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The Bull’s Site Map

The website follows the Benitz family, primarily those with ancestors who emigrated from Endingen, Baden (Germany), during the period 1830-1860.  And amongst these, the major focus is upon the ancestors, family, and descendants of Wilhelm Bönitz (1815-1876) and Josefa Kolmerer (1830-1912) — William & Josephine Benitz.  The website is therefore structured around them and their family.

Site Map Cross Indeces
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    2. About Us
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    4. SEARCH
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  3. William & Josephine – SITE MAP
    continued below, page down left
  4. German Roots & Branches – SITE MAP
    continued below, page down right
  5. Other Stuff
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    2. External Sites
    3. Site Map (this page)

Reference Pages

Site Map
William & Josephine
Site Map
German Roots & Branches
  1. William & Josephine — Summary
    1. William Benitz, b.1815 — Brief Bio
      1. Endingen, Ger. 1815-1832
      2. New World 1833-1835
      3. Texas 1834-1841?
        1. First Years
        2. Army Service 1836-1837
      4. California 1842-1874
        1. Rancher
          1. Maps of Ranchos
          2. Muniz & Fort Ross
            1. Acquisition, ca.1850.
            2. Ranchero Raid 1845
            3. Disposition, 1860-1866.
          3. New Breisgau
            1. US Land Courts
          4. Hermann/German
            1. US Land Courts
        2. Capitalist
          1. Sonoma Co. Real Estate
          2. Alameda Co. Real Estate
          3. Miner & Mining Investments
      5. Argentina 1874-1876
      6. Documents
        1. Vital - Birth, etc.
        2. Citizenship - Mexican & US
        3. Civil - Census, Tax, etc.
        4. Letters Written
        5. Tales
      7. Mentioned In Print
        1. Books
          1. Alameda Co. Year Book, 1876
          2. History of Sonoma Co., 1937
          3. Salt Point Township, 2009
        2. Newspaper Articles
        3. Court Cases
          1. Raid on Fort Ross
          2. US Land - R.German
          3. US Land - New Breisgau
          4. Clark-Reed Homicide
    2. Josephine Kolmer, b.1830 — Brief Bio
      1. Photos
        1. Framed Photos, 1850-1870
        2. Trip to California, 1898-1899
        3. Album of CDV's, 1860-1890
        4. Formal Photos & Portraits
      2. Letters, etc.
      3. Diary 1909-1912
      4. News Cuttings
    3. Children — Summary
      1. Frank J. Bz, b.1850
        1. Elisa Bichsel
        2. Diary 1876
        3. Letters & Docs.
        4. Photos
      2. Josephine Bz & John Schreiber, b.1852
        1. Diaries & Poesies
          1. Poesie Book begun 1867
          2. Grand Tour of Europe, 1900
        2. Photos
          1. Misc. loose photos
          2. Album 1868-1878
      3. William O. Bz & Clara Allyn, b.1854
        1. Clara Allyn, b.1858, m.1881
          1. Teacher
          2. Chacra
          3. Allyn Family Trees
          4. Allyn & Annable Ancestors
        2. Photos
        3. Documents
        4. Hattie Bz & Al Watt, b.1882
          1. Photos
          2. Docs, Letters, Print
          3. Watt Ancestors
          4. Percy Watt, b.1906, & Vera Owen, b.1907
            1. Photos
            2. Docs, Letters, Prints
            3. Drawings by Percy
          5. Alpin Watt, b.1909, & Mary Tawney, b.1910
          6. May Watt, b.1918, & Jay Mohr-Bell, b.1912
            1. Photos
          7. Frank Watt, b.1920, & Silvia Cooper, b.1922
            1. Photos
            2. Docs, Letters, Print
          8. James S. Watt, b.1922
        5. Katie Bz & Stanley Jeans, b.1884
          1. Photos
          2. Dos, Letters, Print
          3. Stanley Jeans Ancestors
        6. William A. Bz, b.1888
          1. Flora King, b.1887, m.1912
            1. King Fly Tree
            2. King Ancestors
          2. Eileen Frend, b.1897, m.1921
            1. Frend Fly Tree
          3. Photos:
            1. w/Flora 1912-1917
            2. Children Corina & Malcolm
            3. w/Eileen 1920s
            4. by Eileen & Moyra 1930s
            5. by Eileen 1945-1955
          4. Docs/Print
          5. Corina Bz & Keith Pryor. b.1913
            1. Keith Youth
            2. Corina Youth
            3. K&C Photos
            4. K&C Docs
          6. Malcolm Bz & Gertie Traill, b.1917
            1. Docs
            2. YouthSchool(Eng), University(US), Pre-WW2
            3. WW-IITraining, 104-Squadron, Wounded, Capture, POW, Escape, Redeployed, Demobilized, Mail-Telegrams
            4. Photos 1946+, 1960s, 1960s Album, 1970s, 1980s
          7. Moyra Bz, b.1923 ==IN DEVELOPMENT==
            1. Photos
          8. Charles A. Bz, b.1926
            1. Photos
        7. Josephine ‘Nena‘ Bz & Graham Paul, b.1889
          1. Photos
        8. Clarita Bz & Jack Bell, b.1891
          1. Photos & Docs
          2. Jack Bell Ancestry
        9. Frank A. Bz, b.1893
          1. Letters
        10. Bernice Bz & Jim Bell, b.1895
          1. Photos
          2. Docs/Print
          3. Jean A. Bell, b.1916
          4. Frank M. Bell, b.1918
        11. Marion Bz & George Roberts, b.1897
          1. Photos
          2. Docs/Print
          3. Roberts Ancestorss
          4. James R.B. Roberts, b.1921
            1. Photos
          5. William B. Roberts, b.1925
      4. Charles T. Bz, b.1856
        1. Photo album
      5. Alfred A. Bz & Olga Horner, b.1859
        1. Olga B. Horner, b.1875, m.1915
        2. Biography
        3. Chronicles
        4. In Print
        5. Photos
          1. Album 1: Olga’s collection, 1902-1953
          2. Album 2: Alfred’s collection, 1895-1920
          3. Album 3: Alfred’s hunts, 1908 & 1910
          4. Olga’s visit to brothers at Ea.Pulmarí, 1913
          5. Photos of El Rincón, hills on fire, 2024
        6. Diaries
        7. Documents
      6. John E. Bz & Marjory Macintosh, b.1861
        1. Marjory M. Macintosh, b.1858, m.1892
          1. Macintosh Family in Argentina
          2. Macintosh Family Tree
        2. Diaries
          1. ‘La California’ diaries 1890-1896
          2. Diary 1904-1911
          3. Notes 1911-1912
          4. People & Places
        3. Photos
          1. Ea. ‘Los Algarrobos’
          2. Album 1: Bermejo Palmares 1902-1912
          3. Album 2: Early activities 1900-1910
          4. Album 3: Early family 1900-1910
          5. Album 4: Early Camp ca.1902
          6. Album 5: Early Camp ca.1905
          7. Album 6: Córdoba Hills, ca.1908
          8. Album 7: California(USA), Camps, Hills
          9. Album 8: Misc. Camps & Hills
        4. Docs/Letters/Anecdotes
          1. Tragedy at Cruz Grande, March 1916.
          2. Anecdotes of Ted Gillyatt, segundo 1928.
        5. Elspeth ‘Elsie’ Bz & Tommy Sympson, b.1893
          1. Photos
          2. Docs/Letters
          3. Sympson Ancestors
          4. Marjory Sympson/Greaven, b.1919
            1. WW-II
          5. Hilary ‘Poro’ Sympson, b.1922
            1. WW-II
        6. Josephine ‘Jo’ Bz & Howard Webster, b.1895
          1. Photos:  Jo-Youth,  WW-I,  La Gloria,  WW-II,  Chañar-Yacu,  Wales
          2. Docs/Letters
          3. Howard’s - Ancestors
          4. Howard’s - Ancestor Docs
          5. Josie Webster & Agar Lockwood, b.1923
            1. Docs, Letters
            2. Photos
            3. Lockwood Ancestors
            4. Lockwood Ancestor Docs, etc.
        7. Marjory Daw Bz, b.1897
        8. John Bz& Aphra Peard, b.1901
          1. Aphra Peard - Ancestors
        9. Alfred D. Bz, b.1903
          1. Documents
          2. Photos
            1. Album 1918-1925
            2. Polo
          3. Newspaper Clips
      7. Herman V. Bz, b.1863
    4. Benitz Hermanos, 1897
    5. Ea. ‘La California’ 1875-2010
  1. Roots & Branches
    1. Roots
      1. Endingen (Baden, Germany)
      2. Endingen Fly.Tree
      3. Endingen Ancients
      4. Black Forest Benitz
      5. Prussian Benitz
    2. Germany, non-emigrants — Brief Bios
      1. Thaddaeus Benitz, b.1805
        1. Letters from America
    3. Emigrants to Ohio/Penn. — Brief Bios
      1. Anton Benitz, b.1803
        1. Family Tree
      2. Franz X. Benitz, b.1816
        1. Family Tree
        2. Photos
        3. Court Case
      3. Nany Benitz/Mahrer, b.1819
    4. Emigrants to Texas & California — Brief Bios
      1. Adolph Benitz, b.1829
      2. M.Barbara Benitz/Erichson, b.1815
      3. Louis Benitz, b.1819
      4. Michael Kolmer
        1. Wagon-Train 1845
        2. Photos & Docs.
        3. Kolmer Farm
        4. Family Tree
        5. Josephine Kr/Benitz, b.1830 – map at left
        6. John Kolmer, b.1836
        7. Caroline Kr/Howard, b.1838
          1. Children
          2. Family Tree
      5. William Benitz, b.1815 – map at left
    5. Emigrants to Venezuela — Brief Bios
      1. Alexander Benitz, b.1813
    6. Re-Emigrants, US to Argentina
      1. William Benitz, b.1815 – map at left
      2. Frank X. Benitz, b.1816 — see #32, above
      3. Nany Benitz/Mahrer, b.1819 — see #33, above

© Peter Benitz (Benitz Family)