William Benitz
References in Court Transcripts
William is mentioned or participated in several cases.
The cases are listed in approximate date order. Click a title to jump to
that case or its button in the top menus.
- Raid on Fort Ross, 1845, Mexican court transcript
- In late July, 1845, while Wilhelm was absent, a group of brutal rancheros raided Fort Ross, raped the women, beat up the men,
then abducted men, women, & children to work on their ranchos.
William complained to the Mexican courts in Sonoma and the rancheros were brought
into court. However, not much came of it.
- Rancho de
German - California Land Claims 199 & 257, court cases filed 1852
- Transcripts of the cases in which Charles Meyer, et (included William Benitz) succeeded in retaining possession of Rancho de German.
William also testified, and drew the diseņo.
- New Breisgau - California Land Claims, appeal filed 1857
- The court transcript of William’s appeal (No.259) that eventually went
mostly in his favor - he didn’t lose everything.
He also testified, and drew the diseņo. John Yates testified that he
first met William while travelling to Sacramento in 1843.
- The Clark-Reed Homicide, Alameda County, 1875
- William Benitz was a grand juror in the extraordinary case of the Clark-Reed Homicide, recounted in the book The centennial
year book of Alameda County, California, by William Halley, 1876.
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