Jim Bell & Bernice Benitz Page last modified:

Jim & Bernice Bell
— Documents & In-Print —

Documents of all types, personal (e.g. birth certificates) and public (e.g. listed in census records), as well as newspaper articles & notices, and quotes from books & magazines.


No pic.

Bernice’s Birth Certificate
(Source: James Bell)

This document was issued at her request, on 13 Sept. 1911.  She was born April 15, 1895.

We translated the names of family members as follows:
 • Bernicia = Bernice
 • Guillermo = William
 • Guillermina = Wilhelmina
 • José = Joseph
 • Josefina = Josephine
 • Juana = Jane
Note that "Coleman" should be "Kolmer".

treintayuno 31

N.15074 Registro Civil –
Partida de nacimiento ó defunción $3 mn

Buenos Aires, Septiembre 13 de 1911

José Pedro Pittaluga jefe del –Archivo– del Registro Civil, certifica: que en el tomo Primero –A– de los libros de –Nacimientos– existe un acta que dice así:

Número Cuatrocientos veinte y tres:- En la Capital de la República Argentina á quince de Mayo de mil ochocientos noventa y cinco, á las tres y diez minutos de la tarde, ante mí, Gefe de la Undécima Sección del Registro Civil:- Clara Allyn de treinta y cinco años norteamericana, domiciliada calle Progreso número mil novecientos once hija de José Allyn y de Juana Smith declaró que el diez y seis de Abril del corriente año, á las once de la mañana dio á luz la mujer Bernicia Guillermina en le domicilio espresado donde la vi, hija legitima de la declarante y de su esposo Gillermo Benitz de cuarenta años norte americano, hijo de Guillermo Benitz y de Josefina Coleman. Leida el acta la firmaron conmigo la esponente y los testigos Juan Novello de treinta y siete años, casado, domiciliado calle Moron número veinte y seis y Alejo Alessi de cuarenta y tres años casado, domiciliado en casa del testigo anterior. Clara Allyn Benitz – Juan Novello – Alessi Alessio – Ezequiel M. Pader – Hay un sello – A pedido de Bernecia Guillermina Benitz, expedido el presente que sello y firmo en Buenos Aires, fecha ut retro –

José P. Pittaluga

La Secretario del interior
Certifica que la firma que xxxx y dice:
José P. Pittaluga
Se autentica.
Buenos Aires Octubre 2 de 1911

thirty-one 31

N.15074 Civil Register -
Birth or death certificate $3 mn

Buenos Aires, September 13, 1911

José Pedro Pittaluga head of the –Archives– of the Civil Registry, certifies: that in the First volume –A– of the books of –Births– there is a record that reads as follows:

Number four hundred and twenty-three:- In the Capital of the Argentine Republic on May fifteenth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, at ten minutes past three in the afternoon, Clara Allyn, thirty-five years old, North American, domiciled at Calle Progreso number nineteen hundred and eleven, daughter of Joseph Allyn and Jane Smith, declared that on April sixteenth of the current year, at eleven o'clock in the morning gave birth to the woman Bernice Wilhelmina at the address stated where I saw her, legitimate daughter of the declarant and her husband William Benitz, a forty-year-old North American, son of William Benitz and Josephine Coleman. After reading the minutes, it was signed with me the speaker and the witnesses Juan Novello, thirty-seven years old, married, domiciled at number twenty-six Moron Street, and Alejo Alessi, forty-three years old, married, domiciled in the house of the previous witness. Clara Allyn Benitz – Juan Novello – Alessi Alessio – Ezequiel M. Pader – There is a stamp – At the request of Bernice Wilhelmina Benitz, issued the present that I stamp and sign in Buenos Aires, dated as above –

José P. Pittaluga

[Stamped with the seals of:
 • Civil Registry of the Capital
 • Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior
 • Ministry of the Interior ]

The Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior
certifies that the signature xxxx that says:
José P. Pittaluga
is authentic.
Buenos Aires October 2, 1911
(signature: JMadxxx)

© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)