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Alfred A. Benitz | Page last modified: |
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The day-book resumes on March 7, Alfred had been away since December 31, visiting La California, Rosario, and Buenos Aires. On the first page of 1898, the "B.H." next to "Buenos Airies" on January 24 is intriguing, for it could be the British Hospital (which opened in 1844). There is also an intriguing prescription by Dr. Andrew MacInnes (Rosario/SFé) insterted in July but is itself undated; per the number of pharmacy stamps it appears to have been filled three times. We have not been able to decipher the drugs listed.
March 18: Alfred was in BA to see his mother (Josephine) and his brother Willie sail for England on the “Magdalena” (Note: Clara was already in the US). From England they would go to the U.S. where Josephine visited California for several months. Willie arrived back in Argentina on October 22, 1898, Josephine and Clara on August 7, 1899 (see the La California day-books).
Camps: (see maps)
Rodeos: Alfred did not take a full inventory at Los Palmares during 1898. It is noteworthy how many rodeos generales were held for or by neighbors to sort out cattle that had strayed for lack of fences. On Aug. 28, Miguel brought back 800 head that had strayed far north, saw tracks of another 200 possibly stolen by indians.
Production: Calves branded:
Production: Herds sold (5,076) & sent south to La California (3,854):
Indian thefts: A constant problem.
Transcription Notes: The day-book has been transcribed as written, without intentional corrections to spelling or grammar. We standardised the date format, adding the month where missing (abbreviated to 3 letters). Anything else we added or corrected is enclosed within [square brackets, with our comments in italics.] (Transcribed by: Michael Mohr-Bell.)
Written in English by Alfred, Donkin, & others, the day-book is full of Spanglish terms as well as many other terms unfamiliar to us today. To assist with names (people & places), maps, measures, currencies, and Spanglish terminology, we have created a set of Reference pages. The reference pages open in a separate tab / window making them available in parallel to the diary (i.e. this window).
1898 - March, April, May, & June
[Click to download page images (3.8 mb PDF file)]
[Author: Alfred]
Alfredo came back from down home had been away since Dec 31.–
Found camp and cattle looking very well. Nothing very new been giving rodeos and parting at neighbors.–
Martin had been parting last few days. Indians seem to have gone out with some roba as a track of about
30 is going out and an old tordella from south puesto was found on track. Some scandal about Miguel and
the women. Tomas Bergara & wife had been sacked. Rubio Benites had been moved from
puesto (old) to Baldomia [Baldomero‘s ]. Baldomero & wife are at estancia and Felis
Roman and wife are back at old puesto.
Dec 31 | To Calchaqui and train to Rosario. |
Jan 1 | In Rosario (missed train on account of strike. |
2 | La California. |
19 | to Rosario. |
20 | to Buenos Aires |
24 | " " .B.H |
Feb 8 | " " |
9 | Train |
10 | La Califor |
20 | Rosario |
21 | La Cal |
Mar 5 | Rosario |
6 | Calchaqui |
7 | Palmares.. |
Miguel and Eustacio followed up the track of the indians who had stolen down near Camba’s puesto costa Calchaqui. they had dispuntared the zanjones near Palmar lake and then got north west. Thought not to be indians.– Had stolen 9 mancarrones, 2 madrinas & colts, 3 tame mares 2 yeguas chucaras, 3 potrita marked & 2 potritas, 1 of Ortiz 1 of Elia 1 Flores missed so far. 19 marked & 4 orechanos. Elias came with gente to begin work tomorrow. Filled up around stable. A. was at Frakes also at Ewaldinos who is very ill looks like dropsy.
Began parting for tropa for down south. 10 men working with Elias on their own horses. Parted out 1st on Estancia rodeo. parted out 171 bad & old cows mostly with calves, 141 cows & calves mostly from Salado rodeo and 133 ditto from Palmar rodeo, had very good lock in late. Total 445 m o menos without calves. butchered cow.– It was a warm day. Andres Ruiz Diaz Comisario Rural stops night, is recorriendo.—
Had on rodeo del Medio which was about 7000 head and parted out about 250 cows & calves m⁄om. Marched tropa to Ensenada and disechared. Good day for working but began late and had to leave off at 11.30 P.M. without finishing J. Andreas left in afternoon.
Went down to ensenada and counted tropa, and then completared rodeo del Mistolar where we parted 73 cows, & calves & a few (6) novillos. Entregared to Elias
18 | novillos & toros |
786 | cows. Old & bad colours. |
664 | calves. |
10 | vaquitas to eat on road |
1478 | total. Marked are 814. |
Very good troop and ought all to reach, except this afternoon began to rain and tonight is very ugly for rondaring. Pinto and gente turned up for making troop tomorrow.– Butchered cow.–
Rained nearly all night and a part of forenoon.– Evening clear and cold. Cacique Mariano and indians camped in rinconado south of paso Salado; told them to clear out.
Sunday. Began making tropa for Pinto. Parted out rodeo del Medio. 12 men worked.
Parted out about 250 cows & a few novillos without about 200 calves.– Cleaned rodeo out
pretty well. Splendid day for camp. Cool and clear.– Butchered vaquita at Ensenada
Had on rodeo Mistolar and parted out 200 cows & novillos with calves.– In afternoon had on rodeo de la Loma, and parted out 100. It was a beautiful day & fine for work. 5 yuntas parted, & 2 yuntas pastoreared. Bundled up some skins for Mrs Magrane of Las Rosas. 1 antbear 4 aguara, 1 puma, 2 gato onza,1 gato colorado. Trodevat tried to dig well back of house but found salt water. Butchered vaquilla at Ensenada.
Had on rodeo Tapera and parted out about 250 animals for troop. Afterwards revised troop and then counted 778 cows, 36 novillos, 660 orechano calves, & 10 vaquillas.– Total 1484. Pinto goes & takes 11 men. Lots of water in south end of camp. Butchered cow. Alfredo leaves tomorrow for B.A. to see mother off, & Bill who go on the Magdalena for England. It was a fine day. Cacique Mariano and gente leave camp at last today.–
Alfredo came back yesterday from Buenos Aires & La California.
16 | to Calchaqui & Santa Fé |
17 | " Rosario & Buenos Aires. |
18 | saw mother & William off on board Magdalena. |
19 | saw Patrick Adrian off on Hornsby Grange evening saw “Poor Noblemain” in aid of German hospital.saw Llambi Campbell, Sarrelegui, & Pietranera; |
20 | Sunday. American Church and paid visit to Mifs V. D. Barracas del N. [Barracas del Norte] left evening for Las Rosas. |
21 | La California. |
22 | Left La Cal for here, Mrs Van Gorder & family went as far as Rosario. and Allgood comes along. |
23 | Calchaqui. |
24 | Los Palmares. |
Found things here looking well. Mrs Frakes silly and stopping here. campiaring horses–
Coldish weather. A. has bad cold. Ewaldino still very ill. 2 ox carts had been hauling leña
for marcacion, and this morning left for Calchaqui to bring out stores
Miguel also left after butchering to look up stray cattle. Mrs Frakes pretty bad last night. Fine
day. Conrado Hang from San Cristobal had been here a few days ago to looks up exhibits for the National
Exposition in September.
Paid visit to Ewaldino who is very ill still, also was up at Bargas puesto. Arreglared Ortiz a/c for bringing mares de reculuta from San Pedro. $2 per head, 26 mares. peon (before) $15– 37.– to Ortiz now.– Fine warm day. Mrs Frakes left.
Sunday. Was down at Frakes, & had breakfast. Rained a bit in morning and got quite cool. Miguel came back from recorriendo brought 3 animals from Nicolas Tallers camp.
Had on rodeo Palmar to carnear [cornear ?], about 700 head. Cattle looking well.– Sent cart
to take Ewaldino to Calchaqui to get cured but he would not go. 2 carts came back from Calchaqui bringing
maiz & provisions. Had on rodeo in potrero in afternoon to part out some oxen and capared some calves.
Ernesto Pereira and gente turned up to apartar (rodeos generales) equivocacion. Coldish day but fine.
first cold. A goes tomorrow to Calchaqui San Cristobal.– & Miguel to La Blanca.
[Author: Alfred]
Alfredo came back at noon from San Cristobal. was there night before last. Nothing new. Miguel had gone to La Blanca to see about rodeos. Richards promised to juntar our animals and take them to La Clara. Hauling leña for marcacionn.– Could not find the gateados (8) in Biscacheras camp. Hope had sent Abalos here to mark 200 bull calves @ $30.– but wrote him could not do it. Very fine weather. Said to have had first frost morning of 29th Rubio Tarura here waiting to part out next week.–
Butchered cow in afternoon. Miguel and Ernesto Pareira recorrered over to Guampita. Nothing particular going on. Hauled a load of palms and also some wood. Juan the Chacrero went to San Cristobal. Beautiful autumn day. Camp and cattle looking well.
Sunday. Warm day & north wind. Gente coming together for rodeo General tomorrow. J. Collins also for Michelas. Telegram from Shaw asking to meet him at Calchaqui tomorrow at 3 P.M. Notice tropa arrived at La Cal. on 30th.
Alfredo came back last night late from Calchaqui. Shaw had come to there on the 4th and left again yesterday. Still asking too high for camp and is going to telegraph from B.A. the Dr. Campbell’s resolution. Miguel had put on rodeo here on the 4th (3) 5th (3) and today. Micelas, Däller, Robson and Julian, and E. Fareira sent. Micelas & Däller did not get finished today (400). Had very hot weather last two days and last night had sharp rain and today was a fine cool day for work. Nothing special going on.
Fine cool day. South wind.– Miguel went over to Guampita and bro’t in a mestiza bull of ours, and a redomon bullock of Ponse.– Alfredo and Allgood recorrered north of Martins tapera to lake. No tracks going out. Troperos (of Elias tropa) came back from “La California”. Fixed up corral a bit.
Today is Good Friday and all hands have holiday. Veloria down at Elias puesto.– News the indians stole horses from Basilio Alvarez and Jorge Dällers, (night before last). Lovely day. Mail was sent out by Carlos Rohr but no telegram from Shaw.–
Men turned up from Veloria looking rather in want of sleep. Miguel had telegram saying had to go to Jesus Maria urgently.– Began cutting alfa in afternoon. Juan Basco planting seeds. Beautiful fine day. Nothing else going on.–
Sunday. Fine warm day. N. wind.–
Mail came from Calchaqui.–
Elias Ledesma here, and looks after place until Miguel comes back.–
Trodevato cutting alfa in afternoon. Butchered cow in afternoon and brought bullocks from potrero.— Miguel
left in morning early for Calchaqui and Jesus Maria.–
Began raining at madrugado and continued until noon. Afternoon N.E wind and began raining again at dark. Nothing going on. ditching some around place. Chap buying cattle named A Parsons turned up tonight. Cattle broker etc.–
Fine day.– Regular spring weather.–
Carts brought two loads of wood from monte. Took Mr Parsons up to Palmar lake and showed him some cattle.
Says he has a buyer for 5000 head of mestizo cattle and could buy at $20.– Told him did not
know about selling for a time at least. Some men (5) turned up for marcacion but corrals are too
muddy and weather not settled enough.–
Cloudy day and this evening began drizzling again. Parsons left for Calchaqui, sent peon with horse with him.
Working a bit in alfa, & draining corral. Richards turned up this evening.–
Butchered cow.–
Miguel came at madrugado from Calchaqui and Jesus Maria. Mail also came, & telegram from Johnnie about Bunge re Williams affair Landa. Fine clear day, S wind. Nothing going on.
Warm day NE wind but looks like more rain. Miguel came from marcacion at Guampita. None of our animals there except an ox.– Men coming together for marcacion. Got in two loads of alfa in afternoon which was dry enogh. Butchered cow.–
Began marcacion. (de aparte) 12 outside men work with their own horses. Had on rodeo Algarrobal and parted out 302 calves with their mothers mostly and marked them in afternoon by 3 P.M. (rodeo 1600.) Afterwards parted out calves & cows (50) of rodeo Salado (300) and locked them in corral for tomorrow. It looked very threatning in morning but was fine day for work. Mail came out. J.B. will be at Sarreleguis on 19th.—
Sunday.– Marked the calves in locked in last night 59.— and left them out early. Afterwards parted out from Estancia rodeo 384 calves with their mothers mostly and marked them by 3.30 P.M. Made up mail & telegram to Llambi Campbell.— 745 marked so far– Splendid day. 12 outside men working.– — Alfredo leaves in morning for Sarreleguis with tropilla to meet Johnnie.
[Author: Alfred]
Alfredo came back from Sarreleguis & Costa Parana. Were 6 days at Sarreleguis revisaring camp and haciendas.–
18th | April Slept at Bara Calchaqui. Nicolas Daller |
19 | Slept at Sarreleguis |
20 | " " " |
21 | " " " |
22 | " " " |
23 | " " " |
24 | " " " |
25 | " " Fortunato Rodriguez near Fortin Almagro. |
26 | " " San Bernardo near Saladero. |
27 | " " " " |
28 | " " San Jose de Larguia |
29 | " " Hopes Colonia Alejandra |
30 | " " " " " |
1 | May " " |
May | 2 Calchaqui |
Hope was marking. rained on the 27 April & May 1. Had beautiful weather. Had several
letters & telegrams from Shaw & Llambi Campbell ré Campo San José.– Miguel had gone on marking.
On the 18th marked from Rodeo del Medio 357 calves
On the 19 marked from Rodeo de la tapera 333 calves
On the 20th marked from Rodeo del Mistolar 346 calves.–
On the 21stmarked from Rodeo de la Loma 276 calves.–
On the 26th marked from Rodeo del potrero 54 calves.–
On the 30th marked 7 calves from reculuta Media Luna.–
On the 30th marked 36 tambera & 4 cerreros puesto San Lorenzo. –
On the 30 marked colts 23 machos, 22 hembras, 1 mulita.
On the 2nd May marked 22 potritas machos, 26 hembras, & 2 macho mulas.
Today, at Damacios puesto marked 15 tambera calves and 5 cerreras.. & 1 potrocito. Elia marked 34 of his own.– Say marcacion passed without any hitch & only broke one. J. Martin had been here and kicked up a great row. Trodevoto the chacrero also had behaved badly. H. Watt turned up today.
Began going over rodeos again today. Had on estancia rodeo & parted out & marked 90 cerrero calves
& 2 tamberas. In afternoon had on Salado rodeo and marked 38 calves. Fine day N. Wind.
Two outside peones worked.– Juan Andreas the Comisario turned up tonight. gateado horse got hooked
and died tonight.
Had on rodeo del Medio and parted out 103 calves & marked them in afternoon – making 2411 marked so far. Warm day and in evening began drizzling. Juan Andreas helped on rodeo and then went on to Michelot. Alfredo and Allgood going in morning if weather permits to “La California”. Ceferino & Juan busing making bricks.–
[Alfred is absent 6 May through 8 June, 1898.]
[Author: Alfred]
A came back from La California. Had been gone 1 month 3 days. Had been to Rosariio to see
about business with Mr Sarralegui, and exchanged some letters and not finished negotiations yet.–
Johnnie had been up in Cordoba and A. stopped at La California until he came back.– Had plenty of
rain here and esteros have plenty of water. Elias is breaking in a tropilla of Colorados, and P.
Ortiz one of Tostados. Breaking in some oxen from San Lorenzo puesto. Domingo Arrivani also
took 18 novillos north to break in. On the night of 31st 6 Santiaguenos sleeping
near Chanares other side estero N.W of house were scared by indians who stole their horses after having a
bit of fight, also the indians stole the cuadrilla of bayo horses & mares which go near laguna Palmar
(about 12) altogether. On same night J. Daljer & Martin Bros, Ramon Lopez & Etc stopped a
roba of 104 mares & horses stolen from Monte Aguara at Paso de los Indios.
Miguel had gone over rodeo & marked 315 calves more making so far 2732 so far. also 7 hembra &
3 macho colts. Weather very warm & sultry.– Indians also stole Arrufos camp. and another
big roba of about 110 mares from Costa Conchas, also killed a bueyero of Hartenecks monte. Ewaldino
is up at Estero Ewaldino, and Juan is over across Calchaqui.
Miguel recorrered up to Isletas Cura. Found cuadrilla cows 22 near punta laguna. Butchered cow. Warm sultry day N.W which changed to south in evening. Nothing extra going on. Casimiro Gay on way from Calchaqui to Monte Aguara here for night. supposed to have heard yells in camp after dinner.
Miguel recorrered again from Costa Salado tapera. Belos towards Palmar. Found cuadrilla cows near Martin’s tapera. Weather changed S.E. wind and was muggy morning. Juntaring alfa. Have been gathering paraiso seed to send down south. Julian Sanchez & Juan Andres here for night.
Sunday. A recorrered up to Ewaldinos and Juan’s puesto in monte.– J. Martin came and stops the night fine day, cloudy in morning.
Settled up Martin’s a/c and gave him an order on Marty $2156.64.– Miguel recorrered again up Salado. Fine day. N wind. Working alfalfa, gathering paraiso seed, taming oxen and potros.
Had on rodeo Potrero and butchered last cow of
. Fine warm day.
H. Watt turned up from Robsons.
Carts went to Wampita to bring maiz etc Harteneck’s had sent. Miguel recorrered up to Isletas Cura again. Says 15 or 20 of our cattle are among Morells.– Another funny cloudy day.– Bro’t canoe from Palmar to fix it up.–
Miguel recorrered to Laguna del Perro.– Dug out batatas ½ 1 cart load.
It was a warm stormy day but no rain. Getting dry. Elias here with tropilla he is breaking in.
Lent Baldomero horse cart to bring his wife out. Sent 9 bags paraiso seed, 1 young lion to La California.
Had indian alarm last night.
Butchered old cow. A. recorrered south side of camp. Trodevano began plowing for alfalfa.
The two carts taming novillos came from Guampita puesto bringing 17 bags of maiz for us. & sugar &
flour for Frakes. Very strong north wind blowing and looks stormy. 4 men in a canoe in Salado, nutriando.
Doing some woodwork for tank cart.– Handling young oxen. Eusebio Saavedra stopping the night. Weather cooler & looks stormy. Miguel recorrered the Salado and bro’t in some cattle.–
Sunday. Had on rodeo in potrero for E. Saavedra who took away his cows 19. 2 are missing. Windy day E wind. Nothing going on.–
Baldomero came with horse cart from Calchaqui bringing a few goods.— 2 carts bringing leña and taming novillos.– Looks misty & drizzly.—
Warm sultry day looks rainy.
Recorriendo camp. Carts brought leña. Butchered old cow.
Very hot sultry day and looks like rain. Watt went with cart to bring up boat from paso Mistolar.–
Mended ox cart.–
J. Martin here for rodeos tomorrow. Ceferino plowing for alfa.–
Had on rodeo del medio in morning and del Salado in afternoon. J. Martin parted about
animals. Cattle in fine condition for time of year.. Carts went to bring more leña
Weather changed and looks as if would have temporal.– H. Watt bro’t boat from paso.–
St. Johns day. Foggy & bit misty day. Warmish. Had on Estancia & Algarrobal rodeos for J. Martin. Parted 8 or 10.– Sent mail to Calchaqui. Parted some tambera novillos for taming. Carts bro’t leña.
Had heavy shower in night, and a misty day. Temporal begins to blow. Helped Martin across the Salado with his cattle 32 he had parted out.– Can do no work.
Sunday. Temporal blowing all day. Miguel left to recorrer towards Laguna Gallareta; notice of cattle there had been sent by Julian. Mail came from Calchaqui.–
Another day of temporal & drizzle.– Butchered cow. Sent two carts to Calchaqui for maiz & provisions.– Miguel came back – found no cattle, Julian S. says about 40 head are in his rodeo.– Making sail for boat.–
Temporal still blowing, but looks as if would clear up. getting cold. Nothing going on.
Killed pig.–.—
Alfredo leaves tomorrow for La California
1898 - July, August, September, & October
[Click to download page images 3.3 mb PDF file) – July 15-17 are in prior PDF file]
[Alfred is absent 29 June through 14 July, 1898.]
[Author: Alfred]
Alfredo came back from La California via San Cristobal. Had his horse and saddle sent from
here with peon.–
Had met Mr Saralegui at La California. Left La Cal. on the 10th
and arrived at San Cristobal on the 11th. had to await Lees arrival on the
13th. Seems he has orders from England not to rent any more land to us, but
sell at £ 2000. Says Director named Previst is coming out on the
16th and would let me know if could arrange anything. in the meantime I said
we would arrange about liquidating our business here.
Nothing new here, camp still looks well.
Cattle had been walking a lot, and some mixtures with Morell. Had sown about 1 1/3 squares more of alfa.
Miguel recorrered outside again, found cattle near puesto Bellos (tapera). Butchered cow. Cold south wind. Wrote letters offering cattle for sale.– Ceferino plowing. Cart men bro’t 22 bags maiz from Guampita.– Juan made brick kiln & begins burning tonight. Cut lions claws.
Sunday. Fearful hard frost and ¼ of an inch of ice.- North wind but fine day. A.B and H. Watt recorrered monte.- Cattle and camp looking well.-
Another hard frost.- North wind fine day.- Bro’t wood to fix cart.- Trodevat plowing.– Miguel recorrered outside found lots of cattle up along laguna.
Miguel went to Calchaqui with Elias & to San Pedro to reculatar yeguas, as a short time ago Elias could not get rodeo of mares from J. Gaillet. Butchered cow. Cart bro’t some more Quebracho blanco to componer cart. Alfredo recorred up to barra Calchaqui & laguna. Only found 4 bulls costa monte. Frost, but warm day NE wind.
Baldomero and Flores recorred up along Salado and north. found a couple of cuadrillas up by Estero Nutria & Ciervo. A. fixed up cart with the cart peones.- A very warm day and weather variable and stormy. H. Watt working on boat, and Ceferino plowing. Juan planting paraiso seed.–
Finished fixing bullock cart.
Peones recorriendo. Nothing going on. Fine day.–
Peones recorred outside again but did not find any cattle.-
Miguel came back from San Pedro, bringing 6 yeguariza
and one redomon. Fine day.- Trodevato finished harrowing.
Very warm day 85°.
Trodevat fixed chacra fence.-
Miguel recorrered to Guampita.-
Handling young bullocks.–
Sunday. Nothing going on. Very hard south wind.–
Miguel recorrered outside today, brought cuadrilla of cattle from ½ league west of Domingos ex
puesto.- Fixing wood for cart. Juan Gaunini stops the night to take Frakes pigs tomorrow.–
Nothing particular going on. Killed
cow. Warm day.-
Carts went to puesto Wampita to bring maiz.– Peones went to help huntar the jeguada tomorrow. Helped Frakes deliver the hogs across Salado to J. Gaunini 77 de cuento.pd Had deal of work and crossed most with lasso. Evening strong wind began blowing.–
Had jeguada in corral at San Lorenzo parted out 15 potros oscuros for Elias, and 6
for Patricio. Tank cart ran over Trodevats child, no bones broken. Ugly south wind.–
Young puma (overo) got away last night. Looked for him all forenoon.– Miguel recorrered outside today, found no cattle.- Taking off old paint from water cart.- Very strong south wind & drizzly this morning early but was a clear day.– Butchered.
Went up to monte in front of Laguna Dulse and tried to load up large algarroba log, but could not tilt log over with cart. Very hard frost but fine day with N. wind. Michelato gente turned up and want rodeo.
Mail came today.-
Trodevot & family went to Calchaqui with horse cart.-
Miguel recorrered
Fine warm day. N. wind.–
Sunday.– Strong south wind coldish. Alfredo was over at Martins Monte Aguara. Butchered cow.–
[Author: Alfred]
Had on rodeo de la Loma for the Micheluds who parted out about 30,- Marked 10 orechano calves.- Trodvat & family came back from Calchaqui bringing mail & stores.
Had on rodeo Mistolar and Michelud parted about 20. Marked 16 orechano calves.– Cleaning up around place.
Had on rodeo Tapera about 3000 for Michelout who parted out about 50. Heavy fog, and looks like rain. Made marco for well. Butchered cow.–
All hands went over to monte and lifted log and cart. Cart afterwards stopped stuck in Cañada.– Mail came back from Calchaqui.– Weather still cloudy and looks like mist.–
Worked at well, deepening and put brocal on.– Had slight shower of rain last night, but want more as it is
getting very dry.–
Miguel and 2 men recorrered outside. Fine day, a bit cloudy.–
Strong south wind and looks like if we are going to have a temporal. Cart with log stuck in Calchaqui.– Bro’t over 6 bulls which were in Micheluds camp. Fixing brocal of well.-
Sunday. Butchered cow and brought oxen from potrero for carts to take to Calchaqui.– Loaded up 169 cow hides, 4 horse hides & about 30 K cerda to send to Calchaqui.– Strong south wind bit cloudy and weather looks suspicious.
A. Went to Calchaqui at madrugado to await Johnnie also to dispatch hides etc. Have hides sent to Marty & M.– Cloudy day strong E. Wind.– Came back at night with Johnnie. Morell stops the night on way to Monte Aguara. Carts left for Calchaqui taking hides and big algarroba log.- Gente all down to recojida jeguas, to part some picaso potros out for Elias.–
Fixing water cart. Planting potatos.– Had on rodeo Salado about 1500 head, good condition and butchered fat cow.- It was a cold windy E. day. Butchered fat cow.-
Had on rodeo Algarrobal about 1000 head and marked 24 calves.– capared 6 ageno bulls. Johnnie Alfredo, Ewaldino, Juan & boy left for a days hunt in afternoon Cloudy day but fine.-
Came back from hunt, up in monte. Killed 1 gato onza 1 guasuncho.– Miguel recorrered outside. Morell locked in here with tropa of 50 novillos bought from Jorge Daller.– Cold day, cloudy & looks like temporal.–
Johnnie left at 5 A.M. for Calchaqui & down south. Morells tropa escaped from corral but found them all.- Nothing particular going on– Same weather as yesterday, S.W. wind.– An animal (vaquilla) was butchered near Gabinos puesto at Guampita.–
Peones pulling tightening up wire at alambrado Guampita.–
Miguel went to see about carneado.
Butchered cow. Carts came back from Calchaqui bringing 30 bags maiz & stores.– S.W. wind, ugly morning
but fine day.– Rec‘d telegram from San Cristobal asking whether would sell cattle.—
Sunday. Nothing going on. Had a letter from Lee asking me to go down and see the director Mr Prevost.–
N.E. wind and looks stormy.
A.B. making preparations to go to San Cristobal tomorrow.–
Alfredo came back from San Cristobal made an arrangement to rent the camp for one year with option of one year more.–
At £70 per league. The price set by them. they want to buy 4000 head of cattle.–
Saw Mr Prevost
a director there, was trying to sell us the camp at £1200 per league, I said we were not buying.–
Had two
very hard frosts and today quite warm with E. wind. Robson here came back with me.- Miguel had been recorriendo outside
with Berlie who he had met outside.- Zeferino plowing for corn etc.– Elias was here with his tropilla of redomones.–
Sent chasqui to Calchaqui with mail.–
Alfredo and Robson were up at Frakes. Miguel was at Guampita and Julian’s. Carts brought leña. Windy, & disagreeable day. Camps getting very dry.–
Robson left. Alfredo was over at Jorge Dayer’s rodeo. Very cold morning and hardest frost of season.– Lucero gente parted about 8 of ours from Dayers.– Miguel recorrered outside. Cattle giving lot of trouble.–
Sunday. Miguel left with gente to part at Julians tomorrow.- Fernando Gay and Don Augusto were here.- Another hard frost.- Strong S.W wind.
Went over to rodeo Guampita & parted out 25 animals, rodeo very badly parared! Cattle not in bad condition over there. No paricion as yet. Another3 hard frost but not so cold as yesterday.—
Parted over at Casimiro’s 2 rodeos 25 animals.- A gran bestia came along this morning & was chased up to the house but died in afternoon.– Fine animal 1 metre high and weighing at least 200 kilos.- Strong N and E wind.- 2 redomones of Elias cleared out from paso southwards. Eustacio says he found a dead montarace died some time.–
Cloudy morning but wind changed several times. Looks like a big seca.- Butchered a cow.- Miguel went to camp up Salado
with peones.–
Finished harrowing chacra.–
Comisario de camp Davil Braou turned up at noon with 3 soldiers & gave them horses to go up to Camba’s puesto laguna Palmar to take a prisoner companion of the Rengo who bro’t stolen bullocks from Calchaqui from Escalada. Sleep here tonight.- Miguel comes back reports bringing about 600 head of cattle from outside.– Warm day. Changeable weather.
The Comisario left this morning with prisoner. Sent horse cart with Trodevato to Calchaqui to take in Gabino of Guampita puesto who is sick and to bring out a few stores.- Warm day NE wind & looks rainy.– Nothing extra going on.
Butchered fat red cow.– Changeable winds, and storm disapeared again. Eustacio moved down to puesto potrero again so as to be able to repuntar the cattle better. Miguel went with gente to camp up Salado and make volteado outside tomorrow. Report Ewaldino finding 2 indian horses up at Estero Las Tejas.- Trodevat not back from town yet-. Old Juan Cappo planted maiz, melons, & sandías yesterday.—
Sunday.– Miguel & gente came back this evening from recorriendo outside, say brought about 800 head of cattle
from outside and saw tracks of about 200 about 3 leagues from paso delos Indios, up Salado, about 2 months old – and
tracks of about 20 also old.–
An old chap passing says he saw 10 head up Salado. Miguel thinks they are
agenos. Ortiz brought tropilla redomon from Michelots camp.— E wind & warm and dry.–
[Inerted in pencil:] A goes south tomorrow
[Entire 29 August is crossed out.]
Rained last night from 11 to 11.40 and began again this morning and until noon had a nice gently soaking rain, not
enough to juntar water but to do a world of good to camp–
Seca ended. Misty this morning. Berlie
had trouble
[Alfred is absent 29 August through 14 October, 1898.]
[Author: Alfred]
Alfredo came back from down south after an absence since Aug 28.–
Had sent to San Cristobal the contract for two years @ £560 per year up to June 1 / 1900. 29 Aug–
Was at La California, and went with Johnnie and R. Macintosh to see the cattle show at Palermo Sept 11 and were there
for four days.– Afterwards Johnnie & wife went to Cruz Gde Cordoba, and A stopped at La California
until they came back.- Left La California until the 13th stopped one day in Rosario and heard
Tetrazini sing.–
Have a fearful seca here and cattle very thin and have to drag animals out of Salado every day.- Saw Lee at Santa
Catalina on Oct 7 and sold him 4000 head alcorte of cattle @ $20.– to receive them now.–
Lots of locusts had been here. alfa looks pretty well, but maiz & young alfa eaten up. Looks like a
temporal, had rained more at Calchaqui. Here esteros are all dry, and very little in monte.–
Sunday. A recorrered through monte to puesto Guampita. No more water left in monte and some cattle pass over and drink on other side costa monte.- Very strong south wind and quite cool in evening.—
Miguel and gente went to pass the cattle from costa Guampita to Salado for water. A recorrered up to puesto Juan and Ewaldino. No water left in monte. J. Martin here and stops night.- Very strong south wind and very cool morning.–
Hard frost this morning. Froze melons pumpkins etc.– Quien sabe how it affected linseed and wheat down south.– Miguel recorrered up as far as Chañaral up Salado, says some nutrieros heard like a temblor going past. very likely robo of indias.– Fixed up iron bebida at other well and made plam corral around it.– Skinned two animals impantanared. Baldomero came with horse cart from Calachaqui. Christening. last two letters from Hartenecks. Sent telegram to Casimiro, Sent letter to Robson to find out when San Cristobal gente are going to take cattle away from here.–
Drove cattle from monte Calchaqui & Wampita to Salado. Hot day N.E wind. Lots of locusts about.– Cleaned out and deepened well.–
Cloudy day and looks like we were going to have a change of weather.– Repuntared cattle from monte again to Salado. A recorrered down to lower puesto. very dry. Some cuadrillas of nutrieros about.–
Variable winds, seca, and hot day.—
Nothing going on. Butchered cow. Large manga of locusts stop night, and done good deal of harm to quinta and
chacra. Chasqui came back from Muelle. Seems no one knows when San Cristobal people come to take cattle away.—
Very hot day, variable winds. Locusts flying about. Cut some alfa. Lagunas all drying up in camp.–
Sunday. Juntared the alfa cut yesterday.– Elias and gente came together to make troop for down south tomorrow.– Another hot day Strong NE wind. Banks of clouds forming.—
Had on rodeo estancia about 3000 head (all cattle from north & to puesto side. Parted about 104 cows 110 novillos for Tropa. 8 outside men worked. Stormy morning, but no rain and very hot.– Mail came last night. Drove rodeo to Salado afterwards. Butchered cow.—
Another fearful hot wind 100° in veranda.- Had on rodeo del Medio 4000 and parted out 134 cows and 89 novillos. 1 Vaquilla to butcher tonight. Hard work to part on account of dust & small calves.– Worst seca ever had in this camp, 9 years nearly.—
Had on rodeo tapera 5000, & parted out mom 150 cows and 60 novillos. 4 calves to eat on road (could
not find any more fat ones) — Took all thin & estropeado ones out of tropa counted them 602 total composed
of 356 cows 242 novillos & 4 calves. & passed them over Salado at paso Lucero, after some trouble as
Salado is very pantonasa.-
Gave capataz Condia $100 for gastos.– 9 go altogether. Fearful hot north
wind 103° at 3 P.M.–
Heard shot near horse corral last night.- South wind tonight.—
Berlie looking for reses.–
Skinned one cow.—
Peon of tropa went to Calchaqui to get guia. Rec‘d letter yesterday from
San Cristobal saying could not receive cattle until 5 or 6th of Nov, as badly off for horses.– Peon
came from Lucero saying could not pass Salado with Berlys and our cattle parted from Lucero 38.–
Recorrered towards Guampita; no cattle left over that way. Say that Felix of south puesto hauled about 50 out of
pantano today.– Weather changeable. Few drops fell this morning with strong E wind and afterwards blew
south & now SE. cloudy still.—
Rained last night from 11 to 11.40 and this morning until noon, a nice gentle soaking rain, not enough to juntar water in camp, but to make things grow like old boots. Misty evening SE wind. Berlis had trouble to pass 30 novillos bo’t from Robsons across Salado helped him. Our gente had parted 38 from Lucero.– Bro’t word from Candia saying 19 animals had escaped tropa at ronda in Lucero camp.–
Fine cool, cloudy day with east wind. A recorrered up towards end of Palmar. Skinned one cow impantado. Sent 2 men with Berlie to help as far as puesto Juan.-
Sunday.– Miguel left with peones to juntar the yeguada down towards Vara Calchaqui.–
Cart goes to
Calchaqui tomorrow and fixed up box to send him in to La California. Send 29 skins for French tannery in Rosario
consisting of 3 puma, 9 aguara, 1 oso chico, 14 gato onza, & 2 cuati. Send also to A. Nogues 3 cierbo, 2 gran
bestia, & 1 guasuncho.– Also 1 bundle consisting of 4 oso to La California.-
Very suspicious looking
weather east & south wind. Camp improving fast.-
Butchered cow.– Lots of indians passing on way outside.
Cart left for Calchaqui. Trodevedo– Capared 40 cohuditos among yeguada Elia capared, gave him a bayo potro.
Sold Robson a colorado cohudo 3 yr. price not put. Traded a potro saino to Baldomero for mule pardo.-
Marked 2
colts. Counted 448 abajo marco incluso 13 potros marca Moreno.
Wilson making bridge across Salado by Lucero
south fence to take our cattle across.- It was a cloudy muggy day and looks like rain. Lots of cattle in Salado
which is quite low.–
[Click to download page images (3.3 mb PDF file) – Nov. 1-5 in prior PDF file]
[Author: Alfred]
Strong south wind all night and was a fine day. A recorrered up Salado as far as puestita of La
Verde (tapera).—
Making up our yearling accounts. Lots of cattle in Salado again.-
Miguel left to reculutar over towards the Gallareta y Guampita.– Horse cart came from Calchaqui, bringing a few stores.– Bullock cart bro’t 16 bags of maiz from puesto Guampita, where Harteneck had sent it to.– Skinned two cows in Salado. Fine hot day. Butchered cow.-
Another hot day & north wind.– Sent 2 peones over to Guampita to help Julian Sanches recoger so he can give us rodeo tomorrow. Indian peon of Michelots helping Don Juan in chacra. Ceferino went outside to Chañares to trade with indian nutrieras. A recorrered over in monte: very little water.- Salado getting very low, camp looking well, but want a good heavy rain.- Alfa looking well.-
Another hot day. North Wind 102°– Miguel came back from reculuta.– parted 120 from J. Sanches, & 14 from Gallareta. A recorrered down as far as new bridge. Cacique Mariano & about 15 families passed for outside. Very dry again.–
Another very hot day 98°– North wind 4.30 P.M a storm came up, looks like rain.– Salado rising
fast, good thing as it was getting bad for cattle.– Cacique Mariano & gente are camped at Union on
way to Chañaral to nutriar. Sent peon (Rubio) to Calchaqui to look for Don Carlos saino which cleared out
on Monday.–
Berlis locked in tropa from J. Däller, on way to Vera.- Butchered cow.-
Sunday– Had a storm last night very hard wind, hail and rain but not enough to juntar water.- Fine growing
day. cloudy muggy. Miguel left to reculutar en campo Harteneck and Nicolas Däller.–
left Fortin Union to go to Chañaral to nutriar. Locusts hanging around place.–
Fine cloudy last wind looks like going to drizzle. Bro’t two loads of leña.– Ceferino cut alfa
in afternoon. Juan & comp transplanting batata. Lots of locusts in chacra (coupling.) Rubio came
with mail. did not find C. Robos horse.- Salado rising very fast, good thing as it was getting bad for cattle.
Found an embalsado in Salado, & 13 dead cows in it, floated down from up river very likely.– 1
among them
Drizzly day, and rained some, but not enough to juntar water in Camp. Bro’t about 30 animals from Campo
Carancho and Nicolas Däller.- Had a bad parado on account of the weather.—
Weather cold.——
Sent Miguel and 3 peones up to Paso de Los Indios (Salado) to see some cattle that are up there. A’ recorrered up to end of laguna Palmar and outside. Camp looks fine outside.– Sent word with Miguel for Eustacio to come down to see about a pig he was supposed to have killed.– He turned up tonight and says his dogs killed a young one. The new Comisario de Campo Escobar turned up with two policia. Come to see about the nutrieros. It was a fine day and looks like more rain. Was cutting alfa, but stopped on account of cloudy weather. Butchered cow.
Had on rodeo in potrero and parted about 70 animals (intrusas) and marked 6 calves. Elia Machengo
& Gente helped. Robson came and says no sign of San Cristobal gente coming, so told Elias we would make up
tropa to send down south.- Working in alfa. N.E. wind fine day. guess will have more rain soon.
Butchered vaquilla.-
Robson left in morning. Fearful hot day. North wind. Looks stormy. Miguel came back from Salado. Found cuadrilla of 38 ajeno cattle about 3 leagues north of paso de la Blanca. No other cattle outside.- Gente coming together for tropa tomorrow. Cut some more alfa and bro’t in 3 cartloads.- Mail came.–
Had on rodeo Algarrobal 2300 mo/m and began making tropa parting out 149 cows & 155 novillos. Elia capataz
13 troperos working altogether. Had them at Costa Salado on account of the water. Parted out to different
senuela 75 calves & about 12 ageno bulls and marked them & capared in corral. Butchered cow.
a dry storm & strong south wind all day which veered to east in night. Frakes & family here on way to
B.A and N. America. Got in rest of alfa today.-
Sunday. Had on rodeo Estancia about 3000 head and parted out 146 cows and 81 novillos, and marked 87 calves.–
A good day to work–
Ramon Vera and some police came looking for ageno horses.- Stops night also Frakes
& family.– Butchered cow.
Had on rodeo de la Loma about 2800 head and parted out 105 cows & 169 novillos and 7 calves to eat on road. Brought them to Salado to water & juntared them with rest of tropa. Disechared 3 novillos & one cow.– Horse cart went to Calchaqui taking Frakes & family.– Hot day & looks stormy again Ramon Vera left again for Calchaqui.
Counted the tropa in corral Total 815. Of which 406 are 815 totalnovillos, 402 cows, 7 calves
to eat on road. Had letter from Don Carlos A commission passing out to revisar the indians stops the night
– composing Escocio Froncoso & brother, J. Zanches, Liberato, Allende, Escobar & 17 more.m
Butchered cow. Wilson here to see about taking cattle on the 23rd or 24 Nov.— Fine warm
day. Cool nights.
Expedicion left for up Salado. Miguel going along. A & Wilson went down to bridge to help pass the tropa
over which gave very little trouble. Wilson left for San Cristobal. We are to recojer on Thursday unless
we hear to the contrary.-
Stormy day and looks like rain or change. Wants rain badly for there is no water
in camp.– Cart came back from Calchaqui.—
Rained a little last night and this forenoon, but not enough to juntar water. Cloudy day E wind and looks like more rain.- Troncoso and his gente came back from the Salado bringing about 150 nutrieros big and little. Found about 17 ageno horses among them.– Butchered fat cow
Rained a slow rain good deal last night and drizzled this forenoon.– Butchered another cow for the gente, who left this evening to sleep at puesto.- Damp weather. Sent correspondencia to administracion.—
Another muggy day E. wind and barometer very low.– Nothing going on.–
Butchered a cow this morning.– Miguel & 4 men left to recorrer outside. Strong
south wind, & drizzled some, but cleared up in evening.—
A was at Felis puesto (sur) met Candia coming back with 2 tropillas from La California each 12, one that Elias
broke in here,
and A’s EntreRiano tropilla both very fat.– Reached down south with 580 head he says.– Left here with
602. Left 2 Costa Salado near paso, 13 lost at Lucero, 3 left in Micheluds camp and 1 in Nuevo Torino at colonist
named Jose Chiaso, 3 Consuma total 22 leaving 580. Pinto worked 6 days 4 rondas $22.00 &
stopped in Biscacheros camp. Miguel came back from outside, found no cattle. Fine cool day, South wind.–
Bro’t a load of leña.—
Poisoned the hides (87). A was at Juans puesto. he had brought his wife back from Calchaqui. Tried the new horses. Splendid spring day. Some men came from Benito Rodriguez Estancia Nuevo to part out.
San Cristobal gente turned up this morning to take cattle away tomorrow. Wilson, Ernesto Suarez, Dionisio
Collins, J. Martin & Godoy. Berli also locked in tropito from Las Muellas. Takes along cohudito 2 yrs old
made a present of to him. He also takes along Miguels Tostado
$200 for Morell.–
Hot day. N.E wind. Ceferino Trodevat came back from Calchaqui with cart,
broke demijuana of caña.— [Inserted above prior: Butchered a cow.–]
Gave gente San Cristobal 2 cows to kill.–
Had on rodeo Salado & recojered from north side. The neighbors from other side of Salado parted about 100
out & another 100 more or less we parted for the absent neighbors from this side. Counted the rodeo then 1818
animals among which were about 60 big orechano calves which went in count. At about 10.30 they marched them off.
Butchered a fat cow. Sent Baldomero & Flores to acompañar tropa
About 50 men from San Cristobal working.
D. Collins went with tropa and rest stop here.- Got receipt for cattle. Storm came up when we were at rodeo but only
a dry tormento & had strong south wind rest of day.—
Had on rodeo Salado again and recojered up in Palmar & down towards Rodeo del Medio. Parted out about 100
agenos and then counted the cattle twice 1888 head.—
They marched them off to the ensenada del Sur.
Peones report the other cattle (yesterdays) having passed the bridge all right. Ernesto Suarez ill in bed &
taking steam baths.–
Got receipt for cattle.- Mail came from Calchaqui. It was a fine day, warm &
South East wind dusty in rodeo.–
Wilson went to ensenada to sleep.–
Sent Sinch cart with water
to ensenada.–
All hands went to help tropa march.- 6 animals escaped at enserrada.-
Put on point of cattle on rodeo Tapera,
and entregared 300 making 4000 entregared.– Helped pass the bridge which gave a little trouble but had passed
at 10.30 A.M.
93 Toros padres went and calculate 80 orechano calves de cuento. Not more than 600 small
calves went.– Got all receipts, and sent a letter to Guy E. Lee telling him to deposite the $80,000 to our credit
London River Plate Bank Rosario.– Had word that rodeo general would be given at N. Daller so Miguel & gente
went this evening.-
Daniel Suarez the Comisario San Cristobal is ill in bed with an aire.– Warm day N.E.
Sunday.- Nothing going on.– Ernesto Suarez left this morning for Las Muellas.- Looked like rain at day break but cleared up and S.E wind.– Miguel came back from N. Dallers – parted out only 15 animals.– Warm day. Lots of guachas running about from Tropa, which rondared opposite lower puesto on costa Salado.
Cool night & hot day looks like going to have another seca.- Nothing going on. Butchered cow.- Indians from Juan’s puesto left.- Richards from La Blanca turned up.- & stops night – gave him saino hosico pangare bought in Entre Rios by A. last year.– Sent telegram to Morell (Vera) saying will have rodeo General Friday (2 Dec.)-
Miguel and gente left to part down at bara and Media Luna. Richards also left again for La Blanca. Hot day N.E. wind. clouds towards N. want rain again as Salado is falling, and not a drop of water in camp. Plowing in chacra.
Very hot day 98°. Filled up around bebidas. Nothing going on.—
[Author: Alfred]
Another very hot day. 99º°–
A. cut a piece of alfa in forenoon.- Miguel came back from Media Luna and the Bara. Parted about 300 animals
and marked 4 calves. also 4 tambera calves from puesto Felis. Peones stopped down there to part
parar rodeo de la tapera tomorrow.– Plowing in chacra.– Butchered a vaquilla.
Had on rodeo General for neighbors on rodeo del Sur. Michelud, Daller, Saladero, Godoy, Robsons, Hartenecks (gente), C. Gay turned up. We parted out 113 calves and marked them in Ensenada.- Took down water in sinch cart.- Fearful hot day 100°. Michelud & Daller did not finish parting. Bro’t in alfa (part) (2 loads) . Looks stormy.
Had a splendid rain at madrugada until about 10 o’clock. Best rain we had this spring and done a world of good, Put
lots of water in esteros - anyhow enough until Xmas. Had muggy day afterwards.- Casimiro Gay left for his place.-
Butchered cow (lame) in afternoon.– Sent mail to Calchaqui and sent word to Candia to come and make a tropa for down
Sunday.- Very hot muggy sweaty day.- A was over at Martins (Monte Aguara) had rained very hard over there yesterday, camps full of water. Here in lower part of camp had not rained at all. Stormy evening.- Domingo Arrivani bro’t 40 bullocks, we had been breaking in and using since Aug/97 & later.
Had on rodeo de la Loma about 600 head & parted out 20 calves and then put on rodeo Mistolar about 2000 head and parted
out 52 calves and marked them 72 total in corral at puesto.–
Gente of Michelud & Robson were parting
Ponce entregared 25 bullocks he had working since Aug/97. 3 had come back and 1 died = (29).– Cloudy day S.
wind fine for working.—
Had on rodeo Palmar and parted out 41 calves & marked them in corral, also some ageno bulls. Michelud & Robsons gente parted out.– Macario Carrizo bro’t 3 horses of Carlos Rohr, also Nicanor Llanos who bro’t recomendation from M. Leiva and C. Rohr looking for work– It was a warm day.- Had on rodeo del potrero and the old Salado rodeo (about 100) for neighbors also.- Butchered a cow.-
Had on rodeo del Medio and parted 98 calves and marked them also some ageno bulls. . Michelud parted and took
his cattle home, about 230). Cart came back from Calchaqui bringing 18 bags of maiz etc. Also guia for cattle
sold to San Cristobal Candia came with gente to make a troop for down south.-
C. Berlie locked in a troop parted
of J. Paz’s cattle from C. Gay. Rec’d $886. from C. Gay a/c for J. Paz.– Very hot day 90° &
a dry tormento in evening.– Butchered a cow.
Had on rodeo 2200 de la tapera. Michelud parted, and Candia began making tropa. Parted out 265 cows & novillos. 14 men worked.– In afternoon had on rodeo Mistolar 2000, & parted out 225 cows & novillos.– Rained some in forenoon but not much. Muggy day. Locked in tropa in encerrada del sur.– Butchered cow.—
Had on rodeo del medio and parted out about 323 cows and novillos and 7 vaquillas for consuma– In afternoon had on rodeo del potrero and parted out 105 bullocks for tropa. Also send toruno osko, & torito colorado orechano for Gomez of Lucille. Report poor lock in at ensenada about 15 escaping.– Fine day for working warm but no dust.- Left about 25 oxen in potrero for our use.–
Chasqui (Macario) came last night from Calchaqui with telegram from Johnnie etc.– Serfarino went to Calchaqui this morning to bring out altered guia for San Cristobal cattle sold. Dispatched troop from bridge of Salado which they passed very easily.– Troop of 953 animals - composed of 400 novillos, 432 cows, 113 bullocks, 8 calves for consuma.- Gave Candia $100 for gastos.- 9 men in tropa and conchavars 3 more.– Patricio went to Calchaqui to bring out guia.– Hot day, & North wind 90°.– Robson here today and stops the night.– Ortiz from San Cristobal brot back marks
Sunday.– Had a slight rain this morning and cloudy day south wind.- Nothing going on. Robson left, also Nicanor Llanos who goes to San Cristobal looking for a job.- Sefarina came back from Calchaqui with guia for San Cristobal. Cañete stops the night with horses going to Martins. report indians having stolen about 200 horses near Vera. Also stole 50 at Algarrobal about 10 days ago in day time.–
Miguel and 4 peones left with tropilla to part at Morells.- Had on rodeo de la Loma 500 & Mistolar 2000, for Mariano Leiva’s reculateros. parted about 50. Cattle looking well as plenty of water. Cut some alfa in afternoon. Very warm sweaty day N. wind, 90° and plenty of mosquitos.– Report lots of tame indians passing thro’ monte going northwards. Seferino took guia to Las Muellas for Llanos to take on to San Cristobal. Sent Gabino with Correspondencia to Calchaqui.—
Had a tremendous tormento 2 A.M. which broke off some branches of ombues, nice rain too. juntared some water.–
Muggy sweaty day and plenty of mosquitos. Michelud sent word he would parrar rodeo to inspect his novillado on
Saturday. Mail came.
Fine day.- Miguel came back from Morells bringing back 106 animals parted out from there. Macario came with telegram from Marty ’re payment of San Cristobal cattle. also Allende who comes to see whether he can’t go outside with indians to nutriar. Comisario Escobar also turned up recorriendo.- Had noticio from Candia saying he had disparada tropa in campo Biscacheros in tormento of madrugado of yesterday and is missing 200. 1 peon broke his arm.– Juntaring alfa.-
Hauled in alfa. also cut another piece. Lent Macario $30.– Miguel and gente fixing alambrado– Very hot day.– North wind 92°.–
Miguel left in afternoon to part at Lucero. Butchered a cow.– A. left for Micheluds to have a look at his novillado It was a very hot muggy day– Had a tormento in morning and a little rain. Carpired in front garden.
Miguel parted about 80 head at Lucero, 15 of which escaped at paso. Also killed a bull which died of rabia.- A came back from Micheluds. Tratared for his novillado 3 años arriba, fuero de toruno gde, mal capado, inbechado [Negotiated for his steers 3 years and older, except castrated late, poorly castrated, fly-blown] @ 25.– to deposit the money in Banco Italiano Santa Fé. Bro’t in alfa. Another fearful muggy hot sweaty day.
Sunday.- Had a tormento last night, and a sharp rain.- Cloudy muggy day.- Telegram from Hope saying he is leaving Pajaro Blanco tomorrow to come and take away cattle.- Nothing particular going on.-
Had on rodeo del potrero and parted out the lecheras, etc. & bro’t señueleros to part at Micheluds. Potrero seems apestado as 3 milch cows died there lately.– Miguel & gente left for Micheluds as Elias begins making tropa there tomorrow.– Reculutar there at same time.- Cut some alfa in afternoon. Another warm stormy day– Butchered cow in evening.—
Had another sharp storm last night and a little rain and a fine cool day. Rain seems to have prevented the
troperos beginning the aparte at Michelu Hopes gente turned up in evening to take away the cattle sold Hope
@ $20. Rafael & Ramon Avalos are encargared to receive the tropa.– Sent Baldomero & Flores to
sleep at south puesto to recojer the part of rodeo de la Tapera.–
Shaved on a point [Cut-out a handfull] of cattle on rodeo de la Tapera.- Hopes gente parted out the agenos, and then counted them about
1100 but not a good count, so took them to ensenada, and counted again 1098(look tomorrow 22) and
8 bulls to entregar from Elias puesto.– making 1106 and also 184 small calves– This evening Rafael sent
word he would like to count again in morning. Had a little rain in morning but not much.- Warm smeltry day–
Camp looks splendid.-
Counted Hopes cattle again in corral resulting 1076 de cuenta incluso the 8-bulls which take from Elias puesta.
They passed the Calchaqui all right.– A. afterwards went to Micheluds where the Elias is making tropa.
The novillos do not seem so many as calculated on a/c of bad recojidas very likely.– Will finish parting tomorrow
at Medio Luna. Miguel is also parting our cattle there. (about 50 he had parted already.- Alfredo making preparations
to go down south tomorrow. Cart also leaves taking cierbito & parrots.— It was a beautiful cool day.
South wind.
© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)