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Alfred A. Benitz | Page last modified: |
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Alfred A. BenitzMay - September, 1877
![]() Oakland, 1874 |
Note: Per Alfred’s doodles and notations in his diary for 1876, he apparently became romantically involved with Elisa, the housemaid with whom he milked the cows each morning. All of December, 1876, and most of the first five months of 1877 have been torn out of the respective diaries. The Chronicles, written in 1938, quotes from these missing pages, which suggests the pages were torn out later. As for the milking: Alfred often milked alone during May and June, 1877. Lina, a housemaid, began assisting regularly then took it on alone in August. Elisa is mentioned only once in this diary, working in the garden (June 13, 1877).
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Alfred turns eighteen in this diary. The diary takes up in late May, 1877, during what must be the first weaning and branding at “La California”. A neighbor, Don Facundo Larguia, is in charge and Alfred, amongst all the excitement, is observing closely how it is done.
His father, Wilhelm, bought and established estancia “La California” in early 1875 but died eighteen months later, in June, 1876. Two months after that Alfred's oldest sibling, Frank, abandoned the family to make his own way, and in April, 1877, his brother Charlie died unexpectedly in Cañada de Gómez.
At the beginning of this diary, the remaining members of the family were Josephine (mother, 47), Josephine (24), Willie (23), Alfred (17), Johnnie (15), and Herman (14); as well as Uncle Frank (60 - Wilhelm's younger brother). We believe Josephine (mother) was making the major family decisions, leaving the management and day-to-day operation of the estancia to Alfred's Uncle Frank and older brother Willie.
The last pages of the diary contain interesting lists of estancias, brands, and livestock. Except for the lists of brands, we have transcribed the rest (and are easier to read than the PDF files). We placed all loose inserts after the tables, amongst them are Alfred’s school-work: German and geography.
Alfred refers to people and places unfamiliar with us today, and uses many Spanish or Spanglish terms. To follow along, we recommend you open and have available our Reference Pages — Names (people & places, including maps), Spanglish Glossary, and Measures (length, area, weights, volumes, currency). The reference pages open in a separate window or tab.
Page images in PDF files:
Click each title to download the image file for the month.
Transcription notes: We retained Alfred's spelling & syntax; for obtuse spelling errors, we added the correct spelling in [square brackets]. Alfred titled each page with the month and place, e.g. “June 1877. La California.” We have not included the titles in the transcription. We standardised the format of his entries to that which he used most. (Transcribed by: Peter & René Benitz.)
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Today we marked our new cattle. Larguia bossed the operation. Four men went in the corral on horse back, and six or seven on foot. I held tally on a board. Began long before sunrise and I had cold work. We parted the cattle in two bands, and marked about 468, by this evening. Martin Perera also came this morning and stays overnight. Some of the cattle were very bravo, and one toro broke three palm troncas in two gates. Neild, Boosey and Thompson (chico) came about noon, and had dinner with me. Kuns did not work today.
I helped drive in the cattle on little bayo bare back, we had a deal of trouble with the little calves. Larguia rode Willies dordillita in the corral today. We begin to cut the alfalfa green for the horses now. The other alfalfa has not come up yet. North wind began blowing today, but the day was fresh. Mr. Mouncton and two Englishmen from Frayle Muerte also came today to look on. Broke one cow in the corral today. Herman and Johnnie and one of the women milked.
Friday May 25. Today we marked the rest of the new
cattle and all our calves. 537 is the number of new cattle. We marked 4
386 calves from our cattle. We also counted our old cattle 1908. Marking calves
went very quick. I helped on foot. Very exciting work. Uncle held tally today.
Nile and Thompson were here today but did not go in the corral. They had great
trouble in driving the cattle into other corrals. The marcacion only cost us
$30.25. Larguia went home this afternoon, as did all the natives. The old fellow
took a bouquet along.
This afternoon I drove all the horses in the corral; they were very far; towards Kemmis well. I afterwards helped to drive in the new and old cattle. Martin Perera was quite sick last night, and today; has a very bad cold. Willie is going to take him into Cañada Gomez tomorrow.
It was a very pleasant day, little north wind blowing. I rode the little bayo today, and tied my alasan to alfalfa for over night. Drank a little maté this evening for first time.
Saturday May 26 1877. I milked after drinking coffee. The rest of the forenoon I worked in the vegetable garden etc. Willie took Don Martin in to Cañada Gomez after dinner, as he is going to Rosario to a doctor. I turned me off three bolas this afternoon to drive horses with. Thompson with Mr. Lett, the new clergyman, called this afternoon. I drove the horses in the corral this evening with my alisan. Some horses were missing but I found them at Las Rosas well late. Two Swiss fellows from San Geronimo are stopping over night. It was a delightful day. All the sweet potatoes, potatoes, broom corn etc are frozen. Angel and Vicenti are taking care of the new cattle, and lock them in the corral here for a few days until the puesto is finished.
Sunday May 27, 1877. I and Lina milked after drinking coffee. The rest of the forenoon I fixed on my recado etc. Faria run a race with the saino we got from Brown against a native, but lost. Willie came back from Cañada Gomez after dinner; just brings a few Standards. Fighting has begun between the Turks and Russians. Roka did not come back from home today though he promised to come early in the morning. I drove the horses to the corral with the fat saino. I afterwards helped drive in the new cattle with my redimon saino. He was mañero to get on, but did not buck. I afterwards pulled up water with Brown, and cut aflafa for the nochero. We butched a new sick cow this evening. It was a pleasant day, north wind.
Monday May 28 1877. I milked after coffee. The rest of
the forenoon I put sticks to the peas etc. After dinner I dug a mess of sweet
potatoes, etc. I drove the horses in the corral on the fat red horse. My redimon
saino went a little lame so I caught him and trimmed his hoofs. They locked the
new cattle in the corral at the puesto, for the first time. Angel and his wife
begin to live there also. They are going to have the horses marco Las Turbias,
all mancarones. Vicenté helps angel herd the cattle. After supper I looked
through the sterescope at pictures. We cut alfalfa for horses that we keep up
all day. Roka came home this morning and we sent him off. The pmarcachiefla is
here. It was a pleasant day, but rather a cold morning.
Tuesday May 29 1877. All of the calves got out of the chicara [chacra] last night. Today I and mother went to see Mrs. Tregarthen. We started about eight oclock in the carriage with negro and young Stiefel. We had a strong north wind blowing in our faces. We got at Las Castaneous [Las Castañas] at about 10 A.M. They were marking fillys when we passed Las Rosas. As none of the men were there when we arrived I walked and looked around the place. At dinner time Mr. Clark the mayor-domo came. Nicholson was at Las Chilcas marcación. They gave us many plants etc. along. In coming home we stopped at Las Rosas. Mr. Eliot and Neild were there and gave us many plants etc. We arrived home at about sun down. The old water pulling horse (overo) would not go I got on him and pulled some water. It was a very pleasant afternoon. Two German peones are stopping over night. Also seen Mr. Middleton mayor domo of Las Turbias at Tregarthens. Brown began pulling up water at the pump, also broke the chain this evening. Pulpero here is going to buy our hides at six dollars the pesada.
Wednesday May 30 1877.__ I milked right after coffee and then I went down to the well with Brown and put the chain together again, and made the chain so that it would run in the wheel. It pulls water first rate. After dinner I helped Willie load up the little wagon with troncos, tina, and posts for a puerto for the puesto. I also manured and hoed over a small bed for onions this afternoon. Afterwards I drove all the horses to the corral with ‘blue legs’. This evening I caught my redimon saino and cleaned him, etc, to tame him. It was a cloudy day, and viento norte, and looks like rain. We hear again of grass hoppers. Heard that little Thompson gave Nicholson a licking.
Thursday May 31. 1877. I milked after coffee. The rest of the forenoon I planted the leeks and lettuces we got from Las Rosas. This afternoon I began to work on my head stall with six rings. I have the presicieras yet from the bombero, so I sewed the straps together. We put the horses in the big field today to eat the grass off. and this evening I drove them to the corral on the little saino bareback. I afterwards helped drive up the cattle to the corral. Kunz finished with the puesto this forenoon, and is going to make a little duck pond yet; It rained a little last night, and the day was foggy and drizzly. The alfalfa we planted is coming out of the ground now.
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Friday, June 1. The horses did not come until pretty late this morning. I milked right after coffee. The rest of the forenoon I cleaned and greased the little horse wagon to go to Canada Gomez. After dinner I drove the horses out of the field in the corral with the little bayo. I then dressed my self and got ready to go to Canada Gomez. I started about 1:30 P.M. and drove young Stiefel and negra. The wagon jolts pretty hard. I got in there a little after sun set. Mr. James was very polite at the post office. Mr. Spencer (of tres lagunas) Mr. Roberts (of up north). and a peon of Constables were in there. I had supper at Schnack’s and sleep there. I was quite a cold drive with the south wind blowing in ones face. I took a letter in for Suarez.
Saturday June 2. 1877. I did not sleep well last night; did not have enough cover. etc. I was the first one up in the house. I took some axes and hatchets to the blacksmith to have sharpened or softened. Also had my boots mended. I hung around until about nine o’clock and then went to the station and got the things out. A pretty heavy cargo: 2 barrels of sugar. 1/2 fanega salt, box of oranges, sack of flour, 2 arrobas galletas, a box etc. I met Dickenson and another man on the road. I trotted down hill and walked up hill. Arrived about 4 P.M. This evening Willie, I, Adolph, Johnnie and Herman went to drive Lomas cattle off our land. We did not come back till dark. It was a cold day. South wind. They killed the big sow today, was quite fat. I rode my alisan. We got $B117 for our hides.
Sunday June 3. I milked after coffee. The rest of the
day forenoon I worked on my cabezada made the botoncitas etc. Mother, teacher
and uncle went to look at the puesto, in the little wagon after dinner. After
dinner Mr. Smithers came and made the paper out about the land. He pays us $250
per year rent for five years. At the end of that time if he leaves we buy all
improvements under $3000. The girls went over to Las RLomas. This
afternoon, Kunz went to Watts to see if he couldnot find work but Smithers
offered him work. Brown bought Kunz’s lame horse for $12. I drove the horses to
the corral with the sainito this evening. It was a very pleasant day. North wind
began blowing.
Monday June 4 1877. I milked right after coffee. Las Rosas gave rodeo today, as they mark tomorrow. Willie, Faria, Adolph and Angel went. I worked in the vegetable garden the rest of the forenoon; I also helped Herman fill the duck pond which is now finished. After dinner they came with about a dozen animals from Las Rosas. They had trouble to lock them in, so I jumped on the fat red horse bare back, but he bucked me right off. In chasing a cow he also bucked me off. I afterwards drove the horses to the corral. We then marked the calves (3) of the cows from Las Rosas. I went in the corral on horse back and lassoed two of the calves by the horns; getting vaqueano. We gave uncle a novillo for an old cow of his, and butchered it. I pulled up water with Herman this evening. It was a warm day; north wind blowing.
Tuesday, June 5 1877. I milked right after coffee.
They had marcacion at Las Rosas. Willie and Faria went over there this morning
to help drive in the cattle. After dinner I took Kuns over there as he wanted to
see Smithers. They had a great time marking one corral full. Willie staid untill
noon, then came home. I did not go inside to dinner (which took about 2 hours)
but staid outside with Kuns and had carne-con-cuero. After noon I also went in
the corral to lasso; not more than 75 calves in that corral so I did not catch
many. Neild Wish, and Smithers were in the corral. About 20 men on foot and 7 on
horse back. I, Faria and Kunz came home about 3 o’clock. Got a head ache today.
I rode blue legs today. I afterwards dug sweet potatoes. I drove the horses to
the corral with the saino of the black yegua tropillo. It was a pleasant day
and looks as if it was going to rain. Kunz can’t get work until next week
from Smithers.
Wednesday June 6 1877. I milked after coffee. Willie Johnnie, Faria and Adolph went over to Las Rosas to help them drive the cattle into the corral. It took them all forenoon, and they had a great deal of trouble. Willie staid there all day to see them mark. They marked altogether about 550 calves. I turned me off a revenque handle this forenoon and then worked in the vegetable garden. This afternoon I also worked in the vegetable garden. I and Herman pulled up water afterwards. At noon I brought up horse to ride. Kunz and Adolph went down to the puesto, and tried to fill the bileta. I drove up the horses this evening on the little saino. The day was quite warm; in fact hot at noon. Kunz was down at Smithers new place this forenoon. Brown pulls up water for the cattle.
Thursday June 7 1877. I milked right after coffee. A peon’s horse died this morning and I and Johnnie bought two lonjas off him for four reales. I afterwards staked it out against the water closet, and then took some hide of the belly. The rest of the forenoon I worked in the front garden and also a part of the afternoon. After dinner I turned me off a nice revenque handle of quebracho colorado. I drove up some horses this afternoon with Charlies sulejo. I afterwards rode my potro saino to drive up the other horses and go down to the cattle. He bucked very hard with me, and was hard to get on. Willie was down at the puesto and marked a cow that did not have our mark yet. It was a very pleasant day. Adolph is beginning to put a fence through the field where the alfalfa is to put the horses in.
Friday June 8 1877. I milked right after coffee. The
rest of the forenoon and afternoon I worked in the front garden nursery,
levelling it off, making it fine etc. I drove up some horses this afternoon with
my alisan. I and Willie went down to the cattle afterwards he riding the red
redimon and I my saino redimon. He is very mañero to get on but goes splendidly.
Kuns went over to Monroes this aforenoon and found work to make a sheep
corral etc. This afternoon he went over again taking Brown to help him lay it
out. And this evening Brown came home very drunk. It was very foggy this
forenoon. And this evening got very windy.
Saturday June 9 1877. I milked after coffee. The rest of the forenoon I worked in the front garden nursery. Mother and Willie went to Sharff’s this afternoon about leasing the land to Smithers, they did not come back till late. I helped to stretch the wire on the cross fence this afternoon with Adolph and the black peon. Kunz worked at Monroes new place this afternoon. I drove together the horses this evening with the sainito gorde of the overo yegua tropilla. It was a very cold disagreeable day; the sun not coming out at all.
June 10 1877. Sunday. Lina and I milked after coffee.
This forenoon we domared potrancas. I rode one, a varosa; it bucked hard but I
kept on. Adolph and Lariana rode another. I and Adolph were making me a revenque
this forenoon, but in taking the hair skin off the tail it got torn; so
we let it go. Nicholson stopped in going to Canada Gomez and took dinner. He
brought two ducks, and has his ankle out of joint. This afternoon the little
saino got loose in the field and I caught him, and just put the lasso round his
nose and jumped on him, but he run away with me, and I threw myself off, and he
fell over me and hurt me very much. I fixed my stirrup straps this afternoon.
Brown went to the station and brought out the mail. Adolph took Kuns on his
horse up to Monroes new place. He seems to be very afraid to sleep there alone.
I drove together the horses this evening on the little saino. They were
scattered and I did not find a lot. It began raining lightly this evening. It
was very cold and cloudy today.
Monday June 11. I milked after coffee. We killed the
two hogs this forenoon: Marcho y Hembre. There is now left one sow and five
young ones. (4 bores and one sow). I and the peon pulled up water for the geese
this forenoon. Didnot do much this afternoon (rainish) Help pull wire for the
cross fence. We are going to send a native to Coronda to pay the tax with
Dickenson, Neild and Daniels. Our tax is $120. Willie and Neild went to Las
Lyrias this afternoon. I drove together the horses this evening on the little
bayo. It rained some last night and today it was very disagreeable ch
cold and rainy. It looks as if it was going to rain some more.
Tuesday June 12. I milked after coffee. It was pretty
cold this morning. The rest of this forenoon I dug finished the front
garden nursery.
The rest of this forenoon I. After dinner I dug sweet potatoes and
potatoes. I helped pull wire afterwards. I drove together the horses this
evening on the fat red horse. It was a disagreeble day Las Turbias had some cows
in the corral that they are taking to Cañada Gomez to butcher.
Wednesday June 13, 1 I milked after coffee. Only milk seven cows, one overo negra (uncles), overo negra, varosa overa, agunel, bayo horn down, two reddish of Baues [or: Baws] and get a large and small bucket of milk. The rest of the forenoon I worked in the garden. This afternoon I mother and Elisa planted 8 rows of osage orange, one of sina-sina, clover,20 cherry trees and a bed of bird seed in the front garden nursery. I brought up some horses for Willie and Johnnie with Charlies sulejo; he bucked a little with me. I drove all the horses afterwards into the corral. The dogs killed a skunk this morning under the bebida by the calves. Las Turbias are here with some cattle and are going to part out tomorrow. It was very cloudy or misty today and the sun did not come out.
Thursday June 14. After coffee I milked. The rest of the forenoon I helped stretch wire around the alfalfa, churn butter, etc. This afternoon I and Willie planted about 120 pepper trees by the fence around the alfalfa. They did not drive up the horses today so I got on the white baldero, and drove up some to ride. I afterwards drove up the horses on the fat red horse. I had a sort of heach ache all day: in fact I have been feeling bad since the fall on sunday. The sun did not come out today was cloudy and misty, and this evening it began drizzling.
Friday June 15. Today I am eighteen years of age. I milked after coffee. It rained some this forenoon, also last night. Brown and Adolph ground maiz today. I tried to take the skin off a tail this forenoon but it tore. I made my self an awl this afternoon. Sold some potatoes to La Victoria today. Mamma gave me a pocket knife and a small gold piece this afternoon but I gave it back again. I drove the horses to the corral this evening on ‘blue legs’; they were pretty far. It was a disagreeable drizzly day; sun hardly coming out.
Saturday June 16. Willie went into Canada Gomez today,
and brought back mail this evening. I milked after coffee. Corral is getting
muddy. I helped grind maiz afterwards, The puesteros peon came this forenoon and
said that a large calf got broke in the corral in the night; So Brown and
Adolph went down with the wagon and brought half of it up. I also went down on
the little saino gordo. After dinner I dug sweet potatoes. Lina got a letter
that her mother is sick and she should come home. I drove all the horses into
the corral this evening on the same horse. It rained lightly last night. It was
a cloudy disagreeable day. Kunz came this evening from Monroes place he made the
corral in 6 days gaining $56 profit. Martin Pereira has died in Rosario.
Sunday June 17. Lariana took Lina into Canada Gomez
today; she would not go with Brown or Adolph. I milked after coffee. Afterwood
dressed my self, greased my boots, shot my revolver off and then cleaned it.
Afternoon I laid on my bed. I drove the horses to the corral this evening on my
alisan. Las Chilcas locked their cattle in our corral this evening, on the road
to Rosario and I helped them. They had to lasso one. We locked the horses into
the corfield where the volunteer barley comes out. Kuns was at Sharffs
and Lomas today. It was a very pleasant forenoon but the afternoon was cold and
cloudy. Willie was at Las Rosas this afternoon. I had a head ache this
Monday June 18. After coffee I milked. The horses got
very full today
in the field last night. Willie Adolph and the capataz had rodeo at Stiefels
today and parted out two novillos but in bringing them home they got mixed with
Sosas cattle, so had to leave them. One novillo hooked butches horse behind. I
dug potatoes, and dug out paraiso trees back of the back yard to plant acacia
trees in their place. This afternoon I brought up the horses, and then we
(Willie, I, Adolph and Faria) went to rodeo at Sosas. I rode the little sainito.
Parted out three animals. Got back by 4 o’clock. The horses got in the field by
themselves this afternoon. I tried to bring out Josephines and Herman’s horses
with Adolph and after a great deal of trouble got them into the corral, when
Hermans horse crawled under the tranca. I chased after him a long while but
could not get him in. It was a very cold morning, but the afternoon was warm.
June 19 Tuesday. I milked afternoon coffee. The
rest of the forenoon and a part of the afternoon I helped dig over the ditch
with uncle Brown and Max. I bought a good lasso for $3.50 at noon from a native;
long thin lasso. Willie bought a cojinillo for $12. Willie, Capataz and Adolph
parted out at Sharffs puesto this morning; brought a novillo and a cow with
fresh calf. I am going to tame the cow. I drove up the horses this evening on
the little bayo and locked them in the field. I afterwards rode my saino redimon
down to the cattle; had trouble to get on him. It was a foggy morning and a
cloudy day.
Wednesday June 20. After coffee I milked. Afterwards I
fixed my broken stirrup, dug out some paraiso trees back of the back yard, etc.
This afternoon I Faria and Adolph parted out at Sharffs. We saddled after
before dinner, and started right after dinner. I rode ‘blue legs’. We rode in
two gallops. When we got there the peons just went to drive the cattle to the
rodeo. Sharff and Nordenholz were very friendly. Going to have a hook made for
walde sin fondo. We parted out a big black cow, and a young toro of uncles. The
cow was very wild and run right off. We had a good deal of trouble with the
torito and ‘bluelegs’ pechared splendidy. They had to bring him over with lasso
all the way. I brought the wild cow home and then went back to help them in the
cañada. They had to bring him up in a walk; I came home and got oxen but it did
not help any. Got home by dark. Willie and Lariana helped to bring him up, late.
Kemmis camed out today. They led the two new stallions out on foot. It
was a beautiful day; a little windy (NE).
Thursday June 21. I milked after coffee. Afterwards I dug potatoes and then helped fix the ditch. That toro we brought yesterday from Sharffs yesterday died in the corral today; over heated. I helped take skin off after dinner. Afterwards I helped mother plant the acacia trees back of the back yard. I drove together the horses this evening on Charlie’s sulejo. He bucked with me. I afterwards rode my redimon saino down to the cattle; he was pretty tame. Las Turbias have some cattle locked in; on the way to Cañada Gomez. The sun did not come out today was cloudy and coldish.
Friday June 22. I milked after coffee. We went up to Las Castaneos today to part out. After milking we started: Faria, Max, Adolph and I went. I rode the fat malacara. We went slowly and arrived there just in time for breakfast. Clark and Nicholson were at home. After dinner the peons went to part out at the Churipeesose, two leagues up north. They brought two cows and a calf, which they locked in Tregarthens corral over night. I spent the afternoon around the place. Put my horse in the potrero in the afternoon but in the evening gave him dry alfa with the other horses. He would not drink the water nor eat the alfa. Had breakfast at 12, tea at 4, dinner at 7, and coffee at 8. I slept in Mrs. Tregarthens bed room. They gave the peons meat. It was a cloudy foggy day.
Saturday June 23. I did not sleep very well last
night. I was up early and read a while in my room, before the rest were
stirring. And then we had coffee. It was foggy this morning so we did not have
coffee rodeo till pretty late. Clark and Nicholson both went to the rodeo.
Nicholson has a bad leg, so he cant ride well. We parted out 3 cows with calves
and two vaquillones. We had to leave one cow and calf back because the calf had
the pest and could not travel. Could not do much with my horse because he acted
mañero. The calfs all had Tregarthens mark, so he gave us their mark along to
counter mark them. We did not have much trouble on the road. Arrived home about
three oclock, and had something to eat. We afterwards marked the calves (3) I
lassoed on horse back. I drove the horses into the field with a picasita of the
yegua picaso tropilla. It was quite a foggy dark day.
Sunday June 24. I milked after coffee. Kunz is here.
Monroe does not want to pay him for his work so he took Brown along to day to
entrepret for him, but with out any good. Lariana went to Cañada Gomez and
brought Lina back today. This afternoon I fixed my reindes [riendas]. Kretzman
with Maas were here this afternoon. We went out to Capar toros this afternoon,
Willie Adolph and I. I broke my lasso in the beginning between the yappa and
lasso; so I could not lasso any more. they caught six. I nearly lost my hat. I
rode the fat saino. I Brown, Lariana and Adolph went to the baile at
Castros place this evening. It was a very foggy forenoon, and the sun did not
shine today. We sent Max off today.
Monday June 25. I milked after coffee. The rest of the forenoon I dug holes to plant acacia trees in the monte back of the house; by removing every other paraiso tree along the road and lane And after dinner mother and I transplanted them. The workmen are fixxing the ditch yet. This afternoon, I drove the horses to the corral with my alisan, I afterwards rode my potro saino to drive up some others; when I got on him, he gave just one jump; he went very well though. Willie capared toros this evening. It was a gloomy day; foggy: the sun but coming out once. It is not cold however.
Tuesday June 26. I milked after coffee. The rest of the forenoon I took out every other paraiso tree in the lane to the brick pile to plant pepper trees there, and afterwards dug a mess of patatas and potatoes. After dinner I brought up some horses. I then helped mother plant pepper trees in the holes I made in the morning. This afternoon we (Willie Faria Angel Lariana and I) capared toros in the camp. I rode the little bayo and had the thick lasso with brass ring. The lasso was so heavy that I only caught 3 of 20. I also lost my stirrup. Angel broke on big novillo (caught by mistake) and we butchered him this evening. When I came home they were trying to pull up water with the old overo, as he would not go, I got on him and after a lot of trouble pulled up water with him. It was a cloudy day and the sun did not come out.
Wednesday June 27. I milked after coffee. The rest of the forenoon I spaded ground to plant osage orange seed by the vegetable garden along the fence. Willie went to Rosaria after dinner. He comes back Saturday, and gets lumber to make bebida and supplies. Maas was here this afternoon. Larguia sent a wagon for maiz this afternoon. And we gave him three sacks of maiz and one of potatoes for nothing. I drove the horses to the field this evening with Charlie’s sulejo; he was quite wild and tried to buck me off. It was a very cold forenoon but the day was pleasant. Just a year that father died.
Thursday June 28 1I milked after coffee. The new cow is quite tame, and gives her milk. The rest of the forenoon I spaded ground along the fence of the vegetable garden to plant osaga orange, and helped mend the ditch. I had a head ache all day. Uncle and Adolph went down to the well to help Brown fix the horse power this afternoon. So I went down to the puesto and took a vuelta down to the well to help them, on the saino pacer. Maas came this afternoon and stops over night. I drove the horse into the field this evening on the same horse. It was a windyish day, cold. We lent one of our wagons this evening to Kemmis.
Friday June 29. There was a heavy frost this morning and was quite cold. I milked after coffee. Afterwards I churned butter, dug sweet potatoes etc. Adolph finished my talera this forenoon. I and Adolph fixed the fence this afternoon by the gate of the new potrero that the horses had broken down. I drove the horses into the field this evening on ‘blue-legs’. I ride with out stirrups now, as I had broken one. It was a very pleasant warm day. Mass went back to Sharff this afternoon.
Saturday June 30. Willie came last night 10 oclock
from Rosario. Early before sun rise it was very clear but afterwards a dark
cloud came up, and a heavy fog prevailed all day. I milked after coffee. The
rest of the forenoon I dug potatoes and patatas and helped fix the ditch. Also
after dinner I worked in the ditch. Many of the Californian colonists are going
back the States. Willie seen Moores, Mounds, etc, in Rosario. I drove the horses
to the corral this evening with the fat mala cara. He is very fatbad in
the mouth. I afterwards helped Herman lock in the calves. Had a great deal of
trouble with them. Going to leave the horses out tonight.
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The Bride of Lammermoor by Sir Walter Scott — a historical novel based upon a real-life family tragedy, takes place in Scotland, circa 1710.
Sunday July 1. It drizzled some afterlast
night, and this morning it was foggy. I milked after coffee. I did
not do much today but read a book named “bride of Lammermoor”. I took a
good washing and bath this forenoon. I drove the horses to the corral this
evening with the little sainito. It was a disagreeable day, cold, cloudy
and foggy.
Monday July 2. Adolph went to Cañada Gomez with the ox wagon to bring out the goods Willie bought in Rosario. I milked after coffee in a drizzling fog. The rest of the forenoon and a part of the afternoon I made pins for the chain of the pump which we are now fixing up. I brought up a horse for Johnnie this afternoon and then drove up the rest of the horses with the lazy little white horse. It was a most disagreeable day: cold foggy and the sun not coming out. Charlie would have been 21 years old today.
July 3. Tuesday. I milked after coffee.
The rest of the forenoon I was in the carpenter shop and began making a revenque
stick of quebracho colorado for Adolph. Willie went to Canada Gomez and
back today; he brought some papers. This afternoon I planted out 300
onions. I drove all the horses to the corral with Charlie’s sulejo; he is
getting better now. The day was misty and dark with occasional sun shine
and drizzelsless.
[doodle in left margin of a man's head & shoulders]
July 4. Wednesday. After coffee I milked. Today was the ‘forth of July’: we shot the little brass cannon off, hoisted the flag, had pie, and did not do any thing. I read a book today named Kate Coventry. Willie went to Las Lomas and Rosas today. I dug some sweet potatoes this afternoon. I drove the horses to the corral to day with ‘blue legs’, I afterwards pulled up water with Willie. Las Lomas cattle was on our land so I and Willie went down to drive them off. When we had got a short distance down, we seen some one driving them off, so we made a carrera back, my alisan beating Willie’s big white (Frank’s) horse. Adolph came from the station this evening with the ox wagon, brought a heavy load of lumber to make bebittas, calk, yerba, tobacco etc. It was a beautiful sunny day, little south wind. Began reading a book named “Ellen Middleton” _____
Kate Coventry, by G. J. Whyte-Melville, 1856. Scottish novelist of fox
hunting & historical romance.
Ellen Middleton, by Lady Giorgiana Fullerton, 1844, 3 volumes — a tragic
novel with strong religious views.
Thursday, July 5. Angels wife helped me milk this morning: She has left her husband now. Afterwards Willie and I went down to the puesto to look at a novillo that Angels wife has for sale for $15. I rode the little bayo; we met Wisk on the road. The rest of the forenoon I planted onions in the vegetable garden. Also this afternoon. I planted altogether 816 onions in rows neatly. I drove the horses to the corral this evening with the little bayo. An Italian servant of Las Rosas came from Canada Gomez by a passing wagon and borrowed a horse (rosillo) of us to go to Kimmis. I rode my redimon saino this evening to bring up a nochero; he goes splendidly and is not mañero now any more. It was a warm; very little frost this morning; and much north wind blowing.
Friday, July 6. After coffee I went with Faria
and Willie to part out cattle at Las Lomas. We stopped at the puesto and
took Angel with us. I rode the fat red horse. We a mestizo torito,
and novillo, also a cow and calf of the puesto. We drove the two animals
into the corral and then butchered the novillo; I lassoed him nicely around the
horns. The rest of the forenoon and a part of the afternoon I hoed
cabbage. We bought the big meztiz
overo negro novillo from Mrs. Angel for $15. Willie and Faria brought him
up; while I brought up an ox to tie him on to. I had a great deal of
trouble, but just then Biersteker’s boy (who stays over night) joined me and
helped me to bring him up. We then marked him also another calf of the
milch cows. I afterwards drove together the horses of with the big
oscuro of the yegua overa tropilla. It was quite a warm day but the
morning was cold.
Saturday July 7. It was quite cold and foggy
this morning. Willie and Josephine paid a visit to Constables today. The
rest of the forenoon I greased my saddle things and put them in the sun.
Fl After dinner uncle went to Cañada Gomez with the little wagon
taking Adolph with him. I finished the revenque handle for Adolph in the
afternoon. I also dug a mess of patatas. We gave rodeo this evening
to the apartadores of Las Leones. Lariana is sick so I went and drove up
the cattle on the south side, ride the fat little saino. They parted out
two. Johnnie drove up the horses this evening. FI It was a
very pleasant warm day;
Sunday July 8. After coffee I milked. Milk 8 cows and get a large and small bucket full of milk. The new whitish cow is quite tame. The rest of the forenoon I done leather work, etc. Uncle and Adolph came back about three o’clock. I drove together the horses this evening, with the gateado, of the yegua picaso tropillo. He goes miserably. I run a race this evening bareback with Brown’s rosillo against Willie and Adolph, but lost. It was a cloudy north windy day, and looks like rain.
Monday July 9. We gave rodeo this morning to Las
Lomas: their peons parted out 11. I milked after coffee. The rest of
the forenoon and a part of the afternoon I dug up the gwatcho potatoes in the
field; two wheel barrow fulls. A young torito lay in the corral sick today
and we tried to lift him up but could not. The puesteros peon made a yappa
for my lasso today. (Adolph lost the other one. I drove together the
horses this evening on the little sainito. They goe pretty far now.
This forenoon it was very windy (north) but this afternoon it subsided. It
is very cloudy and looks like rain. Mother has a pain in her back.
Tuesday July 10. This morning the wagons went to
Tortugas to get wood. I began milking and then I got on the capataz’s
horse bare back to help drive the oxen in the corral, and when I got back again
all the calves were out. We could not get the oxen in the corral so we
yoked them up outside. Adolph, Vicenti and San Juan go in the wagons and
Lariana as boyero. They took three novillos along. They rest
of the afternoon and a part of the afternoon I dug potatoes. I drove the
horses to the corral this evening with Charlie’s sulejo. We locked all the
cows and oxen in the corral this evening and had a great deal of trouble with
them. Capataz brought up a cow this evening from the cattle which he had
bought from Sentenna with calf for $14 to tame. It was a windy day
Wednesday July 11. After coffee I milked with the capataz’s wife. As soon as Faria brought up some horses I caught the little bayo and brought up a horse for the pump. After dinner I drove up some horses from the cañada. Willie went to Tortugas and back today to see about the wood. This afternoon I helped uncle dig gwatcho potatoes. I helped Faria drive up the cattle this evening as he is alone. It was a cloudy day; north east wind. The camp is getting dry again now.
Thursday July 12. Right after coffee I milked. After giving the horses alfalfa I helped uncle and Brown dig potatoes. We have dug over 60 arrobas of gwatcho potatoes already. After dinner Willie and I pulled up water; I riding. I afterwards helped uncle dig potatoes. I put all the horses in to the field this evening. A strong north east wind was blowing all day, sun did not come out and looks as if it was going to rain.
Friday July 13. I milked after coffee, with the capataz woman. They butchered this morning. After giving the horses alfalfa I helped uncle and Brown dig potatoes the rest of the forenoon, and a part of the afternoon. I drove the horses into the field this evening with my alisan; he did not go good with the bit. so I put the bocero on him, but he went very badly. The wagons did not come back from Tortugas yet, and have been gone four days. Brown pumps water only in the afternoons. A strong north wind was blowing all day, was cloudy and warm and looks like rain.
Saturday July 14. I milked after coffee. After
giving the horses alfa I helped uncle dig out the last of the gwatcho potatoes.
Makes altogether about 60 or 70 arrobas. We began digging the patatas
afterwards. The wagons came before dinner from Tortugas whitith
heavy loads of wood. This afternoon I helped uncle dig potatoes digging
one row and get a wheel barrow load of big ones; we leave the small ones out in
the field to put them under ground again. I drove the horses into the
field this evening with “blue legs”. Kuns came this evening from Monroes;
no more bricks. It was a very windy (north) warm dry day. It is very
cloudy and looks like rain. I study Spanish evenings alone.
Sunday July 15. I milked after coffee. We
put the horses into the large field today to eat off the grass. I turned
Johnnie off a revenque handel this morning. A large vaquillona fell into
the jaquel at the puesto, so we all went down to pull her up with lassos.
Also a calf fell into our jaquel this evening. The horses from the puesto
strayed off today but they found them again. This afternoon we put the
bell onto the pertigo ox again. and cureared some of the novillos ton
to oxen to take along to Tortugas. Had great trouble to lock in the calves
this afternoon. I drove the horses out of the field into the potrero this
evening with the fat little saino with Mexican saddle. The girls went out
riding today. I and Johnnie pulled up water this evening. It was a
very hot close cloudy day. And this evening a strong north east wind began
We played (Black peter) this evening.
Monday July 16. The wagons started today for
Tortugas to bring the rest of the wood. Adolph San Juan, Vicenti and
Lariana as boyero going. I milked after coffee. The rest of the
forenoon and part of the afternoon I helped uncle dig the sweet potatoes; we dug
all but one row. Getting about 3three basket fuls from nearly a
row. Kunz whitewashed the inside of the peon house today. I drove
the horses from the field into the portrero with the gateado of the yegua
overa tropilla; he bucked with me with the recado but I kept on. Willie
and Faria found two horses today with bridles and maneos on. It was a very
windy (south east) day, cloudy and cool.
Tuesday July 17. After coffee I milked. Afterward I helped uncle and Brown dig the last of the sweet potatoes. We then laid them on the ground and covered them up. We got about five wheel barrow fulls. I afterwards turned Willie a talera handle off. This afternoon I fixed my reins. which were broken. I drove the horses out of the field this evening with a little picasito of the yegua picasa tropilla. and then I cut some alfa for the horses. Some natives are here this evening want to buy some novillos oxen etc. It was a cloudy morning with a strong north wind.
Wednesday July 18. The native wanting to buy
cattle bought six of our oxen for $25 apiece paper. He offered $16½
for fat cows. He takes the oxen in a couple of days. I milked after
coffee. Afterwards I dug holes between the trees in the front yard for
mother. The rest of the forenoon I turned off three nice bolas for
Tristian of algarroba wood; and this afternoon filled them with ledad.
I afterwards hoed around a bed in the vegetable garden. I drove together
the horses this evening on the little sainito. The big oscurra of the
yegua picasa tropilla is missing. Last night it was very hot, and today it
also. was cloudy and warm. South begins blowing again. Kunz
cannot get all his pay from Monroe. He whitewashed the peon house today
and yesterday.
Thursday July 19. It was a misty drizzly
weather. I milked after coffee; Got two full buckets form nine cows.
The wagons came last night about one o’clock from Tortugas, with the rest of the
wood; they did not bring very full loads. Adolph brought a fine rooster
along which he stole in Tortugas. We paid Vicenti and San Juan off.
I helped Adolph and Lariana
grind shell maiz this forenoon. After dinner I turned Adolph a
revenque handle off of tala. The tropero came this afternoon and took 9 of
our oxen for $225 paper. Viz:- old negro 1 and bayo 2. two stiefels
4 overo negro gde 5, asko 6. santiagete 7. bayo overo toruna 8 overo negro
9. [note: stiefel, asko, & santiagete are familiar names] Cash down
paper. I drove together the horses this evening on the fat red horse, he
goes very well. It was a very disagreeable day, misty drizzly cold, etc.
A little filly gave me a kick on the shin this evening. Brown went to Las
Rosas and got [insert: dashed line across page] a load of cactus leaves
to white wash the house
Friday. July 20. I milked after coffee. It was a drizzly forenoon, so I turned a stocking ball for Lina, and a talera handle of Tala for Willie. After dinner I cleaned the lathe, sharped, tools etc. I also fixed my reins, put buttons etc. I learned last night how to make botoncitas from Adolph. A German going to Las Rosas brough our mail out, boots etc. My horse broke loose today so I rode the white baldero to bring up the horses. The peons (Lariana, Adolph, and Brown shelled the rest of the maiz today It rained pretty hard today, south wind blowing and looks as if it will rain more. Kunz and Brown were at Monroes today but he was not at home.
Saturday July 21. After coffee I milked. It was a very disagreeable day, cold misty south wind blowing. It put together myself a lash whip this forenoon, made buttons etc. I turned Faria a talera handle off this forenoon of Tala wood. This afternoon I turned Adolph a round ball of Algarroba for a game. We sent Lariana to the puesto with wood, some peach trees, and cactus leaves to plant. Adolph fixed the corral today. I drove together the horses this evening on the little bayo, and then helped drive in the cattle. It was a cold disagreeable day.
Sunday July 22. It was a very cold morning with a strong south wind which blew very hard all night. I milked long after coffee. got one bucket of milk. The rest of the forenoon I fixed Kunz’s reins for him, made buttons, etc. I dressed before dinner. After dinner I began turning a revenque handle of Algarroba wood for Lariana Fune. Made the music box go this afternoon. I drove together the horses this evening on a saino gordo of the yegua picasa tropillo, He was not ridden a month and bucked a little with me. Afterwards cut alfa etc. Kunz got paid by Monroe today $75. $15 short. Brown is drunk this evening. It was a very cold windy day.
Monday July 23. It was a very cold morning. We gave rodeo this morning to Las Rosas I helped Lina milk first a little, and then went to the rodeo with Adolph. [inserted below: (Neild was here.)] I showed how to pechar and arrastrar with ‘blue-legs’. We also parted out five novillas to tame for oxen; had trouble to get them in the corral I lassoed on to tie on to an ox. Afterwards brought me up an other horse. I planted onions this afternoon planted about 500, in rows. Lariana and Eiza also worked in the garden. I drove together the horses this evening on Charlie’s sulejo; the horses were very scattered, some across the canada, some on this side of the house. etc. Kunz is white washing. the house for his board. Uncle and Brown killed. the sow this forenoon; We now have left the five young ones. It was a cold cloudy day little south wind blowing. Adolph went to Sharffs this afternoon and got four sacks of flour, in the horse wagon.
Tuesday July 24. Lina and I milked this morning; Line helps every morning. Afterwards I cut alfalfa for the horses. The rest of the forenoon and afternoon I planted the rest of the onions; altogether about 2570 in a bed and a half. After dinner I cut more alfa for the horses. Adolph took two sacks of maiz over to Sharffs this afternoon to have ground into corn meal. I brought up a horse for Josephine this evening on the fat little saino and then drove the rest of the horses to the corral. I helped drive the cattle into the round corral this evening because the other corral puerto is muddy. They were hard to get in. My mala cara is very rengo. It was a coldish day, but it was sunny pleasant at times.
Wednesday July 25. Lina and I milked after coffee. Afterwards I hoed the cabbage etc. Nild came to dinner today, he came a little late. He goes to England on Saturday I turned a nice talera handle of quebracho colorado for Willie. I tried to turn a pair of bolas afterwards but could not.
I cut my finger severely this afternoon in cutting the
sharpening the scythe. I drove all the horses into the corral this evening on
the little sainito. This morning we tied 3 novillos on to oxen to tame, I
lassoee one. It began drizzling this evening. It was a cold cloudy
Thursday July 26. Lina and I milked after coffee. Lariana and Brown began plowing today. I and Uncle dug out the volunteer potatoes by the patatas the rest of forenoon. This after noon I turned two bolas for Angel of algarroba wood. Adolph tarred, the new bebida by the puesto today. Johnnie has a very swollen cheek from a tooth ache. It rained some last night. I drove together the horses this evening with the laguna of the picasa yegua tropillo; he dont go very well. It was a very warm pleasant day.
Friday July 27. Lina and I milked after coffee Afterwards I planted turnips. The rest of the forenoon and a part of the after noon I helped uncle pull the weeds out of the new alfalfa. At noon I finished the bolas for Angel on the lathe. Willie went to Las Rosas this evening to a farewell dinner given by Neild. I drove the horses to the corral this evening with the big white trotter. Larguia came this evening and stays all night; he came to see how many calves we got from Martin Perera without mark 158. It was a foggy cold frosty morning, and a north windy day, Jagüe, Tristesa, Mancha. [Horse names? Cattle illnesses?]
July 28. Lina and I milked after coffee.
The rest of the forenoon I drove Meztizo and negro for Browns plow for the first
time. Don Facundo went off today; he took along the bolas of that I
turned for Angel. This afternoon I turned another pair for him. I
drove the horses together early this afternoon on the little sainito.
Faria was at Las Rosas all day so I helped Willie drive up the cattle on my
redimon saino. Neild is going off tomorrow. Adolph and Lariana
harrowed together the maiz in the field today. I was a very pleasant day.
July 29. Sunday. Today it is just three years we left California. Lina and I milked after coffee. This forenoon I finished the bolas of Angel; filled them with lead. I washed and dressed before dinner. They carneared this afternoon. I I drove all the horses to the corral this afternoon. They were quite scattered. The girls went down to the cattle. I afterwards cut alfalfa etc.
Kunz came today; he is working for Thompson on Dickensons camp. It was a cloudy coldish day; south wind blowing. Brown went to Sharff this morning and has not come back.
Monday July 30. Lina and I milked after coffee.
The rest of the forenoon I sawed wood with the buck saw. Willie fell with
his horse this forenoon in the cañada and now can hardly walk. Brown came
home this forenoon; he lost his horse, halter, sinch, reindes etc in the night,
near Chavarri’s colony. I brought up some oxen this forenoon before
dinner, and this afternoon I plowed with negro and overo where the potatoes
were. Brown harrowed the maiz together and Lariana burned it. I
drove the horses to the corral this evening with the lill saino gordo;
they were pretty far, on the other side of the cañada. Uncle and Adolph
are making the bebida at the puesto. It was a coldish day; south wind
Tuesday July 31. We gave rodeo this morning to
Las Chupinas, I and Faria attachared the rodeo They parted about eight.
I rode my alisan. It was a bitter cold frosty morning. The rest of
the forenoon I and Lariana plowed in the potatoe ground. Clark of Las
Castaneas and their servant girl stopped, on the way to Rosario at noon.
The puestos cattle got mixed with ours today, so I went down with Tristian and
parted them out with a great deal of trouble. I then went to the puesto,
drove Lomas cattle off, and seen uncle and Adolph making the bebida.
Adolph Angel is sick in bed. In coming home I drove the horses to the
corral. I rode the saino of the yegua picasa tropilla. Brown looked
for his horse to day but could not find him. I afterwards cut, alfalfa
etc. It was a very cold day. south wind blowing.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Wednesday Aug. 1. It was a cloudy morning. I went to Sharffs today in the little wagon with the two saino
Stiefels after corn meal and sack of flour. I started at eight, got there, loaded up, had bill made out and came home
by 11:30 A.M. It rained some on the road, but I had my poncho on. This afternoon the raine turned into snow,
but it melted as it got to the ground. I turned bolas this afternoon. I drove all of the horses to the corral this
evening with ‘blue legs’, a bad business in the snow storm, awfully cold. the snow froze hard on ones breast.
Helped lock in the cattle afterwards. Locked the horses into the field tonight, and threw hay over to them. It was a very cold snowy day.
Thursday Aug. 2. Didnot milk this morning because the calves were not in. It was a very disagreeable and cold forenoon. It did not rain much in the night. I turned this forenoon. Willie’s leg is getting better now. Kunz came today; too cold to work and nothing to eat at Thompsons. I drove the horses to the corral this evening with the little sainito; they were scattered; afterwards helped drive in the cattle. The sun came out this afternoon, but it was very cold. Angel is sick yet.
August 3. Friday. Lina and I milked outside of the corral this morning as the corral is too muddy. Afterwards Faria and I went over to Las Rosas to look for overo negro novillo we bought of Mrs. Angel. We found him among some “tame cattle also a little torito of ours which we parted out without any trouble. Got back just before dinner. I plowed a little this afternoon. Clark and his servant girl stopped in going home this afternoon; taking some potatoes along. I drove the horses to the corral this evening with the fat little saino; he is bad about the mouth. Uncle and Adolph fixed the bebida at the puesto today. Brown got bucked off of the overo bombero, and is now quite lame.
August 4. Saturday. Lina and I milked after coffee. There was a heavy frost this morning. The rest of the forenoon I and Adolph plowed. We cut a furrow, a crooked one. This after noon I also plowed. They butchered this afternoon. I drove together the horses this evening on Charlie’s sulejo. It was a very pleasant day. Rather cold in the morning and evening.
Sunday August 5. After coffee Lina and I milked. After dressing I fixed my milking stool, etc. I also mended my reindes today. Adolph went to Cañada Gomez and brought out some “Standards”. Kunz also came today and stops over night; he is nearly finished at Thompsons. I began taking the hair off of my lonja de potro this afternoon. I drove together the horses this evening with the big white trotter, and then cut alfa etc. We have our black cohudo tied up as he goes with acheno yeguas. It was a warm day but a strong north wind prevailed.
Monday August 6. I plowed this forenoon, for the first time with bayo and overo Heinrich. Willie drove the first vuelte. They pulled very fast, but bayo is too quick for old Heinrich. I plowed a big piece. This afternoon I plowed with Negro and toro. Josephine and Willie visited Las Rosas this afternoon. I drove a part of the horses up this evening with the little bayo, and then the rest with the redomon rosillo; he is quite tame, and has a fine gallop. Uncle and Adolph were at the jaguel at the puesto today. It was a very warm and pleasant forenoon but the afternoon got cloudy, little south wind blowing. Lariana is harrowing the maiz chala together. Ramon and his family are here yet.
Tuesday August 7. I plowed this forenoon with bayo and meztizo; they pull first rate. This afternoon I finished the potatoe
land with negro and toro, and began another piece at the other end of the field. Brown and Adolph also plowed today. Lariana finished
harrowing maiz chala today, and this afternoon hunted leña
de vaca. I drove together the horses this evening with my alisan, and then drove up the rest with a redomon laguna. a
miserable laguna mancarone. I tied up bayo and meztizo to alfalfa, to use in the morning. It was a cloudy day looked
like rain; south wind.
Wednesday, August 8. As soon as I got up I gave bayo and meztizo maiz and right after coffee I harnessed up and went to plowing. Adolph and Lariana also plowed. Brown cut furrows. I plowed more this forenoon than Adolph and Lariana together. At noon I and Herman pulled up water. I plowed this afternoon with negro and toro. I drove together the horses this evening with the saino of the tropillo yegua picasa. Willie was at Sharffs today to have the bars of iron made for the balde sin fondo at the ajuel at the puesto. It was a warm delight ful day, but a very heavy frost in the morning.
Thursday August 9. I began plowing again right after coffee with bayo and meztizo. I finished a land this forenoon. Lariana and Adolph also plowed. This afternoon I helped Willie haul two loads of brick dirt in the dump cart to the front of the corral puerto. I drove together the horses this evening with the sainito, pulled up water with Herman, cut alfalfa, and tied up the two plough horses. Uncle took Kuns into Cañada de Gomez in little wagon. Kunz comes out again in a couple of weeks to work for the neighbors. I have sore hands. It was a very cold morning, heavy frost, but the day was hot.
Friday August 10. I got up early, gave bayo and meztizo maiz, and right after coffee began plowing. Plowed twenty-two vueltes this forenoon. Suarez Armstrong, and two other gentlemen stopped to dinner on their way up north today, with a lot of servants. I plowed this afternoon with overo Heinrich and old negro for the first time; they go pretty good. Got 50 oranges of the pulpero for $1.00. I drove together the horses this evening with the fat little saino. It was a very pleasant day; quite hot. South wind began blowing again. Adolph and Lariana only plowed this forenoon, and this afternoon hauled brick dirt to the corral puerto. Uncle came back from Canada de Gomez today.
Saturday Aug. 11. I got up early gave bayo and meztizo maiz and then right after coffee began plowing. I finished one piece and began another. This afternoon I plowed with overo Heinrich and old negro. They did not go good at first but afterwards plowed a good deal. I drove the horses to the corral this evening with Charlies sulejo. Adolph and Lariana plowed this forenoon and this afternoon Adolph went to Sharffs to get the two iron bars from Sharffs for the well but they were not finished yet. It was a hot day, south wind going.
Sunday August 12. I did not help milk this morning, as Lina milks now. After towards I turned two talera handles
off on the lathe. one nice one for a long lash. It was a very hot day; sultry just like in summer. I have Charlie’s
trunk now to put the clothes in. I did not do much this afternoon. I drove the horses to the corral this evening with the big
white trotter. Three Swiss fellows came from Roldan this evening; suppose to see Lina. Some apartadores also came to part out tomorrow.
Monday Aug 13. I got up early, gave bayo and meztizo maiz and right after coffee g began plowing; I finished one piece
and with Lariana (who was also plowing) cut out two more lands. The three Swiss fellows went off again at noon. I plowed this
afternoon with ‘overo Heinrich’, and old ‘negro’. It was exceedingly hot today so I could not plow very much.
Sr. Gomez of Porteño was here today. I drove the horses to the corral this evening with the little bayo. They capared 8 milch
calves today. It looks as if a storm was coming as it is so still hot day.
Tuesday Aug 14. I gave the bayo and meztizo maiz before coffee and right after coffee I began plowing. I ploughed a good deal
24 vueltes. Willie went to Cañada Gomez this afternoon taking negro and overo; as laguna would not pull and could not find the
other horses. I did not plow this afternoon, so I found the horses in the cañada. I rode the gateado.
I afterwards drove all the horses to the corral. Willie went in to bring Mrs. Brant out, as she is sickly. Faria has covered my
bolas at last, very nicely. I cut alfalfa this evening. There was a very heavy fog this morning and this evening it gets cloudy.
Wednesday Aug. 15. I began plowing after breakfast with bayo and young Stiefel, he goes for the first time;
he goes pretty good, but bayo pulls too fast for him. Brown and Lariana also plowed in the forenoon, and in the after noon Adolph plowed
in my place. At noon Willie came with Mrs. Brant and a little daughter of hers. This afternoon it was quite wet and drizzly.
I brought up the horses from down the canada, and afterwards drove the rest to the corral from the other side. Silva is here with
1500 which of cattle which he locks in our corral. It was a very disagreeable day, misty, drizzly, wet &c.
Thursday Aug. 16. I began plowing this morning as soon as the horses came with bayo and meztizo. I finished one piece and helped Lariana lay out another. Silva went off with the cattle early in the morning. This afternoon I plowed with negro and toro with Lariana. Uncle and Adolph worked at the aguel at the puesto.
I drove together the horses this evening with the fat malacara which was so rengo. A bath is given tonight by the wash woman in the puesto in the cañada. Adolph Lina, Liza, and Lariana have gone. It was a very pleasant day. little south wind blowing.
Friday Aug. 17. The girls and Adolph came home about 5 o’clock this morning from the dance at the puesto. I plowed this morning with bayo and the laguna, for the first time. He did not go good at first but afterwards went first rate. This afternoon I used meztizo and young stiefel; They made a great deal of trouble at first but afterwards went first rate. This evening I drove together the horses with the lazy little white horse. A wagon from up country came this evening to sell dulce (tuña) cojinillos, lassos etc. Herman bought a sobre puesto for $3.00. There was a heavy frost this morning, but the day was pleasant. They finished putting up the balde sin fondo at the puesto.
Saturday Aug. 18. I began plowing this morning as soon as the horses came, with bayo and the laguna; finished the piece. This afternoon I plowed with meztizo and young stiefel, helping Adolph & Lariana finish the last piece in the bigger field. I drove together the horses this evening with ‘blue legs’. The estancia ‘52’ have a lot of novillos locked in our corral over night. It was a pleasant day north windy; heavy frost this morning.
Sunday Aug. 19. 1877. We had rodeo this morning as that Angel could part out some cattle from the puesto. In chasing
a calf Charlie’s sulejo bucked me off. very hard so that the bottom of my back bone hurts very much. He parted out about seven.
I turned a bola off for the capataz this morning of Quebracho. This afternoon we capared toros out in the camp. capared 8, I caught 3.
I rode Charlie’s sulejo and in coming home I drove the horses to the corral and locked them in the field all night. Brown went to
the pulperia this afternoon and Willie val pumped water some in his place. When Brown came home he was half drunk, and said
there were too many patrones here, and settled up and is going off tomorrow. It was a very foggy forenoon but this afternoon it was very hot.
I am getting a swollen up fore finger of the right hand, where an old cut was.
Monday Aug. 20. We put the cattle on the rodeo this forenoon and capared toros. Willie, I, Faria Adolph, Vicenti, Angel and Lariana. I lassoed three. I broke my lasso into three pieces and lost the longest piece. capared about 25. This afternoon I tried to put bayo and the laguna into the plow, but the laguna would not pull, and the bayo run off, had a great deal of trouble; hit laguna over the head. I drove the horses to the corral this evening with the little saino gordo. This evening I began taking Spanish lessons from the teacher. It was a very pleasant day.
Tuesday, Aug. 21st. I began plowing this morning with bayo and old negro. in the field below the alfalfa. Adolph and Lariana cut out furrows this forenoon; the ground is very hard and negro is lazy. This afternoon I plowed with oxen as no horses were here; until they came I turned a talera handle for Lariana. I plowed with overito and overo. until 4:30 P.M. when I went to drive the horses to the corral with the little sainito. They were very scattered and some were missing. I ride Mexican saddle now. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes were here this afternoon. I studied Spanish again this evening with the teacher. (pronouns). It was a warm day, north wind blowing.
Wednesday Aug. 22. I got up very early, gave bayo and mezitzo maiz and right after coffee began plowing; plowed a good deal this forenoon; 32 vueltes. The ground is very hard and dry. This afternoon I plowed with overo and negro. I gave Lariana a nice talera handle. Brown came back this afternoon, found work at the 51 estancia. I drove together the horses this evening on the saino empagador. Young Stiefel is missing. Afterwards gave the plow horses hay. It was a very windy (north) warm ugly day.
Thursday Aug. 23. I began plowing after coffee with bayo and meztizo. This afternoon plowed with negro and overo; plowed very much today. rested but once this afternoon. A manga of langostas came this afternoon from the south and settled in the camp outside the chacras. Mr. and Mrs. Kemmis called this evening. I drove together the horses this evening with the malacara of the overa yegua tropilla, and then gave the plow horses hay. The south began blowing today very hard. Adolph plows with oxen. Lariana also this forenoon. Studied Spanish with the teacher this evening.
Friday, Aug. 24. I got up early, gave bayo and meztizo, maiz, and right after coffee began plowing. This afternoon I plowed with negro and overo. I plowed a good deal today. My plow point is very dull so I am going to take a bigger plow. Nicholson stopped here to dinner on his way to Cañada Gomez and left a horse here. Willie found young Stiefel at Stiefels. I drove together the horses this evening with the big white trotter. Silva and a lot of men and horses are staying over night on thier way to Suarez (norte). Studied Spanish with the teacher this evening. (verbs) (haber) It was a cool cloudy day.
Saturday Aug. 25. It got up very early this forenoon, gave bayo and meztizo maiz and right after coffee began plowing; I plowed
a whole piece this forenoon 30 varas wide. The grass hoppers came in great numbers this forenoon, settling every where but not caring to eat
anything. I did not plow this afternoon because no horses were here. Willie and Faria went to Las Rosas this forenoon to help them
capar toros. Mr. Lett called here this afternoon; he holds service tomorrow at Las Rosas. Mr Nicholson stopped here on his way home
this afternoon. Tregarthen’s peon came this evening (drunk) after maiz and potatoes and stops over night. It was a cloudy day
and looks like rain.
Sunday Aug. 26. I took a good bath this morning and put on my good clothes. I and Johnnie pulled up water this forenoon.
A great many grass hoppers came this forenoon and I chased them most of the forenoon. Willie, Josephine and Mrs. Brant went to church this
forenoon at Las Rosas. I made me a nice talera handle this forenoon mo drilled a hole in to it and loaded it with lead. I
drove together the horses this evening with the little bayo. tied up the two plow horses and gave them hayo. This afternoon it good
to be very windy (south) cloudy day.
Monday, Aug. 27. Before coffee I gave overo and negro maiz and right after coffee harnessed up. I plowed a good deal this forenoon (36 vueltes. This afternoon I plowed with bayo and meztizo. Willie and Faria went to Las Rosas this forenoon to help them capar toros. I drove together the horses this evening with Charlie’s sulejo. and gave the two plow horses hay. Kunz came this evening from Cañada Gomez, and is going to work at Smither’s estancia. I studied Spanish this evening with the teacher, verbs: (aux) (haber, ser, estar) The boil on my forehead is getting ripe. This forenoon it was very pleasant, but this afternoon it got north windy.
Tuesday, Aug. 28 I plowed this forenoon with negro and overo, and this afternoon finished the piece with bayo and meztizo. Willie and Josephine went to Tregarthens today with Mrs. Brant and daughter who stays there a couple of days. Mr. Silva came again with cattle this afternoon and stops over night. He sent in a piece of ‘carne-con-cuero’. It was an exceedingly windy day (south). I drove together the horses this evening with my alisan.
Wednesday Aug. 29. I, Uncle and Vicenti planted potatoes this forenoon in a piece of ground between the trees. I plowed with
overo and negro and they dropped; every third furrow 18 inches a part. This afternoon I began plowing with bayo between the trees.
It goes first rate. T I drove together the horses this evening with the little saino. It was a windy (south) coldish day.
Thursday 30 Aug. Today is Santa Rosa. I plowed between the trees this forenoon with meztiza. Herman helped me cut out the furrows and there he went first rate. I gave the capataz his balas [bolas] today; he likes them. This afternoon plowed with bayo between the trees. My redimon saino was missing but they found him among the yeguas near the puesto. Adolph finished the field plowing this afternoon. I drove together the horses this evening with the saino of the yegua picasa tropilla. A frost this morning, and it was a pleasant day.
Friday Aug. 31. As soon as the horses came I began plowing between the trees with meztizo. I He goes first rate.
This afternoon I plowed with overo between the trees; he does not go very well alone, is lazy and mañero. Mrs. Brandt and daughter
came back from Tregarthens this afternoon. Mr. Clark brought her. I drove together the horses this evening with the fat malacara.
A native of bad reputation came this evening, got to take care of our horses Willie was at ‘La Independencia’ today. There was a
frost this foren morning, but the day was warm and windy. (north) Going to Cañada Gomez tomorrow with Mrs. Brand.
Adolph and Vicenti began harrowing today.–
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Saturday Sept. 1. I did not plow this forenoon but got ready to take Mrs. Brant in to Cañada Gomez in the afternoon. We started about 1.30 P.M. Taking the two Stiefels. Arrived there about 5 o’clock. Didn't talk much on the road. Got mail etc. had boots measured for my self of yellow leather. got boots and shoes for Girard and Mrs. Faria. I got my self a ‘freno’ for $1.00, and rings for $1.50. Spent all my money and a little more to. Had supper at Snacks. Went to bed at 8.30 P.M. It was a very pleasant day.
Sunday Sept. 2. After coffee after making some purchases I drove out again to ‘La California.’ Arrived there
just in time for dinner. There were a great many grass hoppers between here and Suarez. I drove together the horses this evening
with Charlie’s sulejo. He goes first rate with the new ‘freno’. Locked the horses into the lane this evening and
threw them hay over. Adolph domared a potro of his this evening. It was a cloudy day.
Monday Sept 3. This forenoon I plowed between the trees with meztizo: it goes very hard for one horse so I did not plow much. This afternoon I plowed between the trees with bayo; am nearly finished. It was a very hot day, horses sweat a good deal. I drove together the horses this evening with the big white trotter. A manga of langostas flew past this evening; northwards. Adolph and Vicenti are harrowing and taming novillos. Willie Faria and Angel had rodeo at Sosas today and got 9 animals. Willie bought a laguna of Angel for $20.
Tuesday. Sept. 4. I finished plowing in between the trees with old bayo, and then plowed a piece between the trees to plant peas, with overo and negro; they did not work very well. Clark left a horse here at noon on his way to Cañada Gomez. I did not do much this afternoon, burned up the broom corn etc. Willie went to Larguias today but he was not at home. I drove together the horses this evening on the little bayo. We parted out a milch cow from the cattle this evening; I lassoed the calf bully on horse back. It was a very hot day; like summer. north wind blowing; it is getting dry.
Wednesday Sept. 6. This morning I helped Adolph yoke up to harrow, and then went to work to plant peas in a patch between the trees. This forenoon planted eight rows and this afternoon four; a bucket full was soaked. Sosa gave to Willie an ostrich and this afternoon Willie and Adolph went to get it in the little wagon. We put it in the back yard. I rode the redimon rosillo of the yegua picasa tropillo to drive the horses to the corral this evening. it is quite tame and has a fine gallop. It was a hot day with a north wind blowing. The yankee native is here yet, and is making a sinch of a fish line for Willie.
Thursday Sept. 7. I helped Herman pulling up water after coffee, and then went to work again at planting peas. I finished the piece early in the afternoon, in all 22½ rows. It was very hot today So this afternoon Willie and I went to the puesto to take a bath in the bileta. By the time we got there it got cool, so Willie did not go in, but I alone. In coming back I drove up most of the horses with the lazy little white horse. I rode my redimon saino afterwards to drive up the rest of the horses. He was quite tame and went splendidly; I helped Johnnie drive up a wild milch cow, with its calf with a long rope tied on to it, when he jumped over the rope and then buck me off. There is also a tropero staying here over night with a few thousand head of cattle bought in the neighborhood. It was a very hot cloudy day, and looks as if a tormento was coming.
Friday Sept 8. I began raining this morning about 5 oclock and continued a couple of hours. Couldnot do anything outside so I finished my cabezada and turned me off a nice arriador of quebracho colorado. It was very warm today, growing weather. Didnot do much this afternoon. Bought a pair of horn stirrups from Willie for a dollar. I looked for Willie’s reins I lost yesterday but could not find them. I drove together the horses this evening with the fat malacara. Two natives are here and want to buy fat cows and novillos. It was a delightful day. butchered this afternoon. A good many cattle dealers are around now.
Saturday Sept. 9. The cattle dealers went with Willie to look at the cattle of the puesto: they offered $18 for cows and $15 for novillos gold but we did not want to. This forenoon I planted pepper trees around the alfalfa field where there were missing. This afternoon I pulled water with Johnnie, and fixed the fence by the corral. I went down to the cattle this evening and Willie drove together the horses. I rode ‘blue-legs’. We parted out a cow for a milch cow; bluelegs can pechar very well. It was a cloudy, and looks as if it would rain again. Large manga of grasshoppers flew past today.
Sunday Sept 10. I had my hair cut this forenoon by uncle. It was a very triste sunday very windy (north) Josephine got a box today from Shreiber, with a beautiful boquet, a double pearl ring, etc and a doll baby. It was brought by a passing wagon. I drove together the horses this evening with Charlie’s sulejo, they were not far.
Monday, Sept 11. I helped Johnnie in the corral this morning with a wild cow, and afterwards plowed where the broom corn stood with bayo
and meztizo. I began planting peas beans this forenoon between the trees also this afternoon altogether 13 rows.
It was exceedingly hot today. Adolph and Willie cleaned the grass hoppers out of the ajuel this afternoon. I deove together the
horses this evening with the big white trotter. He goes very well. I studied Spanish this evening with the teacher.
A tormento is coming up.
Tuesday Sept. 12. Last night it hailed and rained with a very hard south west wind. This forenoon I plant melons, (10 rows)
between the trees, and this afternoon began planting sandias. Mr. Kemmis was here today, and says we are offered $B13
silver for our novillos 2½ years up all. We are going to do it.
Willie went to Las Rosas and Lomas this afternoon. I drove together the horses this evening with the little sainito, some were near Rosas
ajuel. A strong south wind blew last night today, so it was cool.
Wednesday, Sept. 13. It was quite cold this morning. This forenoon I and Adolph cut the field into furrows to plant maiz; very crooked ones on account of the grass and oxen. This afternoon we began planting maiz. I and Adolph plowing with oxen and uncle dropping. It is very bad to plant on account of the grass. I drove together the horses this evening on the little saino that was lame. Lariana is teaching the teachers owl to talk. It was a coldish day with a south wind. We sent Tristian away from the puesto as he has a bad foot, and put Vicenti in his place.
Sunday Sept 17. The last couple of days we have been planting maiz. I and Adolph plowing and uncle dropping; forenoon with horses and after noons with oxen. We make a piece fifty varas wide every day. It is very bad to plow on account of the grass; plow just shoves the ground on to one side. Johnnie drives the horses up evenings in my place. North wind had been blowing and last night twelve o’clock the first tormento of the season came accompanied by hail, thunder and lots of rain. This forenoon it rained a little and then cleared up with a strong south wind. This forenoon I turned me another nice arriedor handle. I took a good bath this morning. Mr. Thompson paid us a visit this afternoon. I drove together the horses this evening the little bayo.
Monday Sept. 18. This forenoon we capared toros on the rodeo. I rode my malacara. We were Adolph, Angel, Tristian,
Faria, Larianas friend, etc Herman & Johnnie attachared the rodeo. We capared about 50. When we were about finished when
the two peones from Las Rosas came to help us; with the rezero who is going to buy our novillos; he is going all ours 2½ years
up @$B13 silver. I fell off my horses on the rodeo.
Transcription notes: The diary entries end abruptly with September 18, on page 164. Pages 165 through 303 are unused, i.e. they are blank. We have no clue why Alfred stopped writing. There are two notes made after that date. Both are innocuous. The first note (on page 311) is about parting out cattle, the second (on the back cover) is: “Wrote letter to Harry Burmeister Oct. 15. 1877.” Why on the back cover? Why not in the diary itself?
The last pages contain an intersting set of tables listing estancias, brands, and livestock. Except for the lists of brands, we have transcribed the rest. All inserts are included last.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Pages: 304 & 305 - Brands]
![]() Brands |
![]() Brands |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Pages: 306 through 310 are blank, 311 has a note made in 1878.]
Parted May 15 & 16 — ”78’
At Sharffs and his two puestos,
Hertz, Geo. Stiefel, Marco Selis. Parted 18 animals
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Pages: 312 & 313 - Milk cows & calves]
Date | 1876 | Cow | calf | |
June | 15 | overo negro Las Lyrias. | white cow | |
July | 23 | blanca overita
![]() |
red overita | bull |
Aug. | 29 | varosa. La Victoria | " aguel | cow |
Aug. | colorao gd.
![]() |
black | bull | |
Aug. | 24 | "
![]() |
Red | " |
Sept | "
![]() |
overo negra | cow | |
Oct | 15 | Black cow
![]() |
Brown | bull. (dead) |
Oct | 18 | varosa grande
![]() |
black | cow. |
Oct | 30 | blanca
![]() |
bayo | " |
Sept | 10 | Mocha overo negra
![]() |
red overita | " |
Oct | 6 | Blanca
![]() |
white | cow. |
Nov. | 15 | redish brown cow (large) | redish | " |
Nov. | 25 | white " " | bayo | bull |
Nov. | 12 | overo colorado " " | overa | cow (dead) |
Nov. | colorado chico
![]() |
red | bull | |
Nov | " grande
![]() |
red | " | |
Nov | 23 | blanca overita (uncles) | overita | " |
Dec. | 18 | negra chica Victoria | morro | " |
Dec. | 18 | redish Bauers cow ( |
overita | " |
Dec. | 16 | bayo (muy chica) | bayo | " |
1877 | ||||
Jan | 28 | baya (Las Lyrias) | bayo | bull |
Jan | 24 | colorada Bauers (chica) | overa | cow |
Jan | 5 | bayo
![]() |
bayo | bull. |
Feb | 4 | overa colorado Bauers (beauty) | blancita | " |
Feb | 9. | " negro (uncles) | red overa | cow |
Feb | 27 | rosillo vaquillona
![]() |
white overito | bull |
Mar. | 22 | overa negra (Victoria) | overa colorada | cow |
Mar. | 27 | varosa overita, Las Lyrias | blanca overo | " |
April | 7 | agimel (Victoria) | reddish | bull |
June | 19 | blancita
![]() |
overo red | " |
July | 23 | overo negro Jose Geite | overito blanco | " |
Aug | 17 | " (uncles) | overo colorado | |
Sept | Negro cruzou (uncles) | overo negro | co | |
Sept | Negro
![]() |
" " | bull | |
Sept | Bayo (viejo) | " " | cow | |
Oct | Colorado grande (uncles) | red | ||
Oct | Rosiilo meztizo of Las Rosas | rosillo | ||
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Page: 314 - Estancias]
La California | Benitz. |
Las Lomas | Dickenson. |
Las Rosas | Kemmis. |
Las Tres Lagunas | Watt. |
Las Lyrias | Pulperia. |
Las Esteros | Sharff. |
Las Turbias | Smithers. |
La Independencia | Smithers. |
Las Castaneos | Tregarthens. |
La Caledonia | |
La Britanica | Constable |
Las Leones | Posts. Blakes |
Las Troncos. | Martinez de Hoz. |
Las Chupinas. | " " " |
Las Victoria. | Mills. |
La Germania | Sharff. |
Los Dos Locos. | Watts brother. |
Las Chilcasas. | Sr Don Daniels. |
Los Algarrobas | |
Las Tigresitos. | |
Las Estacas | Chavarri. |
Las Taperitas | Trail |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Page: 315 - Horses]
1 | tortillo from Nile. Willies | $40 | Stolen. | |
1 | White " " Franks. | $60 | ||
1 | colorado (viejo) from Watt | $40 | Died. | |
1 | rosillo " " | |||
2 | sainos " native | 15 | ||
9 | Tropillo yegua bayo from Alvarez | 145 | ||
14 | " " dordillo " St. John. | $16 | ||
32 | 2 " from Larguia | $20 | ||
10 | horses " Paterson | $20 | ||
1 | varosa overo " Heinrich | $16 | ||
1 | bayo gateado from Kuns. | $16 | ||
1 | " " Schnack. | |||
1 | rosillo " Cordoba | $18 | ||
2 | sainos from Stiefel. | $30 | ||
1 | saino " Larguia | present. | ||
10 | tropillo " Faria | $15 | ||
1 | saino " Brown | 12 | ||
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Page: 316 - Cattle]
Bought. | silver | $ Bolivianos | ||
Jan. 1876 | 63 | from Paterson @ | $B10.50 | 661.50 |
Feb. "76 | 501 | " Manzilla @ | 9.50 | 4759.50 |
April "76 | 809 | " Tregarthen @ | 9.50 | 7685.50 |
" " | 284 | " Martin Perera @ | 7.00 | 1988.00 |
May "77 | 57 | " Las Rosas | 6.75 | 384.75 |
" "77 | 537 | " Martin Perera | 7.00 | 3759.00 |
Oct. "75 | 10 | milch cows (& calves) from La Victoria | $25 | 125.00 |
" " | 6 | " " " Las Lyrias | 25 | 75.00 |
May 76 | 17 | tame cattle " Bauers | $200 | |
386 | calves marked May 25 1877. | |||
May 1877. | Counted 1908 head of cattle (with uncles) without the tame or new. May 1877. |
May 30 | 76 | milch cattle May 30 1877. | ||
Apr. 14. | 22 | doctors cattle put in our charge April 14 1877. | ||
Sept | Sold 93 novillos. 2½ years up @ | $B13 | 1209.00 | |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Page: 317 - Oxen]
10 | from Sharff (3 killed) | $20 | ||
2 | " Sosa | 30 | ||
2 | " Stiefel | $35 | ||
4 | " Smithers (1 lost) | $25 & $30 | ||
5 | " Chupinas | 25 & 30 | ||
3 | " Schmack | |||
2 | " Colonist. | |||
3 | black oxen one tamed | |||
1 | bayo " " " | |||
3 | from Alvarez cunado. | |||
2 | " " | |||
1 | red toruno we tamed | |||
1 | overo colorado " " | |||
1 | blanco overita " " | |||
2 | osko overo " " | |||
1 | overo colorado
![]() |
1 | "
![]() |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Page: 318, 319, & 320 - Brands]
![]() Brands (p.318) |
![]() Brands (p.319) |
![]() Brands (p.320) |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Fly sheets & back cover]
![]() Fly (p.321) |
![]() Fly |
![]() Inside back cover |
![]() Back Cover |
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Inserts tucked in the back.]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)