Malcolm Benitz & Gertie Traill Page last modified:

Malcolm & Gertie
Gertie’s Album of the early 1960s

Photos taken during their youth or WW-II are included in their buttons above left.
Photos taken after WW-II are grouped by decade in the buttons above right.

To return to the 1960s page, click the above red “Photos 1960s” button.

The photos in the album are in approx. date sequence.  We kept that sequence except (i) polo, which we grouped together, by year and tournament (except those taken by Gordie, 1963), (ii) later photos that clearly had been inserted in empty spaces, we put these in date sequence, i.e. last.

 Gertie’s original titles to the photos are in bright yellow  (we added dashes to separate names); our notes are in white.  For ease of reference, each photo is numbered above, assigned sequentially when we scanned the album, front to back.  Most photos are square (9 cm, 3½ inches), 6 per page; professional photos are rectangular & much larger, fitting 1 or 2 per page (e.g. polo tournaments).

Abbreviations: self or AGB - Gertie Traill/Benitz; FMB - Malcolm Benitz

PHOTOS PRIOR TO 1960: These photos are also included in their correct decade.

1960s Album1-001

Missing image.

Self   Jean Bell   Sykie
San Jorge. 1935+-

Self: Gertie;  Sykie: Alexander Sykes
San Jorge Polo Club, San Jorge, SFé

1960s Album1-002

Missing image.

Peter   Los Laureles 1949+-
Los Laureles Polo Club, El Trébol, SFé

1960s Album1-???

— Photo is missing —

Peter & Tony,
polo tournament Loma Partida 1952+-

1960s Album1-003

Missing image.

FMB   Peter
Los Laureles 1949+-

Los Laureles Polo Club, El Trébol, SFé

1960s Album1-???

— Photo is missing —

Peter & Tony,
Loma Partida 1952+-


1960s Album1-005

Missing image.

Barbara - U. Ralph - Jimmy - Beryl
? - Charles - Peter  1963+/-

Uncle "Rafe" Traill with
daughter Barbara & her daughter Lydia,
nephew Jimmy & Beryl Sidebotham,
& their sons Charles & Peter

1960s Album1-006

Missing image.

Jimmy Beryl & sons  1963+/-

1960s Album1-007

Missing image.

Ida - Dick - Jimmy - Beryl

Dick & Jimmy Sidebotham & their families

Note by Gertie:

Rev. Robert Traill, my great-grandfather, was one of the very few landowners who stood by their tenantry during the great potatoe famine & died during it of the fever.  He is still remembered there & when auntie Evelyn and Daphne visited Skull in 1963, the locals found A. Evelyn was a Mrs. Traill, they were not allowed to pay their hotel bill & expenses.

1960s Album1-010

Missing image.

Old Vicarage at Skull Co Cork
where E. B. Traill was born 1854

(Edmund (E.B.) was born in 1847.)

1960s Album1-011

Missing image.

Rev. Robert Traill’s grave at Skull
(see the Great Famine)

1960s Album1-012

Missing image.

View of Skull Bay from Vicarage (or Rectory)

Polo Tournaments – 1963 & 1964.


1960s Album1-016

Missing image.

FMB receiving San Miguel Cup at V.T. 1963
Malcolm   Venado Tuerto/SFé

1960s Album1-017

Missing image.

Self umpiring in Balfour Cup at V.T. 1963
Gertie   Venado Tuerto/SFé

1960s Album1-018

Missing image.

Winning team in San Miguel cup, V.T., 1963
J.C. Taccari - E. Jencquel - D. Miles - M. Benitz

Juan-Carlos? - Ernesto - David - Malcolm

EL PIQUETE — Oct.-Nov. 1963

1960s Album1-008

Missing image.

Virginia Bowles - Rivera - self
Charles - Uranga - Raul Fossati
polo tournament El Piquete 1963


1960s Album1-009

Missing image.

Pam Storey - self - Virginia Bowles
polo tournament El Piquete 1963

Polo Tournament El Piquete oct/nov. 1963

Eduardo Rojas-Lanusse
Coronel Daza
Ernesto Jenquels
Eduardo Uranga


1960s Album1-107

Missing image.

Pamela Storey   Sandy Storey
El Piquete, east veranda

Charles Benitz
Lene Millet
Juan Millet
FMB (hidden)
(by Ronnie’s raised glass)
Raul Fossati
Ronnie Bothlingk
Marcos Uranga

1960s Album1-108

Missing image.

Eduardo Rojas L’s car, tournament Oct/Nov 1963
E. Rojas-Lanusse   El Piquete front/north veranda

1960s Album1-109

Missing image.

Polo tournament Oct/Nov, 1963
Virginia Bowles - Pam & Sandy Storey
- Rivera - AGB - FMB

El Piquete

1960s Album1-110

Missing image.

Piquete oct/nov. 1963
Rivera - Pam - Eduardo - FMB
Esterlina - Chola - ??  - Mosquín

Riders & their mounts — El Piquete


1960s Album1-114

Missing image.

Las Rosas
F.M.B. - R. Martoglio - J.C. Taccari - J. Millet

1960s Album1-115

Missing image.

Rosario vs Pergamino
J.C.Araya - E.Uranga - M.Barras - A.G.B.

1960s Album1-118

Missing image.

Jockey Club Rosario – Las Rosas –   
   - Coronel Suarez – Pergamino
J.C. Xxx - E.Uranga - M.Uranga - M.Barrás
F.M.B. - R.Martoglio - J.Taccari - J.Millet

Teams lineup
Rosario team members
Las Rosas team members

LAS ROSAS — 1964 +/-

These 2 photos were unattached, inserted with those immediately above.
Both were taken by “Foto Gassman”, a photographer of Las Rosas/SFé.

1960s Album1-116

Missing image.

Petisero & ponies.
Very likely at “Las Tijeras” where, for a short time
during the mid-1960s, the club had a field.
(Las Tijeras borders El Piquete to the west.)


1960s Album1-117

Missing image.

Likely at “El Piquete” or “Las Tijeras”
Willy Horner? - David Miles - Cacho De Lorenzi -
- Juan Millet
Umpire: John B. Miles
Raul Fossati? - Charles Benitz? - ?? - FMB

GEORGE - Univ. of Illinois ‘62 & Oklahoma State Univ. ‘63

1960s Album1-013

Missing image.

George, captain of U. of Illinois
soccer team 1962

1960s Album1-014

Missing image.

1960s Album1-015

Missing image.

George, captain of U. of Illinois
soccer team 1962

1960s Album1-113

Missing image.

George’s room at Phi Delt house, Illinois

1960s Album1-111

Missing image.

OSU Library

1960s Album1-112

Missing image.

611 S. Hester, Stillwater
with “Kitty-Trap”

Gordie’s photos of his visit, June-August 1963.

Following pages of photos taken by Gordie Whirry on his trip out
here June - August 1963 with George.

(George had worked for Gordie’s father on their ranch in Montana the year before.)

1960s Album1-019

Missing image.

Chicago - Prudential Building
(Chicago’s tallest building in 1963)

1960s Album1-020

Missing image.

Buckingham Fountain

1960s Album1-021

Missing image.

Chicago, Marina City apartments
taken from moving bus

1960s Album1-022

Missing image.

Man-made island at Miami Seaquarium

1960s Album1-023

Missing image.

Jumping porpoises at Miami Seaquarium,
feeding time.

1960s Album1-024

Missing image.


1960s Album1-025

Missing image.

Highest jumping fish in the world


1960s Album1-026

Missing image.

Porpoise swimming backwards to catch a ball


1960s Album1-027

Missing image.

Miami – from the bus

1960s Album1-028

Missing image.


1960s Album1-029

Missing image.


1960s Album1-030

Missing image.

Chilean desert


1960s Album1-031

Missing image.

Wasteland W. of Andes


1960s Album1-032

Missing image.

View from west of the Andes


1960s Album1-033

Missing image.

View from west of the Andes

1960s Album1-034

Missing image.

Over the Andes

1960s Album1-035

Missing image.

Over the Andes

1960s Album1-036

Missing image.

E. edge of Andes


1960s Album1-037

Missing image.

Tony & the dogs
Coffee - Salome - Polly - Jock


1960s Album1-038

Missing image.

E. side of El Piquete


1960s Album1-039

Missing image.

Piquete from NE

1960s Album1-040

Missing image.

Young alfalfa mixture

1960s Album1-041

Missing image.

Alfalfa mixture in 4

1960s Album1-042

Missing image.

Jock in his favourite position


1960s Album1-043

Missing image.

Wheat in 15
Looking NW at La California train station


1960s Album1-044

Missing image.

Steers in 7


1960s Album1-045

Missing image.

Peter on Pink Gin, & 2 cows in 7

1960s Album1-046

Missing image.

Windmill in corner of 16,
George holding horses

(SE corner Nº15 / NE corner Nº16)

1960s Album1-047

Missing image.

George unsaddling

1960s Album1-048

Missing image.

George coming in after polo practice


1960s Album1-049

Missing image.

polo ponies


1960s Album1-050

Missing image.

Gata & some of Jack’s ponies
Gata (grey) - beautiful ride, &!
Jack Traill


1960s Album1-051

Missing image.

More polo ponies

1960s Album1-052

Missing image.

Gordie on Pancho

1960s Album1-053

Missing image.

Stallion & mares

1960s Album1-054

Missing image.



1960s Album1-055

Missing image.

Tentori car at Tijeras polo practice


1960s Album1-056

Missing image.

George & Mario, Las Tijeras
Mario De Lorenzi


1960s Album1-057

Missing image.

Tijeras drive
Looking east from Tijeras


1960s Album1-058

Missing image.

Country Club, Rosario


1960s Album1-059

Missing image.

Playground, Country Club, Rosario


1960s Album1-060

Missing image.

FMB hitting out, Rosario   –   Pepe Araya


1960s Album1-061

Missing image.

Las Rosas B
De Lorenzi - Millet - Jenquel - George

Cacho – Juan – Ernesto – George H.


1960s Album1-062

Missing image.

Rosas B vs Rosario C.


1960s Album1-063

Missing image.

Packing up to leave Rosario   “Correntino”
Far left: Gertie - Tony - Peter

1960s Album1-064

Missing image.

Preparing asado at Morando remate

1960s Album1-065

Missing image.

Peones at Morando remate

1960s Album1-066

Missing image.

Cattle dip at California


1960s Album1-067

Missing image.

California entrance


1960s Album1-068

Missing image.

California entrance


1960s Album1-069

Missing image.

“Oficiales” quarters & garage,

1960s Album1-070

Missing image.

La California

1960s Album1-071

Missing image.

Tres Lagunas

1960s Album1-072

Missing image.

Asado at T.L.
Daphne       John

Daphne Willans - John Horner
(asador standing back)


1960s Album1-073

Missing image.

Dawn on Rio Paraná – Peter
(Repaired photo, removed streak)


1960s Album1-074

Missing image.

Rio Paraná from trees,
tents in foreground.


1960s Album1-075

Missing image.

Off on a duck shoot
Liv. car & tent   Tony - Peter - George

Liv.: Charlie & Rosie Livingston & family

1960s Album1-076

Missing image.

Duck asado
George’s knee & hand - Tony - Peter - AGB - FMB

1960s Album1-077

Missing image.

Cattle swimming Paraná

1960s Album1-078

Missing image.

Horse being towed across Paraná


1960s Album1-079

Missing image.

Reed hut Puerto Aragón, Rio Paraná


1960s Album1-080

Missing image.

Bebederos near house


1960s Album1-081

Missing image.

Jock & Salome
(Salome fell in a second later)

1960s Album1-082

Missing image.

Manga fencing

1960s Album1-083

Missing image.

Galpón & office
(Near door 1st office; 2nd at far end)

1960s Album1-084

Missing image.

From top of windmill
FMB and dogs: Salome - Jock? - Truco


1960s Album1-085

Missing image.

Men’s quarters, mill & water tank


1960s Album1-086

Missing image.

Windmill, water, & Australian tank


1960s Album1-087

Missing image.

Some of the colts

1960s Album1-088

Missing image.

Charolais crosses at 23 months

1960s Album1-089

Missing image.

Charolais crosses at 9 mo.

1960s Album1-090

Missing image.

Charolais crosses with Angus, 23 mo.


1960s Album1-092

Missing image.

Subsoiler, King Ranch “Abolengo”


1960s Album1-093

Missing image.

Subsoiler at Abolengo


1960s Album1-094

Missing image.

El Madroño from the air

1960s Album1-095

Missing image.

El Madroño galpones from the air
(Sheep corrales near)

1960s Album1-096

Missing image.

Corrales at El Madroño from plane
(cattle corrales)

1960s Album1-097

Missing image.

El Madroño machinery & galpones


1960s Album1-098

Missing image.

El Madroño, saddle room & garage

MADROÑO   /   B.A.

1960s Album1-099

Missing image.

Jumping at Palermo Show


1960s Album1-100

Missing image.

Jumping at Palermo Show

1960s Album1-101

Missing image.

9 de Julio from hotel window

1960s Album1-102

Missing image.

Statuary in front of Congress, B.A.

1960s Album1-103

Missing image.

Congress, B.A.


1960s Album1-104

Missing image.

Statue of San Martin
in front of hotel, Córdoba


1960s Album1-105

Missing image.

Church in Córdoba


1960s Album1-106

Missing image.

Crossing Andes on way back to the States

George - in New Mexico, 1964.

Due to a burst pipe & resulting flood in our house, these photos became stuck together.  The photos are in approx. correct order, however we lost their titles during the recovery process.  We are hoping for some help here, G!

1960s Album1-121

Missing image.

1960s Album1-122

Missing image.

32.9¢ / gallon! (8.7¢ / litre) !!

1960s Album1-123

Missing image.

Eating dust in the town of "Gallinas", NM.

1960s Album1-124

Missing image.

George in black hat

1960s Album1-125

Missing image.

Eating their dust again

1960s Album1-126

Missing image.

1960s Album1-127

Missing image.

1960s Album1-128

Missing image.

1960s Album1-129

Missing image.

1960s Album1-130

Missing image.

1960s Album1-131

Missing image.

1960s Album1-132

Missing image.

1960s Album1-133

Missing image.

1960s Album1-134

Missing image.

1960s Album1-135

Missing image.

1960s Album1-136

Missing image.

1960s Album1-137

Missing image.

1960s Album1-138

Missing image.

1960s Album1-139

Missing image.

1960s Album1-140

Missing image.

1960s Album1-141

Missing image.

1960s Album1-142

Missing image.

1960s Album1-143

Missing image.
Hall Grandchildren - 1968 & 1972

These photos were clearly inserted where there was an open space.  Marjorie’s & Tony were inserted with the 1964 Rosario Polo tournament, Kathy’s with George’s trip to New Mexico.

1960s Album1-119

Missing image.

Marjorie’s 1st birthday cake, 1968
Fazenda “El Mosquito”, Brazil

1960s Album1-120

Missing image.

Marjorie & uncle Guillermo
Fazenda “El Mosquito”, Brazil

1960s Album1-???

— Photo is missing —

AMB in California, 1968


1960s Album1-144

Missing image.

March 1972
Univ. of Illinois, Married Student Housing


© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)