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Alfred A. Benitz | Page last modified: |
This day book, like the others, was kept by Alfred, and in his absence by whoever remained in charge, usually Herman. It includes all of 1889, and some of the last days of 1890. Inserted in the day-book is a small note-book of Guarani and Toba terms which we have included here.
In April, 1889, Alfred rented “El Mistolar”, a camp about 30 km. to the west, on the far side of (“outside”) the Calchaquí river, on the south-western shores of Laguna Calchaquí (a.k.a. las Aves). It would become part of his estancia “Los Palmares”. He moved most of his cattle to it during the last days of 1889. The large rodeos, participation by, and difficulties with, the personnel of Agustin Iriondo, his neighbor to the south, suggests Alfred was removing his cattle under duress, particularly as both the Espín and Calchaquí rivers were swollen, making them difficult to ford.
Was Alfred evicted? Apparently he expected to be for he had prepared, having rented El Mistolar in April’89. He must have known that Iriondo had bought the lands of the former Colonia Espín from the government, lands the government had reclaimed from Frank (Alfred’s oldest sibling) when he failed to populate them with settlers. Iriondo had possession of the lands south of the Espín river, he was now taking possession of the entire colonia. The big question is: what ever happened to Alfred’s title to a league of it?
It is possible Alfred’s title was a legal gambit by the Benitz family in an attempt to recoup some of Frank’s losses. The day-books provide little information about the inner workings of the family, in particular about how they arrived at decisions. Alfred’s biography says little, and what it does is hearsay from people not present at the time. That Alfred’s title was ignored is not surprising: the governor of the province was Agustin Iriondo’s brother. However, we don’t know the factual details — so we have much more research to do!
Background: The photo is from Olga’s album (lent to us by Susan Horner). It is not labelled but because its type is different from those taken in 1902 by Alftred’s brother John, we speculate the photo was taken by Alfred. He had his own dark-room for developing photos at Los Palmares.
Reference Pages: Written in English by Alfred and others, the day-book is full of Spanglish terms and names local to the region. To assist you, please open and have at hand (in a separate tab / window) the Reference Pages.
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Transcription Notes: The day-book has been transcribed as written, without corrections to spelling or grammar. For clarity, we added quarter and month title bars. Anything we added or corrected in the text is enclosed within [square brackets, with our comments in italics.] Newspaper clippings, notes, business cards, and any other items found in the diary we have placed where most relevant. Items for which we could not determine dates, we placed where we found them. (Transcribed by: Michael Mohr-Bell, 2011.)
JUMP TO QUARTER — Click a quarter:
January, 1889
Alfred came back from down south today with galera after an absence of 4 weeks just. Hot day and very heavy storm this afternoon. Jorge Wagner stopped for breakfast on way south. A.Gomez was here.
Rained a good deal last night, and it was a murky day with slight showers this evening. Recorred the camp. Antonio brought load of leña and patched up ruve [roof] of house. Horses looking very bad: enronchado. Cattle looking very well and still calving. Monte full of water and ‘savandija’. Peicho trensaring lassoes.
Rained some this morning. Discharged Alfonso. Butchered an ugly vaquilla as weather very hot and murky
Another damp murky day with occasional drizzles. Alfred paid Casabaca a visit. Juan Benavidez and family were here. Gave Juan Antonio vale for $2.00. Gave Juan Antonio vale for $2.00.
Had east rodeo on and desimbichared and Torres gente parted about a hundred animals. This afternoon revisared the aguada in Rinconado and desimbichared 3 potrillas. The gente from J.Morgans came back from San Cristobal with the mares and five stallion and stopped the night. It was a very hot day McLean went down to Lazarus to cobrar.
Had west rodeo on and desimbichared a lot of calves and Torres gente parted about 35 animals. It was a hot day. Nothing much going on.
Had middle rodeo on and Torres gente parted about 15 animals but before we could finish desimbicharing a tormento came up. Pengle with his (6) carts was here today (drunk) on way to Malabrigo. Butchered the novillo traded from Virasoro and cut hide up. Rained some today.
No mail today. Misty murky day. Abran Gomez was here for breakfast. Nothing going. Sent Antonio for choclos to Gomez.
Alfred and McLean were over at Morgans today. Misty drizzly day. Antonio Lara was here today. Nothing going on.
Heavy rain last night and this morning, hot murky day and looks like more rain. Gave Alimaco 3 days leaf to pasear. Gave Alfonso permission to stop until he gets work from Chapuis.
Rained from day break until noon. Rather much of a good thing. Juan Antonio and Ignacio who are going outside with us, were here today. Gave Ignacio $12.00 ahead on a/c (vale) also $1.00 vale to Juan Antonio.
Misty forenoon and fine evening. Climaco came back. Butchered an old cow.
Had middle rodeo on this morning and west rodeo this afternoon desimbichared about 25 in 1st and 40 in 2nd. Tomas gives hand at rodeo work for meat given him, and Alfonso also is here yet. Beautiful day and looks as if rain cleared off at last.
Had east rodeo on and desimbechared about 25. Alfred was up at Casabacas this afternoon. Making preparations for going outside tomorrow. Alfred, Ogilby Robson McLean Juan Antonio and Ignacio going. Expect to be away a month. Peicho stops in charge with Climaco and Antonio to help. Alfonso has to clear out as soon as possible. Comisario has orders to clear him out by Saturday. It was a fine warm day.
February, 1889
[entire month is blank - no daily record was kept during Alfred’s hunting trip “outside”, the area to the west beyond Laguna Calchaquí (a.k.a. las Aves) and north of San Cristóbal.]
March, 1889
[5th entry written in spaces for 4th through 6th]
Alfred and party came back tonight from trip to Alerta which lasted 35 days. Had very bad time on a/c 15 days rain altogether which made the camps nearly all anegadas and also on a/c of the mosquitos which were frightful and making the horses give out, of the 17 taken out only 8 coming back of which 2 were ours, 1 ajeno, 2 Ogilbys, 1 Robsons, 3 Donkins. Ogilbys Calmindo was left about 9 leagues south of Independencia, A’s galeado [gateado?] and pangare ajeno about 2 leagues east of Santiágenas puesto near Alerta. 2 of Donkins last three leagues west of Hernan Cortez. Alfreds sanio Robson oscura and Donkins alazan at mistalar, and Ogilby’s rosillo to Estancia Nuevo. Found the Alerta camp good open camp with monte on north east corner. Camped at following places. 1st night at Frenchmans gate Espin. 2nd dispunta Cañada Zapo. 3rd Mistalar 4th Isleta south coast Salado 5th Fuerte Union. 6th Monte Aguara old camp (end of Cañada gd 7th ditto 8 ditto 9 ditto. 10 near puesto Vanguardio Verde 11 Verde 12 ditto 13 Avispa Chico 14 Near 6 quebrachos 15 Near Isleta 2½ league march. 16 Isleta edge of good camp near estero 17 ditto 18 Independencia 19 ditto 20 Alerta 21 ditto. 22 San Pedro 23 ditto 24 ditto. 25 Isleta and 6 quebracho Blancos 26 Dos Chañars 27 Isleta Chañares. 28 Isleta Chañares 29 Hernan Cortez. 30 North of Unión. 31 Mar Calchaqui. 32 East bank of Calchaqui at Mistalar. 33 ditto. 34 Estancia Nuevo. 35 Home. The roads especially on banks of Salado are so full of water to make it impasible to drive cattle. Found every thing here all right. Peicho had dispatched Brasilero on account of bochincha. Tropero here wants to take fat cows in a few days. A.Gomez wants to stop for a few days and Victorino wants to work as Carabaca had made a general clearance up there, Had paid the vaqueano $14.00 wages and Ignacio $21.00. They did not earn it. Weather looks bad and rainy.
Tropero Zeballas parted here this morning from east rodeo for Patricio Escobar. He parted 26 fat cows at $12.00 and 20 novillos at $14.00 making $592.00 paying a cheque for $600.00. Alfred McLean and Ogilby going down south tomorrow leaving Robson in charge. Abran Gomez stoping here off and on. Peicho multared $4.00 by Trimolliere for not giving notice of row twixt Antonio and Climaco. Weather warm and looks stormy Cattle pretty bad with garrapatas.
Alfred McLean & Ogilby left for down south.
Victorino took away the bullock cart & two oxen to bring his wife etc
Rained in the aftern
Had on Michelle rodeo Cured a few calves & some big animals.
Victorino arrived in the afternoon.
Rained a little in the afternoon.
Victorino entered as mensual.
Butchered old cow.
Rained hard all day.
Juan returned in the afternoon to the puesto. Received from him $40.00
The Frenche turned up in the afternoon having left Tremolliere’s.
Piecho went to the rinconado to see the mares, they were all right.
Juan came in the morning with the stores, gave him his rations.
A fine day. The Frenche left, also Gomez.
Some Germans staid the night on their way to Malabrigo.
Had on big rodeo, few calves embechared but good many big animals.
Had on east rodeo a few calves embechared. Butchered old cow.
Paid Clemaco $6.00
Miguel Duran passed in the morning
Gente, on their way the Pelado to bring a tropa up.
Sebastian, from Morgans, came to the pulperia, said the horses were all right.
Brought up cartload of leña.
Cut down tree in the cattle corral
Brought up load of leña in the morning. Don Hipollito borrowed the cart in the afternoon.
Had a big rodeo, disembichared a few calves, & a good many big animals. Paid Antonio (Jesan) $2.00
Don Juan passed in the afternoon to part a tropa at Torres’s.
Butchered old cow.
I & Piecho & Clemaco went to the Rinconado to see the mares, they were looking very well.
Received a letter from Alfredo.
Piecho & Victorio fixing up the cattle corral in the afternoon.
Walthers house was burned down last night.
Juan Antonio & Ignacio were both very drunk & were rowdy. Ignacio supposed to have stolen a revolver from the soldier at Hipollito’s, Hermolliere sent three soldiers after him, lent me a horse as his was tired, they passed with Ignacio late.
A Mr Dunlop turned up in the afternoon.
Had on East rodeo a lot of calves & big animals embechared.
Juan Gomez shut in, 100 old cows he had parted form Torres’s.
Fixing up the cattle corral etc.
Had on big rodeo disembichared a good many animals. The Comisario shut some horses in the corrals without asking leave & took away a horse of Angle’s. Casabaca sent a peon with him to show him the horses.
Butchered old cow.
Went over to Morgans with Clemaco to look at the horses they looked very well. One horse of the Malacara tropilla died, the bayo was embechared on the hind leg, we cured it. I brought back my horses. The Toba very high. It rained a little.
Jose passed with a tropa from San Pedro.
Wett night. We fixed up the cattle corral in the morning, rained in the afternoon.
Had on East rodeo very few animals embechared. The Comisario General staid the night with his soldiers. Two old toros died, very thin, took off the hides. Paid Isidora $1.-
It rained a little in the afternoon. Gave Chrisoto Gomez $2 to buy cigars in Malibrigo.
Two cows died, one bitten by snake, took hides off. Rained a little.
Went to the Rinconado in the afternoon, rained a little in the afternoon.
Gente from the Saladaro staid the night here. Tropero Zeballos passed here in the afternoon for Morgans.
Bought at Hipollitos 1 lb coffee.
April, 1889
Three calves dead. Mancha. Had a big rodeo a few calves embechared & a lot of big animals.
Cleaned up patio. It rained a little, very hot.
Butchered old cow.
Rained in the afternoon hard.
Rained hard all last night & nearly all day.
Tropero Zeballas shut in a tropa, he had parted from Levi’s.
Rained hard in the afternoon.
A mare of Donkins, saino, killed by lightening, also Ogilby’s Overo.
A cow & a calf died, mancha.
Brought up some leña.
Bought from Hipollito jar biscuits.
Butchered old cow.
Rained a little.
Rainy weather. Alfred came back this evening from down south. Been away just one month. Rented camp at Mistolar to Palmar from Boutell. Found every thing all right except an awful lot of water every where. A few cattle dyng from mancha etc. expect two much dampness the cause. Peicho capataz, peones Climaco & Victorino Gomez here, also Dunlop.
Sent Climaco to Crespas with pack mules to bring Alfredos luggage. Sent Victorino & Tomas (medicas’) to bring horses over for parting and marking.
Alfred was up at Carabaca’s who offered A. a cartload of maiz for the picking. Will also take Donkins’ cows at $ 8.00 ‘todo lo que pisa’. Alfred also was up at Adolfos’ the quintero and arranged to take 400 arrobas of maiz at 37 ½ c la arroba. Beastly misty drizzly day and strong south wind set in this evening.
Alfred and Robson were over at Juans this morning. Victorino & Tomas
came back with the horses from over at Morgans. One of the malacara
tropilla had died (the zarscito) and two are very lame.
The horses are not looking very
bad. It was a beautiful day but cold clear night.
Sent all the gente from here and from puesto to Torres for a load of maiz Carabaca gave me for the gathering; stored it below the corredor.
Climaco came back from Crespas with Alfredos luggage and also a bag of biscuits and ½ ar..soap from Benjamin’s which got wet, also two young greyhounds from down south. It was a beastly disagreeable day no sun. Antonio Lara was here.
Butchered an old cow. Sent Carabaca’s cart back. Had leña cut. Murky day.
Hauled two loads leña form marcación.
Abran Gomez left for San Pedro. Clear cold day.
Peicho, Victorino & Climaco left to part at Iriondas also Pedrito from puesto. Took tordillo tropilla (mark).
Sent cart to Baldomiro to bring his family etc.
Nothing going on.
Baldomero here. Tomas brought load of leña. Some gente 2 men & woman to work in yerra. Say the rodeo at rinconada Iriondas will be parrared tomorrow. Cold nights fine days. Angel was here, sent word to comisario will mark on Monday if gente come.
Alfredo, Baldomero, & Robson left at madrugado to go to Rodeo Rinconado at Iriondas but as that rodeo was not ‘parado’ went to the rodeo del medio where Peicho was parting. Very cold morning but no frost. Baldomero stopped with Peicho to help.
Alfred & Robson went again this morning and helped part. Parted about 300 but in trying to cross the Espin straight about 30 cleared back so had to send the troop round by puesto where they sleep tonight. 2 men with horses from riondas helped, also Don Abran, and Bernesconi. The rest with our horses were Picho, Climaco, Victorino, Baldomero, Juan Benavidez & Pedrito. Some troperos also helped to drive the cattle back and are coming to see whether they can’t find fat cattle.
Men arrived with the cattle that parted yesterday this morning, Put
Torres animals into their camp and marked the calves 77 in all. Gente
from Iriondas came this morning to part tomorrow. Looks very rainy.
Two A cow and calf died in corral. Looks like if had drank too much
water. Butchered an old cow. Tropero stops over night.
It rained a good deal last night so this morning could not parrar rodeo. Parrared east rodeo this afternoon and Iriondas gente señalared and Torres’ parted; also Iturraspes’ gente. The tropero also parted of our reses. He take novillos at 14½ and cows at $13.00. He parted very few this afternoon because it got late. Weather looks bad. Also parted all of Donkin’s cattle we could find.
Put all west rodeo on, and same gente as yesterday parted. Tropero parted about 80 all together tomorrow will recount at Iriondas. Entregared Donkns cattle to Carabaca 132 and 1 we butchered at $6.00 which Carabaca pays when Torres comes. Butchered pd $470 on a/c of reses he parted. Bicenty Diaz tropero.
Alfred & old Juan went down to Iriondas to recount the troop of
novillos reses 50 cows & 28 novillos. Tropero pays what he owes in
Crespas mayordomos hands or else brings it here $586.00 _ Gaspar Duran
was here. Sent off the hides 103 by 2 peones from puesto _ Send them to
Carinna for Ricardo Salgado to dispatch to Aldao Santa Fé. Fine day.
Cart got stuck in cañada yesterday but passed today. Marked east rodeo today. Parted out cows this forenoon and marked this afternoon 496. A lot of calves left yet. 76 outside men worked. Godoy came this afternoon with 3 more men to help. 8 men worked with their own horses. It was a beautiful day. Men who worked with their own horses were – Fidel Damasia Bernesconi Abran Gomez, Pbueno, Zellare, Juan, & Fortunato. Butchered an old cow.
Put south cattle of west rodeo on; senalared ajeno calves and then drove whole lot to corral. Guess about 1000 head. Marked 134 calves – finished by noon. Pleasant day. G. Tremolliere was here. Butchered cow.
Put west rodeo on and parted out the calves and marked them in corral this afternoon. Had great work getting across the cañada and about 50 escaped. Marked 407 making 1114 marked so far.
It was a fine day. Cacique Valentin is here. Butchered vaca con cuero.
Arreglared with gente of marcacion. Danced nearly all last night, and most of them left today.
Alfredo was up at Carabaca’s to see about cart of Pedro Lausn which he buys at $155.00. Warm day but a very cold nights.
Alfredo & Cacique Valentin went out as far a Cañada Nutria to see how the road is to drive cattle but found that it would be impossible to march as there is too much water. Butchered a novillo. and staked out hide for pelota. Drizzled some this afternoon. Cut down canes in garden to take outside.
Godoy and his 3 men left this morning until wanted to drive cattle. Paid them $25.00 for marcacion and also to imdenify them for their trip for nothing. It was a murky day. Sent Climaco up to Toba to Morgans to bring the two black redomones and also the horse of Donkins left by Jack Heart, also sent word to Gaspar Duran not to come with gente to march.
Trpero Zeballas was here. Pleasant day.
Young cow-boy Randal came today.
Put east rodeo on in fog and marked 65 calves of ours and 4 of Donkins. A lot of gente turned up. Made a disparrama of gente afterwards. Marked Donkins colts afterwards 8 females and 7 machas and 2 of ours = 1 male 1 female. Beautiful day. R. Morgan and Dick Griffiths were here on a paseo. Gave them all old reading matter. Ogilby also turned up by way of Colindas.
Put cattle of west side on rodeo and marked 161 calves making 1340 marked so far. Just our gente worked and a few outsiders helped. Butchered an old cow. Thin.
May, 1889
Brought up the mares from Rinconada and marked senalared the
colts. 10 machas and 13 hembras. And senalared cirdeared 42 mares
& potrancas. Left mares in this camp. Lazaro came and pd $25.00
to my a/c at pulperia - of the $50.00 he owed me more than a year.
Pleasant day.
Dunlop left this morninmb Peones desgranared maiz this morning. Young Levi and female passed tonight on way to Estancia.
Butchered old cow. Misty day. Nothing going on. Robson & Ogilby were hunting.
Men desgranared maiz this farenoon. Cart came from Escalada station 14 days trip – cost $15.00 wages $2.00 gastos – left horse sick at Crespas. Alfredo was up at Carabacas. Got 40 cartriges.
Getting ready to go outside, but fraid cant start tomorrow on account of scarcity of men. Parted at Torres rodeo – about 15. Got quintal wire from Torres and a bag patatas.
Butchered a cow. The tropero who parted here last Visenti Diaz came – paid up, and wants to part more. Butchers from new station were also here – promised to let them have cows at 12½ and steers at 14½ . Getting ready to start out. Looks murky and rainy. Fellows that were hanging around gone up to Levis marcacion. Huntared oxen and horses to go outside.
Very heavy fog this morning, afterwards put east rodeo on and the butcher Bisenti Diaz parted. Later on had west rodeo when he also parted until late. Parted about 50 novillos & cows – will count in the morning at puesto.
Alfredo went over to puesto and counted the troop sold to Vicenti Diaz 20 novillos of ours at $14.50 1 of Donkins and 42 cows at $13.00. making a total of 850.00 which he depasits in my name in Provincial Bank Santa Fé. He leaves receipt for troop at Chapuis. Gave certifico on San Justo.- Gave Don Hipolito Tremolliere $500. to keep for me. Also reglared my a/C. So owe no one except old pulpero at San Pedro and will pay him when I get money for hides sent to Barraca Aldao. Weather beastly misty. Loaded cart to go out to Mistolar tomorrow.
Alfred & party came back from the Calchaqui today, the river was so high could not cross it. Had left here on the 9th – were 2½ days in Torres camp outside with oxen lost. 2 novillos taken along to butcher could not be found, one escaped with 2 lassoes. Alfred, Ogilby Robson Randalt Zipriano, Pedro, Valentin Cacique, Ignacio & Juan Antonio were of the party, & Capt. Gily & Robson and paid each $6.00 for their 10 days work. The roads pretty bad yet. came back from camp this side of Calchaqui in 2½ days with cart, left there the canes, quintal wire and demijohns. Here had gone to Iriondas and señalared about 20 calves as they were going to mark. Delivered also 19 [in left margin: $237.50] cows to Eusebio Saavedra of the station at 12½. 237.50 money to be delivered to pulpero at Capatas. Weather drizzly for last few days. Some men from Reconquista came to help take cattle outside rather ahead of time.
Fixing up things from trip. Gente from Reconquista gone to work at Torres marcacion. Cold weather. Nothing going on.
Alfred & Ogilby went to station and visited the engineers Phoenix and Ranol, and also cobrared $200.00 from Carnicero on a/c of 19 cows at 12½ which he took last week. ($237.50). Randall left for Cohudas – he owes $12.00 on a/c Poncho he bought. It was a fine day. Men that were working at marcacion Iriondas came back today pretty tight. Butchered an old cow. hide for lasso. 1349 Marked 9 tambera calves at puesto. 1349 so far. Sold 5 out of the 6 novillos the Basco Manuel is taming to him for $100.00. He pays in the money to pulpería at station of Cayetano Capato. [math in left margin: 20 x 18 = 360, 22 x 30 = 660 + 360 = 1020]
Alfredo was down at Chapuis. It was a very pleasant day. Nothing going on. Drew my $500. from Don Hipolito.
Paid bill of Guibert & Fuller $110. Alfred and Peicho & Victorino were up at marcacion at puesto No3 Torres. They did not avisar us in time and had señalared one of our cows. Sent cart up to quintero of Levis and received the maiz 25 bags 136 arrobas @ 40c the ar. Troop of 240 cows of Juan Gomez stops the night. Rainy. Alfred goes to Goya tomorrow to bring horses over, with Jose the moreno (Ramayon’s peon).
Benitez left with Jose for Corrientes to buy horses.
I paid Victorino $2.0
- Juan Antonio $1.0
Avisaro Gomez turned up in the afternoon
Put on west rodeo.
The butcher from the station parted out 10 cows.
We marked 38 calves. 1387 so far.
Drew from Hipolito $120, to pay the quintero for maize.
Went with Ogilby & Piecho to the Quinteros to buy maize. Bought 11 fanegas 8 almudos at $2.50 the fanega.
Paid | $29.50 |
138 arrobas | 55.20 |
Paid for Ogilby, for 1 pig | 4.-- - |
1 parrot | 3.-- - |
$ 91.70 |
Left about 2 fanegas behind, carts would not hold more.
A heavy storm last night & rained all day.
Piecho went with the cart to the Quinteros to bring the maize that was left, he also bought 2½ arr of patatas & cepayos for which he paid $4.
Brought up a load of wood.
Disgraining maize in the morning.
Paid Piecho $10.-
Bought from Hipollito ½ arroba biscuits.
Butchered old cow.
Gave Don Hipollito last 15 lbs meat.
Baldomero caught up the big tostado potro.
Put on east rodeo. Marked 30 calves. (So far 1417)
Baldomero caught up a saino & a tostado potro.
June, 1889
Butchered old cow.
Went with Ogilby to the station & saw Scott.
Victorino left with his wife for the New Estancia, to have child cured, paid him $2.
Brought up cart load of leña.
Butchered old cow.
Don Hipollito took 2 ar/10 lbs of meat.
Don Vicente Diaz came to part. He gave me $850 which he owed for the last tropa.
Put on east rodeo. Vicente parted out 3 novillos & 11 cows, also parted 3 of Chapuis. Piecho went to Torres’s rodeo but found no calves. Ogilby’s pig was killed by Torres’s peons.
Put on west rodeo, Vicente parted out altogether 58 cows at $13.00 and 13 novillos at $14.50 making a total of $942.50 [in left margin, sum: 689 – 188.50 = 877.50]
Gave certifico on San Justo.
On June 24 he wrote me that instead of 58 cows he only took 53 cows as he recounted in presence of Chapuis and other parties. The novillos were the same
Paid Piecho $10. Paid old Juaso $10.
Settled Victorinos account up to 12 of this month. Paid him $27. Went with Ogilby to Torres’s, they were marking. The Butcher from station came & wanted to part, but did not.
Doña Isidora returned from Corrientes with Juan Gregorcar.
Wett night & rained all day, & very cold. Butchered old cow. Butcher
from Don Hipolito took 1 ar/5lbs of meat.
Wett night, & very cold day.
Juan Gomez passed.
Tropero Zeballos passed on his way to Brarilaros.
Baldonero entered as mensual at $12.
Brought up load of lena.
Two cows dead, thin, took hides off.
Don Lasaro came with his cart to take away Don Aeran’s things. Also a Frenchman who was a colonist on this camp.
Tropero Zeballos shut in, he left me a cheque for $284.40 for the hides that were sold. Lent the cart to take Victorinos things to Justinos puesto. Don Lasaro took aways Airasis things also. Butchered old cow. [in left margin: 284.40]
Two men from Reconquista stopped the night.
Mail came.
Juan Gomez shut in.
Juan Gregoria left for Pacaro Blanco
Isidora $4.
Brought up load of leña.
Disgraining maize.
Sent Carsabaca a junta of oxen to pull out cart, stuck in the arroyo.
Butchered old cow.
Teburio left with family for a puesto in the rinconado, Iriondos.
Old Juan left for outside to see how the Calcahqui is.
Paid Baldonero $1.
Old Juan returned Said the Calcahqui was very high. Rained all day & last night.
Butchered old cow.
Brought up load of leña.
Don Benitto Ramayon passed for San Pedro.
Piecho & Baldonero went to puesto No4 as they were marking there.
Piecho & Baldonero brought three mares from Torres’s.
The butcher turned up.
Had on east rodeo. Butcher parted 16 cows. The mares were put in the corral, marked one alazan colt.
Mail came. Received a telegram from Don Alfredo.
A young fellow arrived here from Entre Rios. Colman
Butchered old cow.
Benitto Ramayon stopped the night on his way to Reconquista.
Paid Baldonero $1.
July, 1889
Baldonero entered as mensual at $12. Disgrained maize.
Wett night & drizzling all day.
Paid Baldoniero $6 for his work from 12 of June to the end of that month as he wished to enter on the first of this month. He owes 30 cents.
Wett night & drizzling all day.
Two carts from Malabrigo stopped the night. Brought up load of leña.
Lent Garibaldi bullock cart & ace yoke of bullocks to go to the Marguerita.
Muggy weather some rain.
Alfred came back from Corrientes where he had gone to buy horses May 23/. Jose Acosta comes with the horses by Bella Vista will write particulars when he comes. Butchered old cow.
Muggy weather.
Muggy weather. Were over at puesto.
Alfred Coleman and Ogilby went to station Espin. The butcher Saavedra had paid into Capatas hands for me $162.50 and still owes $200 which he promised to pay in a few days. The Basco Manuel also had paid in $100 for the 5 novillos. I left the money in Capatas (262.50) hands. Gave the pulpero Eugenio Junco the guia to get pr. of boots up from estacion Escalada.
Skinned one cow.
Butchered an old cow. Lent Tiburcio plow & yokes.
Hired Indian boy son of Valentin the Cacique.
Alfred and Coleman hunting along Espin. Found cow & calf killed by tigre. Lent 1 novillo and one ox to Tiburcio to plow with.
Skinned one cow killed by tigre in banado.
Elipse seen here after sundown.
Gabriel Tremolliere and butcher from Margarita came this evening – latter wants to buy horses.
Butcher from station (Saavedra) came this evening.
Jose Acosta came with horses from Corrientes via Bella Vista.
Marked the horses we bra’t from Corrientes 29 I marked and had let Robson have 2, Ogilvy 2 (unmarked), Piecho 2, Jose 2. Sold 1 on road (Alasan) left 1 tired Picaso in Corrientes. 1 yegua lame and 1 malacara left rengo in Curuzu Cuatia in charge of Fernando Grebe (total 41) put horses. Saavedra the butcher parted 10 cows at $12.50 he pays $125.00 in to Capata at station said he had paid in $200 for last tropa. Butchered a cow.
Hard at work fixing up garden fence. Ogilby came back from La Margarita where he sold his 3 horses at $25.00
Jose Acosta and his 2 companions left for Reconquista. It was a pleasant day.
Teofilo Ricketts came this morning and stops the night. Rainy. Fixing fence.
Ricketts left for Morgans. Lent him horses and Baldomiro and Coleman acompanared him.
Gave Don Hipolito $160.00 in Cordoba nates to get changed. Cut canes and brought them up to fix garden. Cold south windy day. Butchered cow. Don Hip took 60 lbs.
He paid his meat a/c.
Mail came at last. Cleaning canes. Cold day. Paid Elias (Indian boy) $1.00
Mail came after 3 weeks. Does not bring it anymore. Have it come at Calchaqui station.
Alfred & Coleman were on an unsuccessful hunt after the carpinchas. Fixed up fence afterwards.
Alfredo was up at Casabacas with Coleman. Jorge Chapuis came with Pedrito Guibert and gente want to part. Abran Gomez also stopped here also a horse dealer from Entre Rios.
Put all cattle on west side on rodeo and P. Guibert parted some Irionda reses, and took 44 cows at $13.00 of mine. [left margin: $572.00] he pays when he comes again in about 15 days when he promises to take another troop about 40 – novillos at 16.00 and cows at 13.00. ________ Very hot sultry day. Could not find maizeras _________
Butcher from station came this evening.
Put east rodeo on and butcher Saavedra from station parted out 17 cows at $13.00. He says he paid in last lot (10 cows) $125.00 to Capata and with this lot will do same - $587.50 in Capatas hands without this tropa.
One cow escaped from butcher making 16 cows the tropa he took.
[left margin arithmetic: $ 221 – 13 = 208 + 537 = 745 ]
Butchered big novillo staked hide out. Robson & Grily were at new station and bro’t mail. Capata has in his hand to my cr. 557. Butcher owed $30 from last tropa – without counting the 17 animals parted yesterday.
Gaspar Duran was here – Alfred was up at Torres to ask rodeo. Fine day.
Nothing going on. Chapuis sent for his broken trap. Very warm sultry weather.
Hot sultry day. Alfredo & Coleman were at Tiburcios.
Heavy storm yesterday afternoon and nearly all night. Fixed up back of house all day, also garden fence. Espin crecida.
Skinned 2 cows & 1 calf. Killed thin mare for lonja. Camp looks green fine day.
Baldomero left. Alfredo & Coleman went to station. Capata has in his hands to my a/c $587.50 – Butcher owes for last tropa yet. Butchered an old cow.
August, 1889
Parted 14 animals from Torres rodeo (Estancia)
Sent men up to Torres to part at rodeo San Lorenzo but rodeo was not put on. Chimaco began cutting paja for thatching kitchen.
Parted at puesto San Lorenzo – cow & calf. & yegua con cria – left 1 old overo cow as was not with calf. Hard frost.
Nothing going on. Fine day.
Recorrered camp well. Skinned two animals. Fine weather.
Butchered an old cow. Began fixing up old kitchen to put on roof.
Peicho went to station. Lent old Bayo to Ceres. – Alfredo & Coleman were at Tremollieres. Colemans picasito found stuck in side likely with pitch fork – suspect the old ful. Warm day.
Fixing up old kitchen. Alfredo going outside tomorrow getting ready. Valentin, Ignacio & Coleman going. Marked two macho colts from madrina also macho mule.
Bad threatening weather prevented the going outside. Let go all the maizeras but four. Climaco thatching. Rich Morgan & Dick Griffiths were here this afternoon. Looks like lots of rain.
Began raining very hard and seems to go to continue Olgilvy left for the Margarita.
Beastly misty drizzly day. Nothing going on.
Another beastly misty drizzly day. Butchered young mocho cow.
Looks like clearing up. Rich Morgan came with cart and stops the night. Getting cold.
Skinned 4 calves. Very cold; Morgan left.-
About coldest day had this winter.
Chapuis & Pedro Guibert came with gente to part tomorrow. Paid up for troop took July 22. Skinned two animals. Bitter cold.
Put both rodeos on and Pedro Guibert parted out 21 cows of mine, at $13.00 and 18 novillos at $16.00 also 1 of Peicha’s. lock in at puesto tonight. Olgilby left for down south. Robson went as far as station. New peon Demesia entered today.
Chapuis & Pedro Guivert stop the night. Butchered a vaquillona. Heavy frost and weather cold.
Wrote to Vicente Diaz to pay what he owes for last troop into Ricardo Aldao’s hands. $877.50. Lent Guibert & Chapuis horses to go Carabacas. P.Guibert gave rec’t and is to pay the money $577. into Ricardo Aldaos hands also.- Hard frost.
Alfredo & Coleman were up at Carabaca’s, won race from Carabaca 3.00. Cold weather.
Parted at San Gregario potrero Torres about 30 animals. Capared afterwards in corral 9 bulls. Cold weather. Zeballos passed with 120 reses from Levys.
Brought over 28 hides from puesto. Butchered very old thin cow.
Hot day.
Troop of 80 cows from Torres to Santa Fé passed. Storm with sharp shower of rain. Hard wind blowing. Bad times for the cattle.
Coleman went to station, brought ½ an arroba of biscuits $1.50 – Cold cloudy day. Butcher from Reconquista (Solis) passed on way to San Pedro. Skinned 4 animals.
Fine spring day. Skinned 4 animals flacura. Climaco thatching.
Robson went on a carpincho hunt. Nothing going on.
Don Hipolito confessed to having pitch forked the picasito about a fortnight ago. Alfredo making preparations to go to Mistolar tomorrow. Looks stormy again hard south wind blowing which will play devil with cattle again.
Alfredo & Coleman left for the Calchaquí. Piecho capered the white bull.
Tebucio caught up the doridillo redomon it bucked very bad, fell & broke its fore leg above the fetlock.
Young Williams & Frity stopped the night.
Don Hipolito brought over some letters.
Alfredo, Coleman, Climaco, Valentin & Ignacio came back from Calchaqui – found it too high to cross. Killed two gamas, 1 aguara, 1 jabalí & 1 cigueña. Slept 1st night at laguna Nutria, 2nd at Cañas – 3rd at Canas 4th at Campo Carancho. Calchaqui falling fast. Windy weather.
September, 1889
Went to see station Calchaqui inaugurated. Nothing much going on. Jonas Larguia and some Frenchmen came up from Santa Fé. Sam Smith & Ben Clark, ingeneers.- Fine weather.
Fine weather. Cleaning place up. Two horses lent Waag 15 days ago brought back from La Margarita.
Bro’t load of wood. Climaco cutting cumbrero for galpon. Ogilby came back from down south. Going to look for camp for mares.
Heavy frost. Peicho went to station and brought Calchaqui
Patricio. Butchered an old cow. Francisco going to make lasso. Tropero
Zeballos passed to Levis’. Zepriano began cutting paja.
Cut lampers of Correntino horses. _ _ _ _ _
Valentin (Capataz of Ituraspe passed with tropillla of potros.
A. was up at Comisario Tremollieres (he was absent) and at Carabacas.
Gave old Valentin grey horse
Troop of 100 reses from Levis stop the night (Zeballos).
Cut lampra of old mancarones.
Butcher from station was here wanting to buy reses.
Robson Ogil & Col went to Morgans & fishing.
Hot and looks stormy.
Sent Climaco with the hides to station 105 hides. Looks stormy.
Butchered cow. v. Ogilby went to station got bag of biscuits. No mail - had gone on to Margarita.
Coleman went to Margarita to get mail. Green came back with him. Climaco came back with Bart. Nothing particular going on.
Alfredo left for Santa Fé.
Old Juan returned from Reconquista he brought 600 cigars.
Paid Demesia $5.
Brought up load of leña.
Morgan came.
Demesia began ploughing & the plough broke.
Butchered old cow.
Morgan left in the afternoon.
Piecho took the saino to the Margarita.
Went to the Margarita, the saino ran a race three squares for $10 & won easy.
Benjamin stopped the night.
Alfredo came back from Santa Fé accompanied by Donkin. Had been as far as ‘California’. –
Sold the hides to Aldao. Cobrared all outstanding money except Pedro Guibert who had not paid in to Aldaos hands money for last troop $577.00 –
Also left $200 in Capatas hands. – Put $2651.95 in Provincial bank. – Weather dry and camps want rain. Paid $100 in Don Hipolitos. Nothing had been going on.
Ogilvy left.
Little rain but not enough. Nothing going on.
Recorrered camp. Peicho was at La Margarita to see whether blacksmith was there - none.
Put all west rodeo on and discornared 19 best toritos for padres. Slow lassoers. Looks stormy. Butchered old cow.
Robson left to join Ogilvy – Pajaro Blanco. Went over to Puesto. Sent for mail. Peicho sick. Very windy.
[Fly sheet scribbles: Alfredo Benitz Cruz del Eje Santa Cruz]
Got leña. Nothing going on. Fine weather.
Robson came back.
Looked rainy. Alfredo & Donkin were up at Carabaca’s.
Heraldo Gomez passed with tropa of cattle from Arazar to La Sin Nombre. Fine day. Alfredo was over at puesto.;
October, 1889
Put east rodeo on, discornared 9 bulls, and capared about a hundred. Climaco, Ceno, Tiburcio helped (outsiders). Butchered black cow. Ceno capared the potras (some) 17 this afternoon (none died).
Alfredo, Robson, Donkin, Coleman, Cacique Valentin, and Ignacio and Demesio left for outside at noon – intend to pas the Calchaqui. Robson & Donkin take their own horses. We take The Malacara tropilla (5) pampa, petizo Correntino, morro (ditto). mule & macho cargero.
Came back from Mistolar. March 1º night to Cañada Nutria, 2º Canes, 3rd Laguna Aves, 4th isleta Penkas, 5 Isleta Ahi, 6 Isleta Pengas, 7 Canada Zapo, 8 home.- Found Calchaqui still pretty high had to swim about 250 yds. Crossed over and revisared camp and burned it off as much as possible. Killed 1 wolf & 1 venado. 3 pato reales 2 tuyangos etc. Lost 2 Donkins horses & mule yesterday at Laguna Aves horses came back mule not apeared yet. Very dry. Ceno here.
Cleared up things and place. Capared two cohudos. Demesio looked for mule which had not come back yet. Looks stormy and had a thunder storm last night with hail.
Put half west rodeo on though it was drizzling and capared about 40 bulls and discornared two. Mule came back. Nothing going on. Lent horse to Ceno to go to La Margarita.
Had letters from home. Want tropa down by 10 de Nobon [scrawl].
Had east rodeo on and capared about 60 bulls. Ceno and Climaco (outsiders) helped. Ceno left to join Ogilvy for Corrientes to buy horses. Gave Ceno $24.00 and ($17.00 private a/c) to buy horses. Fine day.
Don Hipolito left for Buenos Ayres. Alfred & Donkin were at rodeo rinconado Iriondas. Peicho and Demesio left for Pajaro Blanco to look for stray mares of Donkins.
Alfredo was up at Carabaca’s rodeo. Donkin and Coleman were at Calchaqui station. Lent Manuel Gomez horses to go to puerto Pajaro Blanca
Ignacio & Elia went to Malabrigo with low colonist cart and plow to get fixed. Butchered cow. Patricio alone here with mother. Besides Robson Donkin & Coleman.
Put all west rodeo on for Eduardo of Iturraspe also capared about 25 bulls. Cattle improving fast.
Robson with Donkin and Coleman left for Malabrigo to dispatch cart. Took
$202. along. Peicho and Demesio came back from Costa, brought a mare
saino from Señuele and the alasan
madrina and two potrancas from Morgans. The saino horse Hirt had with
tropa up north and 2 or 3 mares supposed to be at viuda Gallay’s
encargared Eugenio to bring. Looked rainy but turned out to be fine day.
Juan Antonio fixed thatch of house a bit. Alfredo found ostrich eggs – 17 – Fine hot day. Fritz Kennel stops the night on way to Arientala.
Rained slightly this morning. Men went hunting. Nothing going on.
Baltazar Bermudas came this evening with 23 men from Corrientes. Gave him a vaquilla in return for meat given us outside. He reports very bad trip over – river very high. Pulpero Tremollieri came back from Buenos Ayres. Alfredo was over at puesto.
Had west rodeo on (½) and capared about 35 bulls. This afternoon went in camp and capared some padres. Robson came back from Malabrigo. Reports delay in having cart fixed. Donkin & Coleman stop at Morgans.
Donkin & Coleman came back from Malabrigo. Sent Peicho to Malabrigo to let Perico know about taking tropa down. Demesio brought two loads of fire wood. Looks rainy.
Donkin & Coleman went to Calchaqui and brought Wilkinson on a paseo. Sent Demesio up to Larguias fence to help Ignacio down with cart, as Elia (the boy) came and said was broke. Sent Patricio to Chapuis to ask rodeo for Saturday. Butchered machona vaquilla. Fine day.
Demesio went to Calchaqui and brought out Parry who had sent telegram yesterday coming on a hunt. Peicho turned up from Malabrigo with Perico and 3 peones. Begin to part tomorrow. Ignacio came with ox cart, had only broken lance. Sacked him. Peicho had paid his bill of $11.50
Parted 42 novillos & bulls of Iriondas rinconado Espin rodeo and this
afternoon parted 128 novillos from east rodeo. Larguia sent 12 novillos
down to be taken to Larguia’s (no guia) widow C. de Gomez – Perico
(capataz) Marcelino Lorenzo Barga, Marco, Paraguay Zacharia, Jose Almada
½ day Climaco & Sisto Barazza worked. Weather looks bad.
Rained some this morning. Had west rodeo on (½) and parted about 136 novillos. Rodeo very slippery. Same gente as yesterday worked. Butchered cow.
Had south side of west rodeo on and parted out about 130 novillos. Some novillos cleared out this morning.- Took them across the arroya and counted them after parting out a lot of mancas etc 426 altogether, of which 12 are Larguias 6 Donkins & 1 Trigathens, Sent Demesio to station for guia. Same gente as yesterday worked. Perico goes as Capataz – and the peones who go – Marcelino, Lorenzo Bargo – Marco – Paraquay Zacharia – Jose Almada and they try to take Fidel the Paraguay along. (7 altogether). Gave Perico vale on Don Jorge Chapuis for $50. for expenses. Climaco and Sisto Barazza go along tomorrow. Gave along 1 vaquilla for tonight can’t take more along on account of bulls. Hot heavy day.
Sisto Barazza & Climaco came back from the tropa. They recounted the cattle in corral at Iriondas 424 – The indians from puesto were here – gave them $50.00 vale on Capata on a/c ahead. Alfredo & Parry were down at rinconado recorriendo.
Manuel Gomez & gente (10) passed on way to Monte Aguará – he shot tiger in rinconado. Hot day. Paid Climaco $11 on Perico’s a/c.
Getting ready to start for outside* tomorrow, with carts & gente. About a dozen indians. Butchered a fat cow. Had all the yeguada up and parted out about 14 mancarones to take outside. Also huntared the oxen. Very hot.
[* see glossary]
November, 1889
Benitz, Donkins, Parry & gente left for Calchaqui.
Butchered old cow.
Had on South rodeo, parted out 20 animals. Climaco, Demesio, & Ignacio taking them out to the Calchaqui.
Pedrito took an arroba of rice from Hipolito’s.
A big storm in the afternoon, one side of the kitchen blown down, & a heavy rain.
Received from Hipolito $2., which I paid to Jose.
Jose left early for Pacaro Blanco to bring his wife, he got back late that night.
A heavy storm last night. Bought from Jose 1ar biscuits.
Had on South rodeo, Capared about 40 bulls.
Butchered old cow.
Had on North rodeo. Capared about 30 bulls.
Went to the Station with Piecho. Got from Capata $30. Paid Piecho $20.
Brought Donkins Madrina from Torres’s.
Capared 6 colts.
Isidoras sister turned up late.
Had on East rodeo, Capared about 40 bulls, & cured 10 calves.
J.Benitez arrived in the afternoon.
Butchered old cow, cut up hide.
Baldino & Pedro arrived from outside in the morning, & I had to go to the Station to despatch them.
A heavy showa in the afternoon_.
Got from Hipolito 1ar rice.
J.Benitez left for Santa Fé. Rained hard last night.
Juan left for the Calchaqui.
Butchered old cow.
Bought at Hipolitos 32 lbs biscuits.
Elia sent by Chapuis to stop at the Puesto.
Had on South rodeo Cured a few calves & Capared some bulls.
Perico & gente returned, & brough a stallion with them from the California. Rained a little.
Marco caught up 4 potros.
Perico arrived at La California Nov 10 with tropa. Lost 1 by drownding in Salado and left 3 at Irionda’s estancia Mercedes near Esperanza. Entregared 420 to Johnnie. Cast $345. to take down (gastos $41.00)
Juan returned yesterday from outside
I paid Marcelino $10 for Jose.
Marco caught up two more potros.
Had on North rodeo Cured several calves & Capared about 40 bulls.
Alfredo came back from Mistolar today. Also Demesia & Claurio with ox cart. Found Perico awaiting me here for pay from tropa. Donkin & Parry are still outside where we are building large galpon 17 x 8 yds. Hot weather.
Had east rodeo but the storm coming up prevented disembicharing – Rained nearly all forenoon. Butchered old cow. Alfredo & Robson were down at Chapuis and rec’d $517.00 left by Pedrito Guibert for tropa parted Aug 17. Arreglared with Perico about the tropa down south. The gastos on road were $31.00 – passing Salado $10.00 – wages $376 total $397.00 making (to part 2 other peons & with vaquilla 23.00) $1.00 per head to take animals down. Pd all the men to Perico & Machingo except Zacharria.
Dispatched cart with Demesio & Claurio for outside. Got from Don Hipolito door, window, empty barrel, bag biscuits etc and at station got 8 quintals wire, 43/ M fine wire, galletas, sugar, bag yerba, rice, bag maiz etc and encargas for indians. Alfredo was at Calchaqui. Peicho found about 20 mares in Torres invernada. Hot day.
Marked 11 milch cow calfs. and capared 7 toritos. Made contract with Juan Benavidez to aquerenciar cattle for 4 months and build puesto and corral for $400. Paid Don Hipolitos bill and paid him cheque $300. and cash $32.50. also gave Peicho $5.00 for expenses as Alfredo & Robson leave tomorrow for Mistolar. Will begin to move cattle next week on Friday.
December, 1889
Alfredo Robson & Parry arrived from Mistolar. Found Donkin and Ogilvy here. Donkin had come on Monday and Ogilvy yesterday and but recently from Corrientes with horses. Also found 6 peones who want to work to tropear cattle outside. Also Enstacio Leno who bro’t picaso horse from Corrientes for Alfredo for $20. Still owes $22.00.
Warm day. Left at Mistolar the Indians under Baltar thatching galpon.
Climaco with cart from outside and Juan Antonio arrived. The rest of gente to tropear cattle outside came today about a dozen. Getting everything ready to move cattle outside.
Put west (north) rodeo on for Iriondas and Leiro to part. The capataz of Iriondas and wanted to part their cattle into camp, but Alfredo would not let them and wrote to Chapuis to that effect. So they parted until 3 oclock and then a storm coming up before quite finishing took their sinuela to puesto to lock in.
Men began to work in storm at 3 P.M. except Zacharria who begins at night herd.
Hired new peon for Peicho __________ and also a peon Celestino for Jose the Paraguay for outside.
Tropa left for Mistolar, about 2300. Slept costa Espin. A heavy thunderstorm. Alfredo also left. Lot cattle escaped back.
I & Parry went over to Morgans. It rained all day. Zapatta began work.
Donkin left for Morgans.
Had on East rodeo Cured over thirty calves, & a few big animals.
Had on East rodeo Cured over thirty calves, & a few big animals.
Donkin & Morgan arrived.
Elias began work.
Donkin & Parry left for down south, I went with them to the station.
Bought at Capatas 6 lbs salt 1arr sugar & some biscuits.
Wett afternoon.
Rained all last night & nearly all day.
Butchered old cow.
Morgan left.
Gente that went out with tropa arrived. Alfredo comes tomorrow.
Alfredo came back from Mistolar, had a bad time getting across the Calchaqui with tropa were there 3 days with cattle resabiared. Had to pass about 400 with lasso. Account in day book at Mistolar – entregared to Jose who takes care of them. 2175 of which 468 are orejanas. Had an awful lot of rain in the last 10 days and the Espin is very high. - Found Robson here yet. Peicho hires another peon – Elias who was puestero in invernada.
Had on west rodeo to disembichar, Calculate about 1500 of ours left on it. Hip. Remolliere left pulperia. Alfredo was at Casabacas this afternoon. Dispatched one of the tropa men, old chap from Pajaro Blanco.
Had east rodeo on to disembichar. Good many embichadas. garrapatas also beginning. Butchered lunanka novillo. Sent to ask rodeo at rinconada Espin. Gente left for there.
Awful hot day and looks like storm.
Perico, Marco, Juán Gregorio. Morgan & 4 compan. Fidel & comp. Ceno & comp. Bisintí, Tiburcio, Francisco, Juan Zapatta, Hacintha, Climaco, Zacharria. 19. all rondared last night.
Alfredo & Robson went down to rodeo Espin of Iriondas. Espin very high. Parted out about 150 and the men sleep at ensenada. Sent Climaco to Margarita to look for gente, came back with Lena and a companion. It was an awful hot day and a storm blew past.
Gente parted at rodeo “tapera Racine” parted about 60 and then brought the cattle home. Alfredo went on to station gave Capata check for $600 to give vales on T. Butchered old cow.
Put on west rodeo for cattle left parted out all cows (50) with small calves and Iriondas gente parted out into camp. About half rodeo was theirs. Got finishy this afternoon. 6 men worked with their horses this morning and 8 this afternoon and all rondar on rodeo tonight Casabaca also parted.
Very hot day.
Dispatched tropa this morning early. Helped them across arroya and out of gate. None escaped. Chapuis gente also helped. About 1520 altogether.
Alfredo came back from outside with gente. Had arrived yesterday morning with tropa – 4½ days on road. Were 1½ days at paso Calchaqui. Entregared the cattle to old Juan at his puesto. 1225 of which 256 were orechanas. He also had 14 marked animales milch cattle – not in any count. The rest of his tambera cattle went in the other cattle and counted with them. – Had 19 peones in last tropa. Chapuis and gente came tonight to part tomorrow. Looks stormy.
Had a heavy storm last night and a good deal of rain so did not put
rodeo on until this afternoon when Chapuis parted out on rodeo
sinuela. Ceno and 7 men rondar as he ariars this tropita about 800.
About 1/3 of east rodeo.
Helped Ceno across the river with his cattle none escaped river high. Put on rest of the rodeo with men at noon and Chapuis parted into camp about 1/3 of the cattle. We then tried to march the cattle across the cañada but had awful work and about 250 mostly calves had to take back to rodeo to rondar as it was late. Some calves escaped into camps.
Passed the point of cattle over the cañada that would not pass last night, and then helped the troop (about 1400) across the Espin which is swimming. A few calves seem to be in the camp without mothers but will señalar tomorrow. Chapuis left. Alfredo stops till tomorrow when cart leaves for outside. Robson & Peicho and family stop until finished parting cattle. It was a very hot day. Butchered novillo.
Things Lent
[The most likely author of the following entries is Donkin; the location is almost certainly “El Mistolar”. Recorded in the 1889 day book’s monthly Cash Account pages, we can only speculate why - and where is the rest of 1890?]
Oct 28th. Alfred, Elia & Jose left for Calchaqui to capar stallions at Espin also the cart left the Puesto for the town. Bernesconi & Scipio working on the house. Donin making fence round garden.
Oct 29th Bernesconi & Scipio went the other sied of Calchaqui to cut more timber for the house also take a new axe out of box at the Puesto. Donkin also went to the puesto. Juan in camp.
“ 30th Valdino came to inform me that he & his gente wish to leave at once in order to nutria the other side of Salado. Told him to wait & see Alfred. Cart arrived in the afternoon with 5 bags of maize leaving 1 at puesto (6 in all) 1 bag of yerba 2 bags of biscuits Rice 2 arr 1 can Coffee 1 lb Tea 7 Bars of Soap. 20 packets Agaretto Papers 12 bran[??] 1 bag of Flour (No 2) for Bernesconi.
Bernesconi & Scipio back from the River.
Jose brought back mule & oxen as far as puesto. left Ignatio drunk in Calchaqui
Robson arrived bringing saino of Alfred also he & Elia brought a point of hacienda from C. de Nutria (11 in all) Donkin working on fence.
Sordo in the acme of indolence.
Showery all day
“ 31st Bernesconi & Scipio went to puesto to fetch liga for house cafs[??] Juan went to Valdino to arrange about his not leaving Paolo campeando oxen. B. & Scipio hauling earth for the rooms in the afternoon.
Horrible row in our happy family in the Carrall amongst the ladies – a regular tormenta.
Nov 1st Bernesconi & Paoblo went to puesto to fetch liga Scipio preparing pisadera Juan put on rodea & marked 7 calves. Bernesconi & Pablo hauling earth for the corridor Donkin went to puesto. Robson hunting. Ignatio arrived & ploughed in afternoon [vertical in left margin: Killed Cow]
Nov 2nd Juan, Robso, Pedro Juan (indian) went to Monte Agua… to run wild hoerse. Baldino & Rolomo came for rations
Nov. 3rd Bernesconi, Paoblo & Scipio making pisadero hauling water & c. Ignatio ploughing Juan & peones in camp. Elia (puesto) capra twelve Toros (12)
Nov 4th Bernesconi Paoblo & Scipio plastering house.
Juan, Juan (Indian) Pedro, Sordo * boys capando Toros twenty three (23) Donkin went to Puesto & see about “gente” for the cart for Calchaqui Ignatio ploughing.
Nov. 5th Bernesconi Paoblo & Scipio plastering house Paoblo fetched up Colorado horse (Corrientes) & cured his back. Juan & Boys camp work
Ignatio ploughing. Ricardo & Jose from puesto came to take away the cart & 4 oxen also lent them the Lobuno. The Engineers cart passed for San Christobal with 4 men.
Nov 6th. Big “Tormenta” all night blew away Scipio house & various odds & end Bernesconi & Paoblo in afternoon throwing earth into bedroom & under corridor also made a ditch to take away water from pisadera Juan and boys in camp Ignatio sick Robson out shooting
Donkin as usual hard at work writing up the diary. No meat, ¿usual discontent,?
Nov. 7th. Juan, Pedro, Juan & Bos parado rodeo & capared sixteen bulls (16) also Killed [vertical in left margin: Killed Cow]
Ignatio ploughing Bernancio came in the evening with letter from Junco. brought by Manuel Perez resero. to part a tropa:
Robson shot a pig in Aguaraz Camp.
Donkin everywhere except in the right place
Nov 15th 1890
Cario 1 lb Tobac.
Lanche ½ Sugar
Sordo 1 lb Tobac 2 BKs Paper
Sanche ¼ lb Tobac
Paoblo. 2 boxes of matches
© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)