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John & Marjorie Benitz | Page last modified: |
Documents personal (e.g. birth certificates) and public (e.g. census records),
References in print: books, magazines, & newspapers,
Personal letters & diaries.
Subjects with their own pages
Cruz Grande Tragedy In the early morning of March 20, 1916, a flash-flood broke the retaining wall protecting Cruz Grande, taking the lives of John, Marjory-Daw, and four guests. Segundo at Los Algarrobos Ted Gillyatt’s acccount of his experience as a young segundo (apprentice) at Los Algarrobos during the late 1920s. Subjects on this page
- Lincoln School, Oakland (ca.1873)
- Letters by John E. Bz.
- 25 Feb. 1907 - Instructions to Marjorie in case of his death
- 8 Sep. 1909 - To Alfred re expense of building Villa Josefina
- 8 Sep. 1909 - To William re expense of building Villa Josefina
- 28 Apr. 1910 - To Marjorie, re trip to Chaco to find land to buy
- 28 Jul.. 1910 - To Mother, from Scotland re visit to daughters
- Wedding, La California
- Newspaper & Magazines articles
- Legal Documents
Lincoln School, Oakland, California |
Docs-01-A ![]() John’s “Reward of Merit” |
Docs-01-B ![]() John’s promotion to 5th Grade |
Docs-01-C ![]() A page of poems |
Here rests a poor woman |
Billy went up the main-top gallant mast, ————♦———— Oh, hurry Bartolmew out in the woods |
Letters by John |
![]() John to Marjorie This unfinished letter of instructions in case of his death was found enclosed with John’s will. |
ESTANCIA Bell Ville, F.C.C.A. February 25 de 1907 My dearest Marjorie |
![]() John to Alfred |
September 8, 1909 Dear Alfred |
Now Alfred I. am going to tell you something and hope you will take it in the same spirit as I. mean it and will not allow it to change your feeling towards me in any way, if it does. then I. will never forgive myself. Although you or William have never said anything to me about it, but I. know that you have both spoken to Mother and to Marjorie about it, and that you both object very much to the ammount of money that I. am spending on Mothers house and to the first cost of the place, so that I. have decided to pay for everything myself and have asked William to tear up all the accounts that I. have sent him in connection with Villa Josefina and have sent him a cheque for the ammount he paid to Mr Marty as his share of the purchase price and now also enclose a cheque to you for $6.660.60⁄100 your share of the purchase price. so after this, everything will be as before the place was bought and hope their will be nothing further happening to cause any doubt between us– and nothing to cause Mother any unhappiness as I. am shure would be the case if she knew that her wish to have a last little home all of her very own should have made any unhappiness. |
![]() John to William |
September 8 1909 Dear William |
approve of the purchase of the place in the first instance, and as I. do not wish to have any misunderstanding or any chance of unhappiness between us three on account of Villa Josefina. and do not want Mother to think that she may have been the cause of any unhappiness, I. have decided to pay for everything connected with the place myself, and wish you would tear up all the accounts connected with Villa Josefina that I. have sent you, and now send you enclosed in this- a cheque on the London Bank for $6.660.60⁄100 which is what you paid as your share of the purchase price to Mr Marty. I. am sending one also to Alfred. so now everything will be as before, and hope that nothing will ever come between us three brothers to cause any ill feeling or misunderstanding again life is too short and the money not worth it. |
![]() John to Marjorie (Source: John C. Benitz, |
S.S. Berlin My Dearest Marjorie Page 2 so next morning, the 20th Don Pancho and I. took the rifle and went for a long walk we followed a stream and along the edge of the woods- for a couple of legues. but there was no game. there are too many people about. but we saw a lot of strange birds and trees. and a tucan, a bird with a huge yellow beak. but did not hit it. I. would have liked its beak for my collection. when we got back we found Mc.Lean and his horses waiting for us. two peons. and two pack saddles- the peons armed with remingtons, but the sorriest horses I. ever saw, the thinnest and miserablest horses you could immagine. a beggar would refuse to ride them. if there had been any chance to have got others I. would have refused to have gone with Mc.Lean. but there are no horses up there at all. hardly any one to be seen. Well we saddled up after lunch. and we trotted & trotted all afternoon as hard as we could make the horses go. then camped at a frenchmans. right in the woods- alongside of the stream. and by the time we eat, made our beds- and put up the mosquitozas it was late, next morning early early we were on horseback and at midday arrived at a lonely little bolicho [boliche - pub / bar] by a rude bridge over a deep stream. we rode all afternoon untill we got to another bolicho not far from the edge of the land we were going to see, Next morning we started out. just the three of us: & and rode to a part of the camp. just inside of the line of the camp a scotchman has settled a Mr Farquaharson [Farquharson] from the Banda Oriental [i.e., Uruguay]. has about 2000 head of cattle on the camp. it seems that the land we want to see has been considered untill lately as fiscal land which was to be made into a pastoril colony. 250 legues-. in one legue blocks. so settlers rushed out to take possesion of the lots before the Goverment made the survey and the allotments. so when last year the Goverment survey the land. a great many people found that they had settled on private property, so quickly moved off to get onto other lots. so the first part of the camp we went to see is full of deserted houses. ranches & fields but Farquaharson just being on the edge stayed on. The 8 legues is all freshly surveyed off and has freshly marked mojones [survey markers] all over it. the first part of the land that we revised that day is lovely rolling land dotted with millions of palms and groups of trees. plenty of natural water and crossed by a stream and full of cattle of all the neighbors. that night we slept again at the boliche. and the next morning saturday the 23rd we moved our camp to the centre of the camp. to a puesto belonging to Page 3 Uriburro [Uriburu]. who has got about 12 000 head of cattle on the camp. he has got an Estancia adjoining. and keeps part of his cattle on the camp. has put up corrales and fences. we had lunch there and in the afternoon we rode over the camp. and got as far as the Rio Bermejo which is outside of the camp. but I. wanted to see this famous river of which I. heard so much for many years-. it is a big river half as broad as the parana in front of Rosario. it brings snow water from the Cordillera [Andes Cordillera]. comes through Salta & Jujuy. you remember the Leaches went down it on an exploring trip. this river has a very swift current. high banks-, covered with big lapacho [Handroanthus lapacho] & urunday [Astronium urundeuva] trees. it will never be navigable on account of its current. & the big trees on the bottom. invisible. but make navigation impasible. we stood half an hour on its high bank. and during that time two hugh pieces of bank with big trees fell into the river with a mighty roar, the river water is like mud. thick with sediment and it is this river that dirties the parana. above its outlet the parana is as clear as cristal. later on when we got onto this steamer we saw it ourselves. That night we slept in a big open camp. where we had difficulty in finding firewood, next morning we returned to the puesto. and in the afternoon broke camp and returned to the bolicho [boliche]. The camp exceeded my expectations. it is lovely camp. high. with few swamps. millions of palms. and clumps of woods. an ideal Estancia. on our ride there is a hugh impenetrable wood. immense trees. all hard wood, when it can be worked it will repay the full cost of the camp. the main part of this camp is the good water. wells can be dug anywhere. with good sweet water. you can dip a bucket in from the surface. The open camp is all good for agriculture. the soil is splendid. maize. alfalfa. peanuts. linseed. cotton. oranges-. bananas- & dates grow well if planted. At the boliche that night I. met a nice young Page 4 Englishman called Richard Paul, he has got one of the legue lots of pastoril Colony land and has some cattle. he is in lise [lease] with the county. says there are a lot of Englishmen & germans out there. the Goverment gives them the land on the condition the lise [lease] on the land for five years. spend five hundred dollars on improvements and keep 500 head of cattle and pay so much a year. so that in five years the land is their own & has cost them about 10.000.$. all the lots are taken up long ago. but they say that none of the land is as good as that what we went to see. all along the Bermejo there is a strip of exceptionaly good land. the rest is low & swampy. Monday the 25th we left the boliche early. and the next day at 10 a.m. we arrived back at the point of the rails [rail-head]. we just had time to put our saddles into their bags and climb up top of a pile of big logs on a little truck and in the evening late got back to Los Palmas. ar'd to the hotel. Mc.Lean accompanied us & it was too late to telegraph. and as there was no bath room in the miserable hotel. we made a screen on the corredor with catres [cots / beds] stood on end and with buckets of water and a bar of soap we had a fine wash down. the first bath since Resistencia. and the first time we felt refreshed. we had no time for bathes outside. not even for washing. and I. tell you it was fine to get into fresh changes of clothes and feel clean once more. one gets terribly dirty. you have no idea. the mud, mud, everlasting mosquitos & eating meat with your hands, & greasing your boots every day makes one awfully muddy & dirty. the next morning, yesterday, we started early. after telegraphing to the seller of the land, telling him that I. would buy it. and was going to Buenos Aires to Escriturar. and telegraphing to you. to Mr. Hinners & to Mr Marty. we took the little train & went to the port & just caught this streamer. Berlin. coming from Asuncion. McLean got off at Barranqueras [Resistencia’s port], and Don Pancho and I. just enjoyed a fine siesta and a fine sleep last night and this morning we just soaked ourselves in a fine hot bath and feels tons cleaner. Page 5 Now I. am wondering if the titles of the land will be all right and if the seller will keep faith. but on monday I. will know and expect it will be all right and hope it does not keep me long. you have no idea how homesick I am. Away outside in the Pastoril Colony. we called on a lonely little hut where the woman stopped us – and told us about her husband. a fine tall frenchman. he had gone quite mad. they had no horse. no meat. and a lot of little children. we left word at the next place we called and they came and took him away. quite mad. singing & shouting. loneliness did it. the savage wilds. Page 6 horses were skin & bone. a poor miserable kind of Correntino horse. worn to skin and bone by long expeditions through big grass & mud and sucked dry by countless mosquitos. we had to abandon three on the way. poor animals. they were so weak that they actualy stood still & refused to go into water or mud and it made me sick to whack whack the poor animals. it was a revelation to Don Pancho. who said that he would never have dremt of an Englishman being so cruel. he says he will appreciate better now our horses at Los Algarrobos. Don Pancho enjoyed the trip immensely. it will have done him a lot of good too. once he got regular tired out and believe he would not have minded if we had just have abandoned him as long as he could just have laid down and slept. I. was sorry that I. did not bring a sleeping bag for Don Pancho, several times it got real cold. the sleeping bags are splendid things. I. could lay it on my saddle blanket & that red rug. (jergon) and be perfectly comfortable. as warm and as cozy as possible. putting up the hood against the wind and with the mosquito net spread over to keep out the mosquitos and the heavy dew, it was very cosy. I. could get up and have it rolled up and strapped before the others had time to gather their saddles together. luckily the weather was fine the whole time. the night we left Los Palmas to go outside it rained heavily and the day we left for the steamer it rained in torrents. luckily we escaped it outside. I. had my little Camera with me the whole time, in my pocket. and took views of every interesting thing I. saw. at night in my sleeping bag. laying on my back. well buttoned in. I. would change the plates in the little plate holders-. but one day I. found out that the little shutter was not working. I. took it apart with my pen Knife, but could not fix it. so I. am affraid that the exposures will all be wrong and the plates useless. I. was so mad that I. nearly threw the camera into a puddle. I. may never get such a chance again to take so many interesting views, and little Johnie will be dissapointed if I. dont show him a photo of the funy little puffing engine & the little train. This trip down the river is a fine trip, the boat is so steady. I. wish you were all on board with me. I. hope to find letters from you when I. get back to Buenos Aires. Love to Mother and to the boys and hoping to see you soon. Yours affection. Johnie. |
![]() John to his mother |
Dear Mother |
Loch Earn - lake due north of Glasgow, & due west of Perth & Dundee. |
John & Marjorie’s Wedding – At “La California” – 15 Oct., 1892In Argentina, the civil wedding (performed before a judge) is the legal wedding (date, place, etc.). The religious/church wedding is optional. John & Marjorie performed both on the same day, which is unusual. |
Wed-01-A ![]() Civil Wedding |
Wed-01-B ![]() Religious Wedding |
Wed-02-A ![]() Ea. “La California” daybook |
Santos Cegovia took out 10 cows LV. Johnnie married today. Oroño and Juez de Paz came to do civil ceremony, and Spangler came with Hugh MIntosh. Every body except Spangler left in afternoon train. Bridal couple go to Landa. Alfredo stops here. Beltasario took away Nash’s potrillos (50). Finished shearing - 3538 latas given out.- $141.50 4 bags wool got damp. Heavy rain all afternoon. Cleared up with strong south wind.– Ceguira took 6 rams. Butchered vaquilla. |
LV – a livestock brand |
Newspaper & Magazine articles |
Docs-01-A ![]() La California |
News-01-B ![]() Notice of the founding of |
Legal Documents |
Legal-01-B ![]() John’s Death Report |
© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)