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Ea. “La California" - 1901 Day-Book | Page last modified: |
This is the 13th diary that has survived the years, however, like the others, it has suffered from damp. The entries were made by one or more people, William O. Beniz (Willie), his mayordomo, and segundos – alone or jointly.
The entries were written, for the most part, by the mayordomos (deduced by correlating changes in handwriting with the presence or absence of the person on the estancia): Mr. Johansen (January through ...) his handwriting first appears in 1899. The other person adding notes to Mr. Johansen's entries and who makes the entries when Mr. Johansen is absent (e.g. February) is very likely Willie O. Benitz, Don Guillermo.
Background: The background image is John Schreiber’s lithograph of “La California”, which he drew in 1878.
Reference Pages: To aid the reader with Spanglish terminology, unfamiliar names (people & places), and old measures (weights, distances, currencies, etc.) we have provided a set of: Reference Pages. We recommend you have these available — they will open in a second window or tab.
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Click on a title below to download a PDF file containing images of the actual diary pages. Many blotter pages have comments, some aligned with dates on the facing diary page. We transcribed onto the blotter pages comments that are difficult to read (written in faint pencil).
Excluding format, the day-book has been transcribed as written, verbatim, without correction. All obvious spelling and grammatical errors have been retained unchanged – we gave the benefit of the doubt to sloppy handwriting. Anything we added or corrected is enclosed within [square brackets, with our comments in italics.] For words we could not decipher, we provide our best guess followed by: [#?]. (Transcribed by: Veronica Benitz de Maffei)
1. The day-book pages are titled with the month and year and have space in which to record 2 days per page, Monday through Saturday. For the web, we inserted a title bar to separate the months, and reformatted the day titles, e.g. “2 Monday” becomes “January 2, Monday”. Note: Sunday’s actvivities were recorded per the whims of the author, either appended appropiately titled below Saturday or inserted into Monday and subtitled “Yesterday”; in both cases we created the day bar.
2. Newspaper clippings, notes, business cards, and any other items found inserted in the diary we placed where most relevant. Items for which we could not determine dates, we placed where we found them.
3. Notes on the interleaved blotter pages we placed following the date to which they apply. We included as notes blotted ink stains we could decipher.
4. The daily weather conditions were often written each side the printed date: morning left — afternoon right. We standardised their format, placing them on their own line below the date.
5. Standard daily subtitles placed in the left margin (e.g. Killed, Died, Yesterday) we changed to hanging (out-dented) paragraphs with their text.
[ The written pages of the 1901 day-book begin with the MEMORANDA.
The preceding printed pages can be seen in the first PDF file
above. ]
Liguien 4299 Calle St Fé.
[— Likely author: Mr. Johansen, mayordomo. —
— Someone else occasionally adds 1 or 2 lines —]
Fine day . warm
Killed 8 sheep s⁄n
Died 1 torito N.17. 1 sheep s⁄n 5 id N:7. 1 Ram Nº7. 1 Cow N.7 1 Potrillo N.8. 1 Capon N.8. 1 Cow Nº20
Recorriendo en Las Tijeras
Mr J. Benitz came fron Cruz Grande.
Mr A Benitz came back with the ladies from San Andrés.
Fine weather —— warm mx: 94+
Killed 5 sheep s⁄n
Died 7 novillos & 1 Cow Nº4. 7 Rams Nº16. 1 Capon N:10 . 1 Mare N.2
Cuello parted: 96 novillos from Nº20
50 Cows " "
19 Calves " "
Passed mares from Nº20 to Nº19 Mensuales recorriendo. Passed one mule from N.10 to Nº13
= Brought up 1 imported Ram from N.6N to Nº13
Finished digging well in Nº5. Aurelio Rodriguez took 2 of R Torres mules to town. Parted 20 Novillos from N:19 for A Larrahona and took same to San Genaro.
Fine weather
Killed 1 Cow N.9
Died 1 Vaquilla Nº8 1 Novillo N.5. 2 Cows N:20
Parared rodeo in Nº15. & cured abichados. Also in Nº20. Parted from N:15 – 12 Novillos belonged
to N:19 Recorriendo. Troop from Los Palmares arrived 814 animales & put into Nº5.
Parared rodeo in Nº20 & parted 280 cows “pampas" from 18. Recorriendo.
Fine day —— warm
Killed —
Died 3 Novillos Nº 4.
A Larrahona came and parted 67 novillos from N:19 Parared rodeo in Nº20 & parted 232 cows “pampas"
for N:18. Parared rodeo in N:19 for Larrahona & parted Novillos Also in N:15
& N:9 in all 67 anS.
Brought up cilindro & tina from Nº3 & fixed. took back again. Digging well in N:4 & finished
Took herramientos to well N:5.
Parared rodeo in N:5 to give chaqueño Novillos water.
Fine day
Killed 8 sheep Nº s⁄n
Died 2 Rams N.16. 1 Borrega N:8. 12 Sheep N:3. 25 id. N.2 1 Novillo Nº9. 1 Nov Nº19. 1 Cow Nº4
Parared rodeo in Nº5 to give chaqueño novillos water.
Morando parted 8 cows from N.7.
Dispatched Larrahonas troop 67 anS.
Digging well in N 5.
Brought up potros Nº 18 to corral
Passed mares Nº19 to Nº20
Don Alfredo went to Rosario.
Mr J Benitz Miss Hattie, Katie, Josephine & Willie Benitz went to Cruz Grande
Fine day
Killed 5 Sheep s⁄n
Died 1 fine Ram N.13 1 Cow N:16 1 id N:18 1 Buey N:20 2 Cows N.18
passed Black Mocha cows from Nº17 to 6. 59. cows 1 Bull. also novillos from Nº17 to. 9.
Gave water to pampas in N. 18 also Novillos in N.5. Recorriendo
Fine day —— warm
Killed 1 Cow N.9
Mensuales recorriendo. Parared rodeo in Nº 5 & cured abichados. Also cured 5
fine Rams in Nº6 N. Digging well in Nº 1 & finished.
Brought up mares from Nº20 to corral.
Died 2 Cows N.18 1 Horse Nº4
Rain in the afternoon
Killed —
Died —
Cleaned well in N:11. Cilinder fell down in the well & hurt Montoya.
Brought cilinder and tina from N:11 to blacksmith shop to be fixed. Put new cilinder and tina
in N:3. Mensuales recorriendo.
Parted 8 potros from N:20 & put into N:18 And [#?] 3 abichados from N:11
Sent mares back to N:20
Rainy day
Killed 1 Novillo Nº 9
Recorriendo in the morning. Also in the afternoon.
Dispatched troop of 20 ans. for San Genaro from Nº19.
Cutting abrojos in N:8 & 11
Fine day
Killed —
Died 5 Cows & 9 Novillos N:4 1 Cow Nº 7. 13 Sheep N. 3. 4 Sheep N.7 7 id N: 8
Finished digging well in N.11 Parared rodeo in Nº2 Also moved cattle from Nº2 to Nº4 (746) Parared rodeo in N.3 & parted 21 cows for Cuello & put into Nº10 Also 25 vaquillonas for N:8. Recorriendo. took siñuelo bayo from Monte.
Died 9 Sheep N:1. 25 id N.4. 1 Capon N.6S. 3 Sheep N.7.
Cutting abrojos in N:7
Sr Professor Budin called.
Died 1 Capon s⁄n
Killed 1 Novillo N.20 4 Sheep s⁄n
Parared rodeo in N:18 & parted:
80 Calves for Castañeira also dispatched
20 Cows from N.10 for ídem. Recorriendo. fixed fence towards S. Clara. Brought
up Mares from Nº15 to corral. Cured 3 cows abichados in Nº 16 Cured abichado Mares
in N.12. Mensuales recorriendo.
Cutting abrojos in N. 7 & 8 & 11 Open fence in monte at the house to let two
novillos get out. Cuello brought 4 Novillos and 3 Cows recoentados [#?] from Balde’s camp.
Died 1 Sheep N.6S. 2 id s⁄n 9 id N.1. 6 id Nº3. 3 id. N:4 1 Novillo N:7 1 id. N. 15 3 Nov N:4. 1 Cow N: 1
Cured 1 mare abichado from N: 15 & put in N:12. Took mares back to N.15
Cutting abrojos in N.7. Brought up mares from N.7 & cured 2 abichados & put into N. 12
& took mares back to potrero. Recorriendo.
Parared rodeo in Nº8 & cured abichados also cured abichados in N:7 Asked rodeo from S. Clara for
Monday. Also from Las Lomas for Tuesday. Cured sheep abichado in Nº6S & N also in Nº7.
Mr & Mrs W.O. Benitz went to Rosario & came back
fine morning —— rain & storm p.m.
Recorriendo. Brought up 6 pigs from N.17 to the house
Killed 2 Sheep s⁄n
Died 1 Cow Nº 6S. 2 Sheep s⁄n 1 Capon Nº 8
fine day —— Fresh temperature
Killed 1 Cow Nº 18
Died 2 Sheep N:4. 1 Capon N:10
Went to S. Clara for rodeo, no Novillos found.
Brought up flock N.7 to corral. Brought up capones from N:10, parted 65 messtizos exportacion, caras
negras for N.13. Counted rest 584 & put back. Brought up 1 potro abichado from N:18 cured &
put in N:12. Cured potrancas abichadas in N:12. Mensuales recorriendo.
Parared rodeo in Nº20 for Cuello to see Novillos Parared rodeo in Nº18 & parted 50 Cows for
Morando & put into Nº10 Parared rodeo in Nº 15 & parted 28 Novillos
& 1
red cow
for Cuello & put in N: 10.
Mr Plant & Gillyatt called
fine day —— Fresh temperature
Killed 8 Sheep s⁄n
Died 1 " Nº6N 1 Sheep N.6S 2 Novillos & 1 Potrillo Nº4
Count flock N. 7 = 1630
Went for rodeo in Las Lomas & brought back 1 Novillo for N.15 Parted from flock N. 7-118 old
sheep (deshechas) for consumo and put into s⁄n. Recorriendo Finished cleaning &
fixing well in N:1.
Brought up cattle from Nº8 to corral
fine day —— fresh temperature
Killed 1 Lamb N: 6S
Died 3 Sheep N. 3 3 id N: 1 1 Potrillo N: 3
Brought up cattle from Nº 8 to corral
Brought up flocks N:6N & 6S & revised
cutting Abrojos chicos
Soga in well Nº 6.
fine day —— fresh temperature
Killed 1 Novillo N:9 3 Sheep & 1 capon s⁄n
Died 1 Capon N:10 1 Potranca N:20 2 Novillos N:4 1 id N:8
Began cutting abrojos on road to lecheria.
Marked cattle from N:8 & parted:
354 Vaquillonas for Nº2
511 Novillitos " " 8
Passed 181 Vaquillonas from N:6N to N:2 Parted 13 Vaquillonas from N.16 .. 19
from Nº14 & put into N: 2 after having marked them. Mensuales recorriendo.
Cutting abrojos chicos.
fine day
Died 1 Cow N:6S 2 Rams N.16
Parted 32 Novillos for San Genaro from Nº19 & dispatched same. Beltrame’s
recieving hides. Recorriendo. Carted part of hides to Las Rosas.
Brought capones in N: 10 to rodeo. fixing well in N.16
cutting Abrojos chicos
Rain in the night.
Died — Died: 1 Capon in N.7 1 Ram N.8 7 Sheep N:1 7 Sheep N.3 8 Sheep N.4
Died Killed 1 Novillo N.9 1 id N.4. 1 Cow N.4. 1 Vaquill N.2
1 Horse N. 11
Recorriendo parado Rodeo in Nº 7 & parted 69 calves (1 year) for Nº10
Brought capones Nº10 to Rodeo.
finished carting hides to Las Rosas. finished well in Nº 16.
Cutting Abrojos chicos
Mrs Benitz, children & Miss Bell went to the mountains
Station Master from Las Rosas sent 1 cow & 2 Vaquillonas to be served
Rain in the morning
The cows belonging to station master put in N.6
Killed: 2 Sheep s⁄n 1 Cow N.10
Died 1 Sheep s⁄n 1 Ram N.16
Rain in the —— morning
Killed 1 —
Died 1 Novillo N.7. 1 id N:4. 1 Mule N.4. 7 Sheep N.7 1 id. N.8 1 Sheep N.6S
Recorriendo. Parted 6 cows from N.7 for Morando. Parted 12 Terneros
from Nº7 – to N.10 20 Novillos from N:5 to N:10 95 Bulls
Nº9 – N.6N 1 Cow mocha negra from N:9 – N6S.
Parared rodeo in N:10 for Terneros [#?] to water. Took out ajeno horses from N:11
to 6S.
Parared rodeo in N: 15 & parted 11 Novillos for N: 10 Brought up
potros N.18 & parted 10 for buyer from Tucuman. Brought up frisones N. 15
Brought up horses & mules from N:9 & gave 12 to mensuales to ride.
Fine day
Killed 6 Sheep s⁄n
Died 1 Capon s⁄n 1 Novillo N:15 1 Cow N:18 1 Horse N:12
Counted frisones in N: 15 – 28 Also potros N:18 –
78. & took back to potreros. Recorriendo Cured 7 abichado mares in N:12.
Brought up one abichado Mare from Nº20 to Nº 12 Parared rodeo in N: 4
& parted 140 Cows & brought up to Corral. Bosaled 60 potros for Tucuman.
Put earth round bebidas in Nº 16
fine day
Killed 1 Cow N:16
Died 1 Mule Nº4 1 Capon N:10 1 Ram N.16
Dispatched 10 potros to S. Genaro for Tucuman. Marked 140 Cows from Nº 4 & put back. Digging well & fixing brocal in N: 16 Also passed 1 Cow from N:11 to 14 Recorriendo.
Parared rodeo in Nº20 & parted 7 Novillos for Consumo & put in Nº16 Also 6 cows from Nº18 & put in N.16 Brought up Rams Nº16 & parted 12 for N: 13 Parared rodeo in N: 10 to give Terneros [#?] Water.
Fine day
(Killed) Died 7 Sheep N.7 2 id N.6S, 5 id N.4, 6 id N.3, 3 id N.1, 1 Ram N:16
Died 2 Cows N.18 2 Novillos N:15 1 Novillo N.19 3 Cows N.2 2 Novillos N.4
Brought up Rams N.13 & sent 14 to Nº1 2 to N. 6S.
1 to Nº 6N. Parared rodeo in Nº7 for Cuello to see Parared rodeo in
Nº 10 & 9 for Cuello to see
Mule Cart gathering skins in Nº7 Brought skins from Las Tijeras & osamentos Cured abichados
in N:16 Cured riding horses in Nº18 Fixed soga N: 5 well Recorriendo
Gathered Capones in N:10 to rodeo
Brought up horses from N.17 belonging to Aurelio Rodriguez who parted some for N. 9 & N17
Fixed brocal in Nº 17
fine day
Killed 1 Cow N.16 3 Sheep s⁄n
Passed Novillos from Nº9 to Nº10
Castañeira Parared rodeo in Nº10 & parted 34 Novillos
to N.9. Parared rodeo in N: 20 & parted 6 Novillos & 15 Cows & put
into N. 9 for Castañeira Parared rodeo in N. 18 & revised cattle.
Mensuales recorriendo
Fixing well in Nº17 Brought up capones in N: 10 to rodeo
Burning osamentos in Las Tijeras
Died 2 Novillos N:19
Pontalis mayordomo came. (Mr Lockhart)
fine day
Killed 5 sheep s⁄n
Died ——
Recorriendo Parared rodeo in N. 7 & parted 27 terneros de 1 año for
N.10 Brought up mules [#?] from N: 4 & Curared in brete & took back.
Parared rodeo in Nº5 & cured abichados. Brought up mares Nº7 to corral.
V. Morando parted 40 Rams from N.16
fine day
Parared rodeo in N.7 & parted 22 terneros & 3 Vaquillonas for Castañeira & taken away Larrahona parted 17 Oxen from Nº 20 to 19 Parared rodeo in N.9 & 10 and took 1 Novillo out belonging to N. 19.
Died 11 Sheep N.4 3 Novillos Nº4 1 Cow Nº2 1 Cow Nº7
Mr W Benitz drove to Armstrong bound to Victoriana.
fine day
Killed 1 Cow Nº 16
Died 1 Mare N. 7
Larrahonas troop despatched composed of 16 Oxen & 13 Novillos. (from Nº19 3 Novillos
& 8 others [inserted below: from N.10. 2 Novillos ]
Fixing sheep-pens and cleaning sheep dip Brought up flock Nº7 to corral. C Morando
parted 8 Cows from N: 10. Filled dip with water Cured abichados in N.12.
Recorriendo & put 6 barrels of dip in the water
fine day
Killed 3 Sheep N.7
Died 3 Sheep N.7. 1 Novillo N:7. 1 Cow N:18. 1 Novillo N.9. 1 Cow N:18. 5 Cows N.4. 6 Novillos N:4
Began parting capons from flock Nº7: 390 for Nº 8. Also 43 black
faced sheep in N.8 329 borregas forn N.7 Dipped same.
Dipped the rest 877 & passed to Nº 2. Brought up Capones N. 8 to corral
Also mares from Nº20 & parted 72 Potros belonging to Nº18 & taken back to the respective
potreros. Filled dip with more wáter. Put one barrel dip in the mezcla. Changed cilinder
in Nº 2 well bringing back old cilynder
fine day
Killed 1 Cow N.16
Died 1 Cow N:2, 2 Cows N.18. 1 Novillo N.15.
Dipped capones from N.8. 747 anS.
Parted 402 borregas from Nº8 to Nº7
" 77 Ewes " 6S
Parared rodeo in Nº 10 & parted 15 cows & 3Torrunos for Montes Oca.
for Morando Brought up flock N. 6S & dipped 410 anS. Also parted
27 sheep from N. 6S to N. 4.
Brought up flock N. 6N & dipped 424.
" " " " 4 to corral.
Cuello took 27 Novillos & 22 cows to N.17 from N.9. Parted 60 Novillitos de 1 año
from N.10 for colonist Forchino & put in Nº11 Deshorned [dehorned #?] 1 Novillo & 1 Cow in
Nº 10 Cured abichados in N.12 & 16
Castañeiras men came. Delivered Salvatierras horse to tropero.
Mr Dresser came.
Killed 3 Sheep s⁄n 2 Sheep N. 4
Died 3 Sheep N.4. 7 Novillos y 6 Cows N.4. 1 Cow N.2. 1 cow Nº3. 1 Carf N.7. 1 Cow N.7
Dispatched troop to Rosario 27 novillos & 22 cows & 35 terneros from N.20.
Left 2 Novillos from Castañeiras troop
in Nº 20 & parted 1 Novillo
from N.20, former Novillos being lame. Parted from flock N. 4 588 Borregas for
N.7 & 412 Capones for N.8 Dipped flock Nº4 925 anS. Dispached
55 Novillitos for colonist Forchino. Recorriendo.
[ Blotter Note, facing January 28 & 29. ]
Mortandad Enero 1901 Vacunos Lanares Caballar Novillos 63 Sheep 204 Potrillos 3 Cows 50 Rams 11 Mares 2 Vaquillas 2 Capones 2 Horses 3 Bueyes 1 Borregas 1 Mules 2 Terneros 1 Fine Rams 1 10 117 226
Consumo Capones 1 Cows 8 Ovejas 67 Novillos 3 Lambs 1 11 69
[— Likely author: Mr. Johansen, mayordomo. —
— Someone else occasionally adds 1 or 2 lines —]
fine day
Killed: 1 Cow N.16
Died: 1 Novillo N.19. 1 Cow N:14. 1 Novillo N.8. 1 Sheep N.4. 2 id N.3. 2 Sheep N.4. 1 Ram N.4. 3 Sheep N.7. 3 Capones N.8. 1 Sheep N.3
Dipped rest of flock N.4 – 1390 Ewes to N. 4.
Mr Kingsland went to Diaz for Palacios to see Mr Ortiz’s cattle Sr Larrechea & Torlaseo came
fine day
Killed: 4 Sheep s⁄n 1 Capon N.10
Died: 1 Sheep N.3. 4 id N.2 15 id N.3. 15 id N.4 9 id N.1
Dipped 616 Capones from Nº10 and 377 Sheep from Nº3
Kingsland went to Estacion Palacios from Diaz
Sr Larrechea & Torlaseo went away
fine day —— warm
Killed: 4 Sheep s⁄n
Died: 1 Capon N.10. 1 Cow N.6N. 1 Calf N.7 1 Calf N.10
Brought up flock N:1. Made new canalete for well in N:5. Brought up 2 Rams from N.6N to cure. Cured Bull mocho in N.6S
Killed: 1 Capon Nº10
Died: 2 Cows N.18 3 Capones N.16
Began dipping flock N.1
Changed tina Nº 19 well
Recorriendo & cured abichados
Prof. Ligniere’s brother and Mr Lockhart came.
fine day —— very warm
Killed: 1 Novillo N.16
Died: 7 Novillos N.4 - 2 Sheep Nº3. 2 capones Nº10 1 Sheep Nº6N 1 id #6S. 4 id. N.7 1 Sheep N.8
finished dipping flock N.1 (2308 anS) and parted 240 + 160 Capones for N:8
225 + 173 Borregas for N:7. rest 1500 Ewes for N.1.
Cleaned well by puesto in N.7.
Asked for a wagon to load 2 horses for Rosario for tomorrow. Also asked for waggons for wool
Recorriendo and curing abichados
Kingsland came back from Palacios.
Mr Lignieres & Lockhart went away
Killed: 1 Sheep N.1. 4 id s⁄n
Died: 1 Sheep N.1 2 id. N:6S 1 id N.6N 3 id Nº8. 1 id. Nº16. 4 id N.6S 1 Cow N.18
Brought up Potros from N.15 & parted two for Rosario, Wilson’s Son’s & C.
Fixing earth round bebida in N.15. (19)
Recorriendo & cured abichados
Shipped 2 Potros to Rosario
Wilson Sons & C Ld
Changed Novillos from Nº5. to Nº19 for want of water
Died: 1 Cow Nº4 2 Novillos N.4 1 Novillo N.8. 1 id N4. 1 Cow N.4
Id: 1 Cow N.2
fine day
Killed: 1 Cow N.16
Died: 4 Sheep. s⁄n 1 Ram N.17 1 Sheep N.6N 1 id. N:6S 1 Capon N.11 1 Cow N.18
parado Rodeo in Nº 19. & parted 69 cows for Nº20. Recorriendo.
parted from Nº10 44 Vacunos for Tucuman put in Nº9. putting earth around troughs in Nº 19.
Renia pastoriando novillos Nº19.
Died: 1 Novillo N.15. 1 Cow N.18. 3 sheep s⁄n 3 id N.7. 2 id. N.8. 1 id N.6S
parted N.10 8 vacunos for Tucuman put in Nº9. cured rodeo (Abichados)
NºS 15. 19. 20. 18. Mensuales recorriendo
Brought up flock 6S to corral
putting earth around bebidas Nº19.
Don Alfredo came back from Cordoba
Killed: 4 Sheep N.8. 2 id s⁄n 1 capon s⁄n
Died: 1 Sheep N.7. 1 id N:16. 17 id N.4. 9 id N.3. 9 id N.9N 6 id N.1
despatched troop to San Genaro from Nº9. 52 Vacunos also 2 novillos from Nº19.
parted 11 Rams from flock 6S to Nº13. Brought up capones Nº8 & Revised &
parted 53 capones for Nº10
Mensuales recorriendo
Brought up mules from Nº4 & parted 10 for Colonists sent to Nº4 & put rest in Nº9.
Revised flocks Nº1 & 3. in Tijeras
Don Guillermo went to Cordoba from San Genaro.
Killed: 4 Sheep s⁄n
fine day —— warm
Killed: 4 Sheep s⁄n
Died: 3 Cows Nº18. 1 Sheep N.6N 1 id. N.8 1 Novillo N.4.
Cured abichados in N: 19. 20 & 18.
Began digging well in N:18
Parted 6 Rams from flock N:1 for Castagnino & Embarked for Rosario
Took 10 Mules from N:4 to colonist Bautista Veglia.
Brought up flock N.6 to corral.
Finished division of sheep corral in Las Tijeras.
Started to paint all gates.
fine day warm
Killed: 1 Novillo N:16, 8 Sheep N s⁄n
Died: 1 Novillo N:15 1 id N:19. 5 Cows N:18. 1 Cow Nº4. 1 Mare N6S
Digging well in Nº18
Revised flock Nº6N & parted 6 Rams for Nº13.
Brought up Potros from Nº18 and parted 1 abichado for Nº12.
Brought up Potros from Nº15 for buyers from Mendoza to see.
Brought up Mares from N.7 & parted 1 Potrillo abichado for Nº12.
Parted from Nº 14. 128 cows & 3 Bulls for Nº9
Dionisio Perez despatched
fine day —— very warm
Killed: ——
Died: 1 Cow Nº2 (leche lost) 3 Capones Nº16. 2 Sheep N:6S 1 Sheep N.6N 1 Sheep N.7
Digging well in Nº 18 Parted 89 Calves from Nº 20 for Rosario (Castañeira)
Mensuales recorriendo
Cured abichados in Nº12 & 14. – 18.
New Alambrador entrerea [entered #?].
Cured abichados in Nº12
Cloudy —— very warm. Tormenta at 4. pm
Killed: —
Died: 4 Cows N.18
Brought back one calf from Casteñeira & put in N: 11.
Brought up cattle from N:19 & parted in brete 91
for Nº15. Marked ½ of rest and put together with unmarked in Nº5.
Brought up Mares from N:15 and parted 8 Potros frisones for Mendocinos, marked & put into Nº10.
Sent same later on to town.
Began putting carth round wooden house in garden. Sent to town for cargo al [#?]
Finished digging well in Nº18
Rainy morning
Killed: 1 Novillo N.16
Died: 2 Cows N.18
Mensuales recorriendo.
Embarked frisones in the station
Delivered 1 pig to pigman
cured two abichados cows in Nº 16
fine day
Killed: 8 Sheep s⁄n
Died: 2 Vaquill Nº2 1 Toro fino N:4 1 Cow N.18 10 Sheep N.3. 14 id N.2. 16 id N.4 7 Sheep N.1
Parared rodeo in Nº15 & parted 300 Novillos for Nº19 Mensuales recorriendo.
Put new cylinder & tina in Nº15. Putting earth round the bebidas in Nº19. Put earth round garden
house. Sent to station for cargo.
Don Alfredo rode to Las Estacas
Cu [#?] parted 133 Rams from flock Nº1.2.3.4. in Las Tijeras for Nº9
Killed: —
Died: 2 Cows N:18.
Mensuales recorriendo & curing abichados in Nº12. Permitted troop of cattle for Las Lomas drink water in N:4.
fine weather —— warm
Killed: —
Died: 2 Sheep Nº6S 1 Sheep s⁄n
Began deepining] well N:11.
Betuco came from Victoriano with 2 black horses for Mr W. Benitz.
Brought Cargo from station
passed Ajeno horses from Nº11 to 6S
Cured Abichados in Rodeos Nº 15. 19. 20.
parado Rodeo in Nº5 & parted 140 novillos Took to corral. Mensuales recorriendo
Revised Bulls Nº6N
fine day
Killed: 1 Cow N.16 2 Sheep s⁄n
Died: 1 Novillo Nº15 1 id Nº18 4 Cows Nº18 1 Novillo Nº1 1 Cow Nº3 11 Cows N.2 2 Sheep N.7
Marked 101 novillos in Brete from N 5 put back in Nº5. leaving 39.
mark for Nº15. Digging well in Nº11
Mensuales recorriendo
cured Abichados Nº12.
peste (Tristeza) began in Nº 2. ( 11 died)
Don Alfred left for Rosario
Johanson went to dance at S. Clara
Fine morning —— Rain at 1pm–5pm
Killed: 1 Cow N.16
Died: —
Peste in N:2 (9 died.)
parado Rodeo in Nº10 & Revised also Tropero came to see vaquillonas criollas Nº10 recently from
Revised Rodeos & cured Nº 9. 5. 7. 8. 14.
Mensuales recorriendo
Went to colonists about dogs brought skins from Las Tijeras
Gathering up osamentas in the camp
heavy rain in the Afternoon
Cured Rams Nº13. cured Abichados Nº12. finished well Nº11.
Mr Johanson went to S. Clara for dance.
fine day —— Warm
Killed: 5 Sheep s/n Died 1 Capon N.9 6 Sheep N.2 1 Sheep N.6N
Died: 17 Cows Nº2 1 Capon Nº10 1 Ram N.13 4 Sheep N.7 3 Capones N.8 2 Sheep N.6S
parado Rodeo Nº15 & parted 10 novillos for Nº19. also parted Nº19.
37 Novillos for Nº15. Counted Novillos Nº19 (300)
Killed 1 dog Nº8. Recorriendo
Cured Rams Nº13.
four sheep killed by dogs Nº8.
fixed Windmill Nº5
a young German came searching work & stopped over night
Very strong —— south wind & little rain
Killed: 3 Sheep s⁄n
Died: 2 Novillos N.15 22 Cows N.2 1 Potrillo N.8 1 Sheep N.16
C Morando parted 25 cowsN.18 for M. de Oca
cured Rodeos Nº18 & 20. Mensuales recorriendo
Parted 15 pigs from Nº17 & sent to Las Rosas for B. Ville. Finished deepening well in
Nº5. Sent breagus [breagn/breaque #?] to Las Tijeras to fetch hides & brought 22
from Nº2
Mr Chandles came to lunch.
Cold morning fine day flies beguining to get less
Killed: 8 sheep s⁄n Died 13 Sheep N.3 7 Sheep N.4
Died: 1 Mare N.7. 15 Cows N:2 1 Sheep N.6S 1 Capon N.8 4 Sheep N.2 7 Sheep N.1
Sent Scheniedlin & equipment to town & brought back 3 bags salt.
Juan Costa bought 1 pig also Fagliaso 1 pig.
Cleaned out earth represa in Nº20
[— From here, likely author: NOT Mr. Johansen. —]
Enrique Chiesa took 1 pig. $ 25
Parado Rodeo in Nº14 & parted 17 Bulls also 15 from Nº16 & 14 from Nº9
marked in corral & put in Nº6N 46 in all. Cleaning represa in Nº20
fixing sheep Corral Mensuales recorriendo Brought up mares Nº6N &
caught prince Scot (stallion)
Began painting Brete Gathering Osamentas in the camp, peste still in Las Tijeras, brought skins from
Nº 2. 1. 3 & 4
Don Guillermo came back
Parted 40 Terneros Nº10 for. C. Gomez. Brought up flock Nº8
Fine Weather —— Cool
Killed: 1 Cow N.16 2 Capones N.8 1 Capon & 1 Sheep s⁄n Died 1 Capon N.8
Died: 3 Cows N.18 1 Horse N.11. 19 Cows N.2 2 Rams N.16. 1 Cow N.10. 14 Cows N.2 1 Sheep N6S
Began Palinkiaring potrillos from Horatius’s manada. Nº8.
Cleaned capones Nº8. & Revised
Brought up Rams Nº9 & Revised & cleaned also Capones & Rams(fine)
Nº13. Brought up Borregas Nº7.
Skining in Las Tijeras (Still Peste) Nº2. Mensuales recorriendo
Pedro Torres tusando Don Guillermo’s petizos
passed mares from N.15 to 18
Troperos had permision to put their troop in Ensenada for the night.
Blacksmith fixing Windmill in Nº5 (also making new Cilindro)
Buyer from Tucuman left without buying anything.
Sent one peon to Las Tijeras to help skin in Nº2.
Mr Johanson left for the Mountains of Cordoba.
Opened fence for Troperos to get novillo out of monte
Fine weather. —— Warm.
Killed: 3 Capones Nº8 Died 1 Sheep s⁄n 1 Capon N.8
Died: 2 Cows N.18 1 Novillo Nº7. 1 Cow N.1. 1 id N.4. 15 id. N.2 2 Sheep N.7
Cleaned Borregas Nº7 & revised
Brought up Rams Nº16 & Revised put into S/N. Cured 3 Abichado Cows N.16.
parado Rodeo in Nº18 & parted .9. pampa cows & 1 overa for Nº10.
Brought up capones Nº10 to corral. Mensuales recorriendo
Cured 7 Abichado sheep in Nº 6S. skining in Las Tijeras.
passed Ajeno horses from Nº11 to 6S. Gould taming potrillos from
Manada Nº8. keeping Manada Nº8 in Nº15.
Cured Abichado mares Nº12. shut up fence opened for Troperos to get Novillo out.
Troperos left. leaving novillo in monte. Blacksmith making new cilindro, (nearly finished it.)
Parted 39 capones from Nº8 to Nº10
fine day. —— Cloudy Afternoon
Killed: 5 Sheep s⁄n
Died: 9 Cows N:2 1 Novillo N.7 1 Sheep N.6S
Brought up mules Nº9. to corral & parted 4 for Nº18.
Maranda [Morando] parted 8 cows from Nº10 for Las Rosas Cured Rodeos Abichados Nº9.
10.19.20. also cured 1 novillo abichado in Nº15
passed 1 potranca frizona from 19. to 15.
Cleaned & Revised capones Nº10 & counted 707. parted 34 Rams from Nº10
belonging to Nº9.
Brought up mares Nº20 & parted 8 potros for Nº18. also 1 Abichado mare
Nº 12. parted 3 mules from Nº9 to Nº12. also 2 tame ones for
carting use in Tijeras
loading hides (Vacunos) loaded 2 carts (283 hides) Mensuales recorriendo
Blacksmith fixed gate leading into Nº9. to Nº10 also board in Nº15 well.
Gould taming potrillos Nº8. manada (Horatius).
Cloudy —— Very hot.
Killed: 3 Sheep s⁄n
Died: 1 Novillo Nº19. 15 Cows N:2 2 Rams Nº13. 3 Sheep N.7 1 id N.6S 1 Capon N:8
Recieved 7. Bueyes 3 cows & 1 novillo from Aurelio for Nº10. Revised
flock Nº4 & parted 97 White faced Sheep for Nº2. also Revised flock Nº3
& parted 168 White faced sheep for Nº2.
Mensuales recorriendo Loaded sheep skins & grease to Las Rosas. Also depatched
two Cartloads of hides. Brought skins from Las Tijeras. Passed cows from Nº9 to
Nº14 (127 cows & 3 Bulls). Cured Abichados Mares in Nº12. Gould taming
potrillos in (Horatius’s) Manada. Buyer of skins left for Santa Clara. Put flock Nº1
in Corral in Las Tijeras. Cleaning up. Graseria a bit. Juan Ravotti’s peon brought 1
Black mare & foal put in Nº12. Blacksmith finished new Cilindro Passed Rams
from Nº9 to Nº16. Troperos came to part calves tomorrow
[ Blotter Note, facing February 27 & 28. ]
Mortandad Febrero Vacunos 25 Novillos Lanares 245 Sheep Caballar 1 Horse 179 Cows 7 Rams 1 Potrillo 2 Calves 21 Capones 2 Mares 2 Vaquillas 273 4 1 Toro fine 279
Consumo Vacunos 3 Novillos Lanares 70 Sheep 5 Cows 9 Capones 8 79
[— Likely author: NOT Mr. Johansen, mayordomo. —]
[ Comming along nicely, about a month per month ]
© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)