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Ea. “La California” - 1888 Day-Book | Page last updated: 02 February 2020 |
This is the first of the day-books to have survived the years. Sadly, one side of it was chewed off by mice. As a result, many of the lines are truncated.
March 6: Mr. Beitz photographed the estancia.
April 5: Polo mentioned for the first time.
July 28: Finished with titles to the league sold to Mr Smythies; the funds from the sale paid for Frank’s debts.
August 12: Tantalizing mention of renting land from the Santa Fé Land, Co., this is the first mention of renting the camp that later became “Los Palmares”. Alfred rented it in April, 1889, many months before he was evicted from “Laguna Yacaré” - see his diaries.
Background: The image is John Schreiber’s lithograph of “La California”, which he drew in 1878.
Reference Pages: To aid the reader with Spanglish terminology, unfamiliar names (people & places), and old measures (weights, distances, currencies, etc.) we have provided a set of: Reference Pages. We recommend you have these available — they will open in a second window or tab.
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The day-book has been transcribed as written, verbatim, without correction. All spelling and grammatical errors have been retained unchanged. We added month titles for clarity and simplified the preprinted day titles, otherwise anything we added or corrected is enclosed within [square brackets, with our comments in italics.]. (Transcribed by: René Benitz.)
Damaged by mice, many of the lines are truncated. We represent rodent truncation with “chew marks”:
left (even pages): >>>
right (odd pages): <<<Newspaper clippings, notes, business cards, and any other items found inserted in the diary we have placed where most relevant. Items for which we could not determine dates, we placed where we found them.
Beautiful day. Alfred and Johnie rode through the Tijeras colony, colonists nearly finished cutting their wheat. in the new colony, counted one hundred and ninety four stacks. Butchered a cow, Avelino taking meat around to the colonists. got horses ready for rodeo tomorrow.
>>>n rodeo and parted out one hundred and
>>> and took them down to the puesto.
>>> with horses to help.
>>>ere for breakfast. Herman and peon
>>>he alfalfa. that was cut in the quinta.
>>> cow. Tomasito took the meat around to the
>>> Johnie carpentering in the afternoon.
>>>nie and Wagner left in little trap for Hopes
>>>he Rincon on a paseo. Avelino took meat
>>>nd to colonists (last day). Butchered cow
Hot weather.
>>>cojered all the mares etc from camp, and
>>>ted the redomones Avelino is taming out.
>>>ave a rough count 290, with out the two manadas
>>> at puesto. Eusebio and Jose fixed fences this afternoon.
Butchered a cow this morning<<<
Alfa and weeds in the old ensenad<<<
Hot day<<<
Alfred and Avelino went around in colony<<<
Meat accounts. Eusebio finished cutting ot<<<
José was down at Tijeras looking for work for<<<
Awful hot d<<<
Butchered a cow in the morning, caught and pale<<<
two toruno potros, and sold them to Simon Verolat<<<
nats each. Eusebio and Jose recorered and tightened <<<
fence on Germania side. Mr Wagner and Johnie arrived
back from the costa in the middle of a tremendous storm.
Mr Robson came down from San Andres.
Strong south wing [wind?] all day, getting quite cool. Mr Flemming called on. countermarked the toruno potros sold yesterday. Mr Robson still here. Doña Dolores ill Fabiana cooking.
>>>deo and capared bulls. Cattle desparared
>>>utiful day. Mr Robson left.
>>>went to Las Lomas. had certificates made
>>>. Mr Flemming had tea here. capared 2 potros.
>>>and Alfred went to Rosario.
Alfred and Johnie came back. in Rosario pase<<<
Parma to Tremoliero’s account. (Pulpero in th<<<
nacionales. Received four hundred nats from<<<
y Cia. Deposited in the bank in the Cañada<<<
and eight hundred nacionale. for Sosa, Su<<<
Johnies name. while we were gone th<<<
day. Mr Robson came down from the San A<<<
colonists finished cutting, and are thrashing, <<<
Very hot day. Mr Wagner left for Armstrong in<<<
carriage. he goes over to Landa. Gualeguaychu. Jo<<<
recorered the camp. Alfred butchered. Cleaned the g<<<
Sent two ox carts to Tijeras and recessiel fifty six bagos of so<<<
from Belares. Butchered again in the evening. Mr Robson came back from Armstrong.
Alfred went with two oxcarts to Tijeras and received sixty one bags of wheat from Martini. put the wheat into the galpon. sold three potros and one mule to Tonette in our camp, two potros at fifteen and one at twenty and the mule at twenty five the potros were all three worthless animals. Young Marshall called
>>>de Gomez with one ox cart to bring nessesaries,
>>>d two carts brought up. twenty four bags
>>>ia and thirty from Belares.
>>>lino butchered a cow in the potrero.
>>>cleaned the mud out of the puesto well,
>>> a cow there, old mestisa cow, Kemmis counter
>>>u young men from The Taperitas had breakfast
>>>hot unhealthy weather, every body feeling ill.
>>>nor from the Chilcas shut in, they are selling
>>>. also a troop of potros from the Rafango s herd
>>> warm today. Willie and Mr Cross came out in a hired
>>>from Cañada de Gomez. Alfred and Avelino went
>>>d the colonies and areglared the meat accounts.
>>> two ox carts brought up. one hundred and
>>>bags of wheat, Herman recorering the wells and
>>>well at the puesto is giving out.
>>>went with two carts in the forenoon and afternoon
>>>brought up one hundred and seventeen bags of wheat.
Johnie and three men drilled holes in the well at the puesto.
Butchered a cow.
>>>down to the puesto and began to
>>>the same time parted out fifteen novillios
>>>tchered a cow in the evening.
>>> a little, looks like more. finished dipping the
>>> Parted animals out of the potrero into the camp.
>>>and two carts brought up wheat from the Tijeras.
>>>hot weather, Johnie carpentering. Alfred brought
>>>tra cart loads of wheat from Colonis. Avelino began
>>> cut alfalfa. set three men to sewing big lona for alfa stacks. butchered a cow.
Alfred took Mr Cross to the Cañada <<<
Johnie brought up two loads of wheat. <<<
getting very hot and dry. three weeks<<<
Alfred came back. men still busy sewing lo<<<
men ariving to work in the alfalfa. Mr Greem<<<
Worked with ten men in the alfalfa. finished o<<<
butchered two old cows. Herman getting ready for <<<
Chaco. Mr Robson came in the evening.
Herman left at two oclock this morning for estacion Diaz. from there he goes to Santa Fe to go to Espin. gave him fifty nacionales. Sent Eusebio to drive him. Cool south wind blowing all day. butchered a cow. Avelino cutting all day. Sold seventeen novillios to two colonists @20.
>>>lfa. Mr Jackson came out about apropiating
>>>. butchered four sheep and one cow.
>>>ly a little dry.
>>>day. All hands at the alfalfa. finished a stack.
>>>ent down to the Tijeras. Alfred butchered.
>>>a pagare for which Culaso Batista is to pay us
>>>nzo Reys account. on the 1 of April fifteen hundred
>>>gold. sold to Frandrino Domineco eight nov. from the puesto at twenty dollars.
Strong south wind blowing hard all d<<<
big stack, butchered an old cow and fou<<<
Put the cattle on rodeo and parted out about fourty<<<
put them into the puesto protrero. All hands at the <<<
afternoon. butchered two cows. A young man from <<<
with three peons to take some cows away that they left,<<<
Splendid weather, south wind. cattle picking up a<<<
Very hot day. all hands at the alfalfa. finish<<<
stack. butchered one cow. a german photograph<<<
and took two different views of the place. at twenty <<<
a dozen.
Very hot day. Alfred and Johnie went to Las Rosas and Las Lomas, butchered a cow.
>>>wind. all hands at the alfalfa.
>>>finished a big stack. butchered two cows.
>>> sultry day. Lent Las Lomas our boring machine.
>>> cow. finished another stack. looks like rain.
>>>azy day. butchered a cow. could not finish the alfa
>>>would not dry. Mr Robson and Henry Watt here for
>>> night. Mr Kemmis Miss Brown and Miss Fisher called
on in the afternoon. a little grey from the redemon trepillia broke its neck.
Johnie and four men cleaned out<<<
in the afternoon finished the alfalfa. <<<
of this cutting. Mr Robson and H. Watt<<<
Sent Sosa to the cañada to get a demijon<<<
to make pastilles with.
Johnie and four men cleaned and squared<<<
Harwell and began to calsar it. butchere<<<
and one cow. Robson and Watt left. Sosa<<<
Johnie and men still at the well. killed<<<
and one sheep. butchered a carne con cuero<<<
baile to night. Alfred went to Las Lomas<<<
certificate made out.
Cloudy day looks like rain. wish it would as it is very dry. Baile great success last night. girls from all around attended. Avelino had a row with a man and chopped him in the neck with knife, will probably die. Avelino cleared out.
>>>Alfred brought up eight cart loads
>>>ny. Johnie and men finished the
>>>lo. and began another for the use
>>>ure. in the afternoon Johnie Eusebio
>>>et another principal in pigmans potrero.
>>>w and two sheep.
>>> day. getting awfully dry. Parted out all
>>>gas from sheep at the puesto and brought up.
>>> two novillios for two old oxen to colonist.
>>> the saino manada out of the puesto potrero.
>>>nd Mercedes working at well at puesto.
>>>and Sosa butchered. drove all the mares from
>>>ans well to Pig mans well. water getting short.
>>> nats from colonist. Miss Senn visited.
>>> to shear the boregas. Isidro and Mercedes still at puesto.
>>>ie rece[o]rering alambrados sold a cow hide for
nats. poisoned a lot of hides
Cloudy day looks like rain. shearing<<<
in the well at puesto. one ox cart. h<<<
puesto. Colonists coming to take land <<<
half legue which we give them for one<<<
we sow the alfa seed, and they contract <<<
it in, and cultivate the land well. <<<
Eusebio recerering fences. killed a capon <<<
wool for three nacionales. Mr Ward from th<<<
for breakfast.
Hauled an ox cart load of bricks down to th<<<
the small well, four men working there. <<<
the big well. finished shearing the boregas two <<<
seven head. killed a cow. sold a cow hide f<<<
Hurrah rained at last, rained a <<<
the morning, and more in the afternoon. m<<<
at the puesto. hauled another load of bricks down <<<
a cow. sent the sheep back to the puesto. Rec from
Caviglasso two hundred nats for ten nov fiared him.
sold one and a half @ wool.
Rained a little during the night. Alfred drove to the Cañada after breakfast in the little carriage to bring Mr Wagner about. Sent an oxcart to the Cañada also to bring a horse cart from B.A. out and other nesseries. Sold the alasan nyato horse to a colonist for thirty five nats. rented more Tijera land
>>> like more rain. butchered a cow
>>>ias to colonists. men mending fences
>>> Alfed came back and braught
>>> with him. Ox cart also came back.
>>>nd Mercedes digging the brocal out of the well
>>>dug. to put it deeper down. Alfred went around
>>>onies. butchered a cow. Robson and H Watt
>>>e. Cloudy sultry day. Johnie went to Las Lomas
>>>ertificates made, getting oxcarts ready for work.
>>>wind. cleared off. no rain. received five ox cart
>>> wheat from ten percent colonist. thrasher passed
>>>use traction engine. finished thrashing last wheat
>>>on our colony.
Johnie and German ride to <<<
and took the two carriage tostado<<<
German takes to B.A. they are s<<<
four hundred nats. fine day. <<<
late in the evening. Mr Donkin ar<<<
out. Killed a cow. Jose looking f<<<
hauling wheat.
Johnie cobraring from the colonist. S<<<
to haul wheat to Armstrong from our <<<
Mr Donkin and England staying here <<<
Eusebio with horses and harness to fin<<<
American cart out from the Canada.
Hot day. but plenty of water for cattle. Do<<<
England left. Eusebio and Mercedes hauling<<<
the morning with new cart. in the afternoon <<<
wood to the puesto and fenced in the well. butchered
a cow. also killed an old sheep and a young pig.
Very hot day, strong north wind. Carts came back late last night, sold two one year old mules for fifty nats Sent Eusebio and Mercedes to Las Troncas to part out early in the morning. Short of water for the cattle.
>>>started the four oxcarts to haul
>>>y to Armstrong. Eusebio and Mercedes
>>>ht no cattle. Alfred went down at
>>>in the afternoon got mud ready for
>>>and cleaned the old big well a little.
>>>day. Johnie and men putting new brocal into
>>>well. Alfed went to Las Rosas and Lomas to avisar
>>>their taking their mares away tomorrow. killed two
>>>eep. getting awfully dry. very strong east wind.
>>> all the mares. and the neighbors came and took
>>>n. and Dickinson took the disconosidos. butchered
>>>w and a old sheep. the two Miss Larguias had
here. Johnie and men finished the well. in the
Sosa left for the Venado Tuerto.
Beautifully cool day. Alfred and <<<
nov. which we traded for four old oxen, <<<
began to dig a new well in the alfa<<<
it is too answer for both potreros. Herm<<<
back from B.A. he brought a cook back w<<<
Mr England called on to tea.
Alfred traded two novillios for two oxen to co<<<
Carts came back late in the night. hauling<<<
with horse cart. Cloudy and stormy all day.<<<
a hard shower in the evening. !hurrah! hope f<<<
getting awfully dry. peste appearing in the neig<<<
a colonist paid four hundred and fifty nats fo<<<
the headers sold to him. colonists also regulating n<<<
Cloudy day. looks like rain, Johnie and <<<
dipped all the sheep at the puesto. killed two old <<<
Eusebio and Mercedes digging at well. Rec from c<<<
account five hundred nats. Galiganis colonist that <<<
fourty five squares in two hundred square potrero, gives it over
to the colonist that has one half of cuadrad no 12 in new colony.
Very hot day, looks like rain but it wont. worse luck, big camp fire at Las Rosas. bad time for it. colonists paying their accounts. Mr Bradney and a friend came over want to go to the Chaco, Santeagenians selling caronillias. skinned a cow, looks like peste,
>>>ed hard last night, and nearly
>>>unas full of water. Belares paid
>>> Robson came down from the San Andres
>>>very little up there.
>>>and Johnnie went to Rosario this
>>>n. Mr. Beitz the photografer brought
>>>wo dozen views of the place. pd him $40.00
>>>n here yet. Mondino paid rent $149.00
>>>his half cuadrado of land (he is the first)
>>>ferred his lease to his brother __________.
>>> misty day and looks like more rain.
>>> and Eusebio digging well in potrero.
>>>le on account wheat being wet from
>>>Butchered cow.
>>>d a storm this afternoon and a beautiful
>>>rain. Camp looking quite green again.
>>>ovillo looks triste at puesto. Avelino came
back from costa with young trapello madrina tuviana; going to give himself up to justice for slashing the man at baile of carnaval. Says that had no rain at all at the costa. Santillan took tropilla (madrina 51) redomones (12) up north.
Beautiful day and grass<<<
The 4 carts started to mak<<<
The two Germans and two lad<<<
settle on other side of puest<<<
afternoon. Butchered 3 capone<<<
in potrero. Bautista Dolfina arreg<<<
years rent, ½ cuadrado. Traded n<<<
big fat ox Sarru.
Men digging well. Herman the germ<<<
feet. Donkin stops the night. Bra<<<
Englismen were here, want to go to<<<
Butchered a cow. cut hide to make<<<
Fine weather.
Digging well in potrero still. pulling<<<
horses, as water comes in very fast 7 <<<
with negro Isidro). Carts came back from Arm<<<
hauling for Salm. Pleasant windy day. Recd<<<
$1000. from colonists on a/c machines and novillos today Marshal (jus.) was here wants to go to Chaco.
It was a warm pleasant day. Mr Greenwood and Mr. Norton had tea this afternoon on way down from Petacas. Afterwards Mrs. Heitz and Fraulein __________ called to see mother who is in Rosario yet with Johnnie.
>>>ing at day break and had a
>>>ain until about ten oclock.
>>>afternoon. Delivered two novillas
>>>for two oxen he traded some time
>>>brought a big fat red ox for a novillo
>>>d him. Men not working. Mamma came
>>>Rosario this evening, a man of Kuhblanka
>>>as Johnnie suddently had to go to Alexandria
>>>nep. Splendid weather for grass.
>>>working at well with two horses.
>>>parted 13 novillas at puesta, great work
>>>them out of gate. Robson here yet.
>>>hot day, and wind came up this evening.
>>>dro and Isidro Sosa came this and take
>>>old Sosas animals to Venado Tuerto.
>>>ingo Rey paid rent of Tijeras camp and
>>>the contract paper which was until
>>> 1889. Paid 1500 gold at 50% premium.
>>> driving the young horses about. The
>>> helping him.
>>>worked again at well in potrero and
>>>ed it, as water comes in too fast.
>>> rodeo this morning to Alex Sosa; parted
out 10 of the old mares. Had great work with the big novillos in colony. Troop of 500 novillos bought from the Trefoil were locked in our corral; go to Mendoza.
Cuella with young Gonzalez the owner, were here. Beastly hot day. Blacksmith left today and sent the old gardener (Rudolf) off also.
Butchered an old cow. Fi<<<
to Armstrong, leaving small<<<
rastrajo. Mr. Heiland and M<<<
a trade for 150 or more pig<<<
delivered at mill in Cañada de <<<
and half sows. Mr. Watt came this<<<
out from England, and stops the <<<
day and looks like rain. Cecelia<<<
hauling bricks to brocal potrero
Hauling bricks to brocal of new <<<
Had another splendid rain this af<<<
had for some time. colonists (Pañero<<<
4 oxen for steers and rained stopped <<<
on Monday, Lent Mr. Watt trap to go <<<
took peon along to bring it back.<<<
Ox cart went to Cañada de Gomez with<<<
of tallow for Maas, and to bring out <<<
luggage and Donkins’ luggage.
Splendid day regular growing weat<<<
Butchered a cow. Men hauling bricks a<<<
Mr. Stiefel & Hoors stop the night on way <<<
Marryat also sent Ward for his 20 ducks.
Sent German with the trap to Cañada de Gomez to bring out the couple (servants), but they came out in Las Lomas carts and passed him on the road. Mr. J. Watt came down this evening and stops the night. It was a warm pleasant day.
>>> oxen for novillas, parted 4 for
>>>ed 6 on credit. Mercedes and
>>>bricks. Brought 7 fanegas of
>>>Sargiotti, the rest of our share.
>>>agaré due to the seeds Sentenna
>>>tonio came with the note. It was
>>>d Guaman came with ox cart from
>>> de Gomez. Brought couples things but
>>>kins’ as he was not at home. the 4
>>> started this afternoon to haul some
>>> at 60 ¢ from Domingo Rey to Armstrong
>>> Stirling and Mrs. A. Dickinson were here
>>>fternoon. Telegram from Johnnie calling
>>> Rosario, looks rainy, warm day.
>>> working with young horses. Men taking
>>>out of old jaguel and hauling to new well.
>>>ered an old cow.
>>>erman (peon) took mother to Cañada de Gomez
>>>to Rosario after breakfast. Men taking calsa
>>>of old jaguel and hauling it to potrero.
>>> was a pleasant day.
Parted out the animals<<<
in the horse potrero. Finishe<<<
well and this afternoon fille<<<
chauchero. It was a cloudy day.<<<
Peones thought it was good fr<<<
work. Carts came back last night <<<
for Domingo Rey at 60 ¢. Put cattle<<<
Maximo. and butchered a cow. John<<<
came back from tonight late. D<<<
came along. Young Marshall was here.<<<
It was a cloudy day, --- Herman (peon) cam<<<
the cañada from Buenos Ayres.
Mercedes and Cecelia fixing fences. Eu<<<
a big ageno bull dead in camp. Johnnie <<<
Lomas. Young Fea from Parejas stops the nig<<<
to Victoria. Mr. Ogilvie (just out) also ca<<<
Drizzled some today.
[Handwriting changes]
Johnie and Mr Ogilvie went shooting filled three duck. <<<
a cow. very warm weather. colonists regulating accounts. three ox carts left to work. Sent Eusebio to Las Rosas with telegrams. Mr and Mrs and Miss Watt came from Armstrong, just out from England, and brought the shot gun Johnie ordered.
>>>n went to Armstrong. Johnie and five
>>>into new potrero well. Mr Watt beft, for
>>>or Mrs Kemmis came over in the
>>>ostriches went to the Tres Lagunas, but
>>>, very hot day.
>>>nie and men finished putting the brocal
>>> Alfred butchered, Put cattle on rodeo at puesto
>>>mal imbichado. Mother Mrs and Miss Watt and
>>>drove over to Las Rosas. Bantle offered us for our wheat.
>>>th fanega.
>>>ged the cook and the german. sent horse cart
>>>Lomas for a carpenter. hauled up a oxcart load of
>>> from the stacks into the galpon. Mr Wagner left. Eusebio
>>>him to the station. a heavy dust storm in the afternoon.
>>>terwards it rained quite heavily.
Very cool fine day. Alfred went <<<
capons from the puesto. two men <<<
Avelino taming horses to the cart. <<<
down. sold a hide for four nats. <<<
two hundred nats.
Beautifull weather. Mr Mrs and Miss Watt left. <<<
no work going on today.
Two men mending fence on the Germania s<<<
men hauling earth to the bebida in horse cart. <<<
Mr Robson came back again from the San Andres <<<
butchered an old cow.
Very hot day. sent Avelino to the Cañada in big carriage in the morning, and he came back in the afternoon with Mr and Mrs Maas and child. Alfred and Mr Robson left for the Chaco. Alfred took five hundred dollars and eleven horses one madrina and two mules. Johnie and Morgan saw them off. Sent Avelino and two men to the apartes.
>>>ing. Mr Maas and Mr Morgan left in deligence
>>> to get a pair of white rabbits for Mr Morgan to
>>>Morgan, and to borrow a little coal
>>> Johnie blacksmithing. Mr Whish sent
>>>ed for a sick, had none,
>>> and Bortaino Pietro payed rent,
>>>rained. looks like frost. Sent Avelino cobraring
>>>. Sent four carts with one hundred and thirty
>>>t to Armstrong, from our galpon, to Bantleys.
>>>Eusebio hauling earth, around about the house.
>>>ding bags and fences and horse corrall.
>>>de Petras paid his rent for fifty square. for two years
>>>red and twenty two nats. Mr Roberts passed by.
>>>gly cold morning. Johnie left at four in the
>>> and rode to Armstrong and dispatched the carts.
>>> and Cecelio filling up around the traughs at the
>>> . Avelino and Eusebio parted out twelve novillios for
>>>rint, who pays for them in a day or too.
>>>and skinned a novillio that was found in the camp
>>> and imbeechared in both eyes. Mr Maclean here for the night.
Carts came back in the night. fr<<<
pine 2 inch thirty feed boards for<<<
Despatched the four carts to Armstro<<<
butchered an old cow. Sent E<<<
Tijera, in house cart to bring up th<<<
the house there. Mamma and Mrs. M<<<
Johnie went to Las Lomas polo meetings<<<
Mr Donkin came out in the diligence.<<<
meat accounts. Mr Maclean still here.<<<
north wind. Mr Marshall had breakfast her<<<
Fine sultry weather. looks rainy. Av<<<
went to the puesto and parted out about<<<
and capons. Johnie and Donkin went to t<<<
Rained very hard last night. beautifull, Jua<<<
Tirante Bautista, Miguel Martin and Audassio Fra<<<
their rents and arreglared their accounts. Eusebio and<<<
sawing wood. carpenter working on the bebidas. Carts<<<
last night. Sent cart to Pulperia brought down the s<<<
and Donkins luggage.
Fine day. Fuliate here regulated accounts. paid Mr<<<
one hundred and thirty nats for novillios of his sold. Mr Harris called lent him two mules to go to the Algurelas with. Mr Watt and yound Marshall here for the night. butchered an old cow. Donkin the brave all right.
>>>h wheat. and two carts with three hundred
>>>gs horse hair and a bundle of thirty five
>>>to be sent to Hall in Rosario.
>>>paid two hundred and twenty five
>>> taken by Bartolo Rubielo, and two hundred
>>> Rained tremendous hard nearly
>>>place flooded.
>>>ay. Sent Cecelio in big carriage to Las Lomas
>>> servant girl. Butchered a cow, Eusebio recovered
>>>hnie went to the Tijeras, Mr Parry had breakfast
>>>t with him for the Chilcos.
>>>na had breakfast here. sold him a young quarter
>>>tado pulls in the harness for one hundred nats.
>>> went to cañada in Moyanos carriage he goes to Rosario.
>>>lio mending fences, Sent Avelino Mercedes and Colistre
>>>rt at the Germania. but they did not get Redeo.
>>>aught a potro that was over there. Carts took wheat
Avelino and two men, parted at La <<<
fences. fine weather.<<<
Avelino and men parted at Las Lomas <<<
potrero and brought a novillio back. co<<<
took along. Cecelio mending fences<<<
butchered two capons.
Fine day. Johnie came back. came out in<<<
carriage. butchered a cow. Filippo Posito <<<
for fifty squares.
Put the lecheras on rodeo and parted out novillios and collared them (7) for taming for oxen.
>>>carts with wheat to Armstrong.
>>> rodeo and parted out twenty five animals
>>>and put them into puesto potrero.
>>> breakfast here. Mother and Mrs Maas drove to
>>>isit. Sent Avelino Mercedes and Calistro to
>>>weather. men, came back from the apartes
>>>a fine bull and four novillios. Donkin came
>>> the Victoria. Johnie went around the colonies.
>>>cLean came in the evening. Put the rodeos on also
>>>lechera rodeo. Dickenson sent over and parted.
>>> parted 27 animals into the puesto potrero. killed a
>>>capon. Dispatchear four cart with wheat.
Johnie Donkin and MacLean at<<<
Lomas. butchered a cow. Mr <<<
Johnie and Eusebio marking off line fo<<<
Willie arrived in hired carriage came from <<<
Donkin went to Cañada, Dispatched<<<
Mamma went out driving with visitors <<<
Mr Bertling came over on a visit. butchered a<<<
Mr Maas and Johnie went out riding.
Beautifull day. put cattle on rodeos parted out a lot of<<<
butchered two young cows. selling meat at .95 the @ to the R.R. Willie Mr Bertling and Mr Maas went to the Germania
>>> Cañada de Gomez in the morning on horseback
>>> with Avelino in big carriage after breakfast.
>>>n came back. Mr Maclean still here.
>>>nie was demandared for selling meat to the
>>>R. Went to the Lomas with Donkin.
>>>began to set up new pileta at new potrero well.
Put the cattle and Mares Rodeo <<<
who parted all the ajenos out. <<<
away. Mr Larden had brea<<<
Johnie blacksmithing, beautifull weath<<<
Eusebio levelling by the new well. hun<<<
dispatched three carts to Armstrong. cart <<<
broke both cart and gate. Donkin and John<<<
Railway engineer.
Johnie blacksmithing. Avelino copared three calves<<<
marked three animals yeguarisas.
Butchered a novillio at the puesto also a capon. Mother<<<
drove out. Donkin and Maclean went to Las Lomas
>>>, only wants a little rain, heavy fog in morning
>>>in the morning and then went to Las Lomas and
>>>noon butchered two cows. Rec sum for Agar
[Agar, Cross & Co.?]
>>>, Railway people have begun to work inside
>>> sixteen @ of meat today.
>>>bio putting bebidas up. next new well.
>>>ting bolts.
>>> little during the night, and rained
>>> day. Mr Maclean cutting bolts. Johnie
>>>thing, Sent Avelino to Las Lomas to get cetificate
>>>k mark and countermarked an animal there.
>>>ng Freyre. arrived from the costa. reports camps very
>>>n there, carts came back from Armstrong;
>>>ared up finely. Young Freyre went to Armstrong.
>>>patched one cart with the last of the wheat. Colonists
>>>oming for certificates, sold four oxen for fourty apiece.
>>>butchered two cows. Mr Ogolvier had breakfast here
>>>emmis has peste very bad. Mr Munroe and family
came out to the camp from England. Cecelio and Mercedes mending the fences.
Warm rainy day. Carpenter s<<<
cart. Young Freyre came back.<<<
horses, hauled up two loads of<<<
Beautifull weather carts came back <<<
Armstrong. getting axes to ready to <<<
tomorrow. skinned two animals <<<
Fine day. Surveyors had breakfast here. Donk<<<
went to Las Lomas. killed two cows.
Johnie drove to Armstrong and Cañada de Gomez he goes to Rosario and from there to the province of Cordoba to buy alfalfa seed. Avelino brought the carriage back
Eusebio drove to Armstrong to bring Johnie out, who telegraf<<<
for the carriage. he bought. three thousand two hundre<<<
and fifty @ of alfa seed at three nats puestos en so<<<
>>>ie recorered the camps and puestos
>>>a of oxcarts came back from the monte.
>>>intosch Johnie Mercedes and Eusebio working
>>>well. butchered two cow. Avelino and two men
>>>enalared 183 lambs at the puesto. Fine weather.
>>>indy cold day. Johny Mackintosch carpenter and three men
>>>setting up bebidas fence and things at new well.
>>> here for the night.
Marked the calves at the puesto at the <<<
ninety in all. very hard frost th<<<
warm day. Fea left. he is [c]oming<<<
novillio died. hide lost.
Put the cattle on rodeo and shut all of the<<<
and marked two hundred and thirty fiv<<<
here on the Estancia 325 and 1400 mark<<<
broke three calves today. Engineers from Ralway<<<
Mr Mackintosch and Mercedes tarring bebidas <<<
earth around new well. cold weather. Killed <<<
hauled a load of alfalfa to the puesto, colonists began <<<
the big potrero. Sent Eusebio with horse cart to Armstron<<<
out. eight machines to sew alfalfa seed, and ten sheets of z<<<
Awfully cold day. strong north wind. Macintosch and Johnie<<<
went to the Tijeras in the afternoon. Mr Fea came back.
>>>ed a toruno at puesto. despatched four
>>> Mother went to Cañada. she goes to Rosario
>>> in big carriage. Macintosch taring.
>>> and harness. Mr Bertling and an
>>>d Johnie drove to the St Catalina Rafango
>>> Mr Fea came back in the afternoon from the
>>>Macintosch finished tarring bebidas and pileta.
>>>nding fences. Eusebio digging posts out of
>>> fence.
>>>Macintosch carpenter and three men set up bebidas
>>>ero for the new well. Sent a man with meat
>>>carts that are in Armstrong waiting for cargo.
>>>eenwood had breakfast here
Very cold south wind blowing. <<<
well and drew water. Killed <<<
parted six novillios sold to Mateu <<<
12 @ meat today.
Holliday. Independence of the Argentine<<<
up the flag. and gave a breakfast. <<<
peons did not work.
All hands, at work on new well at hor<<<
Sent Eusebio with carriage to Cañada to bri<<<
butchered a cow. Mr Callum and another <<<
here for the night. Mr Fea got bucked off stunn<<<
badly hurt.
Beautifull day. oxcarts came back. Empty had been a<<<
week waiting for alfa seed in Armstrong. Mr Fea <<<
in bed. Mr Callum had breakfast here. Mother came<<<
in the afternoon. brought Mrs Voss with her.
>>>at work. moving the division fence of
>>> potrero. so that it comes up to the new
>>> Mr Fea marked out the holes.
>>>ing the bebidas, a Mr Vernon came from
>>>kfast here, the engineers had tea here
>>>Armstrong to see if the alfa seed is there. it is.
>>>g moving the fence. Anacleta another man with
>>> went to the Tijeras to hire the comission [-?-] to cook
>>> when they sow the alfalfa seed. Johnie blacksmithing
>>> Mr Vernon came over. gave him a letter of
>>> to Alfred in the Chaco. Mr Park called on,
>>> to bring alfalfa seed out.
>>>day. Men moved the division fence. Johnie attended
>>>polo meeting at Las Lomas. Mr Greenwood and Mr
>>>tlink had breakfast here. an agent of Mr Agar Cross
>>>Cia from B.A. came up to cobrar moneys owing them
>>>lled two cows.
Very warm day. looks rainy. <<<
regulated all accounts for headers and<<<
cart and pieces for machines. gave h<<<
bank for seven thousand four hundred<<<
cents.$7,444,15m/n, Oxcarts with 15<<<
at the Tijeras. Men still at the fence. Sen<<<
Mr Puddicomb to Cañada de Gomez, in sm<<<
Mrs Jappert from Larguias came over in the <<<
also came over. Carpenter busy making <<<
Mother in bed all day with severe cold, h<<<
Discharged gardener and house maid. <<<
back at noon. Mr Fea with men at the fen<<<
killed two cows, and parted six novillios out o<<<
fiared untill next year. carts left for Arm<<<
Sent Walter a cheque for two hundred an<<<
pay for novillios of his sold. seventy nats,<<<
Very strong south wind, very cold. finished setting<<<
fence. put up the cylinder and bucket on new <<<
Mr and Mrs Maryott here for the night. also Mr <<<
Very cold weather, Mr and Mrs Fea called on. killed two sheep <<<
sent a young horse for Johnie to ride. carts came from A<<<
brought 160 bags alfa seed.
>>>de Abasto for eighteen months 100.00
>>>on directa 525.00 Butchered two cows
>>>end fence. Carpenter putting up lath
>>>eat house. very cold and disagreeable
>>>ather cold. Started sowing alfalfa in the Tijeras
>>>en with broadcast seeder which work very well.
>>>ten yards broad and a man sows on an average
>>> a day. A German peon of Don Pedro vaquiano,
>>>elped in the start. Johnie and Fay out all day.
>>>nned two animals dead of peste. Mercedes gathering
>>>tifull day. started another man with machine
>>>Tijeras. Mr Fea ill in bed. Carpenter pulling roof
>>> meat house. Four carts came back with alfa seed.
Butchered two cows. started anot<<<
Tijeras, Mr Fea sent for fifty @ <<<
bought for him at the same time<<<
the @ and six nats freight and<<<
Johnie left for Rosario in the morn<<<
with him, as far as the Canada, s<<<
giros on the nat. bank for eight hundred<<<
Miller a check for Siegenthaler Hnos for <<<
hundred and ninety three nats. 4,293.<<<
alfalfa seed at the Tijeras, Mr Fea looking <<<
Received from Mr Heiland for pigs sold<<<
Fine day. foggy in the morning. busy <<<
Johnie came back in the morning. Mr Mackint<<<
up two capons from the puesto. Mr Chapman an<<<
surveyors came in the evening. they go up to Las Ye<<<
to survey a prolongation of the same line up to San G<<<
in the Prov. of Cordoba. Engineers from Camp. al<<<
>>>d, butchered two animals at puesto
>>>t, coldest weather had yet, started three
>>>the south potrero. Mr Macintosh. Ventura
>>> and six machines working at the Tijeras.
>>>th wind had to stop machines in the afternoon.
>>> animals and two sheep. Mr Bertling was here for breakfast
>>>r Macintosh blacksmithing in the afternoon.
Strong north wind. only sowed h<<<
the Germania to borrow a sowing s<<<
and get a female pointer and p<<<
very like rain quite warm. Eusebio <<<
camp skinned one animal, peste <<<
alfalfa hay up.
All hands sowing alfalfa, calm all <<<
the afternoon, butchered two cows, Cecel<<<
outside in the colony, Johnie went to the <<<
buy maize did not get any.
Very disagreeable day, strong south wind none of<<<
wind too strong to sow alfalfa seed. Mercedes harro<<<
Cecelio and Macintosh brought up machine from <<<
Mr Parker finished pileta for kitchen well, and in<<<
a new tapa into the puesto pileta killed a capon. <<<
Beautifull day. two men sowed in south potrero and <<<
men in the Tijeras, killed two cows, Mother drove to the Ti<<<
Johnie went to Las
Lomas Rosas, Mr Fay came back. sold a <<<
>>>two new men at the Tijeras. Railway man
>>> more after this. Three men sowing in south
>>> at the Tijeras besides Senn and another
>>> mutch the square. Sent Jose to the Germania
>>>nd Sent a man to the Germania to bring over
>>>hich Mr Bohtlink brought from Rosario for me.
>>>ndy cloudy drizzling nasty day. sent two carts
>>> Germania colony.
>>> could not sow. put up machine and pileta at
>>>ll. Mr Fea (John) arived with two peons and four puestisos [-?-]
>>>as to sell in Rosario, stay here the night, killed two
Better weather worked half a day <<<
in stable for the stallion. Mr Fea <<<
Cold peculiar weather, raining in int<<<
sowing all day Ventura and Maximo f<<<
Macintosh still has a weeks work at it, <<<
the stable, killed two cows from puesto <<<
at the Tijeras for insorbination
Beautifull day. (no hay sabado sin sol) all the <<<
[there is no Saturday without sun]
Mr Bohtling here for breakfast. started Ventura sowing in <<<
hauld up two loads of hay.
Beautifull day. Mr Bohtlingt here for breakfast. a <<<
colonists here wanted to see Mr Shiel who was expected to <<<
today, about land. Mr B. began his house, christian<<<
Santa Clara
>>>owing. Two engineers here for breakfast.
>>> still harrowing, Sent Eusebio to Armstrong
>>>udy looks rainy, all hands sowing. Donkin
>>>to the Independencia, Discharged two of the alfa
>>> foggy day. but at nine changed into the most
>>>ay. All hands sowing. Mr Macintosh finished in
>>>potrero. so the whole two hundred squares is finished.
>>>lacks a little harrowing with sower. killed two
>>> John Fea had breakfast here. have got the husband
>>>house maid (a german) mending the azotea roof
>>>stockholm tar and pitch.
Nasty morning but fine day. Jose came bac<<<
brought twenty five nandubuy put some <<<
and charcoal in the afternoon began fen<<<
a tropa shut in the corrall.
Very warm day looks like rain. Johnie a<<<
fifty novillios and old oxen. the fattest and <<<
potrero also ten oxen out of the servicios potrer<<<
all. finished the fence around the stack. <<<
feast day. Mr Bohtlingt came over in <<<
Warm day sultry. hope it rains, got letter <<<
is feeling ill. All peons sowing, killed two cows <<<
collared four novillios to oxen. Mr Shiele came out <<<
Set up a new gate going into the garden. drew water into <<<
Mr Shiele, Mr Bohtlingt, Mr Bell, and two engineers <<<
in the afternoon Johnie drove Mr Shiele to the Germania. <<<
>>>orth wind. frightfull dust, no sowing
>>> Shiele came back, they had been as far
>>>ack by the Lomas where Mr Shiele bought
>>> rams at eighteen nats apiece.
>>>Hickatier here for the night.
>>>th wind, looks very rainy. lent Mr Bertling a horse
>>>ng. no body sowed today. Mercedes harrowing,
>>> novillios from puesto. Johnie took Shiele to
>>> and Las Rosas where Mr S bought six Lincoln rams
>>>ts apiece, a tropas shut in for the night.
>>>to Cañada in oxcart with Mr Shieles rams.
>>>and Jose took load of alfa hay to the Tijeras. Cecelio
>>>ing fences. Ventura recorending camp. brought up
>>>sh manada for Mr Shiele to see. Mr Shiele and Mr Donkin
>>> to the Cañada in Diligence, lent Mr Donkin two
>>>d nats. Mercedes finished harrowing.
Strong south wind, no rain disgust<<<
gates. no one sowing. Anacleta <<<
five nats. Donkin came back.
Nice day. north wind again. but no<<<
butchered two animals. Henry Watt ar<<<
for the night. loaded two carts to take <<<
Sent two carts with seed to the Tijeras, put in <<<
Mr Watt left. Discharged one of the alfa sowing pe<<<
Mother and Macintosh went to Las Rosas. <<<
Johnie blacksmithing.
Mr Donkin Johnie and Mr Callum drove to <<<
to go to the polo march in Rosario fine weat<<<
men sowing. Sent Eusebio in Carriage to Estacio<<<
to fetch Herman who comes down from the Chaco.
>>>puesto Mercedes began to harrow in the
>>>pastorearing the wheat. windy day.
>>>carts left for Armstrong.
>>>led a load of Alfa hay to the Tijeras.
>>>ing. Mercedes Harrowing.
>>>ck with one hundred and fifty posts.
>>>ninety two and a half cents apiece. Johnie came
>>>Rosario. The match between St Fe and B.A. was
>>>butchered two novillios, carts left again for Armstrong.
Fine day. working hard sowing <<<
butchered two novillios. Eusebio <<<
Fine day sowing. Mercedes Harrow<<<
with a hundred posts and twenty<<<
a hundred and seventeen and a half @<<<
Herman and Ventura brought up t<<<
for galpon.
Foggy warm day, scattering the posts. alo<<<
Hauled a load of alfalfa hay to the Tijer<<<
of alfalfa seed. Mr J Watt Mr Parry and Mr<<<
for the night. Sent Mercedes to Cañada with<<<
Mr Bohtlingt Mr Parry Donkin and John<<<
to the Cañada. Johnie goes to play with the Chilc<<<
to play polo against Canada. beat them eight two. Herman butchered. fine weather.
>>>changed at night without any rain,
>>>s. Hauled a load of hay to the puesto
>>>on. Johnie with the rest came back
>>>nd Bortlingt left. after breakfast. began to
>>>task boring the holes, Mercedes Harrowing.
>>>anting posts. huntaring leña de vaca
[gathering cow chips]
>>>Herman went to the Cañada, Mother goes to Rosario.
>>> to the Independencia.
Finished planting the posts. D<<<
fences. Jose took Adamsons Potero <<<
cow from the puesto to the stack <<<
ox cart with old horse cart to the <<<
Mercedes and Cecelio butchered<<<
afternoon scattered varillias turn<<<
very hot day. Mr Macintosh <<<
at the Tijeras.
Began fencing, all hands, did a <<<
breakfast, lent him a horse to go to <<<
Schiele a telegram to expect fourteen <<<
in La Paz.
All hands at work on the fence. <<<
came out last night about ten aclock. <<<
at the Tijeras. Belso Moyano and son here fo<<<
Beautifull weather, if it would only rain. <<<
at the puesto, B. Moyano bought the sixty anim<<<
the potrero. the bullocks at fourty nats the novilli<<<
two the torunos at thirty five apiece a cow at f<<<
others cows at twenty five. in the afternoon Mother<<<
Rosario with him. Johnie and Fea went to Las R<<<
>>> two engineers here for breakfast.
>>>ee carts to Armstrong to bring wood up for
>>>to. (the pulpero) Macintosh Herman and
>>> Sevando. took down machinerey scaffolding
>>>ound the old jarguel, began to fill it in,
>>>ding fences. Cecelio dispuntaring posts of new
>>> men sowing at the Tijeras. fine weather.
>>>north wind ,,,,, rain likely ,,,, One man sowing at
>>>, men at work filling in the big well, hauled up
Fine morning, but windy after<<<
mending sheep corrall at the pues<<<
old well. sold three capons @ <<<
Willie arrived from Entr Rios. <<<
Very cold wind. Men busy getting <<<
posts from old wells. Mr Fea went to <<<
went to Cañada to bring out Mamma<<<
pruning paraiso trees in front garden<<<
Fine day. Mother Clara and children <<<
from the Cañada. Johnie Mr Bohtlingt. went<<<
a cattle buyer was here for breakfast. Ro<<<
Mother finished having Mr Smythies Titles <<<
his legue of land
Beautifull weather, cloudless sky. quite war<<<
Willie Clara Macintosh and Johnie attended chur<<<
>>>Rosas in the morning. sold a stack
>>>nies for two hundred nacionals.
>>> and Johnie left for the Costa to pay
>>>t a change of horses ahead.
>>>lios. Dispatched four carts to the
>>>three fat pigs.
>>> Johnie came back report camps in an
>>>bad state at the Costa. cattle dying.
Johnie and Macintosh mixed<<<
in the afternoon went to the po<<<
Hand cured the sheep. senalared a<<<
butchered two old sheep, also th<<<
suffucated. William left for <<<
with him as Mayordomo sold<<<
to Mr Parry for twenty five nats.<<<
Looked like rain. Mr Greenwood here<<<
Sold sixteen novillios to colonists fiared<<<
at twenty two and a half nats apiece; <<<
transplanted some wellow slips and tre<<<
in new potrero. A Mr Wolff a german<<<
Fine day. east wind. hope it rains. <<<
>>>lty from the Germania went to Las Rosas
>>> nuts from Mr Kemmis for one stack
>>>. butchered a novillio.
>>>th Donkin left for the Cañada to go to town
>>> Entre Rios. and Johnie to St. Fe to pay
>>>in camp. Mr and Mrs Danills and Mr
>>>me over for breakfast.
>>> sent over 25 bulls to put into our
Johnie came back. Paid two hundred<<<
for one half year rent. Borrowed a thous<<<
Sosa and paid it to the lawers and escr<<<
out Titles and testementura.
Rained quite hard during the night. br<<<
Alfred arived from the Chaco. came in<<<
from Estacion Diaz. he came to consult abo<<<
other land from the Santa Fe land Co, since <<<
rent one hundred nats a legue, they give wire <<<
and turniquetes we put the labor. for six and <<<
>>> Took Alfred about the camp.
>>>ent Alfred to Estacion Diaz in big carriage
>>>Mr Bohtlingt came over Butchered a nov.
>>>ed another fat pig. also sold one for fourty
>>> nats.
Frosty morning. Played polo<<<
Mother and Clara went over tog<<<
with Johnie.
Tremendous while frost this morn<<<
Children and Johnie went to breakfast <<<
Herman went over to Mr Bohtlingts <<<
from up north
Another heavy frost. butchered a n<<<
Avelino domaring. Mr Macintosh and J<<<
slips at the different wells. in the aftern<<<
on the new potrero fence. in the morning <<<
Rosas and got two greu hound pups Kemm<<<
Beautifull day. Mamma Clara children<<<
all went out driving, went down to Mr Bo<<<
Received from Pilar for capons he sold eighteen na<<<
>>>morning. Avelino driving young
>>>ght up the puesto manada and
>>>and eight mules. separated the muls
>>> the horse potrero. Henry Watt came
>>>. Sent Mackintosh to the Independencia
>>>ing. got all the mares from Camp into
>>> thirty eight foals and twelve mules.
>>> into the potrero. also twelve potros and one
>>>ador to tame. Mr Macintosh mounted a potro
>>>Clara to Las Lomas to breakfast. Henry Watt
>>>isies a potro novillio countermarked it for
>>>sold him and which was taken away by
>>>he had no certificate, Also another to Peter
>>>a horse taken away at the same time.
>>>Mr Macintosh drove to the Cañada in big carriage
>>>ina. in the afternoon, carriage came back
>>>ht Mrs Borges and George. out. Johnie went
Johnie came back. borrowed a thousan<<<
Sent ninety seven nats and sixty cents <<<
for thirty and a half @ of alfa seed he <<<
nats and twenty cents the @. Rec from <<<
for hides and sheep skins sold to him.
Very windy day (north), Mr MacIn<<<
Montes de Oca and bought five single plou<<<
one double at 100.00, to end to Mr Schiele, <<<
down. in the afternoon Johnie went to Las Lomas<<<
>>> to potreros and galpon. Sent Eusebio
>>>@ alfa seed to send to Chaco. Domaring.
>>> Johnie drove Clara and Children to Las Chilcas
>>>t. Rec letter from Alfred, cart came
>>>tugas, butchered two capons.
>>>leta began to take down the fence between
>>>and camp south of the railway line.
>>> ten and a half squares. it is to be moved
>>> east side of the track.
Clara and Children left. Herm<<<
carriage down to Hopes. Merce<<<
of horses. Macintosh Georg<<<
Butchered a novillio. Very war<<<
Hand cured the sheep at the puest<<<
capon and one old sheep. received for capons <<<
Very hot and sultry.
>>>last night, very little. Very warm
>>>milking. Herman came back from
>>>very bad. cattle dying.
>>>weather. looks like more rain.
>>>illia at puesto. Anacleta and Eusebio taking down
>>> Mercedes to Las Rosas to get oats but he did not get any.
>>>ing up around bebidas. and two hauling up hay.
>>> a little alfa seed is sprouting. but very little.
>>>t by diligence.
>>>day, east wind, hope it would rain,
>>>geas and George left. Herman goes with them
>>> mother went along as far as the Cañada,
>>>Eusebio down in Diligence with the luggage.
>>>a capon. skinned a vacilla dead. Henry
>>>ed two thousand eight hundred nats from Sosa
>>> him a pagare for it for one year (until Sept 5/89)
Strong north wind, clouds going a<<<
Mother came back. butchered a n<<<
heap. Avelina driving young horses.<<<
Strong north wind. big storm to the <<<
fence down. Hauling earth around<<<
Johnie went down to Bohtling’s. in the <<<
to Las Rosas. two young horses sold an<<<
for one hundred nats. Mr Macintosh r<<<
alfalfa is beginning to come up. but a<<<
lost, when that sleight shower of the sev<<<
it sprouted a great deal of the seed,
hope it rains soon. or the same will happ<<<
come up now. J.B.
Wind changed from the south east, no rain<<<
over night. two men working taking f<<<
Beautifull day. Mr Chapman from the Vict<<<
Macintosh and Johnie played polo at Las L<<<
>>>two one animal at the puesto.
>>> hauling lena de vaca.
>>> very warm. “Why don’t it rain?”
>>> men huntaring lena, taking fence down.
>>>g hay from his stack.
>>>d, disagreeable day. marked out holes for new fence.
>>>alfa for cow potrero. huntaring lena de vaca.
>>>ket and repaired ropes at Don Juans well.
>>> novillio.
Recorrered the camp. Macin<<<
at the Tres Lagunas in the after<<<
evening. Greenwood passed<<<
North wind clouding up. Drove you<<<
A Mr Deehan inspector of animals fo<<<
breakfast here. Mr Morgana left. <<<
Received from B. Morgana five hundred<<<
sold to him.
North wind, looked very stormy in the<<<
by. Mr Drewrey breakfasted here is mea<<<
in the hollow in our camp. Mr Bohtling<<<
scattered the posts along line for fence. A<<<
Received from Fallerstein two hundred and <<<
the ploughs sent up to Mr Schiele from Montes <<<
Butchered a cow. Horrible south wind, w<<<
two men from St Teresa here want to by Lu<<<
>>>and four carts to the monte.
>>> cold. rained about half an hour in the
>>>slightly. Johnie went to Las Rosas. potreros very
>>>gelvie left. butchered a novillio.
>>>wind all day. Mr Bohtlingt and Mr Hickatier
>>> to see a bull we have for sale. stayed for breakfast.
Hurrah! rain at <<<
and rained steadily all for<<<
and looks like more to n<<<
Chestnuts mares at puesto <<<
Drizzly day. Sent Eusebio to Las<<<
to take his bulls away. Received a <<<
from Santian, twelve put them <<<
Mr Shultz from the Germania sent two n<<<
the big red bull away which we sold hi<<<
he send the money.
Cloudy day but no rain, quite wa<<<
novillio. Mr Macintosh and Johnie went <<<
in the afternoon put lecheras on rodeo and <<<
cows and put them into the stack potrero <<<
Cloudy day, rained a little during the after<<<
no wind at all. Johnie went around the Tij<<<
sprouting nicely in some places. Mrs. Senn an<<<
came up on a visit. Gave to six colonists who a<<<
B. Moyano in Cordoba fourty nats to pay their passage<<<
>>> sowing alfalfa in pig mans potrero.
>>>lls away.
>>> began setting the posts on the fence
>>> railway. with three men
>>> San Andres in the evening.
>>> . feels like more rain.
>>> ts. Lent Ogilvie horse to go to Armstrong.
>>>ng alfalfa. Herman came back from B.A.
>>> to the Cañada de Gomez and back in the
>>>ge. took Eusebio along. Took eight hundred nats
>>> bank (money borrowed from Sosa) and sent
>>> form of a giro to Tremolliere. the pulpero in the
>>>or things taken by Alfred.
>>>d very heavy all forenoon. splendid weather.
>>>ed a novillio
>>>acintosh sowing in the afternoon.
Mr Ogilvy came back from Arm<<<
polo at the Tres Lagunas. Eusebio<<<
found it at Las Rosas. Macinto<<<
Sent horse cart to the Germania g<<<
of flour. scattered varillas for n<<<
reglard the horses that go to Cordoba. <<<
that go to Cordoba and brought them<<<
them for the night into the cow cor<<<
Mercedes and Tomarito left very early <<<
for Cordoba. to the Canada. Johnie got the<<<
Las Lomas and then dispatched Avelino <<<
quarterbreds (6) horses also for Moyano. Carts <<<
from monte with wood.
Rainey sort of day. Men came back.
>>> shaving sirres. hauled hay into
>>>ares into the corrall and capered potros
>>>er. three men working on fence.
>>>holes. Johnie went to Las Rosas.
>>> and a novillio.
>>>y hard most of the night and all forenoon
>>>sunset it began to rain again.
>>>noon three men worked at the fence. and two hauling
>>> the horse potrero. Mr Ogilvie went to Las Rosas.
>>> came in the evening.
Strong south wind very disagreea<<<
Johnie and two men reset some<<<
working on the moved fence. <<<
Cloudy weather, looks rainy, sent<<<
help Mr. Kemmis to
pass lead his<<<
to load them into the train there. <<<
Phoenep, butchered a novillio and <<<
worked on the fence. took two m<<<
manada. skinned three potros a<<<
Beautiful warm day. Went aroun<<<
alfa sprouting nicely. Sent Ventura dow<<<
the two wheeled trap with seed and mach<<<
one and a half squares. with alfa. the colo<<<
maize. finished the fence. brought two novi<<<
Fine day. In the afternoon Johnie went to Ar<<<
Watt he goes to Rosario. Mr Elliot here for<<<
>>>ined two cows. flacura. Mercedes and
>>> Jose recorered the camp.
>>>gilive left with Avelino for Entre Rios to
>>>nie came back. by diligence.
>>>cows. Engineers of RR. now here for breakfast.
>>> Middleton two hundred nats to buy alfa seed
>>>r day. heavy thunder shower in the evening.
>>> weather. brought up all the mares and parted 45
>>> mares into the little paddock for the saino stallion.
>>> the chestnut to the puesto and put him to his mares
>>>he also has about fourty five. one of the engineers
>>>.R. breakfasted here. Sent Mercedes to Cañada in the
Beautifull weather. nice and <<<
two men hauling hay to <<<
the Cañada with horse cart. <<<
Macintosh and Johnie played p<<<
Mr Dickson and Wilson had din<<<
Rained hard from four until e<<<
Eusebio cleaned the harness. and w<<<
in the evening a strong pampero <<<
and a very heavy shower for at<<<
a lot of honduras grass about in differ<<<
Fine day. Mr Macintosh white washing th<<<
Johnie looked around the Tijeras. alfa com<<<
Rail Road has got as far as the Cañada <<<
hauled a load of hay into the potreros. <<<
A man wanted to buy the hides. <<<
Fine day. Mother went out driving. Johnie <<<
and Las Rosas. Mr Daniels is very ill thypho<<<
Mr Fea and Mr Chapman called on. <<<
>>>Ventura to Armstrong with oxcart.
>>>und pig mans well. parted out
>>> five novillios to send to Moyano.
>>>as to get certificate.
>>>te de Oca and paid two hundred and fourty
>>> and one double ploughs sent to Mr Schiele,
>>> Tomasito left early this morning with Tropa
>>>man recorering camp. Men mending fences.
>>>ame back from Entre Rios. brought two horses back with him.
>>>opes and chain on to tambera well. two men mending
>>>Cart came back from Armstrong. butchered a cow
>>> load of hay in to the horse paddock.
Cloudy. rainy day. MacIntosh and J<<<
barrel bucket. Two butchers called <<<
to “La Victoria”. hauled hay to both <<<
Rained a good deal during <<<
worked. <<<
Tremendous storm last night, caña<<<
two men mending fences. butchered <<<
skinned one cow. Mr Ogilvie left for <<<
Mr Watt passed by. Dr Frend came o<<<
who is still very ill.
Rained a little in the afternoon. Mr <<<
night. <<<
>>>Juan Rodriguez a butcher from Roldan
>>>capons and sheep @ two and a half and
>>> and twenty nats. paid cash total.
>>>nty nats and fifty cents.
>>>e Chilcas and enquired from Mr Daniels
>>> little better.
>>>ts came into our camp today.”
>>>from the San Andres.
>>> on. he said he was offered thirty five
>>> a legue for the six northern legues of the
>>>without any improvements.
>>>ught up the sheep to clip tomorrow. Johnie made
>>>a and shugar [?] into for the pulperia.
>>>to shear the sheep. Mr Bohtlingt his wife and
>>> brother came over in the evening. a Mr Hammilton
>>>tays over night. on his way to the San Andres
>>> weather.
Ten men shearing, five d<<<
Mr Greenwood stays the nigh<<<
to the Cañada, butchered a <<<
Rained considerable during the <<<
until after noon. Sent Ventura<<<
alfalfa seed. Mr Macintosh started h<<<
finished shearing. clipped six h<<<
cost thirty nats expenses. Capared <<<
parted animals out of both the potro<<<
belong in. Sent to Las Lomas and <<<
nine animals that are to be sent to <<<
Cordoba for Moyano. the last animals <<<
Moyano and his brother came in the <<<
brother. two chestnut ¼ breds @ 40<<<
Mr Fendel came back, but a young <<<
Fine day. Sent four men with twenty<<<
embarcar in the Canada to Cordoba for s<<<
bagged all the wool seven bags. bu<<<
from horse potrero. Robsons bagual that<<<
died today. Two tropas shut in the corra<<<
his people left. Ventura sowing a alfalfa seed<<<
Very cool morning. Dr Frend came ou<<<
carriage to go to Las Chilcas lent him two horses<<<
in the afternoon Johnie and Macintosh drove over to<<<
>>>t the rodeo on. and parted out one
>>>s into the stack potrero. cows to kill in
>>>fternoon put on the lechera rodeo and
>>>d put them into the same paddock.
>>>ame from Las Lomas to part. but took
>>>apon. Mr Watt called on.
>>>ther. everything growing tremendously
>>>. Mares are foaling fast. at the puesto
>>> beautifull ones. Have got the saino
>>> the hause paddock. a lot of nice foals from
>>> Loaded the platform cart with 48 hides
>>>d twenty capon skins one bag sorda and
>>> Cañada to be sent on to Middleton,
>>> men went to Las Lomas to get rodeo of the
>>>did not. butchered a cow from stack paddock.
>>>and Johnie made a gate.
>>> Daniels of Las Chicas died last night ||
>>>m day. repaired the sheep dipping box, made
>>> bastidor and got everything ready to dip the sheep
>>> tras corrall. Mr Ogilvie and Johnie drove
>>>little carriage down to Chupinas.
Very hot day. cart came back la<<<
galletas and salt. Eusebio skin<<<
from Sabena borrowed it to c<<<
butchered a cow, Macintosh and<<<
making the irons for the new gate <<<
evening. <<<
Rained very hard last night. M<<<
set up the new gate on Stack Potr<<<
Mercedes herding sheep, in the after<<<
Very warm day. Mr Melville ca<<<
afternoon. Capared and senalared <<<
butchered a cow from stack potr<<<
South wind cooled off nicely. Maun<<<
Ogilvy played polo at Las Lomas— <<<
>>>killed a capon. butchered a cow
>>>m Moyano for six hundred nats.
>>>dy in the evening. recorering camp.
>>>na. Mr Ogilvy went to San Andres.
>>> very heavy last night strong wind.
>>>d Macintosh went to Las Rosas. got a
>>> Kemmis for three hundred nats for alfa
>>> to him. butchered a cow.
Cool day. Mamma and <<<
in the little carriage. Sent Jos<<<
chestnuts sold to B Moyanes brot<<<
the peon house. Mr Ogilvy com<<<
for the night. Mr Kemmis sent <<<
Sent the check from Kemmis for <<<
got up mares for brick pisad<<<
Cecelio dropped dead at La<<<
Fine day, sent three carts to hau<<<
the rails. at the south side of our <<<
the two Miss Larguias came on a n<<<
the evening. <<<
Rec a check from B Moyano for f<<<
nine nats 599.00 m/n. <<<
Two tropas shut in, <<<
Rained hard last night. heavy s<<<
cow Ogilvy and Johni visited Bohtling <<<
Rec account from Middleton for hides <<<
sheep skins sent to him. 525.88 as p<<<
Nasty day. rained a little. <<<
>>>rts hauled sand to the station.
>>>le wells at the Tijeras. Goyita took the
>>>ells four yards in diameter six nats
>>>twelve in the water furnish him with
>>>st well this side of the Tijeras house.
>>>lfa at the Tijeras, sowed eight squares
>>>maize, butchered a cow.
>>> a mare from the puesto manada to
>>> be covered by the imported shire horse
>>>and Mercedes drove her up with a tropilla.
>>>gineer had breakfast here. a tropa locks in
>>> horse cart to the Tijeras took roof off of one of the
>>>egin to cart the bricks to the new well.
>>> two trips with sand (6 loads)
>>>n last night, little rain but strong wind.
>>> Ogilvy drive to the Cañada and back.
>>>e one trip with sand. butchered a novillio
>>>on had breakfast here. Mr Nash and his animals
>>> for the exhibition.
The exposition was opened <<<
The tropa of 299 novillios ar<<<
thirteen days on the road. <<<
R.R. working hard. two e<<<
The carts carting bricks up to the<<<
Butchered a cow. Johnie cut the alfa<<<
fine day. Mr Ogilby went to the Sa<<<
Paid the peons off that brot the Tropa down<<<
The whole expenses of the tropa was. 264.<<<
put the rodeo on and capared all t<<<
Corintinos helped. <<<
Johnie and Mr Ogilby left in the carriag<<<
this morning for Estación Diaz are go<<<
San Cristobal to meet Alfred. Johnie borrow<<<
red and eighty nats from Mr Ogilby to par<<<
>>>ling sand.
>>> Mercedes herding sheep.
>>>ea, gave them to take up
>>> redemones. tamed by Santian
>>>o madrina. and Mr Ogilbys
>>>them guias for the animals.
>>> a cow.
Chestnut stallion at puesto ge<<<
the shoulder by a novillio brot <<<
butchered a capon. <<<
Johnie came back. Mr Witherngton<<<
the Costa. butchered a cow. rained <<<
The Parana is tremendously high. has <<<
banks up in the Chaco and drowned <<<
head of cattle. people passed the ti<<<
whole country run over with game. <<<
Fine day. Mr Bohtlingk and Mr Fallenstein had <<<
Took the sheep back to the puesto. butchered a cow<<<
>>> in the afternoon he goes to Rosario,
>>>da to get cargo for Mr Pepper of the Tres Lagunas.
>>>ered a cow.
>>>e back. killed a cow.
Johnie came back. changed <<<
for two thousand and fourty n<<<
men repairing fences. <<<
Fine day, recorered the camps and p<<<
Chestnut stallion is slowly healing, <<<
syringe his sore four times a day w<<<
Sent two carts to Armstrong. <<<
Very hot day, storm to the sutherd. J<<<
door for Macintosh room butchered a co<<<
the baldero. and hired Manuel one of the<<<
Chaco in his place.
Carts came back. brot 1 bar. yerba 2 bags<<<
1 bag farina 1 bag galletas 1 box vermicell<<<
four quebracho vigas for gates, 4 nandubuy posts,<<<
1 bar. coal tar, 1 keg brea, 6 terantes pine tea 2 x 3. <<<
>>>cIntosh and Johnie blacksmithing and
>>>a gate. butchered one cow
>>>Garcia around to the colonists, showed him
>>>to take meat. pay Garcia thirty nats
>>>utchered one cow.
>>>gate going into the small paddock by the
>>>ll. made a palo a pie each side and made
>>>new, up to the galpon. butchered one cow.
>>>all the peons except. Mercedes and Eusebio
>>> who dispatches the meat. and Anacleta who
>>>meat at the Tijeras. pay these four men thirty nats
Very warm day Mr Robinson <<<
butchered a cow. <<<
Colonists hard at cutting w<<<
the alfalfa shows up beautifully<<<
Macintosh and Johnie made anot<<<
very hot. <<<
Killed two cows. Rained hard. <<<
Set up a new gate going from the calle<<<
paddock, moved the fence to the other <<<
as to be able to draw water there for th<<<
Warm sultry day. attended service at Los <<<
preached. Mamma paid Bohtlingts a <<<
have moved into their new house, <<<
butchered four cows. sent two hundred<<<
As of meat to the Chupinos to Don Nicola<<<
us a nacional the @ for it. Rained hard <<<
>>> Mr Donkin went to the Cañada.
>>>ished moving fence. a cow killed by
>>> three cows, sent ten arobas of
>>> send around the south colony.
>>>town to the Tijeras.
>>> day, finished setting up the bebidas
>>>ng machine for the lechera well.
>>>. Sent Garcia to the Tres Lagunas to get
>>> but it was not finished.
>>> cool morning. six headers cutting in south
>>>ok the chestnut stallion down to the puesto.
>>> Herman drove to the Cañada in big carriage.
>>> early after the big carriage. it had new axles put in.
>>>three cows.
>>>drew water in lechera well untill he emptied it.
>>>haire had breakfast here. lent him a horse to go
>>>trong with.
Warm day. cart dispatched<<<
butchered two cows. took box<<<
mixed sheep dip and got ever<<<
Miguel Freyre came back, and<<<
Johnie went over to Bohtling<<<
Mother came back. Donkin ca<<<
Very hot day. Herman Macin<<<
Johnie went very early to the <<<
sheep. worked untill finished a<<<
then butchered an old bullock a<<<
Mr and Mrs Watt here for bre<<<
The two young Pasas from B.A. <<<
Very hot day killed two cows.
Very hot day. Herman visited Bohtlink<<<
Mr Donkin and Johnie went to the Rosas in<<<
butchered two cows.
>>> and mules and bullocks, into the
>>>potrero. and brought all of the
>>>paddock, and put them into the horse
>>> three cows.
>>>ing the night.
>>>eat cart took fifteen @ of meat. Anacleta
>>>t the Tijeras. butchered two cows.
>>> Mercedes to get the mare sent to the Refango,
>>>h the imported shire horse.
>>>to Las Chilcas.
>>>rm day. Eusebio and Mercedes cutting
>>> front of the peons house, butchered two
>>> afternoon. Mr and Mrs Bohtlingk and
>>> came over in the afternoon.
Hot day. butchered tw<<<
Warm day. Herman and <<<
pic nic at the Germania <<<
poisoned the cow hides and <<<
cutting abroja, in the afte<<<
old ox at the puerto and a<<<
paddock. Received a box of<<<
Very warm morning, rained a <<<
a big storm is coming up. Kille<<<
Warm sultry day. Sent Eusebio to Estacion<<<
carriage to bring Alfred.
Old Faria died at one oclock, <<<
butchered two cows. made a coffin fo<<<
Johnie had dinner with Bohtlink’s.
>>>clock this morning.
>>>little during the afternoon.
>>> to go to the Victoria
>>>t to Cañada with coffin.
>>> sawed wood,
>>> cows.
>>> little, men cutting wood.
>>> two cows.
butchered two cow. <<<
went over to Las Rosas <<<
Alfred Macintosh and Donkin<<<
the Germania had breakfast<<<
by Las Lomas.
butchered two cows.
Mr Watt and Mr Elliot here <<<
Rained a little during the night. <<<
Mr Bohtlingk came over
butchered a bullock at the pue<<<
Cool day, wind storm during the n<<<
little in the morning. butchered t<<<
meat cart took eighteen @ of mea<<<
Mother visited Bohtlingk.
Mr Donkin the lyre and Alfred went
© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)