Page 80
Alfred is in all the photos
Pages 74–80 all seem to be
at the same estancia. The alamos are a distinctive feature of southern Arg.
Page 81
TL: Avenue to cemetery at La California ?
TR: John (Bombachas, recado saddle - going somewhere?)
BL: Alfred, Marjorie, Nancy (baby)?, Elsie
Rod, Rosa, Marjory, Poro
BR: Alfred (Bombachas & recado saddle - going somewhere?)
Page 82
TC: Poro & Marjory, Rodney
BC: Rodney, Poro, Marjory
Page 83
TC: Jo & Josie
BC: Marjorie & Marjory
Page 84
TC: Marjory Sympson
BC: Andes crossing, from train?
Page 85
TC: ??, Willie & Eileen Bz, ??, ??, ??
BC: Polo ponies at the palenques - Venado Tuerto?
Page 86
At Los Algarrobos
Page 87
Alfred at Los Algarrobos or Venado Tuerto
Page 88
Polo ponies, in front of Los Algarrobos
Page 89
TL: Alfred TR: Asado (on a harrow), Los Algarrobos
BL: Alfred BR: Workmen at Los Algarrobos
Page 90
Sympson children
TC: Rodney & ?? MR: Rodney
Page 91
TL: Marjorie & Marjory
TR: Who? At Los Algarrobos
BL: Marjorie & grandchildren - holding Mickey & Peter?
BR: Marjorie, at Los Algarrobos
Page 92
Alfred, second from left
Page 93
TL: "E.L. Fisher, July 1918." TC: nn TR: "G.L. Oliver, 1919"
BL: "Ys ever. G.D. Roper?, 1919"
BC: "G.Drmeif??, 1919" BR: "T.T. Blechly, 1919"
Page 94
TC: nn TR: "yrs C.P.J."
BL: "Ys ever CN Parkes 1919"
BC: Alfred Bz BR: "R.N. Lockwood 1919"
Page 95
TL: "J.H. Ashton 1920" TR: "Yrs ever RWSarham. 1919"
MC: "yrs M.P.Banow"
BL: "WF Warner 1919" BR: "yrs ever A.F.M. Tower. 1918"
Page 96
TL: "Yrs. C. F. Anderton. 1919" TC: "yrs. G. B. Fisher. July '20"
TR: "yrs ever, B. T. Rowe, 1920"
BL: "yrs ever. J. G. Hill 1920" BC: "H. N. Lyver?, 1920."
BR: "Yrs P Mayner Smith"
Page 97
Page 98
Nancy & Alfred