on board to see us. Aniversary of descovery of Brazil. Great fiestas as King of Belgium is here. Went on shore with OB & lunched at Rotisserie Sportsman. where there was banqueting on a/c of return of Brazillian footballers. Left again at about 5.00 PM.
won 23/ at Bridge. Rained nearly all day. Hartwick got off here. he is manager of transport here.
Wednesday S.S. Arlanza at noon: 28°. 30΄ S 48° - 28΄ W. made 302 miles from Santos, to Monte Video: 588 miles.
weather cooler. Quoits & Bridge, lost 2/
Thursday. SS Arlanza. at noon: 33° - 42΄ lat 52° 32΄ Long. run 375 miles. to M Video 213.
Coldish stormy day with a lot of rain which prevented outside sports. Bridge afternoon & night & before lunch lost 1/ altogether. also 4/ sweepstakes.
Grand Hotel BA
Arrived at Monte Video very early & drew up on wharf & left again at 9.30 AM.
Argentine doctor came on board & examined all passengers for vaccination marks.
Arrived in B. Aires about 7.30 PM & went on shore with suit cases after passing officer for passports & through custom house. Very stormy across from Monte Video with some rain. Passengers at our table were Bower & wife, Ferguson, Schiel, Foy. & Hartwick. Passengers knew most. Shelton, Greenshield, MacDonald, Bridger, Mrs Cassini, Emmerson, Taylor,
Sleep at Grand Hotel. Rained a bit.
Went at 8.30 AM to Custom house & gathered our things together after a lot of work & finding things as there were too few changadores. Could not get them revised by 10.30 so went again in afternoon & had the 9 bultos passed all right, not paying any duty. Had them despatched straight to Las Rosas
Higham lunched with us. In afternoon after tea went to rose garden at Palermo which was a beautiful sight. Olga changed £10-5/ & got $93.45. exchange $9.12 to £ or 57D. Fine day. Took night train to Las Rosas
Met Vincent in BA. Every thing seems brisk in BA.
Arrived at Las Rosas at 10 AM. Seems after the seca since March we had in this month about 120 m/m rain. Lucky to have had plenty of stacks.
© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)