Willie O. Benitz & Clara Allyn Page last modified:

Willie & Clara Benitz

Vital Docs.

No pic.

William’s Certificate of Citizenship
Issued by US Consul, Buenos Aires
9 October, 1874
Note: He never had a birth certificate.
(Source: Valerie R. de Somweber)

No pic.

William & Clara’s Marriage Certificate
25 April, 1881
Corsicana, Navarro County, Texas


 Clara E. Allyn

No pic.

Minister of Education’s acceptance
of Clara’s resignation

22 February, 1880
(Source: Stuart B. Pryor)


de Justicia, Culto e Instrucción Pública

de la

República Argentina

C. No 157 Buenos Aires, Febrero 22 /880

A la Sta. Clara E. Allyn.

Comunico á Ud. que por resolución
de fha. de hoy, ha sido aceptada
su renuncia del puesto de Profesora
de la Escuela Normal del Paraná.

En nombre del Gobierno, doy a Ud.
las gracias por los servicios que
ha prestado en el desempeño del
mencionado puesto.

Dios guie á Ud.
Miguel Goyma


of Justice, Religion and Public Instruction

of the

Argentine Republic

C. No 157 Buenos Aires, February 22 /880

To Miss Clara E. Allyn.

I am advising you that today it was
decided to accept your resignation
from the position as Teacher
at the Normal School of Paraná.

In the name of the Government, I
thank you for the services you
have rendered in the performance
of the said position.

May God guide you
Miguel Goyena

No pic.

Clara’s Passport Application
Rosario, SFé – July 1920

No pic.

Clara’s Passport Application
Washington, D.C. – Oct. 1920

No pic.

Clara’s Will and Disposition
of her Property

(14 pages, 5.3 mb PDF file)
(Source: F.M. Benitz)

No pic.

Clara E. Benitz
Carta de Ciudadania
2 April, 1925

Argentine citizenship
(Source: F.M. Benitz)

Under the wire

Here is possibly why Clara became
an Argentine citizen:

  “The United States is one of two
countries in the world that taxes its
nonresident citizens on worldwide income,
in the same manner and rates as residents;
the other is Eritrea.  The Supreme Court
upheld the constitutionality of the payment
of such tax in the case of Cook v. Tait,
265 U.S. 47 (1924).” (Source: Wikipedia)

US income taxes were likely due then,
as now, by midnight of April 14 of the
following year, i.e. April 14, 1925.


Greystone – William & Clara’s Summer Home

(Los Cocos, Córdoba, Argentina)

No pic.

Greystone - Survey Map Mar.1944
house & gardens

9 has.
(Source: F.M. Benitz)

Greystone was bought by Clara in three
parts, June 1903 - 0.75 ha. fom P. Fraser
(house lot, map left); August 1908 - 54.6 ha.
from William H.T. Blair (see map right);
January 1909 - 0.3 ha. from P. Fraser.
Total: 55.6 has.  Greystone did not include
lots owned by Dr. Sargel, Crusellas de
Flores, & Gautier.

After Clara died (Oct.,1930), Greystone
was often rented out for the summer
season, until subdivided and sold during
Lots “A, 1, 2, & 3” - Horace J. Hale rented
  the house for 2-3 years before buying it
  in March, 1944.
Lot “B” - sold to F. de C.M. Heriot
Lot “3” - road, was given or sold to Marion
  Bz de Roberts, she in turn sold it to
  H.J. Hale
Lot “4” -
Lot “5” -

No pic.

Greystone - Survey Map Dec.1944
entire property

53½ has. (+2 has. already sold)
(Source: F.M. Benitz)


 William O. Benitz — Death

No pic.

Death Certificates (2)
William died at 7 a.m. on 1 April, 1911
At: 625 W. 24th Ave., Corsicana, TX
Cause: Chronic Interstitial Nephritis

(Source: Vol.3, Corsicana, Navarro Co., Texas)

No pic.

Funeral Expenses
$563, paid by C.H. Allyn
(Obtained from funeral home, by P.Bz, 1972)

No pic.

Buried in the Allyn Family Plot
Oakwood Cemetery, Corsicana, Texas

(Photo by P.Bz, June 1972)

No pic.

William’s Tombstone, ca.2010
(Source: Find-A-Grave)

MAY 22, 1854
APR. 1, 1911

No pic.

William’s Tombstone, 1972
(Photo by P.Bz, June 1972)

© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)