Josephine Benitz - Schreiber Page last modified:
No book

Her First Poesie Book
Begun in 1867, age 16 years.

No title page

We believe this to be Josephine’s first poesie book.  Per its date, December 25, 1867, the book appears to have been a Christmas present when she was sixteen years old.  Poesie books, also known as autograph albums (see Wikipedia), were popular at the time of her youth.

The pages in the leather-bound book are of variously colored stiff paper: pink, yellow, blue, grey, or white - some have faded.  With a few exceptions, the pages are written on only one side, the side to the right of the spine.  The book has some pages with preprinted images; the images are to the left of the spine.  We copied all pages that have writing, attachments, titles, or images; and we copied all loose inserts with the page where we found them.  For reference purposes, we numbered the pages we copied, adding a letter code for each loose insert, if any.  The book has passed through many hands, so the page where a loose insert is currently found may not be where Josephine originally placed it.  There are very few pages blank on both sides, at least one page has been torn out, and six pages were added, attached to the back fly-leaf (pages 82-88).

Some notes:

[Photographed & transcribed by P. Benitz.]

Front Cover

Missing image.

Front Cover
Leather bound

Front Cover - inside

Missing image.

Inside Front Cover

Front - insert

Missing image.

Newspaper cutting
(Flexibone corsets!
Hair care with sulphur, ammonia, & borax?
Natal stones & flowers.

Page 02 - back of fly

Missing image.

(Opposite, left of page 3)

Page 03

Missing image.

(Opposite, right of page 2)

   Wedding Anniversaries
 1st year,  Paper wedding
 5   "   Wooden  "
10   "   Tin     "
15   "   Cristal   "
20   "   Linnen   "
25   "   Silver    "
50   "   Golden  "
75   "   Diamond  "
Married in white – You have chosen aright
Married in gray – You'll go far away.
Married in black – You'll wish yourself back.
Married in red – You'd better be dead.
Married in green – Ashamed to be seen.
Married in blue – You'll always be true.
Married in pearls – You'll live in a whirl.
Married in brown – You'll live out of town.
Married in pink – Your spirits will sink.
Monday for health, Tuesday for wealth,
Wednesday the best day of all
Thursday for losses, Friday for crosses,
Saturday no luck at all.

Josephine Benitz
Dec.25. 1867.

Page 04

Missing image.

(Printed image, left of page 5)

Page 05

Missing image.

Page 06

Missing image.

To: Josephine
From: Belle Welsh



D. Appleton & Co.
443 & 445 Broadway, N.Y.


At Angels, Dec. 20, 1871, by Thomas L. Lindsay, J.P., Hon. W. T. Lewis to Miss Isabella Welsh.

To Josephine

Peace be around thee, wherever thou rovest.
May life be to thee, one summer’s day,
And all that thou wishest, and all thou lovest
Come smiling around thy sunny way.
If sorrow e’er this calm should break,
May even thy tears pass off so lightly;
Like spring showers, they’ll only make,
The smiles that follow, shine more brightly.

Your affectionate friend
    Belle Welsh.

March 23rd 1868.

(From “Peace Be Around Thee” by Thomas Moore, 1780-1852.)


Page 07

Missing image.



Page 08

Missing image.

To: Josephine
From: a secret admirer

Page 08a - card open

Missing image.

Offering of the Heart.

Please now accept this gift
  An offering from the heart,
Its worth but small, its lines but few,
  Yet breathes sincerest love for you.

Page 09

Missing image.


(Printed image, left of page 10)

Page 10

Missing image.

To: Josephine
From: John E. Benitz

Dear Josephine,
May your life be like the rose,
Full of calm and sweet repose,
And may you never in grief espy,
The thorns that underneath it lie.

Your loving brother,
John E. Benitz

Rosario. Dec. 27th 1874

Page 11

Missing image.

To: Sister - From: Charley
To: Brother

Page 12

Missing image.

To: Josephine
From: Lizzie Howard

Page 13

Missing image.

To: Josephine
From: Emma Rodolph

Dear Sister
When I am called far away,
And can no longer with thee stay,
Look on these lines and think of me,
As of a brother who thinks of thee

Your affectionate brother

Friday. Dec. 18th 1868.

Died April 12th 1877 - aged 20 years.

Dear brother, thou hast left us
And thy loss we deeply feel,
But ’tis God who has bereft us,
He can all our sorrows heal.

“To Josephine”

May’st thou ever be happy as now,
Thy heart as light and free;
And may he who wins thy loving vow,
Be ever worthy of thee.

Your affectionate cousin.
   “Lizzie Howard.”

May 14. 1871.

To Josephine

Here is one leaf reserved for me,
From all thy sweet memorials free,
And here my simple song might tell
The feelings thou must guess well.
But could I thus, within thy mind,
One little vacant corner find,
Where no impression yet is seen,
Where no memorials yet hath been,
Oh! it would be my sweetest care
To write my name forever there.

Emma Rodolph.

(From “Written in the Blank Leaf of a Lady’s Common-Place Book” by Thomas Moore, 1780-1852.)

Page 14

Missing image.

To: Josephine
From: Annie Burmester

Page 15

Missing image.

To: Josephine
From: J. L. Lauternaper

Page 16

Missing image.

To: Josephine
From: Lizzie Park

To Josephine

In Pleasure’s dream or sorrow’s hour.
In crouded hall or lonely bower.
The business of my soul shall be,
Forever to remember thee.

Annie Burmester

March 18th 1868

(From “To ____ ____, 1801” by Thomas Moore, 1780-1852.)

To Josephine

There is a flower that blooms.
In many a verdant spot
No gorgeous tints it leaves assumes
Tis called forget me not
And love, truth and friendship forever
Shall sparkle the brightest for thee
Till death all these Jewels dissever
And memory cease to be.
Ever O ever may one keep.
The holy claim of friendship bright
Till rich in all thats good, we sleep.
Through deaths long dreamless night

From your friend
      J.L. Lauternaper

November 14th 1869.

(Stanza 2, from “Dedication for an Album” by Helen Augusta Browne
Stanza 3, altered from “To Montague, At Thirty-three” by Thomas Moore, 1780-1852

To Josephine

Think not these lines are idly penned.
To pass a weary hour away;
Or that the writer in the end
Will in her friendship ever decay:
Tis written in all sincere esteem.
And with the purest-heartfelt-prayer.
That heavens most enduring beam
May guard and shield thee from all care.

Your Friend –
   Lizzie Park. 1870.

(Known as “Sincere Esteem”, used in adverts for Valentine’s day cards of the 1870s.)

Page 17 - insert

Missing image.

Amistad y Recuerdo
(Friendhip & Memories)

(Card - with nothing written.
Inserted on its own blank page.

(Card size: 8.8 x 13 cm.; 3½ x 5 in.)

Page 17a - card opened

Missing image.

Page 17b - card opened

Missing image.

Page 18

Missing image.


(Printed image, left of page 19)

Page 19

Missing image.

Josephine Benitz-Schreiber
(11 February, 1910 – age: 57 years)

Page 20

Missing image.

To: Josephine
From: Alfred


To Josephine
May joys thy steps attend,
And may’st thou find in every
form a friend,
With care unsullied be thy every thought
And in thy dreams of home “forget me not.”


Jan. 1871

(From “Parting” by Robert Charles Sands, 1799-1832.)

Page 21

Missing image.

Note by Josephine

Page 22

Missing image.

To: Sister
From: W. O. Benitz

Page 23

Missing image.

To: Josephine
From: Jeanette Verhave

With a cheerful and happy mind I look back
On the year past and gone in the shade,
And think, while I gaze on the beaten track,
How joyful my life has been made.
The love of my parents has watched o’er
  my bed,
In each petty grief and annoy,
And the cloud which was passing above
  my head
Was the source but of happier joy.
May the great and holy God above
Repay you soon with tenfold love;
This was my first prayer to-day,
The last to-night that I shall say.
 ———  ———  ———
Jan. 1st 1868.   Josephine.

(Quoted in “The United States Letter Writer”, book published by Schaefer & Koradi, 1866, in English & German.)

Dear Sister,
Remember me, when far away,
Amid the thoughtless world I stray,
Remember me when death shall close
My eye-lids in their last repose.–
  Your loving brother, W. O. Benitz.
  Feb. 15th 1873.—

To Josephine

Remember me when you're asleep,
Remember me when you're awake,
Remember me when you're married,
And send me a piece of your wedding
    Dear Josephine
May your path in life be passed
in pleasantess and joy.

Jeanette Verhave

June 7th 1872


LUND–VERHAVE–In Oakland. November 27th, 1874, by. Rev. Wm. Hamilton, M.C.  Lund, of San Francisco, to Miss Jeannette Verhave, of Oakland.  (No Cards.)

Page 24

Missing image.

Forget Me Not
From: Annie Delger

Page 25

Missing image.

To: Josephine
From: a secret admirer

Page 25a - card opened

Missing image.



Forget Me Not.

Forget me not, when others gaze,
Enamoured on thee with looks of praise
When weary leagues between us both are cast
And each dull hour is heavier than the last
 Oh! then forget me not.

Annie Delger

(From “Parting” by Robert Charles Sands, 1799-1832.)


Page 26

Missing image.

(Just a leaf...)

Page 28

Missing image.

The Good Advice

(Printed image, left of page 29.)

Page 29

Missing image.

To: Josephine
From: Bella Welham


To Josephine

When fairer friends around thee twine,
When all is mirth and glee,
When loving eyes look into thine,
I ask thee to remember me.

Bella Welham

July 16th  1874

Page 30

Missing image.

From: Frank J. Benitz

Page 31

Missing image.

To: Josephine
From: Lillie V. Hardy

Page 31, insert A

Missing image.

(Insert size: 4.8 x 8.1 cm.; 1¾ x 3¼ in.)

Forget me not

Frank J. Benitz

Nov 22nd 1873

— To Josephine —

“May Heaven its choicest blessings send
 To cheer thy days, my dear, sweet friend;
May happiness be thine, a bounteous store,
  With Health forever at your door;
May you be blest with mind serene,
  To see what is, and what has been.
Nothing be wanting – the good may want–,
All this, and more, may Heaven grant.”

Your true friend
   Lillie V. Hardy

Oakland Cala
May 13th 1871.

(Taken from a newspaper Valentine.)


Page 32

Missing image.

To: Josephine
From: A. E. Janssen

Page 32, insert A
Front  —  Back

Missing image.

(Noel  ¦  Christmas)

(Card size: 5.9 x 9.8 cm.; 2½ x 3¾ in.)

Page 33

Missing image.

To Josephine
From: Jennie Ellen

To Josephine

The snow may fade and wither
The violet droop and die;
The stars may cease to twinkle
In the broad expanse of sky.

Yet dear friend thy memory still,
Shall e’er remain most dear to me
Enshrined within my heart of hearts
And cherished there forever be.

Your Friend,
  A. E. Janssen.

Geburt Christi.
Nicht Krone und
Scepter wählt Got-
tes Sohn, Eine Krippe
mit Stroh  ist  Sein Kö-
nigsthron.  Hier  ist der
Maassstab für’s Erdengut –
Wohl dem, der damit messen
thut.  Und welchen Hofstaat
erblicket man?  Eine arme
Jungfrau, einen Zimmer-
mann Und arme Hirten,
schlicht  und  recht.
Merkst Du, was Ihm
gilt für Adels-

“To Josephine.”

When thy bosom heaves the sigh.
When the tear o’erflows thine eye.
May sweet hope afford relief.
Cheer thy heart and calm thy grief.

Your friend,

Jennie Ellen.

November 1872.

Page 34

Missing image.

To: Josephine
From: Sallie Duncan

Page 34, insert A
Front  /  Back

Missing image.

U.S. Fractional Currency
10¢ – with Miss Liberty

4th Issue
July 1869 – February 1875)

(size: 7.8 x 4.6 cm., 3¼ x 1¾ in.)

Page 35

Missing image.

Saint Cecilia

(Printed image, left of page 36)

To Josephine,

Haply this simple page
Which I have traced for thee
May now and then a look engage
And steal one moment’s thought for me.

Sallie Duncan

Sept 23rd 1871.


Page 36

Missing image.

Friendship is the greatest love
That ever in the heart was found,
Even in those glorious realms above
It will always be profound.
    Josephine !

Page 37
(Too fragile to open & copy the inside.)

Missing image.

Itch gratulire

(I congratulate)

(Hidden by the cart is a farm house
& pastoral scene, titled:
Itch gratulire

(size: 11 x 7.8 cm., 4¼ x 3 in.)

Page 38
(Very delicate, could not open fully.)
Closed  —  Open

Missing image.

Le caractère

At top:

“Apprenez de moi, á être doux
et humble de Cœur.”

(From Matthew 11:29:
“...learn of me; for I am meek
and lowly in heart...”

At foot:

Le caractére

(The character)

(size: 6.6 x 10.6 cm., 2½ x 4 in.)

Page 39 - loose insert

Missing image.

(A twig of something...)

Page 40

Missing image.

(No title)

Page 41
Closed  /  Open

Missing image.

A Valentine’s Day card


When the bloom of love’s boyhood is over,
He’ll turn into friendship that feels no decay;
And, though time may take from the wings he once wore,
The charms that remain will be bright as before,
And he’ll loose but his young trick of flying away.

Then let it console thee, if love should not stay,
That friendship our last happy moments will crown;
Like the shadows of morning, love lessens away,
While friendship, like those of the closing day,
Will linger and lengthen as life’s sun goes down.

———— • ————

(From “Oh! Yes, When the Bloom” by Thomas Moore, 1780-1852.)

Miss Josephine Benitz
Feb 14, 75.

(At the time, she was in Rosario, SFé.)

(size: 5.5 x 7.9 cm., 2¼ x 8 in.)

Page 42

Missing image.

The Fountain

(Printed image, left side.)

Page 43

Missing image.

A Happy New Year
(size: 10 x 7 cm., 4 x 2¾ in.)

Page 43 - insert C

Missing image.

Informaciones Útiles

Nearer, my God, to thee
(English with Spanish translation)

Page 43 - insert A
Front — Back

Missing image.


Cora gave this to me:
Jan 25. 1868.

Cora Whiteman

(size: 6.3 x 10.2 cm., 2½ x 4 in.)

Page 43 - insert B

Missing image.

Buenos Aires
(CDV - Carte de Visite
No name provided, unknown.

Page 44

Missing image.

This rose I send to you, a greeting
warm and true.
A bright and joyous Christmas

(size: 8 x 14.8 cm., 3¼ x 5½ in.)

Page 45

Missing image.

From a true friend
(Click to see the
message behind the tree.)

(size: 8.7 x 12.4 cm., 3¼ x 5 in.)

Page 46

Missing image.

(size: 6.2 x 10.7 cm., 6 x 10½ in.)

Page 48a - card closed

Missing image.

(size: 8 x 14 cm., 3 x 5½ in.)

Page 48b - lace cover lifted

Missing image.

May thy life
Be like a rose
Full of calm
And sweet repose
And mayest thou
Never in grief espy
The thorns that
Underneath it lie.

Page 48c - flowers lifted

Missing image.

(Card torn - not by us!)

It is the beauty of the mind
The gems of truth and virtue pure
Mildness and grace – affection kind,
That waken love that will endure.

(The verse is known as “Constancy”;
here the title might be: “Ever.....”

Page 47

Missing image.

Christmas joy and blessing
Fill your heart today,
All that makes life pleasant
Cheer you on your way.

(size: 7.8 x 13.8 cm., 3 x 5½ in.)

Page 49

Missing image.

(No title)
(size: 7.6 x 11.5 cm., 3 x 4½ in.)

Page 50

Missing image.


(Printed image, left side.)

Page 51 - closed

Missing image.

(No title)
(size: 12 x 18 cm., 4¾ x 7 in.)

Page 51a - open

Missing image.

Remember the absent

Page 52

Missing image.

meiner // innig  
Geliebten Josephine
Erinnerung // in liebevoller

(My dearly
Beloved Josephine
 in loving memory

(size: 7.5 x 11.2 cm., 2¾ x 4½ in.)

Page 52 - insert A

Missing image.

(Card Side 1 – Left)

Rebel if you can improve matters
but otherwise accept them with calmness.
Let nothing in life put you out of countenance.

(Card Side 2 – Right)

Straight as a dart,
supple as a snake,
& proud as a tiger lily.

(size: 7 x 11.3 cm., 2¾ x 4½ in.)

Page 53

Missing image.

Glaube // Liebe
Hoffnung // im Andenken
(Faith // Hope
Love // in Memory

(size: 7.5 x 11.2 cm., 2¾ x 4½ in.)

Page 54

Missing image.

An meiner innig
geliebten Josephine

(To my dearly beloved Josephine)

(size: 6.8 x 10.2 cm., 2¾ x 4 in.)

Page 56

Missing image.

To J. S.

    To J.S.
I bless thee for the noble heart
So tender and so true,
Where mine has found the happiest rest
That ever fond woman knew.

(From “The Vaudois’ Wife” by
Felicia Hemans, 1793-1835)

Page 55 - closed

Missing image.

(size: 7 x 9.8 cm., 2¾ x 4 in.)

Page 55a - open

Missing image.

Page 55b - big clip

Missing image.

(The Scroll, as she sees it.)

Minuten langsam mir entschwunden
Wohlzehn mal langsamer die Stunden
Und grad wie die, so lang die Tage
Und ach! die Wochen gleichwie Jahre
Die liebliche Blume den Reiz verlor
Jch sags von Tag zu Tage mir
Die Welt kommt mir ganz anders vor
Uenn Du bist ja so weit von hier

(Translation, copied from Page 62.)

The passing moments loiter by
The dismal hours are long to pass
And lengthy days seem slow to die
And oh! the weeks seem years alas!
The flowers have lost their charm
And I am sad from day to day.
The world it self is not the same
Because you are so far away.

Page 57

Missing image.

Salud y Felicidades
(Health and Happiness)

(Click to see the message.)

(size: 7.8 x 11.6 cm., 3 x 4½ in.)

Page 58

Missing image.


(Printed image, left side)

Page 59

Missing image.

JCH gratulire zum
10ten September

(JCH congratulations
on the 10th September

(Click to see the message inside:)

Johannes an seiner
innig geliebten Josephine.
(Johannes to his
beloved Josephine.

(size: 8 x 11 cm., 3¼ x 4¼ in.)

Page 60

Missing image.

Johannes & Josephine
Erinnerung // in liebevoller
(Memory // in loving)

(size: 7.5 x 11.2 cm., 2¾ x 4½ in.)

Page 60 - insert A

Missing image.

Wedding cards
John E. Benitz & Marjorie M. Macintosh

“La Callifornia”, Las Rosas, F.C.C.A.
25th October 1892.

(size, large: 10.5 x 8.5 cm.; 4½ x 3¼ in.
size, small: 8.5 x 5.3 cm.; 3¼ x 2 in.

Page 60 - insert B

Missing image.

Prosit Neujahr
(Happy New Year)

(size: 6.7 x 3.9 cm., 2½ x 1½ in.)

Page 61

Missing image.

My Best Wishes.
(Card opens, blank inside.)

(size: 16 x 9.6 cm., 5¾ x 3¾ in.)

Page 62

Missing image.

(Translation of the scroll on Page 55b.)

The passing moments loiter by
The dismal hours are long to pass
And lengthy days seem slow to die
And oh! the weeks seem years alas!
The flowers have lost their charm
And I am sad from day to day.
The world it self is not the same
Because you are so far away.


Page 63

Missing image.

Shall we meet again?

Oh!  who can pierce the futures veil
With bright prophetic ken
And tell the tempest’s wild assail
That we shall meet again?
  The future – ‘tis a scroll unread,
Penned by a hand divine;
To some it says “Life’s brittle thread
Is broke” – perhaps ‘tis mine.
  To some it is a page all bright,
Where pearls and dimonds lie – ,
Where pleasures make the bosom light,
And bids the tear be dry.
  Yet who shall tell if weal or woe
Await him on the morrow?
Or shall his heart with passing glow
Or burdened be with sorrow?
  The world is changing – changing still –
Things bright and gay must fade –
Now beauty smiles, yet change it will
And in the dust laid.
  And thus may be my future way –
God’s will none can restrain –
This gorgeous earth may all decay,
Ere we shall meet again. –
        July 29. 1874.

(Josephine had that day said goodbye to all her friends in Oakland.  She was 21 years old.)


Page 64

Missing image.

Happy Birthday!

Herzliche Gratulacion
zum 10ten September)

(Hearty Congratulations
on the 10th of September

(size: 11.1 x 7.1 cm., 4½ x 2¾ in.)

Page 65

Missing image.

Happy Birthday!

Herzliche Gratulacion
unserer innig geliebten Mama
zu Ihren heutigen Geburtstag:
von Deiner Dich zärtlich liebenden

Bertha und Tilchen   
Buenos Ayres, den 10ten September 1884.

(Hearty Congratulations
 to our beloved Mama
 on your birthday today
 your tenderly loving

Bertha and Tilchen   
Buenos Aires, 10th September 1884.

(Bertha & Mathilde were 5 & 3 years old.)

Page 66

Missing image.

Happy Birthday!

Herzlichen Glückwunsch
unserer lieben Mama zum heutigen

Bertha, Mathilde, Emma

(Congratulations today to
our dear Mama on her day.

   Bertha , Mathilde , Emma)

(size: 11.1 x 7.1 cm., 4½ x 2¾ in.)

Page 65 - Insert A
The fFlowers    —    The giving    —    The message

Missing image.

Muchas felicidades


(size: 7.6 x 11.8 cm., 3 x 4½ in.)

Page 67

Missing image.

(Another twig...)

Page 68

Missing image.

Lake of Como

(Printed image, left side. Title illegible.)

Page 69

Missing image.

Autograph Chart
John E. Benitz,
Bella Welham, Frank J. Benitz

Page 70

Missing image.

Happy Birthday

Herzliche Gratulacion
Johannes an seiner Josephine
in liebevoller Erinnerung

John to his Josephine
in loving memory

(size: 11.1 x 7.1 cm., 4½ x 2¾ in.)

Page 71

Missing image.

Autograph Chart
Annie Lauterwasser, Annie Delger
Belle Welsh
Lillie Hardy, Emma Rodolf

Page 72

Missing image.

Autograph Chart
Charley, Alfred Benitz
Lizzie Park
Lizzie Howard, Annie Burmester

Page 73

Missing image.


Page 74

Missing image.

There is a flower which oft unheeded blows
Amidst the splendor of the summer’s ray,
And though this simple flower no sweets disclose,
Yet would it tell thee all I wish to say.

(size: 9.4 x 6.7 cm., 3¾ x 2½ in.)

Page 75

Missing image.

Page 75 - verses

Missing image.

(— Top Verse —)
“Ah! did we take for heaven above
But half such pains as we
Take day and night for woman’s love,
What angels we should be!”

(From “Row Gently Here” by
Thomas Moore, 1780-1852.

(— Bottom Verse —)
To love is painful it is true
And not to love is painful too;
But, ah! it gives the greatest pain
To love and not be loved again

Page 76

Missing image.

Autograph Chart
Nettie Verhave, Oakland, Cala
Willie O. Benitz
Lallie Duncan
A. C. Janssen
Jennie Ellen, Nov. 6th 1872

Page 77

Missing image.

My Hope

Page 78

Missing image.



Page 79

Missing image.


Whatever life may be, or bring,
In May-time or December,
The sweetest burden of its songs
Will always be “Remember.”

Page 80

Missing image.

Remember well, and keep in mind
A constant friend is hard to find,
And when one you find, just and true,
Change not the old for a new.


Page 81

Missing image.

Believe me.
Believe me when I say
I will remember thee – thy name shall be
Link’d with full many a precious memory
Of by-gone happy days.

And when I bend the knee
In humble trust, thy memory shall be there,
Oh! more than ever at the hour of prayer
I will remember thee.

Page 82

Missing image.

(No title)

Page 83

Missing image.


Prancing and shaking his bit with delight,
Arching his neck and tossing his mane,
The warhorse bears proudly a gallant knight;
And the morning sun on his armor bright
Casts many a golden stain.

Midday is nearing, when words fiercely gleam,
And the horses need never the heel,
They rush to the fray like an angry stream,
‘Midst conquering shout and agonized scream,
And clash of steel upon steel.

And the evening bell from the tower tolls
As the sun sinks ‘midst leaden-hued clouds,
And the priests pray low for departed souls,
No song the home-going villager trolls,
And vultures gather in crowds.

Galloping madly in desperate flight,
Nostrills distended, snorting with pain,
Riderless, masterless, wild with affright,
The Charger returns alone from the fight
The knight lies dead on the plain.

(Published on Dec. 11, 1869 in the magazine:
Once a Week - New Series, Vol. IV.

Page 84

Missing image.

True Friendship.

True friendship is a sacred tie
That kindred hearts unite;
A cheering flame that’s ever the same,
And burns no heart to blight;
A golden chain of iron strength,
A tie not easy riven,
And when it parts ‘twixt kindred hearts
The angels weep in heaven.

A stream of living waters pure,
A crystal fountain bright,
A placid river, flowing ever
Through enchanted realms of light;
A day that knows no night of gloom,
When once it’s sun has risen –
The op’ning door that evermore
Will set us free from prison.

As bursts the moon through parting clouds,
Illumning hideous night,
So bursts true friendship o’er the soul,
And shines with softer light.
True friendship is akin to love;
Then let its fire be given
To mold our kindred hearts in one,
And mold that one for heaven.

Page 85

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The Wife’s Reverie.
(Newspaper clipping.
Please click to read.

(Called “Changes”, by Owen Meredith, pseudonym of
Edward Robert Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, 1831-1891.

Page 86

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A Maiden’s Prayer.

Hear thou my prayer, O angel kind!
Who brought my gladdened eyes to see
Him whom so long I yearned to find,
And gave his dear heart all to me;
O guard him well, that I may prove
Blest in my lover and my love!

And keep thou her whose fearful breast
Still trembles for its newfound joy,
(Knowing – ah me! but little rest!)
Lest envious maids or gods destroy
This wondrous happiness – that seems
Too bright for aught save angels’ dreams!

O bless us twain! – and kindly teach;
And safely guard each hallowed name,
From blighting hint or blasting speech
To make our cheeks all red for shame;
That blush not for the love they bear
In thy pure presence, angel fair!

(continued on page 87)

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The Maiden’s Prayer.
(cont'd from page 86.)

And while with lips that closer cling
In dread to part, we say “Farewell!”
Keep thou this love a holy thing
That in us evermore may dwell,
Afar or near, on land or sea,
Where ever our thankful hearts may be!

(Called “Exaudi Angelus”, by John Godfrey Saxe, 1816-1887.)

Thy will be done.

Give strength through life to say,
What of myself alone
I never can sincerely pray –
“May God they will be done!”

Chase far away vain dreams
Each worldly thought control
Till death’s dim shadowy twilight gleams
Around my parting soul.

Then in a glorious land,
Where shines the unsetting Sun,
Oh let me join that ransomed band
Who chant, “Thy will be done.

(From the Christian hymn: Thy Will be Done.)

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The vaning moon was up, the stars
Were faint, and very few;
The vines about the window-sill
Were wet with falling dew;

A little cloud before the wind
Was drifting down the west;
I heard the moaning of the sea
In it’s unquiet rest:

Until, I know not from what grief
Or thought of other years,
The hand I leaned upon was cold,
And wet with falling tears.

(Written by Ina D. Coolbrith, 1841-1928.)


Do anything but love, or if thou lovest,
And art a woman, hide thy love from him
Whom thou dost adore, never let him know
How dear he is; flit like a bird before him
Lead him from tree to tree, from flower to flower,
But be not won, or thou wilt, like that bird
When caught and caged, be left to die neglected
And perish in forgetfullness

Back Cover - inside

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Back Cover

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Back Cover
Leather bound

© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)