Alfred A. Benitz | Page last modified: |
Laguna Yacaré was the first camp Alfred established in the “Chaco Chico” (aka: “Chaco Santafecino”), having arrived in April, 1884. It was about 20km. north-east of the town of Calchaquí, and about 350km. north of Ea. “La California”. It comprised the northern third of brother Frank’s failed Colonia Espín (see map).
This day-book begins on February 2nd and ends on November 21st. There are no entries for January nor December - and no explanation why not. Herman wrote all the entries February 2 through April 10. Thereafter, Alfred writes except when absent for a few days in May & June (Herman) and August (Robson).
Herman became sick mid-June, on July 5th he went south (i.e. to “La California”).
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Production: There is no record of taking a full inventory of livestock nor of significant sales and purchases. On Sept. 12 & 15 Alfred estimated his male calf (toros) production to be 425 & 500. Only one herd sent to estancia “La California” is mentioned: 300 head on November 3 & 4.
Wages: There are no lists of employees and wages paid. However, the appendix includes several pages of cash receipts and payments (including some for wages) which we have not transcribed nor analyzed. Payments to temporary workers are mentioned in the day entries, e.g. for assisting with a rodeo or yerra.
Indians: Note that several were employed at Laguna Yacaré. Rumours or actual raids were constant. Laguna Yacaré was relatively lucky in 1888, more of an inconveniance - fences were cut and during scares horses had to be shut-in at night. But neigbours were not so lucky, several losing horses, in March: Gomez; in April: Torres, Zapata, & Gaspar; in August: Levi, & Bower.
Santa Fé Land Co. June 15: Alfred negociated with Stevens (the company’s manager at its headquarters in San Cristobal, SFé) to rent 4 leagues of Monte Aguará. However, on November 8 Alfred received a letter from Stevens informing him that the directors in London had declined.
Background: The photo is from Olga’s album (lent to us by Susan Horner). It is not labelled but because its type is different from those taken in 1902 by Alftred’s brother John, we speculate the photo was taken by Alfred. He had his own dark-room for developing photos at Los Palmares.
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Reference Pages: Written in English by Alfred and Herman, the day-book is full of Spanglish terms and names local to the region. To assist you, please open and have at hand (in a separate tab / window) the Reference Pages.
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Transcription notes: We have transribed Alfred’s diary as written, verbatim, without correcting spelling or grammar. However, we have given the authors of the diary the benefit of the doubt when their writing is difficult to read and words are obvious (e.g. ending in a vs. o). For words that are unrecognizable, we have inserted our best guess followed by [?]. Our comments are within [square brackets and italics] or in side-notes. The quarter & month title bars are ours.
(Transcribed by: Michael Mohr-Bell, 2023.)Herman’s writing is a challenge: His handwrting is quite legible, however his spelling is not. Words he did not know how to spell, he wrote phonetically as if pronounced in English. We have added our best guesses, included in square brackets. The terms themselves we explain in our glossary.
February, 1888
It was a cloudy morning with a strong south wind.
Herman arived in Espin all right and found verrey thing in good order
This morning it was cloudey. We butchered a young cow, Gomezes was here. Herman and Gomez went up to Torrecer to see the capataz who is sick Herman had a bath in the afternoon Hoije Wagener came here on his way up to Torierer place
This morning it was fine weather
Herman and poen went along the coast of the Espin river down to the Martello [Martillo. Picho recorred the camp on the
west side of the river
This afternoon John came here.
Horje Wagener called on here on his way back his carts up set in the canada [cañada] they were loaded with hides.
A Corntino [Correntino] came here to stay the night.
Doria Isidora [Doña Isidora] Frielora and her sister went up to Tarireser on a visit…
This morning it was fine weather it warm. Hernstino [Ernestino] was here and also Balemero and Ciburno.
This afternoon Gaspar and all the Gomezes were here.
there ran 2 two races run at the pulpere. Waltasar and another Indian came here to see Herman.
This morning it was fine weather.
We put the cattle on roado [rodeo] on the east side. So Herman could see the novillos two of Forieres poens [peones]
came and helped cure 4 calves.
This afternoon we cleared the well it had lots of mud.
Herman wrote to Alfred today
Old John was here today.
This morning it warm with a north wind. The Ines [Juez] from Sant Martin was here.
Ofold from Mallabrigo [Malabrigo] was here with another man. They brought us a letter from Romano.
Candlino cut wood in the montey [monte].
This afternoon Felis and Hacinto another man were here.
This morning it was warm
We put the cattle and roado [in rodeo] and cured 10, calves and 10 big animals. The Ines came here and stopped here.
This afternoon Angel was here, the Chakel was here the Ines left in the evening.
This morning Picho and Candiliro went to see the mare.
This afternoon nobodey came.
This morning the Gomezes were here.
Herman went over to Joh[truncated]
The capataz from Don Pape virocoras was here Percio and Marcaleo came
This afternoon Hants came and went away again.
This morning it was warm and clouday we butchered an old cow. It rained a little in the forenoon. This afternoon all of Torieces poens came and danced all night long.
This morning early the capatas got sick with rage but got better afterwards.
Ritchard Morgen [Morgan?] came to see me. Asen Sasino Gomez had breakfast with me. This afternoon their
were races. And all the Gomezes were here and also. Lageri capatas was here with another man and to [two?] women
trimilar [Trimilar ?]was here.
This morning we put the cattle on roado [rodeo] east sid and cured two bulls and 2 calves and capared several of Iriondas bulls.
This afternoon Picho and Candeliro went to fix the fence where the Indian had cut
This morning it was fin weather
Picho went up to Torieses to see the capatas. Ohinao went over to the English place and brough over our mare and potros
Candiliso cut wood in the monte
This morning it fin weather Candiliso went up to Torreses place to get the cart. Picho went to campar some mares and found them in the monte This afternoon sent cart to the monte to get wood. Herman cut corn for the horses in the carall [corral] Baldomero came this evening to ask us to help put on roadero [rodeo] to morrow
This morning it warm
Picho and Candiliso went up to Torres place and helped put cattle on roadero [rodeo] and part out novillos for the invanardo
[invernada]. This afternoon nobody came.
This morning it was cloudy
We put the cattle on radero [rodeo] and cured 10 big animals and 5 calves. We butchered an old cow This afternoon
we jarkared [charquiared] the meat. Marecaleno came back this evening. Sakel and Lorenso is carting fraga here.
This morning it was cloudy
We pulled a bull claf [calf] out of a well at the tapara [tapera] on the road
sent the cart for wood.
Herman went to the old pass and recorred the Espin river
This afternoon Baldomero came Valentin carts were here.
Lent Candilirio $2.60 and Opirro $1.00
This morning it rained a little. There were races at the pulperore [pulperia]. Pichos horse won the race with the Comeasario [Comisario] Richard Morgan was here. The Gomezas were here this afternoon.
This morning it rained a good shower. Trimilars wife left him. And went down to Sant Justo. This afternoon it cleared up there were several Corntinos [Correntinos] here.
This morning it was cloudy.
Herman went to visit Gomezs and stoped all day long.
This afternoon Herman came back from Gomezes place and found several other Corintinos [Correntinos] here. This evening
it was thundering (but did not rain)
This morning it was fine weather. Ritchard Morgan came and stoped all day long, this afternoon Herman sent several Correntinos away from the place.
This morning it was windey clear weather. stage brough Herman a letter from Alfred.
Ritchard Morgan is here still. This afternoon Gomez came and Ritchard Morgan left.
This morning it was fine weather it was very warm.
Nobody came and we sent Candelirio to look after the mars
This morning it was so hot that we could not work or do nothing Herman went over to Johns place. We butchared an old cow.
This morning it was fine weather and plenty of people There were races and the Gomezes were here for dinner.
This morning it was fine weather
Herman a reglared a counts with Frismaler we owe him 170$40 cents. Herman wrote to Alfred answering his letter and sent
him the a counts.
This afternoon nobody came.
This morning it fine weather. Herman cut Alfa. Old John came.
This afternoon Picho and Candilirio and Jose Ohino and all Torreses poens [peones] went to part out at Don Augustins
Old John went also
Herman stoped at home and cut Alfa and carn [corn] for the horses at night
This morning it was fine weather and very warm.
Gaspar Durran came and stoped the day here he barrawd 15$ from Herman.
This afternoon it got cloudy and looks stormey
Gaspar left in the evening
March, 1888
This morning it was fresh and a strong south wind Gomez and Armando Liva were here to break dinner.
This afternoon the people from the aparte came back. We marked 7 calves and one cow. We also capared 4 bulls.
One of the bulls kicked Candelecio badly.
Baldomero came here this evening late
This morning it was cloudy and a north wind. We butchered an old cow. From the aparte.
Ritchard Morgan came here to see about the paga.
He stoped here to dinner.
Candiliso is a little better today.
This afternoon two Corntinos came here. Ritchard left in the evening. Baldomerro came here. Herman brough up
all the dry Alfa that was cut.
This morning it was fine weather. A charkey [chasqui] came freme Gomez came and asked Herman go with them on an expedision The Indians stole 20 mars Torrieres capataz and several poens And Herman and Jose Chino went we all acompanied Gomez the first night we slept at the Margarita.
This morning we marched as far as the sarnoceta [Sarnocita - a river to the NW] there was no water for the horses
So we came back to the Margarita. Jasino Gomez very sick. Torrieres capataz left a horse behind.
This morning We arrived in Espin. Herman stoped at Gomezes to rest old pampa left dirloito at Margarita
This afternoon Herman arrived.
This morning we put the cattle on rodeo and capared 4 bulls.
Mister Fox was here he called on here on his way to the cofundos
it rained half the night
This morning it cleared up and was a fine day. The gallero did not come today
This afternoon Candilirio made mud to revocare the house, the Gomezes were here with the capataz
of Forrieres and the comeasario [Comisario] and Megal duram [Miguel Duran] were here.
This morning it was fine weather We put the cattle on rodeo on the west side and cured 6 calves and capared 8 bulls.
We butchered an old cow
In the afternoon we garkared [charqueared] the screat.
This morning it was fine weather we brought up all our mars and parted out all the readmons [redomones] and potras.
This afternoon it rained a little
This morning it was cloudy
The comasario brought 8 @ potatoes which. Herman payed 70 cents the @ [arroba].
Herman wrote to mother and also to Josephine.
This morning it was cloudy the stage came and brought a letter from Johnie and sevarl packages of newspaper sevarl carts loaded
with people passed here on their way to the cohudos.
A North American man came here to hunt.
This afternoon it rained.
This morning it got cleared up and got coudy again and rained a little
William went to hunt but got lost in the woods
This afternoon Picho came back from the cobudos
William came back also from hunting got nothing
This afternoon morning we put the cattle on rodeo in the west side and cured sevarl big animals and 4 calves
and also capared 12 bulls.
This afternoon we fixed the axel of the cart.
Jose went to Pajro Blaco [Pajaro Blanco]
William went as far as Angels to hunt tomorrow with angel
Marzolino is stoping here.
This morning it was fine weather. And was a very hot day
Picho and Marcoleno and sekal and Lorezo gathered corn they gathered half the field.
Herman received a letter from Alfred. This afternoon we halled [hauled] the corn home.
Megal Duran came here on his way to the Copudos and told us that Berley got murdered and all his stolen.
This morning it was fine weather. We put the cattle on rodeo on the east side. and cured 4 calves and capared 8 bulls.
and butchered an old cow
All of Torrieses poens came with a tropila of potros and mules. shut them in our corrall and commenced to domaring the potros.
This afternoon they left here. In the evening 3 men came and stoped here the night.
This morning it was fin weather. We did nothing the hole day long. Nobody came here.
This morning it was fine weather. There was a lot of people here. Gomez and Gaspar Duran and Sarino Gomez and sevral other men were here to dinner.
This morning it was cloudy but did not rain.
Herman wrote to Alfred
This afternoon Picho came back late from the Cobudos and all so brough Avillenos mearro with him
Picho brough a letter for Herman from the Comasaria Henarl. Some Correntino people left here
This morning it was fine weather. Herman went to visit the Torrieres and also took a letter to them. This afternoon Herman came Home late in the evening
This morning it was fine weather. Nobody came here
This afternoon a man came frome Cargeis [largeis?]
Herman went to the Cohudos to see the Comasario [Comisario] about the Butchering of our cattle down there.
Herman stoped there two hole days
This morning it was fine weather The stage brought two packets of news papers.
This morning it was fine weather Picho Butchered an old cow had the cattle on rodero and cured sevarl animals and cut sevarl buller A cow died from rage
This morning it was cloudy. Herman came home with another Estancero who is going up north it comenced to rain in torrants and lasted alday long.
This morning it was fine weather. Their were lots of people here. And races were run.
This afternoon it got cloudy it rained in the evening.
This morning it cleared up. Angel came and gave Herman notice of a skull being found at the saladilo pass
Herman wrote home
This afternoon no body came here.
This morning it was fine weather. Herman took Marrleno And went to look for the rest of the bones at the pass.
This morning it was fine weather. Herman and Bautisto went fishing at the toba and stoped all day long.
This afternoon Herman and Boutisto came home and brought one fish home.
Candiliso went to Malabrigo yesterday to get a papeletas
This morning it was fine weather. Candiliso came back. Nobody came here.
This morning it was fine weather, all our poens went to the valorio [velorio] at the norio [??] of Torrieres.
This morning it was fine weather. The poens came back from the valorio.[velorio] Candiliso stayed there. Nobody came here this afternoon
April, 1888
This morning it was fine weather, lots of people here
Angel wanted to shoot his wife. No body came here.
This morning it was fine weather. We gave rodero to Torrier they came and parted out 80 animals east rodero We butchered an old cow.
This morning we send Candiliso for wood at the tapera on the other side.
This morning it was fine weather. Herman sent Candiliso to see after the mars [mares] in the Martilo
This morning it was cloudy. Herman went fishing in the laguno and caught sevarl fish And shot a large crocodile
This afternoon A man named. Blanco came to regulate about Barberi butchering our cattle But could do nothing.
This morning was cloudy.
We gave rodeo on the west side to Torrieres poens to part out they parted out 100 animals in all.
This morning about 2½ oclock it comenced to rain hard it rained all day long.
This morning it cleared up
Herman got ready to go to the Cohudos this afternoon. He left late for the Cohudos.
Butchered a novillo.–
Alfred and Robson arrived here from down south after a eleven days trip. Each bringing a tropilla of horses Alfred - 7 horses
and mala cara madrina, and brought lobuno Entre Riano for Herman Bayo magaco
saino mala cara
for Fustino (Torres capataz) saino Gde [grande]
and two mules. Came by San Cristobal.
Found every thing all right, and camp looking green with the rains after the prolonged drought.
Cattle had good deal of garrapatas. Espin river swimming.
Ezequiel and Marcelino rondar horses.
Herman down at Colindas yet. Brought $500.00 along.— William the American darky stepping her [stopping here].
Cleaning place up. Went up to Torres rodeo and parted out 3 animales. Brought a load of firewood for marcacion.
Jorge Chapues and gente came to part out here tomorrow.
Put cattle on east side on rodeo for Frionderas. They parted out about 350 animales mostly cows and calves. But only took about half of the animales on rodeo. Cloudy nice day for work. Herman came back from Colindas.
Put cattle on west side on rodeo for Frionderas parted about 250 mostly cows and calves. Parted out about ⅓ of theirs. Cloudy hot beastly weather.
Sunday. Gente looking for work for marking. Nothing going. Weather as yesterday only more so.
Had rain last night and only had horses rondared half night. Pay sxxe man dollar a night for rondaring.
Did not work cattle today.
Today by mistake both rodeos were put on so we parted Walkers and Donkins calves out and marked them in corral this afternoon 17 of Donkins and 96 of Walkers. All of Torres gente and Gomez’s helped and some that were stopping here. The two markes I had made at the Colindas came this morning cost $8.00. It was a fine day for working.
Put cattle from east side on rodeo and parted out the calves to mark. Parted until 12 o’clock when it got too hot, and then locked them into corral and marked this afternoon. Marked 396 making 404 calves marked this season. Señalared the ageno calves and Torres gente also parted out. Buthered an old cow. Torres gente helped marked and also 8 or 10 other hired men. Horses had a desparrado in ronda last night. Looks rainy and is stormy weather. Very hot day. Gomez girls were here, and the two Leivas also.–
Had a slight rain last night and a misty morning so we did not work the cattle. Gente all here. Galera brought a bag biscuits from San Justo bit wet. Abran Gomez was here.
Put cattle from west side on rodeo, and parted out the calves and brought them over to corral. About 100 cleared back in cañada and about 100 or more left on rodeo. Cattle cleared once from rodeo. Began marking about half past two and finished by dark. Marked 497 making 901 marked so far. Men worked well, but got rather obstreparous at last with drink. Drizzled at day break but was fine cool day for work. About 5 yuntas [pairs] were parting on rodeo, at about the rate of 3 per minute, and marking at about 100 in 35 minutes.
Paid off most of the men who worked at marking viz: Cash Hacinta 6.00 Eugenio 4.00 Nicanor 4.50 Estanislao 4.00 Felippe 2.50 Basilio 2.50 Jose Fernandez 4.00 Juan Espindula & compan. [compañero] 8.00 Meliton Pinto 4.00, not all pd yet. The Paraguay Dorateo entregared the 12 oxen which I gave him to tame in Agust. Only Peicho’s parientes [relatives] are left here now. It was a cool day.–
Sunday.- Went down to the invernado of Torres to see them part (Masotti) the novillado for the Saladero. Gabriel Tremalliere was here and fished with Herman in the laguna. Abelardo Barlier with don Benjamin and Sr.Blanco came this afternoon and pafs [pass] the night on way to the Margarita with gente to receive the estancia from Clavarie. It was a windy day and very cool nights.–
Barbier paid $42.00 for the 3 cows butchered by his gente in December. Put cattle of east side on rodeo and parted out
the calves and marked them all this forenoon. Marked 104 of ours making 1005 of ours so far and 10 of Walkers and 3 Juan
marked maked 109 of Walkers marked so far and 2 of Sonbrino Juan marked making 19 so far.
It was a beautiful day. 5 outsiders worked.
Parted out the calves on west rodeo and put them into Walkers corral to mark them. all but some small ones and about 15
escaped – marked 211 of ours making 1216 of ours marked so far. 24 of Walkers making 133, and 2 of Donkins making 21
so far. Same men as yesterday worked.
Indians last night stole 14 horses of the Saladero gentes peones at Torres last night. 6 men following them up.
Peicho also found his bagual itos [bagualitos] lanced about the legs, and could not find our Entre Riano tropilla in monte.
Finished markg here. Candelicia howling drunk. Weather looks rainy again. Still have horses rondared.
Peicho, Norman, Perico, Marcelino and Petizo went to part at San Pedro and Iriondas today the three latter with their own horses.
Seems the indians also stole the caballada at Zapatas puesto (Torres) and cut our fence in two places. Left 2 of Donkins horses
tired in Torres camp. Arreglared Candilicias account.
This morning it looked stormy but cleared off. Plenty of masquitas.
Alfred and Robson went up to Torres to see about the robo. Ezequiel helpeding about the place. Very pleasant warm day.–
Do not rondar tonight. Too many signs of indians
Alfred and Abran Gomez went up to the marcacian at Gaspar Duran and visited Tremolliere and Gomez family. Robson and Black Bill went hunting on Toba and killed a gama. Do not rondar any more the horses. It was a warm day.
Had part of west rodeo on this morning and and cured lots of calves embechared in ear. Herman came back from San Pedro and Iriondas apartes and brought about 50 animals. Marked 5 of ours making 1221 marked so far. It was a pleasant day. Report that indians tried to steal at Gaspars.
Sunday. Put cattle of east side on rodeo and disembechared about 50 animales.–
Pleasant day. Paid Luterio 7.00 vale for marcacacion work 3½ days.
paid Eugenio Perez vale $7.00 marcacion expenses.
Had horses rondaring last night, had scare of Indians, false alarm. Went down to part at rinconado Iriondas. Herman, Alfred, Robson, Peicho, 3 from Walkers, Marcelino, Perico, Petizo, Luterio went and Asesinda Gomez and Torres gente. Parted about 300 and lock them in corral all night. Butchered an old fat cow. It was a pleasant day and looks stormy again. Tigre [Alfred’s dog] caught venado.–
May, 1888
They were firing shots last night at Torres so we went up in great haste, but the mares had got out of corral and they thought they were indians stealing them. It began raining towards morning and rained very hard nearly all forenoon. Cleared off this afternoon. Had pastoreo (parted from Iriondas) out to grass this afternoon.
Torres gente came this morning and parted their animals out from pastoreo. Hd races afterwards at pulperia. mulita won one. Robson took his and Alfreds tropilla down to martilla. Gave Juan Moreira vale 17.00 marcacion and apartes.
Marked 8 milk cow calves at puesto Juans and 92 of pastoreo this afternoon making 1321 of ours marked so far.
13 of Walkers making 146 marked so far. 6 of Donkins Juan marked 1 in pastoreo making 28 so far of Donkins.
Abran Gomez was here at breakfast. It was a stormy looking day. Paid Marcelino $10.00 Cash 9.20 val
marcacion and aparte expenses
Alfred went and recorrered the costa and monte east side. Plenty of water in monte and Espin crecida. Had a sharp rain last night. Pancho Rivera turned up today with a tropilla of horses: looking for a stolen jiguada [yeguada]. It was a pleasant day.–
Juan put a part of cattle on west side on and we cured imbechados. Started to make a ramada for the pesebre horses. It was a fine day. –
Sunday. Nothing going on. Peicho sick. Have no peon yet. Don Pancho Rivera here yet. Gabriel Tromolliere was here at noon. Cool windy day.–
Alfred, Herman, Robson and Black Bill went down to Iriondas rodeo costa Espin where the saladero gente were parting and
señalared the calves before they mark – señalared between 20 & 30.
Pancho Rivero left again for south. Cloudy cool day.- ;
Butchered an ugly beast of a novillo and pelared the hide for cutting. Alfred and Herman went up to visit the new mayordomo of Torres, Carabaca this evening. It was a warm cloudy day.–
Peicho sick. Nothing going on. Racine came this evening to get rodeo tomorrow. Rainy looking weather.
Put west side rodeo on for Racine. Parted 4.or 5. disembechared calves afterwards. Galera brought mail. Hot murky day.- Peicho sick.
Beastly temporalish day. Nothing going on.
Clear cold day. Brought the mares out of the rinconado / all we could part from Torres, and marked the colts. 24 machas and 12 hembras guess about half a dozen more colts. No peon yet and Peicho sick.–
Sunday. Alfred went down to marcacion at Iriondas. Juan had señalared about 10 calfs more in the rinconado rodeo, making about 40 señalared altogether. It was a cold morning but a beautiful day. Big red meztizo bull died. Flaco & garapatas.
Hired new peon – Tomecito – began today brought load of wood. Alfred and Robson went up to Toba opposite Morgans, and Jose Eugenio brought bag over river which was very crecida We had borrowed Tremallieres trap. Cold weather.
Butchered an old cow. Afterwards brought up a load of canes to make shed for horses. Weather fresh.
Herman and peon brought load of wood for pulpero. Peicho and Robson were in Rinconado looking after horses. It was a cold day.–
Coolish morning but very pleasant day. Herman tried to begin plowing but ground too wet. Mac.Lean arrived with galera today. Men that were working with Iriondas marcacion came back.
Put cattle of west side on rodeo and marked 44 calves of
making 1395 marked so far. 5 of Walkers and 3 Juan marked
the other day, making 154 marked so far, and one of
and 2 Juan marked other day making 37 of Donkins marked so far.
Brought over Walkers things.
Put cattle of east side on rodeo and marked 50 calves making 1445 (see June 8) marked so far. Still have to mark the señalared calves at Iriondas etc. Report that indians cut fence near monte last night. It was a beautiful day. Carabaca was here this morning.–
Sunday. Herman and Alfred went down to the Cobudas to pay a visit to Fox.
Large crowd at pulperia. general spree. Carabaca passed in a wet state on mula full lick.
Butchered a fat old cow. Making preparations to go out to Monte Aguara tomorrow. It was a beautiful warm day but cold nights.
This morning it was fine weather. Alfred and Robson and Macklane and 3 tame indians left here to see some land outside.
And also to hunt.
This afternoon Herman went up to Gomises to ask for roaders [rodeos] but could not get any.
So Herman went to see Carabaca and asked for rodeo on monday. Picho cutup the hide into manerdores [maneadoras], and a
torsal [dorsal] for the cart. no body came here.
This morning it was fine weather. Herman fixed the fence behind the house.
This afternoon cut Alfa for the horses. Kisea came in the evening.
This morning it was windy south wind was blowing all day long. Carabaca came to see Herman early in the morning.
The indians were here last night and broke the lock on the chane [chain] gate but did not steal any horses.
The stage brought two letters for Alfred. Herman also received a letter from Elisa. The Comasario came today with the stage
Abram Gomez was here. Francisca and Gaxxxx] Cristo had dinner here.
This afternoon the poen [peon] got a load of wood.
Baldomero came here in the evening late. Herman cleaned up around the yard and got a new lock for the gate.
This morning it was fine weather. There was a big Runon at the Pulpere. The Comisario and his soldiers were here allday long.
This afternoon Premitvo and another man came here to stay here the night. The Comisario left erly in afternoon. And left
his sargent in charge at the pulperse [pulperia ?] in the evening late the sargent drew his knief and cut and stabed poor Erreta
badly. The sargento cleared. Herman had poor Erreta carreyed to the house and put on a bed. And then wrote a note to
the Comisario telling him to take the sargento prisoner. And to come here amiditly and see the wounded man.
This morning it was very cold and a heavy frost, fine weather the rest of the day. Errata is the same yet with his hands cut
and his cheaks also and a stab in the tripe [tripa – guts]. We washed the wound and dressed them as well as we could.
The poor fellow he sufers a great deal of pain all over.
Contrero came to see Erreta.
The Comasario came here late to see Erreta. And sent to the Cobudos to let the other Comisario know about what had happened here.
This afternoon Saniedo Gomez and Abram were here and also Hustino came to see Erreta. Cut Alfa for the horses.
We put up the ramada for horses. Poen went to the monte to get some orcons with the cart and Patricio went along also
Baldomero and Gale were here in the evening
This morning it was fine weather. it was very cold in the morning.
There was a grand Runon [Ruckus ?] at the pulperre [pulperia]. All of the Gomezes were here and Don Hustino came
here also. Lasaro came with the stage full of girls to see poor Errata.
They all had dinner here.
This afternoon there were races run. And Abram Gomez and Hustino came and asked if they could dance here. Herman told
them that could They could. So in the evening their was a croud of people here for the dance The dance comenced
at .7. oclock in the even and we danced till sun rise.
It was a very nice dance and every body injoyed them selves very much.
This morning it was very cold and everey body went away to their homes.
Herman sent Picho and Marcolino Tomas and Sakel and Patricio to Part out at the Gomezes they parted out 6 animals
Herman lent Abram his pampa to go home on the pampa got bucked [kicked ?] in the hind leg.
Frutosso got a nasty cut while cuting a bull he came here looking for some Remiadios [remedios]
This morning it was fine warm weather. Herman went up to see Gomezes and stoped there alldaylong.
This afternoon we Butchered an old cow. Herman called on at Torreses Estancia to visit Don Hustino who was very ill in bed,
in the evening late 4 men came here from Malafrigo
This morning it was warm weather. We hired Luterio to work per day.
We all went up to part at the Estancia of Torres. But could not find any of our animals there. So we helped them part
out all their bull and put them into the corrals And capared them all in a short time in the afternoon Herman and
the poens came home late and brought home the two redornes ourenros [redomones oscuros] Nobody came here
William came back today from out hunting Fratosso came here
This morning it was fine warm weather. And no frost. Luterio cleaned the ramada. And cut alfa for the horses.
The stage came and brough us a letter from Walker and sevarl packages of news papers.
And a sack of Galletas.
Don Epoleto came with the stage.
This afternoon three men from the Cobudos. And are stoping here to night they are going to Mallabrigo tomorrow morning
June, 1888
This morning it was fogey weather
Picho and poen and Sekal went to revisare the monte on the east side of the camp. Herman went over to see old Juan.
And brought over a iron wheel. sevarl Correntinos were here.
This afternoon Juna Chapate came with a tropa of cattle and are stoping here the night.
This morning it was very fogey and. We put a point of cattle on rodero and capared 28 bull and sawed the horn points off.
[Alfred writes:] Alfred came back at noon from Monte Aguara with McLean, Robson and the 3 indians
They had left here on the 22nd of May, slept at Cañada Zapos. 2nd night Salado. 3d night,
thick monte near bañado Salado.
4th night Canada Aguara 5th night ditto. 6th night Johnnies old camp.
7th night ditto. 8th ditto. 9 Palmar 10 – Arroyo Perro. 11 – Laguna Nutria 12 home
We shot 1 tiger 1 lion. 1 ostrich. 1 guasuncho. 1 aguara 1 pig. 1 tuyuyu. 6 gamas.
Had good weather outside and found camp at Monte Aguara very satisfactory. Camp about in same line west of paso at Mistolar
10 sq. north of that line and 30 or more squares south of the line. Also caught young lion. Paid men $11 apiece.
Sunday. Very cold cloudy day. Tremolliere Gabriel was here. Nothing going on.–
Butchered a cow. Galera man drunk.
Sent cart to Reconquista with 51 hides (15 were Walkers) six oxen Ezekeil & Luterio went. Alfred went to Comisario Tren…
and archivared marks [archived the brands – registered?] and got guia for marks dudas [doubts]
Hard frost. Fine day.
Herman and McLean left for Reconquista this morning early. Parted down at invernada Torres. 6 animales. They after wards brought their yeguada up to their corral and we marked there two potrillos machas and 1 potrila hembra, and counter marked one potrila hembra which we had marked of Torres, making marked so far 26 machos and 12 hembras. It was a bitter cold morning and a cloudy day.
Another frost and very cold morning. Carabaca passed here this morning on way to recorrer his fences. Gaspar Duran was here near all day. Peicho recorrered monte.
Killed a lame mare for longa [lonja]. Paid Juan $60.00 for 3 months wages. Nothing going on. Weather cold and overcast.–
Parted at Torres rodeo this morning, 18 animales and marked 3 calves. 2 of which put Tregarthens señal.
Torres passed last night on way to Estancia. Cloudy murky day. Nothing going on. Marked 15 milk cow calves making 1461 marked so far.
Sunday. It was a cloudy misty day and began granizando this evening.
Alfonso was here. Had tropillas brought out of monte to help Torres marcacion. Nothing going on.
Torres began marking today and we all went up to give a hand. Benito Ramayon passed down to San Pedro: says Herman is sick in bed with cold. It was another cloudy misty day but cleared up tonight.
Peicho and Tomas and boy went to Torres marcacion – could not find my tropilla tonight. Robson hunting shot and lost a carpincho. Heavy frost but lovely day.-
Coldest morning we had yet, and an icy norte wind blowing.– Nothing going on. Butchered an old cow.
Alfred went to look after Herman at Reconquista, but met Bowers and Stevens etc at Tachamar who gave noticia that he
was on his way back by Malabrigo, so came back. This evening also Herman and MacLean. The latter rather done up.
North wind and cold.
Sold the 51 hides (Herman in Reconquista) @ 3.80 $140.92 = $2.76 per hide – Walkers were 15 = $40.40
Spent 111 ar. maiz at 35¢ = 38.85
Alfred’s birthday. Alfred and Robson went up to Gomez’s to help count the cattle etc.
Mr. Vernon arrived from down south today. Come on a hunt. This evening Mr. Stevens, Bowers, Barbiel, and
Cabrera came with a gente on way from English estancia outside of Toba to San Cristobal. House full.
Try to make a contract for 4 leagues of Monte Aguara camp which Stevens has to send to England to directors of company.
He to give us wire and varillas and torniquets and we to fence camp in two potreras at our cost. Build house, corrales,
10 sq. alfalfa. jagueles and all necessaries for estancia at our cost, and at end of six years to deliver it to company
for which we get rent free.–
Very warm day north wind and looks rainy.–
Stevens and party left for the Nanducitas this morning. Herman went with them as far as the Cohudas and came back again with Bowers who stops the night.- It was a beastly day and looks like a temporal.
Sunday. Herman and Bowers went to Torres on a visit. Herman made a false alarm of indians this afternoon. Great gambling at pulperia. It was a beastly murky cold day. Voegle of the Cohudas also stops the night.
All went up to Gomezs rodeo to give a hand at señalaring marking. Cart from Reconquista came back at last,
report having broke axle at Malabrigo bridge. Sagre had it fixed. Drizzled some day and was very misty.
Another beastly murky day and pretty cold too. Peon brought a load of wood. Nothing going on.
Butchered a fat old cow. Weather cold and clear. Herman was up at Gomez marcacion.–
This morning was cloudy Alfred and Tomas brought up some horses from the invernado.
This afternoon it cleared up and it was fine weather. Alfred and Robson and Macklean and Vernon and three Indians
went on a hunting party
Ramón and Plasito stoped the night here.
In the evening Luis and Tropero came and asked for rodere [rodeo]
This morning it was cold and frostey morning with a north wind ablowing
We put both roderos on the same day Don Luis parted only the races [reses ?] for the tropero they parted out
about fiftey novillos with cows. afternoon Ritchard Morgan was here he stoped the night Torres was here and
wanted to see Herman
This it was very cold and a heavy frost. Luis left in the morning early. Herman hadarow with Picho.
Herman went up to Torrieres to see Don Gregorio what he wanted with me.
Gregorio Torres wanted to make a dance here
in our house. Herman sayed he could do what he liked in our home. This evening a lot of people came to the
dance it lasted till midnight.
This morning their was a big runon [reunion ?] on at the pulperre gambling and racing it was very cold and a
heavey frost.
This afternoon Torres came and invited Herman to have super with them and stop the night with them.
This morning it wasant so cold. Herman came home very sick from Torres place.
This morning it is a beastly cloudy weather Herman is still ill. Butchered an old cow. This afternoon no body came here.
This morning it was very cold and a heavy frost.
Tomas went to the monte and got a cart load of fire wood. The afternoon Torres and the Gomezes were here to visit Herman.
Herman was very sick today.
This morning it was a mistey cold morning. Herman took some pills. Francisco was here and had coffee with Herman.
Picho went to Torres to help part out.
This afternoon no bodey came here Herman is still on well.
Alfred, Robson and MacLean and the 2 indians came back from out side where they had been looking for Wiggins unsuccessfully. Vernan and an indian went down to the Nunducitas. Were out 10 days. 1st night camped at Espin arroya. 2nd at Wampita. 3d ditto . 4 at Palmar. 5t Monte Aguara, old camp in cañada. 6th ditto. 7t at laguna Mt Aguara. 8 estero west of lake. 9 this side of Calchaqui. Did not kill much. gamas, 1 hair, 2 pigs, caught one ant bear. plenty of lechiguana. Herman had gone to back up at Torres. Pleasant weather lately.–
July, 1888
Sunday. It was a very windy day. Great gambling reunion at the pulperia
Gabriel Tremalliere, Lorenzo Duran, and Luis Boutel were here this afternoon. Herman came this afternoon from Torres.
Arreglared Peichos a/c. Don Laidora keeps on as cook with Eulalia as help. Patricio works on horse back all at 10.00 per month. Herman and men were at Torres to help lock in Gomez cattle. Nothing going on. Very windy day.
Butchered a fat old cow. Lot of mancha on east side of cañada calves dying. See list.-
Another beastly windy (north) day.-
Tropa (Juan Gomez) of reces from Larguias lock in corral tonight on way to Sta Fé.
Nothing going. Torres, girl, and Lorenzo Duran paid us a visit this afternoon. Young Levi was here also. Vaegli stops night on way to Cobudas. It was a beastly day, strong north wind and looks stormy.
Herman left for down south with galera today as he is sickly lately. Recorrered camp. Had a storm last night and a little rain. Coldish day.
Alfred recorrered camp west of Espin. French fellows at other side of Espin to reparar our cattle - promised half dozen calves after winter. Peicho left for Paraguay. Abran Gomez stops the night - has a skinfull. Coldish day.–
It was a pleasant day. Made a wire enclosure for the maizeras twixt house and corral. Mancha still amongst calves. Marceliso began plowing.–
Sunday. Alfred and McLean tried to fish at the Toba – nada [nothing], also had breakfast at Torres. Windy day. Comisario was here.–
Began raining last night a bit but soon stopped. Misty day. Ilefonso came today with some peones. He comes to stop.
It rained nearly all night and this afternoon cleared off nicely. Butchered a black cow. Nothing going on.
Alfred, McLean and Robson recorrered the monte on the east and fished palometas on the Espin. It was a cool day. Ilefonsa’s family arrived.
Ilefono putting up wall in room where accen [?] was. Nothing going on.
Ilefonso and 2 of his men left to part at the Quebrachas. McLean also went along to see about his 2 horses sold by F. Escalada. Took malacara tropilla. It was a hot murky day. Alfred was up at Torres for dinner.- Torres gave prmission to keep mares in his rinconado for any length of time up to 2 yrs.
Went up to Torres rodeo to help them count their cattle, about 5500. It was a beautiful day and camp is getting quite green again. Nothing going on.
Sunday. Another fine warm day. Nothing going on. Dick Morgan was here. Butchered old cow.
Torres passed on way to Buenos Ayres, with Gomez Carabaca etc. McLean came back from Imbachas. Alfred was in our rinconada this afternoon saw a cierbo. Hot day. Bro’t load of wood.–
Day began with a storm and lasted all day, raining a good deal. Nothing going on.
Ilefonso came back this afternoon from the Quebrachas apartando. Brought 9 animales left one calf at the Rabon sick, has the Eulalia mark. Also left one large novillo at the Quebracha - rengo. Peon and Alfred recorrered the camp. It was a splendid day.
Marked 4 animals that Ilefonso brought back from the Quebrachas. Had tropilla brought from Rinconado, and arreglared it. Juan brought 50 bundles of pacha to repair house. Cattle repuntared from the arraya. Put six mancarones in monte to fatten. Beautiful day.
Two paisanas came from puesto to fix roof. Also lowered the veranda. Alfred, McLean and Robson went fishing and hunting in canoe on lake on Toba. Blank day. A loud noise resembling thunder under ground heard this morning. Miguel Duran stops the night: indian stories. Butchered a thin old cow.
Had cattle of east side on rodeo and marked 13 calves making 1478 marked so far, also capared a few bulls. Cattle very parrida. Tropero from Sebastian Puig here this afternoon, comes to see rodeo in a few days. It was a pleasant day. Swiss fellow with carts stop night on way to Cobudas.-
Sunday. Rained this afternoon and was a murky day. Abran Gomez had breakfast here. Nothing going on.
Had roof of corredar fixed. Men went to look after the yeguada. Beautiful day.–
Butchered an old cow. Fixed caballete of kitchen. Alfred and McLean visited Fox and Gilliman at the picada [??]. It was a beautiful day, but this evening looked stormy.
Alfred went down to Chapuis and the pulperia and came back with Comisario Veron. It was a warm day. Seen them put rodeo on at Gomez and men went up to part, but only had a point on.
Hauled a load of wood. Nothing going. Lazarus in difficulties. Rezero Zeballos locked in troop of 143 cows parted from Levis. Warm day but looks stormy. Plowed this afternoon.
Stormy last night and drizzled some, and cold weather has begun again. Nothing going on. Plowing.–
Recogered all the mares in Torres rinconado and brought ours home (92) to entablar [??] a bit. Good many missing yet. Tropero – Juan Gomez stops over night 99 fat cows parted from Lorenzo and Lorenzo Duran. Wants to tratar ours. Gaspar Duran was also here until late. Pleasant day.
Sunday. Butchered an old cow. Gabriel Tremolliere was here. Heavy frost this morning.–
August, 1888
Alfred and McLean came back from Alejandria today whereto they had gone on the 30th Nothing had happened here in the meantime. Ilefanso [Mefanso?] and Robson were taking care of place. Gabriel Tremollier was here today. Gave him vale for 2.80 for certif and guias Black Bill stopping night
Hot sultry weather & plenty of mosquitos.
Indians stole 7 horses other night from Levis. Had letter from Stevens.
Report that the indians 4 days ago stole about 300 cattle false and all the horses from the English estancia Bowers. Put the mares back into the rinconado Torres today – afraid on account of the indians. Caught a potro tordillo negro up to tame. Bienavidas had been recorriendo as far as Calchaqui. It was a hot day, north wind and looks rainy.
Had part of west rodeo on and capared some bulls. Another beastly north wind today.
Sunday. Nothing going on. Borrowed $25.00 from Don Cipolete. Alfred starts for San Cristobal tomorrow with Justo as vaqueano. Had a storm last night but no rain Wind changed to south.
Alfredo & Justo left for San Cristobal, & his tropilla taken back to the inviernada.
Francisco Godoy called & asked for rodeo.
Put on big rodeo for Godoy but he parted nothing. We capared some bulls, & butchered an old cow.
Heard they were going to put on rodeo (Rinconado) at Irionda’s. Ilifonso went there to part, but the rodeo was not put on.
Thunderstorm in the afternoon.
Brought up last load of leña
Bag of biscuits came by dilligence. Bought at pulperia 1 ar rice & 1 ar salt.
Rained hard last night & pretty well all day.
Bought at pulperia 1 ar yerba.
Rained a little last night. Thunderstorm in the afternoon.
Butchered old cow
Sambo turned up in the morning early. Ilifonso brought up malacara tropilla to cure their backs, rained a little
Rained hard last night, & nearly all the morning.
A wett night, & cold rain all day.
Fine day. I went to the Rinconado, saw the mares.
Ilifonso & the men in camp.
Fine day. Butchered old cow Capared a few bulls.
Fine day. Frost last night.
the Segero [resero] turned up in afternoon, & brought me a note from Alfredo.
Put on the west rodeo for the Reyero [resero], but he said the cattle were very thin, & parted none. Capared about thirty bulls. Rained a little in the afternoon.
Fine day. Shot a lion.
Don Hipolito borrowed the cart
Alfred and Justo came back from San Cristobal A. had been down to La California.
Has not made contract yet but will get answer by telegraph in a month from England about 9 leagues camp fenced.
Found every thing here all right.–
Troop of 1000 head of cattle from the Fortin to Torres passed. Foggy morning but pleasant day.-
Another troop of 1500 head of cattle passed for Torres. Also troop of 500 mules under charge of Teniente George – 25 soldiers stopped the night on way to Resistencia. Sold a novillo cuero vuelto and part of meat for $8.00. Also a troop of 80 reses from Morgans stop the night (Juan Gomez). Had load of wood brought from monte.
Started raining so could not work our rodeo. Butchered an old cow. Cooled down. Richard Morgan stops the night.
Morgan left again this morning. Put cattle of east side on rodeo and parted out 50 odd bulls and capared them in corral this afternoon. It was a beautiful day, but with frost.
Went up to Torres with the men to help them mark their cattle. Nothing going on here. Windy day.
Sunday. Antonio Lara and the Teniente were here for breakfast, the T. looking for a vaqueano for expedition. Ilefonso making lassoes dorcidas for capering bulls.
Put cattle from west side on rodeo and marked 20 calves of ours and 3 of Iregatheas making 5 of Tregathens and 1498 marked so far.
Also capared about 10 bulls. Cattle very parrida and hard to work. Miguel Duran was here for breakfast; going out on
expedition in a few day. Strong south wind.
Alfred ‘recorrered’ west of the Espin as fas as the line of railroad. It was a pleasant day. Ilefonso making lasso dorcidas.
Put cattle from east side on rodeo and parted out 65 bulls and capared them afterwards in corral. It was a warm day. Lent Chacrero at Levis 3 arrobas of maiz.
Alfred and McLean and Robson went hunting down the rinconado yesterday and came back this afternoon, killed an aguara. Peones brought a load of leña. Ilefonso making yokes and cojeras. Warm weather. Nothing going on.
September, 1888
Put cattle which go south of the west side on rodeo and capared 57 bulls on rodeo. It was a hot day north wind blowing storm together
Sunday. Nothing going on. Hot day north wind
Terrific rain storm rained all forenoon hard. Nothing going on. This afternoon revocared part of house outside.
Another rainy day. rained greater part of day. Butchered an old cow.
Rained again last night hard, and today was a bit misty but looks like clearing up. All hands recorrered camp.–
McLean went on a paseo out to Fox on the Line. Alfred and Robson went down to get mail at the pass, saw a man nearly drounded. Sold a fat cow $13.00 to Ramezer of Cohudas. Fine day, grass growing nicely. Made cojeras recorrered camp etc.
Hot windy day. Men recorrered camp found 35 ostrich eggs. Began harrowing with rama rastra. McLean came back from line rail road. An old Correntino Justo Ayala came with 6 or 7 fresh Correntinos on way to the Verde. The Teniente came back from expedition against the indians: did nothing.
Put cattle of west side on rodeo and parted about 75 bulls and put them in corral and capared them this afternoon. A few escaped The Correntinos who came yesterday helped. Also butchered a fat black cow. Hot forenoon and afterwards got stormy. Making 350 bulls capared.
Sunday. It began raining about midnight and rained hard until this morning 8 or 9 oclock. Water standing everywheres in camp. Nothing going on.
Men spent the day campiando Alfreds private tropilla today and at last found it in the monte. It was a murky day. Camp full of water.
Beautiful warm day. Alfred went to Torres and the Gomez. Butcher from picado sent for Reses but without written order, so do not entregar. Men chopping wood. –
Put cattle of east side on rodeo and capared 75 bulls making about 425 capared so far. It was a beautiful forenoon but this afternoon it was stormy but no rain. Butchered an old cow.
Men went and parted at Gomez puesto. 8 animals marked 1 orechano calf and capared 3 bulls. Lot of Carts passing to Cohudas to Work, Puegh stops the night with tropa of carts. Espin very crecida yet. It was a pleasant day. –
Brought 2 loads of fire wood. Went down to paso to see carts going to Cohudas pass the Espin which still high. Walker arrived. Sold a novillo to Wasser. He paid $25.00 while we owe him $10.00. It was a pleasant day.–
Put middle cattle on rodeo and capared 68 bulls making about 500 capared so far.
It was a warm day.
Sunday. Alfred and Walker were at puesto. Nothing going on. Looks stormy. –
Beastly misty cold day.- rained some towards morning but not much. Butchered a novillo and had camp recorrered. Nothing going on.
Another misty day. Men cut leña. Lightning killed 2 animals in storm night before last night. Teniente was here.
Another beastly cloudy day. Nothing going on.
Finished harrowing field, and brought up a load of leña in afternoon. Ilefonso went up to Paso Mariano to see about horse
of his. Bought a lasso of Perico for 8.00 and paid Ilefonso $4.00 – Brasilero Antonio stops the night to see Walker about his cattle.
Galera day. Another beastly cloudy day and tonight began raining. Brought two cart loads of leña. Casabaca was here. also Miguel Duran. Don Hipolito went down south. Gave him an order for $800.00 on Johnnie.
Rained slowly pretty well all night and was another beastly misty drizzly day. Nothing going on.
Another beastly misty day : the 6th
Sunday. Butchered a fat novillo of Walkers which had bought off him $8.00 “cuero vuelto”
Walker and McLean left for Pajaro Blanco to bring mares over. Nice warm day and looks like clearing up at last. –
Ilefonso had row at pulperia
Word was sent that the rodeo would be parada at rinconado Iriondas so all went at day break but was a false report.
Gabriel Tremolliere was here. Beautiful spring day. Nothing going on. –
All went down again to the rinconado rodeo of Iriondas and parted Walkers cattle out and some of our orechano calves (senalared)
the gente then went down to the ensenada to stop there until they get the other rodeo
Alfredo, Robson, Ilefonso Tomas, Baldomero, Galli, and Bernabe and Juan’s gente went. It was a beautiful morning with a bit
of a fog.
Nothing going on Men down at Iriondas yet, parting Walkers cattle.
Some fat oxen from San Pedro to Reconquista lock in the night. It was a pleasant day but stormy evening.–
The gente came back from the apartes at Iriondas this morning with Walkers cattle and the señalared calves of ours.
Marked the calves 33 of ours and 1 of other day making 1532 of ours marked so far and 4 of Walkers and also capared
4 bulls. Had them on pastoreo afterwards. Walker and McLean back from Pajaro Blanco at noon with his and
Donkins mares bringing the two Heart boys along to help with the cattle. Rec’d $150.00 from Rich. Morgan (money lent
him in Rosario).
Looks rainy. Alfred was up at Torres to ask rodeo for tomorrow.
Parted up at Torres rodeo, about a dozen animals of ours, Walkers, and Iriondas. It was a fresh day, Tomas and boy taking care of pastoreo.– ;
Put cattle from west on rodeo and began parting Walkers cattle out: parted about 132 and had about 88 from pastoreo. His two men worked and the rest were our gente and from puesto. Antonio Lara and peon also came afterwards to give a hand. It was a pleasant day. Butchered a big novillo of Walkers.
Sunday. == Had a very heavy storm and a great deal of rain which lasted until about 9 o’clock. Some of Walkers cattle (about 40) got out of the corral last night. Peicho came back from Paraguay.
October, 1888
Had this rodeo on and parted all Walkers cattle out about 133 making about 315 out in pastoreo. Walker hired two men and the rest were gente from here. Pleasant day but looks like more rain. Rich Morgan stops the night.
Had middle rodeo on and parted all of Walkers cattle out 164. Fine day for working. Same gente as yesterday. Rather slow work. . Antonio Lara was here, also Rich Morgan stops. The tropero Juan Gomez stops the night on way to Larguia.–
Put west rodeo and finished parting Walkers cattle thank god! Parted about 96. Butchered a fat cow of Walkers. Antonio Lara was here all day. Same gente as yesterday worked except Walker had one yunta more.
Some words...
Brasilero - Brazilian
yeguarizo - horse stock
redomomes - being tamed
yegua parida - foaled mare
rosillo - roan
viuda - widow
manada - breeding mares
Some of Walkers cattle got out of corral last night: delivered the o4evetrest 528 to the Brasilero.
And 26 yeguarizo among which were 6 horses. Also received the mares and redomones of Donkins from Walker 4514st
mares and 9 redomones. There are yet of Donkins 1 yegua parrida at Wests. 1 marerosillo at viuda
Galli’s. 1 redomon Jack Heart has and 1 Joe Moore has yet. Went to Torres to see about rodeo at Zapatas next week.
Foggy morning and pleasant day. Tremollieri rec’d $800.00 from Johnnie to pay our debt at pulperia. Put Donkins manada
in monte.
Walker and McLean went for a paseo up to Fox encampment at Margarita. Brought a load of wood. Ilefonso campeared some of our mares in Torres camp. Nothing going on. Fine day. –
Sunday. Nothing going on. Walker & McLean came back from Picado. Stormy evening fine day. Ramesujer stops night waiting for rodeo. –
More words...
novillo - steer
choreado, colorado, osko, overo, rosillo - are
horse colorings.
Put all cattle from west side on rodeo and parted 31 of Walkers cattle that had escaped from corral the other night. Also sold to Ramesujer 2 fat cows at $13.00 on credit and also to Wasser 1 cow at 13.00 and 2 novillos at $15.00 on credit. Also sold 1 novillo to Basco Manuel _____ novillos at $15.00 Cash and gave him 6 novillos to tame for 18 months. He took 2 osko overas. 1 rosillo 1 rosillo overo. 1 colorado. 1 chariado [choreado]. Antonio Lara and Gabriel Tremolliere were here. Had a heavy storm last night but little rain. Misty day.-
Yet more words...
madrina=lead-mare; cohudo=stalion; potranca=filly
olla tres patas=pot w/3-feet; brasero=brazier;
romana=??; juguillas=??; balanzin=draft-pole; montura=saddle; pielura=??; chucheria=odds&ends; caseralo=large pot;
sarten=frying-pan; olla=pot; pava=kettle
Put cattle from east side on rodeo and parted the rest of Walkers cattle (9) out. Big bull gave lot of trouble.
This afternoon Ilefonso Bernabe and Baldomero went with Walkers pastoreo (38) to Zapatas where there is rodeo tomorrow.
Alfred and Robson Walker went to puesto to see and receive Donkins things. Rec’d 31 horse 2 madrinas 1 cohudo
2 potrancas. 1 olla tres patas. 1 brasera 1 romana 1 saw 1 meat chopper 1 slot gun. 3 pr. juguillas
4 balanzins 1 montura 1 pielura (cart, medicine chest, clock, diary.
Alfred bought Walkers chucheria over there for $20.00 viz: – 2 round spades 2 flat spades 2 shovels 2 aps 1½ inch auger
1 adze 1 caseralo 1 sarten 1 olla 3 pavas 70 lbs alfa seed wash basin 4 tin cups, hoe, coffee machine. It was a very pleasant
day. Bo’t Walker’s watch $5.00.
Went up to Zapatas to part but found nothing in their rodeo. Took Walkers cattle to Levis’ gate and entregared them to Antonio Lara. 41 making 567 altogether. Juan Gomez locked in with 150 rezes from Larguias and Levis very fat. Encargared Juan Gomez to sell 3 novillos of ours at Iturraspa last year. It was a very pleasant day. Butchered an old cow.
Tomas started cross plowing for alfa. Walker left for down to Rosario with galera; bought nearly every thing he had left viz rifle 10.00 table 5.00 – grindstone 2.00 watch 5.00 100 cartriges 17 hides for $46.92 3 reses we had butchered cuero vuelto 24.00 and arreglared for 11 months rent 550.00- He gave me an order on Levi to balance account $521.00 which he sends up to me from Sta Fé as soon as he can. Gave Ilefonso an order on Don Hipolite for $24.00 to pay his debt there.
It was a pleasant day.
Alfred had gone to Reconquista on the 13th and came back by Malabrigo on the 16th. Rather an unlucky
trip as he lost the two black dogs in Reconquista and the two bombillas de plata which he was taking to have mended and a painting
that McLean sent to Mrs Güller. Spent Robson $5.00. Alex Leiva loan 5.00 Negro José for finding horses which
got lost from fonda 3.00 Human’s bill at Güller 28.00 Goods (viz sinchos Bobeca 3.00. knife 3.00 dress for Dona Isidora
$4.50) 10.50
Ramayon old a/c of money he had paid out 56.00. Hotel in Reconq. 2.60. Hotel in Malabrigo 2.60 Patricio 2.00
Etc 6.00. all Butchered a cow on the 14th Ilefonso parted at Gomez on the 15th,
7 or 8 animales. made Torres counter mark a fine calf which afterwards died. Haas (?) and Fankhauser had been here had
seen the painting and bombillas on road but left them covered up (rather queer!) The butcher from the terraplen came yesterday
and today parrared rodeo and sold him 19 novillas (1 of
) and 5 cows at $12.50. He is to pay $15.00 for the novillos
soon but if he comes again and takes 50 altogether gets them at $14.00 . Hot weather and looks as if we are going to have
a storm.
Tomas finished cross plowing and began harrowing. Poisoned the hides; Hermans dog boca negro also got poisoned. Had a sharp hail storm this afternoon and rained a good deal and looks stormy yet. Ilefonso campeared some mares unsuccessfully.
Rained some more last night and this morning it was pretty misty. Butchered an old cow this afternoon. Nothing going on. Garibaldi fixed bake oven.
Sunday. Nothing going on. Alfred revisared monte and rinconado. Mr.Scott and Domingo Chico stop the night on way from Reconqusta to San Justo. The Gomezs were here today. Murky day and looks like more rain. Espin swimming.-
Rained nearly all night and drizzled good deal today. Carmina the Pampita was taken by the Comisario today. Nothing going on.
Cleared up into a fine day. Capared 5 cohudas of Donkin’s manada and 1 of ours by Perico. Alfred was up to see Carabaca Nothing going on.-
Alfonso & Tomas & boys brought a big mestizo bull out of Torres invernada. Revocared part of house. Alfred was out side by new station etc. It was a pleasant day but looks stormy.
Mail day. Still no news from Steven’s nor from Walker. Butchered a fat cow. Poisoned hides. It was a warm day.
Had a heavy storm last night and rained a good deal. Recorrered camp this afternoon. 2 Swiss from Cohudas to Malabrigo stop the night.
Brought two bulls in from Torres camp and also pulled fence up a bit. Tomas harrowed the land which is still very wet. Nothing going on. Hot close weather and looks rainy.–
Sunday. Rained nearly all last night and some today also. Cleared up towards evening. McLean went across Taba which is very high to Morgan’s place. Comisario Tremalliere sent to revisar etc indian horses at puesto. Ilefonso brought two mares and a potro from Torres camp.–
Alfredo was up at Gomez and Tremollieres. Received a letter from Stevens saying he had not received answer from England yet about the camp. It was a warm day. McLean came back from Morgans. McLean sowed alfa seed in field and Tomas harrowed it in.
It was a misty forenoon and a hot afternoon. About 100 mestizo bulls for Torres passed from Buenos Ayres by way of Sunchales about 3 had died.
Rained again hard towards morning and it was a hot close afternoon. Bound to have more rain. The men that are going to take the tropa of novillos home are here, but can’t part on account of wet weather. Butchered an old cow (hide for lasso.)
November, 1888
Recorrered camp today. Mail day.
Began parting the novillada today. This morning parted about 127 of the north side of west rodeo and this afternoon parted about 83 of the east rodeo. Perico (capataz) Marcelino & compañero, Juan Moreira, and Tomas and the rubio ______ worked with their own horses. Peicho, Ilefonso, Patricio, and Tomas (from our neighbor) helped. It was a hot day very close, and drizzled some. Sold a fat cow to Manuel the Basco $13.00
Put cattle of south west on rodeo and parted 99 novillos and 5 fat calves to butcher on the road. Same gente as yesterday worked. Afterwards helped the tropa across the arroya at puesto and counted them 299 (see Nov 6) of which are 5 of Donkins, 18 Tregatheus, and 5 calves to butcher. Badly counted and Alfred goes tomorrow to accompañar them on road, and will recount. Same gente as worked with their horses yesterday and Patricio 7 altogether go with troop. Peicho brought the viste-bueno for tropa from Comisario. It was a very hot close day. Cattle gave a lot of work at the arraya and 3 escaped there.
Alfred had gone to see the tropa off as far as the Rabon on the 4th and came back today. Counted them at the Rabon there were 299 or 300 novillos and 4 calves to butcher (one had been butchered at Irondos ensenada) Gave Perico $25.00 for gastos and orders to get there by the 15th Go by way of Santa Fé. Rained nearly the whole time for last 3 days. Ilefonso butchered a cow yesterday. Nothing going on.
One of the peones of the tropa (Buille) came back from Imbrachos, so only six go, expensas of tropa ought to be $228. or 76¢ per head Recorrered camp and cleaned up place. Looks like clearing up at last. Pleasant day.
Put cattle of north west side on rodeo and disembechared 60 or 70 calves. Received letter from Stevens saying London declines my propasition to take 9 leagues of camp and fence it. Eulalia missing tonight. Guess cleared off with Bernabe or Saldomero. It was a pleasant day –
Put middle cattle on rodeo and cured about 40 calves. No news of Eulalia, cleared Bernabe off place. It was a hot day.
Alfredo was up at Carabacas. Nothing going on. Baldomero brought Eulalia back. Hot stormy day.
Sunday. Began raining about daybreak and rained until nearly noon. Butchered a vaquilla as meat wont last. Alfred golpeared [banged] his foot against a past in the laguna while bathing, and got it pasmared; had to go to bed about it.
Put cattle of east side on rodeo and disembechared about 20 calves and some big animals and capared some ugly bulls. Alfred very bad with foot. McLean came back from picada. Very fresh weather with strong wind.
Alfred still laid up with bad foot. Robson, Ilefonso and Peicho revisared the mares in rinconado; none imbechared. Rained some today.
Had a sharp rain again last night. Alfred still laid up with bad foot. Nothing going on except recarrendo camp. Got rubber lona back stolen by Juan some months ago. Cool day.
Cool day. Nothing going on. Alfred still laid up.
Had west rodeo on and cured 30 or 40 calves, and capared some bulls. Nothing going on. Butchered old cow.
Had middle rodeo on and cured a few calves and señalared 4 calves and capared about a dozen bulls. Recorrered camp. etc. Cool nights and pleasant days. Alfred still laid up with bad foot.
Sunday. G. Tremalliere, Antonio Lara, and the Gomez were here this afternoon. Pleasant day nothing going on. Alfredo making preparations to go to the Nanducitas tomorrow via San Justo. Take Mala cara tropilla.
Alfreddo and Robson started for Nanducitas taking mala Cara tropilla and pack mule and going by bridge at San Justo as Salado is very high. Parared east rodeo to disembechar. Ramayons peon from Reconquista brought noticia that Negro and Satun were at Tienda nuevo, and would not entregar them to him. Climaco (peon that Alfredo sent from San Pedro) came today begins work tomorrow. G. Tremolliere and Antonio Lara arrived on way to Sta. Fé. Troop of cattle from Helvetia escaping creciente lock in corral tonight on way to Malabrigo.
Butchered cow . Caught two mare of the matrero horse running in camp. Lent one to Baldomero with “Verde” mark. Charqueared this afternoon.
Ilefonso and Climaco revisaring the yeguada in rinconado. Torres carts took away wire they had thrown into our camp near rinconado. Trying to burn camp on account of garrapatas. Hot north wind.
follows in small book.
Paid Out
[List by date, 3 pages]
Animals Died
[List by date, 3 pages]
Misc. Payments & Wages
[List by date, 3 pages]
Paid Out
[List by date, 6 pages]
Animals died
[List by date, 1 page]
Journey 2.8.1888
[1 page with: list of clothes, & conversion factors of squares, hectares, acres, leagues]
© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)