Ea. “La California” - 1899 Day-Book Page last modified:
Missing image.


Estancia “La California”
1899 Day-Book

This is the eleventh diary that has survived the years.  Of a different type than the other diaries, it proved difficult to enhance the faded ink resulting in odd color differences between pages; the true color is most similar to the opening print pages, aged to a light tan.

1899 is an interesting year, for it is when John moved to “Los Algarrobos” and William took over at “La California”.  Per their handwriting, William and John were both at “La California” in January.  William went to Entre Rios, probably on business for the last time, on May 17 and returned June 4.  Pianos were replaced in the upstairs bedroom suite at “La California” on June 29; John’s piano and luggage were sent to the Larguia train station on July 1. 

Mother (Josephine Kolmer-Benitz) arrived back on August 7 from her trip to England and the US, accompanied by John, William & Clara and their family.  Presumably William and John had gone to B.A. to meet their ship.

Most of the entries were written by the mayordomos (deduced by correlating changes in handwriting with the presence or absence of the person on the estancia): Mr. C. Gillyatt (until Jan.3, next page is torn out), Mr. Ogilvy (early January through April, sporadically after), and Mr. Johansen (May through end of year).  John’s (JEBz) last entries are May 17 and August 13 (visiting?) though his notes continue to appear on the interleaved blotter pages.  William’s (WOBz) handwriting first appears on January 12 when he added livestock movements to the entry.  Mr. Johansen uses many more Spanish terms and phrases, particularly for livestock; in the monthly tallies of “Animals Died”: Deaths becomes Mortandad, Killed (butchered) becomes Consumo, and in the August tally the terms Lanares, Vacunos, Caballar & Yeguarizos first appear (and “calves” is often spelt “calfs”).

Background:  The background image is John Schreiber’s lithograph of “La California”, which he drew in 1878.

Reference Pages:  To aid the reader with Spanglish terminology, unfamiliar names (in particualr the names/numbers of the “La California” fields), and old measures and currencies, we have provided a set of: Reference Pages.  We recommend you have these available — they will open in a second window or tab.

~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~

PDF files:

Click on a title to download a file of page images.  Many blotter pages have comments, some aligned with dates on the facing diary page.  We transcribed onto the blotter pages comments that are difficult to read (written in faint pencil).

Front Cover & pages; Entries for Jan. & Feb.
Front Cover & printed information pages; and January & February entries.
Size: 7.7mb.
March & April
Daily entries for March & April.
Size: 5.8mb.
May & June
Daily entries for May & June.
Size: 6.2mb.
July & August
Daily entries for July & August.
Size: 6.4mb.
September & October
Daily entries for September & October.
Size: 6.2mb.
November & December; Back pages & Cover
Entries for November & December, and Back pages & Cover.
Size: 7.7mb.


Go to Month:  Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec

Excluding format, the day-book has been transcribed as written, verbatim, without correction.  All obvious spelling and grammatical errors have been retained unchanged – we gave the benefit of the doubt to sloppy handwriting.  Anything we added or corrected is enclosed within [square brackets, with our comments in italics.]  For words we could not decipher, we provide our best guess followed by: [#?].  (Transcribed by: Peter Benitz.)


1.  The day-book pages are titled with the month and year and have space in which to record 2 days per page, Monday through Saturday.  For the web, we inserted a title bar to separate the months, and reformatted the day titles, e.g. “2 Monday” becomes “January 2, Monday”.  Note: Sunday’s actvivities were recorded per the whims of the author, either appended appropiately titled below Saturday or inserted into Monday and subtitled “Yesterday”.

2.  Newspaper clippings, notes, business cards, and any other items found inserted in the diary we placed where most relevant.  Items for which we could not determine dates, we placed where we found them.

3.  Notes on the interleaved blotter pages we placed following the date to which they apply.  We included as notes blotted ink stains we could decipher.

4.  The daily weather conditions were often written each side the printed date: morning left — afternoon right.  We standardised their format, placing them on their own line below the date.

5.  Standard daily subtitles placed in the left margin (e.g. Killed, Died, Yesterday) we changed to hanging (out-dented) paragraphs with their text.

[ The written pages of the 1899 day-book begin with the MEMORANDA.
The preceding printed pages can be seen in the first PDF file above.

Memoranda from 1898

R. MacIver c/o Cecil McKern
  25 Mayo 149

Pat Advien
  Old farm house Ennly Dublin

[ The following notes are in John E. Bz’s hanwriting. ]

Senales of lanares
to be used during 1899

2 muescas de atras en la oreja izquierda, punta de lanza de atras en la derecha.

Punta de lanza de atras en la oreja izquierda, la otra entera.
Carneros – Una muezca adelante en cada oreja
  Hembras, señal only for telling ages of ewes

1896una muescade atrasen la oreja izquierda
1897 "   " " adelante " " "   "
1898Horqueta —— " " "   "
1899Dos muescas " atras " " "   "
1900 "   " " adelante " " "   "

[ Translation of the above: ]

Sheep ear-marks
to be used during 1899

2 notches back of the left ear, pointed notch back of the right.

Pointed notch back of the left ear, the other whole.
Rams – One notch front of both ears

Females, mark only for telling ages of ewes.

1896 One notch  back  of the left ear
1897  "  "  front  "  " "  "
1898  "  "  tip   "  " "  "
1899 Two notches back " " "  "
1900  "   "    front " " "  "

  1 pq.te gr. = 100 gall
1 paq grande = 380 lit
Measures for dip. 1 x 80 Leyes   Coopers:
3 feet takes 42 gallons dip = 3360 gallons water
3½ "   "  51  "  "  4080  "   "
4 "   "  59  "  "  4720  "   "
4½ "   "  68  "  "  5440  "   "
5 "   "  77  "  "  6260  "   "
6 inches " 10  "  "  800  "   "
3 "   "   5  "  "  400  "   "
  32 paq
  39 paq
  46.4 paq
  54 paq
  61 paq

January 1899

[— Likely author: C. Gillyatt —]

Missing image.

January 2, Monday

Stormy night.  — Fearful hot sweaty day.-

Killed  1 vaquilla

died  1 cow No 8. 1 sheep No 5 2 sheep 1,

Moved flock No 5 – 733 – to No 14
  "     "   No 2   535   Tiburcio entregared 2 guachos

Inoculared the cows from No 10 – No 8, No 16 and the vaquillas from No 6.=(202)

Mr Livingston left after a 10 days visit. Don Guillermo & Johnnie went to Rosario.-

[— Likely author: John E. Bz. —]

January 3, Tuesday

Pampero last night. rained very hard.

Killed  1 consuma-

died  1 cow 1 novillo 19.- . 7 capones 3.

Could not work in the forenoon. in the afternoon JB & 4 men marked out the fence for calf potrero in N.E corner of No 14. for the lecheria at the puesto.

J.B. came back from Rosario.

Changed harness horses from 14 X 6.

January 4, Wednesday

Rained hard last night. cloudy day.

Killed 1 nov.

died  1 sheep 10, 1 cow .1 5, 1 cow. 18, 1 nov. 15, 1 cow 8, 2 sheep 8, 1-7,

Two peones digging post holes.
Shepherd & 2 boys curing imbeechado sheep in the camp.

Tropa from Chaco arrived. novillos baught from Michelnet,
put 400 into No 7 & 440 into No 3. paid off peones-

Bad weather. flies getting very bad, lots of animals embeechado.
alfalfa very high in all the potreras.

Missing: January 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10.

[— Likely author: Mr. Ogilvy (through April) —]

January 11, Wednesday

Cool cloudy day

Killed  1 nov. 3 sheep

died  sheep – 2. No. 4, 1 No 8.
Cattle: 1. Nov. No.3, 1. cow. No 4, 1 Cow. No. 16.

Blacksmith & peones changing bebida from No 17 to No 11
Peones working on calf fence in No. 14.

Gave water to 1000 head of Saralegas cattle in Nos. 6. & 14. They left a novillo calf in No 6.

Shepherd worked & took back No. 4 flock and brought up No 6. Parted 129 lambs from No 4 to No 12. 35 rams to No 13. & 5 deshecho sheep to No 15. Brought up No. 5 flock.

January 12, Thursday

Bright morning. Cloudy afternoon. Wind E.

Killed  Two sheep

died  Sheep 2. No 2. 1.old imported ram No 6. 1. novillo No 3.

Parted 97 lambs from No5. to No.12 & 11 rams to No13. No.6 134 lambs. 5 rams No.8 [8#?]

[— Following 3 cattle movements are most likely by WOBz —]

Parted 3 Torunos from No 4 to No 5
 " 10  "  "  " 3 " "  5
 " 20  "  "  " 7 " "  5

Worked flocks No.6 & No.5 & brought up No.7

Sold Rodriguez 155 cow hides & 12 potro hides
Mrs. Chandler & familly came to breakfast.
Peones finished calf fence in No.14.

January 13, Friday

Fine weather

Killed  1. Nov.

died  3 capones No.3. 2 sheep No 4. 1. No. 11.

Two peones cutting alfa No. 9 1 raking in afternoon
Carting bricks for sheep dip deposit & carting alfalfa for corral.

Parted 141 lambs from No. 7. & 10 rams. Brought up flock from No. 1.

Parted 19 cows & calves from No 3 to 14
   " 21 "  "  "  "    8  "  14

January 14, Saturday

Beautiful weather

Killed  2 sheep

died  Sheep. 1.No 1. 1.No.8. 1. capon No.3. 1. cow. No. 8.

Parted 8 cows from No 8 to 14
Parted 25 rams from No 1. into No.13 2 lambs into No12
Cleaned out sheep dip dug hole for overflow from drying pen. 3 peones devasaring cart horses in the morning two cutting alfa two cocking. One raking & one cutting in afternoon five cocking [#?]

January 16, Monday

Fine weather  —  hot in afternoon

Killed  1. Nov.

died  1. nov. 18. 1. sheep No 7. 1. No 8.

Yesterday Two peones cocking alfa. Watered 250 novillos from 51. at No 6. they shut in in ensenada. Ogilvy shot guanaco in No.13. Chandlers came to breakfast. Shot 22 chorlos.


died  11 capones No.3. 1. Sheep No4. “Avalo” 1. nov. No.7.

Five peones working in alfa. Chevero went to the station with cart. Fixed galpon for shearing Parted 10 small cows from No. 19 for consumo. Changed capones from No.3 to No 4. No 4 flock to No 3.

[ Blotter Note (by JEBz, facing Jan.16) ]

Shear the lambs if possible

January 17, Tuesday

Rained last night  —  Cool cloudy day

Killed  1. cow. 2 sheep

died  1 nov. No 1. Sheep. 1. No 2. 2 No 3. 6 capones No 4. 1. No 10. 1. No.11. 2 No 12. 1.No.14. 1. capon & 2 sheep No 15. 1 Carnero 16.

Peones working in Alfa morning. Brought up cattle from Nos. 1 & 2 & started parting novillos & vacas. Sheep borregas in galpon for shearing. Culled out rams (17) from No13. to No.17. From No17 to No16. 16 rams. From No 16 to No 13. 25 rams. Leaving 109 rams in No.13 for home use. 65 rams in No.16 & 49 in No.17.

Mr. Morstadt called.

January 18, Wednesday

Dry hot day  —  Cool night

Killed  one sheep

died  6 capones No 4. 1 sheep No 5. 1 imported ram & deshecho one.

Put 651 Novillitos  into No.1 -
  "  750 Vaquillonas "  " 2 -
One cow No 8.
Began to shear lambs. 5 shearers.
Gave Igenio 16.mares 7 horses (2 marca Moreno) two carts 8 pecheros. 8 jugillos. 8. frenos & 20 brazadas rope

January 19, Thursday

Dry. No Wind  —  Cool night.

Killed  Two sheep 1. cow.

died  1.. ram N17. 1 sheep No.11. 1. No10. 17 No.4. 5. No1. 1. No.2

Took 272 Vaquillonas from 6 to 7
  " oxen & novillos   " 5 "  6
Shearing borregas 6 shearers
Changed No. 5 flock to No. 1. on account of water.
Changed cows from N.10 to 16 "   "  "   "

January 20, Friday

Very hot sun

Killed  2 sheep.

died  1. horse No.11. 1. Torito No.6. 1. Nov. 7. 3 capones No 4. Sheep 1 No7. 1.No.11.

Finished shearing.—930—   Water getting low in wells

Messrs. Livinston. R. MacIver & Saunderson arrived

January 21, Saturday

A scorching day

Killed  1. cow

died  1 ram No.17.   1.sheep No 11. 1. No.6.

Put cattle from No. 20 into No. 19 & from No. 4. into No. 20. Brought up sheep from No. 15 to water in No. 12.  Wells getting very low.
Sent 13 bundles of lambs wool & 1 bundle of untied fleeces to the station. 1582 K.  Sold Rodriguez & sent to the station 1604 K grease. Cleaned up shearing shed & tied up sheep skins in bundles.

Eusebi died

January 23, Monday

Cool day 22nd  —  Very hot

Yesterday. Aginio brought back horses mares & carts. Rained heavy during the night.

Killed  1. cow.

died  1. Sheep. No.7. 1.Noo.6. 2 No5. 4.No1. 7.No3. 7 No 4

Don Guillermo & visitors went over to the Dos Hermanos
Started peones cleaning out & deepening No 4 well
Sent sheepskins to the station. 345 skins. 749 Kilos

January 24, Tuesday

Rained last night  —  Hot afternoon

Killed  One cow

died  2 sheep No 10. 3. No. 15. 1. No 5. 1. No 1. 1 No.7. 1 No 6. 1.No.4.

Shut in pigs in pig potrero
Peones cleaning No. 4 well. 1. novillo left at Bollands arrived.  Ogilvy shot a dog found chasing sheep.
Messrs. Livingston.  R. MacIver & Saunderson left
May Johnston & the two Chandler children came to spend the night.  Sent off wool & sheepskins.

January 25, Wednesday

Very hot.

Killed  one cow.

died  4.capones No.4.  2 Sheep No. 3.

Peones finished No.4. well. cleaned out No 7. puesto well & came on to No.11.
Parted, señalared & brought up to sheep corral 200 pigs for Don Felix Perosio.

January 26, Thursday

Very hot night.  —  Heavy rain in afternoon


died  cows.1. No 20.1. No 18. Nov.1.No 7. Sheep. 2.No.5. 2.No.7. 2.No15.

Put two hundred pigs on the train. Finished cleaning 4 boring No. 11 well.

January 27, Friday

Rained in the night  —  Cool day

Killed  3 sheep

died  1.Sheep No.3. 4.No.4. 1.No.6. 2.No 7.

10 men killing locustss in No.8.  Blacksmith repaired wind mill pump in No 6.  Two men working on calf fence No. 14.

January 28, Saturday

Fine weather.

Killed  1. cow.

died  1. sheep No 1.  1. No. 11.  1. Nov. No. 3.  2 cows No. 19.

10 men killing locusts.

January 30, Monday

Rained during night.

Yesterday Dr. Judson arrived.
Sent a cartload of locusts to Las Rosas.

Killed  1. cow. 2 sheep

died  3.Sheep. No.8. 1.No.11. 2.No 16.  1.cow.No 3. 1. horse No 3.

Put rams from 16 into 17 leaving 16 as hospital potrero for sheep.
Peones cutting abrojo chico in No. 8.

[ Blotter Note (facing Jan.30) ]

Animals died in January

Cattle   Killed   19
    died   28    47

Sheep.  Killed   24
    died    193  217

Horses died     4

Calves died      1.

January 31, Tuesday

Nice cool day

Killed  1. cow.

died  1. Nov. No. 18.  2 sheep No.3.

Juan brought mason from Armstrong
Peones killing langosta.  Finished cutting abroja in No.8.

February 1899

February 1, Wednesday

Rained a lot

Killed  2 sheep

died  1. sheep No 7. 1.No 10.  2 No. 15. 1 ram No 13

Ogilvy bottled wine.
Peones cutting abrojo in No 6.

[ Blotter Note (by JEBz, facing Feb.1) ]

Note for sheep

The sheep must be dipped & hand
cured during February without fail

February 2, Thursday

Fine weather  —  Very cool

Killed  1. sheep

died  1. sheep. No 1.   1.No. 3. 1. No 7.

Peones cutting abrojo No 6.
Carlos cutting alfalfa for lechera
Don Guillermo & Dr Judson went to Tres Lagunas.  Kinchant came to breakfast   Mr. Hill came.

February 3, Friday

Cool day  —  North Wind

Killed.   1. cow. 1 sheep.

died.   1. Nov. No 6.   1. Ram No13.1.No 17.  1. capon No.15.1. Sheep No10

Mr. M.c Grain came.  Major Porteous & Capt. Knight came over to breakfast.
Peones cutting abrojo in No 6.  Three men killing locusts in No. 4.  Man came to cut alfa & started getting his things together.

February 4, Saturday

Fine weather

Killed  1.sheep. 1. nov. 1. lamb.No 8

died  1. sheep. No. 1. 7. No 3. 1.No 5. 1. No7. 4. No8. 1. calf.No8.

Don Guillermo counted all cattle sheep & mares
Peones cutting abrojo. Man started cutting alfa on halves in No. 9.  Sent 5 bags of locusts to Las Rosas.  Sold one fat.pig.

February 6, Monday

Fine cool weather

Yesterday the Chandlers came to breakfast
Messrs Judson & Margrain left for B.A.
Parted 12 small cows for Consumo from No 19
  "  30 novillos for sinueleros

Killed  2 sheep .1. Cow.

died  1. nov. No1. 2. sheep No. 3.

Peones cutting abrojo in No. 6.

February 7, Tuesday

Fine clear weather.  —  Warm.

Sold Cuesar Morando all the novillos in No. 19. @45.00 parted 40 —
Chandler gave check for 50 Tons alfalfa 25.0.00 gold —

Killed  1. cow.

died  1. nov. & 1 cow No. 18.
1. Sheep No. 10. 3. No 15. 3 rams No. 17.

Parted 10 nov. from No 18 & 15 from No 20 for señuelo brought them up & cut their horns.
Don Julio Delgado arrived.

February 8, Wednesday

Hot & sultry  —  no wind

Killed  1. cow.

died  1. mare No.5. 1. cow No 20
1. Sheep No.1. 1. No. 3. 1. No.5. 5. No.6 2.No 7. 4. No. 16

One imported ram six tooth.
Peones cutting abrojo & carting alfalfa.  Carlos brought sheep dip from the station in the morning & cut alfa for lecheria in the afternoon.
Don Guillermo & Don Julio Delgado went to Rosario.
 "   "   came back same day

February 9, Thursday

Hot & cloudy  —  no wind

Killed.  2 sheep. 1. cow

died.  2 sheep No.6. 1. No.10. 1.No14. 2 No.16. 1 No. 17.
1. Nov.No 3. 1. No. 4.

Parted 10 deshecho rams from No. 13 into consumo flock.  Brought No 15 flock up to corral.
Mr. Anderson came & bought a stallion
Peones cutting abrojo in No.6.
Mr. & Mrs. Judson nurse & child arrived from B.A.

February 10, Friday

Very hot  —  no wind

Killed  1. cow.  1. shep

died  1. sheep No 8. 1. ram No.12. 1.nov.No18.

Morando parted 10 novillos No. 19. & 10 sheep No 15.
peones cutting abrojo No. 6.

February 11, Saturday

Very hot  —  West wind

Killed  2. sheep

died  1. cow No. 4. 1. No 14. 1 nov. No20.
1.sheep. No. 3. 1.No.4.1.No 5. 7. No.6. 2.No.7. 4.No. 8. 2.No10
1. No.11. 2.No12. 1. ram No 13. 1. borrego No 16.1 ram No17.

Peones cutting abrojo.
Cut alfa in small potrero in front of house
Don Juan & Don Alfredo came from Armstrong
Wells in No 15 & No 19 failing

February 13, Monday

Hot morning  —  Showery afternoon & West wind

Killed  2.sheep.  1. cow.

died  2 sheep.No 6.1. No 7. 3.No8. 2 No.15. 1. No.14.1.No.16.1.ram No.13
1. Bull No 8. 1. cow. No 19.

Yesterday moved a point of cattle from No.19 to No 18 as well was getting low.  Weather very hot.

Peones cutting abrojo.  Blacksmith mending windmill at represa.
Morando took fifteen novillos from No. 19.
Bull No. 29. bought by Thompson died.

February 14, Tuesday

Rained all day

Killed  4 sheep.

died  1. sheep No. 14. 5. 16. 1. torito No. 3.1. cow 18. 1. novillo 5
1. mare no. 6. 1. horse No 15.

Mary Johnston came.

February 15, Wednesday


Killed  1. cow.

died  1. Sheep No1. 5.2. 4.3. 1.4. 3.5. 2.14. 1. deshecho ram. 1. imported ram 1.potro No1.

Paid the Patente de Rodados [Vehicle License] for 1899.  6 coaches, 6 carts, 1 tilbuy 114.$
Rained all last night.  Peones cutting abrojo No 6. Rodriguez took 48 cow hides 1077 Kilos & 4 potro hides
Tropa arrived from Monte Rey 396 novillos 5. men
Put the novillos in No 7.

February 16, Thursday

Very hot  —  No wind

Killed  1. cow.

died  4. sheep. No 3. 3.4. 2.7. 1.14.

Morando parted 10 novillos from No. 19.
Peones cutting abrojo in No.5.
Mr. Marty arrived.   Sent Juan Maria to Laguia station to meet Mrs. Johnston.

February 17, Friday

Heavy rain.  —  South wind

Killed  1. cow.

died  1. Sheep. No.5. 5.No.7.1.8.

Rained hard all morning.  Peones cutting abrojo
Don Guillermo went to Laguia.

February 18, Saturday

Fine clear weather

Killed  1. cow.

died  4. sheep. No3.1.No.15.1.No 8.  1. nov. 4. 1.5. 1.cow. 20

Brought cassilla from No 5 to estancia.
Peones cleaned out puesto well No.3. cleaned out sheep dip & corrales.& carted alfalfa from small paddock in front of house.
Mrs. Johnston came from Cordoba.
The Miss Laguias called.

February 20, Monday

Fine weather  —  East wind.

Yesterday was cool & clear with south wind
Don Juan & Mr. Marty left for Rosario.
Brought up capones from No.4. & filled sheep dip.

[— Following line, likely by WOBz —]

Caesar Morando parted 10 novillos from No 19. @ 45.00

Killed  4.sheep. 1.cow.

died  3. sheep. No.1. 1.10. 1. ram 13/ 1.cow 15. 1.18.

Mr. Black came & looked at the capones.
Dipped pure bred rams & rams from No 13. & most of the capones.  Brought up No 3 flock.
Don Alfredo & Mr. Judson left for Cordoba.

February 21, Tuesday

Cool day  —  East wind

[— Following line, likely by WOBz —]

Counted 1330 capones – No. 4

Killed  1. cow.

died  1. sheep No. 3. 1.6. 1. 8.

Finished dipping capones & put them back in No 4  Started dipping No 3. flock & brought up No.1.
Dr. Brossetti & Mr. Black came over from Las Rosas

February 22, Wednesday

Warm  —  North wind

Killed  one cow.

died  1. sheep . No.1.  1. Cow (lechera).3. 1. vacillona 4.

Parted 104 novillos from No.19. To No 6.
Finished dipping No.3 flock & started dipping No.1.
Took back No.3.  1445.

February 23, Thursday


died  2 Sheep No . 2.8. 2 imported rams.
2. cows No 18.

Brought up No. 2 flock.  Finished dipping & took back No 1. flock. 1309.  Changed flock from No.10 to No.15.
Changed Marengos manada from No 6 6o No. 19. & changed the young shires manada from No.10. to No.6.
Sent 1. lamb ram & 2 borregas to Don Mariano Marul for shipment to Brazil.
Don Alfredo & Dr. Judson came back from Cordoba
Sent a well cylinder to the Victoriano
Changed Merlins manada from No 8 to No 5. & Bonny Dancers manada from 5 to 8.

February 24, Friday


Killed  2 sheep. 1. cow.

died  1. sheep. No.12.  1. No14.. 1. Nov.No.5.

Parted 14 small cows from no. 20 for Consumo
Finished dipping & took back No.2 flock. Dipped plantel

(Killed)  (2 sheep.No15)

(died)  (1. sheep.No 3.2.8 1.15. 1.16. 1.ram.13. 10..17. 1.vacillona No 4)

February 25, Saturday


Killed  2.sheep No 15

died  1. sheep No 3. 12.10.10 1. vacillona No.4.

Peones cutting abrojo & filling up rat holes round galpon
Messrs Saralegi & Robinson arrived
Don Guillermo drove visitors over to Las Rosas.
Don Lorenzo & Dr. Laguia came & stopped the night.

February 27, Monday

Yesterday all hands went over to Las Rosas sale  A large crowd of people came from all parts of the country. Messrs Birmingham & Fisher returned with us.  Bought one imported bull $550

Killed  3 cows. One con cuero

died  1. nov. No5

Peones cutting abrojo
Shepherd & 2 men went to Las Rosas to bring over Sarralegi’s & Fisher’ cattle bror [#?] bull.
Brought up No 15 flock.
Don Juan left for Cordoba.
Mr. Henderson arrived with potros for Don Guillermo

February 28, Tuesday

Fine weather

died  1. sheep No 2, 1.3. 2.4. 2. 8. 1.15. 1 ram.17. 1.heifer 3. 1 cow.19.

Dipped No.15 flock. 352.  Brought up & dipped No 14 flock 678.  Brought up No 5. flock.
Marked Sarralegis cattle.
Don Alfredo Messrs. Sarralegi Robinson, Birmingham Alchuron & Fisher left.

[ Blotter Note (facing Feb.28) ]

Animals died in February

Cattle.  Killed  18
   died   30   48

Sheep.   Killed  23
    died    187   210

Horses  died.   4.

Calves  died.    1.

March 1899

March 1, Wednesday

Fine weather  —  East wind

Killed  1. cow. 1. sheep No 7.

died  1. ram No.12. 1.13.  1. lechera 3. 1.14.  2 cows 19. 2 novillos 1. cow.20

Dipped & took back No5 flock 580. Brought up & started dipping No.7. brought up No.6.
Morando parted 10 novillos

March 2, Thursday

Hot & cloudy  —  West wind

Killed  1. cow.

died  2 sheep No.1. 1.7. 2.14, 1.nov.5. 2.cows.20

Finished dipping & took back No 7.. flock. Started dipping No.6.  Took out guia for Mr. Fishers cattle
Stopped animals drinking from mud represa No 20
Mr. Henderson left.

March 3, Friday

Heavy rain.

Killed  2 sheep No. 6.

died  2 sheep. 14. 1.16. 1. nov.15. 1.horse 1.

Finished dipping & took back No.6. Flock. 656.
Sent Fishers 6 cows & 2 calves to San Marco.

March 4, Saturday


Killed  1. cow. 3 sheep. No. 6.

Rained most of the night & all day

March 6, Monday

Fine weather  —  South wind.

Yesterday.  Rained all night & one heavy storm of wind & rain the afternoon. Ditch in No. 19 overflowing

Killed  2. sheep. 1. cow.

died  2 sheep No.1. 5.8. 2.11. 1.14. 4.16. 1.ram 17. 1. imported ram
1. horse 14.

Rained all night & cleared up fine from the South in the early morning. Cañadas & ditches all full.
Peones cutting abrojo in No. 16.
Don Guillermo drove over to the Tres Lagunas to see some heifers
Mosca brava very bad especially in potreros next to colony
Changed mares from 3 to 1. & potros from 1. to 3.

March 7, Tuesday

Fine weather

[— Following cattle counts by field, likely by WOBz —]

Parted 16 cows.  20 to 3
  "  33  "  18  "  3
  "  31  "  15  "  3
  "  73 big novillos 3 " 4
Morando parted 10 novillos

Killed  one cow.

died  8. sheep No.2. 1.15. 1. torito No 3.

Six of the sheep in No 2. evidently killed by lightning
Peones cutting abrojo & cleaning out sheep dip

March 8, Wednesday

Fine weather

Killed  2 sheep

died  1.sheep No. 1.8 1.14. 1.ram 13.2 imported rams. 1. nov. 7.

[— Following cattle counts by field, likely by WOBz —]

No 15 — 250 cows
     400 more or less from no 19 }
     375 cows   "  " "   20 } 1025

No 19
      200 novillos from – 15 }
      381  "  "    20 }
      358  "  "    18 } 939

No 18   756 cows

Parted fine cows from No.6. & shut them in corral.
Parted four fine cows 17 macho calves into No 5. (10 bulls) & 16 heifers No 6.
Cleaned out sheep dip & brought up No 8 flock to corral

March 9, Thursday

Warm weather  —  No wind.

Killed  3. sheep.

died   1. sheep No 5. 1.11. 2.16. 1. nov.5.

Started dipping No 8. flock.
Parted 44 hembra calves from No. 8 to No 6.
  "  31  "    "    " " 3  "  " "
  "  33 macho  "    " " 8  "  " 5
  "  17  "    "    " " 3  "  " "
Sent Juan to Laguia station with mail cart.

March 10, Friday

Warm clear day  —  no wind

Killed  1. cow.

died  1. sheep.No.8. 1.pure bred ram. 1. nov. 15.

Finished dipping No.8. Flock. 716
Parted 131 vacillonas from No. 4. to No. 6.
Sideys partner & two native estancieros came over from Las Rosas.
Sold one horse $80

March 11, Saturday

Warm day  —  North wind

Killed  1. cow. 1. sheep.

died  1. sheep. No.1.  2.6. 1.11. 7.16. 1. ram 13. 1. bull 3.

Dipped all the rams. Dipped deshecho sheep in No 16.
Sold 1. pig. $30. 1. capon $5
Don Guillermo left for Venado Tuerto.
Erskin Watt arrived & stopped the night.

March 13, Monday

Close & hot.

Yesterday Mr. Watt left.  Mr. Adrian arrived.  Very hot.

Killed  2 cows.

died  1. sheep. 7. 8.8. 2.nov.7. 1.mare 8.

Dipped fine point.
Peones cut abrojo in the afternoon
Parted 346 novillos from No.3 to No. 4.

March 14, Tuesday

Very hot.

Killed  1. cow.

died  3 sheep No.1.1. 3. 5.4. 1.7. 1.16.
4 cows No.3. 1. 4. 2.15. 1. Nov. 7. 1.4.

Parted novillos that had broke out of 19 into 15 back again.
Parted 83 macho calves from 15 to 5 & 53 hembra calves from 15 to 6
Sold Rodriguez 10 barrils & 11 tins of grease & 42 vacuna hides & 4 yeguariza hides.

March 15, Wednesday

Rained last night  —  Not quite so hot.

Killed  2 sheep

died  1. sheep No 2. 2. 3.1.4. 2.8. 1.15. 3.16. 1.ram.13.1.nov. 7. 1.potro 14.

Cesare Morando took 20 novillos.
Put out rams to the fine flocks.
Brought up No. 1. flock.

[ Blotter Note (by JEBz, facing March 15) ]

If there are any flocks very scabby, & the flies are not too bad, shear them before lambing which begins April 1st.
Put the rams into the flocks again.

Put 12 imported rams into No.6
 "  1    "   "  "  "  11
 " 13   "   "  "  "  14
 "  7    "   "  "  "  15

Put hombred rams into No.
 " 26         1.
    33 "   "  "   3
    14 "   "  "   7
    16 "   "  "   8

March 16, Thursday

Very hot.

Killed  1.sheep No.1. 1. cow

died  Parted 93 calves from No.18. Marked them & put 69 machos into No.5 & 24 Hembras into No. 6
Parted 260 cows from 15 to 18
Dipped No. 1. flock & brought up flock from 3.
Mr. Fleming arrived
Mosca brava evry bad.
Put rams to the ordinary flocks

March 17, Friday

Very hot  —  North wind

Killed  1. cow.

died  2 sheep.No.1. 1 cow. 3. nov. 7.

Took back No. 1. flock. 1291.  Brought up borregas from No. 2.  Dipped No. 3. flock.
Carted posts from station.
Mosca brava very bad

March 18, Saturday

Very hot.  —  Thunderstorms

died  1. imported ram No 6. 1.sheep. 7. 1.15 . 1. cow.1.1. 3.1. nov. 3.5.71.

Morando parted 20 novillos from No 6.
Carted posts from station.
Took back No. 3 flock.
Men cutting abrojo in No 5 & 7.
Two Ogilvys arrived from England.
Mosca brava worse than ever
The female alpaca died.

March 20, Monday

Rained  —  Much cooler

Rained all Saturday night & all Sunday night.
Yesterday Chandlers came to lunch

Killed  1. cow. 5 sheep

died  1. sheep No.6. 4.7. 5.8. 9.16.1.potrillo 2. 1.cow.8 .1.novillo 7.

Peones sawing wood in afternoon

March 21, Tuesday

Fine clear weather  —  North Wind

Killed  2 sheep

died  3 sheep.No.12.3.11. 5.3. 1.ram 3. 2.cows 3. 1. novillo 7.

Peones carting manure into garden.
Nicolas went to Carcaraña to fetch stolen horse.

March 22, Wednesday

Very fine  —  East wind

Killed  1. cow.

died  3 sheep. No 1. 1.4. 5 rams 13. 1. cow. No. 3.

Parted 795 novillos 4 X 20. Left 25 cows in No 4.
Dipped borregas from No 2.  1063. Brought up capones from No. 4.
Carting old manure heap to back of garden
Mosca brava still bad.

March 23, Thursday

Clear bright day  —  East wind

Killed  1. cow.

died  2 sheep No 16.1.6. 3.8.1. 11. 3;14; 3;15; 1 nov. 5. 1.heifer 6.

Dipped capones.  1243.  peones carting manure.
Cust small paddock in front of house & started cutting ram paddock.
Started cutting for estancia account in No 10.
Mrs. Johnston & May went to Laguia.

March 24, Friday

Cloudy  —  Soth wind

Killed  1. cow.

died  2. sheep No1. 1 ram 4. 1.28.  1. nov.1. 8.7.

Parted borregas from 5 into 2.  323.
  "  capones " "  "  4.  198.
Put 362 novillos from . 7. into 4.
Dipped No.5 flock. Brought up & dipped No. 7. flock
Brought up flock from No. 6.

March 25, Saturday

Killed  1 cow.

Caesar Morando took 10 novillos @ 45.00
Ogilvy & his two brothers left for 51.

March 27, Monday

Killed  1 cow  3 desecho sheep.

died  1 sheep no 3. 1 capon no 4. 1 sheep no 2 -1 sheep no 1 -

Finished dipping flock no. 8.
Men cutting alfalfa No.10—
Brought potrancas from No 20 parted abichados
Weather hot -
Rec’d from Larguia Station one basket fruit sent from Cruz Grande -

died  Sheep No. 6-11-2-8-3-7-1-6-2-14
Cows 1 novillo No 4-4-4-1-3-1-7-

March 28, Tuesday

Killed  2 desecho sheep

died  1-3-1-6-1-11-4-8-2-12-1-14-1-15
2 Novillos from No. 4—

Weather warm & rainy in afternoon Alfalfa men worked ½ day—

March 29, Wednesday

Killed  1 cow  2 desecho sheep

died  sheep 1-16-4-7-1-8-1-2.
2 cows No.3 - 2 novillos No 4

Weather rainy all day —

March 30, Thursday

died  - Sheep-2-3-1-1-2-6-2-16-1-15-3-1

 "   Cows-2-6-Novillo 1-4- 1 cow No.3.

Weather cool south wind -
Larrachea was here to day-

[ Blotter Note (facing March 30) ]

Animals died in March

Cattle Killed.  19 }
    died.   77 } 96

Sheep Killed.  33 }
    died. 250 } 283

Horses died.   5

March 31, Friday

Killed  2 sheep No 16.

Don Juan & Mr. Marty came today.
Larrechea & Bothlink were here today —
Weather fine & clear.

April 1899

April 1, Saturday

Fine Weather

Killed  1. cow.

died  1. sheep No. 2. 1.7. 1-8. 2-4. 1-15. 4-16.  8 nov. 4. 1.cow. 6. 1-14.1-18. 1 potro.1.1-

Dipped No.14. Flock.  Peones working in alfa.
Mr. Marty left.  Ogilvy came back.

April 3, Monday

Fine clear wather

Killed  1 cow.

Yesterday. Put novillos from No. 4. into No. 7. left 2 in No. 4. 336
Tropa arrived from Chaco put it in No. 4. Arrived in very good condition.

April 3 4, Tuesday

Fine weather  —  rather warm

Counted cattle from the Chaco in No.4. —607—

Killed  One cow.

died  4 sheep No.3. 1.4. 1.6. 2.7. 3.8. 1.15. 5.16.  3, nove. No. 4. 4 Nov. 7. 1. cow No 3.

Cesare Morando took ten novillos from No.6.
All flocks begun lambing.
Don Juan left for Buenos Aires.
Peones working in alfa.
Pedro Cabrero started making w.c. In garden

April 4 5, Wednesday

Heavy mist in  —  morning hot day

Killed  1 cow.

died  1. sheep No. 8.1.2. 4.16. - 2 cows 3 1.14.  1 nov. 4. 1.7. 1. mare 20.

Brought Chaco cattle up to bebida
Peones working alfa in No.10.
Poisoned caranchos.
Erskin Watt came & stopped the night.

April 5 6, Thursday

Misty morning  —  Hot day

Killed  1. cow.

died  1. sheep. No 3. 1.6.1-7. 1-8.  1. Nov. 7. 1-19.

Parted 145 cows from 15 into 18.
Peones working alfa in No 10
Carpenter started work.
Mrs. Johnston & May left.

April 6th, Thursday

Hot & close  —  North wind

Killed  1.cow.

died  3. sheep No.1. 3.-2. 2-7. 1-8. 2-15. 4-16.  1. nov. 1. 1-7. 1 calf 7.

Peones working alfa in No.10.
Mosca brava very bad.
Poisoned caranchos

April 7, Friday

Hot cloudy day  —  North wind

Killed  1. cow.

died  3 sheep No.6. 1-7. 1-8 1-14. 2-15. 2-16.  1. heifer 6. 1. nov. 6.1-7.

Parted 100 cows from 18 to 15. & 14 from 18 to 11 for consumo.
Put 16 mares & Don Guillermos horses from 15 into 18.
Cured abichados in No. 4.
Bought strychnine in Las Rosas to poison caranchos
Mosca brava every bad.
Mason started work making lime pit.
Peones working alfa in No 10

April 8, Saturday

Hot day  —  North wind

Killed  1. cow.

died  2 sheep No. 1. 5-3. 1-6. 2-7. 2-8. 1-14. 2 rams 13. 1. nov. 7.

Parted 57 cows from No. 15 yo No 3.
Peones working alfa in No. 10.
Mosca brava very bad.
Poisoned caranchos in 14. 15 & 3.
Large manga of locusts in the camp.

April 10, Monday

Cloudy  —  South wind.

Sunday   Rained nearly all day.

Killed  4 sheep

died  1. sheep No. 7. 1-8. 1-15.2-16..1.ram 14.  1. cow 14. 2. nov. 7.

Parted out 136 sheep for Rosario. Brought up Las Rosas bull from No.14 to the house.  Put Thompsons bull from No. 16 into No. 14.
Don Pedro Mr. Saralegi’s mayor domo came to take away their heifers
Carted wood & zinc from station for milkmans galpon.

April 11, Tuesday

Cloudy.  —  North East wind

Caesar Morando took 10 novill

Killed  2 sheep.  1. cow.

died  5 sheep. No. 6. 2-7. 1-15. 2-16. 1 ram. 1# 13. 1. potranca. 20.

Sent Saralegis cattle to San Genaro.
Don Pedro Alchuron left.
Cesare Morando took 10 novillos from No.6.
Sent a wagon load (135) sheep & capones to Marty Macintosh

April 12, Wednesday

Dark cloudy day  —  Wind variable

Killed  3 sheep.

died  5 sheep. No 1. 2-2. 17-3.1-6.1-7. 1-8.1-14.1.-15. 3-16.6 rams 13. 1cow. 4 5 nov.7.

learting bricks from No 18 to estancia.
Cured abichados in Tijeras
Men returned from taking Saralegis vacillonas to San Genaro
Cesare Morando took 10 old sheep.

April 13, Thursday

Cold morning  —  Warm afternoon.

Killed  1. cow

Parted 90 calves from No.15. 52 machos to No.5. 38 hembras to No.6.
Professor Ligniers came & parted 5 sick novillos from No. 7. yo No. 13. Put them through the brete & took their temperature which ranged from 3 to 4 degrees centigrade above the normal.
Mr. Böthlingk came to breakfast.

April 14, Friday

Cloudy.  —  North wind

Killed  1. cow.

died  3 sheep No. 2. 6-3. 1-4. 6.6. 2-8. 1-15. 6-16. 6 rams 13.
2 novillos No 13. 1.cow. 16.1. mare 20.

Killed two sick animals from No 13 for professor Ligniers
Peones working alfalfa No.10

April 15, Saturday

Killed  1. cow. 1.sheep

died  1. sheep. No. 1. 1.-3.3-4.3-6.2-7. 4-14.1-15.3-16.1.ram 13.  1. cow. 3.

Professor Ligniers & Ogilvy drove to Las Joyas to see a point of cattle from which over two hundred had died since Monday
1. cow died of tristeza No 3.

[ Blotter Note (by JEBz, facing April 15) ]

Take the rams out of the flocks, dont leave them longer or the sheep will lamb during shearing.

April 17, Monday

Clear & cold

Killed  2.sheep.

died  1. sheep No 2.  8-No 3.6-1. 1. nov. 1.

Caesar Morando parted 10 novillos @ 45.-
Took 24 rams out of No.1. 25-2. 10-7.
Peones working alfa in No. 10.
Professor Ligniers & Ogilvy returned from Las Joyas yesterday.
Professor Ligniers left for Buenos Ayres.

April 18, Tuesday

Fine day.  —  North wind

Killed  1. cow.

died  1. sheep. No 6. 1-15. 1-16. 1. calf. 18.

Rodriguez took 5494 Kilos of grease.
Parted 13 rams from No. 8. 5. from 15.  9.from 14.
“John Bull” died

April 19, Wednesday

Clear day.  —  North wind.

Killed  2 sheep.

died  1 sheep No 6. 3-14. 3-16. 4-15.  2 rams.14 .1-13. 1. nov. 7. 1.mare 20.

Parted 82 macho calves from No.18 to No.5. & 78 hembra calves to No6.
Peones stacking alfa in No.10 cutting in No 9.
Mosca brava not quite so bad.
[M. ## in left margin] Marked 158 calves

April 20, Thursday

Fine dry weather  —  North wind

Killed  1. cow. 3. sheep.

died  4 sheep No. 3. 2-4. 1-6. 2-7. 2-8. 1.lamb.6.

Don Juan returned from B.A.
Parted 9. rams out of No. 6.majada & 1.out of No.10.
Peones working alfa in Nos. 9. & 10.
Six pigs sold from the lecheria @ 30 dollars

April 21, Friday

Fine weather  —  South wind

Killed  1. cow.

died  1. sheep No 6. 1.-7. 1-14.6-16. 1. potro 3. 1. nov. 7. 1 cow 18.

Peones working alfa in Nos. 9 & 10.

April 22, Saturday

Fine weather  —  East wind

Killed  5.sheep. 1. cow.

died  1. sheep No.1. 3-3.1-4. 2-14.  1.cow. 14 1.calf 14.

Parted 29 sheep from No.16 to No 12 for consumo.
Parted 25 cows from No.18 & 12 from No.15. Into No.3.
Pig mand took 1.pig. @ $23.
Peones working alfa in No 9.
Don Patricio drove Don Juan to Armstrong.
Don Manuel Soso came.

April 24, Monday

Fine weather  —  North East wind

Killed  Two sheep 1. cow.

died  2. sheep. No 3. 1-6. 1-15. 2-16. 2 rams fine ram paddock. 1 ram 13.

Carted 3 rams from No 3. to No.12.

[— Following sales, likely by WOBz —]

Parted 200 cows from No.18 to No 6 – sold to Caesar Morando @ 30.00
Caesar Morando parted 10 cows @30.00
Sold 11 horses to Boero Hns y Franchini for 1060.-

April 25, Tuesday

Cloudy & warm  —  North wind.

Killed  1. cow.

died  4. sheep No. 7. 1.-8. 1. potro 14.

Cesare Morando took 15 cows from No.6.
Sold 9 pigs for 25 dollars.
Counted novillos No. 4.  338.  Novillitos No 1. 631. Vacillonas No.2. 717.
Italians came & looked at horses.

April 26, Wednesday

Heavy rain  —  during the night. S.wind

died  1. sheep No.2. 3-8. 1-16. 1. ram 12.1.imported ram. 1. claf No 6.

Mason started building new harness room.
Italian horse buyer left.
Mosca brava still bad.

April 27, Thursday

Fine day.  —  South wind.

Killed  3 sheep. 1. cow.

died  1. sheep/No.7. 1-8.

Parted 37. big novillos from No.19 to No. 10.
Brought up six pigs from pig potrero to pen at the house

April 28, Friday

Fine weather  —  North West wind

died  1. cow. No.14. 1. calf 15.

Parted 22 novillos from No.5 & 51. from No. 6. put them in No. 10.
Killed a novillo with a big head in No. 6. hide for cogundas [coyuntas #?]
Hand cured & trimmed feet of imported rams.

April 29, Saturday

Fine weather  —  North wind.

Killed  1.cow. 3 sheep.

died  1. sheep No. 7. 1.-8. 1-14. 2-15. 3-16. 1. novillo No.1. 1. cow.No. 6.

Took back 3 novillos from No.13 to No.7.
Put on rodeo No.14.7.
Mr. Johansen came.  Pat Adrian left.

[ Blotter Note (facing May 1&2) ]

Animals Died in April 1899 idem Killed







May 1899

May 1, Monday

Sunday   Cuello came with man from Rosario & bought 100 cows from No.18 & 600 vacillonas from No. 2.
Mr. Faulkener & two Chandlers came to breakfast.

[— New author, likely: Mr. Johansen (through December) —]

Fine weather.  North wind

Killed  3 sheep & 1 Cow

Died 3 sheeps Nº 3.  1 Capon Nº 4. 1 Sheep Nº 14. { 1 Sheep Nº 7. 1 Novillo Nº 7 } 1 Sheep Nº 8. 2 Rams Nº 12

Movements111 Novs from Nº 10 to Nº 5.
Brought up point of borregas from Nº 2 & started to hand cure them.

May 2, Tuesday

Fine weather.  Mist in the morning.  Wind at 430 from

Killed  1 Vaca


Sold to Ricobardi y Bianchi: 43 Mairs   (27 potrillos) a $50
     "     "  12 horses.  lump sum $250
Caesar Moranda aparted 15 Cows. from Nº 6.

Movements   Brought up & counted mairs from Nº 1 resulting
19 Mairs.  Brought back again.
Brought up manada from Nº 2 & taken back.

May 3, Wednesday

Fine weather.  Cold  —  South wind

Killed  1 Capon (y 1 oveja) del Nº 4.   1 cow.

Died – –

Received from Chandler 1 cartload firewood 1800 Kil nett (2560 - 740).
Aparted 516 Sheeps by Mr Black  30 sheep weighed. each. 72½ & put into Nº 5. from Nº 2.
Cuello parted 50 Vaquillonas from Nº 2 and
     100 Vacas    "  " 18.

[ Blotter, inverted ink stains (facing May 3) ]

  A. Beltramet
  Canada de Gomez

 R. Agar
Buenos Aires.

May 4, Thursday

Fine weather.  —  Cloudy in the morning.

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep Nº9.  belongs to Nº 2

Caesar Morando entregó $200
Mares (14) brought from Nº19 to Nº 1.
75 Cows from Nº 4 to Nº 3.
10 Criollo Cows from Nº 3 to Nº 4
12 Fine  Cows  "   Nº 3 to Nº 16
Brought up the half of borregas from Nº 2 & took back the other half ready cured

May 5, Friday

Cloudy in the morning.

Killed  1 Cow & 1 Sheep

Died 1 oveja Nº1. 3 id Nº3. 2 capon Nº4. 2 ovejas Nº6. 1 oveja Nº15. 1 oveja Nº16. 1 oveja Nº3  1 Vaca Nº15. 1 ternero Nº18

Delivered 10 K arroz to the alfalfa men.
Brought 30 bags maiz from E. Böhtlingk 1795 Ks
Hand curing borregas from Nº 2.
Felipe Jaime begins to work

May 6, Saturday

Fine weather  —  N. wind

Killed  1 Carnero Nº4. 1 cow.

Died 1 Cow Nº4.

Parted 10 Cows from Nº18 to Nº11 for consumo
Vda Carani pagó $21. importe de 3 canadas [cargadas #?] pasto a $7 c/u
[trans.: Widow Carani paid $21. charge for 3 loads of grass at $7 each]
Finished curing sheep from Nº2.

May 7, Sunday

Fine weather   cold.  —  S. Wind at p.m



P.J. Castaneira took away 100 Vacas Nº 18 y 50 Vaquillas Nº2. & brought Bank receipt for $4000.
Emilio Carboni bought 2 horses & treated about 20 horses for J. Becasino. C. de Gomez

May 8, Monday

Heavy fog in the morning  —  fine weather

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep Nº 6. 1 - Nº 16. 1 - Nº14. 1 Cow Nº3. 1 Horse Nº14.

Brought 20 coyundas plain}
  "   33 colleras w/ hair } from Nº 19
  "   15 Bs Maiz from E. Böhtlingk 898 K
J. Becasini paid $500 on a/c 20 horses bought.
sent 23 hares to N & N B/Aires
Rodriguez came & bought todos cueros lanares á c 28

Cueros Salados [⇐ vertical left side of list]
 142 Cueros Vacunos  3043 K
   15 idem cortados  281 "
  5 idem mal deshechos 85 "
  5 Cueros Potro buenos 1@ $3.-
  5  "   "  cortados @ 2.50
  1  "  Potranca

Put 16 Mares into Nº 6.
J. Becasini paid $500 a/c 20 horses to part.
Delivered 516 sheep from Nº4 in the station to Mr Black
Don Juan salió á Rosario [trans: Mr. John left for Rosario.].  Begun to plough for seed of Paraiso at south end of Nº 14.

May 9, Tuesday

fine weather

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep Nº13 (Carnero)

J. Rodriguez took away the hides bought yesterday and 744 sheepskins. for which all he paid $1248.71  Also took away 44 sheepskins “pelados” for which he will make price apart.
8 newly calved Cows from Nº 8 to 14.
Brought up half the borregas from Nº 2
Cleaned out sheep corral & dipp.

May 10, Wednesday

Fine weather  —  N. Wind & warm

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Cow Nº3. 1 lamb. Nº16. 1 Sheep Nº15  2 Sheep Nº14

Earmarked 16 lambs.
1471 Borregas from Nº 2 dipped
Also dipped fine Rams & the ordinary rams.
Mr Alfred Benitz arrived and Don Juan came back.
Poisoned Caranchos.
Finished to plough & sow Paraiso seed in Nº 14

May 11, Thursday


Killed  1 Cow

Died 2 sheep Nº2. 2 id Nº1. 5 id Nº3. 1 Capon Nº4. 1 sheep Nº6.

Caesar Moranda parted 15 Cows from Nº 6
Parted for Algarrobos 50 novillos

99 Bueyes B from Nº5
  5   "   JC "   Nº5
  5   "   EP  "   Nº5
  2   "   F  "   Nº5
30 Vacas   B  "   Nº18
50 Novillos B "   Nº5

Johanson’s signature was registered at Gefatura Pol. Las Rosas [tran.: Las Rosas Police Station].  Rufino Romero Guillermo Nuñez got certificate at Las Rosas as Ararreador de Haciendas [tran.: Livestock Herder], for this tropa to Algarrobos
Ordered one Wagon firewood.

May 12, Friday

Heavy Mist  —  very wet during day.

Killed  —

Died 1 Oveja Nº 6.

Guillermo Nuñez Rufino Bravo & 3 men started with troup for Algarrobos.
Pigs Counted to be 500.  10 Pigs given to Dürst
Guillermo Nuñez received $40- for expenses for troup to Algarrobos.
Lecheras passed from Nº 14 to 8.
Carlos ploughing for sowing Paraiso seeds south in Nº 8 & 7
20 Horses from El Rafango stopped the night.

May 13, Saturday

Fine weather

Killed  1 toro from Nº 8. 1 Cordero Nº12

Died 2 Cows Nº6 (1 cortada) (1 Potrillo cortado Nº8)

Parted in Nº 6  186 Calves & put into Nº 2
Castrated toritos in Nº 8  Made up the plantel in Nº 16. 135 Cows.
Mr W. Benitz arrived.

May 14, Sunday




Don Alfredo & Ogilvy drove to C. de Gomez and came back at night.

May 15, Monday


Killed  2 Sheep. 1 Cow

Died —

Counted Cattle in Nº 4 to. 569
  "   "  " "  7  "  319
Started to pull down fence in Nº 14.

May 16, Tuesday

Fine weather


Died 1 oveja Nº6. 2 id Nº8. 2 id Nº16. 1 Carnero Nº13. 1 Cordero Nº Fine Ram Paddock

Caesar Moranda parted Nº6 cows 12.
Brought up and dipped Capones from Nº4.
Fetched 5 Sheep from Las Lomas.

May 17, Wednesday

Fine weather  —  beautiful day.

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Ram, (fine ram padd)

[Note probably by JEBz] Sent 3 carts loaded with ploughs, harrows disc harrow chain harrows. yokes. coyundas chains and repuestos. to the station & sent them to San Marcos.  freight cost $28.60

Dipped capones from Nº4.  Mr W Benitz parted for ERios
Mr Nörstedt called.
Sent 1 cow with calf to post master in Las Rosas
Alfa peones finished taking down railroad fence in Nº 14. (3 days work). Begin in alfa tomorrow,
Señalared 2 lambs

May 18, Thursday

Fine weather  —  very warm


Died 5 Sheep Nº3. 1 id Nº1

Mr. J. Benitz parted for “Los Algarrobos”
Parted 234 Cows out from Nº4 and taken 178 cows to Nº18 and 56 Cows to Nº15.
Finished in the morning taking down fence in Nº 14.

May 19, Friday

Fine weather  —  warm

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Nº3.  1 calf Nº5

Gmo Nuñez came back from Los Algarrobos, had spent for the tropa $1050
Brought up & castrated 281 calves from Nº 5.

May 20, Saturday

Mist in the morning  —  warm

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep Nº6.  2 Cap Nº4. - 1 Ram Nº13

Caesar Moranda parted 15 Cows from Nº6.
Calves castrated from Nº5 put into Nº1  280 ans and one died. = 281
Señalared 49 lambs from Nº16
Mason fixed bebida in Nº4.  Moved Novillos 333 from Nº4 to Nº5.  Dipped the pure imported rams. & 1.01 Borregas from Nº16 and put rams into Nº12. Also dipped Rams from Nº13

May 21, Sunday

fine weather  — 



N. Gansto bought 1 horse $128.

May 22, Monday

Fog  —  Cold

Killed  1 Cows

Died 1 Cow Nº14.  2 ovejas Nº14  1 id Nº16

Parted 12 Cows for Consumo from Nº 18.
Changed Cows from Nº16 to Nº10. 1º plantel.
Dipped 1487 Sheep (Borregas) from Nº2.
Señalared 2 lambs from Nº2

May 23, Tuesday

Fine weather  —  N.E. wind

Killed  1 Capon

Died 3 Sheep Nº14  1 Cow Nº16

Señalared 34 lambs from plantel Nº10
   "   100  "   " Nº15.
   "    2  "   " Nº16
Dipped capones from Nº16
Men taking down fence in Nº11. Cutting alfa in the potrerito front of the house
Don Juan arrived from Los Algarrobos.

May 24, Wednesday


Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep Nº3. 4 id Nº1.  2 castrated Calfs. Nº1.

Dr. Infante & friends arrived
Tropa from Los Palmares arrived. 587. Var put into Nº 4.-
Señalared 121 lambs fr. Nº14
Hand cured flock fr. Nº 14.

May 25, Thursday

Fine weather  —  very warm



Dr Infante & friends went away.
Mr Hill came

May 26, Friday

Fine weather  —  strong N. wind

Killed  1 Cow

Died 2 Sheep Nº8. 1 id Nº8. 2 calves Nº1

Mr J.B. & Wife went to BAires
Sr Salvatierra came.
Señalared & handcured flock from Nº 8.
Shewed Salvatierra rodeos in Nº15. 18 & 19 & 20.
Mr Hill went away

May 27, Saturday

Fine weather  —  warm N. Wind

Killed  1 Cow

Died 2 Carneros Nº13  1 Lamb. Nº18.  1 Mare Nº1. 1 Castr. Calf Nº1.

Sr Salvatierra went away
Brought 8 cartloads firewood.
Ogilvy finished flock Nº 8. Señalared 353 lambs.
Racking [Raking #?] alfa front of the house

May 28, Sunday

Fine weather

Arrived tropa from “Los Palmares” 257 ans. & were put into Nº 4

Died 2 Calves Nº1.

May 29, Monday

Very miathy [#?]

Killed  4 Sheep Nº13 (3 capones 1 oveja)

Died 1 Sheep Nº10. 1 id Nº14. 1 id Nº15. 1 Borrego Nº6.

P. Castañeira parted 150 Vaquillonas fr. Nº 2
Sent Saino Mala Cara Surco sold to Miguel Gavosto [#?] to Rosario with troperos.–
Handcured flock from Nº6.  Señalared 205 lambs of same Flock counted to be 415
Caesar Moranda paid $700.
11 Cows were taken out from Nº48 to Nº 14 (lecheras)

May 30, Tuesday

Heavy weat Fine weather  —  very warm.

Killed  1 Nov. Nº5  hide cut (Zerrobio Diaz)

Died 6 Sheep Nº3.  2 id Nº1. 1 id Nº7  1 Cow Nº8.

Caesar Moranda parted 15 Cows fr Nº 6.
Emilio Carbone called
Brought up and started to handcure & señalar flock from Nº7.
Marking and castrating 134+1=(135) calves from (Los Palmares)
Invernada cattle from Nº15 & 18

May 31, Wednesday

Rained at 5 a.m.  —  rest of day cloudy

Killed  1 Cow.  hide cut. (Gmo Nuñez)

Died 1 Sheep Nº8  1 id Nº15. 1 id #13.

54 Terneras & 8 Terneros marked put into Nº 2 and 1 Vaquilla into Nº 6.
72 Calves (males) marked and put into Nº 9.

[ Blotter Note (facing May 31) ]

Animals died May 1899

Sheep  87
Rams  7
Lambs   3   total Lanares 97 ans

—————————— ——————————

Cows  11
Novillos  1
Calves  9  total Vacunos 21 ans

—————————— ——————————

Mares  1
Potranca 1
Potrillo   1  total Yeguarizos 3 ans

—————————— ——————————


Novillos  1
Cows  21
Sheeps   14
Lambs   1

June 1899

June 1, Thursday

Fine weather  —  fresh

Killed  –

Died 3 Sheep Nº8. 1 id Nº6  1 lamb Nº6

Mr Marty came & brought books up
Men began in the forenoon to podar the monte
Handcuring & señalaring flock from Nº7
Señalared 183 lambs.
Books brought by Mr Marty:
“Los Palmares” Mayor, Diario & Caja
La California  Mayor, Diario, Caja & Inventario
El Victoriano  Mayor, Diario, Caja & Inventario
Monterrey   Mayor, Diario, Caja & Inventario
Los Algarrobos Mayor, Diario & Caja
[trasn. of books: Caja-Cash, Diario-Gral.Ledger, Mayor-Accounts, Inventario-Inventory]

June 2, Friday

Fine weather

Killed  2 Sheep Nº7  1 cow

Died –

Sent for 25 Bags Maiz from J.P. Lamuniere weighing 1540 Kil
Marty left for B Aires.
Handcured and señalared 53 lambs of Nº 7 flock and put flock back again, amount of lambs señalared 236.  Count of flock 536
Brought up capones from Nº 4.

June 3, Saturday

Fog in the morning.

Killed  1 Sheep.

Died 1 Sheep Nº12  1 Nº19 (hide spoiled)

Dipped capones from Nº 4 and put back into the potrero.  Counted 1119.
Dipped 115 Borregas from Nº12 and put into Nº2

June 4, Sunday

Fine weather

Mr Wm Benitz returned from E.Rios

Killed  1 Sheep Nº13

June 5, Monday

Kept on a chain, the puma (from Los Palmares, June, 1892) was dangerous.  Likely shot at WOBz’s request to protect his children.

Fine weather.

Killed  1 Cow.

Died 1 Ram Nº13. 1 Cow Nº6. 2 calves Nº1  1 Novillo Nº5

Don Alfredo shot the lion (weighed 81 Kil)
Don Gmos furniture brought up from station
72 calves taken from Nº9 to Nº1.
Cured & Señalared flock in Nº1.

June 6, Tuesday

Fine weather  —  cold

Died 7 Sheep Nº3. 1 id Nº1. 1 id Nº14.  1 Potro Nº3

Killed  1 Cow.

Died 24 cows taken from Nº3 and put 22 into Nº10 & 2 into Nº1
57 Novillos  "  " Nº5   "  "   57  "  Nº10
Finished handcuring Nº1 flock  Señalared 657
lambs & flock counted to be 1158 sheep.
Started handcuring flock Nº3
Taken plantel 194 cows from Nº10 to Nº9

June 7, Wednesday


Killed  1 Cow

Died 3 Sheep Nº8.  2 id Nº7  1 Ternero Nº1

Two stallions brought up from the station also 8 alpacas.  Bought from Fothergill £500-/-
Parted 25 Cows from Nº15 to Nº 10
Put flock Nº15 to Nº 10 (283)
Handcuring & señalaring flock Nº3

June 8, Thursday



Died 1 Sheep Nº7

Caesar Morando parted 15 Cows from Nº 6.
finished curing Nº3 flock & señalaring 871 lambs
Sheep counted 1506 in Las Tijeras
Dgo Rossi bought 10 horses for $1400.
Faniano Hos & Herrera from Rosario bought 100 Cows from Nº 18 at $30 to part out between 8 o 10 days.
Mr W Benitz A Benitz and Miss Macintosh drove to Mr Böthlingk.

June 9, Friday

Fine weather

Killed  2 Sheep Nº13. 1 Cow.

Died –

Mrs. J Benitz [Marjorie]. Mrs Fothergill Miss Schreiber and Governes came.
Marked 154 calves from Nº15 and of same put 63 males into Nº1 and 91 females into Nº2
2 carts went to the station in the afternoon to fetch cargo.

June 10, Saturday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Capon Nº4. 2 Sheep Nº8. 1 Cow Nº3  1 Cow Nº9

P. J. Castanaiera apartó 190 Vaquillas from Nº2
Parted 17 Cows for consumo from Nº18
Mrs Böhtlingk and companie called

June 11, day

Fine weather  —  warm

Mr Fothergill came

June 12, Monday

Cloudy  —  raining at 3. pm

Killed  1 Capon

Died 16 lambs Nº3. 1 Sheep Nº3. 2 Capones Nº4. 2 Sheep Nº1. 1 Sheep Nº9  1 toro Nº4

Miss Macintosh & Don Alfredo went to Rosario.
Mr Fothergill went to el Rafango.
Señalared 11 lambs flock from Nº9. (plantel) also handcuring them
Señalared 4 lambs from deshecho sheep & worked the rams.
The alfafa men setting up alfalfa preso.
Horatius served large chestnut mare

June 13, Tuesday

Fine weather  —  very cold.

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep Nº8  1 Sheep Nº14.

The alfalfa men setting up alfalfa press.
One llama died
The alfalfa men setting up alfalfa press

June 14, Wednesday

Cloudy  —  very - cold

Killed  1 Cow.

Died 1 Sheep Nº6. 1 Lamb Nº7. 1 Calf Nº1. 1 Novillo Nº20

Mrs & Mr Fothergill went away.
The alfalfa men setting up the press.
Changed the locks on gates in 12. 14. 6. & 8

June 15, Thursday

fine weather  —  very cold.


Died 1 Novillo Nº19.

Solicitud for Señal for Sheep “una muesca en cada oreja adelante”. sent in to Gefe Politico
Sent to town for Cement & coals.
Aparted harness horses for Algarrobos from Nº18 and put into Nº9.
Mr Böhtlingk Jr called. Moved the casilla and men into Nº19 ready for baling alfalfa.
Carpenter working on New harness room.
Peones prunning monte half day, rest too wet, sawing wood
Mr Hill came in the evening.

June 16, Friday

fine weather

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep #6  1 Calv Nº2  1 Cow Nº9

6 Pigs killed weight
Gefe Politico & other Señor called & stopped to dinner
Moved store room also harness-room into the new room built
Rodeo held in Nos
Weights of Pigs - average 122 K
1 - 117
1 - 106
1 - 115
1 - 184
1 - 106
1 - 106
Mr Böhtlingk sent 2 carts of Maize which was ground
Mr Hill bought 2 horses & went away

June 17, Saturday

Fine weather  —  very cold

Killed  1 Cow 1 Capon Nº13

Died – – – – –

10 Toritos taken from Nº5 to the imported ram potrero
Mr Greenwoods tropa stayed in the corral over the night.
Finished grinding Mr Böhtlingk’s maize.
Sent to Las Rosas to fech boards. & c.

June 18, Sunday

Fine weather

Fanciano Hnos & Herrera parted 100 Cows from Nº18
Becasino called and left documents in security for $1500.-
M Chandler came & stayed the night.

[— Mixed authors: Johansen, Ogilvy?, JEBz?, WOBz? —]

June 19, Monday

Fine weather  Frost.

Killed  1. cow.      (hide given for guasca)

Died 1. Nov. No.1. 1. Sheep No 1. 1. No.8. 16 lambs No.3.

Biscachicida - machine returned to Mr Böhtlingk
Mr. Johanson went to Rosario. Italian horse buyers from Cañada de Gomez came.
Peones triming monte by the house.
Motor for baling press arrived
Don Juan returned from Cordoba.

June 20, day

Fine weather.  Frost.

Cuello parted ten heifers from No. 2.
Morando parted 15 cows from No 6.
Hand cured flock from No. 10 & señalared 31 lambs 28 of them rams.  Shut in a point from No 14.
Peones triming monte by the house
Motor & press went down to No.19 & started baling
Julio Delgado came.
Count of flock from No. 10. 286.

Died 1 Calf Nº14  1 Sheep Nº7

[— Likely author: Mr. Johansen - resumes —]

June 21, Wednesday

Foggy morning  —  and frost. fine afternoon.

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Cow Nº9. 1 Nº14

Cuello brought horse buyers who bought 2 horses
Johanson came back from Rosario
Mr Chandler called in the afternoon.
Cured & Señalaring Sheep from Nº14

June 22, Thursday

Foggy morning

Killed  1 Cow  1 Sheep Nº 6.

Died –

Cuello called
Horatius served chestmut mare, white striped face
Jacob   "  brown mare straight back blase
finished handcuring sheep from Nº14 señalared 49 lambs. & flock counted to be 586.
Started handcuring flock from Nº6.
Don Juan & Mr Ogilvy shot 96 hares.

June 23, Friday

Very Foggy  —  warm weather


Died 2 Sheep Nº10  2 Lambs Nº10  1 Sheep Nº6. 1 Novillo Nº1. 1 Mare Nº20

Don Gmo & Don Juan went to B/Aires.
Finished handcuring flock from Nº 6

June 24, Saturday

Very Foggy the whole day

Killed  1 Cow  1 Cordero

Died 1 Sheep Nº13. 1 Ram Nº17

Carts went to station with alfa n

June 25, Sunday

Cloudy day

Castaneiras troperos arrived

Killed  1 Cow

June 26, Monday

S. wind  —  cold

Killed  1 Cow

Died 3 Sheep Nº3. 3 lambs Nº3. 1 Sheep Nº1.

Cateneiras men parted 100 Vaquillones from Nº2
Francisco Olivis bought 1 lechon.
Handcuring & Señalaring flock from Nº7

June 27, Tuesday

Fine day. frost in the morning

Killed  1 Cow

Died 2 Sheep Nº 7.  1 Calf Nº1.

Don Guillermo & Don Juan came back
Carting Alfalfa to the station
Handcuring & señalaring flock from Nº7.  18 lambs señalared. Flock counted to be 647 animals.
Brought up a point of sheep from Nº8
Finished trimming monte near house, started on monte in Nº14.

June 28, Wednesday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Cow

Died – – –

Salvatierra came & parted 200 Cows from Nº15
Peones carting alfalfa to the station
Trimming Monte in Nº 14.
Finished handcuring Nº8 flock of sheep.

June 29, Thursday

Fine weather   N. wind

Killed  – – –

Died – – –

Salvatierra parted 100 Novillos from Nº20 and his troup started for Rosario.
Carting Alfalfa to the station
Don Juans piano taken down from 2nd floor and Don Guillermos taken up.

June 30, Friday

Beautiful day. N. wind clouding up in south

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep Nº16

Minella & Banaglio came and bought 125 Cows from Nº18 & to be taken away 9th of July.
Carting alfa to the station.
Took up brick floor in the small galpon.
Moved in to the new mayordomos room.
Mason whitewashing corredors.  Don Juan finished packing & loaded up furniture for Cruz Grande
Parared rodeos in Nº5. Nº1. Nº3. & Nº7.
Novillos in Nº7 counted 317

[ Blotter Note (facing June 30) ]

Animals died June 1899

Sheep  47
Rams  2
Lambs 39  = total 88 ans.

—————————— ——————————

Cows   5
Novillos 6
Bulls    1
Calves 7  total 19 ans.

—————————— ——————————

Horses  1
Mares   1
Potros   1
Potrillo –
Potranca  –  total 3 ans

—————————— ——————————


Cows  19
Sheep   9
Lambs  1

July 1899

July 1, Saturday

Fine weather  —  N. wind. cloudy

Killed  2 lambs.  1 Cow.

Died 1 Calv. Nº3.

Sent luggage & Piano to Larguia Station.
Carting alfalfa to the station with 4 carts.

July 2, Sunday

Fine weather  —  locusts appeared

Mr Adrian came

July 3, Monday

Foggy whole day

Killed.  1 Cow 1 Capon Nº4

Died. 5 Sheep Nº3  1 Lamb Nº3.  1 Sheep Nº1. 1 id Nº8.

Carting alfalfa to the station
Don Juan preparing to leave
Brought up & started handcuring capones from Nº 4

July 4, Tuesday

Rainy morning

Killed  1 Torruno Nº5

Died 1 Horse Nº1  1 Capon Nº4.

Chopping wood in the monte Nº 14
Mr Siebert from S.ta Sofia called

[ Blotter, inverted ink stains (facing July 4) ]

Calle Sxxxgenea

Benitz Hnos
Buenos Aires

July 5, Wednesday

Fine weather  —  Frost in the morning

Killed  1 Cow. Nº18  (hide given to me for Cordoba)

Died   —

Mr P. Adrian left also Mr Siebert.
Parared rodeo in Nº 18. 19. 20
Carting alfalfa into the corral for the horses.
Men working in the monte.
Tropa of 71 horses went to Cordoba, also the casilla
Venturino & G. Silva came from ERios.

July 6, Thursday

Fine weather


Died 1 Sheep Nº10. 1 id Nº14.  1 Lamb. Nº7

Don Juan drove to Armstrong.
Brought from Lammieres: {  6 Bags. Afrecho
            { 25  -  Maiz - 1551 Kil.
Carting Alfalfa to the station
Parared rodeo in Nº 7. 4. 3. 1 & 5
Peones trimming monte Nº 14

July 7, Friday

Fine weather

Killed  2 Capones Nº4

Died 2 Rams Nº 4. 1 Lamb Nº 13.  1 Calf Nº14. 1 id Nº15

Carting alfalfa to the station.
Brought from Lamuniers 1157 Kil Maiz
   "  6 Bags sugar from the station
Handcured capones from Nº4
Parared rodeo in Nº 19 and parted 4 animals and put into Nº5., 1 cow and calf put into Nº16 and 108 Novillos into Nº87

[— Unknown author, possibly Mr. Ogilvy —]

July 8, Saturday

Warm  —  North wind.

Cesare Morando parted 10 cows from No.6. Chandler sent back two cows with calves & took away one cow & calf from No.8.
Gave the pigs in No.17 20 bags of maiz in the cob.
Finished hand curing capones.
Mr. Johansen went to Rosario.

Killed  1 Ram Nº 4. 1 Cow

Died 1 Cowxxxx

July 9, Sunday

Very hot.

Sent to Armstrong for Don Juan, who did not arrive.
Mr. Higham came.
Castagniori parted 100 vaquillonas from No. 2.

[— Likely author: Mr. Johansen - resumes —]

July 10, Monday

Fine weather  —  very warm.

Killed  1 cow


Johansen came back.
Mr Higham left.
Cleaned out sheep dip & brought up sheep from Nº 3.
Carting alfa to the station

July 11, Tuesday

Fine weather  —  Warm day

Killed  1 CToro Nº16.

Died 1 Ram Nº 4

Ninella [#?] & Banagli parted 125 Cows from Nº18
Dipped sheep from Nº 3.

July 12, Wednesday

fine day


Died 4 Sheep. 2 lambs from Nº3. 1 Sheep Nº1. 1 id Nº7. 1 id Nº8  1 Calf Nº3

Don Guillermo went to B’Aires
Sr Salvatierra came and parted 200 Cows (100 fr Nº15 & 100 from Nº18
Mr Böhtlingk and Miss Tietzin called
Handcuring Nº3 flock also dipping

July 13, Thursday

fine sommer weather  —  N. Wind.


Died 1 Ram Nº4.  1 Vaquilla Nº2  1 Calf Nº1.

Salvatierra parted 51 Novillos from Nº19 and 49 Novillos from Nº 20.
Salvatierra went to Rosario
Men handcuring flock from Nº5. also dipping
Varela went to fetch Don Juan from Armstrong

July 14, Friday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Ram Nº4.  1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep Nº7.  1 Novillo Nº4. 1 Calf Nº1.

Salvatierras troup started for Rosario.
Don Guillermo came back
Sent Juan Maria with the break to station to fetch visitors for Mr. Böhtlingk.
Carting alfalfa to the station
Mr Rob. Macintosh called and stayed.
Finished curing and dipping Nº3 flock

July 15, Saturday


Killed  1 Cow

Died 3 Sheep. Nº3  1 Lamb Nº3

Mr R. Macintosh stayed and went with Ogilvy to S. Clara
Took back Nº 3 flock.  Desporando and devasando potrancas from Nº 7
Señora J.B. and party went to baile at S. Clara.
Brought up Nº9 flock

[ Blotter, inverted ink stain (facing July 15) ]

 Cristian de Brenil
 Calle Dean Funes

July 16, Sunday



Señor Sandaza and party came to shoot
Killed 61 hares 11 part. & 4 Martinetas.

July 17, Monday

Fine weather  —  very warm

Killed  1 Cow from Nº18. 1 Vaqlla Nº1. 1 Lamb.

Died 1 Sheep Nº11

Finished dipping Nº9 flock
Brought up Nº7 flock
Mr Sandaza & party shooting

July 18, Tuesday


Killed  1 Sheep Nº7  1 Cow Nº18.

Died 1 Sheep Nº7. 1 Ram Nº13  1 Mare Nº7

Mr Sandaza & party left.
Dipping Nº7 flock. Also dipped all the Rams

July 19, Wednesday

Heavy fog  —  N.Wind.  clear afternoon


Died 2 Sheep Nº16  1 id Nº12. 1 id B013, 2 Novillos Nº1

Rodriguez came and bought grease and sheep-skins.  600 K grease  200 sheep skins.
Dipped Nº8 flock
Cleaning up “paraiso avenue”
Parted 20 foals from Nº1 and Nº2 into Nº9
Put 11 Bulls from fine Ram paddock back to Nº 5
Took sheep out of Nº16 put 85 into Nº8 and 15 into Nº14
Carting alfa to the station

July 20, Thursday

Warm weather  —  Strong N. wind.

Killed  1 Novillo Nº5 1 Sheep Nº8 ( Hide of Novillo for guascas )

Died 1 Novillo Nº1.

Finished dipping Nº8 flock and brought up No 10
Men working in the monte (Nº14)
Started fixing up corral behind galpon
Parted 200 Cows from Nº4 and put them into Nº18.
Carting alfa to the station

July 21, Friday

Fine weather  —  N. wind
Tormenta and scarce rain during night


Died 1 Sheep Nº10. 1 id Nº7  1 Cow Nº8.

Dipped sheep from Nº10 and Nº14
Parted 22 calves from Nº16 - 12 machos into Nº5. 10 hembras into Nº6.
Parted 85 calves from Nº8 - 52 hembras into Nº10 and 33 machos into Nº9.
Men finished cleaning up Paraiso avenue and cementry
Still working fixing up corral.
Carting alfalfa to the station

July 22, Saturday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Cow Nº18

Died 3 Sheep Nº9.

Parared rodeo in Nº15. 18. 19 & 20  Parted 10 Cows from Nº 18 for consumo
Finished dipping flock from Nº5. Men working in the monte

[ Blotter, inverted ink stain (facing July 22) ]

xxxdos Sehlam

July 23, Sunday

Fine weather. Mrs Güngerich left.
Brought up majada from Nº1

Killed  1 Cow

July 24, Monday

fine weather

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Capon Nº13. 1 Sheep Nº6. 1 id Nº5.

Caesar Morando parted 10 Cows from Nº6
Dipping Nº1 flock  Peones working in the Monte.
C Morando parted 10 Cows from Nº6.
Sent over “Tres Lagunas” cow with Morandas troup.
Carting alfalfa to the station
Mr & Mrs. Bohtlingk called

July 25, Tuesday

Fine weather  —  N. Wind

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Capon Nº9. 1 Sheep. Nº1

Finished dipping Nº1 flock
Put Nº8 flock into Nº4 (711)
Men trimming monte
Carting alfa to the station
Resero from Santa Fé came and did not do business
Caught up 4 foals from Nº9

July 26, Wednesday

Fine weather  —  S. Wind

Killed  1 Cow

Died 2 Sheep Nº1. 1 id Nº3. 1 Capon Nº9. 1 Novillo Nº4

Moved baling machine from Nº19 to Nº10
Peones working in the monte.
Put frison manada from Nº17 back to Nº6
Put manada from Nº8 into Nº17
Put 34 calves from Nº9 into Nº5 (machos)
Put capones from Nº9 into Nº8
Put plantel sheep from Nº11 to Nº9
Took back majada to Nº1
Carting alfa to the station
Miss Dickinson & Miss Scott came to breakfast

[ Blotter, inverted ink stain (facing July 26) ]

[signature] P Gonella

July 27, Thursday

Strong North wind

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep Nº2, 1 id Nº14, 3 id Nº7, 2 id Nº5. 1 Horse Nº17 (Dasreccbo [Deshecho ?] )

Mason mended bebidas en Las Tijeras
Parared rodeo in Nº7
Peones finished trimming monte between Nº12 & 14 and started on Nº11 & 12
Milkman took a pig to kill on halves also 50 Kil meat

July 28, Friday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Novillo Nº5


Don Juan came back from Cruz Grande
Mr Black came and looked on the capones
S Dürst received 81 Kilos meat.

July 29, Saturday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Cow

Died 2 Lamb Nº3

Rodeo in Nº5 and 6.
Put manada from Nº 5 to Nº 17 and put manada from Nº17 to Nº8

July 30, Sunday

Strong North Wind

Mr Ibarlucea and 3 friends came to buy horses.

[ Blotter Note (facing June 29&30) ]

Animals died July

Novillos  6
Cows    2
Vaquillas 1
Calves  6  total 15 ans.

—————————— ——————————

Sheep 61
Lambs  8  total 69 ans.

—————————— ——————————

Horses  4
Mares   1  total 5 ans

—————————— ——————————


Cows    17
Novillos    2
Bulls   1
Ternero  1
Vaquilla 1   22 ans

Sheep   6
Lambs  3    9 ans

July 31, Monday


Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Capon Nº9. 2 Sheep Nº10. 1 Carnero fine Ram paddock, 3 Sheep Nº14 1 Sheep Nº6. 1 Horse Nº18. (baldero)  1 Horse Nº17 (deshecho)

Men trimmed monte in Nº4.
Carting Alfalfa to the station
Brought up Nº3 flock

August 1899

August 1, Tuesday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Lamb Nº3. 1 id (fine Ram paddock)

Sr Larrechea and partner called and stayed over night.
Don Guillermo left for Bs Aires
Dipping Nº3 flock
Carting Alfalfa.
Put 51 hembra calves from Nº10 to Nº6
Took five horses (sold to Ibarlucea and Wilsons) to the station.

[ Blotter Note (by JEBz, facing August 1) ]

Part the largest foals from the manadas,
begin to handle them.
Remake the manadas on the 15th
Separate the younger foals later on.

August 2, Wednesday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Lamb. (fine Ram pad) 2 id Nº3. 1 Calf Nº1. 1 horse Nº17

Caesar Morando parted 10 Cows from Nº6
Finished dipping Nº3 flock and put same back into Nº3 paddock (counted 1212)
Men preparing for wire fencing
Mr Larrechea left also his partner.

August 3, Thursday

Fine weather  —  North Wind

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep Nº7. 1 id Nº6. 2 Capones Nº8. 1 Lamb Nº10. 1 Mare Nº6.

Parted 11 Rams from fine point of Sheep.
 "  25 "  "  flock in Nº10
 "  43 " lambs " "  "  Nº7
Parared Rodeo in Nº15. 19 & 18
Parted 10 Cows for Consumo from Nº18.
Don Juan left for B’Aires.
Started shifting fence between Nº14 & Nº18 (7 men employed)

August 4, Friday

North Wind

Killed  1 Sheep Nº1, 1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep Nº2. 5 Sheep Nº4. 1 Lamb. Nº1

Carting Alfalfa to the station.
Parted from Nº5 44 lamb Rams
 "  "  " 14 23  " "
Put 145 Lamb Rams into Nº16

August 5, Saturday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Cow

Died 3 Sheep Nº8, 1 Sheep Nº7.

Parted 53 Cows & 1 Calf from Nº18 for Minella
Parared rodeo in Nº5 and Nº7
Carting alfa to the station
Blacksmith came back from Böhtlingks
Colonist brought 44 Bags Maiz for the pigs.

August 6, Sunday

Stormy N. Wind

August 7, Monday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Cow

Died 3 Sheep y 1 Lamb Nº4, 2 Sheep Nº3. 1 Cow 18. 1 Calf Tambero,

Mrs Josephine Benitz. Dn Gmo & family arrived also Don Juan.
Parted 17 borregas from Nº2 into Nº11
Men working at the fence between #14 & 18.
Crushing Maiz
Mr Ogilvy went to the station

August 8, Tuesday


Killed  1 Lamb Nº16. 1 Cow.

Died 1 Cow Nº18.

Carting alfa to the station
Men working on fence between Nº14 & 18
Put new señal on Lamb Rams.
Mrs J Benitz went to V. Constitucion
Mrs Böhtlingk called

August 9, Wednesday


Killed  1 Cow.

Died 1 Sheep & 1 Lamb Nº14. 2 Sheep Nº5. 5 Sheep Nº10

Men working at the fence
Sr Salvatierra came.
Mr Schreiber came

[ — Combined authors
Weather, killed & died likely added later by Mr. Johansen;
activities recorded by author with poor handwriting.

August 10, Thursday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 foal Nº12

Salvatierra parted 210 cows from No. 15 & 140 novillos from No. 19.
Peones working on fence between Nos. 14 & 18.
Carting alfa to station

August 11, Friday

Killed  1 Cow

Died 2 Lambs Nº16, 1 id Nº3. 1 Sheep & 1 Lamb Nº1. 1 Sheep Nº4. 1 id Nº8  1 Potranca Nº6

Tropa started for Rosario,
Peones working on fence between Nos 14 & 18.
Loading wagon with alfa for Don Ricardo Agar
Salvatierra left.

August 12, Saturday

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep Nº7. 1 Capon 1

Brought up & parted out mares. 45 for new shire No. 2.  90 alasanes “Horatious” No.14.  40 Zainas “Jacob.” No.15. 6 frisson potrancas No.6. 49 mares B. Dancer No.8. 46 mares “Mazeppa” No1. 68 foals No.9.  16 of “Avalos” foals No13.
Peones working on fence between Nos. 14 & 18. Shifting wheat in Mr. Böthlingks galpones.  Cesare Morando parted 10 cows. Nº6
Mr. Johanson went to Rosario.

[— Likely author: JEBz —]

August 13, Sunday

Fine day. east wind.
Alfred arrived from “Los Palmares”

[— Combined authors: resume —]

August 14, Monday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Capon Nº13.

Died 1 Novillo Nº1. 1 id Nº5.  Consumo from Nº5

Parared rodeo in Nos. 19. 1. 3.4.5 & 7.
Peones working on fence between Nos. 14 & 18. (8 men)
Carting alfa to station.
Cutting cardo in No19.  Fixing up puesto in No. 19.

[— Likely author: Mr. Johansen, resumes alone —]

August 15, Tuesday

Very warm

Killed  1 Vaquillona Nº6

Died 1 Potro Nº3. 1 Vaquillona Nº6. 3 Sheep Nº5. 1 id Nº7

Johanson came back from Rosario.
Men working on fence between Nº 14 & 18.
Carting alfa to the station.
Mr E.E Miles called
Cutting Cardos in Nº19

[ Blotter Note (by JEBz, facing August 15) ]

If weather is not too severe, put the stallions to the manadas,
Avalo is lead out to serve & braught in again.  the Shires are braught up each night to the stables.
see note of Aug 23 in Diary of 1898

August 16, Wednesday



Died  2 Sheep Nº14

Men working on fence between Nº 14 & 18
Carting Alfa to the station
295 Cows from Nº8 to Nº14
Parared rodeo in Nº1 and Nº2
Parted 85 Novillitos from Nº2 into Nº1 and 9 Vaquillonas from Nº1 into Nº2
Cutting Cardos in Nº19

Mr E. E. Miles went away
Mr Petty called.

August 17, Thursday

Cloudy morning  —  fine afternoon

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Horse Nº17. 4 Sheep Nº1. 1 Sheep Nº3. 1 id Nº4. 1 Lamb. 1 Sheep Nº10. 1 Sheep Nº5

65 Potrillos put into Nº20 from Nº 3.
14  "    "  "  "  18 "  "  9
Carting Alfa to the station
Men working on the fence between Nº 14 & 18
Cutting Cardo in Nº 18
Don Alfredo left for Los Palmares.  Mr Petty left for C. de Gomez

August 18, Friday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Cow

Died – –

Men finished the work on fence
Took up fence round old brick hill [kiln #?] Nº 18 and filled in the well.
Marked out fence for montes in Nº 7 & 8 and Nº14
Carting Alfalfa to the station
Cutting Cardo in Nº 18

August 19, Saturday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep Nº7. 1 id Nº10. 1 id Nº 14

Parted 97 Cows from Nº4 into Nº 18
 "  11 "  "  Nº18 for Consumo
Carting alfa to the station & brought boards back.  Cutting cardo in Nº18.  Working on fence for monte in Nº14.
Don Juan & family left for the mountains

August 20, Sunday


August 21, Monday

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Cow ( Lechera ) Nº17.  1 lamb. Nº14. 1 Carnero Nº13  1 Sheep Nº10

Brought back 9 animals from “La Independencia” to Nº1
Making fence for monte in Nº14.
Carting alfalfa to the station & brought cargo back.
Maquina moved into Nº9.
Mrs and Miss Schreiber also Don Guillermo left for BA.

August 22, Tuesday

Fine weather  —  N. Wind  frost in morning.

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Horse Nº17. 1 Calf Nº14. 1 Sheep 1 Lamb Nº14. 1 Sheep Nº7. 1 Capon Nº8. 1 Lamb Nº5. 1 id Nº9.

Men working at fence for monte in Nº14.
Carting Alfalfa to the station and brought back boards.
Mr Miles came, with 7 men for paraiso plants

August 23, Wednesday

S. Wind in the morning. Rain at 2. pm. fine afternoon

Killed  1 Cow

Died – – –

Caesar Morando parted 10 Cows from Nº6
Mr Miles and men taking up paraiso trees in monte Nº13. – Carting Alfalfa to the station
Mr Miles men digging up paraiso trees in Nº13.
Mr Ogilvy left for Correras [Correa (town) / Carreras (races) #?]

August 24, Thursday

Fine weather. frost in the morning

Killed  1 Cow

Died – – –

Parted 25 Cows from Nº14 to Nº10
Mr Miles men digging up paraiso trees in Nº13
Men working on fence for monte in Nº8

[ Blotter, inverted ink stain (facing August 24) ]

  Chiesa Hermanos

August 25, Friday

Fine weather. Frost in the morning

Killed  1 Cow

Died 2 Nov Nº5. 1 Sheep Nº7. 1 id Nº10. 1 id Nº14.

Carting Alfalfa. Finished fencing for monte in Nº8
Fassiano called
Mr Miles left
Lavés called
Mr Böhtlingk Junior called

August 26, Saturday

Fine weather

Killed  —

Died 5 Sheep Nº4. 5 id Nº3. 2 id Nº1. 1 id Nº2. 1 id Nº7. 1 Capon Nº10. 1 Calf Nº8

Don Guillermo drove to Armstrong to go to Algarrobos.
Mr Ogilvy arrived in the evening

August 27, Sunday

Fine weather.  N. Wind

Salvatierra came and parted 157 Cows from Nº15

[ Blotter, inverted ink stains (facing August 26&27) ]



August 28, Monday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow  1 Capon

Died 1 Cow Nº15. 1 Horse Nº10. 1 Calf Nº1

Salvatierra parted 200 Novillos from Nº19 and took away tropa composed of 200 Novillos (Nº19) and 155 Cows from Nº15
Carting alfa to the station
Comision de fomento Las Rosas sent for paraiso trees.
Finished baling Alfa

August 29, Tuesday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep Nº10. 1 Horse Nº14 (baldero)

Carting Alfalfa to the station
Don Guillermo came back with Dr. Judson and Mr. Apthorp

August 30, Wednesday

Warm day  N. Wind

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Novillo Nº4. 1 Calf Nº14. (orejano)

Carting Alfa to the station
Bought 25 Bags of Maiz desgranadas
Brought up 65 potrillos from Nº20 and put them in the corral
Dr. Judson & Mr. Apthorp went away

August 31, Thursday

Rain in the morning and hailstone

Killed  1 Cow.

Died –

88 Potrancas from Nº7 into Nº20
65 Potros into Nº7
Started sowing paraiso seed in Nº7 & 8.
Started fencing small paddock front of house

[ Blotter Note (facing August 30&31) ]

Died August

 Rams & Sheep   68
 lambs     18   total 86

 Cows   4
 Calfs    6
 Novillos  4
 Vaquillas 1   total 15

Caballar & Yeguarizo
 Horse  5
 foal     1
 Mare   1
 Potro   1
 Potca    1  total 9

—————————— ——————————


Cows   23
Sheep     1
Lambs    1
Capons   2
Vaquillonas  8

[ Inverted ink stain diagonal across counts ]

ag for the
Cupboard where
ngs and fine
tools are kept

September 1899

[ — Combined authors
Weather, killed & died likely added later by Mr. Johansen;
activities recorded by other authors.

September 1, Friday

Rain during the night and forenoon

Killed  1 Capon Nº13

Died 1 Sheep Nº3

Brought Doctor over from Las Rosas to see Mrs. Benitz.

September 2, Saturday

Killed  1 Novillo Nº5

Died 2 Sheep Nº7. 1 Lamb Nº16. 1 Sheep Nº10. 3 id Nº4. 4 id Nº2  2 id Nº1. 1 id Nº3.

Parted 45 calves from Nº.14. 18 machos into No 5. 27 hembras No.6.
Mr. Johanson went to Rosario.
Mr. & Mrs. Böthlingk called.

September 3, Sunday

Died  1 Novillo Nº4. 1 Calf Nº18

Put on rodeo in Nos. 15. 18. 19 & 20.
Ogilvy went to see Peralta’s sheep
Moranda parted 10 Cows from Nº6

[ — Likely author: Mr. Johansen, resumes — ]

September 4, Monday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Cow

Died 2 Sheep Nº10. 1 Lamb Nº16

Brought up 8 pigs from pig potrero to the house
Shifted majada from Nº10 to Nº6 did not count them on account of young lambs
Sold 3 pigs 379 Kil
21 cueros potros
137 "  Vacunos
127 "  Lanares
1038 Kilos Grasa
Johanson returned from Rosario.

September 5, Tuesday

Fine weather

Died 2 Sheep Nº4. 1 id Nº7

Killed  1 Cow.

Parared rodeo en Las Tijeras.
Sowing Paraiso seed in Nº14.
Fixing up fence round the house.
Moranda & Brother came to see cattle.
Started to fix up Puesto at Las Tijeras

September 6, Wednesday

Cloudy morning. Fine afternoon

Killed  1 Cow. 1 Capon Nº8

Died 1 Cow Nº6.

Moranda parted 50 Cows from Nº18 into Nº6
Finished sowing paraiso seed in Nº14.
Put barbed wire round monte fence in Nº 7 & 8.
Handcured all the rams; and started handcuring the capones.
Mr Böhtlingk brought over Sr Jallé [Iallé #?] and a friend.
Dr. Friend came.

September 7, Thursday

Fine day. frost in the morning

Killed  1 K

Died 1 Capon Nº8

finished fencing in Nº14
Handcuring capones
Don Guillermo and family drove to Santa Clara

September 8, Friday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Cow Nº14. 1 Bull Nº5. 3 Sheep Nº3. 2 id Nº4. 3 id Nº1.

Finished handcuring capones (964)
Brought up borrega flock
Tropa from Los Palmares arrived and composed of 468 Novillos put into Nº 15.
Started making corral at Las Tijeras
Took the cows from Nº15 to Nº18  (200)
Señalared 20 lambs from plantel.

September 9, Saturday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died —

Working on corral in Las Tijeras
Handcuring borregas
Parting cattle for auction in Las Rosas.
Don Juan arrived
Sr Salvatierra came
Cart came from Victoriano

September 10, Sunday

Fine day

took cattle to the auction at Las Rosas
Sold 16 cows  at  $83
   25 "   " 56
   10 "   " 44
   40 Novillos " 67
   20 "   " 71

September 11, Monday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Novillo Nº5  1 Capon Nº13  1 Lamb Nº7.

Died 1 Lamb Nº16.

Men making corral at Las Tijeras
Troup of cattle bought by Salvatierra marched
Finished curing borrega flock (1621)
Sold marengo á $500
Cought 7 small pigs for Victoriano
Mr Pinnell came
Don Juan left.
Sr Larrechea stayed for dinner
Cap. Elia left 7 horses in Nº 15.

September 12, Tuesday

Fine day  —  N. Wind.

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Nov. 5. 1 Calf Nº8. 3 Sheep Nº4. 2 id Nº5. 1 id Nº6.

Salvatierra parted 64 calves from Nº18
Men working at Las Tijeras in the corral.
Salvatierra left.
Sr Larrechea left.
Mr Pinnell left also his cart left.
6 Calves parted by Salvatierra were brought back and put in to Nº8

September 13, Wednesday

Cloudy.  S. wind

Killed  –

Died 1 Calf Nº8

Parted 9 Calves from Nº16 –
    3 hembras put into Nº6
    6 machos " " "  5
Sent off Marengó & Böhtlingk mare to J. [F #?] Castelli
Men working on corrales in Las Tijeras
Carting Alfa to the station
Don Guillermo went to B’Aires

September 14, Thursday

Cloudy  S. wind  very cold

Killed  –

Died  –

Changed vaquillonas from Nº2 into Nº1. (503)
Carting alfa to the station
Working at sheep corrals at Las Tijeras
C. Morando parted 20 Cows from Nº6.

September 15, Friday

Fine day  S. wind. very cold, frosty morning

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep Nº6. 1 id Nº 8. 1 id Nº14.

September 16, Saturday

Fine weather; very cold & frost in the mornning

Men working at corrales in Las Tijeras
Carting alfa to the station     Fraction
Machine for baling alfalfa went to Las Rosas

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Cow Nº14. 1 Carnero Nº 16

September 17, Sunday

Fine weather

Don Guillermo came back
Brought up from the station:
  1 Clydesdale Stallion
  1 Shorthorn Bull  and
Dr. Judson’s horse
Mr Brown & Mr Watson came & stayed

September 18, Monday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died 2 Calfs Nº21. 1 Potrillo Nº5. 1 Cow Nº3  1 Novillo Nº8  1 Mare Nº17.

Moranda parted 12 cows from Nº6
Parted back cows from Nº14 to 18.
Carting Alfalfa
Working at corrales at Las Tijeras
Mr Brown & Mr Watson went away
Sold 3 pigs from Dünts

Died 1 Horse Nº17  4 Sheep Nº3  1 Lamb Nº4.

September 19, Tuesday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Mare Nº6. 1 Potrillo Nº6.

Men working at corral in Las Tijeras
Brought up Nº14 flock
Salvatierra came.
Colonist brought 1300 K Maiz

September 20, Wednesday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died – –

Señalared 39 lambs of flock Nº14
  " 133 "  " "  "  7
  "   17 "  " "  "  6
Salvatierra parted 102 Cows Nº18  26 Calfs & 200 Novillos Nº20
Tropa Novillos from Los Palmares arrived and put into Nº2. 509 Novillos
Grinding Maize

September 21, Thursday

Killed  1 Cow

Died 2 Lambs Nº16

Señalared 81 lambs from Nº5 flock
Men cleaning the corral
Working at corrales at Las Tijeras
Digging poste holes for division fence in Nº6

September 22, Friday

Fine day

Killed  –

Died –

Parted 344 calves from Nº8 to Nº1
 "  265 Novillos " Nº8. "  Nº2
 "  509   "  "  "  2  "  Nº8
Started señalaring Sheep at Las Tijeras
Men working on the fence in Las Tijeras
Diggging posteholes for division of Nº6
Mr & Miss H. Dickinson called
Colonist Bertala brought 16 Bags Maiz

September 23, Saturday

fine day  —  very Warm

Killed  1 Cow. 1 Capon Nº13

Died 1 Mare Nº8. 1 Capon Nº8  1 Sheep Nº4.

Finished señalaring Nº4 flock  218 lambs
Señalared Nº1 flock 186 lambs
  "  "  3 "     "

September 24, Sunday

Fine day. very warm

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Toro Nº18

September 25, Monday

Cloudy. E wind. strong.


Died 2 Capones Nº8

Parted out 55 Calves from Nº3. marked and castrated same and put into Nº5. and Nº6
Parted 141 Calves from Nº5 maked and castrated them and put back again
Men working on fence in Nº6.
Men gathering leña de Vaca in las Tijeras
Started making bebidas.

September 26, Tuesday


Killed  1 Novillo Nº5

Died –

Brought up 272 Vaquillonas from Nº6 and marked them.
Men working on fence in Nº6.
Mr Drysdale arrived
Men gathering leña de vaca in Las Tijeras

September 27, Wednesday

Cloudy.  —  Rain began at 630 p.m.

Killed  1 Cow.

Died 1 Calf Nº5. 1 Calf Nº2. 1 Sheep Nº7  1 Lamb Nº3.

C. Morando parted 12 Cows from Nº6
Brought up Novillos from Nº15 & 8 & classified them.  635 were put into Nº15 and 340 into Nº8.
Men working on fence in Nº6
Mr Drysdale came

September 28, Thursday

Rainy day

Killed  –

Died 1 Calf Nº6. 1 Horse Nº17  1 Sheep Nº7  1 Carnero Nº13  1 id Nº16

Working on fence in Nº6.
Took up the Bebidas in Nº6 and put in a new one

[ Blotter, inverted ink stain (facing Sep.28) ]

xxx Entre Rios esq Catamarca
Rosario de S.Fe

September 29, Friday


Killed  1 Cow. 1 Capon Nº13

Died 1 Horse Nº17. 7 Sheep Nº3. 3 id Nº4  2 Carneros Nº16. 1 Calf Nº14

Finished fixing bebida in Nº6.
Men working on fence ea [#?] in Nº6.
Mrs Josephine Benitz and Don Guillermo left for Rosario.
Mr Drysdale left

September 30, Saturday


Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep Nº6. 1 Lamb Nº14.

[— Activities author likely: Mr. Ogilvy —]

Put barbed wire on fence between 6 & 6. Fixed up fence between Las Lomas & Nº. 15.
Don Guillermo returned from Rosario.
Blacksmith sharpening plough shares

[ Blotter Note (facing Sep.29&30)
(Not by Mr. Ogilvy)

Died September

  Rams & Sheep 58
  lambs      18 total 66

  Cows  5
  Calfs   9
  Novillo  3
  Toros  2  Total 19

Caballar & Yeguarizo
  Horses   2
  Mares    3
  Potrillos   2  Total 7



Cows  17
Novillos  3
Capones  5
Lamb   3

October 1899

October 1, Sunday

Rained hard during the night.

Died 1 Novillo Nº4. 1 Bull Nº5.

October 2, Monday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Cow  1 Capon Nº13

Died 1 Capon Nº5.

Parted 55 calves from No.18 & sent them to Rosario by train.
Colonist brought 45 bags of maiz
Blacksmith sharpening ploughshares & crushing maiz

[— Likely author, mostly: Mr. Johansen
Shearing & some activities by: Mr Ogilvy? —]

October 3, Tuesday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Cow

Died 2 Sheep Nº2  2 Lambs Nº3. 5 Sheep Nº1

Fixing up galpon for shearing
Victorio Morando took 3 horses to Rosario
C. Morando bought 100 Novillos @ $43.
Brought up from the station 35 Rams imported & sent from B’Aires

October 4, Wednesday

Fine day

Killed  –

Died 1 Sheep Nº6  1 Novillo Nº19  1 Capon Nº13

Started shearing in the afternoon  (199)
Parted 110 Novillos from Nº7 to Nº19
 "   20 Cows   "  Nº14 " " 6
 "  100 Novillos "  Nº18 " " 8
 "   20 toritos  " Nº6  " " 5
started to fix bebida in Nº7
Sheared Rams from Nº13.
Started shearing flock from Nº11.
Parted 103 Borregas from Nº6 & put intoNº15.

October 5, Thursday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Calf Nº14.  1 Calf Nº3.

Brought up rest of imported Rams from the station.
Shearing: finished Nº6 flock and started on the borregas from Nº2.
Sr Salvatierra came.
Parted 30 Calves  from Nº6 to Nº3
    40 Vaquillonas " " 3  " "  6
    12 Siñueleros  " " 2  " "  6.
Working on Bebida in Nº7
Sheep shorn (520)
Joined flocks from Nos. 6 & 11. & put into No 6. North.  356 shorn

October 6, Friday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Calf Nº18. 1 Sheep Nº1.

Sheep shorn 593.
Salvatierra parted 200 Novillos from Nº20
        60 Cows  " "  18
         1 Novillo  " "  10
also parted out 40 Novillos bought in the remate in Las Rosas; tropa started for Rosario.
Rained during night.

October 7, Saturday

Rain in the morning.

Killed  1 Cow. 1 Lamb Nº2.

Died 1 Cow Nº16. 1 Sheep Nº11. 1 Lamb Nº1

Sheep shorn: 228
Don Guillermo went to Roldan
Sowed [sawed #?] wood for the machine.

October 8, Sunday

Fine day

Mr & Mrs Thome and daughter came & stayed.
Mr O. C. James called

Died 4 Sheep Nº6.

RO Bartlett business card

October 9, Monday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow  1 Lamb

Died 1 Calf Nº6. 1 id Nº1.

C. Morando parted 12 Novillos from Nº6!
Sheep shoren 590
Sanchez parted 100 Calfs from Nº4.
Dr Thome & family went away
Mr. Bartlett called and bought  horses.
Finished shearing borregas from Nº.2. 1655.

October 10, Tuesday

Fine day

Died 1 Calf Nº1. 1 Horse baldero Nº3. 1 Mare Nº6. 2 Sheep Nº4.

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 lamb Nº15

528 Sheep shoren
Mr Gorenino came to treat for 100 pigs.

October 11, Wednesday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow  2 Capon Nº8.

Died 1 Cow Nº3. 1 Novillo Nº20. 3 Sheep Nº3. 3 id Nº1. 1 id Nº2

586 Sheep shoren
Mr. & Mrs. Benitz went to B.Aires.
Mended bebidas in Nº19.
Finished shearing capones 1115 & started shearing Nº4 flock
Parted 175 Novillos from Nº5 to Nº19

[ Blotter Note (by JEBz, facing Oct.11 ]

Began to shear last year

October 12, Thursday

Fine weather

Killed  –

Died 1 Novillo 20.  2 Rams Nº16. 1 Sheep Nº16. 4 Sheep Nº14.

Sheep shoren 532.
Parted 206 Novillos from Nº5 al Nº19.

October 13, Friday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Parted 11 Cows for consumo from Nº18 and 36 calfs for Rosario
locusts appeared.
Finished shearing Nº4 flock (695) and sent back to the potrero.
Stopped shearing on account of boilers tubes leaking
Parted 114 lambs from Nº7 to Nº15.
Sheep Shoren 142.
Shifted all cattle from Nº2. to Nº7.

October 14, Saturday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Nov. Nº1. 1 Calf Nº15  1 Sheep Nº3. 1 id Nº2.

Sent 36 Calfs to Rosario
Mr. Donald departed

October 15, Sunday

Fine day.

Died 1 Novillo Nº19. 3 lambs Nº16

Killed  1 Cow

Sent of 4 tubianos to Dr. Judson.
Mr. & Mrs. Benitz came back.
Imported Bull “Red earl” arrived.

October 16, Monday

Fine day

Died 2 Capon Nº8. 2 Sheep Nº2.

Killed  1 Capon Nº13

Collected all the “torunos” and put them into Nº5.
Mrs. J. C. Benitz came back
Cart went to station to fetch Mrs Benitz luggage

October 17, Tuesday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Calf Nº1. 1 Ram Nº13. 1 Sheep Nº2. 1 id Nº1. 1 id Nº4. 1 Ram Nº16.

Fetched engine from town.
Wool buyer from F. Roth & Co San Nicolás came.
Tropa from Roldan arrived
Brought from same: 3 calfs hides (1 Killed 2 died)
Mr. Fothergill came
Tropa from Roldan distributed:
130 Novillos  in Nº20
80 Vaquillonas "  " 2
295 Vacas c/cria "  " 3
7 "   " "  " 4.

October 18, Wednesday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Yegua Nº20. 1 Calf Nº18. 1 Novillo Nº5. 1 Potro Nº9.
1 Potranca Nº9. 1 Novillo Nº19. 1 Calf Nº16. 1 id Nº3.

Started shearing No.14 flock. Sheep shorn 164. Parted 122 lambs from No.14 into 15.
Lent 1. bale of wool to Mr. Tietjen
Mr. Fothergill left.

October 19, Thursday

Fine morning.  —  South wind in the afternoon

Killed  2 Sheep Nº14. 1 Cow.

Died 1 Ram Nº16  1 Sheep Nº6.

Sheep shorn 419.  Finished shearing No.14 flock. 583

October 20, Friday

Fine day

Killed  –

Died 2 Calves Nº3. 1 Potranca Nº9. 1 Calf Nº6.

Parted 60 Calves from Nº18 and sent same to Rosario
94 lambs moved from Nº7 to Nº15
589 Sheep shoren; finished Nº7 flock and started Nº5

October 21, Saturday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow.

Died 1 Novillo Nº15. 1 id Nº19. 1 Sheep Nº15. 4 id Nº4. 3 id Nº1. 1 Borrego Nº16.

C Moranda parted 10 Novillos. M from Nº15
Sheep shoren 509. finished Nº5 flock (418)
started shearing Nº1 flock
Mr. W.O.Benitz & family went to Rosario to Miss Dickinson’s wedding.
Parted 151 lambs from Nº5 to Nº15
 "  259  "  "  " 1 " " 15

October 22, Sunday

[ empty ]

October 23, Monday

North wind at noon — South wind in the evening

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Calf Nº1. 1 Sheep Nº15. 1 id Nº1. 1 Capon Nº7.

Parted 240 Vaquillonas from Nº6 to Nº2
 "   80   "    "  Nº4 " Nº2
 "  295 Vacas c⁄cria  "  Nº4 " Nº3
 "   94 Vacas mestizas "  Nº3 " Nº6
 "  382 lambs from Nº1 to Nº15
Sheep shorn 567

October 24, Tuesday


Died 1 Calf Nº1

Killed  1 Cow

Sr. Barlett came & bought 8 horses.
No shearing

October 25, Wednesday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died 2 Sheep M01. 1 Sheep Nº7. 1 id Nº5.

Parted 65 Calfs from Nº18. for Rosario
Sheep shoren 292  half days work

October 26, Thursday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Lamb Nº16  1 Sheep Nº15.

Salvatierra parted: 103 Novillos from Nº19
          1 Cow    " " 19
         94 Novillos " " 20
          1 Cow    " " 20
         60  "     " " 18
          1 Novillo  " " 18
Sheep shoren 742.  finished shearing Nº1 flock 1191

October 27, Friday

Fine day  —  N. Wind

Killed  1 Cow  2 Lamb Nº3.

Died 1 Sheep Nº3. 2 id Nº6. 1 id Nº14. 1 Calf Nº18.

Sent off 2 horses & 6 potrillos to Godoy & bought by Mr. Barlett.
Sheep shoren 714. finished shearing Nº3 frlock 1183
Began shearing the Borregas.

Mr Agar Mrs Agar & family came

October 28, Saturday

Fine weather  —  N. Wind

Killed  – –

Died 4 Sheep Nº2 5 id Nº3. 3 id Nº4. 4 id Nº7 1 Capon Nº8 1 Lamb Nº15.

Sheep shoren 339
sheared fine rams.

October 29, Sunday

Don Guillermo, Mr Agar & Willie drove to Marcos Juarez
Carpinter came
Mr. Ogilvy’s brother came

October 30, Monday

Fine day

Killed  2 Cows  1 Capon Nº13

Died 1 Calfs Nº2. 1 Sheep Nº15. 1 Ram Nº13. 1 Sheep Nº5. 1 id Nº6. 1 id Nº7.

Mr Black parted 376 Capones from Nº8.
Sheep shoren: 296

October 31, Tuesday

Cold day

Killed  –

Died –

Sheep shoren: 383

[ Blotter Note (facing Oct.30&31) ]

Died October

Sheep  83
Rams  6
Lambs   8  = 97

Cows   2
Calfs   18
Novillos 10
Bulls    1  = 31

Caballares & Yeguarizos
Horse (baldero)  1
Mares     2
Potros     1
Potrancas     2  = 6

Cows   22
Capones   4
Lambs   4
Sheep    2

November 1899

November 1, Wednesday

Cold in the morning.

Killed  1 Cow. 1 Lamb Nº15

Died 1 Novillo Nº15. 4 Lambs Nº15. 1 fine Ram.

Tropilla of horses bought by Mr. William Benitz at Marcos Jaurez arrived
Mr. W.Benitz, Mr. Agar & Willie came back.
Sheep shoren: 622 Borregas
Mr Ogilvy left

[ Blotter Note (by JEBz, facing Nov.1) ]

Put all the rams to the flocks –
See note Nov. 8 in diary 1898

November 2, Thursday

Fine day

Killed  2 Cows

Died 3 Sheep Nº3. 3 id Nº1

Sheep shoren 659. Borregas

November 3, Friday

S. Wind

Killed  1 Capon Nº13.

Died 1 Cows Nº2. 1 Nov. 15.  1 fine Ram. 2 Sheep Nº15.

sheep shoren 221.  =(9 sheep. 127 Rams. 85 Borregas)
Finished shearing.

November 4, Saturday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow Nº18

Died 1 Calf Nº14. 2 Sheep Nº15. 3 id Nº7. 1 id Nº4.

Cleaning sheep dip

November 5, Sunday

Killed  —

Died 2 Rams Nº16.

Mr. Agar & family left for B/Aires
Miss Hattie went also to B/Aires

November 6, Monday

Fine day N. wind

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Capon Nº8. 1 Lamb Nº13.

Started dipping capones from Nº8
Parted 50 Calves from Nº18 for Rosario
Dipped 1725 Capones from Nº8
   1277 Borregos   "  15
    437 Sheep   "   7 took out 83 refugos
    135 Rams    "  16
Mr. Bartlett came & stayed
Mr. & Mrs Scott came for dinner.

November 7, Tuesday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow  1 Sheep Nº1

Died 1 Ram Nº13.

Dipped: 465 Sheep from Nº 5
    625  "  " " 14
    1552  "  " "  2
    683  "  " "  4
Mr. Alfred Benitz came.
Sr Salvatierra came
Started fencing front of the house.
Mr. Bartlett parted
Sent 20 Rams to San Marcos

November 8, Wednesday

Fine day  (slight rain in the afternoon)

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Cow Nº3. 1 Calf Nº1.

Dipped 1250 Sheep from Nº1
    385  "  " " 6
   1220  "  " " 3
    388  "  for H. M & 6

Salvatierra parted: 150 Novillos from Nº19
        40   "  " " 20
        61 Cows   " " 18

November 9, Thursday

Fine day

Killed  –

Died 1 Sheep Nº2. 3 id Nº3. 1 id Nº6. 2 Capones Nº8, 1 Sheep Nº7

Salvateierra went away with the cattle. Took also: 388 sheep to Rosario.
Mr Rob. Macintosh came & stayed
Colonist Bertola brought 19 Bags of maiz 1235 Kilos

November 10, Friday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Nov. Nº4. 1 Ram (fine)

C Morando parted 9 Cows from Nº18
fixing bebidas in Nº5.
Bondoni (pozero) came & started in Nº15
Moved cattel from Nº7 to Nº4
Don Guillermo & Mr. MacIntosh drove to V. Tuerto.

November 11, Saturday

Rain in the morning   rest of day fine weather.

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep Nº15.

Ahumada came back with 8 horses, whos marks don’t figure in the certificate
Moved Borregas from Nº15 to Nº7 –
 "   Sheep   "  "  7  "  " 4 –
Policia Horses  "  "  2  "  " 4
Fine Ram arrived to reemplace defectuoso [trans.: replace defective].

November 12, Sunday

Fine day  —  very warm

Ahumada brought back 32 horses, 3 being sold.
Perosi & another man came to look on horses.

November 13, Monday

Tormenta with rain, began at 2.30 a.m.

Died 1 Calf NºN11 Capon Nº13

Killed  1 Calf Nº14.

Pastor Plant called.
Mr. Kladt from Insurance Cy. called
Moved mares from Nº8 to 2
Started cleaning well behind the windmill

November 14, Tuesday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Novillo Nº20

F Perosie [Perosio #?] parted 180 pigs.
Franki broke his arm.
Marked 40 potrancas & put in Nº10
Finished cleaning the well behind windmill

November 15, Wednesday

Tormenta at 2.30 am  strong wind, no rain

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Nov.8. 1 id #15

Men started to clean well in Nº15
Dispatched 180 Pigs for Rosario
Moved 12 cows M from 18 to Nº11 for consumo.

November 16, Thrusday

Tormenta with rain at 10 am

Killed  —

Died 1 Cow Nº3. 3 Sheep Nº4. 2 id Nº1. 1 id Nº7. 1 Capon Nº8

Men started to clean well in Nº8.
Marked & castrated 42 toritos taken from Nº3 and put into Nº8
Marked 2 potrancas and put into Nº10

November 17, Friday

Fine weather.

Killed  1 Cow

Died 2 Capones Nº8. 2 Sheep Nº1. id Nº2.

Finished boring well in Nº15
Started in Nº8 with boring in the well

Don Guillermo came back at 7 pm

November 18, Saturday

Fine day, very warm

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Ram Nº16. 1 Sheep Nº5.

C Moranda parted 11 Cows from Nº18.
Baldomero Quiros parted 52 Novillos from Nº5.
Men filling up earth by bebidas in Nº 6&8

November 19, Sunday

Cloudy & Cold



Mr. W. Benitz and wife went to B/Aires
Mr. Versterrne [written over: Werster #?] came.

Missing image.

Invitation by the headmistress
of the Las Rosas provincial school for girls
to attend their end of year ceremonies

November 20, Monday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Novillo Nº8.

Mrs Böhtling, Wiengreen & Ehlert called
Men cleaning well and tapando the same in Nº15 & filling up with earth longside bebida in Nº19
Sold 2 Tostado Hourses to Mr Ehlert, for $400 under condition to be tamed to harness & sent to Rosario

November 21, Tuesday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow  1 Lamb (small potrero)

Died 1 Novillo Nº8. 3 sheep Nº4. 4 id Nº3[8 #?]. 2 Capones Nº8

fixing represa in Nº8 and put a new canaleta.
Pozero finished boring in Nº7 and started in Nº5.
Filling up with earth longside bebidas in Nº15
Cleaning out sheep bath.
Salvatierra came and parted 150 Novillos from Nº19
Parted out 7 machos from Mazeppas manada in Nº1 and marked 5 hembras & put to Nº10
47 mares in the manada.
Changed Horacio’s manada from No 14 to No 8.— 95?

November 22, Wednesday

Rain 8 am

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Capon Nº8. 1 Lamb Nº7  1 Ram Nº13. 1 Nov. Nº1.

Salvatiera parted 101 Cows from Nº18
G. Kingsland arrived
Putting new bebidas in No 14.–

November 23, Thursday

Fined day

Killed  1 Cow

Died –

Wiengreens man came & inspected hay Also Carlomagnos’.
Lavaye’s called
Cleaning & filling sheep dip
Putting in new bebidas in Nº14.
Parted out 26 animals which passed from Nº1. at La Independencia

[ Blotter, inverted ink stains (facing Nov.23) ]

Chiesa Hermano

November 24, Friday

Fine weather


Died 1 Sheep Nº1. 2 id Nº3. 3 id Nº4. 2 Vaquillonas Nº2.

Morando parted 10 Cows from Nº18
Colonist Bartola broought 18 Bags Maiz desgranado
Dipped: 43 Imported Rams potrero Nº 11
    18  "   "   "  no Nº
     4  fine   "   "  no Nº
    116   "   "   "  Nº 13
     3 sheep      "   "
     5 Lambs     "   "
    106 Rams      "   " 16
    38 Sheep     "   " "
   1824  "      "   " 8

November 25, Saturday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Ram Nº16 – 1 Sheep Nº6 – 1 Ram Nº16

Dipped: 1273 Borregas Nº7 – 1235 Sheep Nº1
    505 Sheep  Nº5 –  352  "  Nº6

Mr. Bruce came for a Certificate
Mrs Böhtling & party called

November 26, Sunday

Fine day. Warm.

Don Guillermo came back
Don Alfredo left
Sr Lavaye’s called

Died  1 Ram Nº14 – 1 id Nº16 – 1 Sheep Nº6

Posero finished boring in Nº5 well

November 27, Monday

Cloudy morning – fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Nov. #15.

C Morando parted 32 Novillos from Nº15
Dipped 629 Sheep from Nº14
    1643  "  " "  2
    1436  "  " "  4
Pozero started for boring in the estancia well

November 28, Tuesday

Fine day

Killed  1 Sheep Nº3. 1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep Nº4. 3 id Nº3. 1 id Nº4. 1 id Nº11.

Dipped 1254 Sheep from Nº3.
Johanson went to Rosario
Parted 116 Borregas from Nº7 & put into Nº2

November 29, Wednesday

Killed  1 Sheep Nº7   1 Cow

Died 3 Sheep Nº7. 1 Capon Nº8. 1 Lamb Nº5. 1 Novillo Nº3.

Began cutting Alfa in Nº10.
C. Morando parted 10 Novillos from Nº15
Castrated 28 potros from Nº9 and put into Nº14
20 Rams from potrero Nº16 sent to Centeno station for Rafaela  J.A. Ortiz
Parted out 38 Sheep from Nº 1, 2, & 3. & put into Nº16
Put 33 imported Rams to Nº14   √
 " 10 mestizo   "  " "  6   √
 "  7   "    "  " "  5   √

November 30, Thursday

Fine day – very warm.  —  Cloudy afternoon.

Killed  —

Died 1 Sheep Nº5. 1 Capon Nº8

Castrated 15 potros from Nº9 and put into Nº14.
Parted out  34 Borregas from Nº13
 "  " 109   "   " "  5 and put the total (143) into Nº16
Parted 16 mestizo Rams to Nº11

[ Blotter Note (facing Nov.29&30) ]

Mortandad November

11 Novillos
 5 Cows
3 Calfs  total 19

 3 fine Rams
 9 Ord Rams
12 Capones
56 Sheep
 4 Lambs  total 84


21 Cows
 1 Calf  total 22

 2 Lambs
 1 Capon
 3 Sheep  total 6

December 1899

December 1, Friday

Fine weather; slight rain in the night

Killed  1 Cow

Mr. Black parted 384 Capones from Nº8.

Died 2 Capones Nº8  1 Sheep Nº14

Parted 15 capones from Nº8 for consumo
Put 29 Rams into Nº1
 "  40 "  "  2  (10 of them imported)
 "  30 "  "  3
 "  25 "  "  4

December 2, Saturday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Ram Nº13. 1 Lamb Nº6.

C Moranda parted Novillos in Nº20
Castrated 10 potrillos from Nº13 (Abalos) & marked 9 potrancas
Sold 1 pig
Parted from Nº18 – 50 Vaquillonas & from Nº4 – 50 Novillos for remate at Las Rosas. & 11 Cows from Nº18 for Consumo
Mr. E Miles came & stayed

December 3, Sunday

Sold 25 Novillos in remate Las Rosas.
Mrs Larrechea y Macintosh came
Mr Miles left
25 Novillos. sold in the remate

December 4, Monday

Fine weather, very warm

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Novillo Nº20. 3 Sheep Nº2. 2 id Nº3. 3 id Nº4. 3 Cap. Nº8. y 1 Sheep Nº5

Sr J. Rodriguez came and bought all hides & skins seba & hair.
G Noceti y E. Barreres called
Sr. Larrechea and Sr M Lloveras came & stayed
Sr Lloveras bought a potrillo frison which was brought to the station

December 5, Tuesday

North wind  very warm

Killed  —

Died 1 Nov. Nº19  1 Potrillito Nº6.

C. Moranda parted from Nº15 – 24 Novillos for E Cosier & 10 Novillos from Nº20.
Parted out 40 Novillos from Nº20 & put into Nº15 for C. Morandas a/c
Sr. M Llaveras bought a potrillo Clydesdale.

December 6, Wednesday

Warm morning North wind. Rain at 12 m.

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Mare Nº7. 1 Sheep & 1 Lamb Nº7.

Fixing new bebidas in Nº8.
Moved 156 Cows from Nº6 to Nº14

December 7, Thursday

Rain during night

Killed  1 Cow. 1 Capon Nº13.

Died 1 Potrillo Nº14. 1 Novillo Nº4. 1 Calf Nº3. 1 Lamb Nº16. 1 id Nº7. 1 Sheep Nº5.

Castrated 5 toritos in Nº20.
J. Dürst moved away from Nº14 into Nº15.
New milker moved in to Nº14.

December 8, Friday

Rain in the morning

Killed  –

Died 1 Mare Nº12.

Ground maiz in the morning
Brought the potros from Nº5 and parted out 12. The rest put back again.
Killed a mare
Parted out 14 Rams from Nº11
Mr. & Mrs. Benitz went to Rosario.

December 9, Saturday

Fine weather

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Capon Nº8.

Shipped 14 Rams for M L [I? J? S? #?] D. Murray B’Ville & brought 2 cages from the station.
Mr. & Mrs. Benitz came back from Rosario.

December 10, Sunday

Fine weather

Shipped    Capones to Bs. Aires
Dr. Judson was brought from Armstrong

Killed  1 Capon Nº13

Died 2 Nov. Nº20

December 11, Monday

Fine weather, very warm.

Killed  1 Cow.

Died 2 Novillos Nº15.5 Sheep Nº3. 1 Ram Nº3  6 Sheep Nº4. 2 id Nº1

C. Morando parted 12 Novillos from Nº15.
Brought new Cart from the station.

Died 2 Sheep Nº8. 1 id Nº7  1 id Nº5.

Counted 435 Novillos in Nº 19
     586  "   " "  20
     321 Cows  "  " 18
     490  "   " " 14
Parted  12 Novillos from " 15 for C Morando
Parted  54  "   "  " 19 and put into Nº20
Cured imported bull in Nº14 of bichos.
Brought up the Vaquillonas from Nº2

December 12, Tuesday

Rain in the morning.

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Calf Nº1

Parted out from the Vaquillonas from Nº2 brought up yesterday 25 animals & put into Nº14   remaining 310 for Nº2.

December 13, Wednesday

Fine day, Very warm

Killed  1 Cow  1 Capon Nº13.

Died 1 Capon Nº13.

Parted 18 Vaquillonas from Nº1 marked & put back again.
Parted 9 Toritos from Nº16 to Nº7
 " 178 Vacas  " " 3 & put into corral

December 14, Thursday

Fine day very warm

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Capon Nº8. 1 Calf Nº1

The animals went to the Thiergarden zoo in Hamburg, Germany. The Schriebers visited the zoo on May 8 & 17, 1900.

Brought cargo from station in the morning.
Sent Ant bear, Aguarras and Jabali to station consigned to Mess [Merss #?] Teitjen &C Rosario for a/c of Wiengreen & Ca [#?] freight paid $15.77.  Brought back cargo from station
Marked 178 Vacas and put back into Nº3
Parted 100 Vacas from Nº3 marked and put back again

December 15, Friday

Fine day. very warm

Killed  1 Capon Nº13

Died – –

Counted 987 Novillos in Nº15 and 19 calfs
  "   94 Cows  "  " 16
  "   33  "   "  " 11
Parted 4 Milk Cows from Nº16 to Nº11.
Fixed well in Nº2.

December 16, Saturday

Rain in the morning. rest of day fine weather

Killed  1 Novillo Nº4. (hide for working)

Died 6 Sheep Nº7. 1 Ram Nº11. 1 Capon Nº8

Parted 11 Capones from Nº8 for Consumo to Nº13
 "  24 Borregas  "  Nº8  "  Nº16
 "  46 Rams  "  Nº8  " " 11
Handcured capones from Nº8.

December 17, Sunday

Fine weather, very warm

Killed  –

Died –

Bought 570 Sheep from station & put into Nº6.
Mr. Drysdale came.

December 18, Monday

Fine weather  S wind

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Fine Ram Nº6. 1 Capon Nº8. 4 Sheep N.2. 1 fine Ram & 1 Sheep N.1

Salvatierras men parted 150 Nov. from Nº19
C Morando parted 10 Nov. from Nº15

Died 3 Sheep Nº3. 7 id N.4. 2 id N.7. 1 Borrego N.16. 6 Sheep N.6 (new sheeps) 1 sheep hide for carrona.

Fetched 2 Rams from Las Rosas camp.

Miss Hattie and two ladies came.

December 19, Tuesday

Fine day very warm

Killed  1 Cow. 1 Capon N.13

Died 1 Potro Nº19. 1 id Nº9

Corral in Nº19 started by Giniellas [Gonellas #?] Materiales: 15 Postes 1qq alambre, 12 varillas de madera.
[trans.: Materials: 15 posts, 100kg wire, 12 wood spacers ]
Handcured flock from Nº5.
Parted 10 Cows for Consumo from Nº18
Parted 5 Sheep for Consumo from flock in Nº5

December 20, Wednesday

Fine weather

Died 1 Sheep Nº5  2 id Nº4 1 Capon Nº8  1 Calf Nº7. (orej)

Killed  1 Cow

Finished cutting alfalfa in Nº10 and moved to Nº19.
Langosteros started in Nº9. 1 Capataz @ $15. 5 men at $2.-
Brought from station 200 Novillos bought from Mr Robertson, put into Nº9
Lent to Station Master a Rosillo Cow.

Mr. Drysdale left.

December 21, Thursday

S. Wind
Rain in the morning, rest of day cloudy

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Potro Nº19. 1 Vaquilla Nº7. 1 Sheep Nº13  1 Sheep Nº5.

Dipped new sheep
Parted 69 capones & Rams.
Langosteros worked ½ day. 6 men & 1 Capataz in Nº19
Tropa bought by Salvatierra arrived composed of:
46  Bueyes }
300 Vacas  } put into Nº18
113 Terneros. }
Cutting Alfalfa in Nº19

December 22, Friday

Cloudy forenoon.  —  warm afternoon.

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Sheep No 6. (new stock) 1 id Nº16.

C. Morando parted 151 Novillos from Nº19 & put into Nº5
Took out 5 Novillos from Nº5 & put into Nº4.
Locust men worked in Nº19. 6½ men & Capataz 1 day
Sent to station to fetch lienzos returned by Tietjen & Co
Cutting Alfalfa in Nº19

Kingsland went to B/A.

December 23, Saturday

Cloudy morning.

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Novillo Nº4. 1 Potro Nº9. 1 Ternero Nº2.

Langosteros capataz left at 1pm. Paid off 3 days
Brought cargo from the station
Killing locusts in Nº19 also cutting Alfalfa

December 24, Sunday

Rain in the morning

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Potrillo Nº4. 1 Novillo Nº19, 1 Horse

Alazan horse bought by Mr. Miles died.
Langosteros men paid off..

December 25, Monday

Rain in the morning

Killed  – –

Died 1 Ternero Nº1. 1 Novillo Nº18.

Brought up Bueyes from Nº18 and parted out 20 of the tamest which were put into Nº19 for carting Alfalfa

December 26, Tuesday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Died 1 Potrillo Nº6. 3 Capones Nº8. 3 Borregas Nº7. 1 Borrego Nº6. 5 Sheep Nº2

C Morando parted 10 Novillos from Nº5.

Died 5 Sheep Nº3. 7 id Nº4.

Killing locusts in Nº19  Also cutting Alfalfa

December 27, Wednesday

Fine day

Killed  1 Cow

Killing Locusts in Nº19. Also cutting Alfalfa
Major Porteous & Mr. Day called

Kingsland came back

December 28, Thursday

Died 1 Calf Nº2  1 Lamb Nº6

Killed  1 Cow

Brought 10 Bags of maiz & 1 Bag of Salt from Don Julio’s.
Colonist brought 8 Bags of maiz
Killing locusts in Nº19
Cutting Alfalfa in  id

December 29, Friday

Fine day   N. Wind

Killed  1 Cow  1 Capon Nº13

Died 1 Potro Nº19  1 Capon Nº13  1 Sheep Nº5

Killing Locusts in Nº19
Cutting Alfa in   id
Brought up flock from Nº4

Mrs Ferguson with childern

December 30, Saturday

N. Wind

Killed  1 Cow. 1 Sheep Nº4

Died 1 Ram Nº5. 1 id Nº6  2 Capones Nº4. &

Parted out from flock Nº4 - 394 white faced sheep. and put into N19
Also brought up flock from Nº1.

December 31, Sunday

Killed  1 Cow

Worked flock No 1.  Parted out 316 white faced sheep & put into Nº9.
Took out 2 Rams from flock in N.5 for Nº13.
2 Rams dead No 5 & 2 id Nº6.
Parted 10 Novillos from Nº5 for C Morando.

[ Blotter Note (facing Dec.29-31 ]


Cows   23
Novillos   1  24

Capones   6
Sheep    1  7!



Sheep   88
Capones  17
Rams    7
Lambs    5  117

Novillos  9
Vacas   1
Vaquillonas  1
Calves    7  18

Mares    2
Horses   1
Potros    5
Potrillos    4  12


Games shot. year 1899.

1899 Guns   Hares Partridges Martinetas Various
May 7th 2   26 14
April 25th
 " 30th

May 8th
  " 18
  " 24
  " 25



June 11


July  2


August 1





~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~

[ This ends the written entries of the 1899 day-book.
The printed pages that follow can be seen in the last PDF file above.

© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)