Mary Horner & Oscar Sundt Page last modified:

Mary Horner & Oscar Sundt

Photos of “El Rincón”

El Rincón” was the summer home of Alfred Benitz and Olga Horner in the Córdoba hills, north of La Cumbre (prov. Córdoba), in the arroyo Cruz Grande quebrada (ravine, narrow valley).  Tucked away from the main road, up river from his brother John’s summer home “Cruz Grande”, it is accessed via a narrow single lane road cut into the mountain-side.  Previously a goat farm, Alfred bought it in 1909.  It has been passed down through the family ever since: Benitz to Horner to Sundt.  It has has been the site of many family gatherings, including the “Benitz-2020” reunion.

Brush fires recently threatened “El Rincón”, on September 22nd, 2024.

The fire started near La Cumbre.  It spread north towards Cruz Chica & Cruz Grande - it also spread east over the hills to threaten towns on the far side.  It is still the dry season in the hills, vegetation is tinder dry.  In the Cruz Grande village, “El Rincón”, “Cruz Grande”, and “La Josefina” (aka today: “Bellmont”) were not damaged.  However, across the river from “El Rincón”, the brush on the hill with the veleta (weather-vane) did burn.  The fire was watched closely; it was feared the fire might jump the arroyo – it did not.

Brush Fire, 22 Sept. 2024

El Rincon 01

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Fire approaching from up-valley,
east of “El Rincón”
(ER is bottom left, pool bottom center)

El Rincon 02

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East from high bank of river beyond pool.

El Rincon 03

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More smoke - lawn is dry

El Rincon 04

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Fires burning on the hill wih the
veleta (weather vane).

© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)