Alfred A. Benitz Page last modified:

Alfred A. Benitz

September - November, 1876
Ea. “La California”
Santa Fé, Arg.
(17 years of age)


Oakland, 1874
(source: Jill Hudson)

Alfred wrote these diary entries (September-November, 1876) in the same note-book he used earlier to record the family’s journey to Argentina and their first months after arrival (August-December, 1874).  He used a separate note-book for 1875 and possibly the first months of 1876 — it is quoted in his biography but is now missing; we have not seen it.

In this diary, Alfred’s entries for 1876 begin with September 10; it is his sister Josephine’s 24th birthday.  He is seventeen.  His father, Wilhelm (William), had died two and half months before (27 June).  Estancia “La California” was in its infancy: land bought and stocked with cattle (approx. 1,500 head), family house built, but trees needed planting, gardens esablished, housing for workmen built, etc.  The family was learning to cope without Wilhelm’s guidance and vision.  Alfred’s eldest brother, Frank (26 years old) had been expected to shoulder the leadership.  He tried for two months and failed.  In Alfred’s biography, Frank is described as a discordant member of the family.  Whatever the cause or reasons, near the end of August he left for Rosario. 

On September 10, 1876, the family at “La California” consisted of: Josephine (mother, 46), Josephine (24), Willie (22), Charlie (20), Alfred (17), Johnnie (15), and Herman (13); as well as Uncle Frank, Wilhelm’s younger brother (59).  Management of the estancia fell to Alfred’s mother, his Uncle Frank, and his older brother Willie.  Frank was in Rosario.

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Note: Per Alfred’s doodles and notations in this diary, he apparently became romantically involved with Elisa, the housemaid with whom he milked the cows each morning.  All of December, 1876, and most of the first five months of 1877 have been torn out of the respective diaries.  The Chronicles, written in 1938, quotes from these missing pages, which suggests the pages were torn out later.  As for the milking: Alfred often milked alone during May and June, 1877.  Lina, a housemaid, began assisting regularly then took it on alone in August, 1877.  Elisa is mentioned only once in the existing pages of 1877 diary, working in the garden.

William Benitz’s death, June 27, 1876

[ Alfred recorded his father’s death in his diary for 1873.
Repeated here for the reader’s conveniance.

No image.

June 27, 1876
(Diary 1873, page 278)

Father died June 27 1876 half past six in the evening.

Cause sudden dizziness, could not breathe.

Age 61 years, 4 months 18 days

Estancia "La California"
Cañada de Gomez.
Provincia Santa Fé

[in left margin:] Last words — "I am getting dizzy"

Page images in PDF files:

Click each title to download the image file.  Please read the transcriber’s notes found below.

Front & Back Covers, etc.
Front Cover & several blank pages; back pages with cash (pocket money) account register, scribbles, & Back Cover.  NOTE: The 1874 and 1876 diaries entries were recorded in the same book, so they share the same covers.
(PDF file size: 1.2mb.)
September to November
Entries from September 12 to November 29, 1876.
(PDF file size: 5.6mb.)


Transcriber’s notes:

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September, 1876

Sept 10.  Sunday.  After coffee I and Mauree milked.  I bathed myself afterwards.  I drove up the horses and oxen this evening on the big white trotter.  It rained a little today, Herman is sick this afternoon.  The capataz parted out the big overo mocha cow and is going to tame it.

Sept 11 Monday.– I and Mauree milked after coffee.  I planted lettuce the rest of the forenoon in the field.  After dinner I and Eliza planted beans between the trees, and then I helped plant potatoes.  The grasshoppers flew again today.  I drove up the horses on the little bayo.  They were far and scattered.

It was a windy (north) day and looks like more rain.  The wagon went in today Lariana driving, and takes Ramon and family in.  So we have now only the German Brown as peon and Lariana for nothing,

Sept 12.  Sunday.— I and Mauree milked after coffee.  The capataz and wife milked the mocha, its horn broke off, and it was pretty wild.  I helped plant the last of the potatoes, and then I and Eliza planted beans.  I and Brown Brown pulled up water after dinner, and then I and Mauree planted citrous, cucumbers, and with Eliza beans. [doodle, squiggly: ♡]  I drove up the horses on the wild alisan of the black yegua tropillo.  Willie went into Canada Gomez and brought the mail today.  The grasshoppers flew thick this afternoon and the camp is full.  It was a pleasant day.—

Sept. 13.  Wednesday.— After coffee I milked alone.  It then began raining, and looked as if it was going to be a pampero but wasn’t.  I helped shell corn, and also helped the capatazs wife to milk her mocha; I tied it up.  This afternoon I and Eliza planted onions in the field.  I drove up the horses on the little saino.  The wagon came this morning.  It brought the iron fence for around the grave, saw dust, sugar etc.  It was a pleasant afternoon.

Sept 14.  Thursday.— As soon as the cows came I milked.  Willie domared the capatazes potro this forenoon, but it was tame and didn’t buck much.

I began hoeing around a bed this forenoon, from the road to the fence, and finished it this afternoon early.  I drove up the horses this evening on the big pacer, there were some very far.– It was a pleasant day.

Sept. 15.  Friday.– It rained in the night and this forenoon very much, so I had to milk in the hard rain.  This afternoon I planted a row of paraiso seeds.  I rode my alisan to bring up the horses this evening.  It tumbled with me and I turned a sommersault over his head.  It was a little windy this afternnon.

Sept. 16.  Saturday.– I and uncle filled the pig pen with brick pieces.  I hauled them before milking, and after I milked I threw them into the pig pen and stamped them.  The rest of the forenoon I made a bed to plant lettuce, and laid out a long bed from the walk to the fence, This afternoon I helped yoke up a novillo and then I and Eliza plant melons, peas and lettuce.  Willie and Brown are plowing to plant alfalfa and Lariana is harrowing.  I drove up thes horses this evening on the red horse Frank always rides.  It was a very pleasant warm day.—

Sept. 17.  Sunday.— Right after coffee I and Elisa milked.  I took a bath in a tub afterwards.  This afternoon I took the two girls (Mauree & Elisa) down to the cattle and around.  We lifted up a cow, and had fun, I rode the little yellow horse.  Some of the oxen (12) are missing.  It was a pleasant day.

Monday 18.  Sept.— This morning Charlie was going to go to Canada Gomez but he got such a side ache that he could not go.  So I went in his place.  I rode a little white horse, leading Charlies big horse.  When I got to Suarez I left the white horse there and rode the other.  I got there at 10, and started about 1½ P.M. and got here about 5.  I got some papers, Willies shoes etc.- I eat there.  I got a $1 for going, and gave two reales to Suarez peon for caring for the horse.  It was a hot day and looks like rain.  It eat at Hansens.  I have now $24. 7½ r.

Sept. 19.  Tuesday.— After coffee Eliza and I milked, when it began raining, so after butchering we spent the rest of the forenoon in shelling seed maize etc.— This afternoon I transplanted tomatoes, peppers, and turnips.  Mr Coombs stopped here this afternoon in going to Las Rosas.  I and Willie went down to the cattle this evening.  I on ‘blue legs’.  We had fun in pecharing acheno cattle.  It rained a good deal this forenoon and the ground is wet, through and through.  This afternoon it was hot and pleasant,—

Sept. 20.  Wednesday.— After coffee I caught hold of the bucket at the well, and then I and Elisa milked.  I plowed the rest of the day with Willie and Brown for alfalfa.  This evening I and Brown pulled up water.- I riding.—

It was a hot day, a day for plants and grass.  We plowed with one yoke and it was bad to plough on account of the wet grass.—

Sept. 21.  Thursday.— This morning we tied two torunos on to oxen to tame.  And I and Elisa milked after they had yoked up.  They parted out a cow from the cattle for a milch cow, but it is an old wild cow so we will have to let it loose again, and as it dont care for its calf, I plowed the rest of the day with Willie and Brown.  It was a hot day and a foggy morning.

Sept 22.  Friday.- After coffee Elisa and I milked.  The rest of the forenoon I and Elisa planted string beans around the dead peach trees.  After dinner I spaded a little piece of ground for mother, and transplanted some onions, and then I and Elisa and Mauree planted beans in rows the rest of the afternoon.  This evening I helped drive up the cattle on the sebruno of St. Johns.  It was a hot day, and I didnot put any under shirt or drawers on.–

Sept 23.  Saturday.  After coffee I and Elisa milked, We get a full bucket now.  The rest of the forenoon I dropped maize behind uncles hoe or foot steps.  This after noon we planted more maize behind the hoe; the two girls helped also.

They put up the shower-bath today.  It was a very hot and windy day.  And this evening after supper it rained a little.  The grasshoppers flew this afte evening.—

Sept. 24.  Sunday.  At about midnight it rained and hailed very hard, and was very windy.  I and Mauree milked as soon as the cows came.  We lifted up 5 old cows in the potrero this morning.  I bathed my self good this forenoon.  This evening I drove together the horses on my little alisan.  Had some fun with the girls this evening.  It was a disagreeably cloudy day.  Today there was church over at Las Rosas but we didnot go.—

Sept. 25.  Monday.– It rained again in the night.  I milked alone after coffee.  We lifted up 5 cows in the corral this morning.  It rained a good deal this forenoon.  This evening I drove together the horses on the little saino.  It was a very disagreeable day,

Sept. 26.  Tuesday,— After coffee I helped butcher, and then I and Mauree milked.  The rest of the forenoon I and Eliza planted onions.  This afternoon I and Mauree planted onions, turnips, and then with Eliza made a long bed from the walk to fence, I drove together the horses on ‘blue legs’ this evening.  I had great trouble in bringing up a horse for Chicalnie to drive up the horses in the morning.  It kicked me a couple of times.  It was a pleasant day, but in the morning it was a little drizzly.—

Sept. 27 Wednesday.— After coffee I and Mauree milked.  The rest of the forenoon I and Elisa planted beans, and chased grasshoppers.  This afternoon, I and mother and Mauree planted sandias and melons.  I drove up the horses on the little yellow horse this evening.  I took a shower-bath this afternoon 4 P.M..  Willie went into Cañada Gomez after the mail, he took two horses but had to leave one go because it wouldnot lead.  Mrs, Dickenson and Smythies were here towards evening.  It was a delightful warm day.—

Sept. 28.  Thursday.— After coffee I and Willie and the capataz parted out a woolly novillo for an ox from the cattle, I rode blue legs.  I and Mauree afterwards milked.  The rest of the forenoon I and Elisa planted melons.  had fun.  [doodle, lightly circled: L.13] Larguia and an other native eat here.  He had trouble with his horses in going off.- broke the harness.  Shroeder also eat here.  This afternoon I and Brown plowed for maize in the big field, uncle dropping.  I took a shower bath at about 4:30 P.M..  Mrs Nordenholz, Sharf, Kretzman, Tietjin and another lady were here towards evening.—

I got on the horse that pulls water drove up the wild red horse of black jegua, and on it drove together the other horses.  some were far.– It was a windy day, and towards evening the Langostas came.—

Sept. 29.  Friday.— Right after coffee I milked the 4 cows.  I ploughed the rest of the forenoon, and a part of the after noon to plant maize.  I took a showerbath at about four.  I drove together the horses this evening on the butcher horse.  It was a very windy (north) day and hot.

Sept. 30.  Saturday.  Right after coffee I and Mauree milked.  I cleaned my pistol this forenoon and read.  Brown poisoned the hides (120) today by dipping them into a long box filled with water, I took a shower bath at 3 P.M. and then I and Willie pulled up water, I riding.— I drove together the horses on the big white horse that was so rengo.  It was a very hot day, and the north wind blew very strong this forenoon.

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October, 1876

Sept Oct 1. Sunday.— I got up early this morning and milked with Eliza [doodle: ①] I took a shower bath this forenoon.  We also lifted up a cow past the potrero going down bareback, This evening we all went down the cattle, the 2 girls, Josephine Johnnie.  Eliza rode the big meztiza, but as she could not manage him, so I gave here my alisan and I rode it, and then she traded with Johnnie because mine had hard trot, and then she fell off that.  The cattle are calving now.  It was a very hot and windy day.— This evening in the moon light we jumped rope.—

Oct. 2. Monday.  As soon as I got up this morning I drove the cows into the corral and then I and Elisa milked before coffee 7 A.M.  I went into Cañada Gomez today.  I rode the St. John sebruno to Suarez left him there, and then rode the little white lazy horse in and back to Suarez, I started after coffee and got there at 11.  I eat at the station for a dollar.  Mine boots were nearly finished so I waited until about 3½ PM before I started, and got home at about 7 PM.  I got the mail, freno for Lariana but could not get bird seed.  Frank writes that he has to stay other week in Rosario.  In coming home in the our first cañada it was dark I heard a dog bark and seen a man right behind me, but he galloped off, looked suspicious, I rode very slowly.  I got a dollar for going in making me $25. 7½ r.

Last night there was a pampero and a little hail.  This morning a cold wind blew, but this afternoon it was pleasant.

Oct 3. Tuesday.— As soon as I got up I drove the cows into the corral and I and Elisa milked before coffee [doodle: ②] The rest of the forenoon I dropped maize behind 3 plows in the big field, and this afternoon I plowed for maize with Willie and Brown.  This afternoon the grasshoppers came very thick, and eat some barley etc, and we had to chase them, I went down the cattle at about 5 P.M. on the little saino.  We tried to part out the meztizo toro for the milch cows but could not.  This evening I jumped rope with the servant girls.  It was a windy day.—

Oct. 4.  Wednesday.— As soon as I got up I got on a horse bareback and drove up the cows and then milked with Eliza before coffee.  The rest of the forenoon I helped plow for maize, and a part of the afternoon.  It took a shower bath at 4 P.M. and then went down to the cattle on ‘blue legs’.  We parted out the meztiza toro for the milch cows.  It was a windy day.—

Oct. 5. Thursday.— I and Elisa milked this morning before coffee.  The rest of the forenoon I nailed staves on to the fence so that the little chickens could not get into the field.  [doodle: ③] This afternoon we ploughed again for maize.  I took a shower bath at 4.30 P.M.  I went down to the cattle afterwards on old Kuns (bayo), and parted out a red cow to tame.  It is pretty tame, and has a large fat calf.  It was a windy day.  This evening I and Johnnie & Herman played with the girls in the yard.  There is a young german working for his board here, named Heinrich.

Oct. 6. Friday.– I and Elisa milked before coffee, the red cow is pretty tame but its calf is wild and wouldnot suck so we kept it locked up all day.  [doodle: ④] I ploughed the rest of the forenoon and part of the afternoon, with the others for maize.  I took a shower bath at 4 P.M. and then went down to the cattle on the big white trotter that was so rengo.  We parted out a big red cow for to tame and sawed off its horns and tied a rope to its horns, It has a big black calf, two months old. fat.  We played again with the girls this evening.  It was a dry windy (north) day.

Oct. 7. Saturday,—. Before coffee I and Elisa milked.  The red cow we parted out last night, is very wild, so we did not try to milk it today, as its calf wouldnot suck any how.  I ploughed the rest of the forenoon, and afternoon with the others for maize.  [doodle, circled: (5, 6, 7)] I went down the cattle on the little yellow horses this evening.  It took a shower bath at 5. P.M.  It was a dry windy (south) day.—

Oct. 8 Sunday.— Before coffee I and Mauree milked.  The red cow we parted out last is very wild.  I hung around all forenoon, washed peeled peas etc [doodle, circled: (8 9 10)] After dinner I and Heinrich pulled up water - I riding.  I took a shower bath.  We had a great deal of trouble in locking up the calves.  but I lassoed them.  Two of the last cows also went down to the cattle, and we parted them out this evening.— I drove together the horses this evening all the lazy little white horse, and then went down to the cattle.  Willie was into Cañada Gomez today, and brought out a letter from Frank; cant come yet.— It was a pleasant day.—

Oct. 9. Monday.— Before coffee I and Mauree milked.  I milked the red and the white cow, but couldnot milked the wild red cow because it fell over so much.  [doodle, circled: (11 12 13 )].  I ploughed the rest of the forenoon and afternoon.  We are way down the field where it has only been plowed once, so its rough.  I took a shower bath at four.  and then went after the horses on my little alisan, He’s ugly in the mouth now.  The black yegua of the tropillo got a colt last night.  The chain in the pump for the cattle got broke today, but believe they fixed it again.  I jumped rope with the girls before supper.  It was a hot windy (north) day, and looks like rain.

Oct. 10. Tuesday.— Before coffee I and ElisaMauree milked.  We got a bucket chuck full besides what for coffee.  The rest of the forenoon I plowed with the others.  This afternoon I made me two milking straps etc.  I drove together the horses this evening on the little saino and then went down to the cattle.  [doodle, between dashed lines: (I.C.K.E.A.I.W.)] The dordillo yegua is missing with some horses and Willie and the Capataz looked for her this afternoon, but couldnot find her.  It was a very windy day (south).

Oct. 11. Wednesday.— Before coffee I and Mauree milked.  Uncle went to Alvarez to buy ($7½.) 21 head of cattle today.  So I had to drop maize behind three plows.  Willie hunted for the lost horses today but could not find them.  I drove together the horses this evening on ‘blue legs’, and at sun down helped drive in uncles new cows.  I had trouble with one.  [doodle: ♡♡].  I was a pretty cold morning, and a little windy day.  We are finished planting maize in the big field.

Oct. 12.  Thursday.— As soon as I got up, I and Elisa and Mauree milked, and then I helped them marked Uncles new cattle.  21 head.  there were some pretty bravo cows.  The rest of the forenoon I spaded round a piece of ground in the little garden, and then I and Elisa planted beans in the field.  [doodle: ♡♡].

This afternoon I planted sandias in the front yard and in the field.  I drove together the horses this evening on the big white rengo trotter.  It was a windy (east) and pretty cold day.  I had a bad tooth ache all day.—

Oct. 13.  Friday.  Before coffee I and Mauree milked.  The red cow is tame now, but the other red cow with the big señal on its head is wild yet, and we cant milk her yet.  The rest of the forenoon I planted some sandias, and then corn among the trees this side of Willies paraiso seeds, for myself, of Caspar’s soft maize.  and also this afternoon 30 rows in all.  I drove together the horses this evening on the St. Johns sebruno.  Willie looked for the grey yegua and the 6 horses today, but a native brought them from Chavarri’s colony.  had to pay $6.  [doodle: ♡♡]

It was a windy (east) and cold day.  I had the tooth ache today, and last night very much.—

Oct. 14.  Saturday.– Before coffee I and Mauree milked.  I went into Cañada de Gomez today.  I rode my alisan and led the lazy little white horse to Suarez.  I left here at 8, and arrived at 11.30 A.M.  I had dinner at Hansen’s all alone.  I had my boots mended and Elisas shoes.  Got some mail and a letter from Frank, (can’t come yet).  I left there at 2 and arrived at about 6.  Before supper played with the girls.  [doodle: ♡♡ (2)].  I had tooth ache all day.  Seen some grasshoppers in C Gomez and Suarez.— It was a windy and pretty cold day.— I got a dollor for going making me 26.7½ r.

Oct. 15.  Sunday.— Before coffee I and Elisa milked.  Josephine and Willie went to breakfast at Las Rosas today.  Kretzman came this afternoon.  We have got another milch cow today a black one of the colony mark, calf born last night.  [doodle: ♡♡ (3)] This evening I and the two girls went down to the cattle.  I rode the fat red horse that has been lame so long.  I pechared a toro they were caparing.  It was a pleasant day, but a little windy (north),

Oct. 16.  Monday.— This morning early we went over to Las Rosas to part out our cattle on the north rodeo.  We got up at 5 had coffee and then went.  Willie John Capataz and I on the little yellow horse.  We only found 3 animals, and had no trouble; there were a good many natives there, parting out cattle, caparing toros, etc.  Got home at 10, the rest of the forenoon I spaded round a piece of ground in the garden.  Kinkelin and Kuns came at noon today on a visit and are going to stay a couple of days.  This afternoon we capared 19 toros out in the camp.  I rode on the St. John sebruno, and lassoed several, and also helped drive up the cattle, It was a warm, and little windy (north) day.  [doodle: ♡♡ (2).]

Oct. 17.  Tuesday.— Before coffee Eliza and I milked.  We got the big and the little bucket full.  After coffee I and Brown hauled two loads of bricks down to the grave, as Kuns is fixing the fence around the grave, and then afterwards I and Mauree hoed the onions.  This afternoon I and Herman pulled up water, and then we marked the yearling calves from the milch cows, 13 in all.  Afterwards I carried water to Kuns, hoed beans etc.  I rode blue legs down to the cattle this evening, We had fun in parting out some acheno cattle, he is wappo [guapo].  This evening I was trying to trim his hoofs, when he raised up or kicked me in the nose a terrible lick, made it bleed and swell up.  It was a hot beautifull, and looks as if we are going to have a tormento.  [doodle: ♡♡ (3).] Willie and the capataz went to the Rodeo at Rosas this morning and found five animals,

Oct. 18.  Wednesday.— Before coffee I and Elisa milked.  There was a dordillo yegua and some horses missing this morning and 3 novillos.  So after breakfast I, on the big white tro rengo trotter went with Willie and the capataz to Amalias, and then seperated in coming back but could not find them.  This afternoon I helped mama in the garden, hackeled round a bed, etc, and also began hoeing the potatoes which are big.  I went down to the cattle this evening on the little saino.  We parted another tame cow to milk a warosa, with an immense bag.  It rained a little last night, and this morning it was cold and cloudy, [doodle: ♡♡ (5)]

Oct. 19.  Thursday.– Before coffee I and Elisa milked this morning, the grey cow we parted out yesterday is very tame.  The rest of this forenoon and a part of the afternoon we hoed the little patch of potatoes, 43 rows.  Kisikelin and Kuns went away again today.  mother paid Kuns 1 candor [condor] for the 2½ days work on the grave.  Elisa went along on a visit home, until Saturday after next when I go after her.  [doodle: ♡♡ (5).] She is a good girl and I [rest of sentence missing - 2 lines rubbed out]

She rides butcher horse.  I drove together the horses this evening on the fat red horses that has been lame so long.  Willie and the capataz parted out 4 cows at a rodeo at a natives place near Amalias.  Lariana is looking for the lost horses.  It was a hot beautiful day, little north wind,

Oct. 20.  Friday—, Afte I and Mauree milked before coffee.  The rest of this forenoon I transplanted onions, and a part of the afternoon.  Mr.  Tregarth [Tregarthen] and wife stopped for dinner today, and also a young man from north.  I and Lariana pulled up water this afternoon.  I went down to the cattle this evening on the lazy little white horse; Frank writes that he will come out Sunday OK.  I was a very windy (south) day, and a cold evening,

Oct. 21.  Saturday.  I and Mauree milked before coffee.  The rest of this forenoon I helped uncle in the field hoeing around the trees.  This afternoon I took a shower bath.  Charlie and Josephine went into Canada Gomez in the little wagon this afternoon to bring out Frank tomorrow.  I helped drive in the cattle on the Sebruno of St. Johns this evening.  It was a very pleasant afternoon, but a coldish evening.

Oct. 22.  Sunday.— I milked this morning all alone before coffee.  The capataz and the bombero bought two potros from Las Lomas and Chicaline domared them, Josephine Charlie and Frank came back again from Canada Gomez this afternoon, the latter from Rosario, Everything is settled about the money now.  We have something like $23.000 left.  I drove together the horses this evening on my little alisan, He is getting ticklish on the head.  It was a pleasant day, a little north wind.

Oct. 23.  Monday.— I milked this morning before coffee.  We have got a watcho whose mother died, so we let it suck on the big grey cow.  This forenoon I helped hoe around the trees in the field.

I had a severe sore throat last night and today.  Frank Willie took Frank into Canada Gomez in the wagon, at noon, As Frank is going to Tucuman with a freeticket.  This afternoon I laid on my bed.  I drove togethers the horses this evening on the little yellow lame horse were at Kemmis well, I was a hot north windy day, and looks like pampero.

Oct. 24.  Tuesday.— I and Mauree milked before coffee.  the cows have such sore tits now.  I had a bad cold all day so I did not do much, except carry post from outside into the back yard.  Willie came back again from Cañada Gomez this afternoon; he had to leave bayo behind because he was lame.  I drove together the horses this evening on ‘bluelegs’.  It was a very hot sultry day, (cloudy).

Oct. 25.  Wednesday— I and Mauree milked before coffee.  They butchered this morning.  I helped hoe around the trees the rest of this forenoon and a part of the afternoon.  Mr.  Tregarthen stopped for dinner.  I and Lariana pulled up water this afternoon.  I drove together the horses this evening on the big white trotter.  Last night it rained a very little.  Today it a little windy (north).

Oct. 26.  Thursday.– I and Mauree milked before coffee.  The wagons started today for the monte.  Willie and a voyearo [boyero] went along on horse back, Brown, Lariana and Vicente drove, The had trouble to yoke up the oxen and novillos.  This forenoon and afternoon I hoed a little fied, cleaned out the troughs etc.  I drove together the horses this evening on the little sebruno of St. Johns.  Some horses were down towards the pueste, and I was driving them up when a pampero with very hard rain came, and I hurried home all my might.  I was soaking wet, boots full, and etc, It rained very hard.  It was a hot north windy day.  I sleep in Willies room while he is gone.  I took a shower bath this afternoon

Aug. 27.  Friday.— It rained a good deal last night.  I milked this forenoon all alone.  I and Heinrich transplanted lettuce, beets, and curly mustard the rest of this forenoon and a part of the afternoon.  This afternoon we also picked peas.  I and Josephine went down to the cattle this evening.  I on the fat red horse that has been lame.  There is plenty of water in cañadas and lagunas now.  It was a hot cloudy day.

Aug Oct.  28.  Saturday.  While I was milking before coffee it rained.  I was going to go after Elisa ato Canada Gomez but as it rained at about 8½ AM. I didn’t go, but the rest of the day it was delightfully warm.  This afternoon I and uncle white washed the back wall.  I went down to the cattle this evening on the little saino.  Things are growing now with this weather.  I took a shower bath this afternoon.

Aug Oct.  29.  Sunday.— I went into Cañada Gomez today to bring out Elisa.  I started after I had coffee and pancakes at seven.  I rode the horse Willie borrowed of Hansen and the little white lazy horse.  I got in there at 10 and had breakfast.  I bought a tirador for the capataz.  Elisa had come yesterday already.  We started off again at about two where her horse had come and bayo.  I rode bayo half ways out, We had great fun underways.  [doodle: ♡♡.] We got home at about six.  Tregarthen is going to stay over night.  His ox wagon broke down in Canada Gomez.  I got a dollar for going in, and spent 2 reals for candy leaving me $27.  5½ reals, I was a very cloudy but still a pleasat day.—

Oct. 30.  Monday.– I and Elisa milked before coffee.  I and uncle and Heinrich planted osage orange seeds the rest of the day.  We planted them from the horse corral along the fence, around the potrero, and along the ditch.  It was hard work.  I drove together the horses this evening on my little alisan.  Some horses were far, and I had trouble to bring up horse for the peon.  My horse was clean tired out.

It was a very cloudy, but not unpleasant day.— It looks like rain.  [doodle: ♡♡ (3)]

Oct. 31.  Tuesday.— I and Elisa milked before coffee.  The rest of this forenoon I, Henry, and uncle planted osage orange seed along the fence.  This afternoon, we began hoeing the big patch of potatoes.  I and Herman also pulled up water.  I drove together the horses this evening on the little bayo.  I had great trouble and didnot come home until late.  It was a cloudy cool day.  I won another be in pulling straws with Elisa this afternoon [doodle: ♡♡ All I want ~~~~~~~~]

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November, 1876

November. 1.  Wednesday, I and Elisa milked before coffee.  The rest of this forenoon and afternoon I, uncle and Heinrich hoed potatoes.  Today two hours siesta begins.  I went down to the cattle this evening on the big white trotter as the bombero drives the horses together.  This afternoon it rained a little.  It was cloudy all day and this evening a strong south wind blew.  [doodle: ♡♡ (2) falli g off ~~~~~~]

An old white milch cow got a calf on sunday night in the cow corral,

Nov. 2. Thursday.— I and Elisa milked before coffee.  The rest of this forenoon and part of the afternoon I helped uncle and Heinrich hoed potatoe I and Herman pulled up water this afternoon.  I drove together the horses on panzon this evening and then went down to the cattle.  I took a shower bath at noon.  It was a windy (south) day.  [doodle: ♡♡ (2)]

Nov. 3. Friday.– I and Elisa milked before coffee.  The rest of this forenoon and a part of the afternoon I helped uncle and Heinrich hoe potatoes.  I drove together the horses this evening on Charlies big horse: the two Stiefels were past Las Lomas, and there are two horses missing yet.  It was a very pleasant warm day.  [doodle: ♡♡ 5 or 6]

Nov. 4. Saturday.  I and Elisa milked before coffee.  The rest of this forenoon and a part of the afternoon we hoed potatoes.  I drove the horses together the horses this evening on the big white trotter.

The little bayo is missing since yesterday.  Willie came back from the monte today, wagons coming tomorrow.  had bad luck.  broke one ox’s neck and bad weather.  It was a cloudy day, and wanted to rain.  Bauers big red cow got calf today.  [doodle: ④]

November 5. Sunday.— I and Elisa milked before coffee.  I fixed my stirrup leathers this forenoon.  The capataz found the little yellow horse at Larguia’s today.  I drove together the horses on Josephine’s yellow horse this evening I near came falling off him.  I broke my stirrup, and in recovering my balance lost a rein and he commenced bucking and running but I got it again.  I could not get a half blind horse into the corral so I lassoed it.

It was a delightful day.  and looks like rain.  I sold a burning glass to uncle for 2 reals making me $27.  7½ r.  [doodle: ⑤]

Nov. 6.  Monday.– I and Elisa milked before coffee.  The wagons came back from the monte with wood this morning, got big loads.  Brown was hooked by a novillo yesterday.  We sent Heinrich and Lariana away today.  I helped pile up the wood and then hoed potatoes with uncle this forenoon, At siesta I worked at my little garden, fixed sticks for vines to grow on, planted ombu, pine, cane and morning glory seeds.  This afternoon I helped hoe potatoes with uncle and Brown.  I drove all the horses in the corral this evening (to lock up over night) on the fat red horse of Larguias.  It was a hot day.— [doodle, circled: 37 fall    off]

Nov. 7.  Tuesday.— I and Elisa milked before coffee.  It rained last night.  The rest of the forenoon we went around in the corn and pulled out weeds.  After dinner I and Elisa hoed our melons until about 2:30 P.M.  and then we went out in the camp to capar toros.  I rode ‘blue legs’ and I caught 4.  good fun.

In the evening I drove together the horses.  I also planted spinage this morning.  It was a hot delightful day.  [doodle: ③]

Nov. 8.  Wednesday.– I and Elisa milked before coffee.  I and Willie began hoeing among our paraiso seeds, but it began raining.  I rained lightly the rest of the day.– I gave Willie 4 reals for a rebenque, leaving me $27.  3½ r.  I also gave him my hair sinch for a broad leather one.  I drove together the horses this evening on the sebruno of St. Johns.  I had trouble [guess: with bring] a horse to tie out, and got wet through and through.  [doodle: ④]

Nov. 9.  Thursday.- I and Elisa milked before coffee.  the corral is pretty muddy.  The horse-beans were full of the black beetles and I and uncle killed them.  I transplanted lettuce this afternoon and then helped cut off the bird seed.  I drove together the horses this evening on the little saino.  Butchered this morning.  It was a little windy day.

Nov. 10.  Friday.— I and Eliza milked before coffee.  I was quite sick last night.  I had to go to the pot three times.  This forenoon I helped clean off the paraiso bed, and then helped hoe between the trees.  This afternoon I also helped hoe between the trees, dug some potatoes, and then drove together the horses on the little ‘bayo’.  It rained a little this morning.

Nov. 11 Saturday.– I and Elisa milked before coffee.  The rest of this forenoon I helped hoe in between the trees.  This afternoon we gave rodeo so that the Chupinas and Sosas could part out their cattle.  We drove the cattle together near the potrero.  I rode the fat red horse of Larguias, and helped pechar a little.  Willie went into Cañada Gomez in the wagon (young stiefel and bayo) to bring out Frank tomorrow.  I drove the horses together this evening on the same horse.  It was a drizzly afternoon,

Nov. 12.  Sunday.— I and Elisa milked before coffee.  I washed myself good after coffee.  Willie came after dinner, but without Frank.  As he sent a telegram that he was coming out Wednesday,

I saddled the girls horses this afternoon to go out riding.  I drove together the horses this evening on Charlie’s horse, the two bayos were missing and I looked for them, but could not find them.  It was a warm day, a little windy.  [doodle: ③]

Monday.  Nov.  13.– I and Elisa milked before coffee.  Willie and Capataz went over to Sentenna’s to part out cattle.  I helped hoe in between the trees this forenoon and part of the afternoon.  This afternoon I helped Willie trim two horses hoofs, and hitch old stiefel in the sled.  I drove the horses in the corral this evening, on the lazy little white horse.  and then I looked for some other horses (blanco, rosaw [rosado], dordillo alisan & sebruno) on the big white trotter but could not find them, came home 7:45 PM.: It was a cloudy windy day.  [doodle: ⑤]

Tuesday Nov.  14.— It began raining this morning while I and Elisa were milking, and rained this rest of the forenoon.  I picked peas off the stems in the galpon afterwards, I put my horse in the lane this morning but he jumped over the fence so I put him in the back yard.  I cut me a short milking strap this morning.  Willie went and the capataz went over to Losas [Sosa’s] to part out cattle this morning.  I drove together the horses this evening on my alisan, the most of them were opposte Las Tres Lagunas.  It was a disagreeable rainish day.  [doodle, squiggled: ♡]

Wednesday.  Nov.  15.  1876— It rained very much last night and this morning and I had to milk just two cows for todays use.  2 bands of horses were missing this morning, but the capataz found them north of Las Rosas this evening.  It was a rainie day.  I drove the horses into the corral this evening on ‘blue legs’.  the ground is so wet that its hard to ride.  I also helped the capataz drive the horses he found home.  [doodle: ④]

Nov. 16.  Thursday.- I and Eliza milked before coffee: plenty of mud in corral.  The rest of the forenoon I dug potatoes, and succored paraiso trees with uncle and Brown.  This afternoon I helped Eliza pick peas and then helped drive up the cattle on the little saino.  Willie found the yellows horses at Larguias.  It was a cloudy, rainy day.  [doodle, squiggled: ⑥ ]

Nov. 17.  Friday.— I and Eliza milked before coffee.  corral muddy yet, The rest of the forenoon I helped trim succor peach trees and pulled out the mustard in the barley.  Brown went in to Canada Gomez in the wagon at noon to bring out Frank tomorrow.  I helped uncle hoe between the trees.  this afternoon Josephine and I went to helped drive up the cattle this evening.  I on the little bayo.  It was a sunny day (a little south wind).

Nov. 18.  Saturday.— I and Eliza milked before coffee.  Right after coffee I went over to Las Lomas to help part out our cattle.  We parted out about forty when Dickenson would not let us part any more.  I rode blue legs.  Three of the cows were tame so we are going to milk them.  One white one is pretty wild, sawed its horns and tied a rope to its horns.  Brown brought out Frank in the little wagon today.  He speaks very well of Tucuman.  trip cost $210.  He brought some sugar cane along.  I helped hoe between the trees this afternoon.  I drove the horses together this evening on the lazy little white horse.  It was a warm day.—

Nov. 19.  Sunday.– I and Eliza milked before coffee.  We let loose the wild white cow we got yesterday, as it is very wild.  I dug potatoes this morning.  I drove together the horses this evening on recado on the sebruno of St John’s.  The two Stefels were missing so I looked for them on the little bayo till 8 P.M. past Las Lomas but couldnot find them.  It was a delightful day.– [doodle: ②]

Nov. 20.  Monday.  I tied up the wild cows for Eliza this morning, and then we went over to Las Lomas to part out cattle.  I rode the fat red horse of Larguias.  didnt have much fun had to take care of rodeo.  parted out about 75.- This afternoon I and Willie began pulling out the weeds in alfalfa and then helped hoe the beans.  I helped drive up the cattle this evening on my alisan.  I took a shower bath this afternoon.  Stiefel’s brother brought back the two stiefels this afternoon from Chavarri’s colony.  It was a hot beautiful day.

Nov. 21.  Tuesday.— I and Eliza milked before coffee.  Mother, Charlie and uncle went to Tregarthens today, and Frank went to Larguias to bring home the bayos and other horses.  I weeded the alfalfa this forenoon.  This afternoon I helped Eliza hoe the onions and also pulled up water with Willie, I riding.  I drove the horses in the corral this evening on the little saino.  It was a very hot day, and looks like rain.  [doodle: ⑥ muchie fun~~~~~~]

Nov. 22.  Wednesday.— I and Eliza milked before we drank our coffee.  The rest of the forenoon and a part of the afternoon I helped the others weed the alfalfa of mustard etc.  I and Herman pulled up water after dinner.  Neil came this afternoon and had coffee with us.  I drove the horses together this evening on the lazy little white horse.  It was a very hot beautiful day.—

Nov. 23.  Thursday.— I and Eliza milked as soon as we got up, got 3½ buckets of milk.  I helped finish weeding the alfalfa afterwards and then went into the field to hoe between the trees.  This afternoon we hoed the broom corn.  Took a shower bath this afternoon.  I drove together the horses this evening on ‘blue legs’.  They parted out two more milch cows from the catle this evening.  Uncles white one.  and a red one  Brand.  It was a very hot day.  but little wind going.  -

Nov. 24.  Friday.– I and Eliza milked before coffee.  the red cow we parted from the cattle last night was rather wild so we let her run again, got 4 buckets milk.  I helped hoe between the trees rest forenoon and a part of the afternoon.  I and Herman pulled up water after dinner.  I drove the horses into the corral this evening on the little bayo, and then went down to the cattle.  Frank & Charlie had row today.  It was a very hot, but breezy day.  looks like rain [doodle: ②]

Nov. 25.  Saturday.— I and Eliza milked before coffee.  I helped hoe in the field the rest of the forenoon and a part of the afternoon.  I and Johnnie pulled up water this afternoon.– I drove together the horses this evening on the big white trotter.  the little morro was at Kemmis well.  afterwards I went down to cattle.  It was a hot but windy forenoon.  [doodle: ⑤]

Nov. 26.  Sunday.  It rained this morning when we were finished milking.  I cut me some stirrup straps this morning.  I laid on my bed most all day, as I had head ache.  I drove horses together this evening on fat red Larguia horse, and then went down to the cattle.  It was a cloudy threatning day.— [doodle: ⑥]

Nov. 27.  Monday.— I and Eliza milked before coffee.  Willie, Frank and capataz went to Tregarthens to part out cattle today, but only found seven.  I went to Larguia’s today to find two horses.  I rode ‘blue legs’, and found them about ¾ legua this side of Larguias so I didn’t go to house.  In coming back I stopped at Sharfs to change horses riding the sainito, from there I went to Lomas to bring along Willie’s potro which was in their corral.  I tied him on to Panzon.  Came back at about 2.  the rest of the afternoon I fixed Willies head stall which I broke, and strung beans.  I drove to gether the horses this evening on papas white horse.  It was a very hot day.

Nov. 28.  Tuesday.– I and Eliza milked before coffee.  We milk 14 cows (3 wild) and get more than 4 buckets.  The rest of the forenoon I dug potatoes and then helped uncle hoe in the patatas.  This afternoon I helped and Herman pulled up water, then helped uncle.  I drove together the horses this evening on my alisan.  the bayos were missing so I caught the little saino and found them in the canada.  It was a very hot day about little breezy this afternoon.  Willie Frank and capataz went to Tres Lagunas to part out cattle, and found about fifteen.

Nov. 29.  Wednesday.— I and Elisa milked after before coffee.  got 5 buckets, The rest of the forenoon I helped uncle & Brown hoe in the field.  I and Herman pulled up water this afternoon.  Willie went into Cañada Gomez this morning to get scythes to cut barley.– This evening I fixed Hermans saddle and then drove together the horses on the lazy little white horse, had trouble with the nochero.  It was a very hot day.  the black bugs are coming again, [doodle: Lovely ⑤]

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© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)