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Alfred A. Benitz | Page last modified: |
Alfred’s diary is limited to his hunting adventures in the Yukon Territory, Canada, that began and ended at Whitehorse. His entire trip to the US and Canada in 1908 extended a month or two before and after the hunt. Per his brother John’s diary, Alfred sailed from Buenos Aires on May 10 and arrived back on November 15.
Alfred was accompanied by John R. Todd. It was Todd's second hunting trip based out of Whitehorse; he had hunted there three years before, in 1905.
They canoed down the Yukon River (north) to where it is joined by the Teslin River. They then canoed up the Teslin River (south-west) to Teslin Lake. At Nasutlin Bay on the lake, they took a creek north and with a couple of portages made it to Wolf Lake. From Wolf Lake they made trips south, lasting days to Moose Lake (today Morris Lake?), Caribo Valley and Mountain. They returned via the Red River to Nasutlin, and then traveled down the Teslin as far as Mason's Landing where they boarded a steamer to Whitehorse.
We have no record of Alfred’s activities before and after the hunt. His brother John wrote in his diary that Alfred sailed from Buenos Aires on May 10, more than two months before the hunt. We don't know the date of his return to Argentina; but, if he returned directly after the hunt and allowing 3-4 weeks for travel and sailing, the earliest date would have been mid-November, 1908.
His trophies hung in the long glassed-in hall of his house at “Las Tres Lagunas” — the estancia he bought in 1909. The house was demolished in the 1980s and the trophies were distributed amongst relatives, donated to museums, or destroyed.
Transcription notes: Alfred wrote in pencil and parts of the diary are hard to read. The dates he typically centered. We have highlighted the dates in bold but otherwise they are as he wrote them. Our comments are within [square brackets, and italics]. Some words were undreadable, we put our best guess followed by [?]. We will be adding a map and glossary soon. (Transcribed by: Jane Baggott, Sept. 2011)
[Inside cover is blank;
page 1 is
barely legible.]
[page 1]
July 22/08 Yukon
Left White Horse 2 p.m.-
Left Bunch of Keys & Bank receipt at Hotel White Pass
Left at Bank W.H:
pocket book 1733
Bank & pass books
of W.H. Bank & of Canada in Vancouver
Left at Hotel W.H.
1 valise (clothes at wash)
1 hat
{1 suitcase }
{2 overcoats } in Todds Box[?]
Left at Hotel Vancouver
1 big leather trunk
1 hat box[?]
Cash $130
[page 2]
Cash a/c | |
July 22/ Cash in hand | $130.- |
July 23 Fish & bread | .75 |
23 Todd (½ tip | .50 |
27 5 pr socks | 1.90 |
Mosquito netting | 3.75 |
3 tins preserves | 1.00 |
Hankrchfs | .50 |
Indian for sewing mosquito net | .75 |
31 moose meat | .50 |
1 pr mocasins | 1.25 |
Aug 9 1 left at Store | 3.- |
boat ½ Wilson & Thompson | 37.50 |
1 shirt (buckskin) | 11.50 |
Oct 5 Meal Hootalinga | 1.- |
Steamer to W.horse | 10.- |
Cigars etc | 1.50 |
Telegram to Dawson ½ | 3.37 |
from Bank $300.- | |
Songs[?] of Sourdough | 1.75 |
NewsPaper | .50 |
pr Gibsons a/c (hunt) ½ | 2.50 |
pr share of a/c Driny[?] & Talegler[?] | 5.62 |
Barber Bath | $1.75 |
Telegram | 3.50 |
[page 3 diary proper begins]
Left White Horse 2 P.M. 1 canoe with Todd, Kito and Gibson and the
other with Macbeth, Marbush Burwash & I. guess each canoe
carries 1500 lbs.- Rowed & paddled down to upper LaBarge & camped about
6 P.M. at old M.P. station.-
Rained a bit last night but was fine day little S wind. Left camp at 8 AM got to where lake gets narrower about 12 miles at about noon.- Put up a bigger sail in afternoon left at 1.20 P.M. & got to end of lake at 5.30 P.M. Camped close to telegraf office where Mr Hope lives. Bot some fish (white) & 2 loaves of bread ($1.50).- Rainy tonight. -
Rained nearly all night. so stopped in camp Hope had dinner & supper with us. Sleep at his house tonight as last night mosquites were pretty bad. Had several walks. Seems a lonely quite place only Hope & two fishermen here. The Selkirk passed down in morning early
Left camp at 8.20AM Fine sunny clear day. Rowed & paddled down to the Hootalinga river where we arrived at 12 oclock.- The Bonanza King & another steamer passed there.- From here we have to pole up the Hootalinga so Todd & I walked & the others poled. 1.30 P.M. to 4 P.M. about 4 miles.- Saw Moose tracks. Camp this side of a mud slide Raining again in afternoon
Sunday. Mosquites pretty bad last night. Left camp 7.45 & poled until 12 oclock. Todd & I walked through a beautiful path in a fine pine forest. Walked about 2 miles too far & had to go back to the boats.- Had breakfast & then poled about 2 miles & stopped on account of the rain.- Looks like a rainy time. Some moose & bear track about.
Monday. sultry morning warm afternoon. Marched 8 oclock til 1 P.M. & then about 3 miles to Masons Landing 3.30 P.M. A german & his wife are here. (15 miles to Livingston. Bot mosquito netting socks, Got indian to sow on bottom of mosquito net. (The Germans wife made top of it). The little steamer Frontiersman came tonight from Hootalinga with surveyors supplies.- Report 110 miles from here to Lake Teslin.- Marcel of the Frontiersman came up & told us of the Teslin country as regards to game.
Tuesday.- Left camp at 7.45 AM & marched to 11.30 about 7 miles.- Lots of Islands & pretty bad walking as no trail anywhere.- Cloudy cool morning.- Marched again 1.30 P.M. to 4 P.M. about 5 miles. Seems a lot of mosquitos here. (Mosquito camp)
Wednesday. Plenty of mosquito last night in campo.- Left about 7.45 & marched until 11 A.M Had to cross the river several times to Walk. Passed Jim Bosses camp at 11 A.M. & a miner on other side came over to our camp & said it was about 23 miles from Masons landing- Found 2 dead horses & harness on a little lake. seems the winter trail to Livingston passes here Marched from 12.45 to 4.30 P.M. about 5 miles some pretty bad poling.- Camp on corner above an old wrecked steamer the Sybil. A chap on a raft passed to join his companion who we saw today at Jim Bosses camp.- Cooler this evening & everybody making preparations for mosquitos. (Indian Grave Camp)
July 30 Thursday. Left camp 7.30 & marched to 11.30 good going on. Lots of mosquitos last night. Marched from 1.30 to about 4.30 P.M bad going. made about 8 miles today. Passed some prospecting holes on an island, also a shack before. Camp on a gravel bar on a/c of mosquites.- Clear weather again. Had a fine swim. Camp Gravel Bar.-
Friday.- Got an early start 7.15. Walking on foot among islands struck an indian family (Charley ...) who had killed a moose & bot some meat for 50 cts. I also bot a pr of mocasins for 1.25 marched until 11 A.M. some pretty bad going. Left again about 12.30 & found some rapids which gave some good lining work. shortly afterwards passed a stream running in from east or north side. Guess made about 8 miles today.- Warm day. Lot of moose tracks todays. Had a good swim.- Sunlight camp.- Saw a moose swimming the river with its calf (the men did.
Saturday. about 1 ½ miles from camp passed the Beswell river on our left and then some very stiff rapids.- 7.45 AM to 11 AM guess about 5 miles! Killed a porcupine. Fine cool morning- In among the snow tipped mountains now.- Marched in afternoon about 3 hours. Looks like rain. River very crooked today. Camp cut bend. Warm afternoon.-
Aug 2 Sunday.- Marched from 7.45 to 11.15 AM in quite a different smooth water. Guess the worst of the Hootalinga is passed. Camped all afternoon as it was raining & baked some bread. A big snow mountain is on our right.- Call it rainycamp.
Monday.- Left camp at 8.15 & and poled until 11.- & in afternoon 12.30 to about 4. Saw some gold washers who said it was 8 miles to quiet waters.- and 19 miles to 100 mile landing. & 44 miles to Lake. Burwash caught 5 greyling fish.- Drizzly at noon & fine afternoon. At last have left the snow peak behind.- A small stream runs from left in River.Grayling camp
Left camp 8.15 & went on to 12 oclock. Put up a sail & made considerable speed. Had hard rain at noon- Marched from 1.35 to 4.20 P.M. Water quite sluggish.- Todd shot 4 wild geese.- Passed a house with 2 boats at noon.; Lot of snow mountains about. Wild Goose camp.-
Wednesday.- Rowed & paddled from 8.35 am to 11.30 good going. In aftenoon from 12.35 to 5 P.M. Tried to sail a bit but afterwards found some stiff water & have had to pole again. Passed a lot of indians who were camped on right side. In morning passed 2 shacks each side of river. Camp tonight at an old deserted indian camp.
A big cow moose & calf came to bank opposite last night about 400 yds off. A fine sight to see her eating grass out of the water.-
Left at 7.30 & after going about 1 ½ miles got into the Lake Teslin 215 miles from White Horse. It was rather rough so at 10.15 we found a place where we could land about 1 mile on north side of some indian settlement. Good for drying clothes & have a rest. Calculate 9 days to White Horse on way back.- Put up tent in afternoon as it rained & stop the night here. 1st Lake Camp
On a/c of hard south wind did not leave this camp until 1.45P.M. & then went on until about 4 P.M. It calmed down later so at 7 P.M. went on until 8.50 P.M. Guess did about 15 miles today. In afternoon where we stepped close to a small stream from the left were a lot of log cabins. guess miners in olden days.- Camp Long Point as it seemed so far off. Lake about 1 ½ miles broad here
Left camp at 9.30 & rowed until 11.20 & in
afternoon about 1 hour to Nasutlin Bay. To Taylor & Drurys store. Here
we got news that the best hunting ground was at Lake Wolf at head of
Wolf River, but that the river was very bad going for our canoes. So we
traded with 2 men Jackson Wilson & Thompson for a punt for
$75.00. We saw the chief Joe Squam & asked him about
the shooting. Also engaged an Indian to help us up [above line:
(John Jackson)] the river & back. They say it is 100 miles to Wolf Lake.
Seems a good store here. Camp on North side of Bay & will likely stop
over tomorrow. Stormy cold night.
Sunday. Camped all day. Bot boat from Wilson & Thompson. for 75.00 so as to leave ours here. Went over to the store & got some canvas to fix our tent also bot a pair of fancy mocasins for 3.- to have here until we come back also bot a cariboo skin shirt for 11.50. A fine day. Photografed some Indians. Wrote a letter to mother.
Monday. 3 months from B.Aires! Went over to store with the two canoes which we put in a shady place near the store & covered over with branch, & brought over the 34 ft boat we bought Said good bye to the two Scotch men Ainsley & Capelad. We owes 36.60 at Store which we pay in White Horse. Made arrangements to pay all our debts there.-
Nice situation & scenery this Nasutlin Bay.-
Hired an indian John Jackson at 5.00 per day He began at noon. We left at 12.30 & went on to 5.30 P.M. & reached Wolf river. 12 miles.- 4 rowed in bay 7 miles, & poled [above line: & miled[?]] about 5 miles up Nasatlin River.-
Left at store the 2 canoes 4 oars & 4 padles 4 rowlocks. As coat &
pants & box cigars. & mocasins & ordered an embroidered coat & pants of
buckskin & a moose hide tanned. Camp Junction WolfRed Riv
Tuesday. Left camp at 7.30 after putting some pitch
& oakum on bottom ends of boat. We travelled until 12. The WolfRed
is very shallow & gave a lot of work. stop at noon opposite a cabin. I
guess 5 miles from mouth. Travelled about 3 miles in afternoon as river
is getting worse. Camp at a sand bar near a timber point. Many moose
Left at 7 AM & travelled until 11. All hands towing & tugging as it
is nearly all rapids.- From 12 to 2 P.M. where the 2 mile portage begin
12 miles from WolfRed river & Nasutline junction. & 28 from
store. All hands wet to waist, as also yesterday afternoon.
Thursday.- WolfRed River. Today made the two miles of bad
water in Caρon. At about 1 ½ miles we struck the 1st
water fall & then we unloaded, & drew the boat over the fall & backed
her to the rock where cargo was about 300 yds further on we unloaded
again & then at about ½ mile we got to the last water fall & unloaded
again. Got finished about 3.30 P.M.- Very hard
work today & boat nearly swamped at 1st water fall.
Lost 2 gold pans 1 bucket there.- Any how saved at least ½ day by not
making 2 mile portage.- Murky day.-
Friday. Passed about 3 miles of bad water all hands towing afterwards better, now & then the boat stranding. 7.30 AM to 11.30 & then to 5 P.M. Saw lots of tracks moose & big bear.- Camped 1 mile beyond English creek. Lots of moose hair there. Rained hard last night. Todd lost & found his knife 3 miles back.- Murky day.- Camp high place left hand side where river makes turn. Killed porcupine & 6 ducks.
Saturday. Marched from 7.AM to 11.30 & 12.30 to 4.15 Made about 12 miles. Some hard work. Lots of track about & I saw a brown one which gave me a fright.- Camp on left hand of river on the beach as it is swampy inside. Killed 10 ducks.-
Sunday. Left camp 7.10 & stopped at 11.30. Ordinary going.- I went ahead with rifle but saw nothing. Men saw a moose. In afternoon went from 12.30 to 4.30 P.M. Good going. Killed 7 geese & 5 willow grouse. Camp called Grouse camp. Very good to eat.-
Monday. Marched from 7 to 11 & 12.15 to 5 P.M. passed Trout creek about 8.00 AM. Bag 2 geese.- Coldish morning. Slight rain in evening. Todd came to camp about 7 PM Guess made about 12 miles. Todd late camp. Todd found a shovel.
Camp on bar left hand side.
Tuesday.- Left camp at 7 & to 11.30 & at 1 P.M. until 3.45 P.M. Entered Wolf creek at 2 P.M. Bad going simply tugging boat along by main force. Camp about 1 mile from Junction on nice place where Jack Pines grow.- Saw 2 moose at Junction of river.- Good day, cool.-
Wednesday.- Left 7 AM until 11.15 - for about the 1st hour all hands hanging on to boat as it was very shallow. Bagged 2 ducks. In afternoon from 12.30 to 4.30. All but I on boat. I went ahead to see if I could not get a shot. Guess made about 8 miles today. Camp on right hand side. Jack Pines 2nd day Wolf Creek
Frost this morning.- Started 7.45 to 11.30 & 12.45 to 4 P.M. Bad going. A went ahead in morning and Todd in afternoon. Bag 1 duck. The hill alongside is all jack pine & very dry poor for game. Camp on right side of stream poor spongy place & uneven.-
Fine day.-
Left camp 7.45 to 11.50 bad going. Macbeth caught 15 grayling at noon.
Rained some last night.- Bagged ducks.
I went ahead & reached Wolf Lake at 11 AM.- The boat arrived at the lake 3.30 P.M. 11 ½ days from Nasutlin bay.-
We camp about ½ mile from River.-
Wolf Lake. This morning early Todd & I killed a bear which was fishing at mouth of Wolf River. Left camp at 9.30 & rowed until 12. across & down the Lake. In afternoon sailed 1 Ό hours to SE corner of Lake where we camp close to the mountains.- Fine day. Raining this evening. Bag 3 widgeon 1 bear
Sunday.- Went today to have a look at the hunting grounds. Left at 7.20 AM & got back Gibson & I at 7 P.M. & Todd & the indian (John Jackson) at 7.10.-
Got on the indian trail to the mountains. Picked a place to camp 2.40 hours
from here, south west of a lake in a little hollow.- Then we went up the
mountain south side of lake & went clean around to east side of valley
where lake is in. Todd & Jackson went on further, & Gibson & I came back
through the Moose Lake valley. Got Saw, 2 moose cows & calves, 1
moose cow, 1 moose bull in Velvet, 1 cariboo in velvet. Saw altogether so far
13 moose, 1 cariboo. Looks a likely place in the valley for moose.
Bag 1 spruce grouse 2 duck. Lots of ice & snow on the mountain. I got very
tired today.- Some mist or drizzle today.-
Monday.- General day of rest, baking, washing & preparing to pack to the mountains.-
Rainy. fine evening. Came altogether 384 miles in canoes & old flat bottom
Today all hands packed to our mountain camp Timber Line S.W. of moose lake. We left at 8. AM & arrived there at 11 AM. Burwash carried my bed & I the rest of my goods. The men afterwards went back to fetch more things tomorrow. Todd went out northwards & saw some sheep (about a dozen.) I saw a caribo on east side of lake & shot him had 41 points slight velvet on horn. Fine fat animal.- The men saw one at noon & I guess he is the same one. Fine day, slight drizzle. Todd & I alone at camp.
Moose Lake camp. Todd & I went & got the head & some meat of the caribo I shot yesterday, & I spent the rest of the day cleaning the head and cape.- Todd in afternoon shot another caribo at same place this afternoon. 31 points. Men made another trip with stores & went back to sleep. Now we have half of the shelter up. Raining this evening altho a fine day.
Thursday. Rained greater part of day & last night. The men came up with
more stores & cached the rest of the things in Wilsons cache on his island
& some on last camp.-
I went for a hunt to the valley to the north but found nothing.- 2 men & Todd brought up more caribo meat.- We are all together again.-
Rained again greater part of day. 4 men brot up more caribo meat. I went for a hunt up the valley but found nothing. Too wet. Made oven & baked bread.
Rained nearly all day. Todd & the indian went up to Caribo valley to see whether it is any better for game. J.T. killed a cow caribo & brot home the head & scalp.- I went south in the gullys but saw nothing.-
I went way south to the other parallel valleys & lakes but only saw a fox. Burwash went down to the cache on the island & brot a few necesaries. Fine day.-
Took along all the men except Burwash, & brot Todds, mine, & the indians beds, a shelter, & a few stores & moved up to Caribo valley. Left camp 8.20 AM & reached 12.45. The 3 men then went back to camp (Moose Lake). Looks like a better place for game here. Rained good deal this afternoon. Saw 2 sheep up on mountain.-
[Overwritten vertically along right side of page: saw a caribo & calf
a caribo came close to camp last night ]
The indian & I went off at 6 AM & brot some meat off the caribo Todd shot 3 days ago. Got back at 8 AM & left 8.20 for a days hunt southward. [between lines: with indian] Saw a moose bull which escaped. Had a small head, afterwards saw 2 caribo cows & 1 calf.
Todd went eastward & got a caribo 21 points & saw 3 more.- Fine day, raining this evening again.
Tired out tonight.
Rained some last night & all day hard & sleet. Mountains full of snow. None of us went out to shoot. Two men from the other camp (Moose Lake) came with a few stores (Burwash & Billy). The other day in going back saw 1 good caribo & cow.
Thursday.- Rained again all last night and this forenoon some. Went out in afternoon to hunt. I went S.E. around a mountain & saw 2 caribo running at a distance. Tood & the indian went northward & saw 10 caribo. Todd shot a young male with 13 points. He only took the scalp.-
Friday. Rained all last night. Snow sleet hail rail nearly all day. Went out in afternoon & saw about a dozen sheep. Fired at 5 or 600 yds.-
Fine weather!
Snowed lot last night & nearly all day sleet & snow. I went to the valley across mountains to SW where J. Squam has a cache from 8 AM to 4.30 but saw nothing. Too bad a day. Todd & the indian were out longer down this valley but they saw nothing also. Some of the men brot a few stores from Moose Lake camp.
Snowed lot last night & this morning early. Dried clothes & bedding today as sun came out at last again. J. Jackson went down to headquarters Moose Lake & brot up Billy & a few necesaries as tomorrow we move camp. Todd went out in afternoon but saw nothing. Looks like it would freeze tonight. Hope weather lasts.
Monday. Snowed a lot last night. quite a lot got into the tent. Billy and J. Jackson took most of the stores to Caribo mountain so as to form a new camp.- They left at 8 AM & got back at 4.20 P.M. Todd started at 8 AM for the Moose lake camp to get bacon etc, but had to turn back at 12 on a/c of the snow which was too deep on other side of mountain. Sun out about ½ hour in afternoon rest of morning sleet & damp. Loud noise last night like thunder clap.- about midnight.-
Fine day. This morning at 8.00 we packed our things over to Caribo Mountain & got there at 12.30 oclock more or less. Left our tent & few other things here until on way back.- Made shelter of boughs.- Camp near an old indian encampment. Todd went out & saw 8 caribo. I did not see any thing except a porcupine.-
A fine sunny day SE wind & tonight looks like snowing.- Lots of snow about & practically all the ground is covered.- I was out all day & saw a moose and about 14 caribo together.- The wind & sun was bad & could not get the caribo. There was one bull among them. Todd & Jackson were out all day South but saw nothing.- Billy went to meet the other 2 boys with stores at last camp & brot along Gibson to help here.-
Had a heavy fall of snow during the night which got on my bed.- Did not go out until about 10.30 AM I did not see anything even a track. Todd & Jackson went out together & killed a moose 10 points, small head. [between lines: 73 inches high, big one escaped.] Bit of sun in evening & hope it will clear up.-
Moved back again to Caribo valley camp. Gibson & Billy & Jackson carried things.- I went around mountain to eastward & saw a caribo cow & calf & bull which evidently heard the party going across the hills. Snow & sleet again a bit in afternoon.-
Men went back again to sleep at last camp to carry rest of things tomorrow.-
Snow storm last night & all forenoon hard.- Gibson & Billy with Jackson came with rest of loads from last camp & the two former went on to sleep at Moose Valley Camp.- Went out in afternoon with Jackson northward but saw nothing.- Bear made a cache of Todds last caribo. No sugar or bacon left in camp.-
Todd & Jackson went in morning early to look for grizzly at caribo but another had come & carried away head. The 4 men came from Moose Vally at 11 AM & at 11.30 made a move with everything to that place. Snowed hard most of the way & snow was very deep. Got to Moose Valley camp at 5 P.M.- Glad to get out of the mountains where most of the time it was snow hail sleet & rain.- & very little game.
Moved down to Lake Wolf men made 2 trips or 1 ½.- Fine day. Set up tents in old mossy place which feels rather damp & cold. Hard frost this morning. Everything frozen until noon.-
Cold day. Frost hard 4 men packed rest of things from Moose Vally Camp & Burwash cut & brot poles for boat. Left camp in boat at 12 oclock, sail up & reached Wolf River 3.30 PM & then went down about a mile. River an inch or two higher then when we come up. Camp at some old shacks.
Poled down the Wolf River to a little below its junction with the Red River. Todd & I walked part of the road. River is still troublesome & the men had to get out frequently & push & lift the boat over the stones & gravel. About a mile up McBeth shot a 2 yr old moose on an island.- Camp at an old encampment. Cloudy cold windy day.- Moore moosse tracks here now. I had a long tiring walk to camp this evening, also in morning.
Emptied the boat & went back about a mile & fetched the moose meat & scalp. Left camp at 9.45 AM going down stream, at about 12 we saw a grizzly standing on his hind legs looking at us when Todd shot him. An old fellow white about the shoulders.- Got to an old indian fishing place where we stop the night & perhaps hunt. Fine day.-
I went with John the indian to the hills back here to pick out a place to camp. About 2 hrs march. John saw a moose & I gave him my rifle & he shot him. 13 points 6 ft 9 inches high.- Got back by 3.15 P.M.- Todd busy with his skin & scalps.- Windy cold day. Also saw a cow moose & calf on the hills.-
This morning I fixed the scalp of the moose while all the men made a trip to the hills with our beds etc.- I left camp at 12 PM & reached the new camp at 2.45 slowly.- Todd was out with John (indian) & saw a cow moose & calf.- John alone with us tonight. Fine day. hailed a bit.
I went out but did not see any thing from 6.15 AM to 1.30 as it snowed hard from about 10 AM. Todd & the indian were out & killed a fine moose 82 inches high. 16 points & 49 inch spread.- Looks like regular snow storm.-
I & John the indian went out 6.20 AM to 5.30 P.M but only saw a cow moose. Lots of track in snow. Snowed hard from 12 oclock on. Todd saw a cow moose. Gibson & Billy up from camp to help here.- Too bad snowing so much.-
Went out to the north from 8 to 4.30 PM but did not see a thing. It snowed about 2 hours so had to come back Todd & John were out & killed a moose (small head) 76 inches high. - & a bear cub.- They saw 3 more moose. Gibson & Billy took the other head down to camp & came back again.
Went out with John (indio) up the valley into the mountains & across the stream but only saw a cow moose all day which was bitter cold & murky. Todd fixed his scalp & sent it down to camp.
Todd & the men went down to the boat while John & I went up the valley again
from 6.20 AM to 6.45 P.M. Saw a few tracks & at 5 P. M.
felled a moose bull 4 shots, not large but nice broad little head. Snowed a lot
in afternoon & tonight very hard. John & I alone in camp. Cold & cheerless.
Saw a moose cow & calf. The
The 4 men appeared at 7.15 AM & packed every thing down to camp. Got down in 55 minutes.- Loaded up boat & had lunch & left at 10.30 AM, We had tea at 2 P.M. & then went on until 5 P.M. It snowed hard all day & was very cold but it was good going & no one had to get wet.- We almost got to where we camped on Aug 15.
It cleared up today but in forenoon was very cold. Lots of snow on ground. Afternoon was better. Very bad going today & the men most of the day were in water tugging at the boat. Went from 7.15 to 11.30 & 12.30 to 5 P.M. Camp about where we had midday meal on 14th Aug. River seems lower now.-
Left camp 7.15 AM and got to our Aug 13 camp at head of Caρon of
Red River at 10.45 & as it was snowing hard, camped for rest of day.
Todd & I walked.- Passed the boat over the falls. & loaded her up again
Looks like winter is here again in earnest.-
Started about 8 AM & the men got the boat through the caρon by unloading twice. Broke some of her ribs on some rocks. She was nearly full of snow in morning. Very hard work for the men. Todd & I walked to where we camped 12 Aug, head of portage track where we got at 1 PM 2 P.M. left again & came to Redmans cabin at about 5.30 PM where we passed midday Aug 11 Boat was making a lot of water so we unloaded her. Not so cold today, but no sun. Sleep in cabin. Men had to get out very often.-
Fixed boat this morning until 10 AM. Made fires & dried scalps & etc as everything was pretty damp from the boat leaking & snow.- Left camp at 11.10 AM reached the junction with Nesutlin river 12.50 & reached the post at Nesutlin Bay at about 4 P.M. Found Drury there & a missionary Bethel & Pat Murray a prospector. All the indians had left on hunting trips. Very cold in boat & lots of snow about & floating in River. This evening we saw the Northern lights.- Rainy.-
Rained all night & forenoon. Slept in cabin with Drury & Parson but rained in very hard. Paid John Jackson off yesterday through Drury $267.50. Camp here all day. Sold old boat to Drury for $30.00.- Got a few stores for continuing the march & the poach. The canoes are all right & were in soak all night.-
Rained again last night got every thing ready & left the post at 9.10 AM. we take the last mail.- with our two canoes.- There was a strong head wind & we went until about 12 oclock to the 3d point. I have to pay to Drury & Taylor $199.10 & Todd 166.65 total $365.65 in White Horse. In afternoon we went from 1.15 to 4.45 P.M. Calm going We camp close to where we were in the evening to 7 PM on 7th Aug.- Rowed about 6½ hours. & guess made 20 miles.
Had a little rain last night & this morning a strong south wind. Left Lake camp at 8.30 & sailed down about 3 miles in river Hoolatinger [Hootalinga?] to 12 & in afternoon rowed & paddled to nearly where we camped at noon on Aug 4. Camp on right side of river at same old camp. Afternoon 1.15 to 5.15. 4 indians in a raft passed down with moose meat this evening.- Fine afternoon. Bag. 2 ducks Mallard. Lots of snow at this camp.
Left camp at 7.15 & soon passed an indian camp & the 100 mile landing and at 11.30 had lunch below rainy camp of Aug 2nd.- River lower then in going up at 12.45 went on to after we passed luncheon on the 31st at 4 P.M. Good camp on left side, high & dry.- no snow on ground here. Passed the rapids all right.- Passed a lot of indians camping.
Left camp 6.45 AM to 10.45 AM fast going. Very hard frost last night which did not thaw until about 10 oclock. Left again at 12 oclock reaching Masons Landing at 1.45 P.M. & passed & camped below noon camp of the 26th Aug.- Making very good going all day. Gave Brown of Masons Landing lot of moose meat.- No snow here but said the other day was about a foot deep.- Saw 2 moose today & this afternoon.-
Left camp 7.15 & in about an hour reached Hootalinga. As the Selkirk was xpected thoure [there?] decided to go on her & sent on the canoes with the men to White Horse. Had breakfast at the telegraph station & the steamer came & left with us at 2.45 P.M.- Took all our luggage along. & horns etc.- Paid 10.00 for fare & dinner ticket but have to bunk down any way, as steamer is full up & 250 on board her.- Sent a telegram to Dawson 6.25 to enquire of Streight [sp?] if he had any horns but he answered no.- Hard frost in morning.- Fine day but looks Snowy & chilly in evening.-
BSlept in my bag in ladies Saloon on board last night.
Reached White Horse at 6.30 in morning.- Went to White Pass
Hotel. Found a telegram from Marty (via Agar) re Los Palmares
[24 blank pages]
Oct 6. Felt Soles | .25 |
Taylor & Drury | 193.25 |
Brkfast | .75 |
Lunch | 1.75 |
Dinner | .75 |
Drinks | .75 |
[facing page]
A J Thomas
310 Grove St
Boise Idaho
Wants to go to S.A.
The Sleep at list is 3 pages long. We have made separate lines of notes inserted between dated lines, e.g. days out.
Sleep at | ||
July | 22 | Upper Labarge |
23 | Lower | |
24 | | |
25 | 4 Miles Hoolatuga | |
26 | 16 | |
27 | Masons Landing | |
28 | Mosquito camp, Hootal | |
29 | Indian Grave | |
30 | Gravel Bar | |
31 | Sunlight camp | |
Aug | 1 | Cut Bend [insert: rapids] |
2 | Rainy camp. Smooth water | |
3 | Grayling camp- . | |
4 | Wild Goose camp.- | |
5 | Deserted Indian camp | |
6 | 1st Lake camp (Teslin) | |
7 | Long point. Lake | |
8 | Nasutlin Bay. | |
9 | | |
10 | Junction [insert: & Nasutlin] |
11 | Sand Bar. Bad waters | |
12 | 2 mile portage track. | |
13 | north end 2 miles portage | |
14 | River windy | |
15 | Roast Duck camp.- | |
16 | near trout creek. | |
17 | Todd late camp | |
27 days out | ||
Aug | ||
18 | 1 mile above Junction Wolf creek. | |
19 | 2nd camp Wolf Creek.- | |
20 | 3d | |
21 | 1st Lake Wolf.- | |
22 | S end | |
23 | south | |
24 | south | |
25 | Moose Lake Camp | |
26 | | |
27 | | |
28 | | |
29 | | |
30 | | |
31 | Caribo valley | |
Set | 1 | |
43 days out | ||
2 | | |
3 | | |
4 | | |
5 | | |
6 | | |
7 | | |
8 | Caribo mountain | |
50 days out | ||
9 | | |
10 | | |
11 | Caribo Valley | |
12 | | |
13 | Moose Lake Camp | |
Sept | ||
14 | S end Wolf Lake | |
15 | Wolf River. old shacks. | |
16 | Red old campament | |
17 | Indian fishing | |
18 | | |
19 | Moose Hill camp.- | |
20 | | |
21 | | |
22 | | |
23 | | |
24 | | |
25 | Red River snow camp | |
26 | hills camp | |
27 | N head Caρon | |
28 | Red mans cabin | |
29 | Post Nesutlin Bay | |
30 | | |
Oct | ||
1 | Lake Teslin near Deadmans cabin | |
2 | Hootalinga river old camping. | |
3 | left side nice camp. | |
4 | 14 miles below Masons Landing | |
5 | S. S. Selkirk.- | |
6 | ||
7 | ||
8 | ||
9 | ||
10 |
Distances | |
White Horse to U. Labarge | 25. |
U. Labarge to L. Labarge | 34 |
L. Labarge to Hoolatinga | 30 |
Hootalinga to Masons Landing | 24 |
Masons Landing to Lake Teslin | 110 |
223 | |
Lake Teslin to Store | 35 |
Store to Wolf River | |
272 | |
Wolf River to Wolf Lake | 100 |
372 | |
Wolf Lake to s end | 12 |
to Moose Lake | 6 |
Moose lake to Caribo valley-, S | 10 |
Caribo valley to mountains | 12 |
Caribo mountain to Caribo valley | 12 |
Caribo Valley to Moose Lake | 10 |
Moose Lake to Wolf Lake | 6 |
Wolf Lake to store | 126 |
566 | |
Store to White Horse | 258 |
824 |
[Last page.]
[In the lower half of the page is a diagram that could be a floor plan.]
General a/c | |
Taylor Drury | 11.65 |
ABenitz | 193.25 |
J Todd | 160.75 |
365.65 | |
[Inside back cover.]
Various illegible subjects with bar counts. The first line could be Missfires. Here is the image, have a go.
We copied the following photos from an album kindly lent us by Susan Horner. See another 15-20 photos from another album kindly provided us by David Horner (during the Benitz-2020 reunion in La Cumbre).
Unable to import the moose head into England, John Todd gave it to Alfred; who in turn gave it to his brother Willie. The head was hung over the front door in the living room at estancia “La Calfornia”. In the 1960's it moved into the new house, where it was hung over the fireplace. In the photo, the head is leaning against the plaque that once adorned the old estancia house: W.B. 1875. — Wilhelm Benitz & the year he founded the estancia.
© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)