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Clara E. Allyn – Benitz | Page last modified: |
Brief biographies, newpaper articles, obituaries, wills, etc. regarding some of our ancestors:
The early settlers of Massachusetts have been extensively researched and thoroughly documented. If you wish to learn more about them, we recommend you search the web for references to Allyn and Annable in the early settlements at Plymouth, Scituate, and Barnstable. Here are some on-line sites we researched (click the title, if the direct link fails, then search the home site):
Anthony Annable, Thomas Allyn, and Samuel Allyn are all mentioned in the "History of Barnstable County, Massachusetts, 1620-1637-1686-1890", published in 1888. They were among its early settlers and are listed as property owners, town deputies, or town clerks.
Variations on the spelling of “Allyn”: In the U.S.A., the spelling has been consistently “Allyn”. However, in old English records its spelling varies considerably, examples include: Alene, Allen, Alleyne, & Allyn.
Research and Transcriptions by Jane Baggott and René Benitz.
Addie was born in Oswego county, New York, on 31st July, 1848. On 2nd June, 1880, she married Ephraim J. Stuart at St. John’s Church, Corsicana, Texas. Born 26 May, 1846, he was only 40 years old when he died 11th April, 1887. She did not remarry. They had one child, Adaline Allyn Stuart, born 16 February, 1882, in Corsicana.
Addie’s brother Charles (see below) died several years after she had. In his will he left $20,000 to Addie’s daughter. Very successful in business, it is possible he had supported his sister and niece.
Charles was born in New York, raised in Wisconsin, married in Lousiana (to Angela L. Aldrich), and became a successful businessman (banker) and community leader (mayor) in Texas.
Born in Oswego Co., New York, on 15 September. 1842, he was the first of his Allyn family line to be born outside Massachusetts since his immigrant ancestors arrived there from England two-hundred years earlier. He was 75 years old when he died in Corsicana, Texas, on 6 March, 1918.
![]() Charles & Angela’s |
![]() Charles H. Allyn – Obituary |
“...better known as Captain Allyn, was born in Oswego County, N.Y. in 1842, reared in Wisconsin, served in the Union Army, came to New Orleans as a quartermaster clerk in 1862, handling army supplies. As the H. & T. C. Railroad was being built north of Houston, he opened up several mercantile stores along the route, came to Corsicana in 1871 when the railroad arrived. With a flair for investments, he participated in the organization of the First National Bank, the Street Railway, the local Savings & Loan Co., the Merchants Opera House, the Oil Mill, the Cotton Mill, the Country Club, and many other organizations. He took an active interest in the public schools, the orphans homes, and the public library. He had been an alderman for 14 years before serving a two year term as mayor. He got the town out of the mud in 1889 by requiring each property owner to install sidewalks next to the streets. Concrete was expensive, so bricks were used, and there are still many of these old brick sidewalks in the city. Beside a city official, he was a school trustee, being president of the School Board for one term. His last residence was 708 West Seventh Ave, and he died in 1918. Allyn Lang and Robert Hamilton, of this city, are his grandsons.”
Charles H. Allyn made his will on 24 August, 1904, to which he added two codicils, 15 November, 1909, and 15 January, 1915. He died 6 March, 1918, in Corsicana, Texas. In summary, he left $20,000 to his sister Addie Allyn Stuart; his home, its contents, and his personal effects to his wife Angela Aldrich Allyn; and, the rest of his property to be divided equally in thirds between his wife and two daughters, Josephine Allyn Lang (remarried to H.D. Johnson) and Buena Allyn Hamilton. The first codicil added a donation of $5,000 to St. John's Episcopal Church, the second named his sons-in-law Robert LeRoy Hamilton and Harry D. Johnson as his executors.
Click to view original document (1.8 mb PDF file)
(Source: Barnstable County, Massachusetts
Probate Records, vol. 6, p. 75-81, & 91)
James was born in Barnstable, Massachusetts, on 1 July, 1691, and was 50 years old when he died there 8 October, 1741.
75 Will – 5 September, 1741
80 Codicil – 5 September, 1741
81 Probate – 11 November, 1741
91 Inventory — 30
Nov. - 8 Dec., 1741
— Transcribed —
– Page 75 –
In the name of God Amen. I James Allyn of Barnstable in the County of Barnstable in New England Gent. being Week of Body But through Gods Goodness in Sound and Disposing Mind & Memory and not knowing the time of my Departure out of this World Do Make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament. First of all I Recommend my Precious Soul Into the hands of God that gave it hoping for the Pardon of all my Sins Through the Marrits & Intercesion of my Dear Redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ and My Body to the Earth to be Decently Buried at the Discretion of My Executors hereafter Named, And as Touching Such Worldly Estate Wherewith it hath Pleased
– Page 76 –
God to Bless me in this Life IdoDevise and Dispose of the Same in the following Manner.In the first place I will and Ordain that all my Just Debts and funeral Charges be paid in the Way and manner as I herein have Ordained.
Item: I Give and bequeath unto my Loving Wife Susannah the better to enable her to provide for and bring up my Younger Children the Whole of my household Goods and Utensils my Swine my fatting Cow Eatables of all kinds for the familys Use Including the Corn on the Ground or harvisted My Great Bible My Wooll Flax Yarn and Cloth Poultry and Bees Excepting some few artickels out of the above perticulars — Otherways by me Disposed of in this my Will My Son Thomas to be Receoned one of the Family to Eat of the Provision aforsaid as also his Indian Boy to be one of Said Family I also Give to my Said Wife the Better to enable her to pay two hundred & ten pounds in Legacies to my Daughters as I have herein Ordered the Improvement and Income of all my Reall Estate Including my Part of a Grist mill for the Tearm of twelve Years Accounting and Receeving from the first day of March AD 1741 Excepting What I Shall order for the Payment of my Debts and Some part to be improved by my Son Thomas in this my Will — Mentioned and the Use and Improvement of two of my best Cows which she may Chuse my Riding best and all my horse tackel & firniture my Impliments of Husbandry Including the Scow-boat & Tackell and the Liberty of my Pew in the Meeting house and of my Stable neer the Meeting house During the time Shall Rimain my Widow and unmaried and it is also my Will that in Case my Said Wife marry again the Improvement of my Real Estate above Bequethed
– Page 77 –
to her during the twelve years, from the Time of her Marriage Shall Cease and She shall no Longer Improve the same by Virtue of the Said Bequest tho her Said Marriage happen within that time.Item: I Give and Bequeath unto my Son Thomas Allyn all my wearing apparell of all Sorts and my Spurs my Cane which hath my Grandfathers name on it my Armour and all Warlike Weapons and appurtanances all my Books Excepting my Great Bible the Westerly End of my Dwelling house from top to Bottom with Liberty to add thereto by building if he pleases One third Improvement of my Barn & Corn Crib my Scritore as Desk all my Tools and Stock belonging to the Saddlers Trade and business My Red Cow which hath no Ear mark all My Sheep Which are Earmarkt with a halfCrap and half-penny on the Under Side of the Right Ears and a Rounding Crap on the Left Ear, my Razor and hone My Indian Servant Called Ben: he my Said Son fullfilling my part of the Indentures I also Give unto my Son Thomas the Improvement of my Westermost Pasture Called the Deep Bottom and Liberty of Cutting four Loads of hay from any of my Meddow at Sandy Neck or Jewels Island Yearly and Liberty of keeping as many Sheep as his Mother Doth on the farm Including the Deep bottom pasture as to keeping the Sheep in General and to my said Son Thomas I Give the Improvement of the Lane but not so as to hinder the Necessary Use thereof as a Way for his Mother.
Item: I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Elizabeth Gorham five Shillings and to my Daughter Annah five Shillings Each of them having alredy had what I Esteem theirs full Portion out of my Estate and to my Other Seven Daughters Namely Susannah Hannah Rebecca Abigail Mary Sarah and Ollive Each thirty pounds to be paid by my Wife in Consideration of what is above Given her in the following manner that is to Say To Susannah
– Page 78 –
To Susannah her thirty pounds in one year after my Decease and the Like Sum to said Hannah within a year after my Decease and to the Other five Daughters Thirty pound Each when they Respectively arrive to Eighteen Years of Age or Marry Which Shall first happen and in Case it be so ordered in Gods holy Providence that Either of my Seven Last Mentioned Daughters Decease before they arrive to ye Age of Eighteen years or Marry then the part to be paid to Such Daughters Shall be Divided to my then Surviving Daughters Exclusive of Elizabeth and Annah.–I Give and Bequeath unto my Son James One hundred and Twenty Pounds to be paid him as I in this my will Shall Order.
Item: I Give and Bequeath unto my Son Thomas and to his Heirs and Asigns forever all my Reall Estate whatsoever and wheresoever Excepting What may be Soald to Discharge my Debts always Reserving to my Wife her Right therein both By Law and this my Will he paying unto my Son James the Above sum of One hundred & twenty Pounds within Six Months after his the said James Arrivall to Twenty One years of Age and if it be so Ordered in Devine Providence that my Said Son James Deseases before the Said time of Payment Arrive that then my Said Son Thomas Shall not be holden to pay any Part of said One hundred & Twenty Pounds Except his funeral Expence which he Shall pay in Case James be Not an Apprentice at the time of his Desease and moreover it is my Will that in Case my Son Thomas Decease Leaving none then Surviving Heirs Lawfully begotten of his Body the Whole of my Reall Estate in this My Will Bequested to him Shall Accrue to & be my Said Son James & His Heirs & Assigns forever
– Page 79 –
As also the Armour and Warlike weapons & Cane in this my will Bequested to my Son Thomas.I also Give unto my Son Thomas During the time of his Dwelling in the Town of Barnstable my Pew in the Meeting house and my Stable neer the Said Meeting house Reserving to his Mother the Use of Both as before herein Expressed and my Will and Meaning is that my Son Thomas Immediately after my Decease Come into the Improvement of the West End of my Dwelling house the therd of the Barn and Corn Crib and of the Whole of the Deep bottom pasture as it is now fenced by it Self and also of the Liberty of the Cutting of four Loads of hay.
Item: I Will that all my personall Estate Not herein & hereby Otherways Disposed off Shall to geather with what is Due to me be improved by my Executers to pay my Debts and what that may fall Short to be made up out of my Reall Estate Which I hereby Will to be Soald by my Exect.rs to that purpose Out of any of my Real Estate Except that which Lyeth between the Country Rhoad and the Harbour and to Give good Deeds thereof Accordingly.
Item: My Will and meaning is that my Son Thomas Shall have Liberty to Use the Husbandry Utensells And Scow boat Immediately After My Decease as also my Landing place for Landing and Drying hay so as to hinder or Damnify his Mothers thereby as Little as May be.
Item: My Will is that what Shall Remain of my Cowes house & furniture togeather with my husbandry Uttensils Excepting the Scow & tackel Shall be my Son James; after my Wives team therein to Use them is Out that is to Say of those above mentioned personall things the Use of Which Only is given to my Wife.
Lastly I do hereby Constitute and appoint my Loving Wife Susanah Allyn My Son in Law Jonathan Davis and my Son Thomas Allyn Executors to this my Last Will and Testament Declaring this and no Other to be My Last Will and Testament in wittness Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand Seal this fifth day of September 1741 – – –
Signed Sealed published pronounced & Declared to be
his Last will & Testament in presence of — James Allyn {seal}
David Phiney
David Weaks
Mercy BournNB: the Words (by Virtue of Bequest) in the first page of ye will and Sundry Other Small Inderlineating were made before the Executers hereof —— Turn Over
– Page 80 –
I James Allyn Do hereby Confirm the within and aforewritten to be my Last will and Testament and by this Codicell do Say That what is therein written notwithstanding that the Boards Shingle and Windows provided for the Repairs of my Dwelling house Shall be Improved for that Use and I Do Declare this Codicel to be part and parcell of my Last will and Testament as Wittness my hand & Seall this fifth Day of September AD 1741Signed Seal published & pronounced to be
part and parcell of my Last Will & Testament James Allyn {seal}In presence of Mercy Bourn
David Phiney
David WeaksBarnstable Ss. By the Honor.ble Silvanus Bourn Esqr Judge of Probates
The foregoing will being presented for Probate by two of the Executors therein named (viz Susannah Allyn and Thomas Allin) Mercy Bouen David Phinney and David Weeks wittnesses to the said will Made oath that they Saw James Allyn the Testator the Subscriber to this Instrument Sign and Seal and heard him Publish and Declare the Same to be his Last will and Testament and that when he so did he was of Sound Disposing Mind and Memory According to these Disponents best Discerning and that they Sett to theirs hand as Wittnesses thereof in the Presence of the Said Testator.
Novemb.r 11th 1741 Silvanus Bourn
Record.d and Comp.d by David Gorham Regr– Page 81 –
Barnstable Ss: Silvanus Bourn Esqr: Who is Appointed and Commisioned by his Excellency the Governour and Commander in Chief in and over his Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England by and with the Consent of his Majesties Council to be Judge of the Probate of Wills and for Granting Letters of administration on the Estates of Persons Deceased,
Whohaving Good Chattels Rights or Credits in the County of Barnstable within the Province aforsaid To all unto whom these presents Shall come Greeting. Know ye that upon the Day of the date hereof before me att Barnstable in the County aforsaid the Will of James Allyn Late of Barnstable aforsaid deceased to these presents annexed Was proved approved & Allowed Who having while he Lived and at the time of his Death Goods Chattels Rights or Credits in the County aforsaid; and the Probate of the Said Will and Power of Comitting Administration of all and Singular the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits of the Said Deceased by Virtue therof appertaining unto me. the Administration of all and Singular the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits of the Said Deceased and his Will in any Manner Concerning is hereby commited unto Susannah Allyn Jonathan Davis and Thomas Allyn the Executers in the same will named well & faithfully to Execute the Said will and to adminster the Estate of the Said Deceased According thereunto: and to make a true and perfect Inventory of all and Singular the Goods Chattels Rights & Credits of the Said Deceased; and to Exhibet the Same into the Registry of the Court of Probate for the County aforsaid at or before the Eleaventh Day of february next Ensuing: and also to Render a plain & true Accounpt of their Said administration upon Oath In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and the Seal of the Said Court of Probate. Dated att Barnstable the Eleaventh Day of Novr. Annoqr Domini 1741 Silvanus BournRecorded and Compaired by David Gorham Regr —
– Page 91 –
{Seal} Barnstable SS: By Silvanus Bourn Esqr Judge of the Probate of Wills &c for the County of Barnstable. To Joseph Lothrop Esqr Mr Ebenezer Hinkley & Mr Robert Davis all of Barnstable in the County of Barnstable Greeting. —
You are hereby desired and Impowered (first being Sworn) to make a Just and Equail Apprisement of all and Singular the Estate both Real and personal of which James Allyn Late of Barnstable Gent. Died Siezd. and make return of an Inventory thereof into the Registers Office for the Court of Probate for Said County with all Convenient Speed. Given under my hand and Seal of Said Court of Probate at Barnstable this twenty Eighth day of November 1741. – – – – Silvanus Bourn
Barnstable Ss Novr 30th 1741 These Joseph Lothrop Esqr Mr Ebenezer Hinkley and Mr Robert Davis Appearing made Oath to the faithfull Discharge of the Above trust Comitd to them before Silvanus Bourn Judg Probat
A True Inventory of all and Singular the Goods Chattels Lands and Credits of James Allyn Late of Barnstable in the County of Barnstable Deceased Gent. priz at Barnstable aforsaid By Joseph Lothrop Ebenezer Hinkley & Robert Davis Decr 2 1741 being appointed thereto And Sworn: 2 Imp:
£ s d To his Wearing Apparel 69 4 - To his Airmour 16£:10: To his Shop tools 21£:15s To a Scritore 6£ 44 5 - To 2 Cowes 20£: To a Cart and Tacklin & a Mare 32£ To plate 12£ 64 - - To a horse Cart and Tacklin – – – – – – 5 - - To y+ part of the Stock Ordered for ye payment of debt viz 2 Oxen 4 Cows 11 Sheep 4 Calves. 6 2 year olds 135 - - To the Rest of the personal Estate given to the Widdow 389 10 4 To books 8£ To an Indian boy 5£: To Fodder Recond in with Stock 13 - - To his Real Estate viz. Housing Land and Meddow 2377 - - £ 3091 19 4 Joseph Lothrop
Ebenezer Hinkley
Robert DavisBarnstable Ss.
By the Honble Silvanus Bourne Esq.r Judg of Probate &c
Susannah Allyn and Thomas Allyn two of the Executors to the Will Appearing made Oath that the Above is a True and perfect Inventory of the Estate of James Allyn Late of Barnstable Deceased so far as hath Come to their knowledge and if anything meterial hereafter thatt Come to their knowledge they will Cause it to be aded to this Inventory the Subscribing apprices wear Sworn as the Law Directs. Silvanus BournJan 2 1741
Recorded and Compared by David Gorham Regr
J.B. Allyn was born on 13 Apri, 1811, in Barnstable, Massachusetts, where his ancestors had been established for the past 200 years. In his early 20’s he moved to Paxton (Massachusetts) where, in 1834, he married Adaline Smith. They had two children in Paxton before moving to Oswego County, New York, in about 1840, where their only son (Charles) was born in 1842. Adaline died there, in about 1845.
In 1846 or 1847, Joseph married Jane Smith. Smith is a very common surname and we have not been able to determine if Adaline and Jane were related in any way. Joseph and Jane had three children in Oswego before moving to Rochester, Minnesota, in about 1857. Their last child (Clara, who married William O. Benitz) was born in Rochester in 1859.
Joseph was a cobbler (shoe and boot maker) by trade. He was also active in the community; in 1858 he was Rochester’s first assesor; in 1860 he pressed for better education; in about 1862 he sang in a concert featuring New England church music.
Jane died in Rochester on 28 September, 1861, and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Rochester, Minnesota. He retired in late 1872 and went to live with his son Charles H. Allyn in Corsicana, Texas. He was 77 years old when he died on 10 October, 1888, during a visit to the home of his daughter Franc (Mrs. S.W. Morgan) in Winona, Minnesota. He is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Winona.
Click to view original document (1.7 mb PDF file)
(Source: Barnstable County, Massachusetts
Probate Records, vol. 4, p. 349-353)
Samuel was born in Barnstable, Massachusetts, on 10 February, 1643, and was 83 years old when he died there 25 November, 1726. His parents, Thomas and Winifred Allyn, were amongst the first pioneers to settle at Barnsatble, in 1840.
Anthony Annable was born in about 1599 in Cambridgeshire, England. He, his wife Jane, and their first child, Sarah, emigrated on the third Pilgrim ship, the Anne, arriving in Plymouth, Massachusetts, July, 1623, 2½ years after the Mayflower (November, 1620). They first settled in Plymouth, but then had to resettle at Scituate then Barnstable – apparently they were not sufficiently strict religiously. Likely from a humble middle class family in England, and so likely not well educated, he was nonetheless a “leading lawmaker in Scituate and his signature appears on countless deeds.” He was about 80 years old when he died in Barnstable in 1679.
Anthony Annable, married in Cambridgeshire, England, was a freeman by 1633. In 1634 he was dismissed from the church in Plymouth with Henry Cobb and wife, William Gilson and wife, Henry Rowlee and wife, Humphrey Turner, Edward Foster, and Richard Foxwell on condition that they “join in a body at Scituate.” In 1633 Annable was granted a four acre parcel of land in Scituate, the sixth lot south of the stony (Satuit) brook, bounded on the south by the meeting house common. Annable was a resident of Barnstable by 1640. His daughter Sarah Annable married Henry Ewell
Anthony Annable is mentioned in the "History of Barnstable County, Massachusetts, 1620-1637-1686-1890", published in 1888.
The following is from the abstract of a book written and privately published in 1967 by Anthony Anable, a direct descendant of Anthony Annable, the pilgrim of 1623.
Anthony Annable, the author states, was born in Kent County, England in the last year of the tumultuous century which had ushered in the Reformation and the Renaissance. He was a man of modest circumstances with liberal religious tendencies. His aim was not so much to escape, as a Separatist, from the religious persecution of England as to divest himself and his family of all vestiges of the trammeled life about him and to secure a better measure of material success in a new and virgin country.
While laying the foundations of the family in America, he served the Plymouth Colony well in numerous capacities, first, at Plymouth, 1623-33, then at the nearby settlement of Scituate, 1633-39, and, finally, at Barnstable on Cape Cod, 1639-74, where he died. In 1810, his descendants shortened the family name to Anable.
While at Plymouth, he was made a Freeman of the colony and a member of a syndicate of colonists that purchased the colony from its promoters, the Merchant Adventurers of London. Later, at Scituate and Barnstable, he was a member of the Council of the Colony, and the General Court, an assistant to the Governor and a member of several committees which reformed respectively the laws of the Colony and drew up a new General Code of Law, planned for a defense against the Indians and devised means for defraying the expenses of the Colony.
Privately printed for the author by Demarest Associated Services, Inc.; Stamford, Connecticut, 1967
Source: Geneological Society of the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints.
Click to view original document
(Source:Barnstable County, Massachusetts
Probate Records, vol. 35, p. 308-310)
Joseph was born in Barnstable, Massachusetts, on 1 September, 1754, and was 56 years old when he died there on 24 March, 1811. While his will is interesting in of itself, it also confirms who were the living members of his family at the time of its writing, March 5, 1811.
— Transcribed —
In the Name of God amen. I Joseph Annable of Barnstable in the County of Barnstable Gentleman being weak in body but through the Goodness of God of sound mind and memory do this fifth day of March One Thousand Eight Hundred and Eleven make and ordain this my last will and testament, hereby recommending my Soul to the mercy of God through Jesus Christ and my body to the Earth to be buried in a decent Christian manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named– And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise and dispose thereof in the following manner and form viz:
Imprimis. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Experience Annable all my household furniture and indoor moveables to be at her own disposal forever and not to be inventoried or appraised with my other Estate, and after my just debts the charges of my funeral and settling my Estate are first paid I give and bequeath to my said wife all the residue of my Estate both real and personal to use and improve during the time she shall continue and remain my widow together with the privilege of selling any part thereof provided that in the course of Providence she should become so aged and infirm as that the income and improvement thereof should be insufficient to afford her a decent and comfortable support— And I hereby authorize and empower her my said wife to give and press sufficient deed or deeds of any part of my real Estate that may be necessary to convey as aforesaid— All which is in lieu of her Power in my Estate.
Item. I give to my Daughter Sally Lewis and to my Daughter Abigail Allen and to my Daughter Mehetable Lothrop five Dollars to each of them to be paid out of my Estate in one year after my decease.
Item. I give and bequeath to my two Daughters Lydia Annable and Polly Annable after my wife's improvement as aforesaid ends the use and improvement of the Easternmost front room and the Northeasternmost bedroom in my house, and a privilege in my kitchen to wash, and bake in my oven, and to do other heavy ketchen [kitchen] work as they may have occasion– And also a privilege in my cellar to put sauce and other things as they may need, and is usual to put into a cellar, during tho [the] thime [time] that they or either of them remain unmarried– and provided that after my wifes improvement as aforesaid ends there should be any of my wood remaining it is my will that my said two daughters shall have the privilege of taking one load of oak and three load of pine therefrom annually so long as they or either of them remain unmarried– And I also give to my said two Daugters [Daughters] Lydia and Polly One hundred Dollars each to be paid them by my five Sons hereafter named after they shall come into possession of my Estate that is hereafter given to them in this my will, and in such proportion as they shall inherit therein—
Item. I give and bequeath to my two Sons Robert and Thomas all my buildings and land lying to the Southward of the Country road, and adjoining my Dwelling house to them their heirs and assigns forever, they to come into possession after my wifes improvement ends—
Item. It is further my will that all my just debts the charges of my funeral and settling my Estate be paid out of my Real Estate that is not heretofore disposed of in this my will and all the rest and residue thereof I give to my three five sons viz: Samuel Annable, Joseph Dimmick Annable, Ansel Annable, Robert Annable and Thomas Annable and to their heirs and Assigns forever to be equally divided between them after my wifes improvement ends—
Item. It is my will and I hereby direct my Executors notwithstanding what is heretofore mentioned in this my will respecting my Personal Estate) that they sell such part of my live stock as can be reasonably spared and apply the proceeds thereof to the payment of my debts use.
Lastly I hereby nominate ordain and appoint my beloved wife Experience Annable and my Son Samuel Annable Executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former will or wills by me made, ratifying and confirming this to be my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and year first above written—.
Joseph Annable {seal}
Signed sealed published and
pronounced by the said Joseph
Annable to be his last will and
testament in presence of us–
Richard Bourne
Ebenezer Lothrop
Robert LothropProbate Lib. 3 2 · 281
Compared by N Freeman Register
“Granny Allyn” is written on the back of this photo, taken at the Van Vranken studio in Winona, Minnesota. There is no date. We believe her to be Nabby Annable, the grandmother of Clara E. Allyn.
The only other Allyn ancestor who could have been photographed and referred to as Granny would be Jane Smith, Clara’s mother. However, Jane was about 35 years old when she died in 1861. The person photographed appears to be much older. We have no record of either Nabby or Jane ever visiting Winona, Minnesota. Nabby was born and died in Barnstable, Massachusetts; Jane, born in Saratogo county, New York, moved to Rochester, Minnesota. The most likely alternative is that Clara had copies made of an older photo when visiting Winona in the 1890s.
NOTE: Nabby’s 2-great-grandmother and her husband Benjamin Allyn’s 3-great-grandfather were siblings: Samuel & Mehitable Allyn.
Early photography:
The first daguerrotypes (printed on metal) appeared in 1839 in Europe and shortly after in the U.S. If the original of this photo was a daguerrotype, then it could have been taken in the late 1840s. During the late 1850s, photographers in the US began producing photos on paper from glass plates. If the original of this photo was on paper, then it was taken after 1855. Per its size,the photo was probably a CDV (carte-de-visite), printed on paper. Used as calling cards, CDVs were enormously popular, in the 1860s and 1870s, until replaced by larger “Cabinet Cards”. Both Nabby Annable and Jane Smith died in 1861.
Click to view original document (2.2 mb PDF)
(Source:Barnstable County, Massachusetts
Probate Records, vol.
6, p. 412-414, 488-489)
Samuel was born in Barnstable, Massachusetts, on 14 July, 1669, and was almost 75 years old when he died there on 21 June, 1744.
© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)