Ea. “La California” - 1890 Day-Book Page last modified:
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Estancia “La California”
1890 Day-Book

This is the second diary that survived the years.  Sadly, 1889 is missing.  Most of this diary was written by John E. Bz., with help by Herman Bz. and others.

Background:  The image is John Schreiber’s lithograph of “La California”, which he drew in 1878.

Reference Pages:  To aid the reader with Spanglish terminology, unfamiliar names (people & places), and old measures (weights, distances, currencies, etc.) we have provided a set of: Reference Pages.  We recommend you have these available — they will open in a second window or tab.

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1889: The first leg of the railroad, from Cañada de Gómez to Las Rosas, was opened on Septiember 16, 1889.  The next leg, Las Rosas to El Trebol, was opened on January 15, 1890.

PDF files:

Click on a title to download a PDF file of page images.

Front Cover & Pages
The front hard cover, pages of advertisements, and tables of useful information.
Size: 7.8mb.
“Memoranda of Reference” and daily written entries for January, February, and March.
Size: 9.1mb.
Daily written entries for April, May, and June.
Size: 6.4mb.
Daily written entries for July, August, and September.
Size: 6.5mb.
Daily written entries for October, November, and December.
Size: 7.5mb.
Back Pages & Cover
Unused monthly record of cash movements, pages of advertisements, and the back hard cover.
Size: 2.1mb.


Go to Month:  Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec

The day-book has been transcribed as written, verbatim, without correction.  All spelling and grammatical errors have been retained unchanged.  We added month titles for clarity and simplified the preprinted day titles, otherwise anything we added or corrected is enclosed within [square brackets, with our comments in italics.]  (Transcribed by: René Benitz.)

Newspaper clippings, notes, business cards, and any other items found inserted in the diary we have placed where most relevant.  Items for which we could not determine dates, we placed where we found them.


Ernesto Bunge Calle Victoria 19, Buenos Aires
Fallenstein Calle Entre Rios 56, Rosario
Borges Calle Libertad 676, B. Aires
Agar Cross y  Cia. Calle Defensa 124,       "
E. Middleton                                Rosario
Tomas Lee Calle Balcarce 352,  B. A.
Antonio Saralegui y Cia. Calle Rivadavia 842,   "  "
Ravenscroft                                       "  "
J. Schreiber Calle Berutti 677 Charcas 1473,   "  "
F. H. Chevelier Boutell   "   San Martin 36,   "  "
Antonio Yeend Estancia Fortezuelas, Veria, F.C. Oeste, B. A.
Bounice Rhoads 304 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
G. Benitz a/c Elias Anambari, Gualeguaychu, E. Rios
Moore y Tudor Calle Urquiza 102, Rosario
Bartolo Viscornia pork butcher  Calle San Juan 78, Rosario
Alison Hall Calle Entre Rios 58 (Baracca Nueva),   "
Juan Jackson    "    25 de Diciembre No 1034,            "
Miguel Fraire      Estación Serodino, F.C.A., Sunchales
Robert Hope    "    Urquiza 686 near English Church,     " 
Angel Perosi (mercado Sud) No 19 Calle Cortado (pig butcher)
Justo Salvaherra (recero) Calle San Luis 852, Rosario
Bartolo Tiscornio (butcher)    "   San Juan 748, Rosario
Nazario Casas (      "     ) Juarez Celman 310, Cordoba

January 1890

[Likely author: Herman Bz.]

Wednesday, 1 January

Very hot day. Butchered cow novillo for Andel. Dunkin went over to the Rosas and the Lomas. We had a picknick in the garden. Herman went out in camp. We put up the long tennes game and played in the evening. Andel came here in the evening. Poens did not work.

Thursday, 2 January

Capared and señalared 105 lambs at puesto.

Butchered cow in south potrero for us.

    "      "  for Andel.

Gustof fixing Pilar’s puesto.

Friday, 3 January

This morning it was cloudy and it rained nearly the hole day long Herman went down to the Tijaras with Esidro to part the cattle on radao. But the rain prevented them doing so.

This afternoon Maximo Aguillera came and took a topo cattle he took 8 vacillos and one cow and a novillo

Butchered a cow for Andel

Gustof still at puesto.

Saturday, 4 January

Dull cloudy day. Butchered cow in South Potrero for us. Butchered cow in horse potrero for Andel.

Gustaf came home for the house was to wet to white was. Herman went over to Bertlings and round in camp every thing is all right

Sunday, 5 January

This morning it was a fine day. Herman and Dunkin went out in camp This afternoon MacI Macintosh and Dunkin drove Miss Chute over to the Lomas

Herman went over the station to reglar acounts

Butchered a novillo for Andel.

Monday, 6 January

This morning it was fin weather. We parted out 20. animals for Andel. Herman went over to receive Mr Cornish and family. Gustaf went to the Tijaras and white washed the house. Pacheco mended potrero fence. This afternoon Mr Macintosh and Mr. Cornish went into town

Butchered a vacilla for Andel

Herman went in camp

Mr and Mrs Bertlingk and Mr Chille were here

Tuesday, 7 January

It was a warm day. Herman went around to see the Colonists. The brickmaker comenced to trash his wheat. We butchered a novillo for us. Herman took Cornishes children out rideing. This afternoon Mr Cornish and Mr Dickers came on a visit and left in evening. Herman took Mrs Cornish and Miss Chute and the children for a drive to see the trasher. today Gustaf went to finish white wash.

Wednesday, 8 January

This morning it was warm weather to day Herman and Dunkin and Miss Cornish went to see the trasher and wend to the Tijaras every thing all right. Gustaf finished white washing.

This afternoon Mr Macintosh came back from Rosario.

Herman went over to Botlingks and put a novillo into potrero

Dunkin went in camp

Butchered a novillo for Andel

Jose and Sega came yesterday

Thursday, 9 January

This morning it was cloudy it rained last night. Herman and Macintosh and Manuel and Pacheco put a novillo of Nashes into the Tijaras camp. And went to see the trashers.

Bustof worked in the quinta.

Jose and Saja comenced work to day cleaning lane. Butchered a vacilla for us. Dunkin and Macitosh put two of Nasher calves into horse potrero  In afternoon Herman and Dunkin went over to Lomas and Rosas it rained Mr Evans was here brough tennis balls for us.

Friday, 10 January

This morning it cleared up and was a warm day Herman went in camp. Mr Macintosh and Dunkin went to Tijaras every thing all right. Jose and Seja put earth to the berbedos in horse potrero. Gustaf and Pacheco fixed fence in south potrero. Maximo Arguillera took 12 animals. Botelingk was here. This afternoon we sent Gustaf over to station with big carriage to get mended And brought some things.

Mother drove the ladeys over to Botelingk.

Butchered a vacilla for Andel

Saturday, 11 January

It was a warm day. Sent Gustaf and Pacheco to Tijaras mend gates and fence. Herman put cattle on rodero at Tijaras filled a well. Mr Dunkin and Mr Macintosh went in camp. everything all right. butchered a cow for us. Mr Cornish came on a visit to stay night

Sunday, 12 January

This morning it was very warm weather Herman went in camp. Mr Dunkin drove Mrs and Mr Cornish over to Las Rosas. This afternoon a storm came up and blew a big tree down. Butchered a novillo for Andel. Mr Macintosh went to Las Lomas to play polo. It rained very hard. Dunkin went in camp

Monday, 13 January

This morning it was cloudy and comenced to rain. Dunkin went to the Tijaras. Macintosh went to Las Lomas and Pelars. Every thing is all right. Gustof mended poens house. Herman drove Mr Cornish over to the Station. Herman went to see Peper and the Butcher. We sent Gustaf to station with cart to bring the wash woman and the big carriage from the blacksmiths. Don Luis was here.

Tuesday, 14 January

This morning it is a windy day Herman went in camp found every thing all right. Mr Macintosh and Esidro went to Tijaras to put the cattle on rodero. Maximo paid $117.00 for animals he took. Butchered a vacilla for us. This afternoon Mr Macintosh went to the Tijaras. Mother took the ladys out for a drive to the Tijaras. Gustaf and Saja worked in the quinta all day. Herman took Botlingks mail over them.

Wednesday, 15 January

This morning it was fine weather. Herman went in camp and called in at the pulperae. Mr Macintosh went over to Stateion. to see a bought some things. Botelingk came over and went to see the trasher and colonists and had diner with us. Bustaf and Pacheco worked all day at Tijaras. Seja worked all day in kinta. Mr Macintosh took Miss Macintosh and Mrs Cornish out rideng. Butchered a vacilla for us. every thing is all right. Dunkin is still sick in bed.

Thursday, 16 January

This morning it was a fine day and no wind. Herman was at the Tijaras. Sent Gustaf and Pacheco to Tijaras to fix berbedos. Mr Macintosh went to Las Lomas to see Jacksens Sent ox cart to station for some thing Seja worked all day Jose half day. This evening Mr Macintosh took the ladys out driveing over to the new town. Butchered a vacilla for Andel. Herman went to see colonist. Botelingk took a horse a way that belonged to Chille.

Friday, 17 January

It was a fine day it got cloudy. Herman took Jose with ox cart and received wheat from Domingo Sariote we received 158. saks in all. He had 1.580 saks. Butchered a vacilla for us. We had a picknick in the garden. Gustaf and Pacheco are still at work at Tijaras, This afternoon Tomarcito worked with ox cart. Jose worked all day carting wheat for us.

Mr Cornish came here and is staying night here. Every thing is all right Mr Macintosh went all over camp

Saturday, 18 January

This morning it was fine weather it was very warm Mr Macintosh and Esidro put cattle on rodero at Tijaras. Herman went to see the trasher every thing is all right. Herman and Jose made a derake to pull the wheat on roof. Bustaf and Pechaco finished at Tijaras. Butchered a vacilla for Andel.

Sunday, 19 January

This morning it was a fine day it was very warm. Butchered a novillo for us. Herman went to see all the Colonists. Herman went to see pulpero Andel. and potreros. Ladys went over to the Las Lomas to see polo. yesterday Maximo took 12 animals. The Dickensons were here Mother is very sick. Butchered a    for Andel.

Monday, 20 January

This morning it was very warm day. Herman sold ten animals to a butcher for 84. Maximo paid for the animals that he took. Herman and all hands at work puting wheat. on the roof to dry.

Mr Dunkin drove Mrs Cornishes children over to Las Lomas. This afternoon Mr Macintosh drove Mrs Cornish and Miss Chute to the station.

Mr Elliott was here. Herman went to see the trasher.

Tuesday, 21 January

This morning it was very warm day Herman and Dunkin went and received wheat from Colonist Jose and Seja worked with cart. we received fivety sacks. Mother is still sick Butchered a vacilla for us. Mr Macintosh went over to stateion to bring Mrs Cornish. Gustaf worked all day in garden. Pacheco hoeded down weads. In afternoon all hands rakeing the wheat on the roof. and lowered it and part, away Mrs Macintosh went in camp and found every thing all right no body came here

Wednesday, 22 January

This morning it was fine weather very warm day. All hands at work with the wheat on the roof. Mr Macintosh went in camp. Put cattle on rodero at Tijaras. Gustaf worked in front garden. Pacheco worked cuting weads. Jose and Seja worked all day. Tattey Dickenson and Governess spent the day here. Herman went to see trasher. Dunkin went to new town.

Thursday, 23 January

This morning it was cloudy and warm. Herman took Jose with cart and recieved wheat we recieved 78 sacks in all to day. Butchered a vacilla for us. Mouricio brough back the horse cart. All hands at sacking wheat and lowering it a puting it into the calpon. Don Louis and Mrs Bertlingk came here. Mr Macintosh took the ladys out redeing. every thing all right. Mother is still sick. We discharged Pacheco today

Friday, 24 January

This morning it was very warm day All hands drying wheat. Herman regulated the accounts at stateion. Mr Cornish came here at noon. This afternoon sent Gustof to stateion to bring two boxes of carosane. Bertlingk was here. It is raining hard and it is windy Mr Cornish took Mrs Cornish and Miss Macintosh out rideing. Jose worked half a day Seja worked all day. Mother is much better. Mr Dunkin went to the Victoria

Saturday, 25 January

This morning it cleared up and was a nice cool day Herman went to see the trashers and the colonists Bertlingk was here Juan Moreno came and took Rosa away. Mrs Cornish and Miss Macintosh went out rideing Butchered a vacilla. finished sacking wheat

Sunday, 26 January

This morning was a fine day. Herman went see trasher. Mr. Parry was here to dinner This afternoon Mr. Wish of Las Rosas was here to tea. Mr Cornish and daughter and Macintosh went to Polo. Herman drove Mrs Cornish and Son over to Polo. Miss Elsie is onwell

Botlingk was here today.

Monday, 27 January

This morning it was fine weather Herman took Jose and Seja with cart and recieved elevan sack of wheat Butchered a vacilla for us. the trashing ingine is burst. Gustaf worked all day long in garden. Bertlingk was here. This afternoon Mr Macintosh dove drove Mrs Cornish and family over to stateion. Gustaf went with horse cart with the lugage Herman went in camp

Tuesday, 28 January

This morning it was fine weather We sent a topo tropo of novillos up to Moyano. The novillos gave some truble to get away.

Herman and Jose went around in the colonie. This afternoon sent Jose down to the Chupinos to see if he could do some carting a Tropo frome the Turbier is here and some natives frome BA are stoping here this evening Seja worked half a day puting earthe to the berbeados it is very stormy it is raining hard.

Wednesday, 29 January

This morning it cleared up was fine day. Herman went in camp Jose worked all day, Seja did not work. Gustaf is still working down at Pelars puesto since yesterday This afternoon Herman went to station and brough Patrona. Maximo Aguilera took 9 animals Mr Macintosh came back with the poen from Cañada de Gomez. Butchered two capons for us. every thing is all right sent Jose over to Las Rosas to get some glycerine

Thursday, 30 January

This morning it was fine weather it got cloudy Herman took the two Pachecos and went down to the Tijaras and cured ten animals that were imbechada. And cured two mars. Mr. Macintosh went in camp. Jose worked half day Seja work half day Gustaf came home for some more calk and sand and thing for puesto. Butchered a novillo for us We cured two animals in south potrero in the evening it drizeled a little Tatos trasher came in our camp to trash.

Friday, 31 January

This morning it was cloudy and drizely weather Herman and Macintosh took the two Pachecos and Manuelito and Esidro and parted out all the young oxen from the novillos and sawed the horns of a novillo. Gustaf went down to Pelars puesto and took Seja along to help. Herman sent Jose up to the Refango with a letter. Herman went to see the trasher The Refango people took 18 animals away. A tropo of cattle shut in our corrall. Refango tropo of mars shut in our corrall. It rained in the evening late.

February 1890

[Likely author: Herman Bz.]

Saturday, 1 February

This morning it was cloudy and rained a little. Mr Macintosh took Manuel and Pacheco and two boys and parted out 12 novillos at Tijaras. Butchered a vacilla for us. Herman and Jose received wheat from Antonio Jose worked half day Gustaf and Seja came home at noon. every thing is all right.

Sunday, 2 February

This morning it is cloudy. Maximo Aguilera came and took 12 animals.

Macintosh went to Polo. Mother and Miss Macintosh went to the Tijaras in big carrage. Colonist girl stealing peaches Herman went to see the two trashers

Monday, 3 February

This morning it was a very warm day Mother went into Canada de Gomez Herman and all hands working with wheat. Mash and another man came and stoped the afternoon here. Herman took Pacheco and Tomasito and put cattle on rodero for Nash, at Tijaras. Sent Gustaf down to Pelars to finish white wash the house Herman went to see trasher. Mr Macintosh went all over camp

Tuesday, 4 February

This morning it was very warm Herman took Jose and Seja with two ox carts and received wheat from Tirante received 68 sacks today. Sent Mr Macintosh and Esidro with the two carrages to bring Mother Mr Spangler and family. Herman went in camp. Gustaf got finished with Pelars house. Herman and poens sacked the wheat on roof and lowered and put wet wheat up

Wednesday, 5 February

This morning it was very warm Herman took Mr Spangler out for a ride. Herman received some more wheat from Tirante 59 sacks Mr Spangler went into Rosario Mr Macintosh drove him over to stateion and Macintosh went to Maximos and reglared the acounts with him. Gustaf worked all day cleaning the barn and cureing Johnies blancos eyes.

Tijaras fence cut by some one body.

Thursday, 6 February

This morning it was fine weather We butchered a cow for us.

Mr Macintosh and the two Pachecos cured some animals down at Tijaras. Gustaf got finished down at Pelars puesto All hands sacking the wheat on the roof and lowered and put in to callpon and we put damp wheat on roof. Macintosh and Herman went in camp.

Friday, 7 February

This morning it got cloudy weather Herman and all hands spreading out the wheat to dry.

Mr Spangler is still here.

This afternoon it rained hard Mother went over to Bertlingks in big carriage at and took Mr Spangler and family over on avisit

Saturday, 8 February

This morning it was a weat day. Herman went to see trashers Mr Robson and Ogelsby came from Chaco We Butchered two capons We sacked the wheat on roof and lowered

Spangler went into Rosario

Sunday, 9 February

This morning it was very warm We butchered a novillo for us.

Mr Macintosh and Ogelsby went over to Las Lomas to Polo

Herman and Robson went in camp

Monday, 10 February

This morning it cloudy

We put some more wheat on the roof to dry.

Herman and Robson went all over the coloney.

This morning afternoon the Miss Dickensons and the two Mr

Macintosh and Ogelsby went over to Las Rosas

We put Mashes calves from horse potrero into the pigmans potrero, every thing is all right.

Tuesday, 11 February

This morning it was a hazy day. Mother and Spanglers family went into Rosario Herman and Robson went to the Tijaras and looked at cattle the colonists stealing fruit from quinta. Gustaf mended fence

Herman and Robson went to see the potreros and went in camp Macintosh went in camp also We discharged Jose for there is no work for him

Wednesday, 12 February

This morning it was very warm

Herman sent Gustaf and Seja down to the Tijaras to fill up 5 wells that were left by colonists. Butchered an old cow for us.

Herman and Macintosh went in camp at noon Geenwood came he called on here on his way up north. Ogelsby went up to the Castanias.

Thursday, 13 February

This morning it was fine weather. Herman and Robson and Manuel and Jose and Esidro went down to the Tijaras and cured 30 animals the hole day long.

Macintosh went over to the Station in big carriage to bring Mother from Rosario Mrs Mass and family came with Mother

Gustaf and Seja are still at work at Tijaras filling up well.

Macintosh went in camp.

Bravo is pulling water at Tijaras till we get a man to pull water

Friday, 14 February

This morning it was very warm day

Herman and Macintosh and Robson and Jose and Manuel went down to Pelars puesto and cured some horses and capared one of the Marchos.

And brought the manada from pigmans potrero into the carrall and cured one mare and a colt.

Gustaf worked all day for Mother

We sacked the wheat on the roof a and put it into calpon.

Saturday, 15 February

This morning it was fine weather

Herman went to see the trashers and Hermans horse run away with sddel [saddle] Macintosh and Robson went in camp Johnie came back at noon from down south. Gustaf worked ½ day

Sunday, 16 February

This morning it was cloudy weather butchered a vacilla for us. Johnie and Macintosh and Robson went to Las Lomas to Polo.

Monday, 17 February

This morning it was fin warm weather. Johnie and Herman and Macintosh and Robson and Manuel and Jose and Esidro went to Tijaras and cured the animals we cured 44 animals in all, This afternoon Botleingks were here with some other people on a visit

Tuesday, 18 February


Wednesday, 19 February

[Likely author: John E. Bz.]

Very hot day. butchered a calf.

Thursday, 20 February

All hands curing animals at the Tijeras.

one horse died from heat.

Johnie went around the colonies.

Friday, 21 February

Very hot day. rained a little off and on nearly all day. Mr Bohllingk came over.

Jose helping Mauricio of the Tijeras look for some missing novillios.

Saturday, 22 February

Tropa of 1400 nov passed by. bought 29 lame novillios from tropero at 12.00 apiece, paid him cash put the nov into the south potrero. mark  [A]

Macintosh Tomasito and Manuel curing animals in the estancia potreros. butchered a calf.

Maximo Agilera took 2 cows and calves 4 vacillas.

Sunday, 23 February

Sold our wheat to Bohtlingk at 8.60 the fanega received 1,300.00 on ac. Macintosh and Johnie played polo at Las Lomas. Mr Ogilvie here.

Bohtlingks came over in the afternoon.

Monday, 24 February

Very warm day. Macintosh Johnie, Jose, Asinetto, and Manuel cured animals from worms. all day at the Tijeras. broke a novillios leg.

Tuesday, 25 February

Fine day. Received from B. Tisante and Mateo Reale as - percentage of wheat. 36 bags wheat.

Sold to Miguel Gonzales – 23 novillietos at 13.50 – 310.50 paid cash down. Sent 2 cartloads of wheat to Station seventy bags-.

Macintosh went over and weighed it off.

Wednesday, 26 February


Thursday, 27 February


Friday, 28 February


March 1890

[Likely author: John E. Bz.]

Saturday, 1 March


Sunday, 2 March


Monday, 3 March

Hot day, put all the rodeos on at the Tijeras and cured animals from worms.

finished before noon. hauled wheat up from colonist to the house.

Tuesday, 4 March

Fine day. Mother and the Miss Macintosh drove over to Larguias and back

Very hot day. Mr Schultz from the Germania came over to see the water drawing machines took him to the Tijeras.

butchered a calf, sent 4 loads of wheat to the station.

Sold to Lindor Mora 10 novillietos at 14.00

Mr Macintoshes brother left

Wednesday, 5 March

Fine day. Mother and the two Miss Macintoshes drove over to Larguias and back. Pig man sold seven pigs for 121.10 @ 3.00 the @ live weight.

Sold to Miguel Gonzalez 100 capons at 2.50 he took fourty away and paid a hundred and twenty five nats on ac.

Sold to Maximo Agilera 4 cows at 14.00. 1 nov at 15.00 2 nov at 14.00. 3 calves at 7.00 – 120.00 total. sent two cart loads of wheat to the station.

butchered a capon weighing 69 lbs clean.

Thursday, 6 March

Sold six pigs for a hundred and ten nats.

butchered a small animal.

Friday, 7 March

Fine day, cool cart men cutting wood

rained pretty hard during the night.

Saturday, 8 March

Very hot day. hauled three cart loads of wheat for Bertaino Pietro to the station.

butchered a small calf.

Sunday, 9 March

Cool day. attended polo at Las Lomas – the ladies and Alfred attended. paid off and discharged the three cart peons.

Monday, 10 March

Sold to Lindor Mora butcher at Las Rosas.

twenty small novillios at 13.00 – 260.00

Pigman sold ten pigs –- 219.00 --–----

Paid to Peter for the buildings fences and trees at the pulperia at the gate one thousand seven hundred nacionals 1,700.00 deducting what he owed us for one years rent of forety eight squares of land 206.40 and one years rent of pulperia 250.00 so only paid him 1,243.60 in cash. Peters term was up on the Jan 1/90.

Alfred Herman Macintosh and Manuel cured animals at the Tijeras. Johnie and Gustaf bagged all the wheat

Tuesday, 11 March

Warm day. got all the oxen together, parted 34 of the best working bullocks out and put them into the puesto potrero, and the rest all the oldest heaviest oxen (twenty two) put into the big south potrero to sell.

Alfred and Johnie went to Las Lomas.

butchered a cow.

Wednesday, 12 March

Countermarked a potro and gave certificado to Jose Gorosito. present as he leaves for Santiago.

Sold 17 pigs for 339.00 received our share.—- 169.50

Received 400. for rent. Received from F Martinez for header ac. 392.00

Mr, Mrs Carpenter and Miss Houston had breakfast here.

Mr and Mrs Bohtlingk Miss Roth and Bohtlingks cousin came over in the afternoon.

Thursday, 13 March

Sold 7 pigs 139.00. planted posts around the stacks at the back of the galpon.

Macintosh and Alfred drove to the station.

a bucket broke at the Tijeras. put up a new one.

Alfred and Johnie dined at the Tijeras. Santa Clara.

Friday, 14 March

Fine day. William and family arrived, got off the train opposite the estancia.

paid O. Bantle’s ac. 259.94

received from Linda Mora 260. for reses-.

    "     "   colonists rent and nov. 263.00

butchered a cow.

Saturday, 15 March

Rained quite hard in the afternoon. took William arround the potreros. and to Bohtlingks.

Sunday, 16 March

Sold 3 pigs – 56.50. Johnie and Macintosh attended polo. Mr Robson came over.

Mr Kinchant and Ogilby here for the night.

Monday, 17 March

Fine day put all the cattle at the Tijeras on rodeo, cured worms’. shewed William all around the potreros. butchered a nov.

Mr Parry Miss Williams Miss Tattie Dickinson and Miss Cornish had breakfast here.

Tuesday, 18 March

Fine day. received from Delfino Bautista a vale from Bohtlingk for 300.00. for rent.

Mr Higham with a tropa of novillio. passed here had breakfast. Willie Alfred Macintosh and Johnie went to Rosario. Alfred and Macintosh go to the Chaco.

Wednesday, 19 March


Thursday, 20 March


Friday, 21 March

William and Johnie came back, brought Mr Kublank and a Mr Videla back with them. butchered a cow. took Mr Videla around the Tijeras Herman took Kublank to Las Rosas.

Miss Dickinson and Miss Trail rode over.

Saturday, 22 March

Rained heavy all day. William and Johnie rode to Monte de Oca and back before breakfast. bought two ploughs there. Mr Vedela and Kublank left. William left for Enter Rios took Herman along with him, gave him 150. to pay expenses.

Sunday, 23 March

Rained heavy all night. Johnie shot a dozen ducks. arranged about the rent of the pulperia with Antonio Andel he pays us three hundred nats a year, did not make contract yet.

Mothe, Clara, Miss Macintosh and the children drove over to the Santa Clara.

Monday, 24 March

Beautifull day. Gustaf brought three loads of wood from the station in horse cart four in hand. Johnie and Ogilvie went all around the colonie and Tijeras.

Sent fourteen oxen to colonists to plough.

found one of the chestnut colt dead.

Tuesday, 25 March

Beautifull day. took the two boys and Ogilvie to the Tijeras. Kemmis sent over twelve men and parted all the calves out of his cows. 110 calves. and took them to Las Rosas – he pays .60 for each calf he takes

Gustaf finished hauling the wood from the station.

sent him to the Tijeras to put a new piece of leather into a pileta valve.

hired a peon at 1.00 the day to mend fences --.

Clara and Johnie rode to Las Lomas in the evening.

Mr and Mrs Bohtlingk and Miss Roth came over.

Wednesday, 26 March

Rained nearly all afternoon. sent Ogilvie, Isidro and Mauricio to look for animals strayed from the Tijeras. sent Hattie and Katy to spend the day at Las Lomas. Johnie arreglared our wheat and other ac. with Bohtlingk. butchered a calf.

Thursday, 27 March

Cold nasty day. Johnie went around the colonie and to Las Rosas and to the station.

Friday, 28 March

Beautifull day. Ogilvie and Johnie blacksmithing. Mother and the ladies and children drove to the station and to Las Rosas. Miss Dickinson and Miss Williamson rode over. tropa shut in corral. Santiagenians stopping the night.

payed the RR monthly freight and encomienda bill 69.50.

Saturday, 29 March

Beautifull day. put the rodeos, at the Tijeras on recorered the other rodeos. and potreros.

butchered two capons.

Sunday, 30 March

Fine day. colonist payed rent. Mr Whish sent over 66.00 payment of 110 calves three months in the alfalfa. butchered a cow. Donkin and Robson here for breakfast. Ogilvy and Johnie attended polo.

Monday, 31 March

Man still recorering fences, gave the Rosas people rode at the Tijeras to part the calves that came back traded two young oxen to B. Tisante for two big ones.

recorered the potreros – brought the potros up into the corral.

April 1890

[Likely author: John E. Bz.]

Tuesday, 1 April

Rec from Bohtlingk on ac of wheat 300. Ogilvy and Johnie put rodeos on at the Tijeras. Mrs Bohtlingk and Miss Roth came over to breakfast and spent the day. Mr Ogilvy drove the children to Las Lomas in the afternoon.

Wednesday, 2 April

Clara and the children left for B.A.

Johnie went to Rosario to see Clara off.

Miss Macintosh went along as far as C. de Gomez. to stay with Mrs Cornish.

Thursday, 3 April


Friday, 4 April

Johnie and Miss Macintosh came back.

Mr Tregarthen just out from England came with him.

Bought yerba and sugar in Rosario.

also six machines to sow alfalfa.

Saturday, 5 April

Took some bullocks as sinuelo to the Tijeras and parted animals from one potrero to the other.

Hired a new capataz. discharged the old one.

Sunday, 6 April

Bought from Tregarthen two mares  [WH] four potrancas  [JB]

one redemon petiso  [JB] and one mulita orejano all for 50.00. Miguel Gonzalez sent for the rest of the capons— 60 and paid for them. makes 100 he took for 250.00

Monday, 7 April

Fine day foggy morning. Johnie went to the Rafango spent the day there with Mr Nash.

butchered a novillieto.

Johnie sold one of his polo ponies to the station master for sixty nats.

Tuesday, 8 April

Beautifull day. shot an old horse in the alfa potrero and put strichnie in the meat to poison dogs.

took tigres manada back to the Tijeras.

Johnie shot some partridges

put the novillios in the stack potrero on rodeo.

Mrs Bohtlingk Miss Roth and Mr Hickitier came over to tea.

Wednesday, 9 April

Very warm sultry day. put the rodeor at the Tijeras on. Gustof working at the Tijeras, cleaning the trees at the wells. Man finished recorering the fences. began to make the fence around the wells. stacks.

The french people from the station came over in the evening.

Thursday, 10 April

Warm sultry day. took all the cattle out of the south potrero and put them into the horse potrero.

butchered a cow. paid Sargiotte 55.40 for bags.

Mr Parry was here for breakfast.

Friday, 11 April

Warm sultry day, made three new stalls in the stable. out of old bebida and pileta boards.

Donkin was here, gave him 200.00 cash.

a tropa locks in for the night.

Mother and the two Miss Macintoshes drove over to Bohtlingks in the afternoon to tea.

Sent horse cart over to the station to bring out things came from Rosario. 6 alfa seeders. a barrel yerba two bags sugar and a box of feretteria.

Saturday, 12 April

Strong wind storm last night, rained a little. worked all day in the galpon.

Sent to the station to buy some screws and boards-.

spent 15.00. also got some hinges which Kublank sent up from the Cañada, beautiful day.

Sunday, 13 April

Very warm sultry day, butchered a nov.

Olilvie and Johnie attended polo.

Monday, 14 April

Johnie and Ogilvie blacksmithing all morning. Mr Nash and a Mr Hughs here for breakfast. took them down to the Tijeras in the afternoon. Mr Whish and Mr Lowe came over to tea. brought up the bullocks from the puesto. Bohtlingks brother bought a horse from Ogilvie.

Tuesday, 15 April

Warm day. Sent three cart loads of wheat to the station 106 bags, sold it to Bohtlingk for nine nats the fanega. loaded the carts again in the evening.

Ogilvie went to Las Rosas to dispatch the wheat.

Johnie blacksmithing in the morning, finished the stable. tremendous lot of mosca brava.

Wednesday, 16 April

Warm sultry day, rained a little. hauled the rest of the wheat 99 bags to the station.

a tropa of nov from the Rafango gave water here and shut in for the night. 1061 head of nov. butchered a nov. Johnie changed all the padlocks on the potrero gates.

Thursday, 17 April

Hot sultry day. parted some animals out of the horse potrero and took them to the puesto. reset the corralon gate. finished hauling earth into the corralon.

Friday, 18 April

Beautifull day, recorered the Tijeras potreros.

lent 6 bullocks to a colonist.

Sent Ogilby to Las Lomas to get certificates in the afternoon. Sent Gustof to station to buy a bag of flour a bag of coal and to get a window for the galpon.

Johnie went out shooting in the evening. a tropa of cattle from the Inhierto passed. hauled earth around the bebidas at the peon house.

Saturday, 19 April

Fine day. Johnie working in the shop all day.

Gustaf helping, peon busy carpering path to cemetary.

Mother and ladies went out driving.

Sunday, 20 April

Strong north wind, Oglivie and Johnie attended polo butchered a cow.

Monday, 21 April

Very warm day. flies awfully bad,

Gustaf went down to the Tijeras to paint the wood work on the house and work around the wells.

Tuesday, 22 April

Very warm cloudy day, foggy morning.

Johnie went to Las Rosas and to the station.

Bohtlingk came over in the evening, received a vale for 2.007.80$ on Lang Sager y Cia. Cañada de Gomez. on wheat ac.

Wednesday, 23 April

Very hot day. peculiar haze in the sky.

Don Justo Salvatreria, butcher, was here today sold him the nov Moyano left 58 head at 25.00 apiece he pays in a few day. he has a months plaso to take the animals away. showed him the animals at the Tijeras. Mother drove to the Tijeras in the evening.

Thursday, 24 April

Fine day. Mother went to Rosario by mornings train.

Mr Ogilvie drove her to the station.

Gustaf finished work at the Tijeras.

butchered a cow.

Rec a letter from C.P. Hall from Chusmalal.

Friday, 25 April

Strong north wind, coolish. not many fliest

took Solomons manada to the pig potrero and brought Monte Cristos mares into the stable as he has a sore foot.

Gustaf mended the machine at the Tijeras house.

Saturday, 26 April

Very hot day. strong north wind.

butchered a nov.

Macintosh came back. rode station masters horse over.

Sunday, 27 April

Very hot day. strong north wind.

sent carriage to the station to get Macintoshes things.

all hands played polo.

Monday, 28 April

Rained a little during the night. and some today. men hauled earth around the bebidas in the south paddock. Gustaf working in the shop in the afternoon.

butchered a cow.

Tuesday, 29 April

Rained a little during night.

Johnnie started for Cordoba. Gustof fixing water drawing machine in No 3 potrero, Tijeras. Ferora put earth round bebidas in S. paddock. Butcher took some animals from horse potrero.

Wednesday, 30 April

Very hot day. Gustof fixing machine. Ferera fencing. Hyam came with tropa.

May 1890

[Likely author: John E. Bz.]

Thursday, 1 May

Gale of wind during night; blew sheet of zinc off stable. Rained most of forenoon. Gustof in shop. Peon fencing. Butchered novillo in horse paddock.

The misses Dickenson came over.

Received from Santiago de Petros as rent 400.00

Friday, 2 May

Cold north south wind. Lent 4 bullocks to colonist.

Mrs Cornish & daughter came.

Saturday, 3 May

Beautiful day. South wind. Flies bad.

Macintosh, Ogilvie & two boys put on rodeos in potreros 1 & 3.

Johnie came back.

Sunday, 4 May

Johnie took to Cordoba from home 1.076.90 received in C. de Gomez from Salvatierra for 58 nov 1.450.00 from Heiland for wheat sold to Bohtlingk 2.007.80, received in Cordoba from Moyano 1.200.00, paid to Juan Birmingham to by alfa seed with 5.600.00, paid to Girling 60.00 for a wagon wood. and Johnie expenses of trip was 68.70 fraught back 6.00 -----

Very cold morning. beautifull weather. Mrs and Miss Cornish here.

Paid to Pilar 292.10. arreglared up to May 5/90

Monday, 5 May

Beautifull weather. Mrs Cornish and Maggie left. Miss E. Macintosh went along. goes to stay a few days with Mrs Cornish.

Mr Mallet and Mr Loader came out in the evening train brought dogs and guns along to shoot.

Parted out two biggest potros for Manuel to tame.

Tuesday, 6 May

Mr Mallet and Loader out shooting. collared five nov for B. Tisante  [A] fiared.

Manuel domaring.

Mother and Macintosh drove to station brought back Mrs Tome and two children and nurse from Cordoba.

gustaf working in shop.

Wednesday, 7 May

Very warm sultry day. Loader Mallet Ogilvie and Johnie went duck shooting.

In the afternoon Macintosh and Johnie played polo at Las Lomas. in the evening Macintosh and his sister went to Las Lomas to a dance, came back early in the morning. Manuel domaring.

Thursday, 8 May

Received from Cuello 144.00 for 8 nov sold him.

a man came wants to buy hides and hair. sold to him.

Mother and Mrs Tome drove to the Tijeras.

loaded up the hides hair and alfa bags into the cart.

Mr and Mrs James came in a hired carriage.

Friday, 9 May

Gustaf took the hides to the station weighed hides and hair.

90  hides  897 K  at  365  the  10K.     327.40

1 bag horse hair 20½ K. @ 8 the 10K. ---  16.00

2  "   cow  hair 41  K  @ 6  "  10K. ---  24.06

Sent 350 empty alfa bags to Bell Ville to Birmingham.

Johnie drove Mr and Mrs James to the station.

Very hot day.

Saturday, 10 May

Rained pretty hard last night. strong south wind very cold. Johnie went to Carcaraña and back. by train. Mother and Mrs Tome visited Bohtlingks.

Sunday, 11 May


Monday, 12 May

Beautiful day. Johnie went to B. Aires.

Mrs Benitz drove to Las Rosas with Mrs Thome.

Butchered novillo in horse potrero.

Tuesday, 13 May

Cold dull day. Manuel drove in big carriage to Larguias & brought bag of flour from Germania.

Gustof ploughed piece of land for potatoes.

Mrs & two Misses Saint-John & Mr & Mrs Bohtlingk came to tea.

Wednesday, 14 May

Mrs Benitz Mrs Thome & family went to Cordoba.

Nash stayed all night, also Robinson.

Thursday, 15 May

Butchered cow in horse paddock

Received for Nash 85 novillos & put them into South potrero. Nash went to Tijeras to see his potrancas. Nash & Robinson looked at pigs and stayed all night. Mrs Cornish & Miss E. Macintosh came today.

Friday, 16 May

Nash & his friend Ramon A Lopez Lecube, and Robinson left today. Nash's men parted & took away 15 cows from No2 potrero.

Saturday, 17 May

Cold fine day. Parted some potrancas, mules & horses from pig potrero to Pilar's. Gustof & Jose worked all day in garden.

Sunday, 18 May

Drove Mrs Cornish & Maggie to the Rosas.

Butchered novillo in horse paddock.

Monday, 19 May

Fine day. Fixed machine in No 4 potrero. Ciriaco began to pull water at Tijeras. Marull's tropa locked in big corral, about 1300 head.

Tuesday, 20 May

Dry cold day. Went round colony & all the potreros. Another tropa of Marrull's locked in, about 600 head.

Wednesday, 21 May

Put on rodeos in potreros Nos 1 & 4

Butchered novillo in horse potrero. Johnie came back. and brought two butchers. Don Nazario Casas from Cordoba. and Bartolo Tiscornio.

Thursday, 22 May

Foggy morning. Showed all the cattle at Tijeras to the butchers. One butcher went to the Rosas, the other stayed all night. Mr Bohtlingk & Mr Shultz called.

Friday, 23 May

Very warm day. sent. B. Tiscornia to the station. recorered the potreros. Manuel domaring.

Hired a peon at .50 set him to work taking down Peters potrero.

Saturday, 24 May

Very mild cloudy day. braught up the potrancas and mules from puesto and put them into the stack potrero. took the mares from stack potrero and put them into the pig potrero and the two manadas from pig potrero into the puesto potrero caught up the three stallions, stabled them.

butchered a nov. Manuel domaring.

Sunday, 25 May

Cold disagreeable day. Avelino came back from the expedition to Neuquen. braught three horses- for Johnie. all hands attended polo at Las Lomas.

Monday, 26 May

Cold day. Received the first lot of alfa seed from Bell Ville. sent horse cart over braught 37 bags-.

Mr Whish came over in the afternoon.

Mr Nash sent 100 nov from C. de Gomez put them into the south paddock.

Seja working taking down Peters potrero.

Tuesday, 27 May

Sunny day, made two trips with horse cart. brot over all the alfa seed 70 bags.

butchered a cow.

Avelino got up the tropilla of redemons.

Wednesday, 28 May

Warm cloudy day. Avelino and Tomasito took redemon tropilla to Las Rosas and braught over a potro tordillio that was there.

Gustaf braught wire from Peters fence.

Mrs Larguia sent a peon to get flowers-.

Thursday, 29 May

Rained pretty hard during the forenoon. peons could not work. blacksmithing.

Robinson stays the night.

Friday, 30 May

Showed Robinson the pigs. tratared to sell him all our share of the pigs at 12.00 al corte.

Rained during the night. ground splendid for ploughing.

Saturday, 31 May

Beautifull day. Sent Gustaf to the station to get 5 bags of potatoes. two peons taking down Peters fence. butchered an old cow, staked hide for lasso

Mr and Mrs Bohtlingk came over to tea.

Macintosh and boys took polo ponies to C. de Gomez. to play match tomorrow.

June 1890

[Likely author: John E. Bz.]

Sunday, 1 June

Fine day. Johnie and Haward and Maggie Cornish drove to the C. de Gomez. in little carriage.

played polo match against C. de G. camp beat.

Monday, 2 June

Beautifull warm day. Macintosh Johnie and Hayward came back from C. de Gomez. before breakfast.

Received 192.00 from a colonist for old nov. ac.

Tuesday, 3 June

Fine sunny day. Recorered all the potreros. In the afternoon. Macintosh and Gustaf went to Las Lomas to borrow some hurdles to make pens to part pigs.

butchered a cow.

Wednesday, 4 June

Macintosh Johnie and Gustaf put up the hurdles in the pig corral. sent carriage to station braught Mother, Mr Nash and Mr Tippinge.

Thursday, 5 June

Warm sultry day. took Mr Nash around the potreros.

sent him to the station.

Mr Robinson and Mr Ishwood came in the evening take the pigs away in the morning.

butchered a cow.

gave colonist a carada of rama.

Herman arrived in hired trap from the station. came back from Entre Rios.

Friday, 6 June

Fine day. all hands out got all the pigs into the pens. and divided them. the pig man and Robinson picking alternately. our share was- 246. we kept back two of the best b sows- and Robinson baught the rest. 244 at 12.00 he drove them off to the Cañada de Gomez.

he is to pay for them next week,

parted out 12 of the best young sows from the pig mans lot.

Robinson and Ishwood stay here for the night.

Saturday, 7 June

Started Jose Ferera to sow alfa on Bertaino Pietros land.

sent two bullock carts to the station to bring over 101 bags of alfa seed one cart broke its axle at the station had to send horse cart to bring the rest of the seed.

sent an ox cart to the pig man to bring up the twelve sows.

butchered a cow

Sunday, 8 June

Cold day. played polo at Las Lomas-.

Salvatierra here for the night.

Monday, 9 June

Frosty morning. put peon at digging out posts at Peters. Sent cart to Station got two bags yerba three bags sugar and one box tea, carted a load of parts down from Peters.

Mr. Robinson here for the night.

Mr and Mrs Bohtlingk called on.

Jose sowing alfalfa.

Tuesday, 10 June

Set posts for pig paddock. boring holes.

Took Mr Whish to set Kemmises cattle at the Tijeras.

Mr Kublank died.

butchered a small animal.

Wednesday, 11 June

Cloudy day, all hands working on pig fence.

Herman and Manuel got some animals into the potrero. that had gotten out in a break in the fence.

Jose sowing alfalfa. sent seed there.

Thursday, 12 June

Very cold day, strong south wind, coldest day had yet.

all hands at the pig fence.

braught up a new milch cow from the puesto.

butchered a cow.

a tropa locked in.

Robinson here for the night.

Friday, 13 June

Very cold day. Strong north wind. Robinson left.

Sent Tippinge to the station.

worked at pig fence. Jose sowed alfalfa

Saturday, 14 June

Very cold cloudy day. north wind.

men finished pig fence. Johnie paid R.R freight bill also bill at Piquet Limuniere.

Sent Gustaf to the station. to buy a 2x3 tirante and 2 one inch boards. 85 bags of alfa seed arrived at station.

Sunday, 15 June

Cold cloudy day, played polo, butchered a cow.

Monday, 16 June

Cloudy drizzly day. started another man sowing.

hauled 70 bags of alfa seed from the station.

Ogilvie went to the Rafango.

sent Avelino to cobrar ac from colonist.

Tuesday, 17 June

Very cold day. strong south wind, cloudy.

The two Miss Macintoshes went to Rosario.

got over the rest of the alfa seed 15 bags.

started to sow at two new colonists but had to stop-

butchered a cow.

Wednesday, 18 June

Cold day. south wind could not sow.

turned ten pigs into the pig potrero.

Justo Salvatierra sent for the 58 nov. out of stack potrero.

carpentering and blacksmithing.

Thursday, 19 June

Quite warm day, cloudy, started another sowing machine. braught up the potros and parted out the invernada horses 20 and put them into the pig potrero.

braught up the potrancas and parted out a few horses.

butchered a novillio.

Herman and Gustaf fixed fence around the stacks.

Young Hall got stuck in the Cañada, sent peon to get him out.

Misses Macintoshes came back.

Friday, 20 June

Cold cloudy day. four machines sowing alfalfa.

Gustaf and Eusebio setting gates anew and mending fences. Young Hall and Herman shooting martineta. a lot of skins from the tanner arrived. Macintoshes shooting in the chaco.

Saturday, 21 June

Cold cloudy day. sent horse cart to the station to get 13 tirantes 4x4 pine tea to put on the top of the posts on horse corral. tirantes were sent from Rosario. four machines sowing alfalfa.

cleaned up all the vasura from around peon houses

Young Hall left.

Sunday, 22 June

Beautifull day. sent gardener to Germania for 1 bag bran and two of flour. played polo at Las Lomas-. station master came over to shoot martineta.

Monday, 23 June

Fine day. started all the alfa sowers (5) on fresh pieses of land. Cuello came over and took away 99 cows of Kemmis from the Tijeras. for Salvatierra.

Miguel Fraire on a visit here.

Mr Tippinge left.

Tuesday, 24 June

Very foggy morning. but fine day. lent Miguel Fraire a horse to go to the Castanias.

Young Hall came back. all hands busy sowing.


Herman and Gustaf working at Tijeras wells.

Wednesday, 25 June

Very heavy fog nearly all day. Johnie and Manuel and the two boys hand cured all the sheep and señelared and capared thirty three lambs. Young Hall shooting. Miguel Fraire left.

Thursday, 26 June

Beautifull day, finest day this winter.

took ox cart to pig mans and braught up 6 capons- twelve embra pigs. traded for 3 cows and calves and 4 vacillas. put them into patrerito with rest of pigs.

five machines sowing.

Mr Begg another gentleman Mr Hall and Johnie went out shooting in the afternoon and killed fourty martinetas.

Mr Bohtlingk came over.

Friday, 27 June

Fine day. foggy morning. Miss M. Macintosh left. for Buenos Aires. five machines sowing.


Gustaf getting posts at colonists tapera.

Saturday, 28 June

Warm sunny day. north wind. five machines sowing.

Sunday, 29 June

Strong north wind getting very dry. played polo at Las Lomas. Donkin here.

Monday, 30 June

Fine warm day. Johnie hand cured the sheep and señalared and capared 200 lambs.

Miss E Macintosh went to Rosario. five machines sowing. butchered a nov. Mr Bohtlingk came over in the evening. Mr James from Carcaraña came up in train Herman drove him over. he comes up to look at pig mans pigs-.

Men from Rosario here to take cattle. (Kemmises) from the Tijeras.

Nash sent to Birmingham a cheque for 1.000.00 for alfa seed.

July 1890

Tuesday, 1 July

Warm day. five machines working. Salvatierra took 150 of Kemmises cows away. Manuel and Isidro helped part. Nash shut in twenty stallions in corrall.

Herman drove Mr James to C. de Gomez.

Wednesday, 2 July

Strong north wind, cloudy day, damp, Herman came back brot back Dr Carr. sent him on to Las Lomas.

Mr Munroes cousin here for breakfast. from the Caledonia.

started three men to sow in fresh places-.

took down horse corrall, will put it up fresh.

butchered a novillio.

Thursday, 3 July

Very warm sultry day. cloudy and stormy.

worked on horse corrall.

Herman with peon and bullock cart brot over 64 bags alfa seed.

Mr Robson here for the night.

five machines sowing.

Friday, 4 July

Beautifull day. the glorious fourth of July  Hurrah!

worked on the horse corall all day.

four machines sowing.

butchered a capon

Herman worked at Tijeras mending bucket.

Saturday, 5 July

Johnie rode to C. de Gomez and back, received from Robinson for the pigs. 1.928. cash. he had sent. 1.000. to Birmingham for the alfa seed. Hauled 68 bags of seed from the station today.

some visitors from Rosario here today.

Sunday, 6 July

Fine sunny day, rather dry, played polo at Los Lomas, rode over to the station to see H. Dickinson and Sisters off. they go to England.

Monday, 7 July

Fine weather. visitors left. brot back 2 bags stove coal in the carriage. peons drunk from yesterday, worked on horse corrall.

Tuesday, 8 July

Heavy frost this morning, butchered a nov.

Miss Macintosh and brother came back.

Wednesday, 9 July

Very heavy frost this morning. worked at horse corrall. five machines sowing.

Johnie and Macintosh went to the Independencia.

Thursday, 10 July

Fine day. Johnie went to the Germania and bought eleven picked sows for 260.00

five machines sowing.

butchered a fat pig

butchered a novillio.

Friday, 11 July

Herman and peon took ox cart and braught the eleven pigs from the Germania, coming through the puesto gate, the peon fell off of the cart and got run over. hurt very badly, three ribs broken, braught him up in the carriage. Dr Donkin got the case in hand. Johnie went to station and Las Rosas. paid R.R. freight bills and other accounts there. very frosty mornings.

Sent a valor of 1.105.$ to Birmingham

Saturday, 12 July

Fine day, domaring potros. five machines sowing.

Mr Bohtlingk called on. tropa shut in.

Sunday, 13 July

Warm day. butchered, played polo at Los Lomas-.

Monday, 14 July

Very warm day. four machines sowing alfa.

Manuel domaring. brot up two bebidas for the pigs, sent to Santa Clara and got twenty bags- of cleanings of wheat at .40 cts the bag return the empty bags.

Herman went to Las Leones to look at a boar.

gave a native a cart load of dry alfa.

Robson here.

Tuesday, 15 July

Warm sultry day, north wind looks like rain.

Herman came back.

Donkin and Robson went to Las Chilcas.

Wednesday, 16 July

Strong south wind, no rain, wind too strong to sow alfalfa. blacksmithing.

Mother went to Carcaraña to visit Jameses.

Herman drove her to the station.

butchered a cow. sent the hide to Pilar to make lasso.

Thursday, 17 July

Beautifull warm day. The Carpenters from Los Hermanos spent the day here. Donkin and Robson drove to the Castanias. borrowed the pig mans boar.

Friday, 18 July

Strong north wind, could not sow alfalfa.

butchered a cow, blacksmithing.

Saturday, 19 July

Strong north wind. Johnie went to Las Rosas- got 200$ from Wish on ac. of invernada. Herman went to C. de Gomez. rode to the station. Mother and Herman came back, brot a servant girl back with her.

Sunday, 20 July

Strong north wind, warm and looks like rain. regulated our ac. with B. Cuffia. French pulpero was here. showed some land to some colonists. played polo. Miss Macintosh drove to Las Lomas. received 13 bags maize from colonists as 12/00

Monday, 21 July

Stormy day. but did not rain too bad.

Donkin and Robson left for the Chaco. Macintosh drove them to Diaz, took two greyhounds along. butchered a cow, received eleven 14 bags of maize as 12/00 from colonist. strong south wind. sold winchester to Robson for 85.00.

Received a cheque from Whish as – invernada payment.

Cuello took 67 cows of Kemmis out of the Tijeras.

Herman brought Norman Hall from the station. a recero from Cordoba is here for the night. Ignacio Fraire.

Tuesday, 22 July

Cloudy dismal day. took Ignacio Fraire around the cattle. lent Norman Hall a horse to go to the 51. Macintosh came back.

Ogilvie here for the night.

Discharged the gardener and his wife, the cook, paid them off. 348.00.

Sent to the station and got 22 trancas that came from Rosario.

Wednesday, 23 July

Rained a little during the night. and drizzled during a part of the day. Herman and Gustaf working mending the two big corralls, resetting the tranceros. and putting new trancas up.

a tropa locked in. Ogilvie left.

Thursday, 24 July

Very cold day. misty. finished working on big corral. butchered a cow.

some troperos here for the night.

Friday, 25 July

Very heavy frost this morning. but nice warm day. three machines sowing alfalfa.

Cuello took 48 of Kemmis cows from the Tijeras.

butchered two fat pigs.

Mother drove to the station in carriage.

Saturday, 26 July

Heavy frost this morning. but fine warm day.

Johnie and boys hand cured the sheep and señalared a hundred. 100. capons lambs.

Mr Hall and Salvatierra here for the night.

three machines sowing alfa.

Sunday, 27 July

Tremendous exitement, seems revolution has broken out in B.A. commisions going about catching all the peons. eighty men called on at eleven last night, on their way to C. de Gomez. Mr Hall went down with the train.     played polo.

Monday, 28 July

Warm day. peons all hiding. one cleared out

Macintosh rode down to the Independencia.

Herman ploughing in the quinta.

Tuesday, 29 July

Warm sultry day. horse cart went to station brot back 2 bags sugar one bag yerba.

Herman ploughing in quinta. Gustaf cutting willow slips and planting in the furrows.

Johnie pruning trees at puesto.

got an Italian sowing alfalfa, peons all hiding.

Wednesday, 30 July

Strong north wind. peons still hiding

commisions going about. rumors of fighting in B.A. revolution of troops against government.


Thursday, 31 July

Strong warm north wind, hope it will rain

wheat coming up very thin. alfalfa not at all

Johnie all day at puesto pruning and trans planting trees. peons sowed a little in the morning planted about 2000 willow slips in the quinta in plough furrows.

August 1890

Friday, 1 August

Strong north wind, Johnie worked at puesto all day.

Herman pruning trees at quinta.

brought up a cart load of alfa to the house.


Saturday, 2 August

South wind looks rainy. Macintosh and the two boys took the ponies to C. de Gomez to play polo on Sunday.

Mr Hayward here for the night.

brought from the station a hundred bags of barley for seed at .45 the @ $235.80 bought it from Heighland.

Revolution is over.

Sunday, 3 August

Rained hard all day. splendid!

Johnie and Hayward started to drive to C. de Gomez but had to turn back, it rained so.

A. tropa locked in for tonight

Macintosh came back, boys and ponies also.

Monday, 4 August

Rained all last night and nearly all day. no work done, Gustaf worked in blacksmith shop.

Tuesday, 5 August

Cleared up. but very cold day. south wind

Anacleta filling up around the bebidas in south paddock. Eusebio digging in the garden.

butchered a nov.

Mrs and Mr Bohtlingk came over in the afternoon.

Wednesday, 6 August

Fine sunny day. but very cold morning.

Macintosh bought 150 sheep from F Smythies. at 4.00 a head senal punta lansa a lado derecho y oreja rajada las otra [ear-mark spear point right side and ear slit the other]. He and Donald brought them home.

Gustaf finished pruning the trees around the wells at the Tijeras.

Anacleta finished putting earth around the bebidas.

Jose sowed all day alfalfa.

Cuellos men came to part Kemmis cows from the Tijeras.

Thursday, 7 August

Received 600.$ from Kemmis for invernada

Paid to F Smythies 600.$ for the 150 sheep.

Cuello took 50 of Kemmises cows out

Johnie rode to C. de Gomez and back. he paid Heiland for the barley seed 281.75, and saddler and tailors bills. fine day.

brought up a load of dry alfalfa

Friday, 8 August

Fine day. transplanting trees. pruning.

butchered a novillio.

hauled a load of weeds to the peons house.

Donald taking care of the sheep.

Saturday, 9 August

Fine day. Mother and Gustaf transplanting trees at the Tijeras. Herman and Anacleta braught some groceries arrived at the station from C. de Gomez. Macintosh and Johnie. and boys hand curing the sheep at the puesto. senalared 28 lambs. a pig got seven young ones. shut up another that will pig in a few days.

Sunday, 10 August

Beautifull day. brought up the manada from the Tijeras. (Tigres) shut in the potros in corrall all day. Visitors here from the Leones.

Played polo at Las Lomas.

Monday, 11 August

Strong north wind, warm. got up all the manadas and marked 31 foals and 30 fillies and six mules broke one fillies neck. seperated the foals and put them amoung the potros and put them into potrero No 3 at the Tijeras. 139 in all. and the fillies mixed them with the potrancas and put them down into the puesto. put Tegres manada into horse potrero. Maemgos into the stack paddock. and Solomons and Monte Cristos into the south paddock. Gustaf went with cart and four horses to the Santa Clara and brought over 60 bags wheat cleanings at .50cts the bag.

Tuesday, 12 August

North wind in the forenoon and south in the afternoon.

Sent to the puesto for the hurdles and cured and senalared Macintoshes sheep.

Jose sowing alfalfa at Tirantes.

Wednesday, 13 August

Strong south wind, very cold. Johnie rode to the Rafango and back. brought Mr Nash back with him, took him around the potreros where his cattle are. Gustaf planting trees at the Tijeras, Mercedes and Eusebio mending fences.

Jose sowing alfalfa, Macintoshes horse broke its leg.

skinned it, gave the meat to the pigs


put another pig into a separate pen. to get young.

Calistro gathering weeds.

Thursday, 14 August

Cold morning and cold south wind all day.

received a cart load of maize in espiga.

two sows got young ones.

Gustaf worked at the Tijeras.

Friday, 15 August

Rec 20 bags maize as 12/00 of maize crop from C. Bolino.

Beautifull day nice and warm.

butchered a nov and two capons.

Mr Kinchant sent his ponies down.

another pig got young ones-.

Saturday, 16 August

Fine day. Johnie transplanted some trees at the puesto (figs) and at the house. killed a lot of rats.

Macintosh and the two boys took the ponies to C. de Gomez.

Mr Kinchants and Haywards also went.

Hauled up weeds. Anacleta harrowing weeds.

Sunday, 17 August

Mr Hayward and Johnie drove to C. de Gomez.

played the polo players there. beat them.

Monday, 18 August

Mr Macintosh and Hayward came back.

Johnie went to Carcaraña.

Mr Nash sent 26 novillios at 1.00 put them into the stack potrero.

Cuello took 40 cows of Kemmises from the Tijeras.

butchered a cow.

Tuesday, 19 August

Johnie came back bought a bull three yars old nearly thorough bred from Mr Nash for 150.00m/n

Mr Nash took 117 potrancas from the Tijeras. he left 6 here.

Wednesday, 20 August

Beautifull day. transplanted paraiso trees around peon house. Herman recorered the Tijeras.

brought up a load of alfalfa. also three bedidas from the pigmans.

Mother and Miss Macintosh drove to town.

Thursday, 21 August

Strong north wind, cloudy in the evening, looks like rain. Raymundo fetched the barley seeds to sow tomorrow.

butchered a novillio.

Old Sosa here.

Friday, 22 August

South wind. made a box for a bridge down in the Cañada, drove eight tirantes into the mud and made sides and top out of old bebida boards.

Jose sowing alfalfa at Terantes. sent seed to Raimundos.

Bohtlingk's came over in the afternoon.

took two potros and the Jack down to the Tijeras.

Saturday, 23 August

Jose sowing alfalfa.

Cold cloudy day, butchered a cow. skinned a mare that died, also a novillio some troperos left here. Mercedes and Anacleta began to make the earthworks for the bridge. pay them 35.00 for making it

brought up the invernada horses put them into south paddock.

Sunday, 24 August

Beastly day. strong south wind. drizzling cold rain.

played polo at Las Lomas.

Monday, 25 August

Cold south wind. but cleared up, could not work

Tuesday, 26 August

Beautifull warm day, Mercedes and Anacleta working on the bridge,

butchered a novillio,

Jose sowing alfalfa. hand cured Macintoshes sheep one lamb died.

stopping with earth holes around pig potrero.

dischard Doña Juana, peons cook, for stealing meat.

Wednesday, 27 August

Fine day. brought up all the manadas and remade them, put fourty manad mares- into each manada four manadas-.

turned out of the manadas nine mares-.

took them also some horses to the puesto.

put Tigres mares into No 4 Tijeras Solomons into south potrero, Maengo's into stack paddock and Monte Cristo's into pigmans potrero.

Bought ninety bags- maize from colonist at .25 la @.—108.83

Thursday, 28 August


Friday, 29 August

Warm day north wind, butchered a cow,

Received from Mr Kemmis for invernada 500.00 cab.

Cuello took 17 cows away from Kemmises cattle at the Tijeras. Jose sowing alfalfa

Johnie fetched Mr L. Hall from the station.

Saturday, 30 August

Fine warm day. Santa Rosas, feast day. no work, big races at the pulperia. Johnie took the two Mr Halls out shooting. Johnie went to the station arreglared accounts. Jose sowing alfalfa

Sunday, 31 August

Nice day. played polo at Las Lomas. Halls out shooting

Mr Ogilvie here for the day.

September 1890

Monday, 1 September

Very warm day. Cecelio Herera took out 10 of Kemmises cows - from the Tijeras. started two men to sow alfalfa seed.

sent horse cart to station got 23 bags barley seed and one bag flour.

butchered a novillio.

The two Mr Halls' left. Herman drove them to the station.

paid the two colonists for maize one 90 bags – 229.29 m/n the other. 147.95$

Tuesday, 2 September

Awfully windy day. north. dusty. could not do any work. sent Avelino and Manuel to Tortugas to look for a potro. heard it was down there. but it was not ourn. Mr Trails race horses- here for the night.

Wednesday, 3 September

Strong south wind. very dry and dusty.

Anacleta and Mercedes finished the bridge, paid them off. 35.00. three men sowing alfalfa at Raimundas, butchered,

a tropa locked in for the night.

Thursday, 4 September

Strong south wind. three men sowing at Raymundos-. finished, Macintosh rode to C. de Gomez and back.

brought up the potros from the Tijeras and parted out eleven for Avelino to tame,

one of Mr Nashes potrancas got hooked sowed it up.

Friday, 5 September

Cold cloudy day. east wind, looks like rain.

Eusebio and Calistro sick.

hand cured and cleared and cut the sheeps hoofs at the puesto. butchered a novillio. also a capon

sent a capon to Cornish, and one to Bohtlingk. a commisioner of the government was here looking over the Estancias to get an estimate of the value.

Mr Whish had breakfast here.

Avelino domaring.

Saturday, 6 September

East wind cleaed up again, no rain, too bad.

sent horse cart and race horse to C. de Gomez. also alfalfa and maize. carted up a load of hay to the house.

Macintosh and Johnie went to Las Rosas.

Sunday, 7 September

Nice warm day. played polo at Las Lomas.

Miss Macintosh went to C. de Gomez.

Monday, 8 September

Herman and Johnie drove and Macintosh rode to C. de Gomez to the races at the Esperanza. Macintosh rode a horse in the race. H. and Johnie came back in the night.

Rained a little in the evening, not much though!

Tuesday, 9 September

Fine day. parted two calves of  [WH] out of Las Lomas potreros. bought up the Lecheras from the puesto and marked the calves. 15 macho and 12 embra left 6 for bulls. parted the 6 bulls into the stack potrero and the vacillars 12 into pigmans potrero.

Macintosh came back, butchered a novillio.

Miss Macintosh came back.

Wednesday, 10 September

Brought up Tigres manada from the Tijeras. parted two out old ones put them into the puesto potrero, and put three into in their place from Monte Cristos manada, making each manada of fourty mares. a mare died at the Tijeras took its skin off. brought up the meat for the pigs.

Sent 38 cow and 2 potro hides to the station to be sent in to Rosario to A. Hall. brought seven boards from frenchmans.

Avelino and Manuel domaring.

Cecelio Herera took seven cows of Kemmises from the Tijeras.

Thursday, 11 September

South wind, cool day. started Calistro sowing alfalfa seed.

Eusebio and Jose taking fence down.

Manuel and Avelino domaring.

Hugo Wagner here for the night.

Friday, 12 September

Macintosh and Johnie went to Las Rosas and brought over 8 black faced rams in big carriage, in two trips, bought them for 25.00 apiece, put them into a pen in the quinta.

Sent Gustaf to town to buy some empty barrels.

Cold day, south wind.

Mr N. Hall here for the night.

Sent Isidro and Jose to Carcarana to fetch a bull. took some bulls along.

Saturday, 13 September

Cold south wind. Silbuet a butcher from Armstrong took 10 of Kemmises cows from the Tijeras and Cecelio Herera took 12 cows. Silbuet paid us for the cows 160.00 and we keep the money on invernada ac. Herman dispatched them

Johnie and Manuel bot chestnut stallion from Rafango paid 500 for him taks it out on ac of Nashes invernada ac. Macintosh and peon brot up rams in cart from puesto (8) dipped them and put with rest.

Johnie went to Bohtlingks and Las Lomas in the afternoon.

Sunday, 14 September

Strong north wind, never saw such windy weather. every day wind. either from one side or another.

played polo at Las Lomas –

Cuello parted 66 of Kemmises cows out put them into No 1 potrero.

Monday, 15 September

Made pagare with Juan Guarnero he is to pay us $325.92 on the April 1/91 for old rent ac. he lives in finado Fausto Gomezes camp.

Paid Sosas interest on 2.800 at 7/00 296.00

Sent the polo ponies to C. de Gomez. Macintosh and Johnie drove down. and played a match against C. de Gomez and Santiago del Estero teams beat them both. no goals got on the other sides.

butchered a novillio

Strong north wind, warmish and very dry and dusty.

Isidro and Jose came back from Carcarana with the bull.

Tuesday, 16 September

North wind nearly all day. clouded up, and then in the evening wind changed to pampero from the south.

Macintosh and Johnie came back, at noon.

Avelino domaring.

Kemmis took the last of his cows away 16 head.

Wednesday, 17 September

Beastly day, strong south wind, cold, marked off a little potrero of 6 squares of alfalfa to cut, in the north east corner of the south potrero.

put Eusebio digging post holes.

dug out posts of the fence that was taken down.

hauled them up to the house.

a tropa locked in for the night.

Thursday, 18 September

Heavy frost this morning. strong south wind all day.

went to the Tijeras put our novillios 483 head into No 3 potrero and put the potros into No 1 potrero where 66 of Kemmisses cows are belonging to Cuello. who pays the pasto since the 15th.

Parted out 100 of the best novillios out of Nashes cattle in No 2 and braught them up to the house and put them into the south potrero where Nashes other nov are. 100 nov of  [K].  85 [OOO]  22 oxen [JB]  and 100 [shield].

butchered a small animal

Mr Higham here for the night.

Eusebio digging post holes.

Friday, 19 September

Warm day, north wind. began to set the posts on small cutting paddock. Mr Higham here. has hurt his foot.

butchered a nov.

Saturday, 20 September

Pique and his family came over to tea.

North wind. warm and dry. began drawing the wires on the fence.

Johnie and Avelino took tropilla to Las Rosas brot over a chestnut mare. toslada tapada ½ bred in foal to Blair Adam, is the mare Kemmis traded to Hattie for bobby, the pony.

took the carriage over and got four more rams baught at 25.00 apiece.

Sunday, 21 September

North wind all forenoon and south in the afternoon.

never saw such miserable weather.

Cuello took away 10 cows from No 1 potrero.

Played polo at Las Lomas.

Monday, 22 September

Strong south wind. Macintosh and men worked all forenoon at fence. in the afternoon all hands had to go to the Tijeras to put out a fire that came in from the Independencia and did gread deal of damage burning of posts had great trouble to put it out burned a big piece out of No 1 potrero.

Tuesday, 23 September

[no entry]

Wednesday, 24 September

This morning it was cloudy and look like rain

Johnie went into Rosario to get posts.

Herman and the two Macintoshs brough all the mars from south potrero and parted out all horses. And put the horses in horse potrero. Gustaf went to Tijaras to fix the fence and gate.

Mr Macintosh and Donald took a manada of mars down to Tijaras

This afternoon. Herman and Macintosh went out in camp.

We butchered a novillo.

Thursday, 25 September

This morning strong south wind.

Mr Macintosh and brother went the Puesto

Herman went and gathered the mars togather and looked after the poens mending the horse potrero. Gustaf went to Tijaras with cart and set the gate post rights.

Manuel skined one of Nashes novillos that died in the south potrero.

Mr Macintosh went over to the station in little carriage to meet Johnie.

But Johnie did not come

Cheviro and Jose are still mending fence

Friday, 26 September

Johnie came back this evening. Mr Hall and Mr Todd are here for the night.

braught up the posts and wire from the fence araund the stacks.

peons mending fences.

Saturday, 27 September

Fine sunny day. Mr Hall and Todd left. Halls novillios shut in for the night. butchered a novillio.

turned out the two other stallions to their manadas. at the Tijeras. each has 40 mares.

paid our ac. at the Pequets Limumeris 400.$ sent cart over braught over groceries.

Sunday, 28 September

North wind very dry and hot. played polo at Las Lomas.

Monday, 29 September

Took six men to the Tijeras to mend the burnt fence hauling posts from the station there.

a lot of mares have foaled. Hattie's mare also.

a filly foal.

Tuesday, 30 September

North wind. all hands working at the Tijeras at fence.

Pedro Corta and Ricardo Frontera were here looking at the cattle. sold Pedro Corta 100 of the Chaco novill at 30.$ to be taken by the 15 of October.

butchered a novillio.

Sent carriage to the station got 4 one inch boards.

Brick makers came to begin to make bricks.

molde 14 x 7 x 3 inches at 11.50 per mil. to make 70 or 80.000 sell them meat at 1.20 las 10K.

Cuello took ten cows away from the Tijeras.

October 1890

[Likely author: John E. Bz.]

Wednesday, 1 October

Fine day. Cuello took 20 cows away from the Tijeras.

braught up a bucket from the Tijeras set it up at the well where the briks are to be cut, the old lechera well.

Sent carriage to the station in the evening to fetch the mason who is to work here.

All hands working at the fence at the Tijeras.

Thursday, 2 October

Beautifull warm day. Sent oxen to the station, braught over the bullock cart that was mended at blacksmiths.

also some tirantes and boards from P. and Limunieres.

made a ladder and two high bucles.

mason began work.

Herman ordered two wheel baroows and a brick molde at blackmith at station.

butchered one of Ogilvies oxen.

Two men worked all day at the Tijeras fence putting on wire varillas. braught up two cartloads of burnt posts,

Mother transplanted the plants she braught from B. Aires.

Pig man braught us 28 bags of bran at .80cts the bag.

Friday, 3 October

Warm day. Macintosh and men, hand cured and cleaned the sheep at the puesto, senelared 10 lambs.

skinned a calf in the pig mans potrero.  [shield]

Johnie went to Rosario. received from P. Corta on ac of a hundred nov sold to him at 30.$  1,000.$ and received from Fallenstein from William 2,000,$  sent a giro to Alfred for 500.$ and paid 500.$ to Kerblank Voss y Cia.

Gustaf hauld from the station 3 loads of wood with 4 horse.

Saturday, 4 October

Braught up some mares- from the puesto and made the mud for brick makers-.

Johnie came back by the evening train.

Gustof hauled over 3 loads of wood.

Sunday, 5 October

Warm day, north east wind. cloudy in the south, hope it rains. Played polo at Las Lomas.

Monday, 6 October

Fine warm day. looked like rain in the evening.

Gustaf hauld over two cart loads of fie wood. and 1 load barrel caña, two wheel barrows, a bag of line and a box of ferreteria. sent a barel of fat to Nass. 200 K.

Two men mending fences. mason white washing peons house.


Tuesday, 7 October

[Likely author: Herman Bz.]

Fine warm day it cleared up. But looks stormey

Johnie and Avilleno went down south to get some horses. Gustaf mended pig pen. Mr Macintosh and Herman went about the camp.

The brickmaker took two wheelbarrows.

Jose and Seja mended horse potrero fence. Butchered a novillo.

Pallovininero shut a tropo of animals in our corrall. Manuel came back last night. Mother went over to Las Lomas on a visit went in little carriage

Wednesday, 8 October

This morning it rained hard it comenced to rain last night at one oclock.

Gustaf mended the little carriage.

It stoped raining. Herman and Mr Macintosh went in camp.

This afternoon we sent Gustaf and Jose and Seja to work at the pigmans potrero fence. puting two more wires on the fence, in the evening Herman went over to Bertlingks.

Don Geronimo Baiz came to get a tropo of novillos.

Thursday, 9 October

Fine warm weather and a heavy fog.

Don Geronimo Baiz took fourthy novillos ours.

Mr Macintosh went to Las Lomas to get the certificate

Gustaf and Seja worked at the fence.

Jose comensed to sowing alfalfa seed at Tirantier. This afternoon Herman went over to the town to get some more sand collering for te maseson. Two tropos of cattle went in our carrall. And some passers stoped here the night.

Gustaf and Sija are still at work on the fence.

Friday, 10 October

fine warm day. We lent the horse cart to brickmaker. maseon is white marking still. Gustaf and Seja are still working at pigmans fence. Mr Macintosh is helping at the fence. Butchered a small calf. Herman went in camp

Saturday, 11 October

This morning it was very warm.

We got up all the horses from Pelars puesto to tread around in the pesadero.

We also brough Mr Robsons horses.

butchered a novillo. Gustaf and Seja still at the fence.

Sunday, 12 October

This morning it was very cloudy weather

Mr Nash came here and stayed the day

Mr Nash came to see his cattle

This evening Don Pedro Coasta and Don Ricardo Frentera came here and stayed here.

Monday, 13 October

This morning it comenced to rain.

Mr Hugo Macintosh was here he only stayed the night.

Herman took Don Pedro and Ricardo down to the Tijeras and shoed them our novillos. Gustaf and Seja got finished working at the fence

Herman and Macintosh went out in camp.

Tuesday, 14 October

Fine warm day cloudy.

Mr Nash came and sold all his novillos and cows to Don Pedro at 40. dollars a head.

Ricardo Frentera took 20 of our novillos. And payed us 300. dollars cash.

butchered a calf.

Gustaf went down to the Tijaras and mended the four gates.

Jose is still sowing Seja worked all day long.

Wednesday, 15 October

fine warm day. Herman sent Gustaf over to the town with horse cart to get some things. And Don Padro Coasta went over to the station in the horse cart. Herman and Manuel and Tomasito went over to Las Rosas and butchered a novillo ovr their

We discharged Jose and wife.

Gustaf fixed the gates of south potreros. Mr Macintosh went all over the potreros. We hired Dona Maria as cook for the poens.

Thursday, 16 October

This morning it got cloudy and it rained a little

We brough up some mars and horses for the pesadera. We put Sija at putting earth to the berbeador in south potrero.

Gustaf mended horse potrero gate and pig mans gate Mr Macintosh went to Tijaras Dona Maria comenced to work to day at eigh dollars per month.

This evening Sija got finished with the south potrero berbeador.

Friday, 17 October

Fine weather with a strong north east wind.

Herman went over to the Station to see if their was any thing their for us.

We lent Jose our sorro and the two marchos to take away his familley.

This afternoon a camp fire burnt off fivetty posts and burnt our potrero up by the bige corrall.

Gustaf and Sija worked all day long at the horse potrero bebeador.

Padro the cloaths seller stoped the night. it looks stormmy in the south

Saturday, 18 October

[Likely author: John E. Bz.]

Rained a little in the morning. butchered a cow.

Sunday, 19 October

Fine warm day. looked like rain in the morning.

Mother and Miss Macintosh drove to the Tijeras.

Johnie and Avelino came back. did not buy any horses.

went down to Italo and back.

Macintosh played polo at Las Lomas.

Monday, 20 October

Beautiful warm day. Gustaf made the trip to the station brot over 50 posts from Piquets and 4 boxes of soap from Rosario. Seja dug out burnt posts and redug the holes.

butchered a novillio at Pilars puesto.

Herman got Calistro out of jail 8 nats multa.

Tuesday, 21 October

South wind. cool day. Macintosh Calistro and Seja began to replace burnt posts.

Gustaf making buckets.

Wednesday, 22 October

Brought up mares and put into pisadero. puesto mares.

Johnie went to Las Leones with Bohtlingks.

P. Costas men came from Rosario to part tomorrow.

Macintosh and men working on fence.

Thursday, 23 October

Beautifull day. Received 500.m/n cash from P. Costa on ac of the 100 nov sold. P. Costa parted out 40 of our nov out of No 3 potrero Tijeras and 64 of  [shield]  out of No 2. and put them into south potrero. from south potrero he parted out 100 nov and oxen of these 35 are of the nov we brought from the Tijeras  [shield]  Sept 18. put them into corral over night. Nash sent and took from the Tijeras 14 cows to the Rafango and 6 potrancas.

butchered a novillio.

big camp fire at the puesto.

caught all the little macho pigs to capar tomorrow.

Friday, 24 October

Fine warm day. Macintosh went to Rosario in the afternoon. rode to C. de Gomez. parted out all the potrancas from the puesto 85 and put them to the Tijeras into No 2. put new stallions manada into No 4 potrero and brought up Monte Cristos manada and put into its place into pigmans potrero.

butchered a calf.

Seja and Calistro working on burnt fence.

Mother and Miss Macintosh went to the Santa Clara.

Herman sick in bed.

Gustaf blacksmithing in the afte forenoon. in the afternoon sent him to station baught 7 barrels and 1 board for 9.00

Saturday, 25 October

Warm day. splendid weather all it wants is rain.

Seja and Calistro still at the fence.

Mother went to Cañada de Gomez.

Sent Manuel to Armstrong to fetch the two horses left there.

Gustaf working in the shop. Johnie went to Las Rosas.

Sunday, 26 October

Strong north wind. warm. Macintosh came back from Rosario. Mother came back in the evening.

Played polo at Las Lomas. braught up all the sheep from the puesto.

Monday, 27 October

Stormy all day. but no rain. parted out 480 boregas to make another flock. put them into south potrero. cleaned out corralon and put boards down to shear on. sent horse cart to the station to fetch 70 posts baught from the Piquets at 1.20 also got some bagging twine. and 4 shears. Discharged the cook.

Tuesday, 28 October

Very disagreeable day. strong south wind very dusty.

clipped Macintoshes sheep 126 head.

butchered Ogilvies ox. Man came to capar the potros.

Wednesday, 29 October

Began to clip our sheep. brought up the mules from the puesto and clipped 7 capared 7 mules machos.

Warm day.

in the evening brought up all the potros from the Tijeras shut them up over night in big corral.

Mrs Dickinson and Mr and Mrs Adams came over to tea.

Thursday, 30 October

Very warm day, began to rain quietly in the evening. Hurrah!

clipped sheep all day.

capared 67 potros put them into corrall potrero. broke two.

sent Gustaf to station got 6 blocks of wood for morteros.

1 box of groceries, and 150 tiles.

Friday, 31 October

Cloudy stormy day no rain. Mr Riply here for breakfast.

did not shear in the morning.

butchered a novillio.

Bohtlingks and Piquets were here in the afternoon.

Sent horse cart to Las Leones to fetch a boar. baught for 50$ from Mr Heitz.

November 1890

Saturday, 1 November

Sent Jose rengo to Diaz to fetch Alfred. butchered two sheep.

Fine day. finished shearing. clipped 1043 sheep. parted out all the capons – 352 and 28 of Macintoshes. will keep them seperate. put 6 young ram lambs. bought from Kemmis and 4 of the old rams into one lot of ewes and sent them down to Pigmans potrero. and put the 4 big rams from Kemmis into the 480 ewes into the south potrero. Cart came back with the boar. Don Juans. bucket and cylinder fell into his well. Don Ricardo Frontera took 58 of  [shield] cattle from the Tijeras and 24  [shield] and 18 nov  [O]  [K]  out of the south potrero.

Sunday, 2 November

Strong north wind. Macintosh and Johnie played polo at Las Lomas.

Alfred came from Diaz from the Chaco.

In the morning got all Don Juans machinery out of the well set it up.

Monday, 3 November

Strong north wind. capared 1 potro. marked out a sheep dip set a man digging the trench. Macintosh and two men working on the fence.

Alfred and Johnie recorering the potreros.

A big manga of locusts turned up. the plagues of Egypt. history repeats itself. first locusts seen in ten years, "crisis and locusts."

Tuesday, 4 November

Hot north wind. butchered a small animal. a potro died. sent hurdles to the Tijeras set up a sheep corral at Senns - old quinta to lock up the capons in every night.

finished the fence. got up all the old wire and burnt posts.

Herman came back from Rosario. also C.P. Hall.

Herman baught a lot of wire quick cement etc. paid cash, 360.50$.

Wednesday, 5 November

Sent horse cart to the station to get cargo.

Alfred left went back to the Chaco. took grip and old jolly along. Very hot north wind all day. in the evening a storm came from the west, and it rained quite heavily.

Thursday, 6 November

Miss Macintosh went to Rosario to a dance.

A beautiful day. took Mr Hall to Las Rosas and Las Lomas, a lot of longostos about.

Friday, 7 November

Fine day. Macintosh señalared his lambs. 35.

Marked out a new potrero for the pigs, Eusebio digging the holes. got up four bullocks from the Tijeras. lent a bullock cart and a mule cart to brick makers. to gather leña.

Bagged the wool, not finished.

Mr Hall left.

Saturday, 8 November

Fine day. moved Iriondas cattle from potrero No 4 to No 1 put potros into No 4 from No 1. capared 1 stallion. put new stallions manad from No 1 to No 4, capared several bulls in the different potreros. braught up the tropilla from the Tijeras, parted the madrina into Marengos manada.

Johnie arreglared account with Bohtlingk. butchered.

Sunday, 9 November


Monday, 10 November


Tuesday, 11 November

Geronimo Bias took 100 of Nashes cattle away. twelve of them were of  [K] mark. he also took 40 of our novillios already paid for.

Macintosh and men set posts on new pig potrero.

sent cart to the Tijeras with a bucket to replace a broken one.


Rained a heavy shower last night.

Mr Davidson mayordomo of the Rafango came to entregar Nashes cattle.

Gustaf working in the shop making a pileta.

Wednesday, 12 November

Avelino came back last night with 39 horses he baught in the Prov of Cordoba. his brother helped him bring them. he paid for 7 horses at 16.00 - 112 for 2 horses at 15.00 - 30.00, 28 horses at 20.00 - 560.00 1 madrina at 8.00, 1 madrina at 9.00 total 719.00 general expenses and their wages. 111.00

Butcher left.

Sent Manuel to the Germania to get a cohudieto of ours running in the camp there. took it to the Tijeras and capared it.

Thursday, 13 November

Very stormy last night but no rain. south wind all day. Avelino domaring. skinned a sheep. Seja and Calistro began to haul bricks up to make pig pens. at noon mason began to work at pens.

Gustaf working in the shop.

Friday, 14 November

Fine day. dogs killed 7 sheep last night in pigmans potrero. finished hauling bricks to pig pen. began to haul to the sheep dip. Macintosh and Johnie making the wood work on the pig pens.

Gustaf working in the shop. butchered a nov.

Sent horse cart to the station in the evening to get some things.

Mr and Mrs Bohtlingk came over in the evening.

braught up mares for the pisadero.

Saturday, 15 November

Fine day. north wind. worked all day on pig pens. hauling bricks to sheep dip.

Avelino domaring. Independencia tropa locked in for the night.

Gustaf blacksmithing.

Frenchman (Piquet) came over to tea.

Sunday, 16 November

Fine warm day. one of Marengos foals found dead.

Herman went to Las Rosas. Macintosh went to the Rafango.

No polo today.

butchered a big calf.

Sent to the Tijeras for 4 bullocks.

Monday, 17 November

Very hot day. worked on pig pens all day.

two men hauling bricks to the dip.

Avelino domaring.

braught up mares for the pisadero.

Tuesday, 18 November

Ricardo Frentera took 40 of Nashes cattle from the Tijeras and 60 from the south potrero makes 100 in all. of these 84 are of  [shield]  and 16 of  [K]   [OOO].

Sold to R. Frontera 350 of our chaco nov. at 28.00 he has plaso untill the end of January. to take away. he paid on ac. 500.

Cuello and another buyer were here want to buy Iriondas.

Sent to the station two ox carts and 1 horse cart with the following to send to B.A. to James Ramsay. (com. agent) Mercado de Frutas. 21 bags wool 1.720 K, 1 bag horse hair. 3 bundles – 60 sheep skins. 30 cow hides 5 potro hides. carts brot back sand.

Piquet Lamunieres y Cia and ladies came over in the afternoon.

Wednesday, 19 November

Sold 410 of A. Iriondas novillio de Jose S. Cequinera at 25.00 apiece. he has up to the end of February 1891 to take away. made out boletas de compra y venta and he paid 1.000. down and is to pay for each troop as it is taken. gave him a receipt for the 1.000.

Braught up all the Chaco nov. from No 3 potrero and put them into the south potrero.

Hauled over 4 loads of sand

Masons began to work on the sheep dip

Very warm day.

Thursday, 20 November

Johnie went to C. de Gomez and back today.

had a tooth fixed at the dentists 6.00 damages.

bought 4 collars and harness 33.00 and paid shoemakers bil $322.30

Macintosh and Anacleta working on pig corrall.

Masons and two men working on sheep dip.

skinned one of Mr Nashes novillios snake bite.

Friday, 21 November

Very hot dry weather. Macintosh began to cut alfalfa in the afternoon.

got all the things ready for haying. carts rake etc.

butchered a novillio.

sent horse cart to the station to fetch lime.

Saturday, 22 November

Very hot day. Macintosh mowing. began to rake in the afternoon. and pile up hay.

sent cart to the Tijeras to mend cylinder.

Masons working at dip. looks stormy.

Sunday, 23 November

Very hot day. Mr Larguia and his brother in law came to breakfast.

Macintosh mowed half a day.

three men worked half a day in the alfalfa.

Took all the redemons and invernada horses to the Tijeras.

Monday, 24 November

Very hot day. a storm came up at noon, but only rained enough to stop the work for a little.

Macintosh finished cutting the little paddock. began to cut in the south paddock

butchered a novillieto.

Mr Maclean here for the night.

Masons working at the sheep dip.

Gustaf working in the shop.

Tuesday, 25 November

Very foggy daymorning, warm day. could not haul any hay. raked and piled up.

in the afternoon all hands dried and cleaned and dug deeper the well in the south potrero.

butchered a novillio.

Avelino domaring.

Masons working on the dip.

Macintosh mowing all day.

Cequiera and another butcher here for the night.

Wednesday, 26 November

Very warm stormy day but no rain. worked half a day in the alfalfa.

Thursday, 27 November

Very hot day. stormy in the evening.

worked all day in the alfalfa.

butchered a novillieto.

Friday, 28 November

Fine warm day for making hay. all hands moved down into the big potrero to work there. began a stack. put a platform onto the American cart, and started Gustaf hauling hay to the stack back of galpon. Anton stacking. Sent Avelino and Tomasito to look for 5 nov  [shield]  in the Germania camp. found three.

Saturday, 29 November


Sunday, 30 November

Very hot cloudy day. worked half a day in the alfalfa, finished the stack at the house.

Mr Nash here. regulated all our invernada accounts with him. (see cash book) Mr Loader also here.

December 1890

Monday, 1 December

All hands at the alfalfa. broke the pole on the alfa mower.

Ricardo Frontera parted out 50 novillios paid $900. cash down.

butchered a novillio.

Tuesday, 2 December

Very hot day. all hands working in the alfalfa twelve men.

Received 100 mares potrancas from Mr Nash to invernar put them into potrero No 2, Tijeras. gave him a receipt for them. they are at a dollar each a month.

sent horse cart to the station, got a load of sand and thirty galvanized iron pipes. used ten to carry water from the well to the sheep dip.

Sent two oxen carts to the station to get sand.

Wednesday, 3 December

Very hot day. a storm in the afternoon, but no rain.

Colonists cutting wheat everywhere. very thin wheat.

All hands working in the alfalfa all day.

Donald and Hayward took the puesto sheep to Las Lomas. to part the Lomas sheep out.

Butchered a novillio.

Orneros burning the last bricks.

Thursday, 4 December


Friday, 5 December


Saturday, 6 December


Sunday, 7 December


Monday, 8 December

Very hot sultry day. all hands at the alfalfa.

Macintosh mowed at in afternoon. broke the pole of machine.

Johnie Gustaf and peon finished putting up pipeing water drawing machine and a shade for the pigs.

butchered a novillio.

Avelino domaring.

Tuesday, 9 December

Very hot day. Old Juan Savedra died last night suddenly. he has worked about 7 years on the place. made him a coffin and buried him in our cemetary.

Santos Cequiera was here today. paid us $1.000.m/n one thousand nats on ac of Iriondas novillios.

he resold them to some B.A. butchers at 28.50

Gustaf making new pole to the mower.

Changed Marengos manada into the stack potrero. put Nashes 26 nov from the stack potrero down to the pigmans potrero. put the butchering animals from horse potrero into stack potrero.

All hands working in the alfalfa.

Wednesday, 10 December

Very hot south east wind.

Santos Cequiera and the cattle buyer here for the night.

received from S. Cequiera m/n8.000.$ eight thousand nats on ac of the nov sold.

All hands at the alfalfa.

Masons working still at the dip.

butchered a novillio.

Thursday, 11 December

J.S. Cequiera took 400 of Iriondas novillios away braught them all up from the Tijeras and put 18 nov into the stack potrero. ten of which belong to Cequiera. he takes them away in a few days. received 250.00 from him which closes the ac. with him 410 novillios at 25.00 – 10.250 of this have to give Irionda the 12.00$ each nov basis money and half of thirteen nats over. leave. 6.50 for each nov porfit. or 18.50 each nov -- $7585. m/ to which have yet to be added the 8 nov and one hide sold. our proffit is 2.665.50

Friday, 12 December

Fine day. R. Frontera took all of Nashes cattle from the Tijeras except 1 cow and from the south potrero all but 5 nov. takes 100 animals in all. he also took 50 of our nov. and paid 1.400. for the last 50 he took. Nashes mayordomo entregared the cattle.

Sent horse cart to the Rafango got the pure bred sow. a present from Mr Nash.

All hands working in the alfalfa.

butchered a novillio  [heart]

Paid to J. Cuello 200.$ as commision for selling Iriondas novillios.

Saturday, 13 December

Johnie went to Rosario. to change a cheque from Mr Nash $2.000. J.S. Cequiera here for the night.

Sunday, 14 December

J. S. Cequiera took away his 10 novillios  [heart]  Iriondas.

Johnie came back in the evening. paid to Kublank Voss y Cia. ac in Rosario 1.500$

Monday, 15 December

Braught up the sheep out of South potrero and Solomons mares and tramped the longostos. saltones that are coming toward the estancia.

Tuesday, 16 December

Braught up the sheep again and tramped the saltones.

senelared 35 lambs.

Butchered a novillio  [heart]  in stack potrero.

Masons still working at the sheep dip.

Set two peons at cutting out the cardo negro at the Tijeras in no 2 potrero

Bohtlingks came over to tea.

Sent 2 ox carts and the wheels of the horse cart to the station to have the wheels mended.

Wednesday, 17 December

Braught up the sheep from pig mans potrero stamped the saltones in the evening.

Took down part of the brocal at pig well and reset it.

Johnie went to the Rosas.

set a peon at taking the earth away from the sheep dip and putting it into the horse corrall.

very hot weather.

Thursday, 18 December

Herman went to C. de Gomez. senelared 50 lambs and cleaned the sheep and fixed their feet.

Set another man at cutting cardo at the Tijeras.

Avelino domaring.

Friday, 19 December

Terrible hot day. Three men killing locusts all day.

Three men cutting cardo at the Tijeras. one man hauling earth away from the dip. Anacleta repairing the bridge.

Gustaf doing some work on machines at the Tijeras.

butchered 2 capons 1 for the house and one for the Tijeras.

Herman came back in the evening, Robson came with him.

Saturday, 20 December

Very hot day. men killing locusts all day.

Baught 5 horses and a saddle from Ogilvie for 100.m/n

butchered a novillio.

a tropa locked in over night.

Received 113 cows from Mr. Nash. put them into No 2 Tijeras gave a receipt for them.

Sunday, 21 December

Mr Nash sent Mr Patten for the 3.000. we had to take care of for him. returned us the receipt. kept back $1,211.m/n closing our invernada account. gave a receipted bill

Braught up 6 horses for balderos and 3 horses for polo ponies of the Cordobese horses-

Monday, 22 December

Cool day cloudy all day. butchered a novillio.

Received from Mr Nash 125 nov and cows gave a receipt for them. Sent horse cart to the station for some turniquites and 2 barrels of cement. Masons working yet at dip.

Mr Ogilvie came to say good bye he goes to Entre Rios.

Colonists thrashing wheat.

Tuesday, 23 December

Quite a cold day. drizzled a little.

Received 32 bags of wheat from Bertanio Pietro as 10/00

set posts on fence around sheep dip.

baught and braught from station twenty five algaroba posts at 1.00 apiece.

Mr Fair the mayordomo of the Colonia vieja was here looked at the south potrero. wants to send novillios to invernar.

R. Fronteras men are here for the night.

Wednesday, 24 December

Very hot day. worked at fence around sheep dip.

Sent bullock carts and two horse carts to receive wheat. braught up 110 bags

Miss Elsie came out to spend Xmas. sent carriage after sundown to C. de Gomez to fetch out Mr Fea.

butchered a novillio.

Thursday, 25 December

Warm stormy day but no rain. Mr Fea arrived from Armstrong on horse back. carriage came back empty.

Ricardo Frontera parted out 50 novillios. received from him 1.400.

March 12/93 Ricardo Frontera came and asked for a receipt of this money. explaining that it was to arrange certain business with his partners.

Friday, 26 December


Saturday, 27 December

Very hot sultry day. storm in the evening but no rain.

butchered a capon. took Don Juans balderos to the pig mans potrero. and replace them with new ones (Cordobeses).

Received wheat from Colonists.

Mr Wacey here for the night. three men killing locusts.

Sunday, 28 December

Warm day. Received from Mr Ray of the Estancia Schönberg. 248 novillios to invernar at 1.00 a month each. put them into the south potrero.

butchered a novillio  [heart]

Monday, 29 December

Very hot sultry day wish it would only rain.

Masons still working at sheep dip.

Herman and two bullock carts receiving wheat from colonists 10/00

Tuesday, 30 December

Mr Fea left for Rosario. took all the cattle out of the pig mans potrero 113 head. of which 72 are  [shield]  calves and 26 novillios  [shield]  and the rest 15 are heifers and novillietos  [JB].

Received more wheat.

butchered a novillio.

All hands out all day fighting langostas (saltones)

Wednesday, 31 December

Very sultry weathere. a fine storm in the evening.

rained quite hard.

Sold 157 bags of wheat to Bohtlingk at 7.25 the 100 Kilos. made a boleto.

Macintoshes brother came out from Rosario.

All hands killing locusts. burning them with wheat straw.

© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)