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Site Update Log | Page last modified: |
This LOG is a record of the changes and additions made to the site, in push down sequence with the most recent changes listed first.
All pages are subject to change.
To ensure you see all changes, please refresh pages you viewed in previous sessions.
Date | Page (Blue are linked) |
Updates — 2016-2021 |
Feb'25 | TRAILL Fly - Photos | Published first 59 pages of Audrey Traill's photo album #1 (1 of 3, has 100 pages). |
Dec'24 | Alfred’s hunts | Added photo album Nº3: Alfred Bz (b.1859) hunts in the Yukon & British East Africa (Kenya) in 1908 & 1910. |
Nov'24 | WB’s Contracts | Completed WBz’s page listing his court cases, real estate & mining contracts |
Oct'24 | Sale of Muniz Rancho | Added summary of William Bz’s disposition / sale of the Muniz Rancho & Fort Ross, 1860-1866. |
Sep'24 | El Rincón - fire & smoke | On Sep.22, 2024 “El Rincón” was threatened by fire - see the videos |
Sep'24 | Josephine K-Bz, 1830-1912 | Brief biography of Josefa/Josephine/Josefina Kolmer/Benitz - founding member of this branch of the Bz family. |
Jun'24 | Polo - Malcolm & Gertie Bz | Malcolm & Gertie: Polo 1930s - 1970s, tournaments; Gertie: Official Referee (AAP) |
Jun'24 | La California: 1878-1887 | Added links to chapters in Alfred’s Chronicles with quotes from missing La California Day-Books 1878-1887. |
Jun'24 | Alfred’s 1937 diary, Q1-Q2 | Added the first 2 quarters of 1937, missing from the original transcription. |
May'24 | Alfred A. Bz - 1918 diary | Added account of Alfred & Olga’s trip to Campo Winter in May, 1918, quoted in Chronicles, chapter 45. |
May'24 | Alfred A. Bz - 1887 daybook | Added to AAB’s diaries annecdote quoted in Chronicles, chapter 35, from the Laguna Yacaré daybook of 1887. |
Jun'24 | AABz Diaries | Rewrote & reformated Alfred’s table of Diaries |
May'24 | Alfred A. Bz - 1887 daybook | Added bits & pieces of Alfred A.Bz’ 1887 daybook, will add more when found. |
Apr'24 | NewsPapers FMBz WW2 | Newspaper articles re Malcolm collected by Eileen Bz (his step-mother) during WW2. |
Apr'24 | Telegrams re Malcolm, WW2 | Telegrams from or about Malcolm Bz, received by his parents Willie & Eileen at Ea. “La California”. |
Mar'24 | Alfred A. Bz - 1888 day-book | Alfred’s 1888 log of activities at “Laguna Yacaré” (+ updates to Glossary). |
Jan'24 | Charley’s CDV album | Published Charley’s entire CDV album. |
Oct'23 | Alfred A. Bz - 1904 diary | Alfred’s 1902 daily log of activities at “Los Palmares” (+ updates to Glossary). |
Sep'23 | Josephine KBz - Calif.1899 | Invitation to & group photo of a Fadango for Josephine KBz held at Fort Ross, 22 April, 1899 |
Aug'23 | Willie & Eileen Photos 1930s | Eileen & daughter Moyra’s combined photos of the 1930s, at Ea. ‘La California’. |
Aug'23 | Willie & Eileen Photos 1920s | Eileen Frend/Bz’s photos of the 1920's at Ea. ‘La California’ & the Córdoba hills. |
July'23 | Moyra Bz/Le Bas Pages | Incorporated Moyra Bz & Mike Le Bas pages |
July '23' | Malcolm Bz camping US, 1936 | Added to Malcolm photos from Moyra’s photo album of him camping in the US ca.1936 |
Jul'23 | Bryan Bz Album of JEBz photos | New page for Bryan Bz’s collection of John E. Bz photos (Thank James Bell for the copies). |
Apr'23 | Peter Bz - photo album | Photos 1961-1966: El Piquete, polo, Christmas in the Cba. hills, camping trips “down south”. |
Mar'23 | Malcolm & Gertie Bz - photos | Added family photos of the 1950s. |
Mar'23 | Malcolm & Gertie Bz - photos | Added family photos of the late 1940s, in Arg. |
Jan'23 | Alfred A. Bz - 1903 diary | Alfred’s 1903 daily log of activities at “Los Palmares”. |
Nov'22 | John E.Bz - Album-7 | Completed John’s Album #7 (second half) + minor changes to his other albums. |
Oct'22 | Horner Ancestors | Photos & articles re Horner ancestors & their siblings. |
Sep'22 | Horner Ancestral Tree | Horner family: Ancestral tree of Olga (m. Alfred A. Bz) |
Sep'22 | Olga Horner Photos 1913 | Created Olga B. Horner page of photos from the Douglas fly (trip to Pulmarí 1913). |
Sep'22 | Olga Horner/Bz | Added "Horner" buttons to Alfred & Olga pages - began her bio. line |
Aug'22 | Alfred A. Bz - 1902 diary | Alfred’s 1902 daily log of activities at “Los Palmares”. |
Jul'22 | Benitz Bull Icon | Fixed bug: the Benitz Bull icon had failed to appear in tab bars, etc. |
Jun'22 | Jimmy & Camucha Roberts | Created photos page |
Jun'22 | Spanglish Glossary | Several changes to improve finding references |
May'22 | Bernice Bz/Bell - Birth Cert. | Added her birth certificate, transcribed & translated. |
May'22 | Alfred A. Bz - 1874 diary | Added PDF file listing his expenses in Oakland, January-July. |
Apr'22 | Wilhelm Bz - Legends | Added page of the William & Josephine legends collected by Aphra Peard/Bz. |
Mar'22 | Wilhelm Bz - Gold | Gold prospector & investments in gold mining |
Mar'22 | Wilhelm Bz - Vital records | Created page of VITAL docs (birth/marriage/death) for him & Josephine |
Mar'22 | Wilhelm Bz - cattle brand | Added his acquisition of the livestock brand at Rancho de Muniz / Fort Ross. |
Feb'22 | Michael Kolmer | Modified & added to ALL KOLMER family pages: Michael, John, Caroline & Dutch Bill Howard. |
Feb'22 | Caroline K. & Dutch Bill Howard | Kolmer cont'd: Added Dutch Bill’s history, photos, and letters to family. |
Feb'22 | John Kolmer | Added newspaper accounts of John’s murder. |
Feb'22 | Ea La California | Added 2 maps: (a) of the area:, ca.1872-1875; (b) division in 1956. |
Nov'21 | La California photos, ca.1950s | Added photos of a remate (cattle auction) near/at La California, ca.1950 |
Sep'21 | La California: Dipping cattle | Added collection of photos of dipping cattle at La California, probably taken by Moyra Bz, 1948. |
Sep'21 | Eileen’s Photos ca.1950 | Photos of/by Eileen Frend/Benitz taken at La California & Greystone ca.1950 |
Sep'21 | Eileen’s Photos 1920-1940 | Photos of/by Eileen Frend/Benitz taken at La California & Greystone, 1920-1940. |
Aug'21 | May Watt & Jay Mohr-Bell | Added first pages for May & Jay Mohr-Bell (wedding pics) - under developemtn |
Aug '21 | Stanley & Katie Jeans | Reorganized Katie’s letters & added Stanley’ ancestral tree. |
July '21 | Mike & Moira Le Bas | Began first pages for Mike Le Bas & Moira Bz - subject to many changes. |
June '21 | Frank A. Watt | Created time line for Frank & Silvia; added photos from WW-II. |
June '21 | Alfred Bz - diary 1901 | Added Alfred’s diary of life at his estancia “Los Palmares” in 1901. Thank you Mike!!! |
Apr'21 | Stanley & Katie Jeans | Corrected Stanley’s obit, updated Stanley & Katie’s timeline. |
Apr'21 | Frank A. Bz Letters -1917 | Created new page with Frank’s letters to his sisters, 1917 (during training in England, WW-I). |
Feb-May'21 | Audrey Traill photo album #1 | Added first 50 of 100 pages of Audrey’s first album of three: 1897 - 1921. |
Jan'21 | Photos at Greystone 1921 | Added pool pic from Michael Mohr-Bell (with names from Audrey Traill) |
Jan'21 | John & Marjorie Wedding | Added John & Marjorie’s wedding certicates to their DOCS page. |
Jan'21 | Audrey Traill’s photos | Published photos of Joe & Audrey Traill, and began publishing photos from Audrey’s first (of 3) photo albums: 1895-1924. |
Jan'21 | TRAILL family | Created place-holder pages for Gertie’s TRAILL ancestors: father (Joe), grandfather (Edmund), & great-grandather (Rev. Robert). |
Jan'21 | John E. Bz | Added portraits to pages; letters, newspaper articles, marriage, & other docs to web. Off-line, copied material sent by John P. Bz. |
Dec'20 | Gertie Traill | Separated Gertie’s early bio from F. Malcolm Bz’s; placed her youth, marriage to George Hall, & WW-II experiences on her own pages within the TRAILL family pages. |
Sep'20 | Tragedy at Cruz Grande | Added the account and photos of the tragedy at Cruz Grande (20 March, 1916) when a large creciente (flash-flood) broke the retaining wall. It took the lives of John E. Benitz and five others. |
Sep'20 | Alfred Bz - diary 1900 | Added Alfred’s diary of life at his estancia “Los Palmares” in 1900. Thank you Mike Mohr-Bell!! |
Sep'20 | SITE SECURED | We implemented HTTPS (secured HTTP) on all 350+ pages (note the padlock on the browser address bar). Browsers no longer flag the site as unsecured and a potential security risk (we do not exchange data with users anyway). |
Aug'20 | Malcolm & Gertie Bz: Album 1960s | Added their photo-album of the 1960s, with almost 150 photos: polo, El Piquete, trips. |
Aug'20 | Nany Benitz & Urban Mahrer | Recreated "Nany" Benitz’s (b.1819) & Urban Mahrer’s page, adding much material (discovered in the past 15 years). |
Aug'20 | Malcolm & Gertie Bz: Photos 1960s | Added photos of their first camping trip "down south", to Ea. Pulmarí (near Aluminé, Neuquen prov.). |
Jul'20 | Anton Bz Family Tree | Improved Anton Bz’s (William’s brother) descendants tree with more generations & detail. |
Jul'20 | Bz Family in Arg.1875-1900 | The first 25 years in Argenina (1875-1900); beginning with William’s decision to Benitz Hermanos. |
Jul'20 | T.Gillyatt’s Tales of Los Algarrobos | Ted Gillyatt recounts his experiences as a 20-year old segundo at “Los Algarrobos”, 1928-1929. |
Jul'20 | Alfred Bz - Photo Album-2 | Added Alfred Bz’s 40-page photo album, approx. 1895-1915. (173 photos on 42 pages) |
Jun'20 | Alfred Bz - Diary 1900 | Loaded Alfred’s “Los Palmares” diary for the first half of 1900 - thank you Michael!! (Indians constantly stealing horses) |
Jun'20 | Elisa Bichsel | Frank J. Bz’s widow - added details about her life, provided by a great-grand-daughter. |
Apr-May'20 | Bz-2020 Reunion – La Cumbre | Created the Bz-2020 reunion pages. GREAT PHOTOS!! (Also replaced the HTML editing software.) |
Mar'20 | Malcolm & Gertie – Wedding | Added Bs.As. Herald articles & photos of Malcolm & Gertie’s wedding, Rosario, May 1946. |
Feb'20 | Willie A. Bz - Photos 1910 | Added photos of Wilie as a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity at the University of Illinois (1909-1910). |
Jan'20 | La California - 1907 | Added the 1907 day-book, in PDF format. The last of 19 day-books recording the daily activities on the estancia. Written almost entirely in Spanish. It needs to be transcribed! Volunteers? |
Jan'20 | Tommy Sympson’s Ancestors | Created chart & trees of Tommy's ancestors, back to the 1600’s |
Jan'20 | Josie Webster/Lockwood | Created a full set of pages for her; all empty except for Agar Lockwood's family trees. |
Jan'20 | La California photos ca.1892 | Added cabinet cards found by Andres von Buch at an estancia in Entre Rios. |
© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)