Malcolm Benitz & Gertie Traill Page last modified:

Malcolm & Gertie Benitz

This page includes photos, print, and links to other pages regarding polo, mostly photos.

Polo and the breeding of polo-ponies was an integral part of Malcolm & Gertie’s lives.  It was in their blood.  Both their fathers had won the Argentine Open, Gertie’s more than once.  Both Malcolm & Gertie played polo beginning as teenagers in the early 1930s (see photos of a family tournament held at “La California”, July 1934).

After WWII, Malcolm rejoined the “Las Rosas” polo club but because the club had lost the name to another club, it took the name of the estancia on which they played: “Los Laureles”, 20 km. east of the town of El Trebol/SFé.  With three children to care for, Gertie gave up playing to become an official referee of the Argentine polo association (Asociación Argentina de Polo).

Malcolm played until his knees gave out in the 1970s (Weakened by wounds sustained during the war.)  Gertie continued refereeing tournaments for a few more years.  In the 1980s, the polo club regained the “Las Rosas” name and bought grounds next to El Trebol/SFé.  (The name is of historical importance, being one of the first polo clubs of Argentina.)  Today (2024), the club has a tournament named in his honour, “Copa Malcolm Benitz”.

Polo Pre-WW2

Polo 1934

Missing image.

La California Polo Tournament - July 1934
Willie - Frank - Malcolm - Gertie
CLICK to see more details & photos.

Polo 1940

Missing image.

Las Rosas Polo Club team - 1940
Malcolm - Rujo - Roberto - Puró
CLICK to view teams of the 1940s.

Los Laureles – 1950s

  Missing image.

Los Laureles polo team, 1951
In B.A. (having won the Rosario sub-circuit)
Jack Traill - Willie & Charlie Livingston - FMBz
(newsPaper ?? – 1951
Source: F.M. Benitz


Los Laureles – 1960s

Polo Venado Tuerto 1963

Missing image.

Winning Team, Las Rosas
San Miguel Cup, Venado Tuerto, 1963

Juan-Carlos - Ernesto - David - Malcolm
CLICK image to see more photos.

Polo: Rosario 1964

Missing image.

Las Rosas ‘A’ team
Rosario, June 1964

Malcolm - Martoglio - Juan Carlos - Juan
CLICK image to see more photos.

Polo: Rosario 1964

Missing image.

Las Rosas ‘B’ team
Rosario, June 1964

Cacho - Juan - Ernesto - George
CLICK image to see more photos,
begins with polo at “Las Tijeras”.


Polo Hersilia 1968

Missing image.

Winning Team, Las Rosas
Hercilia Tournament, ca.1968

Willie Horner - Malcolm -     
      - Cacho & Mario DeLorenzi
(Gertie - at back next to white wall)
(Source: Cacho DeLorenzi)


News Articles – 1970s

News Article - 1971

Missing image.

Correction to bottom photo:
Front: Carlos Farias & Malcolm Bz
Raffle winner: mounted, behind Carlos.
(Provided by Jorge Caseres)


  Our club was founded at the beginning of 1904.  We don’t have hard evidence but we can say that it was the second club established in the country dedicated to playing Polo.  That being the case, two years ago [ten years, 1962], when the Duke of Edinburgh visited the country, an exhibition game was played in Mar del Plata in his honor.  The Asociación Argentina de Polo, aware of our club’s history requested our permission to name one of the teams “Las Rosas Polo Club”, the other team was named “Las Petacas”, which was also founded at the beginning of the current century (1900s) near the town of San Jorge.  [About 60 km. north of Las Rosas].

  The purpose of the club is to promote the practice and awareness of polo and horsemanship, without excluding other sports the committee may deem appropriate.

The following is the Board of Directors:
  President: Mr. Malcolm F. Bénitz
  Vice-President: Mr. Mario De Lorenzi
  Secretary: Mr. Juan P. Millet
  Alt-Secretary: Mr. Miguel Nottenohm
  Treasurer: Mrs. Gertrudis Traill de Benitz
  Alt-Treasurer: Mr. Carlos A. Bénitz
  Board Members: Raúl O. Fossati, Juan C. Táccari & Ernesto Jencquel
  Captain of Polo: Mr. Malcolm Bénitz

  Our club, as a participant in the 75th Anniversary Celebration [of the founding of Las Rosas town], held a Polo tournament on the 10, 11 and 12 of October in which 5 teams participated – amongst them one from the “Las Petacas” polo club and 4 local teams strengthened by 2 visiting players from the Rosario Jockey Club.

  After an exciting contest between the various teams, the “Las Rosas B” team took the prize:
   1 - Miguel Nottebohm
   2 - Raúl O. Fossati
   3 - Juan P. Millet
   4 - Juan C. Táccari

They were winners of the Deutz and Campogar Trophy & Cups, the other teams came in as follows: 2nd Las Petacas Polo Club, 3rd Las Rosas A, 4th Las Rosas Blanco, 5th Las Rosas Azules

News Article 2011

Missing image.

Diario La Estrella, 16 April 2011

(Describes polo in Argentina,
quotes the above 1971 article)
(Provided by: G.A.B. Hall, 2011)

Translation anyone?


© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)