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Alfred A. Benitz | Page last modified: |
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1898 1899
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Alfred was absent from before Christmas, 1898, through February, 1899; during which time he visited La California and Cruz Grande, and took a trip to La Rioja (province) with Johnnie. On January 4, he handed back early “La Guampita”, the 7,500 hectareas he had rented from Harteneck for five years; it bordered “Los Palmares” to the north-west.
This day-book ends with October 31, 1899. The rest of 1899 is found in the next day-book.
Camps: (see maps)
Rodeos: Alfred did not take a full inventory at Los Palmares during 1899, so all we have are estimates. Same as 1898, many rodeos generales were held.
Production: Calves branded - more were branded in other months:
Production: Herds sold & sent south to La California:
Indians: A constant problem of horse thefts.
Transcription Notes: The day-book has been transcribed as written, without intentional corrections to spelling or grammar. We standardised the date format, adding the month where missing (abbreviated to 3 letters). Anything else we added or corrected is enclosed within [square brackets, with our comments in italics.] (Transcribed by: Michael Mohr-Bell.)
Written in English by Alfred, Donkin, & others, the day-book is full of Spanglish terms as well as many other terms unfamiliar to us today. To assist with names (people & places), maps, measures, currencies, and Spanglish terminology, we have created a set of Reference pages. The reference pages open in a separate tab / window making them available in parallel to the diary (i.e. this window).
[ Click to download page images (4 mb PDF file), includes Qtr.2.]
March, 1899
Alfredo came back from La California today. Had gone with Johnnie to Cruz Gde on Jan 7 to Rioja on 12th to Chilecito 14th to Rio del Oro 18 to Vichigasta 23 and to Cruz Gde. Capilla del Monte Feb 2 – to Victoriano Feb 7.– To La California Feb 11. Went again to Victoriano & Monterey Feb 20 and came back 24 with Judson. Travelled in Rioja with Wm. Ferguson & met Frank Griswold at Rioja. Treloar at Carreras, Chilecito, F.H. Smith, P.H. Cowerden, Russell, etc.- Had fine time at gold mines & tried guanaco shooting. Had big remate at La Rosas last Sunday $330,000 cattle & mares sold. Here camps are looking splendid and cattle fat and plenty of water.- Hot muggy weather and stormy. Indians had been around a lot trying to steal horses from corral, and lanced a bull close to the corral.- Delivered Hartenecks camp back to them again 4 Enero – not delivered alambrado yet. Harteneck bro’t one tropa to Loma camp, and today one more is coming through camp from Tacanitas. Had been reculutando in the whole neighbourhood. Trodusto is very ill, also his child.- (Nena) Salado is crecida and rising.–
Sunday. Made out accounts to send to Marty & Macintosh. Another very hot day with strong north wind 98°.–
tropa passed through camp this morning.- J. Morel came tonight to reculutar tomorrow. Was up at Ewaldinos.
Had on rodeo Tapera about 2000, lots of agenos.- A storm with rain caught us there. Had on rodeo Mistolar afterwards about 750. Capared a few toritos and disembichared. Baldomero & wife went to Calchaqui to bring out a few stores with cart.
Had on rodeo del Medio about 5000 and afterwards rodeo del Estancia about 2000. In afternoon rodeo Potrero. Cattle very fat. Morell parted about 80 altogether. Camilo about 25.- Juan L Carles. Est. Capibara, Estancia del Monte, came this afternoon. Butchered old cow.
Took Carles about the camp as he wants to buy cattle. He likes them very much. Said would write home to see whether would sell @ $20 al corte todo lo que piso. Warm day and looks stormy.- Hauled 25 palms.
Carles left. Miguel & peones parted at Lucero this afternoon 10 animals. Carlos Rohr & Pancho Rodriquez were here at breakfast, afternoon went to revisar alambrado Campo Harteneck to deliver it to them: have to arreglar with Harteneck. Pleasant day. Sent to Calcaqui for boticario for Trodevat who is ill in bed but would not come on horse back.-
Cut alfa. Hauled 27 palms for corral. Butchered cow. Sent for remedio for Trodevoto.- Warm day. Poisoned hides.
Hauling in alfa.- Hauled two loads of wood.- Juan Aso was here - sold him hides @ 4.50 to deliver Friday.- Hot day. N.E. wind.- A. goes to Vera tomorrow.-
Alfredo came back from Vera and Calchaqui this morning. Slept (!) last night at Elias puesto.- In Vera took out matricula de tropero for
Elias Ledesma and Primitivo Candia, also had countermark put in guia for W. Hope.- Arreglared with Harteneck to leave valuation of alambrado
between Guampita and Calchaqui left to Arbitration, one named by each, and in case of dificulty another to be named by both arbitrators to settled
the question. Had fearful hot weather last 3 days and looks stormy.- Trodevat still very ill, sent for boticario today. Yesterday
put on nose (horns) bands on 32 calves in potrero for old cows to fatten.- Butchered a cow today.-
Mancha seems to be about as found several
dead animals. Tropa of old cows from San Cristobal to Vera passed today (by puesto).–
Began making tropa. Elias with 10 men worked. Had on rodeo del Medio and parted out 148 novillos and 148 cows.
Elias Bro’t 11 novillos from his puesto and in afternoon parted out from Rodeo de la Estancia 92 novillos and 97 cows.
Making a total of 496 of which 2 escaped at ensenada.- Very hot stormy night but no rain and today cool forenoon and very hot afternoon.- The
boticario Ramon Roces came to see Trodevat, says he has congestion of lungs and also of stomach. They stop the night.- Butchered vaquilla
at ensenada for troperos.
Finished making the tropa at rodeo del Mistolar. About 30 escaped from corral in letting out. Parted out 90 novillos and 72 cows from Mistolar, and 8 novillos from Damasio‘s and Elias puestos making a total of 634 mas o menos including 7 vaquitas para consuma. It was another stormy day but no rain. Boticario & Co left this morning for Calchaqui.- J. Aso the hide buyer turned up tonight.
Delivered tropa to Elias Costa Salado 347 novillos m o menos, 304 cows, 7 vaq. for consuma. Total 658. They go by the Vara.
Splendid troop.-
9 peones including capataz go.-
Had on rodeo de la Tapera for Nicolas Däller, parted about 350.
Entregared hides to Juan Aso.
193 | cow hides 2008¼ K neto | @ 4.50 | = 903.71 |
6 | potro hides | @ 2.- | 12.- |
16 | kilo cerda | @ 7.50 | 12.- |
Cash.—— | $ 927.70 | ||
average 11 K without neto (bruto) |
Butchered a sheep also a novillo orechano.
A141488 E ) numbers of $200
A075110 E ) bills of Juan Aso
A000972 E ) paid for hides
A016007 E )
[NOTE: The following is written vertically in the left margin of 16–18 March:] In letter Don Guil Apr. 25 writes 383 novillos, & 269 cows arrived down there.- Must be a mistake of a barja [??] somewheres.
Bro’t two loads of palms from Palmar to fix estanteo of rancho.- Fearful hot north wind 96°.
Cleaning up, and “carpiando” etc.- Sent one cart with hides as far as Nicolas Dällers.
Sunday. Had a hot stormy night, and a fine rain this morning at madrugada which continued at intervals in forenoon. Fine cool day.– A. was at Godoys puesto in afternoon.-
Had a tremendous rain from 1.30 a.m. till day. Filled all the esteros chock a block full and report the Calchaqui as crecida. Strong south wind set in and looks as if it was going to clear up. Nothing going on. peones making hide work, & making mud to revocar new rancho.- Expect the end of hot weather has come. Pancho (rengo) came back from Tropa which reports having passed the barra yesterday morning; one cow died on road suddenly and two were left behind estropeado: making tropa 655 sent off on 17th.
Beautiful cool day.- Calchaqui crecida and camp full of water. Nothing going on extra.- Sent Chasqui to Calchaquí to bring out remedies for Ceferino as the one sent yesterday Bro’t nothing. Richards came tonight. Butchered a fat cow.-
Went over to part at Gay & Defagot. Richards left. A went with him to G & Defagots. Lucero and puesto Angostura. Another fine day. Salado crecida and camp full of water especially in Monte Aguara.-
Men came back from Gay & Defagot and had parted about 35 animals m o menos. Miguel left in afternoon for San Cristobal. It was a fine day.–
Finished manga in corral, and put second revoc on new peons galpon. Baldomero, Pancho, Flores, Romulo, & Domingo went to part at Morells.- Butchered a black vaquilla in afternoon. Beautiful day. Stormy evening.- Carlos Rohr sent his malacara here to keep for him, also certificates for his saino, morro, & mala cara.–
Nothing xtra going on. Apartadores came back from Morells bringing 12 animals. Filled up in new peones quarters.- A. was up in lake for a sail. Miguel came back in afternoon from San Cristobal. Strong E wind & looks stormy.–
Sunday, nothing going on. Sent to Calchaqui for mail. Cloudy E wind.-
3 carts fetched leña from other side. Butchered novillo (lame) .- Fine day,
Juan Cappo went to Calchaquí with horse cart to bring out stores. Had on rodeo in potrero and parted out agenos. Fine day. Hauled leña to ensenada.
Had on rodeo general for the neighbors today. Rodeo del Medio 3000, Estancia 1600, and Mistolar 2500. Daller, Michelud, J. Sanches, Harteneck, Godoy, Algarrobal
and Robson‘s gente turned up.-
It was a fine day, but in afternoon about 3.30 began to rain.- Carts Bro’t 2 loads of leña.–
Juan Cappo turned up at midnight with cart. Bro’t stores & mail Rained a good part of night and drizzled in forenoon.- Had on rodeo dela tapera about 2500 in morning. Gente finished parting – took in total about 500 animals.- Thank goodness that the camp is pretty clear of agenos at last.- Strong south wind a blowing but still muggy.-
Good Friday.- Fiesta today. Veloria at Doña Angelas’. Bro’t two loads of wood for corral / marcacion.-
Pereda here for night – wants to sell maiz &
buy bulls. Muggy day – bad drying weather for corrals.-
[ Click to download page images (4 mb PDF file), includes March.]
April, 1899
Foggy morning but fine warm day. E wind. Butchered a cow in morning.- A. went with Parera down to puesto, agreed to sell him a little red with spot on shoulder bull 1½ yr old, tamberas here; a big colorado osko 3 yr from puesto) and a colorado cara blanca 1½ yr from puesto for $100 for the three. Report the indians had stolen 18 horses from Lucero on the 30th. Also agreed to take maiz from Parera at 40c there or 50c put here. Quantity not stated.-
Sunday. Miguel went over to Casimiro to see whether latter would come & arbitrate with Molinos on alambrado Harteneck Camp. He came and stops the night.- Nothing going on. Fine day E wind. Gente coming together for marcación.
Had on rodeo of estancia about 2200 head and had a very good lock in for marcación. 19 outside men helped. Marked 533 calves by 1 P.M.
Casimiro Gay went over to Guampita to await Hartenck arbitro Silverio Molina to revisar the alambrado, but after awaiting until after 12 Molina had not turned up
yet. It was a fine day N.E. wind and weather looks settled. Butchered cow
Had on rodeo del Medio about 1800 and parted out about 80 cows with small calves into camp and Bro’t up rest to corral. Gave some trouble to lock in, as it was hot and is a long drive, but no calves escaped. Marked 383 calves by 1.30 P.M. and took them back in evening to old corral del Medio. It was a very fine day. Same gente as yesterday worked. Gente went to sleep at south ensenada. Butchered vaquilla
Had on rodeo Mistolar about 3000 and parted out about 75 small calves and had a pretty good lock in. Marked 735 calves by 3 P.M.– and took cattle out later. Warm day. Butchered vaquilla. Broke one.
Had on rodeo de la Tapera about 1800 head and had a very poor lock in as they broke back from the ensenada. Marked 392 calves by 230 P.M. Broke one & 1 died. Butchered a vaquilla & pd off most of gente with vales 106.50 and cash $98.50.- Strong N. Wind, lots of dust and looks stormy.- Finished the hard part of marcacion. 2043 so far marked.
Had a sharp shower of rain last night and was a close day.-
Christian Wilner and Jose Gaitan the owner of the mares which passed here Oct 4/97 were here today. the latter took away the cohudo of his mark – and said would
give ½ whoever got the rest together, said would avisar the comisario Escobar. Nothing going on. Gave gente a rest after marcacion.
All hands went down and built a footbridge (hanging) across the Salado at paso.- Finished by night.
Butchered a cow from potrero.- Puestero in potrero reports indians about. Mail came tonight from Calchaqui.- It was a warm pleasant day.–
Sunday. Nothing going on. Stormy day. Strong N wind very hot, and shower of rain and thundering very hard tonight. Rodeo for Wednesday 12th at Hartenecks.
Had heavy rain after midnight and good deal this forenoon, and looks as if we are going to have more.
Esteros are all rebalsando and laguna is rising. Heaviest rain had yet this fall.- Nothing going on.-
Muggy cloudy day and looks like more rain. Made a new chicara for calves. A was down at Mistolar.- Calchaqui very high.–
Another muggy day and slight drizzle in forenoon, afternoon sun came out a bit. Miguel recorrered down to Felis, says water has gone over bridge in Salado and that Calchaqui is up to top of Michelud‘s fence. Domingo Arivani going to cut paja to cover this house.-
A went up for a sail; broke rudder. Miguel recorrered outside. J. Martin here for night. Windy SE day.-
Had on rodeo in the potrero and marked the calves (44) of the old cows. Butchered cow .- Fine day. J. Martin left in afternoon.-
Marked the tambera calves this morning 29 calves and this afternoon marked those at puesto Mistolar (32).- Jose Paz & Bernardo ____ came this afternoon from Calchaqui and Buenos Aires. Stop the night. Troperos came back from La California report having had a very bad trip lost 36 animals in Biscachera camp and had a very wet trip and fearful lot of mosca brava.-
Parted over at Hartenecks rodeo 402 animals, rodeo slippery.- Paz & Cia had paseo to Palmar. Cool night. Fine day. Weather looks settled.
Had on rodeo de la Tapera and Mistolar to mark calves left over from marcacion. Locked them in ensenada and marked 81 calves. Put cattle parted yesterday into rodeo Tapera. J. Paz and Bernardo were at rodeos. Butchered black vaquilla at ensenada. Cool night. Fine day.-
Had on rodeo del Medio and Estancia and parted out the cows & calves to mark. Marked 89 calves. Pretty many..
[manyero] calves imbechado in the ear.-
Butchered renga cow.-
Jose Paz & Don Bernardo went over to Casimiro Gays.
Fine day. E wind.
Peones huntaring maiz. Miguel marked the calves at Elias and Damasios puestos 27 tamberos and 7 cerreros. Total 34. Cut alfa. Mail came and dispatched. Fine day. N. wind, but very cool night. Cut alfa.
Men juntaring maiz.
Miguel & Baldomero went to Lucero to revisar their rodeo tomorrow.-
Splendid day. Regular indian summer weather.
A. came back from Micheluds where he had gone to tratar for cattle.- Saw the cattle in invernada about 900 head 300 big novillos, 200 small novillos, 400 cows – 200 orechano calves all mas o menos. Tratared to take at $21.- Terneros por muerto. Part out about May 4 or 5. Going to send with him to reculutar at Biscacheras next week.- Finished huntaring maiz.- Looks like more rain.- Butchered cow.-
Sunday. Huntared and Bro’t in the alfa. Two carts Bro’t the maiz 1450 K sent by Parera to paso and also load of paja cut by Domingo Arivani to thatch house. Weather looks very rainy, murky.
Nothing going on. A had a sail. E wind. Robson stops the nights. Looks stormy.
Butchered cow.
Looks stormy sultry N.E. wind
Robson left.-
Tomas Trapaga came.–
A. came back from Calchaqui where he had gone on the 26th. Got Parera‘s cart to bring a load of necesaries as far as the Calchaqui which
is still very high. Road very bad and terraplen good deal under water. Arreglared with Hartenecks to settle about the fence as follows:
Each to send our mayor domo on Tuesday to recorrer and jointly to give a written report which is to be laid before the arbitrators in Calchaqui, Alfredo Almeida
for my part and Molina for part of Hartenecks. Had telegram from Jorge Däller saying 30 indians are in.
Weather is colder and looks more settled. Butchered a cow this morning .–
Tomas Trapaga left yesterday morning for Calchaqui again.
Miguel and gente recorrered over in monte. Cattle do not reach there yet. Sent peon over to Casimiro‘s with letters and telegram from Jorge Däller. Domingo Arrivani began thatching the dwelling house. Fine day. N.E. wind. Cool night. Sent word last night to Felix to bring out Pat Adrian as he is going to Calchaqui (the farmer. Don Juan Cappo stopped work.–
Sunday. Miguel and gente 4 peones on his horses went to Casimiro‘s to receive the cattle which José Paz gives him on halves.- A. went up for a sail.
Juan Cappo left to receive sheep he buys and gets on quarter parts.-
North wind, fine warm day.-
May, 1899
Domingo Arrivani and Trodevat thatching house. Nothing else going on.- Hot north windy day. Plenty of mosquitos in camp.-
Miguel came back with the 4 peones, received from Jose Paz 432 animals on halves, left them at Martin‘s old tapera.-
Miguel went over to alambrado in Campo Harteneck and revisared it with Valentin Tejira who was sent out by Harteneck & Cia for that purpose.- Found the alambrado in good condition and made a note how many postes, media postes & reforzados [posts, half posts, & reinforced posts] between Banada Guampita and Calchaqui. Don Valentin & a companion (tatamudo [stutterer]) stops the night.- Thatching house.– N. wind, bad day. Butchered old cow.-
Miguel & gente went to puesto angostura to juntar jeguada to mark tomorrow – Began cutting alfa. Pat Adrian came in afternoon from La California from down south, via Calchaqui– Also Jose Paz & Don Bernardo came this evening. Had a storm last night no rain, & today strong south wind. Looks like a temporal tonight.—
Alfredo & Pat Adrian went down to puesto Angostura and marked the colts (day before yesterday).
Marked 32 tambera calves and the colts were 59 machos y 78 hembras.– from there went over with Pat and a peon to Micheluds to make
tropa for down south. Yesterday made tropa and rondared this morning last night at estancia and counted this morning received 862
from Micheluds and 2#(23) of our mark total 862 entregared to Candia without counting about 200 orechano calves. About ½
were cows and about 250 big novillos.–
Gave him $120.00 and about takes 12 men without him.– Jose Paza & Don Bernardo here.) Miguel and
gente were over at Godoys and marked and capared of his cattle. Weather looked like a temporal last few days but today was a splendid day.–
J. Martin & peon Fillon here for night.-
Sunday. Ugly disagreeable morning cloudy. Nothing going on. Juan Martin & Fillon left.- Alfredo goes tomorrow to La California.—
June, 1899
A. came back from La California today.- Found everything here as usual.- Had an accident here about a month ago when Flores died from drinking caña in the
house. Some think it was poison. Seferino & wife left. Miguel has resigned his position and leaves end of month. Pat Adrian here.
Dionisio Collins of Las Muellas here today on a paseo and stops night. Had very heavy frost this morning. Parrared all the rodeos once since A was away.
Sold 4 toritos to Paredes for $130. Marked 4 macho & 4 hembra colts.-
Countermarked 2 calves for Casimiro & 1 for Almeida, & Hartenecks countermarked 4 for us.- Also marked 26 calves for Frakes. Had some (4) good frosts
beginning of last week.
Had on rodeo del Potrero and parted out some oxen for D Arrivani to use for hauling. Two carts brought leña from the Penca. Casimiro was here today.
Tratared #0(20) toritos dela yerra and 1½ años at $30 each.- part in about 15 days. Misty morning but no frost.
Elias parted out 15 animals from Dallers potrero costa Calchaqui. señalared an orechano calf.- Butchered old cow
Very hard frost (6) this morning and a bit foggy same time. A. and Pat recorrered up in monte Calchaqui where Ewaldino repuntars. Entregared 45 oxen including 1 novillo and ____ novillos (1 incluso) to Domingo Arrivani to work with until we need them. Very pleasant day, North wind.
Sunday.- Miguel, Pat & peones went over to part at Casimiros 8 animals - who is moving to his camp at Monigotes.- Elias borrowed horse cart to go to Calchaqui. Brings out carga for us. Sent guia taken out for Hope in December to Villamea (Juez) to take out fresh certificate for 1076 animals. Very hard frost in morning, but a very pleasant day.
A. and Pat had gone yesterday down to Las Muelles to the marcacion and came back this evening. Miguel and gente yesterday recorrered up north but found nothing. Don Tomas Trapaga and nephew stop the night: wants to buy hides. Frost yesterday 8 and this morning a very slight one. Fine bracing weather. Mail came yesterday.
Fine day. S.E wind. Butchered old cow. Sold hides to Tomas Trapaga 41 hides including 4 at puesto Mistolar, 1 of Ewaldino and 1 of Casimiro, 3 mal disecho 3 fresh for $217.50 average weight 11.4 K. Miguel and peones gone to juntar yeguada to bring up some old mares for servicio here. Ewaldino shot a fine tiger.—
A and Pat worked at boat all day, caulking, barring and putting keel on. G. Martin here for night.– Sent hides to paso for Tomas Trapaga with Godoys cart.- Pleasant day.–
Went to see yeguada at Lomo Poi. Capared some ageno stallions and parted some mancarones for servicio.—
Very hot day N. wind. Sent cart 2 wheeled to Domingo Arrivani to take his family to Calchaqui. Juan Collins was at Loma Poi.
St. John’s day. Fixed up chacra fence.- Fixed up boat again.- Fine morning temporal began blowing in afternoon. Found some animals dead in camp – looks like mancha.–
Sunday. Murky day S E wind & looks like tormento or temporal.- A. & Pat were along Calchaqui. Hartenecks are beginning to fence in their camp.- News that indians stole horses from Harteneccks invernada and Corvolans.- Butchered old cow from potrero.-
Peones recorrered camp and in afternoon pulled chacra fence as there are some “mañero” oxen get in. Pat and A had fine sail in lake. South wind & fresh.– Found batata weighing 9¼ lbs.-
Cold day, but fine.-
Miguel and peones recorrered up towards Laguna del Perro.
Arrivani brought cart back from Calchaqui, also mail and a few stores.
Very hard frost 9 this morning but fine pleasant day. N. wind.
Pat Adrien left for B.A. today to see about a place of Von Bernard (Washington) offered by Jew‘s.- Sent peon with pack mule to take in valija.
A recorrered down as far as paso. Nothing going on.-
Miguel recorrered up Salado. Nothing going on. A had sail on Palmar lake. North wind. Slight frost.
Butchered novillo at puesto Mistolar also at Estancia old cow.- Elias took his sheep from Mistolar 18 head todo lo que piso he has already 11 head
ditto at his house making 29 head todo lo que piso. Counted the sheep left at puesto 166 todo lo que piso.- Nothing going on.- Puesteros here for their
Sent mail to Calchaqui by Domingo. Strong north wind & warm.-
July, 1899
Arreglared accounts with Miguel Fraire as he is leaving after looking after the place since Apr 1/93; (he came March 10/93).– Recorrered camp. Nothing going on. Almeida sent to ask for 2 milch cows. loan. Sent down to Loma Poi for them. Reports of indian fights at Savana and Tostado. Report that Jorge Däller sold his cattle @ $15 todo lo que piso. He gives Rodeo General 14 Julio.–
Sunday. Miguel left for Calchaqui and Vera to see about arreglaring for his camp.- Nothing going on. Hard north wind and looks murky, like rain.- Mail came.-
Nothing especial going on.-
Casimiro Gay came tonight, wants to part.
Recorrered camp.
Looks like rain. South wind.
Parted out at Miguel & Godoys puesto. about 10 animals. afterwards part on rodeo in potrero, and butchered an old cow.- Drizzly sort of day and looks like tormento.
Cleared up with south wind.-
Miguel came back from Vera tonight.–
Sent peones to puestos to recoger tomorrow, for Casimiros & Hartenecks.-
A. & C had sail in boat.
Had on rodeos Tapera 2000, Mistolar 1500 & Medio 5000. Casimiro parted out 16 toritos.–
Dionisio Godoys, & Hartenecks gente parted out.- Also parted out some orechano calves to mark. Cattle very fine condition for time of year.- 4 oxen
of Hartenecks reculateros got sick & died.- (suddenly).-
Hard frost – fine day.-
Had on rodeo Estancia,2000 and finished. Afterwards marked 31 calves, butchered 1 cow. Countermarked 20 toritos 1½
yr & marcacion calves - sold to Don Casimiro Gay @ $30 each. He will pay in the money $600.- to Marty & Macintosh Rosario.– Helped him across
the Salado.- 1 died on way. rabia, or pasmado.- Frost, but fine day. N. wind. Godoy here for night.–
Wrote to Gatis about renting the whole fraction XIII.
Met Juan Aso & sold him the hides in Biscacheras camp at 5.50 each. He pays in a few days.–
Miguel went to Calchaqui with Godoy.- Incargared Miguel to send certificate to W. Hope.
Very strong north wind, and hot.- Juntared bones around place etc.-
Feast day.– Sunday.- Nicanor brother of Flores who died here in May – came last night to “rezar la novena”. Had races among the peones and puesteros today– Very heavy murky day N. Wind & looks stormy.
Had thunder storm at madrugado and heavy shower of rain. rest of day warm & heavy and looks like rain again. Butchered cow at puesto Mistolar.- Digging batatas in afternoon, to keep them from rotting. Miguel came back to night from Calchaqui.—
Had heavy storm last and heavy rain and hail. Warm. Alfredo left in morning for Calchaqui & Buenos Aires.
Alfredo came back from Buenos Aires. Mother did not arrive from States as expected on a/c breaking crank or shaft of “Wordsworth”. Expected she would leave 5 of July. Met William in Buenos Aires on night of 13th as he was returning to Las Rosas. Met J. Martin, Villalba, Bernardo Bidart, etc. Had good time. Met also W. Hope J. Ricketts, G. Livingston, O. Thomas in Santa Fé. Had sent certificate for 1076 cattle sold to Hope to him on the 12th. Had very warm weather. Nothing new here. Had parted at Jorge Dällers, but only one animal.-
Miguel & a peon and Elias & women from here went over to reculutar at J. Martins & Jorge Dällers.- Very strong north wind and warm. Camp looking green like summer. Recorrered camp.-
Cold morning buy no frost. wind changed again to N.E.- Butchered lame vaquillona from potrero. Reculuteros came back; bro’t none of our mark
from Martin’s or Dällers.
Escobar & 6 men came to go recorrer outside.-
A. was down at Lomo Poi. veloria there tonight.
Had storm at madrugada but with very little rain. Strong south wind. Baldomero and Domingo recorrered up monte.-
Sunday. Making preparations to go outside with Escobar & his gente. A, Elias, & Juan Gonzales.- Warm day. N wind. Butchered a vaquilla & Escobar had it charquiared to take it outside tomorrow.-
Went up north to recorrer. Alfredo, Elias Ledesma, Juan Gonzales (indio), Comisario Escobar, & his 6 men taking 14 Colorados 2 mules (1 cargero) 2 Alfreds mounts & 7 horses of Comisario’s. Left 8.30 A.M. & marched up to new poblacion of Enrique Berli, punta Laguna Palmar, reaching there 12.30 PM.- about 6 leagues. No one there so stop the night as there is a good ensenado with pasto.
Left punta Laguna 5.20 A.M. & unsaddled at Mogotos N.N.W. march at 11 A.M. Triste camps & no game. Left Mogotos 1 P.M. & reached Charrua 6 P.M. No tracks of indios. Strong N.E wind, & hot bad day. Camp very pajosa 1 mulita 1 peludo.
Wednesday. A storm and a little rain in morning. Camped all day at Charrua. In morning recorrered about 2 leagues to westward, to estribo hondo. In afternoon recorrered to eastward. Killed 2 venados. a ciervo escaped Elias & Escobar. Strong south wind all day.
Thursday. Left camp at 7.15 A.M. & marched northerly until 1.30 P.M to an isleta. no water anywheres. Had missed isleta Tunas. Looked for water in afternoon but found none. Tiger had just been in Isletita but could not find it. Wind changed again to east and north. All the way was cañada & tacurusal & very pajosa. 1 Mulita & 1 peluda.
Friday. Left camp at 2.30 A.M. & marched southwards again to Charrua for water, passing through high camp and at 8.45 A.M. reached an esterito with water about 2½ leagues to west of Charrua. Camped as animals were very thirsty. Left camp again at 2 P.M. & reached Charrua 4.30 P.M. No game. Strong south wind came up at madrugada & got fresher during day.
Saturday. Hard frost & east wind This morning as Escobar was looking for horses he found a tiger nearly a league to southward; so we went out with dogs and
made it impacar in an estero & killed her, Elias & Juan, not very large. Old Ruano and macho patria escaped from horses today, & disappeared, guess gone home.
At 2.15 P.M left Charrua and marched towards Chilcas, reached first nandubaysal 6 P.M. About a league to east of Charrua an arreo of about 30 yeguarizo goes
northward about Wednesday night.
Bag Tigress, aguara, 2 gama.
Marched 6.30 to 10.30 A.M. to Isleta Larga estaciared cuero de tigre. Found senda of indians going south. 5 or 6 days old.
Bag 7 gama, mulita.
day. N wind.
Marched to Morells house. Only women there. they say that Berli and 3 boys overtook 16 indians near Chilcas on Thursday morning & took 57 head of cattle
& 7 horses, 1 is a Picaso Elias was breaking in, shot through foot. Also took 10 saddles from them as he had shot most of the horses. Marched afterwards
to the Estancia (Berlis’) to 11 a.m. & unsaddled Only a boy there. Found a doradilla & saina mare taken from Damasio’s & Domingo’s
puesto. Marched in afternoon to puesto Cueva del Tigre. They say that they indians had stolen tropilla of Picaso’s from Elias corral,
& that Ewaldino came on to Berlis’ to get help to stop them. The roba had passed here [The theft happened here] on Wednesday night. No meat
here, only small charqui. Fine day but rather warm.
August, 1899
Left camp about 5.45 and reached about 12 P.M. to Los Palmares.-
Killed an aguara. Had a vaquilla butchered for the policia.
Found the indians stole at Elias’ puesto on Tuesday night (25) at madrugado from Corral, but some of the picasos escaped (one with a soga) also stole a yegua de la soga from
from the band (of Damasio's horses)] – The next night stole from south of Lomo Poi about 40 animals not known how many yet. 8 were of the tropilla alasanes & rest tame mares about
17 of which belonged to the peones. Will take stock on Friday. Nothing else very new here. Miguel had followed up the arreo of Wednesday with the gente from
here, but only as far as the point laguna but the track was quite fresh going north. Camilo Vergara had found 5 indians on west side of bridge in Estero & fired some
shots at them, suppose they were the ones who stole from Lomo Poi.- Fresh day. Juan Martin here for night.
Sent gente out to recorrer in monte but found nothing.- Put new chacrero to work to transplant some paraiso trees. The policia left for Calchaqui.-
Miguel was here and said another rastrillada of indians goes out. 8 or 10. Fine warm day.-
Gente went to Lomo Poi to recoger yeguada tomorrow. A. was at puesto, mail came in Miguel’s cart. Fine day.
Had recogida yeguada at Lomo Poi.– Parted out 7 potros & madrina for Pedro Ortiz to break in, Also 4 potrancas for the mensuales. It seems the indians only got
away with 3 potros redomon picasos Elias was breaking as the rest had escaped.- From what we could find out the indians stole the following animals – On the 24 July
1 yegua saina 1 yegua tostada from Puesto Mistolar. 3 picaso of Elias corral 25 July 8 alasanes & 1 madrina, 1 mula gde, 1 malacara
, 1 rosillo (Peicho),
1 bayo, 2 yeguas alasanes, 1 yegua saino, 12 animals chucaras (calculated) total
& from peons 4 Godoy, 11 Baldomero, 1 Patricio, 1 Surdo, 1 Miguel, 1 Pancho, 3 Checho = 22.
Total roba calculated 55.– Strong N.E. wind.
Made up accounts, wrote letters, etc. Butchered cow.- Domaring potros etc. Julian Sanchez stops night.—
Strong N.E. wind, and warm.–
Sunday. Nothing going. Rodeos tomorrow. Fernando Villalba & Miguel Fraire here for night. Miguel reports indians having carneared two more cows of his. Wind changed to south and looks like temporal.-
Had on Rodeos Tapera & Mistolar & Medio today. Miguel & Michelud parted out. Sold Michelud 10 toritos (7 1½ yrs & 3 last marcacion) @ $30 each. He paid Cash. Wind changed to E & North but was fine day.- Killed pig in morning to make bacon and sausage.- Fernando V left in morning.–
Had on rodeo Estancia. Miguel parted out 5 bulls (4 1½ yrs @ $30) and 1 in return for one sold to Casimiro Gay with our mark. Countermarked them, and also
sent mark to countermark the ones Michelud took. Also countermarked an overo calf
of one of Jose Pag’s (corneto) cows. Miguel took 2 rosillos, 1 colorado, 1 colorado bragado, 1 overo colorado. Marked one calf.- Butchered
a black cow.
Weather is cloudy & looks like rain.—
C. Wilner & Gaitan were here for breakfast. Gaitan took his 3 mares away.—
Had a storm this morning and a very slight shower of rain. In evening a strong south wind.- Men passed two bulls over Salado from other side.—
Nicolas Dayer sent word this evening late (dark) that he puts on rodeo for neighbors.
Baldomero and 3 peones went very early to part at Nicolas Dällers.-(parted 11 animals) A. was at Mistolar butchered there. Looked like temporal, but was fine cool day S.E. wind. Mail came. A making preparations to go south tomorrow. Mother reached B.A. last Sunday in steamer Chile from New York, via Rio Janeiro, also Williams family.- Chacrero began plowing.-
Alfredo came back from down south today. Baldomero & gente were parting over at Harteneck’s south rodeo. Parted about 200. found an overo calf of ours
with their señal.- Found everything all right down south. Johnnie & his family were leaving for Cordoba mountains on the 19th. Big housefull 21 in
family. Here everything seems as usual. Chacrero plowing & cleaning up maiz stalks.- Temporal blowing & drizzling hard.
Yesterday had some rain also.–
Seems the indians had been in last night, as horse of Machengo (who was stopping here last night) was cut loose, and a tired yeguita was found close to the house
In the potrero they also stole 3 horses (property of Gabino) and a bayo ajeno, & Miguel was here & says 6 or 8 (note – 4 only were stolen at Miguels) of his &
peones horses are missing.- Baldomero & 2 peones recorrered up in monte, only found 3 bulls.- Found a bayo evidently left by indians last roba. Temporal blowing &
drizzling. In afternoon sun came out. Miguel was here.
Fine day. North wind. Chacrero arreglando around house. Bro’t two loads of leña from Palmar. Bro’t up tropilla Marca Rueda from Lomo Poi.-
Horse cart went to Calchaqui at madrugado.chacreros Shortly afterwards it started drizzling & was a mist all forenoon & temporal blowing tonight. Indian signs still about, a potranca of Villalba was found costearing the Salado trying to get back. Recorrered camp.-
Recojered in potrero and butchered an old cow.- Gente came this evening to make tropa novillos for down south tomorrow.- Fine day, east wind, but looks like rain again in evening.—
Miguel came this evening morning and stops over for tomorrows aparte.-
Made troopa of novillos for down south today. Elias, Braulio. J. Varga, Relio Ponce, Corriento, Nicolas (Paraguay), Patricio Perez, & Surdo go with tropa, & Pancho
(rengo) & rubio Dolores help as far as Vara.–
Had on rodeo del Medio and parted out 238 and Rodeo del Estancia in afternoon parted 239.- & two vaquillas para consuma. Cart came from Calchaqui.- Bro’t yerba, salt,
tobac & etc & encomiendas from down south.– Cold day & clear. South wind.-
Took tropa down to rodeo tapera & parted 23 novillos, & 1 vaquilla negra & dispatched troop. 500 novillos & 3 vaquillas para consuma.-
Lent Elias “Carpincho” to take down south & he cleared back home.-took him afterwards.
Gave Miguel load of alfa for his potrillo, & lent him cart. Got graphofone to play.- Frost this morning but fine day.- N.E. wind.
Sunday. Went over to part at Hartenecks north rodeo. Parted about 75. Rodeo was only about 400 head. Loaded up 33 hides & 1 horse hide, & 4 at Mistolar & 1 at Elias making 38 cow hides to send to Tomas Trapagas. North wind.-
The two ox carts started for Calchaqui this morning. Recorrered camp. Strong north wind, warm. Genin plowing.
Butchered old cow. Very warm day. N.E. wind.- Recorrered camp.-
Santa Rosa. Very strong north wind & hot 88°. Indian signs last night.- Ration day.- Plowing going on with horses ½ day. ½ day clearing up maiz stalks etc.-
Went over and parted at Harteneck’s. Parted 25 North rodeo and about 75 south rodeo.- They countermarked 1 calf which they had marked by mistake, making 5 and 1 they
had señalared.–
It was a fearful day, with a strong N wind, tonight south wind began blowing. Miguel passes to reculutar towards the Vara, reports the indians having tried to steal
again.night before last. Carts not come yet.- Stray locusts about, the first ones.-
September, 1899
Had a fine old fashioned tormento last night, with plenty of thunder wind & rain.— Butchered old cow in morning. Some mist in forenoon.- Carts came in afternoon
bringing 42 bags of maiz - leaving 1 for Elias 1 Damasiá, 1 Domingo 1 Felis, total 46 bags.- Bag flour etc. Pancho & Rubia came back from Lucille. They had acompañared
Elias as far as Vara.- Elias lost 26 animals from Corral Loma Poi.- From Lucille Pancho & Rubio brought 16 cows
& 15 calves, & 2 cows
with 1 calf.– Sun came out some in afternoon but strong south wind.-
Sunday. Alfredo had gone yesterday to Martin’s & came back this morning. Butchered a cow this morning. Put the cows bro’t from Lucille into potrero ,0 Michelud has not sent his countermark yet.- Gente (Candia) came to make tropa tomorrow.– Miguel also stops night.-
Began making troop of novillos for down south. Candia & 7 men working.
Put on rodeo estancia 2500 & parted out 44 novillos, & afterwards had on rodeo del Medio 3500 and parted out 92 making 136.- Took them down to ensenada
and locked them in for the night. Also gave them a black young cow to butcher. It was a splendid spring damp, & camp could not be better, & cattle getting fat.
Had on rodeo de a Tapera 2000 and parted out 185 novillos, & rodeo del Mistolar 2000 and parted out 163 more or less. Had some trouble locking in but none escaped. Strong north wind & plenty of dust. 9 men worked on their own horses. Will count tomorrow.
Entregared tropa to Candia 511 novillos & 3 vaquillas for consuma. Passed them over bridge all right.- It was a pleasant morning but in afternoon a very strong south wind began blowing & plenty of dust around place. Rolon the famous domador turned up and wants to domar a sistema.– Gave Candia $100 for viaje, & Machengo went to Calchaqui for guia.– Miguel came again tonight to go to Morells tomorrow to part with our gente.
Baldomero, 2 peones went with Miguel & peon to part at Morell’s. Butchered old cow.- Pacheco came from Calchaqui wants to buy hides. Mail came.-
It was a cool day South wind. Began cutting alfa, but broke machine.
Went to potrero and entregared the picaso that Elias could not
tame to Rolon. He bro’t it to estancia and manoseared and at 2.30 P.M he entered it into house.—
G. Martin came tonight & stops over.- Frost.
Sent Pedro Ortiz to Calchaqui.–
Went with Martin to puesto. He is looking for cook.– Strong Wind.
Sunday.- Pancho Martinez came in morning & stops night. Dogherty arrived this morning from Rosario on a visit.- Baldomero & Miguel came back from
Las Chilcas from reculuta.- bro’t 92 animals (4 of Julians 2 of Micheluds) marked 4 calves in afternoon. They had butchered a calf at puesto H. Berli.
Butchered a cow in morning.
Martin here. Cold east wind.
George Martin left in morning. Gente went to Loma Poi to recoger yeguada to entregar potros 6 to Rolon. Martinez left for Lucero.
Entregared 8 potros & a mare to Rolon to break in. Mares looking and potros are fat.- Horse cart went to Calchaqui. Miguel & Sisto Martinez here for night. Brot 4 animals from Miguels rodeo.- Strong N.E. wind. Large manga of locusts passed in afternoon Westward.
Had rodeo General, rodeo tapera and Mistolar. Only Hartenecks & Nicolas Däller turned up. Däller parted about 250 animals, & Martinez about 35.
We had marked picaso & overo colorado calves (hembra) of Däller and picaso macho which was at their place; promised to give them small other calves in their
place. Weather changed was hot, cloudy, & Southwest blew very strong. Large manga of locusts passed to eastward again.-
Cart came back from Calchaqui, bringing yeba, whisky, mail, Miguel’s things etc.– Butchered cow from potrero.
Temporal blew all day, drizzle & mist. Sisto Martinez came to rodeo del Medio, but did not recoger north side.
Temporal ended in morning but strong south wind blew all day and very cold.
Mensuales recorrered up in monte but found no cattle. Butchered pig in afternoon.- Miguel was here in afternoon on way to Media Luna, to mark colts of Godoy,
and to part out. Was at puesto Mistolar.–
Had on rodeo in potrero and marked 19 calves (of which 12 or 13 were of
cows bro’t from Lucille.- Also marked 5 calves with Frakes mark. Butchered another old cow. Very hard frost in morning,
about hardest in season; but fine day.
Alfredo and Dogherty passed day up in Palmar. Another very hard frost, but fine day N E wind. Elias was here on way back from La California, reports getting down all right, 30 novillos escaped him from Lomo Poi, & left 1 at Palacios (lame) and 1 at Las Castañas.-
Bro’t two loads of wood from Campo Harteneck. Went fishing. Miguel passed back from Media Luna where he marked 16 colts of Godoys. did
not get rodeo.- Very fine day. Sent Chacrero’s boy to Calchaqui.—
Chacrero plowing & planting out vegetable seeds.– Frosts had dried up camp considerable, but season way ahead of other years.-
Alfredo & Dogherty were over at Martin’s. Butchered cow in morning.-
News that Olivero the gaucho is at Gabino’s puesto in potrero.- Took señueleros to puesto Mistolar for rodeo in morning. Splendid day. Locusts
passed westward. Mail came from Calchaqui.- Miguel is here tonight.-
Had on rodeo Tapera and Mistolar, & parted out the orechano calves, and put them in to South ensenada and marked them in afternoon 141 calves.- Also capared some ugly toritos. Butchered a black calf at ensenada.- Indians about; 4 mares (mount of caballeriza) missing and a saina mare indiana found near Laguna Dulce. Also were seen at Harteneck’s camp where they had stolen 1 horse.- Rogelio on way back from Morell’s says Belli avisars that about 20 indians passed this way. Elias, Surdo, Patricio, & Puesteros helped mark today.– Warm day SE wind.-
Had on Rodeo del Medio first, & parted 95 calves, & some bulls to castrate, and afterwards went to rodeo Estancia and parted about 90 calves mores &
some bulls & locked in corral. Miguel parted about 80 of his cattle, Dayer about 100, & Martinez about 40 of his, & Julians etc.– In
afternoon marked 189 calves, & capared etc. Broke novillos neck in corral.
Indians supposed to be about still. Only gente from here and puestos worked. Very warm day.
Sent gente to part at Nicolas Dayers.- Another warm day.- Got in some alfa which the chacrero Genin cut on 20th when machine had got out of order.-
Cut alfa in morning. In afternoon recorred to Mistolar. G. Martin came.- Hot day.
Sunday. Very hot day. Nothing going on. Domingo Ledesma parted animals from Hartenecks.-
H. Berlie, C. Berli & David came. C.B. passed over to Martins. H.B. & D stop to take stallion.- G. Martin to Calchaqui.- Butchered cow.- Miguel was here on way to Lomo Poi.
Went down & castrated 41 cohudos at Lomo Poi. 9 oscuros, 3 pangares, 12 sainos, 1 tordillo negro, 1 rosado overo, 6 colorados, 1 picaso, 4 alasan,
1 baya, 3 doradillos = 41 Gave H. Berli colorado cohudito. Marked 4 tambera calves, & castrated about 12 bulls. Storm last night
but no rain, cool cloudy day E wind. Camps getting dry.
Baldomero had parted 12 animals from JN. Dällers.-
Miguel had rodeo on. A and Carlos Berli went up.- Bro’t 3 animals of Morell’s. H Berli left in morning early for punte Laguna.– Butchered cow in afternoon.-
Had old fashioned tormento about dark strong wind and fine rain.- Did not parrar tho turned out to be fine day.- Carlos Rohr & Sisto Martinez stop night on a paseo. Miguel also here.- housefull – 6 at table.
Had on rodeos tapera, Mistolar & del Medio. Berli parted out about 40 toritos last yerra.- We parted out some calves to mark & old cows to put in potrero & also lame novillos. Splendid spring day.- Butchered cow.
Had on rodeo del Estancia about 1300, Berli parted out about 15 bulls.–
Also parted out some orechano calves and marked them 23.- Put about 12 old cows in potrero.- Countermarked the 16 cows of Micheluds mark, which were bro’t
from “Lucille”.– Berli paid for his bulls 56 @ $30 and left for Malabrigo, as his brother was dying.- A teniente Angelus6 Cavalry
was here for breakfast with 2 soldiers on way from Chilcas to Miguels, where he is looking for reses. The rest of the regiment 250 men were at
Las Chilcas on way to Inca where they are making a fortin.- Pacheco stops night from Calchaqui.—
It was a foggy morning & warm day.
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Note: November & December of Quarter 4, 1899, are in the next day-book..
October, 1899
Sunday– Began raining this morning with strong wind but not much rain Looks like temporal & quite cold.–
Butchered cow.- Sent 2 carts for wood. Helped pass troop of 38 novillos which Alferey Angelis bought from Martin over to Salado on way to Miguels. A. & Dogherty were in boat on lake. Pacheco left thank goodbess. Splendid day cold morning.-
Baldomero entregared an overo colorado yearling torito to Alferey Angelis which he takes to Inca as a present to Com. Fernandez.- Mail came at last from Calchaqui 1st in 15 days.- It was a very pleasant day.
[Different author? ]
Alfredo and Dougherty went to Calchaqui on the 4th and came back again at noon. Had dance at Pancho Martinez on 4th & settled several business matters. Baldomero left in the afternoon in horse cart for Calchaqui Encargared Arivani to bring maiz out from Calchaquí.- Bro’t 5 mañero bulls from across Calchaquí, Herteneck’s camp.- Had splendid weather last few days and camp is looking splendid. Miguel here for night also G. Martin from Calchaqui. MF [Miguel Fraire] reports J Martin selling 38 novillos to Soldiers @ $32.-
[Alfred resumes]
Miguel & G. Martin left in morning early. Marked 7 tambera calves and capared about 10 toritos.- Stormy day but no rain. Recorrered.–
Sunday.- Butchered in forenoon. A. and Dogherty were up at Mistolar. Domingo reports a mare missing from Mistolar puesto,
suppose indians are about again.-
Strong SE wind blowing, and cloudy looks like temporal very cold in morning.–
Alfred and Dogherty went down to Damasios & Elias puesto and marked at Damasio’s two tambera calves, & capared some
bulls. good tamberos there. gave orechano morro potrillo to Damasio’s boy. At Elias marked 7 calves.
2 of which had señal (negro & pampa colorado) 2 orechas dispuntados. Also capared some bulls. On way back cured
rosillo toro at Harteneck’s embechado in eye. Began shearing at puesto. Left Domingo Sanchez there to help
Baldomero & wife came back from Calchaqui with horse cart bringing stores. Juan Martin turned up tonight.
Cold day.- Juan Martin turned up tonight. ill (thrown out of his cart?)
Sent cart to Calchaqui with Chacrero to take J. Martin to Calchaqui. Went across Salado & brought back two toros
padres,- & novillo castrated
one toro.-
Trodevoto’ family were here from paso Salado where they are, on way to Martin’s. Dogherty book sketches of
Calchaqui. Recorrered camp in afternoon.-
Mare bucked caballeriza (Vicente) off and cleared off with saddle. Butchered old cow.- Sent gente over to Julian Sanchez for rodeo tomorrow. Cart came back from Calchaqui, also J Martin who stops night. Fine day. Recorrered up Palmar.-
Parted two rodeos at Julians Sanchez about 65 animals. Sisto Martinez parted equal number of animals with us.- Morells gente
also parted there. About 2200 head of cattle at Julians, & about 100 inside of Harteneck’s camp.– Some had
butchered a torito de la yerra of ours on other side of Guampita.- Very warm day. Lent J. Martin horse to go home with his
Hot day and looks like seca.–
Last night about 12.4 Escobar of Lomo Poi turned up and said they at the puesto heard indians driving off mares Costa Calchaqui, so A, Baldomero Pedro Ortiz, Machengo, Romulo, & Rafa Barga immediately saddled up 1 a.m. and went to Juan’s (Gonzalez) puesto costa laguna (as the moon went down about 1.20 a.m.) and then went up beyoond angostura & struck westward to see whether indians were going out. Went about 2 leagues west of laguna & found no tracks so sent 4 men down to Salado & 3 came back again straight to Juan’s puesto & foound no tracks. Had sent Juan’s companion to Ewaldino’s to go towards Guampita but they found no tracks. Suppose it was a false alarm.- Killed a lion. Miguel was here. Mail came. Hot day.–
Butchered old cow.- Sent old Colorados down to Lomo Poi & bring other tropilla for chacanea. Nothing going on. Very
hot day. Dogherty went down to Elias to make sketches and stops the night.–
Indians had stolen nothing at Lomo Poe it seems.-
Sunday.- Geronimo Pareda came bact this morning with Dogherty from paso.- Stops night.– Went in afternoon to potrero
with Pareda Mighel was here in morning; goes to Inca in morning. He wants to work here again, (in summer months)
Promised to take maiz from Pareda @ 40cts per 10K put here when ours is finished in about 40 days.- Had slight shower of
rain after midnight with hail; report hail laying around at a.m. yet at Mistolar.- Brot tropilla of gatiados xx from Lomo Poi
Baldomero, Boy, Domingo Sanchez and R. Varga left for Morells to part out in case they parar rodeos to capar.-
Strong south wind, & cold.- Todevar was here from Martins. Wants Victoria’s horse which is up at Miguel’s.
Nothing going on. Doing some carpentering work. Fixing ground fro batatas.—
Bautista began digging hole for new W.C. Alfredo & Dogherty recorrered up in monte beyond Calchaqui river.— Butchered cow.— Fine day. E wind
Recorrered other side of Salado.—
Gabino went to Calchaqui to bring a bull of ours & an animal of his.—
Baldomero came back from Morells, brought 22 animals of ours & 1 of Martins. 1 of Dällers, 1 of Harteneck’s. Warm day.-
Gabino brought mail from Calchaquí. Hot day. Manga of locusts passed from W. to east.- Working on W.C.- Gente went to puestos to recoger tomorrow
Had a heavy storm last night but no rain.- Had on rodeo Mistolar. disembechared about a dozen calves, & capared about 25 bulls. Did not do more work as some horses were missing.- Finished fixing W.C.– Fixed carts to bring wood tomorrow.-
Brought two loads of wood from Harteneck’s camp. Mail came from Calchaqui.- Mothing going on. Splendid day. Locusts laying in chacra; eat off lof of maiz & vegetables–
Sunday. Hot day. Nothing going on. Dogherty went over to Martins to pay a visit with the Trodevatos. Barga from Muellos entregared a toruno saino which he had tamed in 20 days.–
Went down to Lomo Poi to recogida yeguas.- Capared 9 cohuditos (Corriente) 1 petizo Doradillo, 1 ruano, 2 saino, 1 alasan 1 picaso, 1 tostado, 1 macho colorado.- also marked 3 colts (1 hembra 2 machos. Counted yeguariza 502 chucuras in corral, 26 outside = 528 chucaras, & 203 horses & tame mares down there, 14 at Damasio’s puesto, 20 at Elias (18 are picaso tropilla) 12 Rolons tropilla, 11 Ortiz’s tropilla, 4 frisones. 8 pesebreras, It was a very hot day.- N.E wind. Camp drying up fast. A recorrered also to Damasios & Elias—
Had an old fashioned thunderstorm last night, with but a little rain,- but very heavy rain came down about 8.30 a.m. but did not last long.- Butchered cow. Did no work.
Fine spring day. Miguel Fraire was here on his return from Tostado.– Reports that it had rained very heavy up that way.- Dogherty came back from Martins’. Peones had put on rodeo de la Tapera by mistake. Mr S, Gordon & the Comisario of San Cristobal Theobold._____ came in evening with tropilla and pack horse on the way to recorrer outside for Land Co.–
Went over correspondence with Blero, with Mr Gordon for Land Co- He thinks Co will accept our rent of 4000 gold for 13 leagues mas ó menos He will be back at San Cristobal in about 8 days, & recommends me to go and see Prevost there. Went to Fraire’s with Gordon & Dogherty in afternoon.- Dionisio Collins came also tonight Pancho Martinez & Comisario de Campo Valentín Tijera also here for night:- House full.
Gordon, Don Teoboldo, Collins, 2 peones, & Juan8 the indio which we lent him left to recorrer Chilcas, 3 Pozos, & Paso de los Indios; Alfredo & Dogherty went with them as far as Vara Calchaqui. Spendid day. N. Wind & camp look splendid towards Barra.–
Miguel had marcacion of Godoys calves (165) went up and gave him a hand with the gente. Parted out fat cow and put in protrero, Left 2 cows & calves & novillito.- Very hot day north wind & pelnty of dust. at corral.-
Sundaay. Very hot N wind 97° Looks stormy tonight. Butchered cow.
Had on rodeo del Estancia and parted out 11 orechano calves and about 80 bulls to capar - which we did in corral. Gente
Elías, Cominbe, and Surdo helped. Two Swiss boys from Portugalita came and want to buy 4 or 5 bulls.– It was a windy day
& looks like garrua.-
Last day of our financial year.-
Had on rodeo del medio about 4000 head. Sold 4 bulls to Kalbermatter 1 requemado overo discornado 3 yrs. @ $40 -
1 salpicado 3 yrs, 1 crespo 1½ ano overo, & 1 bragado overo (1 ano) @ 30 each - $130. – Countermarked them.-
It was a cloudy morning but in evening dry temporal sprung up.- Parted out about 75 bulls & castrated them & marked 5 calves.–
8 years have passed since this was begun
May the next 8 years bring the same or more luck!
© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)