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Alfred A. Benitz | Page last modified: |
![]() 1901 - First Entry |
Ea. Los Palmares
Alfred wrote most of the entries in the “Los Palmares” day-book; however:
Other items of interest:
Employees: Alfred did not list his emplyees during 1901. He fired 2 and one left (likely for a better position at another estancia).
Transcription Notes: The day-book has been transcribed as written, verbatim, without corrections to spelling or grammar. Anything we have added is enclosed within [square brackets, with our comments in italics.] (Transcribed by: Michael Mohr-Bell)
Written in English by Alfred & others, the day-book is full of Spanglish terms as well as many other terms unfamiliar to us today. To assist with names (people & places), maps, measures, currencies, and Spanglish terminology, we have created a set of Reference pages. The reference pages open in a separate tab / window making them available in parallel to the diary (i.e. this window).
February, 1901
Alfredo came back from down south yesterday where he had been since Dec/22. Was at
Left | Palmares | Dec | 22 |
" | Calchaquí | " | 23 |
" | Rosario | " | 24 |
" | La California | Jan | 7 |
" | Rosario | " | 7 |
" | Cruz Grande | Feb | 2 |
" | Victoriano | " | 6 |
" | Monterey | " | 7 |
" | Victoriano | " | 8 |
" | La California | " | 16 |
" | Estacas | " | 17 |
" | La California | " | 19 |
" | Rosario | " | 21 |
" | Santa Fé | " | 23 |
" | Calchaquí | " | 24 |
Had a good time up in the Sierras, and as soon as got back William went up and left me in charge. Had to go to Rosario and Santa Fé on a/c of multa for want of guia for wool, saw Rodolfo Freire, & Carlos Aldao & made solicitud
Here found everything looking very well & plenty of water. . The indians 2 moons ago had been about but did not steal here, as were on the watch for them.- Same peones as before except Damasio Ojedo who was discharged on account of suspicion of carnearing.
Baldomero had parted at Vara Calchaqui 4 mares, 1 potrillo 2 yr orechano and one of 1½ yr.– 5 of Godoys 1 orechano.–
Had fixed up ramada new again, fixed corral, pesebre, house, cut alfalfa. Had on rodeos for Verde people, for Livingston & Juan Martin. J. Sanchez had brought 4 cows of ours from Morells. Hauled 15 cart loads of alfa from old chacra 1 cut.
Rained here on following dates – Jan 12, 20, 22 - 24 – Feb 7 & 15,
and 22nd –
Cattle are in splendid condition & looks like a good paricion.- Had capared about 108 bulls & discornared 8.-
Weather had been very hot last week until 22 when had storm & hard rain.-
Baldomero & 2 peones & boy went yesterday with gente of Hartenecks to part at Nicolas Dayers. Sent Domingo Sanchez to Micheluds to see when would parar rodeo to see about buying. Francisco went with machine to cut alfa at Hartenecks.-
Fine day. Making out accounts.–
Had also parted at Hartenecks 3 toros & 13 cows? Justo Mayenfish also had been here and looked at bulls in potrero seems price asked by Collins too high. Also had hauled 16 palms & 231 tejas from Palmar. –
Tied up the two bayos (Alfreds) in volante and afterwards sent them over to Hartenecks for sale for $200. Fixed corral. Francisco Gerun came back from cutting Hartenecks alfa.-
Baldomero & gente came back from Dällers having parted 5 animals. It was a hot day 90° & looks stormy. Julian Sanchez passed on way from Calchaquí.
Alfredo and Elias [Ledesma] went down to Silvano Micheluds and saw his 2 rodeos about 2400 alltogether and tratared for his animals of countermark excepting bulls and cows with small calves. The mark has not been used for two marcaciones so they are all 3 year old & over. Price $1800 part before 15th March. It was a very hot morning but had a shower about 10.30 A.M. and again in evening but only slightly.- Parted out 3 bulls from Micheluds and put them into Salado potrero.- Brought señueleros & 5 oxen from potrero for rodeo work tomorrow. -
Had on rodeo Palmar about 2000 & parted out about 15 old cows most with calves, some oxen, and toritos and disembechared; afterwards rodeo Salado about 2000 and parted also about 12 old cows and some oxen and toritos. In afternoon had on rodeo Estancia and also parted 3 or 4 old cows and some toritos.- Micheluds sent to part. J Sanchez promised to come but did not turn up. Miguel Barga was here. It was a very hot close day. Report 3 indians had been seen at Bulis who shot one.
March, 1901
Had on rodeo del Medio and parted out about 28 old cows & bad colours, also 3 new señueleros. Rodeo about 4000 head but some cattle from yesterday’s rodeos also mixed. Weather warm.-
Had on rodeo Mistolar 3000 & Tapera 1500 in forenoon, and parted about 40 old cows & some toritos. Gente then marched to Loma with areo to parar rodeo dela Loma. Julian Sanchez was here paid him $400. M. Fraire here for night tratared with him for about 150 old cows of José Paz’s @ $19.00 It was a very hot day strong NE wind.-
Sunday. Had quite a heavy rain this morning early.- A was down at Lomo Poi sent up to potrero Salado 10 fat old cows & 1 lame novillo or blacks, señueleros, 4 bullocks.– Put into South potrero 96 toritos (many of which are to capar, 121 ? or 117 old cows and of bad colours.– 4 novillos Elias 1 cow of Elias, 2 novillos of Damasio. Of the old cows put into potrero about 18 are old milch cows, and nearly all of the cows have calves at foot.
Also 29 or 30 bullocks to fatten and sell. Have only reserved 6 bullocks (tame) to work & the young ones which Pancho and Tuerto Oriental had tamed.- Countermarked 2 calves for Michelud who parted 35 animals and entregared him 1 torito año for big novillo sent down in troop last April. Juan Martin here for night. Miguel Fraire also. Fine cool day, & rain will have done camp good.
Fine day, warm, good for camp. In afternoon had on rodeo Salado for M. Fraire and afterwards also [c’los ?] potrero, and he marched to J. Sanchez with 13 animals including a tambero bull sold him @ 35.–- for Juan Fredon.- Butchered capon.-
Butchered old cow. Sent over Paulino to revisar Julian’s rodeo.
Got carts ready to go to Palmar tomorrow.–
Fine warm day.
Tropita of R. Vera from Julian Sanchez 25 lock in corral tonight. Tied in saino of Robson’s mark.- .-
The 2 carts went this madrugada to Palmar to bring palmas. came back tonight empty as broke the lanzas with young bullocks.
Indians stole last night at Lomo Poi cutting fence where they cut Feb last year. A was alone here, so sent chasqui to Punta Laguna to avisar there.- Baldomero went down to La Loma to see what is stolen.
Tracks between 40 or 50.– Elias came with picaso tropilla. Eusebio Saavedro and nephew came this evening and stops night. Also Pacho from Pajaro Blanco. It was a hot day 90°, NE wind.-
Sacked Gabino for not recorrering early.-
Yesterday Hilario had juntared the yeguada to see what was missing, of the animals conocidos of ours are missing
1 madrina overo negro con cria 2 años
9 horses of “ “ tropilla
(guape, saino gde, alsansito, overo alasan, mala cara galleta, 2 varosas , 1 varosa Sosa, 1 tostado Sosa)
11 horses of Colorado viejos
1 yegua colorado mansa
1 caballo “ nuevos (gde)
They also had killed a potranca near fence
25 total besides 3 of Paolo Gonzales, 1 of Barco and quien sabe how many mares but no stallions or animals conocidos are missing. They had left 3 horses of Harteneck which they had stolen 2 months ago, and 4 more
1 rosillo – 1 saino
– 1 rosillo
1 barroso
(a mare of Pablo Gonzales
turned up outside also.–
The Comisario General Garcia turned up in morning with Escobar, asistente & 2 soldiers. Took him over on a paseo to J. Sanchez in trap but he was not at home. Saavedro & nephew left with milk cow & 2 calves of hisn’. Sent Elias Machengo, Gonzalez & young Barga to Cisigru [Cacique ?] to part 150 cows Miguel had offered.–
Very hot day 92°– Carts did not bring palms as lanzas broke. Today went to monte and brought some more lanzas
Took Garcia & Co on a paseo up Palmar. They left this afternoon. Huber from point of lake sent word he followed up indians on 6th but turned back on account of want of water: the indians had left the mogotes about a league and a half to the east. Julian Sanchez brought box encomienda from Calchaquí. Carts left tonight for Palmar to bring palms.–
Very hot muggy day 90 34°
Another very hot day with north wind 35°– Carts came back from Palmar in morning early bringing 13 palms.
Zenobio Ponce moved to potrero to take place of Gabino as puestero. Nothing especial going on.
Sunday. Nothing going on, and very hot day, with N wind 36°.-
Butchered cow in afternoon.
Carts left 1 A.M. and brought 16 palms tonight. A. recorrered down at Paso & Harteneck’s.- Young Villalba and Camilo came to look at their animals which are in South potrero. (letter in Copy book), & go there tomorrow.—
Valentino Bravo came this evening with the bullocks he had of ours: receive them tomorrow. Cut the west half of new alfalfar.- Another very hot day. N wind 36°.–
Valentin Bravo entregared the 41 oxen he had, he offered $150 for a yunta.
Hauled in the alfa today (5 loads).–
Elias came from Cacique with 94 cows he had parted from M. Fraires (7 had escaped) at the corral at Isleta Sola as he had parted 101. There were no more.- Xcept vaquillas. Another very hot day 96°. Strong north wind. Cornelio Noriego was here.
A came back from Micheluds and Lomo Poi where he had gone to dispatch tropa day before yesterday. Machengo & 7 men take tropa. Parted yesterday:– 298 cows & novillos countermark @ 18.-- from Silvano Michelud and also 5 calves he gave 1, and 1 was included in bargain for Rosillo bull
and $50.) and the other 3 @ 8.00 apiece, also 48 novillos from Pancho Michelud @ $25.00 – also sent 90 of Miguel Fraire cows @ $19.-- (put 4 in potrero) 11 of Portalis novillos $25. which had been left here in tropa of December, and 3 novillos @ 25 and 1 cow @ 18 of Elias Ledesma- Making a total of 456 animals entregared to Machengo.- The last 3 days had been fearful hot (38° yesterday) and very bad for working on account of dust. Sent Baldomero and gente over to Lucero to part this morning as they are giving rodeo. Got mail from Calchaqui.—
Had on rodeo in potrero about 900 and cattle looking very well. Sisto Martinez helped today.- Here nothing going on.- Camp getting dry.— Mail came from Calchaqui yesterday.
After a very hot nigh had a very refreshing rain this morning early and a very fine day.- Butchered cow in afternoon.–
Baldomero and gente not back yet.– Sent mail. Also butchered a capon, & 1 yesterday, & 1 day before.
Sunday. A was over at Martins rodeo. Baldomero and gente came back from Lucero & Plazo Grande rodeos, had parted 22 of Robsons & 4 of ours. Fine day.
Romulo went to Calchaqui with two wheeled horse cart for stores.
The 2 bullock carts went to Lomo Poi taking16 palms, 7
Baldomero went to Harteneck’s rodeo general with Elias and Domingo.
Warm day, N wind & looks stormy.–
Put 4 bulls and cow & calf of Robson into potrero (parted from Hartenecks).–
Cart came from Calchaqui bringing stores and correspondencia.
Carts came back from Lomo Poi.-
Blews men came from Gallareta for the oxen sold blew.
Strong south wind and freshening looks like a seca.-
Went down to Lomo Poi and delivered 61 bullocks to Garcilazo (Blew’s man) Cia de Tierras Vera) he rechazared 8 as they were 69: put the 8 back into south potrero. @ $50 each. Carts took 16 palms to Lomo Poi and stop there to haul a couple of loads of woods to there from Michelud’s camp. It was a fine day and quite a fresh night.-
A was over at Hartenecks to see about the line fence north of Elia’s puesto.- Goes from Curupi near monte on Calchaqui straight to fence between Hartencks & Dayer’s.- Elias & Baldomero capared 5 mañero bulls on Calchaqui below Mistolar. Strong East wind. Shooting parrots.
Strong dry east wind.- Caferata juntaring maiz.- Nothing especial going on.
Fixed 2 wheeled horse cart. Ewaldino reports indian tracks in monte. Cart men still at Lomo Poi hauling leña.- Making up books. .
Recorrered Palmar. Getting very dry and no water up there. Carts came back from Lomo Poi.- Deruteo brothers here for breakfast. lent them 2 horses to go to Calchaqui.- It was a fine day.-
Sunday. Francisco cut old alfa today. Warm day NE wind. Nothing going on. Caferata shooting parrots which are doing a lot of damage to maiz. He had gathered maiz today and yesterday. Photographing.-
Getting in the alfa. Young Tom Moore, Reynolds, Sam Gibson, & 3 more came to part bulls. Sent them to Lomo Poi for the night. Fine day, bit warm at noon.- S.E wind & a bit cloudy.
Had on rodeo in South potrero for the people who came for bulls.
Moore parted 49 and 1 of Elias = 50. @ 35. 1 of Moores afterwards came back.
D. Morgan parted 6 @ 35
C. Reynolds 1 bull & 3 vaq @ 35.
Total 2100.
Paid order on Hartenecks 1200 and cash 900. Sent the mark with them, for them to send back again. Warm day. Elias helping H Martinez fixing corral at Loma Poi.–
Juan Fillon & brother here for night.-
Got in alfa –- total 6 loads. Go to Calchaqui tmorrow.-
A Came back f Calchaqui where he had gone yesterday in trap. Dispatched certificate for bulls. Moore says he lost 1 bull in Micheluds camp. I said we would receive it again.–
Saw Blew in Calchaqui, also Comisario, Harteneck, etc. Had the indio Jaime who was prisoner in Calchaqui on suspicion of stealing mare from Micheluds old camp in Monte Aguará let go again.- Mr Bellemare of Portalis came along to see bulls at Lomo Poi tomorrow. Peones hauling leña to ensenada, & estancia for marcacion.- Weather dry and east wind. 32°.–
Peones came with leña and then went over to Harteneck’s to help marcacion.-
Went down with Gustavo Bellimar to look at rodeo in south potrero. He liked the quality of the bulls, but thought they were thin! Sent him with trap with Manuel to Calchaqui this morning to sleep at Elias’ puesto. Strong dry north wind and weather looks threatning. 34°.- Francisco went to Calchaqui with two horses which to bring out new horse cart made by Corti Hnos Reconquista. $380. Camp getting dry.–
A. was over at Harteneck’s marcacion where all our gente are working. It was an awful day strong north wind, hot 35°, and tonight a tremendous dust storm and a good rain which still continues 7 P.M.- Francisco came back from Calchaqui with new horse cart, and a few stores.- Horses of pesebre cleared out in hail storm.-
Good rain last night but not enough to juntar much water here, but at puesto had enough to fill the esteros. Splendid day.-
Mr & Mrs A Harteneck and Dn Pancho were here in afternoon on a visit. G. Martin here for the night. Baldomero and gent down at Lomo Poi to work rodeos tomorrow.-
April, 1901
Butchered cow. Cloudy day. E wind and looks like rain. G.Martin was here.- The men parared rodeo in S potrero & rodeo dela Loma? A did not go down.–
Had on rodeo generales, Tapera about 1200, Mistolar 1.800, Medio. 5500, Estancia 1600. Dayers, Sanchez, Michaluds, & Mont Aguara people parting. Splendid day for work. Not many agenos.-
Had on rodeo Palmar 3500, afterwards Salado 1800, and potrero. Sanchez parted about 200 de marca, f other side of Salado 14, Harteneck’s 14 - & Nicolas Dayer about 100 Michelud 10 total about 338 animals. Drizzly sort of day & good for camp. G Martin here still.
Good Thursday. feast day. Butchered cow.- Put in 2 young horses in cart.- Martin left. Foggy morning. Splendid day.-
Good Friday.- Weather in morning looked threatning but in afternoon cleared off and quite cool. Nothing going on.
Put the finishing touches to corral for marcacion.- A was down at Lomo Poi Escobar, the Comisario Campo, had been rondaring the south alambrado since Monday (1st) and left again today.- It was a splendid day.-
Sunday. Butchered cow. Gente coming together for marcacion. Nothing going on.- Fine day. S wind, weather looks settled but barometer is still low.- Salado rising.
Began marcacion.- Rodeo Palmar about 2000 head (todo lo que piso.) had good lock in 9.30 a.m. & marked 312 calves by 1.30 P.M. Left them locked in and parared rodeo estancia about 1200 head. good lock in also.–
Parted out lots of small calves with their mothers into camp.- Elias, Romulo, Paulino, Zacharria, Camba, Domingo, Hilario & boy, Sisto Martinez & 3 peones, J. Sanchez & 2 peones, Aristobulo, Roque – Gualdino, J. Gonzalez, Benancio, worked. Baldomero was drunk in areado Palmar Rodeo so had row & he left looking for work – It was a pleasant morning but warm afternoon. Looks like a very poor marcacion.–
Left out cattle (Palmar rodeo) and ‘sujetared’ them an old estancia rodeo, and then marked Mistolar Estancia rodeo. 302. In morning early had parared rodeo Salado about 1500 and locked them in after marking Estancia rodeo; pretty good lock in!! a.m.
Took estancia rodeo then out to old rodeo and at 2 P.M began marking Salado rodeo 330. finished 4.15 P.M. Left them locked in. Gente left to sleep at puesto to recojer tomorrow. Same gente as yesterday worked. Sunly Hughes also here for night. Warm day, north wind.
Left out Salado rodeo and took it to its rodeo, and then went to rodeo del Medio about 2500 head todo lo que piso; Parted out about 20 cows with small calves, and locked the rest in: a pretty good lock in and marked 472 calves by 2.30 P.M.-
Broke one. In evening left them out.–
J. Sanchez, & Somba & peon left in evening.- Sisto still here helping. Warm day, dust & north wind.
Had on rodeo Mistolar about 2500 head, and had slow but good lock in by 9 a.m. and marked 517 calves by 2.30 P.M. Few small calves. Francisco took horse cart down to ensenada with water etc.- - Warm day N.E. wind. Butchered cow down there. Calf in chicare died today.- Fence broke by J Sanchez cattle which some got into camp. Same gente as before working 5 yuntas. Some paisanos turned up.
Had on rodeo Tapera about 1800 head and had in good lock in by 8.45 a.m. Marked 331 by 12.30 P.M. Butchered cow. Same gente as before worked.-
Baldomero last night bro’t mail.-
It was a very hot day, strong N wind & plenty of dust in ensenada.
Hartenecks took rolls for alfa.
Broke one fine calf but very likely will live.–
Marked at Lomo Poi this forenoon.
Had on rodeo about 500 and marked 127, afterwards marked 30 tamberas.
Finished by 11 a.m. and discharged the 6 men “por dia”. Butchered cow down there. Strong south wind came up in morning and cloudy stormy day but no rain.- Cart from Las Cañas came to take Baldomero and family away. Gave tordilla to Eulalia as she has been raised here & ‘Yacare’, but no certificate so she can not sell or lend away horse.—
Sunday. Baldomero and family left for Las Cañas.
Gloomy day, but in afternoon cleared up. Butchered cow. Nothing going on.
Elias and gente went over to marcación at Julian Sanchez; lots of cattle of his had entered the camp here again at end of fence in lake.
Juan Fillon was here at breakfast, from Pozo Mariano where he proposes to rent a league of camp. None of our animals at J. Sanchez rodeo.- Waldino took res. Fine day N.E. wind.-
Cart went to Calchaqui for stores.
Recorrered camp this forenoon; found 2 dead marked calves.
In afternoon marked 32 tambera calves & cerrero. Cart came back from Calchaqui with stores mail.
Fine day N.E. wind.- Making gate for pesebre. Johnnie telegraphs a son was born on the 14th. Easter Sunday.
Marked in potrero this morning ‘a rodeo’ 49 calves of Frakes, 40 of and 7 of Elias Felis & Baldomero.- Found a dead vaquilla of Lombardo looked like if it had been disnucared.- It was a pleasant day N.E. wind & looks like if it were veering towards rain.–
Had slight drizzle in morning, and afterwards strong south wind.
Marked 31 tambera calves at Mistolar of which 19 were machos (1 left as toro) 12 hembras and 2 cerreros, also 1 potrillo
Afterwards marked 34 tambera calves at Paso Calchaqui of which 11 were capared 3 para toros 4 too small ‐ 16 hembras and 5 cerrero calves.
Gente from there went to La Lomo Poi to work tomorrow.
Aviso rodeo general at Campo Union Cia de Tierras on 20th.
Had on rodeo in potrero sud and parted out the calves with mothers (old cows and ) mostly and marked 121 cerreros and 4 tamberas 125.- Of these 28 were of
cows, 2 of Robson, 1 of Villalba, 2 guachos, 2 large orechanos and 92
old cows to butcher and bad colour.- The gente leave ‘Lomo Poi’ to part at Union tomorrow.– - Francisco took machine over to Harteneck’s to cut alfa.-
beunged to
1st frost & fine day wind variable. 3 ageno mancarrones turned up in camp today Rosillo Colorado
[Writen below: Sanchez monte negro.] Quien sabe who they belong to. Butchered cow.–
A was over at Potrero Union (Cia de Tierras) but they were only giving rodeo General and not marking yet. Cloudy morning and strong south wind afterwards & clear. Francisco back from Hartenecks and brought maiz disgrainer along (borrowed)- . Nothing going on here as no one is here except Caballenza, Pesebrero, & Domador.-
Sunday.- Nothing going on. Gente not back yet from aparte at Cia de Tierras.–
Roque and family came in afternoon. He enters as mensual and his wife as cook- Julian Sanchez passed on way to Calchaqui as his mother is very ill. South wind, cold and cloudy.- Put outside of gate 21 animals of J Sanchez.–
No sign of the apartadores yet, except they have gone down as far as Las Conchas parting in Land Cia’s estancias.-
A recorrered as far as Waldinos. Roque as far as gate costa Calchaqui.
Fine day. Francisco disgrained some maiz in machine which Sisto Martinez had lent. Fine day. no special wind.
Elias came back from reculuta, parted at Union. Lucero, Plaza Gde and brought 25 animals of Robsons and 1 of ours. Butchered a cow in afternoon.
Sent word to J Sanchez that we parar rodeo tomorrow. North wind, warmish day.- Recorrered camp.-
Had on rodeo Palmar 3000 in morning, and Lornly Hughes (for J Sanchez) parted out about 400 animals; we parted out about 70 cows with orechano calves, and afterwards parared rodeo Salado 1200, and Sanchez parted about 100 and we about 30 calves.- Marked them afterwards 101 calves. Elias had a rodado & got lame.- North wind warmish day, a Comet appeared before daybreak on east horizon-
Had on rodeo del Medio first and then Estancia afterwards. Sanchez gente parted about 100 animals, and we parted 64 calves & marked them in corral.- Sanchez gente had their cattle here on pastoreo about 600 head. Noticia that Machengo has arrived with tropita toros at La Lomo Poi from La California.- Fine day south wind and cool.
Had on rodeo Tapera and afterwards Mistolar. Parted out 64 calves and marked 63 in ensenada the 64th got broke & not marked. J. Sanchez and gente parted about 5.— Cart had gone down to Ensenada with water, marks, etc.- Sanchez left with his aparte over 600.- It was cold morning, but pleasant warm day. Seca and looks like if it is going to continue, lucky the Salado has some water and most of the deep esteros.
Had on rodeo de la Loma this morning and parted & marked 47 calves – afterwards had on Tamberas again and marked 3 cerreros & 5 tamberas total 55. Left most machos for toros (p. venta) Saw the bulls (100 & 3 cows) which Machengo brought, they are thinnish mostly but look healthy. Leave them this side of fence 72 are inoculated and 28 uninoculated.- Jorge Dayer here for night.- Sanchez brother & Monte Negro & boy passed here in evening.– Gente stopped at Lomo Poi & were going to senalar corderos at Madero this afternoon.–
Pleasant day, south wind, cold morning.
A came back from Lomo Poi this evening. Yesterday had recojered all the yeguada in the South potrero and parted all the agenos out and left them this side of the alambrado and put our mares in corral and marked the colts xxx 157. Counted them afterwards.
Tiburcio had parted 21 potros with madrinas to break in, and then drove the yeguada to Los Moyes:-
560 | yeguas chucaras |
14 | " mansas. |
9 | " Robson.- |
91 | horses with madrinas. |
Total 674 put into Los Molles camp. - Only gave cuenta of 672 to Collins.- In potrero left tropilla 6 mules, & tropilla redomones 19.
Elias also puts some of his own animals in.- Killed one old mare for lonja.-
A was over at Moyes and saw Collins. Coldish weather yesterday but today warm again. G. Varga brought mail today.- Butchered cow today.-
Gente came back from Lomo Poi at noon bringing the tropilla of Colorados and Rolon which go to form one tropilla, and the potros of Tiburcio 21 including madrina which he took to Salado potrero.-
Remigno Luna came tonight from Calchaqui with tropa of 24 animals from M Fraire for Harteneck’s.- Warm day strong north wind.- Gave mensuales each $10. & a few days freedom from work as they had worked so well at marcacion.–
May, 1901
Nothing going on here at Estancia as most of the peones are off on a paseo.-
Disgrained some maiz in afternoon.—
North wind waem day. A, off to Calchaqui tomorrow.
A came back from Calchaqui this morning.- Had trap fixed, balancin made etc.-
Elias had parted all the machaje out from our tamberas 43 at Paso Calchaqui also his own 37 & put into Potrero South. Marked 51 of his own calves. Getting awfully dry and Salado falling again. Nothing particular going on.
Sunday. Strong north wind and tormentoish. Very likely have a big rain. Comet appears again last few nights on west side about dark with tail turned up & south westerly.–
Waldino was here; says indians have entered up by M. Durans & coming southerly 7 or 8. A was over at Julians who says Verde people are going to make tajamar on Salado.–
This morning boy from Lomo Poi came and said indians had cut fence last night, going in but did not steal anything. Shortly afterwards Machengo 10.20 am. turned up from Vargas Union potrero, saying 15 indians after sunrise drove off Vargas horses, chasing the peon Rogelio. After breakfast Pancho el rengo came from Lomo Poi saying indians (15) at madrugado killed the Paraguayo Francisco (hunter who was encamped at old puente) & wounded a boy (young Junco). Collins also had sent word saying indians (2) had been seen in Plaza Gd potrero catching horses in morning early, 2 also in Lucero, & Machengo saw 2 in Punta monte Union potrero. Sent Elias & 2 peones down to Maelles to vigilar jeguas.- Hilario Martinez was here in morning early on way to Calchaqui but only got as far as Harteneck where the news reached him & came back to Lomo Poi. Very hot 90° north wind. Seca. Salado getting low. Sent rifle to Julian who is going to vigilar Salado tonight.-
Had sent Roque over to Vargas to find out about the indians. They got away yesterday morning passing through Martins & La Verde camp: taking 2 tropillos from Vargas camp, horses & mares from diferent owners in Martins camp, 1 tropilla from Verde camp. No one followed them up.
Elias & gente came back from Moyes where there was no novedad in our jeguada. It seems 17 indians had entered south potrero & came out through gate, and juntared with other ones who had stolen a tropilla from S. Micheluds corral & also from Cia Kemmerich, & passed over Salado in front of Lomo Poi, & costeared up & killed the hunter, the boy is still very bad from wound.
Strong stormy south wind which likely will blow away all rain again.- Miguel Varga had rondared camp last night.-
Fine day. Sent the 2 ox carts to Calchaqui to get fixed and to bring out durmientes. Horse cart (Caferata) came back from Calchaqui. No more news of the hunter.– 6
Temporalish sort of day, and drizzled a bit in afternoon . Escobar & Lopez came at noon from Calchaqui via Lomo Poi where had gone to make sumario on death of Paraguayo Francisco – by indians, they stop the night.- Butchered cow.
Escobar & Lopez went to Calchaqui.-
A went over to marcacion potrero Union Cia de Tierras, and stopped night over at Martins. Misty morning & cold day with strong south wind.
Hard frost.2 Nothing going on particular. Fine day.
Sunday. A was down at Lomo Poi – the wounded boy (Junco) was taken away yesterday.- Hilario Martinez leaves today as his wife is afraid to come out.- North wind, & cloudy coldish.—
Cloudy & warm day. Funny weather as it does not rain, & barometer does not fall. A was up Salado to Verde camp beyond Corvalan’s where they had made a tajamar. The Salado is stopped and on this side it is “cortandose”.–
Butchered a lame novillo in afternoon.–
Report of 3 indians having been caught at Cacique.-
Warm day. N.W wind and cloudy.
A was over at Harteneck’s camp to look at their two news novias.- Nothing going on. Elias acting as caballeriza as sacked old man. Carts still in Calchaqui getting fixed.
Warm heavy day. N.W. wind.- Cloudy.- Racion day.-
From Paso Calchaqui report Elias sheep taken by N. Dayers shepherd & wont give them up. Elias went there & to Lomo Poi.–
Mail came.–
Warm day N wind and murky.–
Alberto Huber was here for breakfast. Says very dry up there. A was up at Ewaldinos.-
Elias brought two very thin bulls up from Lomo Poi & put them in alfalfar.-
The two carts came back from Calchaqui, fixed but the durmientes were not found.
Another warm day N wind.-
J. Sanchez was here, had come from Cacique bringing a blanco horse which soldiers had took from indians.- Made arrangements to go up and open tajamar of La Verde.- Pancho Martinez here for night.- Recorred camp.-
Horse cart 4 in hand for first time went to Calchaqui to bring out stores.
A and 3 men with Elias went up to tajamar La Verde people had made & made a ditch through it so that water passes through as Salado nearly dry. Corvalan and son also helped. As were getting finished up turned Carlos Castillo manager of La Verde; told him he could not stop the water and said he should make arrangements with Land Co and make a tajamar a La vara and up this way if necessary.- Warm day E wind new moon and looks dry.-
Sunday. Butchered a fat cow.-
Horse cart came from Calchaqui bringing stores. Francisco rather drunk.-
J. Aso turned up with 2 carts to buy & sell goods. Fine day East wind.-
The two carts went up Palmar to fetch tejas. Elias recorrered Salado.- Very low. Strong N.E. wind and looks rainy.- Looking for a place to make jaguel up in Palmar.-
Sent Elias down to Lomo Poi to look after the new bulls brought up two. A was up in Palmar with Francisco and Caferate & tried for water. Found good water in albarden S E of Waldino tapera. Carts brought 120 tejas. Fearful day strong N wind & hot, & tonight changed to south.-
A went over to Hartenecks and to new novia there. Saw Cabañas for him to come and make jaguel in Palmar, price to be arranged afterward. Met Renner & companion & came over together and stops the night. Looks rainy or rather like a temporal.
(2) Carts went to fetch leña. Sent Zipriano to Lomo Poi to be with Corriente for a bit.
Muggy cloudy misty day Thundering in morning. Renner left in morning. Took Rubio chico on trial @$100.-afterward sent back Butchered an old cow.- Nothing going on.-
Cleared up in morning and fine day. N.E. wind & a bit cloudy yet.- Men recorrered camp. Nothing new.- Over hauling camping out outfit.- A goes to Calchaqui tomorrow.
A came back from Calchaqui tonight bringing Kingsland who came today from La California. Fiestas in Calchaqui and a baile at Renners.- Hauled two loads of sleepers up to new well at Palmar for calza; getting ready for Cabañas who is going to dig it in about a fortnight.-
News of indians in Micheluds camp.-
Hot weather last few days and today strong south wind & cloudy and looks rainy.
Had fine rain last night, slow but soaking, but not enough to juntar water in esteros.– Temporalish sort of day. Recorrered potrero Salado, cattle looking thin there. Making straps etc.-
Slight frost this morning but a beautiful day; wind changed to N.E.-
2 carts hauled durmientes to well up in Palmar.- Ration day. Nothing new in camp.
June, 1901
A and Kingsland recorrered down as far as Maderos puesto & Las Moyes and slept at Lomo Poi. Mares and sheep looking all right. Camp also improved since last rain.- Carts went to Calchaqui yesterday to bring out durmientes etc.- Cabaña th pozero was here today & made agreement with him to dig the jaguel up at Palmar viz:- copy book.-
N. wind fine weather. Cut part of old alfa in afternoon. Butchered cow yesterday. Nothing new in camp.-
Sunday. Fine warm day. N wind & looks rainy again. Nothing going on.
A & Kingsland were up at Puesto Palmar. Mail from Calchaqui. Cattle looking well.
Carts came this afternoon bringing 22 durmientes; lost 3 oxen.-
A and Kingsland were over at Hartenecks for breakfast.- Strong N wind and warm.
Carts left again for Calchaqui to bring more durmientes.
Warm day and strong N wind.-
Dionisio Godoy here for night on way to Cacique.-
Butchered cow.
Went with Godoy to potrero where he marked 2 colts. He left after breakfast for Calchaqui. Recorrered camp. Nothing new.–
2 wheeled ox cart went to La Loma for firewood etc.–
Elias y Kingsland went to La Loma for rodeo tomorrow.-
Finished getting in alfa cut on the 1st-
Hot day. N wind.–
A was over at Cabañas where he is digging well at La Loma Hartenecks, and afterwards at Geronimo Parera.- 2 men of Alemans here to take away his 2 oxen.- Elias tonight up from lower potrero. 6 cows & novillo for consuma, & 5 oxen.- Warm day N wind.-
1 cart came in morning and 1 in afternoon; broke one ox which died (Pancho). They brought 21 durmients. Kingsland recorrered Calchaqui up to Waldino’s. [; Fine warm day and South wind again, looks like a seca. A goes to Calchaqui tomorrow.
A came back from Calchaqui with Todd.
The 2 carts took durmientes to well at Palmar today yesterday and today went to Calchaqui to bring out pine timber & tar for well. - Weather turned cool again and no rain. Camp all right. Nothing new. John Martin was here today.
Fine day. E wind, morning a bit overcast.- Kingsland, Elias, etc went down to Los Moyes to get horses for A’s & Todds hunt. Getting ready to go out.
Cloudy fine day. E wind.- Elias & Kingsland came from Moyes bringing 30 horses including madrina & colt. (mancarrones to take outside.) Report mares & horses getting thin.-
Nothing going on.- Francisco with horse cart bro’t well diggers from Guampita to dig well in Palmar.
Carts came from Calchaqui bringing pine boards & alquitran.
Drizzly sort of day. S wind & coldish.- Butchered a big novillo negro descornado of Villalbas mark.- Elias left in afternoon with Roque Juarez & Tomas Almada taking the horses 26 mares 24 horses to Arenales (Reconquista) and 3 pack mules for Todds & A hunt.- Loaded carts for Palmar, sleepers, 1½ inch pine, 14 ml, & alquitran.– chief of police came.
Fine day. S E wind
Ebaldino took 1 cow from Salado potrero for consumo. Don Alfredo & Mr Todd left for Reconquista [see diary of hunt] Recorrered part of Calchaqui North part. Also Recorrered Salado North part. Comesite [??] came from La Loma puesto & sent cart with 17 vacuno skins also took Nicios. Cambá came for Vicios ,brought Alfredos Doradito. Recorriendo North side of camp from Estancia up to Palmar also part of South side sent cart with peones & materials to Well at Palmar. Chief of police left. Salado beginning to rise.
South Wind in the morning also slight drizzle until about 9 oclock Wind changed to North. Rather warm. Recorrered salado & south of house in the afternoon. No skins brought in. Eubaldino came for salt. Don Francisco clearing away old fence of palmas in front of dining room. recorrered part of camp North of house in the morning. Two peones cutting monte in Hartenecks camp passed through the camp from the other side of South potrero. Cart from La Loma puesto left with rations. Salado rising.
South Wind. Misty until 10 oclock & fine afternoon Kingsland Recorrered South potrero & slept at La Loma pué. Harteneck parted 20 bueyes from S Potrero leaving 11. Skinned 1 Lenero [??] North West of house (orejano) Recorriendo North of house by palmar. Killed for consumo 1 cow. Mora, from Salado potrero. Trap from station arrived in the afternoon.- Rations taken (12 Kilos) meat to pozeros. Salado rising
Corriente from La Loma pué went to La Muelle to pass mares the other side of Arroyo, towards monte. recorrered camp from La Loma pué to Estancia. Sheep in good health. Lambs getting on fine.
Mensuales recorrered fence costa Calchaqui & fixed sanjon a bit recorriendo North of house. 1 skin lost in front of Ensenada . Noria digger came this evening 1 tenero died North of house. Took off skin (same majada) puestero of La Loma Pué came for rations (Yerba).
Pozerro took Passed 1 bull from North of house in alfalfa. Fixing new fence in front of dining room. Salado stopped.
Fine day. Slight North wind
Took a small novillo out of well having falling in during the night, (alive) Don Pancho Hartenecks encargado came passing to Juan Martins. Recorred Palmar. Pozeros began digging well at Palmar. Puestero of Salado Potreros News (alls well). Peon from Lucero came for Vicios. No skins brought in Recorriendo North of Salado & South of Estancia house. Finished fence in front of dining room. Pozeros took saino horse & tordillo also. Took meat (10 Kilos). Chasque from Calchaqui came. Salado falling.
Fine day. North wind slight
Skined tenero señalado (Costa Salado) Sent trap to Calchaqui to fetch buyer of Bulls Salado falling. Puestero of Salado potrero took 7 posts & some hay in two wheeled cart. Also brought 5 cows skins & 1 orejano skin (tenero). Recorrered salado & South of Estancia also North of Estancia. Killed for consumo from Salado potrero 1 overa negra cow
. Puesteros from Mistolar came. No news in camp. Don Pancho Returnd on his way to Hartenecks. No news in Salado potrero. digging well in Palmar.
fine day. Slight north wind
Brought in two skins 1 bull oreja entera de 3 años by the road to Salado potrero & 1 tenero hijo lechera in front of house. Trap from station came bringing buyer of bulls from Portalis Freres. (Sr Bellamare). recorrered salado. Digging well in Palmar. Getting on splendid so far. Capataz of well diggers went to Don Juan Martins. Recorrered camp in Palmar. Also south side of house. Salado going down. Now news in camp. Sent two horses to pozeros. (1 ruana mare vieja) & 1 lobuno rabirano) They have altogether 4 in all 1 oscuro potetio [potrecito?] no good for pulling. sent him back. (13) Kilos meat to pozeros.
Beastly day. Strong North wind
Recorrered South of Estancia & Machengo went to Maderos puesto in South potrero. puestero from La Loma came, no news in camp Capataz of well diggers came back from Martins went to Palmar. Sr Belamare intends parting Bulls on Monday. Recorrered East side of potrero & piece of Alambrado of Calchaqui. One skins brought in. 1 cow near Ensenada grande north side Salado seems to be stopped. News of 50 indians in the neibourhood.
Cloudy morning looked like rain fine afternoon. Sent 2 peones with tropilla to sleep at La Loma Pué. Killed for consumo 1 mora cow from Salado potrero. Sent 1 old grey mare to pozeros. They have 5 horses in all. Pozeros took 17 Kilos meat. No skins brought in recorrered South of house by Ensenada grande & came back by salado also recorrered part of Palmar. Diggers of well at Palmar not working it being sunday. No news in camp or signs of Indians heard about yesterday sent word to Mistolar puesto going to part bulls tomorrow. Salado doesnt seem to be rising or going down. The indians have been heard to have robbed horses up north & had them taken away from them four days ago.
Heavy mist until 12 oclock.
went to La Loma but owing to the heavy mist never parted the bulls. slept at La Loma Pué four men went to sleep at the end puesto (Madera’s). Salado seems to be rising but very slow. recorriendo south of Estancia also North part of camp. Pozeros asking for more horses saying two of which they have wont pull.
heavy mist until about half past one. Gathered up cattle in South potrero & parted 150 bulls (punta Lanza & Rajada, . for Portalis Hnos & Entregared. Troop slept in Ensenada grande the night. Two of D. Rodriguez peones came bringing a tropilla of horses which are going to leave at La Loma & taking another tropilla & some potros. D. Rodriguez doesnt intend to take his mares away until a months time. Mr Collins asked Rodeo for the Sta Fe Land Company but wouldn’t give it, Peones returned with tropilla from La Loma Pué. also (Kingsland & Belamare) Francisco killed 1 pig at house. Peon left at Estancia Recorrered Salado. Domingo Ledesma went as far as Calchaqui with troop on account of Machengo being short of 1 man & intends picking up one there.
Slight mist & fine clear day from 9 oclock. North wind slight
pozeros began calsaring well. & are getting on splendid, still sweet water of which they have about 2 metres. Recorrered Palmar. Also south side of house by Ensenada 1 skin taken off near puesto of south Salado potrero & left it at puesto (Novillo Blanco) (grande) Killed for consumo 1 novillo manco Colorado from Salado potrero. . 1 skin lost (novillo chico) between road to La Loma pué & salado. Getting carts ready to fetch wood from Hartenecks camp Sr Bellamare left for Calchaqui with Genobio Ponce (in trap) Troop of Bulls passed River Calchaqui. Julian Sanchez took 1 cow of his from S. Potrero.
Fine day. clear weather warm
Brought two cart loads of Nandubay wood from Hartenecks camp. Pozeros gave noticias that the water is coming in salty down below. Dionisio Rodriguez peones took 8 caballos 3 potros y 1a madrina y left 7 horses 1 mares & 1 foal Dionisio Collins sent again asking rodeo & again refused him. Salado still very low. trap came back from Calchaqui bringing letters & papers. No news in camp Domingo Ledesma came back from troop of bulls. Have noticias that Hartenecks are going to part 1.000 cows in these days. (13 Kilos meat to Pozeros.)
Fine clear day. North Wind Warm.
D. Rodriguez peones left for Casique Went to well at Palmar & water still very good, they gave a false alarm, it being salt. No news in camp recorrered part of Palmar & Salado No skins brought in. José Wilson of. from Los Moyes sent a letter asking rodeo & again I wrote & refused him. Still calsaring well at Palmar. Cattle looking very well. Weather keeping very fine & no sings of rain, esteros on south side of house still have plenty of water. No signs of salado rising. Sheep at Mistolar looking poorly
fine day Very warm.
Barometer falling to. (Mucha lluvia)
Recorrered part of fence leading to Ewaldino’s puesto also went to Don Ilario’s puesto in Harteneck’s camp went to well which has 5 metres of Calse & altogether 8 metros. he is going to dig in 1 metre more & then it will have 6 metres of water. (up to now good water) Brought in 1 skin. Toruno overo , by laguna dulce close to house. Recorrered by Ensenada & Rodeo del alto. No signs of Indians. Salado still low.
Very hot stifling day. North Wind. Glass still pointing to rain.
Recorrered South of house & part of Salado Getting trap Break ready to go to Calchaqui for comestibles. No news in camp. Puesteros from Mistolar. Cambá, & Madera came for Vicios. Killed for consumo 1 red cow, , from Salado potrero. Avisared to shut maderas flock in to señalar tomorrow Don Pancho Harteneck’s encargado passed with gente to part novillos at Juan Martins. Pozeros not working it being Sunday
July, 1901
Very hot day North wind
Went to Maderas puesto & señalared flock. Castrated & señaled 116 capones & 115 Borregas, & went from there to Los Moyes with tropilla to gather up yeguada & change horses. Mensual left at Estancia recorrered South of house & part of Salado Digging well at Palmar. Francisco went to Calchaqui for Comestibles. Salado Rising slowing. flock at Maderas looking very well & fine lambs they have a little scab.
Cloudy day. Strong North Wind
Gathered up yeguada at Los Moyes & brought 14 horses 1 mare 1 potrillo leaving there 16 horses 1 mare 1 potrillo – mares looking better than last time also stallions & horses picking up in condition. The Land Company hard at work with recuento. Peon left at Estancia Recorrered by Ensenada & found 1 toro señalado C.P. (chico 1 año) Don Pancho & Juan Martin came passing with 96 novillos also, Comisario came from Calchaqui Break came from Calchaqui
Fine day rather Warm. N.Wind
Recorrered Salado & also salado potrero Took 8 cows out from the Salado in South potrero belonging to the Land Company. Also two this side of fence of Salado potrero. Pozeros finished digging well & going to receive it tomorrow water a bit salty Recorrered part of Palmar. - No news in camp. Salado stopped. No signs of rain pozeros took 9 kilos of meat.
Killed 1 cows from Salado potrero Tiburcio took 20 redomones & 1 mare to Maderas puesto. J. Sanchez took 1 cow of his from Salado potrero
fine day Cool North Wind
received well at Palmar water rather salty but good for cattle measured well. 9½ metres from top to bottom & 6½ metres of water. sent cart of Bueyes to fetch pozeros away
cutting alfalfa at Estancia
recorrered a bit of Palmar & also part of South side of camp. Salado still stopped. Simeon [??] from La Loma Pué came & gave cuenta of some reces he Killed. also 1 mare from Los Molles for La Loma Pué
Warm day. Strong North Wind
Cart left with pozeros for Calchaqui also to bring back maize Peones recorrered Salado & pulled 1 of Land company cows out also skinned 1 cow in the costa of Salado recorrered South of house around ensenada & rodeo del alto. Cattle still looking very well. Salado very low & running very slow. there must be a tajamar somewhere up north. Fixed pozeros accounts. Gave 1 hide to pozero.
Cool day Strong South Wind
recorrered Palmar up to Baldinos puesto & covered up well. didn’t get in alfa on account of strong wind. Peon came from José Paz’s with letter. More Rumors of Indians in the neibourhood of Harteneck’s camp. Lag. Palmar nearly dry & a good many of J. Sanchez cattle passing.
fine day. Heavy frost in the night still South wind&ens p;rather cold.
pulled out 1 cow belonging to Los Nortes from the Salado & skined hide for peon. Recorrered Salado which is very low & pantanoso. Killed 1 cow for Consumo. Baya overa . vieja from camp. Received Correspondencia from Hartenecks. No news in camp, either of Indians heard of yesterday. sent word to shut Mistolar flock in corral.
fine day. Slight frost in night South Wind. Went to Mistolar & señaled lambs. 29 Embras & 19 machos. 48 in all. brought in alfalfa (4 cartloads) recorrered camp by ensenada. No news in camp. Cattle looking very healthy. pulled 1 vaquillona out of Salado. Also 1 novillo belonging to Martin. One of the troperos from Reconquista returned.
Stifling heat. Strong North wind. fearful dusty day. glass falling Recorrered Salado, also south of house. skinned 1 novillo ajeno taken out of Salado. Cart returned from Calchaqui with maize 15 bags. No news in camp. Salado no signs of rising. Still plenty of water south side of camp. Fearful dust at Palmar. Camp looking rather dry & in badly need of rain which dosent seem to be coming [word missing, page torn]
Very warm fearful dusty day Strong North wind Barometer beginning to rise. Salado still low. Parado Rodeo in Salado potrero & parted 75 cows belonging to the Land Company & passed this side of fence on account of potrero getting so bare. Julian Sanchez came & took away 6 cows & 5 sinuelos of his from Rodeo. he also came to Estancia & stopped to lunch. Recorrered Alambrado up to wire gate leading into Hartenecks camp (new potrero) 3 wires cut in different places Skinned 1 small Bull. Oreja entera last troop from south, pulled out of Salado. brought up 5 small Bulls from North side of camp to Alfalfar. No news of Indians it being too late being scarcely no moon. J.Martin sent for Tabacco. Also sent back Don Alfredos pipe
Frightful warm day. Strong N. Wind
parado Rodeo at Elias puesto & parted 51 Novillos & sent to La Loma Puesto on account of well being nearly dry & cattle wont leave. Novillos are in very poor condition & camp around there very bare & dry. Peon left at Estancia went & fixed 3 wires cut on the fence by Calchaqui peones slept at La Loma Pué for gathering Rodeo in South potrero tomorrow to part for consumo. Very dry weather & no sign of Barometer falling got Telegram from Calchaqui anouncing Don Alfredos arrival tomorrow & getting trap ready for same. Don Zenobis took cart with 1 Bag of flour to puesto.
Heavy mist in the morning until after 10 oclock. South Wind. Fine afternoon. Parads Rodeo in South potrero & parted 9 cows for Salado potrero left in corral with 6 Bueyes from South Potrero. 1 cow got away in camp. Killed for consumo 1 red cow (vieja). Genobis Ponce brought two hides from puesto. Had word that Well & Elias puesto has no water cattle wont leave & Machengo & peon left for there. Paulino went to sleep at Zenobios puesto the night 1 hide lost close to rodeo del
alto medio.. Salado still low & no signs of rising Everything all well in South potrero & no signs of Indians having been there. Trap with Zenobio Ponce left for Calchaqui. Machengo Benitez arrived from Reconquista. Barometer falling slightly–
[Alfred resumes writing]
A and Todd came back from hunt up north. Elias, & Roque & Tomas came with the horses & pack mules.- Had good hunt & if did not get so much game as expected had a good time. One horse (Saino buey) got bitten by snake up in cañada de las Garzas.- Journey was.
June | 15 | slept at | Reconquista |
" | 16 | " " | " |
" | 17 | " " | Fortin Arenales |
" | 18 | " " | north of n gate of Tabrados |
" | 19 | " " | Sanjon 1 league n of Carlos Diaz |
" | 20 | " " | campo east of picado Orlandina |
" | 21 | " " | zanjon brazo Rey |
" | 22 | " " | Cueva del Tigre |
" | 23 | " " | " " " |
" | 24 | " " | Campo east picado Orlandin |
" | 25 | " " | " " " " |
" | 26 | " " | " " " " |
" | 27 | slept at | campo at East picado Orlandini |
" | 28 | " " | terminus of bullock R.R.- |
" | 29 | " " | Cañada Garzas/Sainsbuey |
" | 30 | " " | " " cabezero.- |
July | 1 | " " | " " " |
" | 2 | " " | " " " |
" | 3 | " " | " " " |
" | 4 | " " | " " " |
" | 5 | " " | " " N of Alambrado |
" | 6 | " " | " " " |
" | 7 | " " | " " " |
" | 8 | " " | campo Sagre (Garzas) |
" | 9 | " " | " Taboada |
" | 10 | " " | " Arenales |
" | 11 | " " | " Reconquista |
" | 12 | " " | Home Sweet home.- |
Bag. 6 ciervos, 3 guasuncho, 1 ostrich, 2 aguara, 2 oso ormiguero, 1 gato onza, 1 lobo del monte, 10 yacares, 10 pavos, 1 pato real, 13 charatas. 50 total.
Horses did not suffer much and are almost fatter then when we started.-
Here camp is very dry and looking very bad. Nothing especial happened in mean time. Portali’s man Bellemare had parted out 150 bulls from south potrero @ $35.- Cabaña had made jaguel at Palmar water said to be saltish.-Today recorrer
Kingsland and men recorrered Salado and camp.- One cow dead from being impantanared in Salado. Making a/c’s up.- Todd making washing table.- Fine day in afternoon strong south wind came up but stopped afterwards.—
Sunday. Murky cloudy day. East wind. Went up to new well at Palmar.- The water is a bit saltish but not enough to hurt cattle. It has 6¼ metres of water and is 3½ metres to water from level of ground. 2.60 x 2.60 de luz, so it should have about 40,000 litros of water.
Nothing especial going on. Pelado Rodriguez was here on way to J. Sanchez to part. Todd shot perdiz in afternoon.
Ration day. Very hot & strong north wind. Kingsland went over to Julian Sanchez but rodeo was not on. Camp looking very dry; luckily the permanent esteros have plenty of water.
Butchered cow. Strong South wind and cloudy coldish. Elias, Tomas & Roque came back with horses from N of Reconquista. Left 1 horse (oscuro porteño) tired at Kees near Malabrigo station. A and Todd were over at Martin’s to look at jaguel. Awful dry over there and camps looking bad. Two carts brought 35 posts from Salado potrero to house (for jaguel) .
Pelado Rodriguez whose tropita from JSanchez shut in last night came late tonight last night rather tipsy & stoped the night. This morning J. Sanhez & H. Saavedra were here, the latter taking a tropita to Calchaqui. Elias recorrered Salado down as far as Loma Poi.- Kingsland recorrered up to Waldinos. Strong south wind bit cloudy and cold. The two carts took about 40 posts to jaguel in Palmar and from there go on to Waldinos to bring palmas.
The carts came to jaguel Palmar with 12 palmas from Waldino.
A and Todd were up at Waldinos in trap. Men recorrered camp. Nothing going on.
Very cold night, and day - cloudy, East wind.-
Francisco went to Calchaqui for furniture with cart.
Carts taking posts and boards 16 left for Palmar jaguel, and from there to bring palms back to well from Waldinos.-
Francisco came back from Calchaqui bringing A’s bed & bureau which mother sent.- Bull fell into well & pulled him out. Frost and cold morning but fine day. Elias took hunting horses down to Muelles and parts other ones out for the recojido next week.
[Kingsland wrote this day’s entry:] fine day. Slight north wind. Carts carting palmas from Palmar to jaguel, left off carting. Recorrered costa of Calchaqui by sanjon & part of fence also part of south of house. Don Alfredo & Don Juan Todd left for Calchaqui in trap. Don Juan to Rosario B.A. Encargado of Kemericks camp stopped the night with peon. Brought up a capon from puesto for consumo.
Kingsland went to Loma Poi for recojida tomorrow. A came back from Calchaqui after seeing Todd off.- He leaves on Aug 2 for England. Camps getting very dry and today a strong dusty north wind. Eustacio began as Caballeriza.
Began putting on rodeos for reculuteros. Had on rodeo del potrero sud 500, and rodeo Loma Poi 500 which were both looking well. San Cristobal people parted about 70 and the rest. Dayers, & J Sanchez gente also parted. Hartenecks Hnos y Cia took 6 bullocks and 1 novillo. 7 bullocks had died & 3 are too thin to take. Wilson and Collins are here for night. North wind, cool morning.
Had on rodeo Tapera 1500, Mistolar 2000, and Medio 4000.– Hartenecks also parted. About 150 were parted today mostly of Land Co’s. Morning was cloudy, and a hot day, and afterwards a strong south wind which means more dry weather.
Had on rodeo Estancia 2000, Salado 2000 & potrero 500. Same gente as yesterday parted. Sanchez gente left taking about 60 animals. The rest stop here for night. The Palmar rodeo we recojeria with Estancia & Salado Rodeos.-
Cattle on the whole are looking very well. Cold morning, fine day S wind.
The reculuteros left in morning. The Land Co. took about 350 and Dayers about 60. Had to countermark 4 calves for Dayers.- Some of our cattle got across the Salado after rodeo yesterday but got them back again today.- Francisco tarred boards again for bebidas Palmar. Recorrered camp.-
Hard frost but fine day. Wind N.-
All hands went up to login to make bebida at Palmar jaguel. Also to make small well so as to be able to use the water. Hard frost this morning & fine day. East wind.
Hard frost but fine day. Wind N.-
Went up again and worked at bebida at Palmar jaguel.- Also finished small well there.- Butchered cow.
Slight frost but warm day East wind.–
Sunday.- Fine day. East wind slight.-
Nothing going on.
Went over to potrero Union of Cia Tierras to help recojer & count their cattle (about 3264) Parted out 52 of ours. Fearful dust and about a dozen stopped behind.-
Frost East wind & warm day.
Skinned 4 animals today, impantanared.
Dionisio Godoy here for night on way from Cacique.- New peon began working.–
Godoy left to mark his colts at Loma Poi.- All hands went up to Palmar jaguel again, to work on bebidas.– Ration day. Heavy fog, warm day.- Nothing new.-
All hands worked again at jaguel Palmar bebidas. Leveled the bebidas, & digging them out and filling up outside.- Gregorio getting the carts ready for hauling.- Warm day, foggy morning.-
August, 1901
Same work as yesterday. Bro’t load of posts (35) from potrero to send to Palmar. Kingsland recorrered Salado.- Francisco went with horse cart to Calchaqui for stores.-
Strong north wind & stormy, looks like rain. Skinned two animals.-
2 carts took 50 posts to Palmar jaguel & from there go to Waldinos to bring palms. Report a cow being killed near Madero and sent Kingsland to see & report.-
Elias & 6 men working digging out bebida at jaguel Palmar.
Butchered old cow.-
Cart came back from Calchaqui bringing maiz & stores.-
Stormy morning, slight drizzle, but strong south wind blowing again.-
Same work as yesterday at well Palmar. Put angle irons in corners of bebida Elias & 7 men worked.
Bro’t 13 palms from Waldinos (2 carts to well). Report indians stole horses from Waldinos (3) and other indians (20) opposite Waldinos
Very strong south wind last wind night & today which changed east ward.–
Sent word to Lomo Poi that indians were in. The cow overo negro killed near Maderos (between Estero Gde & Calchaqui) was indians done by 3 men who crossed & recrossed the Calchaqui. Taking off ‘carne con cuero’.-
Sunday.- Nothing particular going on. Waldino was here saying that night before last the indians stole 1 horse of Estancia (saino) yegua tordilla and potrancito & 5 of his own horses & about 12 from Santos, Juan, Martin, & other indian that they cut the fence below his puesto & the tracks come this way. Sent Elias to avisar Vargas on other side of Salado. East wind & bit cloudy.- Got oxen together for carts to Calchaqui tomorrow
11 frosts with today.-
2 carts went to Calchaqui to bring noria Alfredo recorrered down as far as Paso Calchaqui via Hartenecks, every thing all right.- Had camp properly recorrered. Frost east wind & cold morning. Hilario Saavedro here for night on way to Martin’s.- Seca very bad & camp looks dried up-
All hands working again at bebidas Palmar well – Elias, Kingsland, Francisco, Romulo, Rolon, Machengo, Genobia & A. 8
Set posts for fence & put palms to keep cattle out of bebidas. Kingsland was up at Waldinos says indians stole 7 horses from Santos & Martin, Waldino 5 Juan 4 Andres 2 Estancia 3 besides some colts & potrancas.- Frost slight, warm morning & south wind in afternoon.- Hilario Saavedro left in morning.-
Same gente as yesterday, working at jaguel, putting up palms and fixing terraplen for noria.- In afternoon E. Fillon and a maquinista named Caletti turned up. G. Martin and Mr Olds here for night. It was a very cold morning frost13 & south wind.-
Martin left for his home. Mr Olds stops here & A took him up Palmar and he photographed the indians 10 views & Palmar1. Butchered cow.- Same men as yesterday worked at well. Carts came from Calchaqui bringing noria, cilinder & bucket etc. Frost strong N wind.–
Kingsland drove Mr Olds to Calchaqui. Carts took the noria to Palmar well. Worked at it again same gente as before.- North wind & storm in evening changed to east. H. Varga bro’t family and is going to work.
Put up 2 strong algarroba supports over well for noria and fixed up noria. Tied in horse at 1.15 P.M and at 3.45 P.M finished water in well. 6 mts x 2.50 x 2.50. Noria works splendid & each bucket brings up 10 litros & with two horses in trot can pull over 30000 litros per hour.- Elias, Zerabia, Francisco, Machengo, Rolon, Romulo, worked also the 2 cart men for a time.- Carts brought some wood back.- Escobar & a man named Arredonda here for night. Killed 2 capones today. Nice day East wind. Kingsland back from Calchaqui with trap, mail etc.
Sunday. Butchered a fat cow.-
Race day for peones. Lots of chaps came together, but gambled mostly with taba & in afternoon had some mancaron races but no important ones.- Aredonda it seems was the man with coima for gambling.- Every body seems had a good time. Julian Sanchez, Jose Paz, Escobar, Aredonda here fornight.- Fine day. East wind.-
Gente left in afternoon. The 2 carts went to Palmar to haul palms to well.-
Francisco empties the jaguel again at Palmar in 2½ hours. fxed up terraplen and emptied it again in evening. All hands recorrered camp today. Found 2 cows (hides spoilt) dead. One cow in estero grande looks as if killed by some body.– East wind & warm, looks as if it was blowing up rain.–
The 2 carts came back in afternoon bringing 12 palms to well. Had on rodeo in potrero Salado and Martins gente parted out about 50 animals and we parted about 35 animals that do not belong in there. Buthered a doubtful black novillo. It was a windy day. W and S wind, fog in morning.–
Brought up tropilla of mules from Lomo for chancamo & to pull in noria.- Francisco pulled water again at noria.-
Elias & 3 peones went up to Palmar to cut palms for calze for posts:- had to stop in afternoon on a/c of strong south wind which blew palms over them. The 2 carts left to haul palms hauled 20 (for calze) to jaguel. Made corralito at noria for jaguel.- H. Saavedro passed to Sanchez. J. Martin & P Martinez here for night.- Strong south wind & cold evening.–
Don Pancho and Martin left in forenoon, the latter for Calchaqui.- Rolon pulled water at noria. Francisco went to Calchaqui with horse cart. Elias, Romulo, & Paulino finished cutting palms for calze, cut about 156 Carts hauled 25 palms for calze.-
Seca getting very bad & animals getting thin. Ration day. Tropita of H Saavedra for Calchaqui passed from J Sanchez.
A recorrered down to Silvano Micheluds and back by Juncos and Don Sistos. Camp very bad. Cart came back from Calchaqui bringing maiz etc. G. Martin here for night. Frost, East wind & coldish.
Showed G. Martin the well at Palmar which dries in very short time & now after 7 days pulling the water in the bebidas does not reach the boards yet. In evening the noriero said the bore hole had commenced to run and now plenty of water in well.- Animals getting impantanared in esteros.- The well digger (mato vivora [killed snake]) who worked with Cabaña told him to come & dig a well and calzar with Palmas either here or at Palmar (for deposito) $300. Warm day, N wind.
Sunday.- Francisco pulled water at noria all day with noria, could not dry it with 2 horses and water in bebidas got as far as bottom of boards.- Skinned 4 animals impantanared today.- East (S) wind today cloudy cool morning.-
Butchered a cow.- Elias, Romulao & Rolon went up to noria to pull water as fast as possible so as to fill the bebidas. Juan Aso came with 2 carts, selling things and tratared hides with him @ 6.00 Sent Francisco to La Lomo Poi with horse cart to bring up hides.bro’t 40 Juan Aso stops night.- G. Martin was here on way towards Calchaqui camps.- East wind cool morning.- 2 animals dead today.
Sold hides to Juan Aso, all but those at Mistolar and Paso Calchaqui.–
Kept on pulling water at noria Palmar all day trying to fill bebida.-
J. Martin here for breakfast on way to Monte Aguara.-
Strong North wind.- 1 animal dead, calf.
A recorrered down to Maderos & camp.- Camp very dry and Salado low.-
Still working to fill bebida at noria which got full at last.
Butchered cow & capon.-
Mata Vivora well digger arrived with cart to dig well at house (estero)
J. Wilson & M. Fraire came this evening from Cacique & stop the night.- Cold morning Warm day, E. wind.
Wilson, Fraire and Kingsland recorrered up to Laguna del Perro and back in evening. Pulled again hard at noria.- Francisco & R. Gonzales (the latter went up to live there in tent. Francisco’s wife the cook ill.- Caferatas wife doing the work.–
Tropa of Fillon on way to Pozo Mariana rondarring back of chacra in old rodeo.– Hot day East wind.-
Tropa of Fillon passed.- Wilson left in morning with Kingsland who goes to Moyes. Elias also went to Moyes with 2 peones to change horses for use. Hauled 25 palms to well (new at house estero for calze 3.70 mt.long each) It was a beastly day hot 34° 94° Fahr. with strong N wind which change to W & S.W. Stormy in morning.– Still trying to fill repressa at Palmar.-
Last night a very strong south wind blew, foggy morning but a very pleasant day. Butchered cow.-
Hauled two loads of palm calzas to well.(house) Still trying to fill bebidas at Palmar.- Elias, Kingsland et. came back from Moyes bringing 19 horses, report mares thin.–
Sunday. A very strong hot north wind blew. Esteros drying up fast.
Sk Four animals died.- impantanado & flacos.- A goes to Calchaqui tomorrow.
A came back from Calchaqui today.- Ordered 100 metres bebidas at Carraras at 4.90 per metre and a repressa 6 x 8 x 4 ft $95.- Skinned 2 cows yesterday.- Butchered a cow.-
Sujetared cattle at Palmar well so as to get them accustomed. Still pulling day and night.- Strong east wind bit cloudy. Tying in newwildish mules into noria.
Cloudy day with slight drizzle in evening.- Took cattle out of Salado potrero as it is very bad & cattle thin about 300 head.- Elias sujetared cattle up at jaguel again. Skinned 1 cow today.-
Cart broke. Yesterday and today hauled 150 tejas to noria for making puesto.–
Santa Rosa. Fine day East wind, ration day.
71 animals died since the first in whole camp Today 2 found. 1 cart hauled palms to Palmar well for estantes [??] house.- The noriero did not pull last night and water nearly dried up in bebidas.-
A. went up with peon to receive Waldino’s who left to work with Morell. Countermarked 10 vacunas, he has besides a cow with & ternerito. Received 4 mares & two horses, and 1 mare con cria missing. No puestero for there yet.- Skinned 4 animals today & several more impantanared
Warm day, E & S wind. Fog in morning.- Still ‘baldeando’ at noria Palmar day & night. Well diggers at house, bored today, but not much flow of water yet.-
September, 1901
Sunday. Warm strong north wind.- Mail came. Nothing going on. Dry as blazes.
Strong north wind and very hot.-
Sent horse cart to Calchaqui with Cafferata for maiz etc. Drove cattle to Palmar well again. They don’t seem to care for the water much.- Butchered cow. Good many animals impantanared. No time to skin. 1 cart bro’t palms (7) for well at Estancia.
Strong North wind 36° Centigrade. Skinned 8 animals today impantanared in Estero & Salado. Cart came back from Calchaqui ringing maiz, rice, fideos. Same work as yesterday.-
Another very hot day 37° strong north wind, some clouds. Drove cattle to Palmar well again; water seems to get saltier. Skinned 1 cow, flaca. Roque came back. Sent 2 ox carts to Calchaqui for repressa and bebidas. Jose Paz & Bidout were here for breakfast.
Very hot forenoon 37½° strong west wind which in afternoon changed to south, so dispels the rain again. Juan Pazzero finished well at house estero, water was getting salty.- Recorrered camp repuntared cattle to Palmar jaguel.- Julian Sanchez here all day & stops night on way to Calchaqui. Salado very low & salt and very few cattle drink.- A goes tomorrow to Calchaqui in trap.
Sunday. Had a drizzle on the 6th and today had a good slow rain to soak the ground but not to juntar water.- A came back last night with J. Sanchez. ordered 100 metres more bebidas from J Carrara @ $4.70 metro & a repressa for $100 same as last. Had 8.40 metros of borer made to bore into sides of well.- On the 6th had sent the pozero J Pozzero back to N. Dayer. Nothing new here.- Weather damp and SE wind (cool).
Fine spring day.- Skinned 1 cow impan. Butchered a cow. Repressa at Palmar dry because did not baldear with noria for 48 hours. Sent for Godoys mares to pisotear it.- Kingsland recorrered down to La Loma.
Strong north wind.-
Eulogio & comp. began work. (Liborio)
The 2 carts came from Calchaqui bringing represa & 6 bebidas, etc.-
Elias took Godoys mares up to jaguel Palmar & pisoteared represa.
J.G.S. Watt turned up tonight from Los Moyes.
Fixing up estancia jaguel.-
Elias pisoteared represa at Palmar again twice today with mares.- Will try again & see whether will hold water.- A with 5 peones worked at putting up cilindro and represa (lot of work). Watt left again after breakfast, lent him bayo horse.- Windy day N.W. & south tonight. Skinned 4 cows.- Lots of quemazones.
A and 3 men worked on putting up bebidas etc. at jaguel Estancia.
Elias, Kingsland & rest all recorrered camp & found 18 dead animals, nearly all “impantanared”. East wind weather changeable.- Want heavy rain badly.–
Finished putting up bebidas and represa at jaguel Estancia. Bebidas and represa leaked considerably. Skinned 8 animals today empantanared.-
Report that represa at Palmar holds water now that it has been pisoteared.–
Wind variable E & south.
Making terraplen around bebidas at estancia.-
Drove cattle to jaguel Palmar. Bebidas full for first time.-
Skinned 3 animals empantanared.
Strong South wind cool. Recorrered esteros.
Sunday. Drove cattle to both jagueles.- Skinned 3 animals empantanared today. Mail came. Cool day E wind. Looks like seca going to continue.
Drove cattle to both jaguels again.- Elias, Kingsland, & two peones caught an indian near noria, bro’t him down and chained him up.- J.G.S. Watt here afternoon, made trade with him to dig above a well near Ensenada at 550 m⁄n 2 mt luz & to bore at least 35 mts.- N.E wind.-
3 peones filling up around bebidas.- Skinned 3 cows.
Skinned 9 animals today nearly all ‘impantanared’ in esteros.- German began working. Sent cart to Paso Lucero for Watts pozeros but they did not turn up. A recorrered down to south potrero.- Weather cloudy changeable N E and east wind. Barometro variable.–
Had slight shower last night about enough to lay the dust.-
Elias and gente went to bring more horses from Los Moyes.-
Butchered a cow.
Sisto Martinez here on a paseo today.-
Sent horse cart for pozeros to Paso Lucero again today & took them to ensenada.- Put 2 men cutting calze 2.50 m from Ensenada for new jaguel Watt is going to make.
Skinned today.-
Splendid day. Pity hadn’t rained more.
Sent cart (ox) to took for gang of Watts well borers who are supposed to come to paso near Los Moyes.
Skinned 3 animals.
Julian Sanchez was here in afternoon.–
Warm day 31° N E wind.– Barometro variable down Fendenay
Very few cattle come to estancia jaguel.–
Caferata harrowing.
Elias and gente came back from Los Moyes and South potrero & brought up the Redomones 16 and 10 mancarones from Moyes.- Julian Sanchez brought over 500 head of cattle to give them water at jaguel & afterwards turned them loose, as they would be impossible to hold at his place as they would die of thirst.-
Juntared cattle to jaguel.-
Skinned 2 animals.
Fearful hot day 101° and in afternoon wind turned to south strong. Driving storm all away again.-
Recorrered and pulled animals out of pantanos. Skinned 15.-
Drizzly or misty sort of day S. wind. 2 men (Eulogio & Leoncio) cutting calza at Ensenada for pozeros who are digging jaguel.– Sent word to Francico to chuck dirt in jaguel to close up bareneadura which is very salty. Butchered cow.-
J. Martin here today & over night.
Sunday.- South wind & cloudy, tail end of temporal.
Skinned 3 animals.-
Horse cart went to Calchaqui taking indian prisoner along.-
Sent ox cart to Ensenada to haul the calze to jaguel. The other ox cart brought the rest of the pozeros to jaguel from paso Salado in front of Maderos.-
A went down to Lomo Poi and entregared 40 bulls (2 yr old) (see tomorrow) to Hartenecks gente at $35.
Skinned 6 animals today.
Cloudy forenoon. East wind.-
A went over to Hartenecks to countermark the bulls sold them – 3 turned out to be novillos so there are only 37 of , 2 of Elias, and 2 of Robsons. Robsons they pay for when he gives certificate. Sent 2 ox carts to Calchaqui to bring out more bebidas.-
Skinned 3 animals today.-
Warm day N wind & East, cloudy morning.- Cattle begin to drink at estancia jaguel.–
Horse cart came from Calchaqui tonight late. frison mala cara died on road.-
Indians came in night before last & stole the picaso tropilla (all but madrina and one horse, some old mancarones, Eustacuios & Caferatas mares, 4 mules & 3 mares & horses from noria & 5 horses & mares from Ricardos puesto at Vara laguna.About 50 all together.
We had notice the horses were stolen by sun rise by the fence being cut, and A, Kingsland, Elias, Romulo, & Machengo immediately started after them.1 horse pack Caught up to them (5) near Mogotes about 12 leagues from here, & they left arreo, escaping on 4 picasos, 1 of Caferata, and driving 2 or 3 more along:
Took 39 from them including 2 of Juliano Sanchez, 2 of Morells, Caferatas & Eustacios & the rest ours.- They had left on road potrillo of madrina, 2 picasos, 1 tordillo (guitarra), 1 of Eustacios, picaso toruno. Got back that night to middle lake of Laguna del Cura, at midnight, and next today had breakfast at Hubers and came on here. Luckily the weather was fresh. Also brought an alasan horse from Punta Laguna which Fritze brought from Vera. 1 horse stolen before by Indians. 2 yrs ago.
Skinned 12 animals today & yesterday.
Vershume here for night
Fine day East wind.-
Carts came back from Calchaqui bringing 6 bebidas & 2 cilindros & buckets (1 for Julian Sanchez) who was here for breakfast
Skinned 12 animals empantanared.-
Fearful bad time as horses are thin camp being very bad & esteros & Salado drying up fast.-
Kingsland left for “La California” at madrugado; Machengo taking him in trap.-
Put up the 3 bebidas.-
Skinned 15 animals empantanared.-
Hot day 31° Eastwind, bit cloudy.-
Sunday. East wind & cloudy forenoon, & in evening stormy & south wind set in. No rain again am afraid.
Skinned 10 animals.–
Men at ensenada well getting ready to bore.- Mail came from Calchaqui.–
Rained slowly nearly all night, and today a bit, & drizzled & misty, turning into sort of a temporal, but very good for camp, which was very parched & likely put a stop to the seca,–
Butchered cow.
Nothing going on.- (Skinned & died 253 in month.)
October, 1901
Another cloudy, temporalish sort of a day.-
Skinned 14 animals empantanared. Young Barga (Miguels son) began work today. Brought 1 load of leña from potrero.-
Went up to Palmar and took about 1500 head of cattle to jaguel.-
Lots of cattle impantanared in Salado Skinned 8 animals.-
Put earth around bebidas, & juntared alfalfa.- “Sol de agua” cloudy morning hot afternoon. E wind.–
Repuntared cattle to Palmar well again and atajared them all day.-
Also some at Estancia jaguel.-
Skinned 8 animals.
Pulled about 50 out of Salado, 12 of Estero Gde.
Weather warm, north & East wind, and looks rainy.- At Ensenada jaguel 6 metres deep, & bored about 4 mts. so far good water, new man went there to bore; they sent for more piping. Got in a part of the alfa.–
Repuntared cattle again to jaguel Palmar.- They don’t seem to like the salt water.-
Bad day. Skinned 25 mostly in Salado and a lot more dead. Stormy forenoon, but strong south wind came up & drove away all prospects of rain.- Cleaned well (chacra) out.
Juntared and pastoreared about 2000 head of cattle around Estancia jaguel. Cattle looking delgado.- Skinned 33 animals.- Had sent cart to fetch hides from Salado.- Sent Machengo to conchacar a cuadrillo of peones with horses to pastorear cattle.–
Fined day E wind.-
Sunday. Juntared cattle around Estancia Palmar well again. Heard report through Corvalan, Zunbio that a tajamar on Salado at Algarrobal was made, so A went up to Julian’s & got him to send chasqui to see if it is true. Skinned 5 in Salado today.- Sent the 2 ox carts to Calchaqui to bring represa and bebidas. Romulo & Bargacito brought 33 horses from Moyes. Cold morning NE wind.–
Repuntared cattle to jaguel.-- estancia. Shortened chain at noria & got more earth thrown into represa well so as to close bareneadura up.- Hardly any cattle drink there.- Well borers at Ensenada have about 8 metres piping below bottom of well & good water.-
Can’t get reliable news of tajamar in Verde camp.- Skinned 17 cows.- Versturme here for night.- Strong N wind hot 34° barometer getting low.–
Fearful hot north wind 41° – – –
Repuntaered cattle same as yesterday. – –
Skinned 12 animals. – – –
Versturme here for night also Macario. Triste tima.- Sent horse cart to Calchaqui.
Fearful night, at midnight the strong north wind suddenly changed to strong south, so all probability of rain vanished. Damasio Senzino, and Cornelio, & Machengo began working on their horses, repuntaring cattke to jaguel and pastorendo them.- 34 cattle dead. Versturne here.
Slight drizzle last night. East wind & cloudy.-
Horse cart came last night bringing maiz, potatos, & mail.
2 bullock carts came today bringing represa & bebidas.-
Salteño, Juan Ojido, Gauna, & peon working on their own horses, repuntared cattle from the esteros to well.-
Skinned 33 + 6 Cuero Perdidas.
Versturme here.
Threatning sort of day but no rain.- A & 3 men worked at ensenada jaguel putting up pileta and bebidas.-
Verstume & Watt still boring.–
Skinned & dead 16 animals.– Watt & Verstume here for night. Lots of cattle here at jaguel & drink better.-
Same work as yesterday. Finished putting up bebidas & began on aparatus for pulling water.- Skinned & dead 16 animals.- Verstume here for night. Cool day E and S wind,-
Sunday. Repuntared cattle which are drinking better, to jaguel Estancia. Skinned 23 animals impantanared in Salado and Estero honda.
Warm day. E wind.
A and 4 peones finished putting up bucket arrangement at Ensenada jaguel. J. Martin & Pat Cormick here for night.- Repuntared cattle to well & patoreared them. S 19 animals died.-
Cloudy day. E wind.
Pat Cormick left for Pajaro Blanco.-
Tratared with Luis Bey [Bri?] to make jaguel deposito at Ensenada for 400. he cutting and putting calze palma 3.50 mt. luz. from Ensenada.
27 animals died.- Ration day. 367 animals died in 15 days. (all puestos & estancia.-)
Report Salado getting firmer. Estero Hondo very pantanoso now.- Cut some alfa.-
Repuntared cattle same as yesterday.- 4 animals died today.-
A. recorrered down as far as Paso Calchaqui & jaguel Palmar.- Water in esteros can’t last more than 10 days. Jaguel here bajared for first time.- Strong dry hot south wind.
Repuntared all south of house & east, to jaguel & begin to rondar Estero Hondo which is getting very pantanoso. 11 head of cattle died.- 3 men working at making terraplen for jaguel ensenada. –
Warm day East wind. Versturme here for night.-
The two bullock carts (1 of Harteneck which Don Sisto had lent with bullocks) came from puesto Las Cañas with 10 bebidas. Left 1 at Paso Calchaqui, put up 6 at jaguel ensenada, and brought 3 here.- William went with horse cart (2 mules) to fetch cañas for boring from Salado paso in front of Los Moyes.- 10 dead cattle today.
It was a warm cloudy day N.E. wind.&endash;
Gente rondared Estero Hondo last night. Think about fencing it off.
Well at Estancia gave out – had to let cattle go to estero or Salado.–
Elias & 3 men went to Los Moyes to bring our mares & horses over.- as the Co. sent word that camp was overstocked. Fellon’s cart here all day on way to Pozo Mariano, also Aguiar who goes to part cattle at Tres Pozo.-
Very hot 91° day, strong N. wind (variable).
Cleaned out both wells at Estancia.– Cart came back from Moyes paso not finding cañas.-
Sunday. Bad day, South wind then east then south again.- Had gente at Estero Hondo all day pulling cattle out. Skinned & died 30 today. Sent a bullock to Fillon to go to Pozo Mariano with.–
Salado getting very bad, stinking & drying up.
Very hot day over 100°. Lots of cattle impantanared skinned 31.–
Elias came back from Muelles passed over to this side 546 mares & horses.- A goes to Calchaqui tonight to get gente to dig & work for water to save cattle.-
A came back from Calchaqui where he had gone yesterday.- Brought 13 spades to work wells & watering places, & conchared gente @ $3. per day & work with spades, or with their own horses.- Stormy weather and no rain, cool nights. J. Sanchez passed told him to come & part his cattle or make jagueles. Yesterday 13 dead today 43 ! Began to take cattle to jaguel Ensenada where they drink better than here.-
Very hot beastly cloudy day 93°.–
Took about 1000 head of cattle to jaguel Estan Ensenada where they drink first rate. Brought lots of cattle from Estero Gde & Zanjon, & Estero Hondo to jaguel Estancia but they drink very badly, & really the water is better than jaguel Ensenada. Recorrered Salado.-
Skinned 31 animals & several with hide lost.- Caferata came back from Calchaqui. Hauling & setting up posts around Estero Hondo to keep cattle from getting in.– 7 men came looking for work. Cart came back from Moyes with cañas for pozeros.- (Watt y Werstrume)
A took the 7 men (Lencina & Cia) who came yesterday & took them to Lomo Poi with ox cart to begin aguada in Salado. Tried 3 places this side of potrero fence and at last water was so-so. Began this morning to dig a well 2 metres broad & unlimited length.- Water was getting worse when got down to 1.50 c.m. Here 3 men (Chamorro & Cia) began today also & helped Guillermo to fence in Estero Hondo. - which is dry. 2 carts of Palavacina brought 8 rolls pua, 8 liso, 7 bags maiz, yerba salt.- Took lots of cattle down today to ensenada jaguel, lots came back to estero Mistolar & lots empantanared.
Fearful hot day & yesterday. Looks stormy tonight. Estero Grde in South potrero about dry.-
Sunday.- All hands worked.- William & two peones worked at fence at Estero Hondo- A was down at Lomo Poi with the 8 men & peones of the puesto making the aguada in Salado. Seems not much water is coming in, & made arrangements with Verstume to bore.- Elias skinned 3 animals at Estero honda. Machengo & gente are at Mistolar taking care of estero where lots of animals are getting empantanared. Fearful hot day, just the weather to make the animals get impantanared.
Another bad day, Stormy morning, Very hot & cloudy and in afternoon a few drops but seemed tween Mistolar and Paso Calchaqui had rained enough to juntar water on road.- Finished fence around estero Hondo and tonight sent Caferata to Calchaqui in horse cart to bring more pua and boards etc to fence in Estero Mistolar which is drying up and cattle getting stuck.- Drove lots of cattle to jaguel de la Ensenada, but the water there is getting decidedly saltier, and horses will hardly drink it.- Versturme’s well borers moved to Lomo Poi to bore in well in Salado. The wells there don’t seem to give much water.- A recorrered down as far as south fence (rodeo de las yeguas). The Estero Gde there is quite dry and gave orders to have mares driven down to the rodeo where there is plenty of water in Salado especially to north side.- In Salado today and Estero Hondo 90 animals were pulled out of the mud and did not finish. Don’t know how many out of Estero Mistolar. Began a deposito beside the jaguel Estancia, 4 x 4 mts incluso. Garibaldi’s gente (3) lugelba working today and Chamorro is looking after the work at jaguel.
Had a glorious hard rain from 5 a.m. till about noon, which juntared water in camp for months. Luckily as the cattle yesterday were stuck in mud by wholesale.- At Mistolar Machengo & 3 peones were pulling out & skinning. Caferata left last night at 11 P.M. for Calchaqui.- to bring out stores barb wire to fence in estero Mistolar etc. No need to fence in estero now. J. Sanchez & Jose Paz here for night. Elias Salteño 6
Skinning dead animals coast of salado & Calchaqui. 36 dead & not nearly all found yet.- Paid off the Salado well diggers. Lots of water in camp. Sharp storm in morning afternoon. Weather looks settled at last. Good for drying hides if it lasts.– Lots of animals to skin yet.–
Fine day South wind for drying hides.- Skinned 48 animals, mostly Salado.–
Ox cart brought hides.– Versturme here for night. Plenty of water in camp.– Madero reports very little rain down towards his puesto.
November, 1901
Horse cart came back fro Calchaqui.
Fine day, E wind.-
All hands out skinning yet in Salado & puesto. Versturme left with some day peones to work at his jaguel. Ox cart bringing hides from Salado.
2 All hands went across Salado to bring our cattle across from Cia’s camp. potrero Varga, passed over, over 1000 head.- Finished skinning more or less. Juan Aso here for night. Offers 5.80 for hides sin distara.- Warm day N wind.- Cut alfa. Ox cart bro’t last hides from Salado. Dispatched the daily men.-
Sunday. Nothing done but a well earned rest-
Hot 93° heat.- Looks stormy.-
Versturme here for night. A off to Calchaqui tomorrow. Elias Salteño here to help look after place.–
A went to Calchaqui yesterday and came back this evening. Sold the hides to Perrez @ 5.85 per 10 K no tara nor “desecho” and to receive on the place.--
Got leña yesterday.- Elias & gente left for Lomo Poi to juntar mares & castrate colts.- Moving hides from hide galpon to Caferatas old house.–
Very muggy weather stormy & heaps of mosquitos.- The gente had gone to Lomo Poi today to juntar the yeguada for capacion.-
Very hot day E wind & looks a bit stormy. Caferata sowing maiz.- J. Sanchez gente took some cattle from costa alambrado Harteneck & from near gate.- Versturme at his jaguel– Chamorro came to trenzar lasso.
Capared the colts today at Lomo Poi 37 and left four for stallions. Elias had brought 83 horses & mares from Muelles making 629 brought over altogether.- Capared ‘a fuego’
sharp shower of rain in afternoon which might hurt the animals recently capared
Had on rodeo on at Lomo Poi and parted out the animals to leave behind & brought the rest (about 300) to the estancia.-
Left in potrero 50 (39 cows mostly with small calves & 11 novillos) = 50
50 butchering animals including 4 of Villalba mark.
1 of Moreiro
2 " Madero
1 toro
1 buey (pezcueso inchado).
Brought the rest to the Estancia to capar the bulls & mark the calves.-
It was a very hot clammy sort of day.-
Salado swimming at paso.
This morning A went down to Ensenada, to see whether Luis Bey’s jaguel was de recebó. Wants 60 c.m. of water yet.
Castrated 132 2 yr old bulls brought up yesterday from Lomo Poi, and marked 22 calves and 21 of Robsons .- Passed some more cattle over Salado from Vargas camp. Caferate sowing sandias.- Close muggy stormy sort of day.-
Sunday Fresh day East wind.-
Camp looking well, no water up in Palmar. Want another big rain.- A passed over some bulls from Vargas camp.
Peones recorrered over in Vargas camp and bro’t over a cuadrilla of our cows.
Butchered a cow.
Bro’t the canoe down from Palmar lake.-
Dug about 100 palm posts out from old potrero Salado fence.-
Old Junco was here this morning.-
Strong East wind, rather stormy weather. Elias & peones left to apartar over at Hartenecks.- Guillermo was cutting alfa in bug field & broke machine.-
Dug holes for fence in old chacra for capones.
Paid off Luis Bey for jaguel 3½ x 3½ mt at ensenada. Water at bottom was coming up rather brackish.
Verstrum was here; his boring is stopped on account of pumps not strong enough to drive sand out of pipe which is 21 metres.- Had sharp storm this morning & a bit of rain. Salado going down again.-
A went over to Harteneck’s rodeo, but the gente had finished parting yesterday at the 5 rodeos. 43 of our animals.
marked 2 calves and capared some bulls.
J. Sanchez with his arreo here for night as we have rodeo on tomorrow.
Hauled about 60 old palm posts from potrero fence, and set them up in old chacra for sheep fence.- . Rastreared alfa.- Splendid spring day warm N.E. wind. Versturme went to Calchaqui to look for pump.-
Had on rodeo Palmar about 3000 head & Julian Sanchez parted about 500 head & not quite finished on account of a slight rain. Let rodeo go 11.30 a.m. Marked 80 calves & capared a lot of ageno bulls.- Put some old cows, bullocks, and senueleros into potrero.-
Butchered a novillo.-
Francisco Martinez here for night on way to Monigotes.-
Caferata came with cart from Calchaqui.-
Ration day.
SE wind warmish & cloudy at times. Barometer low.
Had on rodeo Estancia about 2000 head in morning & Julian Sanchez parted and we parted about 100 calves and some ageno bulls & reses for consuma.- Afterwards, about noon, had on rodeo Salado and did same work as in morning. Left our aparte in corral for tomorrow to work. Sanchez left with his arreo over 300. Vesturme was here and sent cart to take his machinery and men to Lucero, he cannot work with his pump, so he goes and comes back with a better pump when he can get one; he expects in about a fortnight. Fixing the posts & boring for the alambrado in old chacra for sheep.
Put into potrero some reses oxen and señueleros parted yesterday, and capared the bulls (mostly agenos) and marked 161 calves. Sisto Martinez was here for helping & breakfast. Warm day. E wind.- Bidout here for night.-
Sunday- Butchered 2 capones for consuma.- Nothing going on.
Strong NE. wind warm day.-
S[J?] Martin here today & for night.-
Fritz from puesto Laguna was here looking for horses.
J. Sanchez & gente here for rodeo tomorrow.
Had on rodeo del Medio and Sanches parted out again about 100 m/o menos.- We parted 78 calves & marked them and also some bulls. Cattle getting fat fast- Put some old & black cows into potrero for future butchering.- Fillones lock in a tropa of about 400 into corral, on way to pozo mariano.- It was a hot day 34° & looks like a tormento which would be a good thing.- Giving the hides a beating as they are getting polillas.-
Hard frost last night, but very little rain.- Freshened off this morning a great deal, and very strong south wind blew all day. Had on rodeo Mistolar late and was only about 2000 (about ½ of its size) on account of the storm. Sanchez parted about 70 and we marked 63 calves at Mistolar corral & capared bulls and discornared. Cattle getting fat fast.- Beating out hides here.
Yesterday had on rodeo Tapera only about 800 head. Expect rest of the rodeo is over at Lucero & storm had blown some further towards rodeo del medio. Julian Sanchez parted a few animals out and we parted out about 20 orechano calves and some bulls and then parared rodeo de la Loma and parted about 20 more calves & capared and discornared some ugly and good bulls. Cattle at Lomo Poi in very good condition, & looking well. A. afterwards went down to Maderos where 3 men are shearing sheep & also visited Moreira who was not at home.- Today had rodeo de la yeguada. Sold or rather gave a cohudo & counter marked it to Bidout.- Parted some horses out and came home . Salado gradually falling.- Fine weather and cool nights. Sent Chasqui to Calchaqui for Perez to come out & receive his hides.- Want big rain now. Caferata sowing maiz.-
East wind and getting cloudy. Barometer variable. Butchered cow.-
Silvio hilling potatos.–
Recorrered camp. Water drying up fast. Nothing new.
Chasqui came back at noon from Calchaqui bringing mail; says Perez will come tomorrow for hides.
Vaquilla mestiza of tamberas died in front of house last night.-
Filling up around bebidas at jaguel. Bro’t 2 loads of wood.-
Weather cloudy E wind and looks rainy.
Sunday. A. was over at Martins.-
Perez and 6 carts & volante came to receive hides tomorrow.- Warm day. South wind cloudy & hot. Killed 3 capones.- Bedout & 2 men came to dig well.
Bidout & his 4 compañeros & Chamorro began work at jaguel deposito at Estancia.
Entregared 1100 of our cow hides & 23 agenos and 5 potro hides to Perez-
Hides came to 6.00 a piece.-
He left with his carts to night for puesto to finish receiving tomorrow&-
It was a very hot day NE wind 34°
Went down to madrugado and entregared the puesto hides 287 & 2 potros to Perez.- & then went to paso Calchaqui puesto & weighed 27 hides & 6 potros & 7 cow hides of Elias. Got receipts from him for 1444 cow hides 14802 K ($8659.17) 13 potros @ $2 $26. Of these 59 are ageno hides with out Robson of which none were found.- It was a very hot cloudy day & this afternoon had sharp storm with little rain.
Pozeros only worked ½ day.- Tomas Bergara came to see about coming to work.-
Butchered novillo ( small baroso).
The pozeros taking down part of north ensenada for calze for jaguel.-
Hot day E. & S.E wind.- Salado going down. J. Sanchez here for night; he made a small atajadizo in Salado near Fortin Union. A. goes to San Cristobal tomorrow to pay rent & see about making tajamares.
A came back from San Cristobal tonight. Paid $4193.57 on a/c of rent and 306.40 for rent for mares at Los Moyes.- Saw the Land Co. about making tajamar at the barra, but could not come to a definite arrangement as they are afraid of complications.- Had slight storm but no rain here. Seca getting serious again.- Began to repuntar Palmar cattle to Salado. Laguna Moyes beginning to give out as fish are beginning to die.- Nothing new here. Bidout & his 5 digging at well & getting plenty of water.-
December, 1901
Sunday. Repuntared Palmar cattle to Salado.- Esteros all dry again or only liquid mud.- Planted some (50) about india rubber gum tree seeds in quinta.– Nothing particular going on.- A family Dr Jose Azarvani on way from Esperanza to Margarita were stuck in Salado and stop the night and A brought them in trap as had to leave their trap in Salado.–
Pleasant warm day.
Had Dr Azarvani’s trap brought up from Salado and they left about 9.15 a.m. for Margarita via Calchaqui.- Almiron cutting alfa, bro’t in 2 big loads.- Tomas Bergara begins work tomorrow.- Cleared out well (house) also emptied chacra well.- Repuntared Estancia cattle to Salado.- J Sanchez here for breakfast & siesta. Gente went to Mistolar to drive cattle tomorrow to Salado.- Fearful hot day 35° West wind & floating clouds.- Pozeros (Bidout & Co) calzaring their jaguel.–
Vargas had bro’t 3 hides last week of animals died over in Monte Aguara.-
Fearful hot north wind 38° and storm gathering to south.- Salado water salty & cattle don’t seem to want to drink it & a lot are delgado and running about the camp. Finished jaguel & tried for water in bajo near paso Salado. Good water. Drove cattle to Salado from puesto and Pencas. Cutting and hauling in alfa.- Caferata sowing maiz.-
Had a dry storm last night and rained a little bit at daybreak, and cloudy forenoon and south wind afterwards. A and the 5 well diggers & new peon worked at aparatus for pulling water at ensenada centre of camp, moving it to bigger well etc.-&br /> Bro’t 2 loads of wood.- Xpect cattle drink better at Salado now.–
A and 6 men same as yesterday finished arreglared the jaguel at ensenada and began baldeando. Repuntared Palmar cattle to Salado.- Fresh night, warm day East wind.–
2 animals dead.
Started the pozeros at digging a jaguel at paso Salado 2.80 mt.- 2 Carts brought calze from Palmar.- Nothing going on xtra.
Repuntared cattle from Calchaqui to Salado.- Machengo came from Medio Luna where he went yesterday to see about tajamares there: they are not up to much.- Cold nights warm day N E. wind.
Hot day Variable weather & wind N and E in afternoon.- Weather looks seca although a bit cloudy.- Salado getting low.- Hauled calze to well Salado from Estancia.-
Escobar the Comisario sent two sainos .
. from Canton Zancocito. Gave peon 5.00.-
Animals beginning to get impantanared in Salado and are not drinking properly neither at Salado nor here at Estancia jaguel.- Butchered novillo.- Skinned 1 animal.
Sunday.- Very hot 38 or 39° N and E wind.- Cattle trotting about camp for water.- Sent Elias & 2 down to South potrero to atajar the Salado.- Well diggers working at Salado.-
Another fearful hot day 39° with strong N wind. Very bad day for cattle and Salado wont run for more than about 4 days. Means ruin. Well diggers getting on ahead. Sent word to Luis Bey to come and make another deposito at ensenada. Skinned 3 in Salado. Butchered cow.
Another fearful hot day 40½° Strong Variable wind N. N.W. E. afraid no rain again- . Elias came back from Lomo Poi potrero where he had been making a tajamar south of rodeo de las yeguas.- Hauled calze & palms to Salado well for bebidas.– Bad day for cattle a good many of which are wretchedly delgado.- Peoncito began work @ 1.50 per day closed up old jaguel on road & dug out posts.
Another fearful hot day 42½°. Stormy forenoon but no rain. Hard at work fixing up aguada at jaguel Salado The jaguel turned out very well and the vertientes are so strong had to stop work in well.- Hauling post & palms from Estancia to jaguel.– Caferate went to Calchaqi in horse cart. Hear lots of our cattle are in S.W. corner of Bargois camp at Estero which is only “barial” now.–
Took cattle from Estero Mistolar which is dry to jaguel Ensenada. The jagueles here and at Ensenada have plenty of water. Sent Machengo up to Laguna del Perro to see whether it would do to take cattle up there.-
Stormy last night but no rain to speak of.- Fine day S & SE wind cloudy in forenoon. A was over at Hartenecks and Paso Calchaqui. Cattle at Ensenada seem to drink better. Elias & gente bro’t over about 700 head of cattle from Vargas camp, where they had gone looking for water.- Manchengo came back from Laguna del Perro last night. Said the laguna was all right but fearful lot of cattle there and camp very talado.- Gente working (Bidue & Cia) at aguada at jaguel Salado.—
Caferata came back with horse cart from Calchaqui bringing stores etc.- Carpenter (the) also came & began work beginning with rigging up manga at jaguel Salado . Fixing up bebidas (on ground) at jaguel Salado and pulled water with manga.- Julian Sanchez bro’t the remnant of his cattle about 400 head and gave them water at jaguel here. Bro’t cattle up to jaguel from different parts of camp.- Sent mail & for more men to make jaguel.–
Weather regular seca S-E wind warm at noon nights cool.
Dug well a little deeper at pass but water coming in too fast.- Cart bro’t cilindro, bucket, and box for “volcando” water from Julian Sanchez who is boring in Salado, and brings his cattle here for water.–
Water in jaguel at Ensenada changed for worse as it seeps through from Watts & Versturme’s well. SomeCattle looking very delgado down there.- Rodeo monday at Moryes as taking part of cattle off.
Sunday.- Elias and 6 peones left for Moyes to part out tomorrow.-
Salteno bro’t up cattle from Estero Gde to jaguel and in afternoon recorrered Salado. Fixed up cilindro & bucket at jaguel Salado and men in afternoon did not work.-
East wind & cloudy and looks like rain but barometer is high (variable)
Jaguel at Ensenada gave out so opened boring from Watts well. Water rather amargo and only hope cattle will drink it.- Left Chamorro down there to fence in well & terraplanar.–
Began deposito at jahuel Salado.–
Bidout & 5 men working & 1 baldeando.–
Hot day E & SE wind cloudy & looks seca as barometer is high.–
Comdte Hernandez here for night on way to Verde camp.- Hauled 55 palms to jahuel Salado.- 4 dead cattle today.-
Julian Sanchez gave part of his cattle water at Salado jahuel and part at Estancia.- the latter well gave out but cattle did not suffer for water.- Repuntared all costa Salado from Lucero fence cattle to jaguel Salado & Estancia. Elias came with about 700 head from Moyes (150) and rest from other side of Salado in Lucero camp.- Cattle at jahuel ensenada drink very badly and few many cattle very delgado.- Skinned today.- Hot day 36° barometer variable and wind east & NE variable.- Carpenter went with horse cart to Calchaqui for timber & stores.- Caferata went to Ensenada and hauled some palms for Chamorro who fenced in jaguel & terreplenared a bit. Junes [Jineo ?] & 2 men began work noon.
Hot day 36° E wind bit cloudy.-
Same work as yesterday. Drove cattle from Estancia jahuel to Salado jahuel. Tonight Elias drives cattle from Esenada jaguel to Salado jaguel.-
2 dead today.-
Cattle suffering from want of water although the jagueles have plenty of water.-
Juan Aso & carts here for night.–
Carpenter came back from Calchaqui with maiz, boards & some articles for carpinteria.- also brought along a cousin of his who is talbartero.-
Chamorro & 2 men & boy deepened well at puesto and came to help at Salado well, some more men also came to work at well.-
Strong north wind all forenoon and hot 37° and at 1 P.M (about) had a tremendous tormento which blew down big ombu at spare room and a slight spatter afterwards enough to lay the dust.- Took 2 men down towards Paso Lucero to try for water but turned out amargo.- Jaguel men only worked ½ day.-
Elias last night about midnight bro’t about 700 head of cattle to jaguel Salado and this morning bro’t the cattle this side of puesto to Estancia jagul. Juan Aso the bolichero still here, bought 1 bag yerba & lasso from him. Seca going to be serious. Sent up A Pola to take cattle to Salado jaguel tomorrow.-
Repuntared (bro’t) about 3000 head of cattle from Palmar to jagueles Salado & Estancia.– Elias bro’t as many cattle as possible from Costa Calchaqui as far as Palmitos to jaguel Salado got home about midnight (tonight).- A was down at Loma Poi &Lucero to see the cattle. Sent gente down to drive cattle to jaguel Salado tomorrow.- Wilson here for night told him to drive a lot of his cattle to jaguel here if he is short of water.
A chap named Morris on his way to Martins came here,from B.A sent him on to Martins in afternoon.- Salado in very bad state & cattle don’t drink anymore on account of dead fish etc.–
Wilson left in morning early.-
All hands left to bring up cattle from all south to jaguel.- Water in Ensenada jaguel seems better today.–
Dug 2nd well at paso about as deep as they can dig it, seems to have good virtientes in sand.- Elias & gente did not Very hot 37° looks stormy but barometro variable at noon.-
Very hot strong n wind 39° last night stormy a bit.- Elias bro’t up about 2000 head of cattle to both jagueles last night from South potrero & Salado and this afternoon left to bring up the straglers tomorrow. Salado jaguel gave water to piles of cattle today, and held out well. Men putting in calze.- Sent to bring up cattle along Calchaqui east & north that are delgado, several dead in Calchaqui.– Perez Formoso came this afternoon (noon) wants to buy more hides. Skinned 4 animals today.
Variable weather hot 36°, stormy, Wind in all directions and tonight S.E. Tremendous lot of cattle at Salado and Estancia jahueles. Estancia jahuel gave out but cattle had enough water.- Elias & gente from South potrero not back yet 9.30 P.M with cattle. Began 3rd jaguel 4 x 4 mt at Salado jahuel.- Chamorro & 8 men working at jaguel at puesto.-
Repuntaring cattle also from Palmar and Calchaqui to jahuel. 11 dead today.
Luckily the cattle get enough water at Salado jahuel.
Sold Perez & Ferrez 54 hides for $321.75.
Sent carpenter with horse cart to Calchaqui to bring some stores.
Cool day Strong south and then east, stormy, & cloudy night.- Dug 1st Salado jahuel deeper until got into sand. Gente brought up cattle from south potrero last night and all along the Salado. 4 men on their own horses working.- Skinned 10 animals today. Cart came from Calchaqui bringing sugar, galletas, salt, potatos, rice, mail etc.- Comisario de Campo of Aleman’s camp (Robledo) here for night looking for a gaucho Anacleta Escobar.-
Xmas. A very triste one on a/c of the great seca.- The cook arranged a tree with 2 lanterns, red paper, pears, candy, flags, cakes etc. & a few presents-
Looking after cattle & driving to water. A recorrered down Calchaqui to see about springs on edge of river, found several but bad places to dig on account of pantanas. Skinned 8 animals today.
Demetrio Ledesma at Paso Calchaqui close to Junco’s well found a well of good water in plano of Calchaqui on this side. Sent 2 of Camorro’s gente down to help him calzar & fix bebidas.-
At jaguel paso Salado dug well a little deeper in sand. Tremendous lot of cattle drink there.- Bro’t norio down from Palmar- Chamorro has about a meter of water in Mistolar jaguel.–
Looked stormy 37° hot E wind.-
Cloudy day Wind variable N.W. and South & tonight S.E. Had 2 balderos last night at jaguel Salado & 2 every day.–
Enough water for cattle.- 10 dead today but cattle are improving.–
2 metres of water in well at Mistolar.
Hauled big load of palms to Salado jaguel to encucar [encercar?] etc.-
Sent cart to Mistolar to haul palms.-
Cut alfa. Carpenter made rondana.-
Saddler mending harnefs.-
Only one por dia working on horseback (Simon).
Took carpenter down in trap to have a look at well which is being dug at Paso Calchaqui puesto. Right at bottom of river they dug a small well1,20 mt. deep to try & the water rebalsared right over the edge. Good water. So today they are digging a well of 2 mts. Good water yet in Mistolar well. Bugara hauling calza from ensenada to there.- Here Salado jahuel gave out but cattle drank all right- 37° today hot and wind variable barometer getting low. Simeon brought up a cuadrilla of cattle from Lomo Poi. Reports enough water in tajamar(Potrero) for another 8 days.
Sunday. Fearful hot until noon when it turned very stormy which ended in a dust storm and W and N.W. wind in evening very hot again.-
Seca getting awful. Today not enough water for cattle in jagueles, for catl.
A down at Mistolar jaguel putting down bebidas (palm). Water there not so good as at first.– 13 dead cattle today. (-Ruination.) Hauled down 2 bebidas from Ensenada jahuel to puesto camba/paso Calchaqui also some palms.
Another beastly hot day about 40°.-
Cattle drinking very badly & made up our minds to take a lot to Laguna del Perro tonight with moon.– A all day (same as yesterday) at Jahuel Mistolar to hurry up aguada.- The carpenter went to Calchaqui to bring out borer and see if he could not get gente to work at jahueles.
Last day of year. Fearful hot day 41° Cloudy. N.E. N. N.W. wind and about 4 P.M had a nice shower of rain which gave the poor cattle a drink.–
Men left about mid night with about 1000 head of cattle for Laguna del Perro & passed the siesta at puesto Palmar.–
A. had gone on ahead & looked at laguna and surroundings. Laguna plenty of water but lots of cattle (about 15000) head drink there.- Cattle did not have enough to drink at jagueles today & rain came in very good time. At 9 P.M another storm came up and _ [it rained – see 1902].
© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)